Esoteric Astrology – Astrology of the Soul


Esoteric astrology is a type of natal chart interpretation that is intended to help supplement and support traditional astrological readings of the natal chart by providing a more spiritual look at their life. It won’t work for everyone. An esoteric astrology reading is only valuable to those who are striving to live a more spiritual or ascended lifestyle. For everyone else a traditional astrological reading is quite sufficient. The purpose of esoteric astrology is to reveal the incarnational intention of the soul and how it seeks to express itself for the purpose of service to others.

Esoteric Astrology – Astrology of the Soul

There are four aspects of Esoteric Astrology:

  • The meaning of an astrological sign
  • The importance of the sun, moon and ascendant
  • The esoteric planetary rulers
  • The use of the seven rays of divine manifestation

In esoteric astrology the signs remain the same, and in fact their influences are unchanged as well. Esoteric astrology doesn’t seek to change the signs, but to enlighten them. A Leo will always long to be the center of attention and demand praise in order to feel fulfilled, but esoteric astrology looks deeper than that and seeks to find the ways in which the Leo can use these parts of themselves to help others, to fulfill that purpose of service to others. The best way to view esoteric themes of the signs is to view them as the purest expressions of the signs. An esoteric astrologer will always use the zodiac sign of their client as the basis, looking for the deeper, and fully realized parts to help give spiritual advice.

Sun, Moon & Ascendant

The importance of the sun, moon and ascendant in esoteric astrology are just as important in esoteric astrology as in traditional astrology, however esoteric astrology rearranges the priority of the three and gives them a bit of a redefinition. In esoteric astrology:

  • The Ascendant is the sign of possibilities
  • The Sun Sign is the sign of probabilities
  • The Moon Sign is the prison of the soul

The ascendant is the most important as it relates not just to the possibilities of one’s physical form, but the possibilities of the spirit as well. This is the sign that is the key to understanding the soul’s incarnational intention. The sun sign indicates the nature of the personality that the soul will use to express itself, however it is always subject to the authority of the soul or the ascendant. Lastly, the moon sign is considered the great enemy of the soul. It expresses the unconscious tendencies of the person that stop the soul from expressing itself in the life of a person. In order for spiritual growth to occur, the person must transform and shed themselves of the limitations and handicaps of their moon sign.

The planetary ruler of a sign is considered to be the energetic representation of the sign and also plays an important role in esoteric astrology and these signs represent the higher qualities of the signs they rule over. There is an ascendant, sun, and moon planetary ruler and each develop a different part of the soul. The ascendant reveals the conditions for future spiritual development. The sun gives deeper understanding to the ego and its needs, as well as the ego’s responsiveness to the soul. The moon indicates the past and what qualities must be transformed in order to achieve a higher purpose.

The Seven Rays

Finally, esoteric astrology looks at the seven streams of energy known as the Seven Rays. It is believed that these streams of energy pour into the solar system and affect all life on Earth. Each ray has a different nature and affects a different part of the soul. The seven rays are:

  • Ray 1: The Ray of Divine Will and Power
  • Ray 2: The Ray of Love and Wisdom
  • Ray 3: The Ray of Abstract Intelligence and Activity
  • Ray 4: The Ray of Harmony through Conflict
  • Ray 5: The Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Science
  • Ray 6: The Ray of Idealism and Devotion
  • Ray 7: The Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic

Each of the seven rays comes into the solar system via the signs of the zodiac and is expressed through three signs. Some signs may only transmit one ray, while other signs may transmit two or three signs.

  • The Ray of Divine Will and Power is transmitted through Aries, Leo, and Capricorn
  • The Ray of Love and Wisdom is transmitted through Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces
  • The Ray of Abstract Intelligence and Activity is transmitted through Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn
  • The Ray of Harmony through Conflict is transmitted through Taurus, Scorpio, and Sagittarius
  • The Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Science is transmitted through Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
  • The Ray of Idealism and Devotion is transmitted through Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces
  • The Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic is transmitted through Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn

In esoteric astrology the rays reveal the highest qualities that are seeking expression through the sign and use of the rays in interpreting the natal chart is of crucial importance.



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