The Third Eye Chakra – Anja: The Sixth Chakra


The 6th chakra, also known as the Third Eye Chakra or Ajna is the most mystical seeming of all the chakra’s. More than any other Chakra it has found its way into our popular culture – who hasn’t heard a mystic in a movie talking about the Third Eye? It is found on the forehead, at the top of the nose between the eyebrows and is directly connected to the brain. It is called the Third Eye because it allows the mind to see both the inner and the outer worlds and experience clear thoughts, spiritual contemplation and self-realization. When working properly, this chakra helps us to access our inner guide and see beyond the world to the deeper truths of life. It sits in the middle of the brain, and when fully opened it provides balance for both halves of the brain, allowing it to function at it’s best both creatively and analytically.

The Third Eye Chakra – Anja: The Sixth Chakra

Third Eye Chakra Traits

These traits of the 6th Chakra are what give us access to our ‘sixth’ sense. When the chakra is open and balanced we find we are better able to feel our intuition and follow it. We are at peace, our logical and emotional mind are working together and so we are able to accept the information we cannot rationalize because we feel and know it is right.

When the 6th chakra is closed, you will have trouble concentrating, you may be obsessive and suffer from terribly nightmares. Many people with a closed Anja find themselves constantly self-evaluating but never coming to any sort of useful conclusion. They become inflexible, tyrannical and overly analytical, but because energy is not flowing between both sides of their brain they struggle to accept abstract information and then miss important information when making decisions. They may even have delusions or hallucinations. If your sixth chakra is not receiving enough energy you will lack imagination, have difficulty changing your mind, and be unable to set goals or find motivation.

Anja: The Third Eye

Anja is represented by a transparent lotus flower with two white petals that represent the manifest and unmanifest mind. Inside the flower is a white moon with six faces and six arms holding a book, a skull, a drum, and a rosary while the other two arms make the gestures of granting a boon and dispelling a fear. In a chakra map it is described as either a red-blue mix of purple or as a purple-blue mix called indigo.

Balancing the Anja

Balancing the third eye is important to your well-being. It is one of the most important chakra to have in balance. Meditation is always the best place to start when working to rebalance the chakra. It helps to bring the body and mind into a peaceful and relaxed state where energy can begin to flow more easily. Try to picture a swirling purple or indigo light between your eyebrows and quietly repeat an affirmation such as “I am in touch with my inner guidance” or “I choose to nurture my spirit” or “I trust my intuition” to help guide energy into the chakra and revitalize it. You can also choose to simply repeat a mantra – each chakra has a specific mantra best suited to it, for the sixth chakra it is the mantra SHAM. You may also want to surround yourself with scents that help to balance the third eye. The best scents are frankincense, lavender, neroli and juniper. Purple and blue foods will help to nourish the eye and yoga poses that help to open the chakra such as downward facing dog or a head press are best. If you like to use crystals to help align your energy, the best for the third eye chakra are amethyst, lapis lazuli and azurite.


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