Love Horoscope for Leo the Lion – The King of Love


A Leo love horoscope is a great way to understand the Leo in love. This sign is known for it’s flamboyance, its need to be the center of attention, and its desperation for compliments and accolades. It may leave others wondering if there is any room left for a partner in the self-centered world of the Leo. But Leos make excellent partners, in no small part because they love to shower their lovers with everything they can get their hands on. If you partner with a Leo you’ll have to expect expensive gifts and dinners, a Leo won’t settle for second best for someone they care about. They are one of the most loving, generous and passionate of the zodiac signs. A Leo love horoscope will have to focus on the way they love during the stages of courtship and will be sure to fill their relationships with excitement and pleasurable activities and gifts.

Love Horoscope for Leo the Lion – The King of Love

The Important Parts of a Leo Love Horoscope Reading

It is crucial to focus on understanding Leo the Lion. To be successful in a relationship with a Leo you will need to compliment them often, but be prepared, they like to shower their loved ones with compliments as well. They love to show off their possessions, including their loved ones, and will proudly display you in all the finery they can afford to buy. You will need to be both an object of admiration as well as someone that can admire your Leo. Remember, if they don’t feel appreciated and they aren’t given the attention they need they can quickly fall into depression. The key to a relationship with a Leo is letting them have the center stage and accepting that they will reciprocate with adoration.

A Leo love horoscope should focus on ways to attract a Leo. The best way to accomplish this is to sincerely and honestly flatter them, show a smile, laugh a lot, and flirt a little. They need to feel like they are the center of attention and if you can make them feel this way you’ll go a long way to ensuring they are enraptured by you. Leo women, once they feel their feelings are reciprocated, will blossom in love while Leo men will become virtual slaves to someone they love. It’s important to take care of their pride, and remember that for a Leo a fight is nothing to hold a grudge over. They may get upset, but they’ll be over it almost immediately and more than ready to make up.

As a Fire sign Leos are passionate and eager in bed. Lovers are lucky to be with you, which you remind them of regularly. Superficial connections can be enough to get this Leo in bed, because the most important thing is just constant attention. Some people will be attracted to this but others will worry that Leo will stray. It can be ok to focus on your own pleasure but make sure to be aware of and meet your partner’s sexual and emotional needs.

What Leo is Most Compatible With…

Leo’s love horoscope compatibility shows that they are most compatible with Aries, Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius. They are a Fire sign and work best with other Air and Fire signs. They are least compatible with Taurus and Scorpio as these two signs struggle with the flamboyant nature of the Leo. Remember, however, that just because two signs may have trouble working together it doesn’t mean that those two signs cannot work together. If you are open and honest in communication with one another then any two signs can get along wonderfully.

Great: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Favorable: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Challenging: NONE!


Leo & Aries

ELEMENT:  Both are Fire, The heat is on!
QUALITY:  Aries is Cardinal, Leo is Fixed, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Both are Yang, Aggressively driven
ASPECTS: Trine, Add mystery for harmony

Overall: This is a double fire combination so they are never short of fire or passion. Cardinal Fire Aries and Fixed Fire Leo will have a dynamic connection with a lot of action and movement. If they clash, its a clash of egos but they are in it for the long haul. Both generally admire each other and can carry deep and abiding respect for each other. The fire will truly light each other up where ever they go, as long as the fires are continually stoked. This relationship is full of fiery star powered, attention seeking signs. It can be difficult if you are competing for the same role. There will never be a dull moment. You both understand each other’s need for praise and recognition. If these two decide to be together than they are unstoppable. Both are passionate, fearless and social; kindred spirits for sure.

Positive: They will not be short on passion or energy. This is an exciting combination. The fixed Leo loves lasting relationships. They fall in love with an object of their fixation easily and its pretty tough to get their eyes off of the one. Aries will appreciate this focus. Aries may not like Leo’s flirtiness or need for attention but will see all of it is superficial. If Leo declares their love they will not change their mind. Aries loves Leo’s loyalty and highly respects how they command strong friendships. There will be an occasional clash of egos. They need to be flexible to keep the fires burning. The makeup sex will be outstanding. Roll-out the red carpet for this star powered couple! The celebrity quality of this relationship is electrifying. Both are self-centered and bossy at times, but keep up with each other’s tireless energy. They crave public attention and praise. As long as they are not competing for the same role, this is a warm and energizing match.

Challenges: Double fire is good, very good. But, at the same time, the bad will be explosive. Fights are as grand as the makeup sex. Which can mean that it will be questionable if they survive. The volatile fights can cause a lot of damaged egos. There is a potential for the pair if they put aside their grandiose sense of selves. All fire energy means that they are on the move quite a bit. Leo may find Aries is too quick for them. Leo has to hold off on resentment to keep Aries. Aries must shine the light on Leo as often as possible to show respect. Issues can flare up when kids come into the picture. Eternally youthful Leo gets down in the sandbox to play, forgetting that Aries needs to be babied too. Aries’ brash style can offend soft hearted Leo. Aries will have to quell their inner taskmaster to stay in Leo’s VIP circle. You will enjoy bossing each other around and your advice is straight from the heart. You can grow stronger, richer, faster, and motivated as a result.

Make it Work: They have to get past their egos to be a passionate and energetic match. Then they can stand the test of time. Leo will love Aries driving them to go forth and take risks and chances. Aries will love Leo’s fixed nature and ability to follow through. Both need to learn from each other and allow for flexibility instead of ego to drive partnership. If they do, they will find mutual respect and admiration, as well as unconditional love.

If you want to learn more about this specific pair, check out our page specifically about Aries & Leo here: – we go into a bit more detail about their fiery passions there!

Leo & Taurus

ELEMENT:  Taurus is Earth, Leo is Fire, Steady Earth to build a Fire
QUALITY:  Both Fixed, Stubborn guardians
POLARITY:  Taurus is Yin, Leo is Yang, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Square, Push-pull dynamic

Overall: This is a fun match because they both love the attention the other provides. Leo is ruled by the sun and thus needs a lot of spotlight, usually in form of flattery. Taurus likes flattery but in sexy presents, sensual gifts, and pretty things. Leo’s are very generous, so they have no problem with this. There are two sets of needs to balance, but they will do so well with lots of sparks. They are sensual and luxurious. As pleasure seeking signs, they love the finer things in life, which can lead to over indulgence. Taurus and Leo relationships have head turner status since both know how to work a room together.

Positive: Taurus is ruled by Venus, so they want expensive and luxurious things. Leo is ruled by the sun and loves it, with creative flair. Both love sensual intimacy. Leo’s generosity is almost impossible to match in the zodiac. Naturally Taurus loves it. Their energies compliment each other well. They radiate with the warmth of the Sun, groundedness of the Earth, sparks of fire, and the sexy love of Venus. Luxury loving Leo and sensual Taurus know how to enjoy the good life together. They have a larger than life presence that commands attention. Heads will turn when they step into the room and you’ll both play this up to the hilt. Family is the air you both breathe and you are capable of creating a lively home together.  Leo nurtures children’s creativity while Taurus lays down structure, plans, and rules. Leo tends to be a bigger earner, but should hand those paychecks over to Taurus who is the better budgeter of two.

Challenges: There is no meter that can give a perfect and clean report. Each sign has a shadow side, knowing how they compliment each other in love compatibility will make a difference towards success in love. With Leo, the constant need for flattery could take over the relationship. The Fixed shadow side means a battle of wills. Fixed shadow means jealous, obsessive, and possessive. Both have these qualities in abundance. This could create a paranoid and insecure relationship. They will have to work through these issues. This is an expensive combination and this challenging match could cost you both a pretty penny. Strong willed, you’ll find each other to be a sexy thrill. When the Leo ego meets Taurus’ stubborn streak, the battles can be epic. You will both need to learn to say ‘uncle’ or sparks could burn down the proverbial house. There is never a dull moment between you two, which tends to work better for adrenaline junkie Leo than chilled out Taurus. While personality my clash, their love and passion set them up to be able to overcome the challenges.

Make it Work: Though these Fixed signs will have bumps, they will not waiver from each other. Even at the most furious moments, after the cooling off time that Leo requires, their eyes remain fixed on each other. This is why this match can have jealousy problems, neither can bear the other to leave. This is the same quality that, as fierce as it is, will make fights but also sparks of passion. The makeup sex is out of this world, and they will not want to let the other go anytime soon. If Leo needs to unruffle Taurus feathers, they just need to give them pretty gifts.

Leo & Gemini

ELEMENT:  Gemini is Air, Leo is Fire, Air feeds the Fire that heats it
QUALITY: Gemini is Mutable, Leo is Fixed, Compromise to find sync
POLARITY:  Both are Yang, Aggressively driven
ASPECTS: Sextile, Best of friends

Overall: There will be sparks because of wind and fire. Mutable Air Gemini and Fixed Fire Leo combined make for an exciting and passionate pairing. There will be a lot of play, high energy, and high spirits. Gemini wants new and fun, as does Leo. Leo produces drama and creativity that Gemini will enjoy. Leo will love how Gemini keeps them on their toes. Fire and Air means heat, which means passion. This is a dramatic and playful relationship. These two theatrical signs love adventure and have a wide array of interests which leads to overly packed schedules. This relationship is full of hopes and dreams, because you both understand each other’s outsized ambition. This flirty couple hit it off quickly and loving talking worldly things.

Positive: Gemini has a quick witted intellect, which, when combined with the dominate and brave lion means very high energy. Gemini loves Leo’s fixed, rooted nature but as always, they look for new. Leo will like how Gemini likes to think and be a chatty cathy. There will always be something to talk about. Leo won’t want to wonder about anything which is not a problem with Gemini who can talk right away. Gemini wants to be up and about as much as possible and will love Leo not having a problem with last minute adventures. They are passionate and chatty. Heat will keep them happy. This relationship will be an endless playdate. Life is a costume party for you two theatrical signs. You share the same grand plan, favorite locations for settling down, and similar taste in friends. You easily flow from playmates to soulmates without forsaking an ounce of fun. Kids only fuel the adventure for you, since your eternally youthful signs will experience a second childhood through the eyes of your offspring. If you don’t procreate, you’ll need a creative project to keep fires burning. Start a band or a business with sparkle and glamour. At last, you have found a person who dreams as big as you do and shares super sized appetite for life.

Challenges: There will be lots of heated debates in this relationship. Leo could be bruised by them. However, they are overall very compatible so long as they are careful with wit and tempers. Gemini won’t tolerate the stubborn nature the Fixed sign Leo embodies. Leo won’t budge so flexible Gemini has to. This could get old, which will cause Gemini’s quick biting comments to make the Lion angry. Gemini is a hopeless multitasker while Leo has been plotting an empire since grade school. Try to get a nap in here and there, or you will exhaust yourselves with all go/go energy. In this coupling, its easy to get scattered among too many different projects and interests. When will you have time for each other?  Packed schedules could start to feel like ships passing in the night. Arguments could drag on for hours since neither of you back down when proving a point.

Make it Work: There will be a lot of energy and excitement. They both need constant stimulation, which they can each give. To make it work for the long term, they have to make concessions with and for each other. Gemini will have to curb their enthusiastic banter, though Leo likes it sometimes. Criticism cuts two ways still, and both will have to work on it. If they can accomplish this, sparks will fly for decades.

Leo & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Cancer is Water, Leo is Fire, Delicate balance so neither evaporates
QUALITY: Cancer is Cardinal, Leo is Fixed, Two styles of leading
POLARITY: Cancer is Yin, Leo is Yang, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Semisextile, Cosmic combination

Overall:  This match has heat and passion. It is a very compatible match. The Cardinal Water sign Cancer is deep, while Leo brings the fixed Fire sign energy. Both want the same things in love and they offer it to each other freely and openly. Cancer and Leo also appreciate tender love and dedication that doesn’t waiver. They share common needs in love. Both are fiercely loyal, so rarely, if ever, are there commitment issues in play. There may be wrinkles because of heated tempers, so both need to be careful. If they are, then their love will last many lifetimes. This is a balance of stage manager meets superstar. They are two family oriented signs that both love to entertain. This makes for some epic holidays spent at their house. They will need to compromise, since energies are as different as night and day. As close as these two are on the chart, they have a special bond that keeps them aligned despite differences.

Positive: One thing that both Leo and Cancer want in love is a long, happy life together. So they will go into this relationship bringing shared common goals. Both want and crave security and a deep connection. They are both able to offer this to each other in their own unique ways. Leo will be the one to inject passion, creativity, and energy into the union. Cancer will be the one that starts the long and emotional conversations. There is nothing but love between these two. Cancer is loyal to the end and appreciates that quality in Leo. Leo loves the home life Cancer can provide. They also appreciate Cancer’s sense of intuition and instinct. Leo is ruled by the Sun and Cancer by the Moon, which means highly compatible love match with many children and shared years to come. Behind every superstar (Leo) is a highly intelligent manager (Cancer). Which means this match becomes a force to be reckoned with. Let Leo play and shine, while Cancer makes shrewd deals and plays agent. Not that the Crab won’t be a star in their own right. Together you can cut a dramatic figure, keeping clan and crew entertained for hours. Both signs are devoted to family and long for a large, noisy brood to play with. With a shared love of party planning, these two might just wind up hosting Thanksgiving and all the holidays.

Challenges: The Cardinal Water sign of Cancer pairing with the fixed Fire of Leo could pose some challenges. Leo is opinionated and biting. Cancer is super sensitive, which won’t go over very well with Leo. Leo will not always understand Cancer’s hyper sensitive nature and may not have the patience for it. One thing Leo doesn’t like is an emotional manipulator, which is something Cancer will have to work on. While they are fiercely loyal, that means they are also fiercely stubborn. Tempers can and will fly if they aren’t careful. They are as different as day and night (ruled by Moon and Sun). Both Alphas, Cancer prefers to rule the roost with quiet control. Showboating Leo turns every announcement into a media circus. Leo should create opportunities for Cancer to shine every now and again, particularly in the company of Cancer’s closest friends. You will need to make sure your relatives mesh well before you start booking dates. Otherwise, arguments over where to spend the holidays could send you sailing right to divorce court.

Make it Work: The Cardinal Water with the Fixed Fire means lot of love and intuition flowing between the two. Cancer and Leo can focus on intuition, and pay attention to what the other is saying in critical times. If they do this, they will be a long lasting match. Both need security to last and both are committed to practicing. Cancer needs to flatter Leo and make them feel like the hero they are daily. Leo will also need to smooth away any hurt feelings on occasion from sensitive Cancer. This is a match born from the stars that will stand the test of time.

Leo & Leo

ELEMENT: Both are Fire, The heat is on!
QUALITY:  Both are Fixed, Stubborn guardians
POLARITY:  Both are Yang, Aggressively driven
ASPECTS:  Conjunct, Twinning that needs separation

Overall: This is a very highly compatible match. Its Fixed Fire, which is very passionate with so many sparks flying that it garners attention. This is a match where partners are unable to keep their hands off of each other. With a sun rule they have a glowing aura when they are out in the world. They are inspired, passionate, and romantic. This is a steamy and creative romance. This is a glamorous and exciting match. These two royal Lions have a soul stirring, passionate connection, which can also lead to drama. This relationship is ripe with chemistry, since both understand primal instincts. This one is alllll about being a big deal; pda, declarations of undying love, gifts, etc.

Positive: There is a lot of energy in a dual Fire sign love match. The two signs are ruled by the Sun. All are glowing and glorious in the world almost all the time. You can’t get two more optimistic and happy people together in love. They admire the same traits in each other. They don’t think twice about doling out attention and flattery to their mates. This leads to a mutually satisfying match with a lot of sexual and intuitive chemistry that has the potential to last for some time. This is an exciting royal matchup. This is the Zodiac King of the jungle meeting his Lion Queen, so there will be a primal, soul mate recognition. At last you have found a creative, glamorous, visionary partner to fill the empty throne by your side. Their sex is hot, possibly even with a mirror on the ceiling. However, this pairing wants emotional intimacy to go with sex, which challenges their egos. Call in the set designers, rent out the stadium! When you merge these larger than life plans, there is no shortage of supersized will. Your shared love of history, family celebrations, and endless energy can bond you more permanently over time.

Challenges: Egos are going to take front and center. Most of the time passion will feed each other in all areas, but egos could clash. When they fight, there is only one winner. They must be very careful how they approach conflict. Leo is a flirt because they love attention, but that can result in a ruffled mane. They are exciting but that can swing like a pendulum. Bad times feel like worst times, but they have to focus on the positive to keep flowing. This relationship is all well and good – as long as you have secured funding. You share lusty appetites that often trump practical planning abilities and you’ll need some outside support with setting up a solid foundation for your future. Check your egos at the door. If one Leo’s star rises higher than the others, the competition can get fierce and ugly. Make sure the connection runs beyond the superficial. They love being the enviable power couple, but image alone can’t keep you together, especially on a bad hair day.

Make it Work: To work, they both need to embrace the good and let go of the bad. They need to keep the tempers at bay, making sure that the day to day living will need to not be taken so seriously. If they share the brave, loyal, and inspired feelings it will lead to a passionate connection. There is no shortage of sexual chemistry. Their fixed nature makes them loyal and committed to each other. They will need to reinforce these qualities and partner’s egos regularly.

Leo & Virgo

ELEMENT:  Leo is Fire, Virgo is Earth, Steady Earth to build a Fire
QUALITY:  Leo is Fixed, Virgo is Mutable, Compromise to find sync
POLARITY:  Leo is Yang, Virgo is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Semisextile, Cosmic combination

Overall: This pairing does well considering how different fixed Fire Leo and Mutable Earth Virgo are. Though it is slow to start, once it gets rolling they will have a lot to offer that will make them compatible. It percolates slowly, but will become deeper and have a lasting connection over time. This pairing will be as hot as it is cold. The differences are what attracted you to each other in the first place. A successful balance is achieved, since both appreciate each other’s unique qualities.

Positive: There are many differences that may seem insurmountable. The beautiful thing about this pairing is that both Leo and Virgo are able to find ways to overcome these problems. Leo is ruled by the Sun and loves things front and center in love. Virgo will talk anything into a happy resolution. Tempers could fly but individually and together they are good at working things out. Virgo is very flexible at adapting to situations that come their way. This is appreciated by Leo. Virgo enjoys Leo’s energy, work ethic, and commitment to loyal partnership. Leo’s sun brings radiant warmth and optimistic spirit, which Virgo admires. Virgo is an organized hard worker which is very sexy to Leo as well. This is a hot and cold relationship. Fiery Leo is a bright star to behold for earthy, practical Virgo, but the show doesn’t stop there. Your radically different styles make the other stop and reflect. Leo adds a rainbow bright splash of color to Virgo’s un-dyed natural fibers. Life feels vibrant again with Lion’s appearance. Selfless service is Virgo’s MO, which awakens Leo’s generous nature and paves the way to a more purposeful life for Zodiac’s Lion. Both can dramatize an issue to no end, but here, again, there is a natural symbiosis. Leo is a cheerleader to pessimistic Virgo, levelheaded Virgo steps into the therapist’s role, mirroring back Leo’s angst until a breakthrough is reached. This is a safe emotional harbor for both of you, albeit a somewhat boring one for Leo. The stage is well set for family life, as Virgo will help the kids with their math homework and Leo will get down with finger painting and bedtime stories.

Challenges: They bring a lot of differences to the table. Leo is a great flirt and loves attention in any form, even when in a committed relationship. Virgo will have a problem with that if Leo doesn’t keep at bay. Virgo on the one hand isn’t going to go out and be center of attention and likes quiet nights in. Leo may have problem with it, tempers will erupt because their approach is different. Leo is heated and fiery. Virgo is meticulous and critical and this could mean hurt feelings that are bound to result. The basic temperaments may always clash in some way. Leo loves to work the party circuit, while Virgo prefers smaller, intimate gatherings. Leo’s supersized ambitions can activate budget conscious Virgo’s anxieties. Accept the different styles and keep separate bank accounts if you want to make this last.

Make it Work: Differences are bound to happen but what works is that Leo is loyal to the end and Virgo forgives and forgets. Heated conversations won’t result in a call to end it as long as they both work on it. If they can appreciate differences they can make a positive relationship. They will need unrelenting commitment to embrace differences and positive traits that brought together.

Leo & Libra

ELEMENT: Leo is Fire, Libra is Air, Air feeds the Fire that heats it
QUALITY: Leo is Fixed, Libra is Cardinal, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Both are Yang, Aggressively driven
ASPECTS: Sextile, Best of friends

Overall: Wind and Fire combining means we get a passionate and exciting connection. There is a lot of love compatibility in this union and both parties will find a lot of commonalities with each other and a lot of things they agree on. There is a deep loyalty in this connection as both want long term love. Libra wants a partnership and harmony. Leo hates drama and power struggles. Add the wind to fueling the Fire and it is a passionate connection with a lot of chemistry that fuels romance for as long as desired. This relationship is glamorous and decadent. It is made up of two social butterflies that love to rub elbows with the VIPs, which could lead to jealousy if its not kept in check. This one is ripe with excitement, since both love to dress up and paint the town red. They like certain attributes of one another and can create a functional relationship.

Positive: This is the Fixed Fire sign of Leo combining with the Cardinal Air Sign of Libra. There is a lot of dominant energy, but never any kind that will overtake the other. The differences between this pair are what will keep them going. Libra is ruled by Venus and thus loves beauty, luxury, and harmony. Leo loves excitement and adventure, and they are loyal to core. Libra is very attracted to these traits. Leo is ruled by the Sun and needs to be center of attention a lot of the time. Libra doesn’t have a problem giving credit where it is due and is happy to wave their wand of Venus love over Leo. They are fair and balanced when approaching love so they appreciate the common ground they share. There is no shortage of sparks or sexual chemistry. It is a stellar matchup of two social butterflies. Love dressing to the nines, attending glamorous events and rubbing elbows with rich and famous. They likely met on the party circuit or at a dance club. They work the room like a pair of exotic peacocks. Beyond their standout style, they have similar values. Sentimental, family oriented, and fiercely protective of the ones you love. Leo can be a bit of a spotlight hog, while Libra is the sign that rules the partnership. Non confrontational Libra won’t compete for the stage, but Leo should play supporting cast mate on a regular basis. Leo needs to help Libra shine by providing pep talks and the occasional tough love push.

Challenges: Cardinal Air Libra and Fixed Fire Leo have very different approaches to life and this could cause some wrinkles. Leo is adventurous and loves to use their energy. Libra is more passive and prefers the slow and methodical approach. Leo is going to want to be up and about almost every night, Libra doesn’t. Libra has a tough time coming to concrete decisions and Leo will be impatient with that. Leo likes to flirt, Libra doesn’t like that at all. Tempers will fly when the wind stokes that fire and if it isn’t handled well Leo will wind up with a bruised ego which is the worst thing for a Fixed Fire sign. Gregarious and lively, both tend to talk more than listen. Neither one of you is a fan of discussing unpleasant issues, but you will need to develop coping skills for the conflicts that may arise. With children, beware of becoming a pair of stage parents, in other words, let the kids find their own path versus viewing them as an extension of identity as a couple.

Make it Work: To make it, both have to pull back on their dominant side. They don’t have to be wishy washy but they need to learn to give and take in love. Libra has to get out of the house once in a while and explore the adventurous world that Leo has in store. A few quiet nights in could be very passionate and exciting for Leo if they give Libra the chance to show it. Neither likes drama and going back to their roots of passion, energy, and harmony will be the key to ensuring success for compatible couple.

Leo & Scorpio

ELEMENT:  Leo is Fire, Scorpio is Water, Delicate balance so neither evaporates
QUALITY: Both are Fixed, Stubborn guardians
POLARITY:  Leo is Yang, Scorpio is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Square, Push-pull dynamic

Overall: On paper, it will appear as though they don’t agree on anything. They can be highly compatible because they have common ground if they are willing to take time to explore. Both are Fixed so they are loyal and committed. They are intense in their own ways which creates an intense sexual chemistry that bodes well for union. Scorpio needs to pull back on their outside flirting. This will accomplish a new exciting and dynamic union. This relationship is magnetic and spicy. They are control freaks that love to have things their way, which can lead to epic power struggles. They are inspiring and assuring, since both understand each other’s highly confident personas.

Positive: Fixed Fire Leo with Fixed Water Scorpio means two Fixed energies in play, so they are both creative and intuitive. There are two areas of common ground that they can and should take advantage of when it comes to romance. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so they love to glow with energy and optimism no matter where they go. Scorpio is attracted to that. Leo needs constant flattery and is not afraid to give it, which Scorpio is very very attracted to.  Leo finds Scorpio sexy in their mysterious side, Leo wants to figure out Scorpio secrets. Scorpio knows this, so they play Leo a little. In this way, however, there is some exciting sexual chemistry. They are both uniquely intuitive. The deeper intuition works well because they will understand what the other needs and meet quickly when arise. Celebrate those magnetic personalities!  You’ll have a spicy match on your hands that lasts for at least a season, if not a lifetime. Unfortunately, its all too easy for you to become threatened by the other’s projected confidence. You’ll need to remind yourselves of this daily. You don’t need to break each other down to ensure you won’t be left in lurch. Sex this good doesn’t come along every day. With Leo’s show stopping personality and Scorpio’s behind the scenes alchemy, you can blend talents into a money making hit that supports a family for generations to come.

Challenges: This Fixed pairing results in two very stubborn people. In many ways, this is what will keep them together. This is also what will create some rifts. Leo likes to flirt and it is mostly harmless. Scorpio has a very big problem with that. Scorpio has a tendency to be jealous and obsessive. They walk away from anything that doesn’t provide unabiding loyalty. Leo also needs a constant flattery and as much as this can work in love, Scorpio will tire of it if not getting fair share. Leo will need to learn and accept that with Scorpio it is all or nothing. There are power struggles ahead. Both need to feel like number one. The trouble is, neither sign is quick to give up control. Your different approaches to childrearing also cause consternation and often another battleground for control. Woosh! Since resolving conflicts on a daily basis is your idea of an aphrodiasic, go ahead and get hatched. Otherwise, you might be better off as business partners or just friends.

Make it Work: Since these are two Fixed sign energies, both need to learn how to give and take in this relationship. It is impossible to erase the stubborn side off of either one of these signs, so both need to compromise. Scorpio sees budging as a sign of weakness but would rather budge than lose the one they love. If Leo can gently show this to Scorpio they may realize they are on the same side. Underneath the power struggles is an intense sexual chemistry founded in deep intuition and loyalty. If both Leo and Scorpio remember this and embrace those traits, this is a love match that will be an envy of all in the crowd. Over time this bond will be intense and powerful, where these two signs can rule over the world.

Leo & Sagittarius

ELEMENT: Both are Fire, The heat is on!
QUALITY: Leo is Fixed, Sagittarius is Mutable, Compromise to find sync
POLARITY: Both are Yang, Aggressively driven
ASPECTS:  Trine, Add mystery for harmony

Overall: This is very exciting combination. The Fixed Fire Leo matched with Mutable Fire energy of Sagittarius is electric. They seem to know exactly what the other party needs and they are happy to provide it. Creativity, inspiration, passion and fireworks means love. It is lot of fun, a lot of movement, and excitement. They do need to overcome their differences and embrace commonalities to go the long haul. This is a dynamic and fun relationship. They are two party people that know how to work a room. This leads to many wild nights about town. The relationship is passionate and inspiring, since both understand each other’s ambitious ways. The instant attraction continues as they are always on the same frequency and understanding.

Positive: Warmth, charm, and charisma are alive with this partnership because both are Fire. Leo is ruled by the Sun, so they are optimistic, energetic, and creative. Sagittarius is Mutable, so they go with anything Leo likes. There will be lots of spontaneous road trips and travel plans with this pair, both will love it. Leo needs flattery and Sagittarius is a huge flirt, so they can enjoy some fun banter. Both love and need to be social, so they don’t usually argue about going out. Their passion is their key trait, which leads to sexual chemistry at root. There is a deep respect and exciting passion for these too, with a lot of common ground that both Fire signs enjoy together. This is Fire sign fantasy fulfillment. Sagittarius and Leo are an irrepressible party people and together work a room like A list celebrities. The passion is plentiful in this matchup, from lively conversations to red hot romps in the sack. Pump up each other’s confidence and inspire one another to take bold leaps, especially when it comes to your ambitious careers.

Challenges: Both Sagittarius and Leo are flirty. Leo won’t like it though if Sagittarius flirts with someone else. The high energy needs to be maintained to feel fulfilled which can be exhausting. Leo is fixed on one person or thing at a time. Sagittarius is more wishy washy. Leo has to give something Sagittarius can hang onto if they want it to last. At times, Leo requires more attention than impatient Sagittarius cares to give. Sagittarius’ blunt comments can pierce sensitive Leo to core. You will make playful and adventurous parents, though the kids can try your patience and interrupt your adult playtime in ways both resent. Hire a live in babysitter or set up a home base near grandparents so you can enjoy much needed grown up getaways. Both are a bit overly optimistic when it comes to finances, so install that money management software before you go on spending spree.

Make it Work: They are destined to do well if they remember how to meet needs. This won’t be hard because their needs are the same. Leo’s pride can get in the way if Sagittarius isn’t patient. They have to have willingness to make last. Passion is easily ignited whether two days in or two decades. Remembering the exciting sexual chemistry is important and fun way to keep connection alive.

Leo & Capricorn

ELEMENT:  Leo is Fire, Capricorn is Earth, Steady Earth to build a Fire
QUALITY:  Leo is Fixed, Capricorn is Cardinal, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Leo is Yang, Capricorn is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Quincunx, Original odd couple

Overall: This will look like a case of opposites attracting. However, they do have some common interests and goals. The Fixed Fire Leo with the Cardinal Earth Capricorn can be a successful match. That is if they can embrace their differences and use it to lift up the relationship over the long term. Underneath all the differences is a deep devotion to the relationship that both Leo and Capricorn are only too happy to cherish for years to come. This is a fairy tale come true. These image conscious signs will dress to impress, which can lead to a vane and superficial dynamic. It is ripe with chemistry since you both understand each other’s desires for power couple status. These two will help the other achieve goals.

Positive: This is a case where opposites can work in their favor. They want the same thing so will give the same. Leo wants to be fixed on their partner for life and Capricorn wants someone that is down to earth and committed. Both love financial success and both will do the work to get it. Like Ken and Barbie, you’re a good looking pair, but is the connection more plastic than fantastic? It is going to take a while to figure that out. First, you’ll have to get past the fierce attraction to each other’s images. Capricorn wants the corner office, Leo longs for a throne. This is a shared love of achievement and impressive ambition that send power couple fantasies dancing through heads. If you’re out to conquer the same goal, the combined skills make quite awesome sight to behold. Leo works the room like a media trained pro, while Capricorn runs quality control department of the joint operation. Sexual chemistry is the strongest force of all so get ready for legendary lovemaking.

Challenges: There are some fundamental differences in play. Leo is a quick thinker and mover, while Capricorn is not. Things won’t take off quickly enough for Leo. Capricorn wants to take their time in getting to know Leo before its serious. Leo may not like that because they love flirting, sex, and passion. Capricorn is not short of passion but goes about it different. Both want to the be the boss. If either try to squash the other, heads will butt and could lead to explosive tempers. The temperature of this relationship can be as different as night and day. Capricorn may find Leo’s party chatter superficial, while sunny Leo may wish Capricorn would stop being such a pessimist. Both are devoted to the family, but Capricorn is a die-hard traditionalist while Leo wants to redraw the family crest with 64 pack of crayons.

Make it Work: Both of these two will need constant reminding of their shared vision and goals. Both are goal oriented and committed to success. They have a shared vision for the long term. Leo will have to curb back on their flirting with all they cross paths with. Capricorn will have to pickup the pace to entertain the Leo drive and ego. Both are born leaders and strong personalities in unique ways. If they embrace these traits and flatter them when able, then they can continue their journey of deep appreciation for a long life together.

Leo & Aquarius

ELEMENT:  Leo is Fire, Aquarius is Air, Air feeds the Fire that heats it
QUALITY: Both are Fixed, Stubborn guardians
POLARITY:  Both are Yang, Aggressively driven
ASPECTS:  Opposite, Soul twin match

Overall: Many exciting things are happening in love when Leo and Aquarius join. This is two Fixed signs with a lot of common ground. There is also the added compatibility of Fire and Air combining. They share a lot of common areas of interest with a lot of sexual chemistry. This is a relationship where they have a lot of energy and a lot of action. This relationship is lighthearted and fun. These two party animals crave excitement and adventure, which can lead to dramatic emotional outbursts. It is incredibly stimulating, since you both understand each other’s carefree and childlike styles.

Positive: These two share many areas of common interests. Leo and Aquarius both are big thinkers. There is no shortage of admiration for the other. Leo loves the quirky adventurist in Aquarius. Aquarius loves the creative passion that Leo exudes. These zodiac signs are visionaries and they think big about all they do. Leo has a certain charm and elegance that Aquarius is extremely attracted to. Aquarius likes how flexible and non-judgemental Leo can be about the world at large. Aquarius is an out of the box type and willing to try anything. This is a great turn on for Leo, who is always looking for the next adventure. The Fixed signs in this union mean that the relationship is marked by common traits of loyalty and commitment. Likely, this pairing will end in a marriage that will last decades to come. This is a wild ride, since they are big kids at heart and game playing is something you never tire of. Paintball, skydiving, and the coed softball team is better than trying to deal with each other’s minds. You definitely need activities to keep you focused on the positive aspects of being a couple. If you can funnel your passionate natures toward elaborate adventures, you might just become lifelong playmates. This is an optimistic, vibrant, and vivacious zodiac match.

Challenges: This is two Fixed signs at play, so they have a lot of stubborn moments. Both signs are committed to their goals and opinions, and will not always share the same ones. This is going to spark some tempers and fires, their heads will butt in heated and stubborn ways. This could cause some problems because once one has decided its over, there is no turning back. They have to be very careful. Leo can be a flirt, and Aquarius will be confused by who is the dedicated partner. Leo has an ego. Aquarius on the other hand is one that rarely uses emotion and can seem almost aloof. This could ruffle Leo’s feathers a bit and both will need to be sensitive. It is a somewhat dangerous game when you’re two opposities attracting. At first, its the unbridled passion and 24 hour party that never stops. Leo drops the relationship bomb a little too soon to be justified by commitment shy Aquarius. Hotheaded Leo and rebellious Aquarius can revert to childish and destructive behavior when their animal instincts are ignited. If the Water Bearer strings the Lion along in an elaborate courtship dance, then tempers flare, emotional outbursts ignite, and you both wonder how you lost it so quickly. When Aquarius finally surrenders to Leo’s desires for monogamy, the script may flip with Leo pulling away as Aquarius sulks in frustration.

Make it Work: They are overall an exciting and highly compatible partnership. They have more common ground than differences. Problems don’t arise often. When they do, they need to remember the details in the big picture. Their stubborn wills won’t work when challenges arise. Leo and Aquarius will need to work on holding these at bay. Remember the shared vision. At the same time, plenty of sparks will fly. If they are in a pickle, then they come back to passion and romance. This will be all they need to make things right.

Leo & Pisces

ELEMENT:  Leo is Fire, Pisces is Water, Delicate balance so neither evaporates
QUALITY:  Leo is Fixed, Pisces is Mutable, Compromise to find sync
POLARITY:  Leo is Yang, Pisces is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Quincunx, Original odd couple

Overall: The love match between Leo and Pisces is very fun. They have many common areas where there are opportunities for exciting love compatibility. This is a Fixed Fire of Leo with a Mutable Water Pisces. This match is dedicated to the long term and infused with creativity, passion, fantasy, and excitement. This high energy match is always doing and trying something different. Their areas of differences could cause wrinkles. They just need to remember their shared goals in order for the match to be an exciting one for some time. This relationship is dramatic and dynamic. It is two creative, genius people in love with romance and spirituality, which could also lead to emotional outbursts. It is a limitless relationship, since you both understand each other’s desire for success and stardom. This expressive duo will have a relationship full of passion and warmth but also full of differences.

Positive: They have two very different personalities that are more than happy to please each other to no end. The Fixed Fire sign Leo is inspired, creative, passionate, and always on the go. Pisces is Mutable Water so they are always overflowing with emotion and able to meet Leo’s energy on every level in love. Leo loves a good audience as well, as they have a great need for attention and flattery. Pisces finds this all very appealing and they are happy to give Leo all the attention they need. They will be very passionate and sexual in romance. Leo is intrigued by the fantasy world Pisces enjoys. Pisces will adore how Leo flirts with them. Pisces will be very grateful for how excited Leo is to turn Pisces fantasies into realities. In this dramatic duo, Leo is an aggressive dynamic Fire sign who loves to bask in the limelight. Pisces is a pensive, private Water sign who prefers to create magic from behind the scenes. You can fall naturally into step with each other as partners, but you’re both also incredibly bossy. Make sure you have your own realms to rule. Leo is the Director and Pisces is the producer, but you’re equal partners here. Both are creative, romantic, and wildly imaginative. It works well for you as a couple, provided you find a constructive outlet to funnel your combined energy toward. Think big: building empires, creating large families, traveling world on charitable missions.

Challenges: Leo and Pisces have two very different styles but share common goals. Their differences will result in the wrinkles. Leo is energetic and fast moving, always on the go. Pisces is known for retreating to the cave. Leo is Fixed, so they are stubborn. Pisces doesn’t tolerate strong willed if they don’t have enough room to breathe. Pisces is Mutable, so they have a wandering eye, especially if Leo isn’t giving enough or the right attention. Leo doesn’t like Pisces using their emotions to manipulate them. Also, Water Pisces can put the fire in Leo out. This relationship becomes a lightning rod for your emotional tornadoes; this matchup can send you both running to the psych ward. The spiritual evolution is a pre-req to success so go do that inner work before you walk down the aisle. Once you’ve both read that stack of self- help books (and maybe done time with a therapist), the relationship could flow into dreamy love boat cruise that docks permanently in paradise.

Make it Work: There are a lot of opportunities to work because water and fire is steamy. They won’t ever complain about the sexual chemistry and that’s what they should focus on when the tough times hit. The flirting with others should be kept at bay by both if they want to stay in a committed relationship with each other. Pisces need to keep their emotional manipulation at bay as well if they want to keep Leo. Leo has to not be so critical over Pisces. Overall, this will be an exciting and steamy connection with potential to go the long haul if they put in the work to embrace both differences and common goals.


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