Mayan Birth Chart


The Mayan birth chart is very similar to the Chinese birth chart, both attempt to predict through certain factors what the gender of a baby will be and parents who are hoping to have a child of a particular gender can look to them for help in creating a boy or a girl; whichever they prefer! The Mayan birth chart is a lot simpler than the Chinese birth chart and this may possibly be because our interest in Mayan astrology has only recently become mainstream whereas interest in Eastern astrology and Chinese astrology has been around much longer. In fact, the Chinese use their birth chart still to this day, where there simply aren’t any Mayans to have told us about their birth chart.

Mayan Birth Chart

Mayan Birth Chart vs Chinese Birth Chart

The Chinese birth chart is very complicated. It involves comparing your birth date and year to the Chinese calendar and New Year for the year you were born. It has a complicated formula that is necessary for accuracy when predicting gender or planning to conceive for a specific gender. In fact, most people use the Chinese birth chart incorrectly because they aren’t even aware that their age may be different based on the Chinese calendar and that it’s not as simple as saying how old you are and then looking at a conception month. However, with the Mayan birth chart it is that easy! With the Mayan birth chart you simply need to look at your actual age using a standard calendar and then know what month you conceived your baby or what month you would like to conceive in depending on what gender you would prefer to have. With the Mayan birth chart if you are an even numbered age and conceived in an even numbered month you will have a girl, and if you are an odd numbered age and conceived in an odd numbered month you will still have a girl. However, if you are an even numbered age and conceived in an odd numbered month, or an odd numbered age and conceived in an even numbered month you will have a boy!   Interested in reading more about astrology calendars?  Check out this article:

How To Calculate Your Mayan Birth Sign

For example: If you are thirty-three years old and conceived in January you would be having a girl. However if you are thirty-three years old and conceived in February you would be having a boy! 33 is an odd number and January is the first month of the year (33 and 1). These are both odd numbers so you’d have a girl! However, 33 and 2 is an odd number and an even number which means you would have a boy!

It’s much easier to make gender predictions with the Mayan birth chart, however some parents prefer to play with both calendars as they wait for the day their baby is born. While neither chart is absolutely guaranteed to be accurate, they can be fun tools for baby showers and in some countries where parents aren’t allowed to know the gender of their child these birth charts can be a fun way of helping to fight off the desire to rush off and see if you can find a way to find out the gender.


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