Numerology Number 1 – Chaldean Numerology


Numerology number 1 denotes Sun, we all know that sun is responsible for all lifeforms. Without Sun, no lifeforms can exist in this world. People who are born on 1, 19, 28 and their name with numerology value 1 comes under this number.

Numerology Number 1 – Chaldean Numerology

Basic Traits of Numerology 1 people

People who comes under this numerology 1 are honest, and likes to live a dignified life. Numerology number 1 people usually loves to dress best and walk like an emperor. These people can spend money without thinking twice when it comes to matters of dressing or beauty. The quality of number 1 people is that, whatever activity they do, they give their hundred percent effort in that work and eventually gets succeeded. At work, these people are honest and straight forward. Number 1 ruled people does not cultivate hatred, secrecy or treachery, and because of their straightforward talk and frankness they tend to earn more enemies.

Whether its friendship or enmity, they will openly declare it to the whole world. These people never go themselves in search of friendship, people will naturally come to them and accept their friendship as a result of their helping nature and their honest behavior. On the other side, if their freedom increases sometimes they tend to become too notorious as many others do which we point out throughout this article:

Numerology number 1 people have sharp intellect, and they can easily analyze the character of any person, because of this sharp intellect they tend to excel in occult sciences, music, fine arts, yoga and other meta physical science. Because of sun rule, they are very active and tireless hard workers,laziness is the word unknown in their life. And another fascinating thing about numerology 1 born people is that they never wish or desire about others property.

As Sun is the lord of solar system, 1 born people are the ones who are always in the ruling seat. Politics and administration is their forte, they can easily lead a group. That’s why we can see many top officials in the government are numerology 1 born people.


    • Jeffry,

      name change is essential, your current name as 43 is a dangerous one for your happiness. You can sign as Jeffry Anto alone as it comes value 42. which is very much sync with your birthdate

    • My name is Nipun Sharma
      DOB 23.1.1988
      it is lucky or not
      could u suggest me how to change my name
      I want to change my 2nd name is Aashish Pandit is it better than Nipun Sharma

  1. Astronlogia thnx and i thin its amazing almost 95% things u written upthere is right bcuz my dob is 10 01 1979 nd its all me in discription of number 1
    but my name is lucky:-?or not can u tell me plz

  2. thnx again for replying bro,Astronlogia u said its lucky for me but beleive me i think its not lucky for me becuz till now
    i m struglling in life nd luck never favoured me and also in my kundli mercury is not a favourable planet(5=mercury if m right) but after all this i think u r blog is just excellent ive learned so much.
    nd al about no 1 nd 10 almost 95% is right about myself nd even other numers also nd u r doing very gud job bro keep it up

  3. Hi my name on my birth certificate is Nurjehan Aysha Muhammad. I go by both Jehan Muhammad and Jaz Muhammad. I am soon to go into the modeling industry and entertainment industry. can you tell me which above names are beneficial and which name is not beneficial according to my birthday: 05/01/1985..thanx so much.

  4. Dear Astronlogia,

    i just come across your website.

    can you do me a favour to see wheather my current name is suitable to me?

    i have another 2 name choiceable: Ong John Veii or Jaii Vier Ong.

    i born at 01/06/1980


  5. Hello Sir,

    My DOB is 19/08/1984

    I used to use Jaspreet Khanna initially and ppl usually call me by my first name, which comes to 29. My name adds upto 48 which is further scaled down to 30. I have started using Jas S Khanna as my signature as it adds up to 27. I would like to know what name would suit me best as per my birth number.

    Other options are: Jaspreet S = 32
    Jaspreet S Khanna = 51
    Jas S Khanna = 27
    Jas Singh Khanna = 41

    I’m not sure if I should use jaspreet, as it adds up to 29 and is an unfortunate number. Kindly guide me and if there are other options, pls. do let me know.


  6. I’m not getting results at work and it’s affecting me. It’s like I’m about to win a project but end up losing it. If you could let me know what number would be favourable for me personally and profesionally, it’d be really helpful.

    Also, if you could reply privately, I would be obliged.


  7. Please analyze my name and date of birth and if change is required please make suggestions… Thanks, Damien 🙂

  8. Hi Astronlogia
    I have started analyzing Bill gates dob and name. I have some doubts regarding that.
    Full name: William Henry Bill Gates(=62)
    Other names: William Henry Gates(=53), Bill Gates(=25).
    DOB: 28/OCT/1955 (1 & 4).
    As his name numbers are 62, 53 & 25, which are considered to be avoidable and nowhere in sync with his dob, how come he had a successful life by becoming one of the richest persons in the world.
    I will be very much delighted if you post an article on Bill Gates.

  9. hi, i was told to change my name from Lekha Nair =7, to Lekkhaa Nair-=28. my d-o-b- 30-11-1975,=9. i have been told to sign as Lekkhaa. i wanted to know is this name ok for me. i am a divorcee and a single mother with added responsibility after a death in the family. please guide this change ok and safe for me .
    rgds lekha

  10. HI sir, I request you to post articles on some great businees tycoons like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Azim Premji, Vijay Mallya, Lakshmi Mittal, Ambani family etc. I feel it will be very useful and interesting for our astronlogians.

  11. Hi Mr. Astronlogia,

    Please let me know Name number =46 will be suitable for 03/09/1981 (birth number 3 and life number 4)

    Thanks & Best Regards

    Gokul N. Raajan

  12. Good morning , my name is KAVIARASU , and my DOB is 1 -1-1988, my total value of no is also no 1 (LIFE PATH NO =1).My question is , since my total value no is 1 , some says that its good 4 to change my name number to name number 1 such as 37 ,46 and other good number , but currently my name no is 23 , so , is this name no 23 will give the maximum benefit as I read from the numerology book , or should I change to the no which is suit for life path no like 46

  13. Hello Astronlogia _/\_, I always had little concern over my name. My full name is Suresh Thanapalasingam, all my Ids has that. In my office I go by Suresh Thana and people call me Suresh and sign all documents just Suresh.

    My DOB is June 28, 1973 ( 1 and 9), should I change my name?? Please advise. Thanks.

  14. hi saravana. im saadikh. and my date of birth is 10-12-1984. tell me about my name as per numerology. plz inform me if any corrections are required. and tell me lucky number and luckydates and un lucky dates. and lucky colors and un lucky colors. hope u can help me ……..thank you

  15. my full name is shaik saadikh. every body call me as saadikh. and i writes as sk.saadikh or shaik saadikh. and my date of birth is 10 dec 1984. plz tell me abt the corrections in my name . and tell me lucky colors and dates and numbers and un lucky colors dates and numbers

  16. Hello sir, This is my repetitive message. I have my birth number 1
    and life number 7. Which name number suits for me? Could i change
    my name to name number 46 Please kindly help me. I am suffering
    with my present name. So plese guide me sir

  17. Hi sir, My date of birth is 10-07-1988 Kindly give me a suitable
    name number. I am suffering to get a job. So please help me

  18. Thank you so much for your reply sir. As per your suggestion i
    changed my name from S.Arulmozhi to S.Arulmozhikala. Will it work
    out for me to get job and for my future

  19. Dear Astronlogia,
    i would be happy if you look at my data.
    My name is Ekateriana Todorova Borisova, but my friends call me Katia, Kate. My DOB: 18.04.1973.
    Thank you in advance!

  20. Sir my name is nikhildev ,my dob is 19-08-1984, at 2.30pm.will i get a job,am teating my luck in film industury,how it work for me?

  21. dob- 30/11/1985 ( Birth no-3, Life path no-1 )
    name- Afzal khan Rasel( 47 )

    can i use my name as- Afzaal K Rasel (37 according to your calculator)

    its very difficult to change my certificate name, so can i use the name(new1) in sites, as sign, on papers etc.

    or please sir suggest me what to do please please please COMMENT…

  22. Sir,

    my date of birth is 28-07-1985 and my name is yogesh kumar.

    please suggest me a suitable name for me..?

    also tell me which no. is most suitable for my name… 37, 42, or something else…

    my email address [email protected]

  23. Sir,

    my date of birth is 28-07-1985 and my name is yogesh kumar.

    please suggest me a suitable name for me..?

    also tell me which no. is most suitable for my name… 37, 42, or something else…

    my email address [email protected]

  24. heloo sir,
    my date of birth is 28-8-1977
    my full name is mude sunitha naik ,which adds up to 17 ie 8.but i sign as 7.
    i have gone through so much in my life .
    what ever i do its turns to be nothing .healthwise also i am having so many problems.i am planning to change my name too mude suchitra naik or mude sumitha naik.which one u suggest .sir plz help me

  25. heloo sir 
    my date of birth is 28-08-1977
    my full name is mude sunitha naik.i am so frustrated with so many things in my life.plz help me .i want to change my name to mude suchitra naik or mude sumitha naik.sir plz suggest. 


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