Dating The Sea-Goat – A Capricorn Relationship Horoscope Reading


A Capricorn love horoscope is decided by the romantic and general traits of Capricorns. This sign, which falls between December 22nd and January 20th, is considered one of the most stable in the zodiac. Those who call themselves Capricorns can be some of the best marriage material out there. These people are strong-willed without being obnoxious about it, self-assured, in possession of the knowledge of who they are without others influencing them, and because of this, they are comfortable in any social situation. They have a surprisingly sharp wit, that people are rarely prepared for because too many people see these folks as boring.

Dating The Sea-Goat – A Capricorn Relationship Horoscope Reading

It’s important to remember that though externally the Capricorn seems to be steady and unaffected by emotional ups and downs, they experience emotional highs and lows that are very extreme. Most are excellent at hiding this, and only their closest friends and family are aware of the intense emotions a Capricorn can feel.

Dating Capricorn And Minding Their Feelings

They match best with Earth and Water. Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth sign and CEO of the Zodiac. Because of this, Capricorn gets along with like-minded Earth signs in love. They do not do well with flighty friends and that includes wishy washy Libra or Mutable Gemini. Capricorn is looking for a life partner, mutable Sagittarius may be too flexible in loyalty for Capricorn’s taste. Those are exactly the needs that Capricorn lives to meet, regardless of Zodiac.

This is a sign that loves to hide its feelings and that can make it hard to get a relationship off the ground. They tend to distrust emotion and emotionality, and so they’ll wait, often too long, to say ‘I like you’ and get the ball rolling. If saying how they feel means they may be rejected, they more often than not will say nothing at all. However, once in a relationship, this is a sign that will love deeply, work hard to keep romance alive in the relationship, and makes incredibly passionate lovers. They are willing and able to do whatever it takes to keep a relationship, and especially a marriage, working through the hard times.

Capricorn love compatibility also looks at how the sign handles things like finance, jealousy, and control. These people are skilled financially and know how to handle money well. They are often drawn to others who use their money wisely. Don’t expect this sign to frivolously throw money around. They protect what they hold close, whether that be finances or friends or lovers. Protecting a relationship is one of the things they do best and they will do whatever is necessary to keep it going even if it comes at great personal cost. Because of their emotional reticence, good relationships can be hard to come by for this sign so they hold onto them with all they have. However, this can become a negative and some signs may chaff under this protectiveness, feeling it turns more towards possessiveness. Air and Fire signs may struggle with this the most and should work hard at understanding why Capricorn is holding on so tightly.

Great: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Favorable: Gemini

Challenging: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius

Emotional Aspects of a Capricorn Love Horoscope

Emotion and expression of emotion is the greatest stumbling block for Capricorns and something that should be covered in a Capricorn love horoscope. Though Capricorns are incredibly passionate, this doesn’t mean that in a relationship they will suddenly open up and express their emotions and how they feel. Instead, they use their passion almost as a distraction to keep even their loved ones from prying too much into how they feel. Some signs will find this frustrating because it can be a challenge to get a Capricorn mate to open up and this may often feel as though they lack trust in their partner. It’s important to understand that this isn’t the case, Capricorns simply have trouble venting what they feel are dramatic and unnecessary emotions openly.

The best way to deal with a Capricorn mate is to show them that you understand who they are. They don’t have to step out of their comfort zone and they can relax around you. They need a drama free life and one in which they can achieve the balance necessary to help them look ahead. That being said, your Capricorn Love Horoscope may differ depending on what sign you will be pursuing!

This zodiac sign is sensitive and sensual when it comes to the bedroom. They also look as sex as a task to complete to the best of your ability. That means Capricorn’s put a lot of time and effort into satisfying their partner. After they overcome their personal reservations, this sign is horny and can be a very enthusiastic lover.


Aries & Capricorn

ELEMENT:  Aries is Fire, Capricorn is Earth, Steady Earth to build a Fire
QUALITY:  Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY:  Aries is Yang, Capricorn is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Square, Push-pull dynamic

Overall: This relationship is slower than most but once it is acknowledged than the parties are in it for the long haul. Both sides of this match are Cardinal, which means both are leaders and decisions makers. Capricorn is Cardinal Earth sign and so is more grounded than Aries who is always onto next big thing. This may cause a few wrinkles for the match but if Aries learns to slow things down to Capricorn tempo, the match stands a real chance. Capricorn also may need to learn that risk is a part of life and if they can accept that they will truly come to love and enjoy the Aries spontaneous fire and energy. This is a complementary but demanding relationship. This pairing has larger than life personas where both strive for success and achievement. That can be draining. They are destined for power couple status as long as they compromise.

Positive: Both are Cardinal so both are very driven when it comes to personal successes. They  just go about it in completely different ways. Aries has a fiery and flashy side, whereas Capricorn is more quiet, thinking carefully and strategically. Aries could be too fast for Capricorn and Capricorn too slow for Aries. These are qualities that come to be widely appreciated and respected by the other over time, if the relationship is allowed to percolate. The plus with this pair is that they are both very stubborn, so they are committed to making it work. They are both born leaders but in their own ways. The Earth and Fire balance will create practical and responsible relationship. This can be an exciting and spontaneous relationship over long term if desired. This can also be a warm, fuzzy, and draining relationship. Capricorn is responsible, protective, and loyal which is safe for Aries who needs structure and certainty. Electrifying Aries lights Capricorn’s fire, bringing out the Wild Goat side. Capricorn plays a dutiful role in the relationship. The business venture collaboration can be fulfilling and romantic because their talents dovetail beautifully. Larger than life personas mean an attractive and enviable power couple.

Challenges: Any conflict between these two born leaders is because they have little in common. These two have very different perspectives that could cause some definite clashes. Aries likes things exciting and fun, where Capricorn finds too much risk in that. Aries will find Capricorn slow on occasion and sometimes even boring. Capricorn has same problem with Aries, that they are a little too high on the energy meter and should probably settle down to one idea or thing. In a work environment, they are good. In love, this can lead to problems. Both Capricorn and Aries are completely different energy wavelengths, if they fight at all, this is what its about. Aries is always living in the moment, whereas Capricorn is thinking five years down the road. This pair will need to find a way to balance these differences if they want to stick it out for the long term. Aries is the Zodiac baby aka a spoiled brat under Capricorn’s endless generosity. Aries will need to step up a bit in this relationship, otherwise Capricorn will burn out. Capricorn will need to regulate Aries demands and say no from time to time.

Make it Work: The best way to compromise the obvious differences would be to come together and define a shared goal. Although both of these signs pursue their goals differently, when they share the same goal, success is inevitable. If Capricorn and Aries can do this from the beginning of their relationship then success is to be had. The easiest and most comfortable ways for both signs to accomplish this will be for Aries to let go of their need of instant gratification and slow down a bit. Capricorn as well needs to speed things up and should be open to living in a moment more than once in a while rather than always worrying about what is going on ten years down the road. There will need to be some flexing by both, but both are committed to success and sharing that vision will lead to many successful years together.

Capricorn & Taurus

ELEMENT:  Both Earths, Grounded home base
QUALITY:  Taurus is Fixed, Capricorn is Cardinal, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Both Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Trine, Add mystery for harmony

Overall: This is a great match because they have a lot in common. They want the same thing and it is at the top of their list. Their strong work ethic and real nature is difficult to find. This zodiac match is stable, smooth, and full of ambitious people. They are a double Earth sign, which means this love match is a practical and responsible relationship. The qualities of the relationships are strengths of signs, which means this pairing may seem a little dull. Their commitments are greater than the boring aspect. They have a strong, solid as a rock, grounded foundation to stand the test of the time. Security seeking Earth signs love to plan for future. This dwindles the romantic vibes over time. Traditional and family oriented, both understand the need for stability.

Positive: They have a lot in common, that is the greatest strength to the relationship. They understand each other well. They are dedicated, strong, and loyal. Taurus is a hard worker and loves pretty things. Capricorn admires and works just as hard if not harder to give pretty things to Taurus. There will not be any wild parties, they enjoy quiet nights in. Capricorn will appreciate the warm and loving energy of Taurus. Taurus will adore someone so real that they can always count on them. It is not exciting but it is fulfilling. They can count on each other. Solid as a rock means built to last. Traditional, hardworking, and blessed with success. The couple quickly become the pillars of your community and may even play a parental role for various members of your extended family. You both love to plan for the future. During a hot and heavy romp, you’re likely to discuss subjects like where to send the kids for private school. Life is a great goal sheet that is waiting to be filled.

Challenges: They differ in qualities. The fixed Taurus will want all of Capricorn’s attention. Cardinal Earth Capricorn is a boss that works late nights that Taurus won’t like. Taurus finds Capricorn too conservative and rigid. Capricorn doesn’t like drama so they don’t like how Taurus won’t let things go. There is not a lot of sexual chemistry, but with their strong foundation of love and dedication they will surpass any areas of weakened chemistry. There is a flaw in the operation: you might forget to live in the moment which is where true romance exists. Spontaneity can become scarce here, but if you allow for it, the eternal flame of love will blaze on. Date nights need to be outside of the house and are a passion fueling must. This is especially true if they provide a chance for you both to wear couture pieces from your elegant wardrobes.

Make it Work: Both share the traits of commitment and loyalty, so this relationship will not be hard to make it work. They love to enjoy material success and have common ground. Taurus will need to enjoy Capricorn ethic and their desire to provide. If Taurus finds Capricorn too conservative or stubborn, Taurus needs to take the lead on bringing the fun into the union. This can be done by planning sexy nights in. At the end of the day, communicating with each other like real friends will be a strength that will result in a relationship for decades.

Capricorn & Gemini

ELEMENT:  Gemini is Air, Capricorn is Earth, Earth builds on Air’s nature
QUALITY:  Gemini is Mutable, Capricorn is Cardinal, Directing the flow
POLARITY:  Gemini is Yang, Capricorn is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Quincunx, Original odd couple

Overall: This zodiac pairing brings a lot of differences to table. The key for both are to accept the differences and embrace them in order for the relationship to work. It is isn’t a common one but is super cute when together. Even so, both have a lot to offer one another. Their combined skill sets and gifts will enrich the life of the partnership. Mutable Air Gemini offers Capricorn lots of energy and intellect that Capricorn appreciates. Capricorn brings stability and solid work ethic to the table. This is loyalty that Gemini will appreciate. Balance and harmony is possible for the pair when both are committed to common goals despite the differences. This is a dynamic and inspiring relationship. These are ambitious signs that are pro-networkers and could talk each other’s ears off for hours. They find each other intellectually stimulating and are both dedicated to their careers.

Positive: This combination of Air and Earth can be a testament to how well differences can work together. Capricorn is thoughtful and doesn’t rush. Once they are in something the recipients are blessed as a result. Gemini thinks quickly and on their feet, Capricorn will like this for the long term. Because Gemini is ruled by Mercury, they rule by communication, so Capricorn will always know where they stand. Capricorn can expect A LOT of communication that will reinforce this. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of power, prestige, and success. These are all likely in their lifetime, which is something that will make Gemini very proud. Power couple alert! Ambition is the common ground between Gemini and Capricorn. Both dream of an executive suite as a final destination. Expert networkers, you both know how to work a room and walk out with a VIP connection in your back pocket. Talkative Gemini buzzes a mile a minute while stoic Capricorn can hold their silence for epic lengths of time. At least, Gemini is a wise sounding board to vet a gazillion novel ideas. Sensible Goat might be the only person hard headed Gemini listens to. When it comes to sex, the intimacy here is unmatched. Gemini is happy to give Capricorn something to talk about.

Challenges: These are two masculine energies at play and that’s why heads butt. Gemini starts with intellect, which Capricorn will appreciate until Gemini uses it to twist things in a disagreement. Gemini needs a fast paced environment to feel settled and Capricorn is the opposite. If Gemini wants to go out, Capricorn should let them without making it a big deal. Capricorn should go out sometimes too. Gemini doesn’t want to be forced into anything, and that’s something Capricorn needs to remember. Gemini must remember its not always about them and their way. Gemini’s future forward MO can clash or mesh with Capricorn’s old world values. It is an intricate dance to behold. Gemini is modern while Capricorn is classic swag. Kids are usually a part of the master plan, Gemini wants to home school the kids while touring the country. Capricorn wants to instill a sense of tradition and set up camp near childhood friends and family. Middle ground is difficult to reach, but if you open minds to compromise, you can be very inspiring teachers for each other in journey of life.

Make it Work: Combining Air and Earth will require they embrace their differences. Capricorn is good at starting things and Gemini is good at following along. This embracing will be useful for long term. Freedom must be granted to all partners in this love match as neither wants to be pressured or forced into everything. Capricorn is slow and steady, Gemini is the opposite. Both signs need to learn to adopt their partner’s traits once in awhile. This will make it a fun and exciting, as well as successful, time.

Capricorn & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Cancer is Water, Capricorn is Earth, Harmonious blend for comfort
QUALITY: Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS: Opposite, Soul twin match

Overall: This is a very high love compatibility. This is two Cardinal signs going head to head. Water and Earth combine for a real, authentic and long lasting relationship. They will nurture each other into an abundant love. They have an intuitive way of knowing what the other needs and when they need it. This is not a high energy or exciting relationship, but they are devoted and loyal. This has a real deal and long term connection that will last. This pair is the perfect blend of divine feminism and masculine energies. They are two traditionalists that can easily fall into conventional roles, which becomes a dynamic codependent situation. It is a nurturing relationship, since you both strive for balance between caretaking and providing. This zodiac match is full of ups and downs.

Positive: This relationship will have a strong foundation, rooted in Earth, fed from Water. There is emotional security and practicality. Neither are big on parties and nights out. Lots of sexy and sensual long nights in are appreciated by both. Cancer is a homemaker, creating a perfect paradise. Capricorn is a worker bee, who feels good by supporting many kids. Cancer will admire Capricorn’s success or how successful they are working to be. This is a slow growing love compatibility as Earth Signs tend to work that way and then its all systems go. This is the perfect balance. Cancer is the mother sign, Capricorn is the daddy sign. This makes you feel like long lost partners, destined to start a family together.  Since the two of you are opposite signs, there’s plenty of chemistry between you. This is a soul mate match up made in domestic heaven. You’ll naturally fall into step with one another. Capricorn builds an empire while Cancer keeps home fires burning. While you can lapse into traditional roles, you may both enjoy playing them. When it comes to sex, this zodiac match works. Capricorn wants Cancer to experience full ecstasy and is dedicated to that mission. Likewise, Cancer puts their whole heart into bedroom and pleasure.

Challenges: There are a few differences in what they want for the long term. Short term, there will be stumbling blocks. Capricorn focuses on the material, spiritual, and intuitive which Cancer may find annoying. Cancer wants Capricorn home and in their arms, even if this means less luxuries. For Cancer, they just want worker Capricorn to get home every night. They are born Cardinal, so both want to be the boss and this will create some challenges. As the relationship evolves, Cancer may grow resentful, especially if they sacrificed a personal dream only to feel like Capricorn’s secretary or baby nurse. Capricorn designs the family crest, but they need to make sure they include both sides in equal measure. Tradition is a strange hullabaloo to Cancer, but if you don’t insert yourself into the picture, take charge Capricorn may unwittingly paint you into a very tiny corner.

Make it Work: They have to take turns being boss once in a while. Both are skilled negotiators, so no problem there. There is a long term dedication and shared vision for goals.

Capricorn & Leo

ELEMENT:  Leo is Fire, Capricorn is Earth, Steady Earth to build a Fire
QUALITY:  Leo is Fixed, Capricorn is Cardinal, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Leo is Yang, Capricorn is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Quincunx, Original odd couple

Overall: This will look like a case of opposites attracting. However, they do have some common interests and goals. The Fixed Fire Leo with the Cardinal Earth Capricorn can be a successful match. That is if they can embrace their differences and use it to lift up the relationship over the long term. Underneath all the differences is a deep devotion to the relationship that both Leo and Capricorn are only too happy to cherish for years to come. This is a fairy tale come true. These image conscious signs will dress to impress, which can lead to a vane and superficial dynamic. It is ripe with chemistry since you both understand each other’s desires for power couple status. These two will help the other achieve goals.

Positive: This is a case where opposites can work in their favor. They want the same thing so will give the same. Leo wants to be fixed on their partner for life and Capricorn wants someone that is down to earth and committed. Both love financial success and both will do the work to get it. Like Ken and Barbie, you’re a good looking pair, but is the connection more plastic than fantastic? It is going to take a while to figure that out. First, you’ll have to get past the fierce attraction to each other’s images. Capricorn wants the corner office, Leo longs for a throne. This is a shared love of achievement and impressive ambition that send power couple fantasies dancing through heads. If you’re out to conquer the same goal, the combined skills make quite awesome sight to behold. Leo works the room like a media trained pro, while Capricorn runs quality control department of the joint operation. Sexual chemistry is the strongest force of all so get ready for legendary lovemaking.

Challenges: There are some fundamental differences in play. Leo is a quick thinker and mover, while Capricorn is not. Things won’t take off quickly enough for Leo. Capricorn wants to take their time in getting to know Leo before its serious. Leo may not like that because they love flirting, sex, and passion. Capricorn is not short of passion but goes about it different. Both want to the be the boss. If either try to squash the other, heads will butt and could lead to explosive tempers. The temperature of this relationship can be as different as night and day. Capricorn may find Leo’s party chatter superficial, while sunny Leo may wish Capricorn would stop being such a pessimist. Both are devoted to the family, but Capricorn is a die-hard traditionalist while Leo wants to redraw the family crest with 64 pack of crayons.

Make it Work: Both of these two will need constant reminding of their shared vision and goals. Both are goal oriented and committed to success. They have a shared vision for the long term. Leo will have to curb back on their flirting with all they cross paths with. Capricorn will have to pickup the pace to entertain the Leo drive and ego. Both are born leaders and strong personalities in unique ways. If they embrace these traits and flatter them when able, then they can continue their journey of deep appreciation for a long life together.

Capricorn & Virgo

ELEMENT:  Both are Earth, Grounded home base
QUALITY:  Virgo is Mutable, Capricorn is Cardinal, Directing the flow
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS: Trine, Add mystery for harmony

Overall: These two have it in the bag. These two can build a solid foundation based on their mutual understanding and connection. They are a dual Earth so they are madly in love with each other. They are able to overcome obstacles and petty differences. This is Mutable Earth Virgo pairing with Cardinal Earth Capricorn: they have what the other wants. Their differences meet the needs in the other. They are grounded in reality enough to let petty things go and ensure love lasts. This zodiac match is grounding and feels like home. They are two security seeking signs  that love tradition, which can also lead to boredom and complacency. The relationship can be incredibly stimulating since you both understand each other’s need for structure.

Positive: This is a match made in heaven. They have the same qualities and the differences compliment each other. Mutable energy is as flexible as the day is long. Capricorn appreciates this because they are a busy worker bee and not home that often. They need success to feel good and they work hard to get it. They are a financially stable match. They won’t fight over money. Mercury rules Virgo, so that brings the real talk and communication gift to the table. Saturn rules Capricorn so they are always on the clock. They are slow to start but rooted in a foundation of deep devotion to each other and relationship. Call up the officiate, book the wedding hall. You’ve met your tradition loving, Earth sign soulmate; the person you just know you were meant to spend the rest of life with. Its finally safe to break out those long lists of expectations you’ve both been referring to since age 5. Go ahead, compare goal sheets, financial projections, the architectural blueprints for the house you’ll eventually build. Other people find this odd, but for these two, nothing short of an aphrodisiac.

Challenges: They appreciate the differences that rest in their qualities. Mutable Virgo is flexible in almost any situation, but not always happy when Capricorn is always at the office. Virgo can be overly critical, Capricorn won’t tolerate that. Capricorn is the boss and demands perfection not criticism. Virgo will have to pull back at the same time on the valid complaints, even if not the boss. Capricorn will need to learn to accept it or it won’t last. Other matchups may lure you to the wild side, this combination is about building stable structures. At worst, you can veer towards vanilla flavor you both like well enough. When spicier someone rolls into town, may be tempted towards an extramarital affair to reconnect with slumbering life force energy. Avoid this trap, put down goal sheets once every fiscal quarter. Stop building, just be. Better yet, take a tantric workshop, explore burlesque or bondage. Both are so bound up at times, bringing out black leather and studs can unleash naughty alter egos.

Make it Work: Its a give and take. Both seek the long term love. Flexible Virgo makes things possible and probable. Hardworking Capricorn is full of commitment and loyalty. This is a fantastic base for a relationship; a devoted spirit that is remembered and cherished.

Capricorn & Libra

ELEMENT:  Libra is Air, Capricorn is Earth, Earth builds on Air’s nature
QUALITY:  Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY: Libra is Yang, Capricorn is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Square, Push-pull dynamic

Overall: There are many differences in this relationship, combined with a pairing of intense energies, that leads many astrologers to say the love compatibility in this match will need some work. There are many gifts that both Libra and Capricorn bring to the table. Both have very different pairs of gifts. Both Libra and Capricorn are only too wiling to share conjoined successes. When both can stick committed to the big picture and their greater vision, the intense energies that both bring to table will fuel success into long term romance for the pair. This partnership is the perfect blend of power and pleasure.  These two fashionistas know how to work a room together, which can lead to power couple status. Their relationship can also be superficial, since both struggle to drop their masks behind closed doors.

Positive: There is a lot of common ground in a Cardinal energy that they both will need to focus on in order to make the match work as both signs function at very different paces. They want a long term successful relationship, so this is a shared goal that born leadership skills, when combined, can make happen. Libra is the intellectual type and Capricorn is really attracted to how smart Libra is and their knack for knowing everything. Libra loves beautiful things in all corners and finds Capricorns work ethic and material success very satisfying. This is a wonderful pairing as they balance out the needs of each other. Both Libra and Capricorn lead in very different ways. This pairing is as addictive as cocaine. The simmering obsession begins the moment you two fashionistas lock eyes. Capricorn brings power and elegance, Libra supplies charm and beauty. Their combined social mojo could rattle the coolest snake charmer’s cage. Although together you could hock ice to Eskimos, you might also sell each other a false bill of goods. Looking good is important to both of you. When it comes to sex, their strong love compatibility results in a great intimate connection as they understand their needs.

Challenges: They have very different visions for success, so this will come into play at some point. Both want the same long term success in love, so that is common ground. Libra comes into the union with a very fast paced Airy energy, while Capricorn as the Earth sign is one of slowest. Capricorns need to think things over and do not have a problem coming to decisions. Capricorn may have a problem with Libra’s inability to come to a firm decision. Libra will get upset with Capricorn’s pushy nature of making a concrete plan. Both hard workers, Libra likes to enjoy time off with their mate and getting Capricorn out of the office will be difficult more times than not. Libra could get manipulative about this, which Capricorn will have zero tolerance for. One Cardinal may bend or cave for the other more often than not, which could lead to bitterness and resentment. The social masks you wear for the world don’t come off easily when the two of you get behind closed doors. As a result, the relationship can remain superficial, even after knowing each other for years. Ambitious Capricorn puts career and financial success above relationships. Libra would sell the farm in the name of love. Reaching a happy medium is challenging for the long haul. If Capricorn is willing to be the bread winner, earning a sizable enough budget for Libra’s tastes, you could divide roles along traditional lines.

Make it Work: There are potential differences in play with this match. Both signs are committed to success in love and thus this match has true potential. Both are great leaders and initiators, but seeing things through to completion is tough. Compromise and balance in picking up where the other partner leaves off bodes well. If they find a way to make it work, they will happily and harmoniously fill in gaps for each other for a long and successful relationship.

Capricorn & Scorpio

ELEMENT: Scorpio is Water, Capricorn is Earth, Harmonious blend for comfort
QUALITY:  Scorpio is Fixed, Capricorn is Cardinal, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Sextile, Best of friends

Overall: This pairing is one that is a loving and nourishing relationship and scores very high in the love compatibility by most expert counts. Fixed Water Scorpio is feeding and supporting Cardinal Earth Capricorn into abundance and prosperity that can only blossom. Both of these signs have an instinctive sense of what the other zodiac signs needs. This is a gift of talent, to provide just that at the right time. Scorpio is emotional and loving, and devoted to hard working Capricorn. Capricorn gives a grounded balance to Scorpio that is deeply appreciated. When the pair gets together the common version is often marriage, thus this nourishing relationship has all of potential to see just that. This is a complimentary match you don’t want to miss. They are two overachievers that both shoot for the moon, which means their busy schedule may not leave enough time left over for each other. This relationship is inspiring and secure, since both understand each other needs for tireless ambition. These two easily find a connection through their deep mutual understanding.

Positive: This is the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio merging with Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn. Water and Earth connection then is one that will spend a lot of time and energy nourishing each other. Scorpio is emotional and loving, and shows Capricorn the devotion and loyalty that Capricorn needs. Capricorn on the other hand is level headed and pragmatic and gives a balanced look to life that Scorpio appreciates. Scorpio of course has the sexual intensity that Capricorn is looking for. And if there is one sign that is flattered by the attention of loving Scorpio, it is Capricorn. Here Scorpio can show their jealous side and Capricorn is very flexible with it. The individuals in this match have differences, but they actually complement each other well and this bodes well for successful long term love. This is an obsessive and compulsive, but not disordered relationship. They are high flying super achievers who don’t rest until they have their stake in a claim to fame. The ‘have your secretary call mine’ is fine for work but not dates. You don’t want to Miss Match or miss out on anything. You will need to make extreme or extra time for one another, even if it means scheduling weekly, non negotiable date nights.

Challenges: One area of commonality that they share is a need to be the boss. Scorpio is a fixed sign and that means Scorpio has a need to control as much as possible in all areas and especially in love. As a Cardinal sign in mix, one that is used to being the boss, Capricorn will have a problem with this on occasion. Capricorn is also a hard worker and some say married to the job more than their mate. Obsessed Scorpio could take issue with this. Scorpio needs a lot of attention in order to feel validated and secure in the relationship. This could become too much drama for no drama Capricorn. Both will need to compromise. Whatever the goal, you devote yourselves whole heartedly to all you do, and a relationship is no exception to the rule. Unfortunately, the busy schedules may clash, making it tough to get the love affair off ground. Direct communication is not a forte here and neither of you likes to drop your guard. Scorpio can be mysterious and manipulative, while Capricorn can be cold and calculating. Capricorn will usually provide a stable enough base for Scorpio to feel safe opening up and showing emotion. Once they drop their guards, this is a rock solid union capable of producing adorable trust fund babies to shower with only the best. Just the way you both expect it.

Make it Work: These two are naturally high in love compatibility even before they first meet. They have the potential to nourish each other into abundance, so long as they don’t swallow the relationship up in their potential egos. Scorpio and Capricorn will need to find a way to give each other room in this relationship. Scorpio will need to not restrict Capricorn’s freedom on occasion. Capricorn likes jealous Scorpio, because they know its a sign that they will stick around. Too much water will drown Earth. Scorpio will need to be careful with this one. If both learn to use their traits and differences to balance each other, this relationship is one that will start slowly, but blossom into something beautiful over time.

Capricorn & Sagittarius

ELEMENT:  Sagittarius is Fire, Capricorn is Earth, Steady Earth to build a Fire
QUALITY: Sagittarius is Mutable, Capricorn is Cardinal, Directing the flow
POLARITY:  Sagittarius is Yang, Capricorn is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Semisextile, Cosmic combination

Overall: Many say this one won’t fare well. If both set an action plan to make it work, anything is possible. This is Mutable Fire Sagittarius and Cardinal Earth Capricorn. Both offers exactly what the other needs or wants, just in very different ways and from very different perspectives. This is not a match that is going to launch into success over night. Both Sagittarius and Capricorn will need to put in the time and effort required to make this percolate into something that tastes heavenly. This relationship is going to be a challenge, but at least you’re both up for it. Two entrepreneurs who are also total opposites, which can create a push pull dynamic when trying to get just about anything done. The relationship is worth exploring since both understand each others’ ambitious natures and lavish tastes. This zodiac match is full of paradox to where it will be interesting to see if they can use it in their favor.

Positive: Both have a shared vision of a long term and successful relationship. Both have something the other doesn’t and needs, so their differences complement each other well. Sagittarius is adventurous and a big thinker that Capricorn really finds appealing. Sagittarius only sees the truth, which works for keep it real Capricorn. Capricorn has an attention to detail and work ethic that grounds Sagittarius and provides when Sagittarius doesn’t. Sagittarius really appreciates and is happy to pry Capricorn out of office on occasion for another sexy adventure. This is a case where opposites definitely attract, but when both Sagittarius and Capricorn actually give it a shot, there are sparks here that could create a beautiful over time relationship. Reaching the honeymoon phase is going to be tricky here. This combination works best when both signs have amassed individual fortune and can spend lavishly on travel, designer clothes, and business ventures that makes no sense on paper but have the power to revolutionize the world. Plenty of sizzle and steam in the beginning, but hard to coexist in the same atmosphere. Both signs love a challenge and the relationship certainly brings that. They share an entrepreneurial nature, but Sagittarius is a gambler while Capricorn only takes extremely calculated risks. More, more, more is the Sagittarius mantra, which scares cautious Capricorn’s to no end, especially when it comes to the Archer’s impulse spending. As a result, Capricorn may earn country club membership, while Sagittarius remains locked outside of the elite Golden gates.

Challenges: Problems come when they become overwhelmed by differences. Capricorn is looking for something stable and secure and long term right off the bat. Those are the last things that Sagittarius wants to hear. Capricorn also has an eye for detail that borders on the critical and that Sagittarius’ temper is not keen on. Sagittarius is good at accepting the truth, when it comes to someone else. Confronted with it on their own doing, they will run like the wind. Capricorn isn’t as forgiving as Sagittarius wants. Capricorn has the ambition in the office Sagittarius doesn’t have. Capricorn on the other hand doesn’t understand why Sagittarius’ need for freedom sometimes translates into zero responsibility. Proceed with caution. This relationship is literally fire (Sagittarius) and ice (Capricorn). Aggressive, adventurous Sagittarius quickly hits a wall with cautious, rule abiding Capricorn. As Capricorn lays down the laws and refuses to bend them. Sagittarius charges forward, smashing your overzealous head against Capricorn’s stony barricade. As parents, you’re a slightly awkward couple. Since you don’t agree on anything beyond the merit of feeding the family organic food. Capricorn will want to spend holidays with a large group of relatives while Sagittarius would rather drop the kids off with grandparents and escape on a romantic trip to St. Thomas.

Make it Work: To see long term success, both have to learn the art of compromise. This is a slow starting match as well, so both are going to need to have patience and give chances without giving up too quickly. Sagittarius will need to be the one to make compromises in this area first. They definitely are complete opposites to each other, but if they give the relationship a chance, they will see differences that have been sent to their lives for a reason. With time, and a little effort, Sagittarius and Capricorn out score anyone else in love compatibility.

Capricorn & Capricorn

ELEMENT:  Both are Earth, Grounded home base
QUALITY:  Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Conjunct, Twinning that needs separation

Overall: This will be a long and happy union. This match is likely  to wind up in marriage, so long as they both want it. They are usually exactly what the other is looking for. There are many similarities joining them together, so they can build off and create what they want. Though this is a slow to start match, it is marked by people working hard to enrich each other’s lives. This one is instant power couple status. They are two hardworking go getters that crave stability and security which can lead to boredom in the bedroom. They are successful financially and emotionally since both understand each other’s ambitious nature.

Positive: This hardworking Earth is practical, methodical, and takes a realistic approach to life. Capricorn isn’t really all that big about ‘out of the box’ ideas. A steady and practical partner in fellow Capricorn will be a sign of relief; they are successful in their line of work and skilled communicators. Each Capricorn will be grateful to other for being able to talk about challenges that arise. Both are turned on by sensual and earthy nature of their personalities. These are two signs that are very real and authentic in approaches in love. They don’t have to worry about authenticity. This is a picture perfect matchup. This relationship could be torn from pages of a society magazine and you’ll quickly become the Alpha couple of a social circle. You’re both ambitious, practical, family oriented and hardworking. From 6 figure salaries to gifted children to athletic trophies to private parties to humanitarian awards, impressive accomplishments back up one by one when you join forces.

Challenges: This is two Cardinal signs, which are two great leaders that join forces. This is what can cause problems. They are used to being the boss, and not everyone can be the boss all the time in love. Capricorn is the goat, which means they will lock horns. They are conservative in their approach to almost everything. This means there will be wrinkles when one is hoping to have the other open up, since both are slow to start. If they want fast pace, they would be disappointed. As stunning as the relationship looks on paper, it can be lackluster in the sex department. This zodiac match doesn’t like PDA and aren’t confident in private either. With strong libidos they both have desire but have a hard time taking initiative. Both are horny goats with hidden wild streaks and the cozy stability you provide one another may not be quite taboo enough to keep you interested over time. Some role playing and costume chess may need to be implemented. Miss Capricorn should dress up in a trench coat, high heels and sunglasses (and nothing else) and pay a surprise visit to Mr. Capricorn’s private office for a mid day romp? Fetish wear, piercings and other edgy accoutrements should find its way into your buttoned up exteriors if you want to keep sparks alive after the five oclock whistle blows.

Make it Work: They are both committed to success, there is no difference in love. They want the same in love, which means a long happy life together. Goats will feel deeply wounded by it unless it is their intent, which is hardly ever the case with Capricorn. When problems arise, both need to handle them with strategy and diplomacy that both are happy with. If there is any sign committed to making it work long term is the Capricorn. The match is one that has high chance for love compatibility working , so long as both exercise patience with each other.

Aquarius & Capricorn

ELEMENT:  Capricorn is Earth, Aquarius is Air, Earth builds on Air’s nature
QUALITY:  Capricorn is Cardinal, Aquarius is Fixed, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Capricorn is Yin, Aquarius is Yang, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Semisextile, Cosmic combination

Overall: There are a lot of differences, but these two can still have fair shakes. It will take a long time for this relationship to go anywhere as they take forever to trust each other. They bring very different strengths to the table that each are attracted to. Capricorn and Aquarius are also committed to long term love. This bodes well for the long term status of the relationship. Capricorn is methodical and Aquarius is idealistic. With their heads together, there is nothing they can’t do. This pair is ‘in it to win it.’ They are two status seeking go getters that love a good challenge, which can put a damper on spontaneity. They truly can have it all, since both truly understand each other’s tireless ambition.

Positive: They are both committed to making this love match work. Once they get together, their bond is difficult to shake. Fixed Air Aquarius and Cardinal Earth Capricorn both want success in love. Both are willing to do whatever it takes. Although both Capricorn and Aquarius go about this different ways, they are really turned on by this trait in the other. Capricorn is the goal oriented one and Aquarius is attracted to this and to the social status that Capricorn has to offer. Aquarius is ruled by the unusual Uranus. Capricorn will appreciate the quirks and intellectual approach that Aquarius takes to life. Capricorn isn’t very emotional and appreciates how Aquarius doesn’t need to discuss every feeling. Aquarius likes the same thing in Capricorn and will inspire Capricorn to engage in the dreamer side of life on occasion. Marriage Material! Both thrill at the prospect of a challenge and will work tirelessly to achieve a goal. This relationship is built for having it all and dreams become a reality quickly when you join forces. Neither of you is a quitter, so when you commit to each other, you’re all in. Capricorn brings out the practical planner in Aquarius, while Aquarius teaches Capricorn how to juggle multiple ambitions. With all that go getter energy, you may splash cold water on each other’s spontaneous nature.

Challenges: Where this match will run into trouble will be in their stubborn ways. Capricorn and Aquarius are strong willed in their own unique methods. They have opinions that neither one likes to stray from, so compromise will be a problem with this pair. Aquarius as a Fixed sign is not one to budge from their opinion and so Capricorn will be doing a lot of bending of will, which will be uncomfy. Capricorn also finds Aquarius a little too out of the box sometimes. Capricorn likes things predictable and stable. Being ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is anything but and could get on Capricorn’s nerves more than once. Aquarius also does not like to be controlled or dominated, which only comes naturally to Capricorn. Two project managers sharing one bed can turn disastrous if you don’t manage your overachieving ambitions. When you inevitably start mapping out your relationship on an excel spreadsheet, red flags! How about scheduling in some fun for a change. Those vacations you used to love? You might lose unless you pause to assess the big pic before you commit to a lifetime of massive projects. Do you really need to renovate the house, home birth children, start a global charity, and take your parents to an Italian Villa in same 6 month period? Although you CAN do it all, loosen up the timelines you place on each other or you could burn out before your romance has a chance to heat up.

Make it Work: There will be some problems in play with this battle of wills. Both have opinions and both are stuck in their ways. Compromise will be a useful tool in this relationship. Neither one likes to be controlled and yet both signs like to do the controlling, so there will be some problems for the love match. Both want a long term love that works. Both have an unyielding devotion to each other. Focusing on shared visions and taking turns compromising will ensure this match lasts to success in love that both need.

Pisces & Capricorn

ELEMENT:  Capricorn is Earth, Pisces is Water, Harmonious blend for comfort
QUALITY: Capricorn is Cardinal, Pisces is Mutable, Directing the flow
POLARITY: Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Sextile, Best of friends

Overall: When they first come together in love compatibility, this will be a situation where opposites seem to prevail. At only a surface glance, if both are willing to give the relationship a whirl, they will find a mutually satisfying and devoted experience that they don’t want to let go. Capricorn adores Pisces emotional and kind approach to life. Pisces loves how Capricorn can ground them with just a smile. This Water and Earth combination is one that will nurture each other through almost any test, so long as they can stay focused on the task at hand which is success in love. This relationship is harmonious and balancing. These two polar opposites seem to compliment each other perfectly, which can lead to a codependent dynamic. A Capricorn and Pisces relationship can thrive if you give each other enough space to truly be themselves with plenty of ‘built to last and even marriage potential.’

Positive: Some say there is nothing in common, that doesn’t mean they won’t make it. This is Cardinal Earth Capricorn and Mutable Water Pisces. When Water and Earth combine, love is good, they nurture each other over time. Both want the same things, but they go about it in different ways. Pisces loves how real Capricorn is, how grounded they are. They never have to guess what page Capricorn is on. Capricorn is very attracted to the dreamy and emotional side of Pisces, even if Capricorn isn’t that open to Pisces at first. Pisces has a kindness for humanity and instinctive knack for unconditional love which Capricorn can’t help but fall in love with. Capricorn and Pisces want a love that lasts, both have all the devotion for each other to ensure that it does. Can’t live with you, can’t live without you. Hardworking Capricorn meets escape artist Pisces and BAM! You see the missing link in your lives and rainbows and sunshine burst through the gloomy clouds of pessimism you’re both prone to stewing in. Suddenly Capricorn is wearing an ascot to work instead of a tie and quoting the poet Rumi during client meetings. Pisces can kiss those woes goodbye, as high earning Capricorn can’t help but sugar Mama/Daddy to the object of their affection. This relationship may have to break up and come back together again a few times before it finally settles into an easy going groove. Give each other space and trust that if its meant to be it will be. If this does evolve into marriage, you’ll set up a pleasant easy going life together that’s as poetic as it is practical. As they mutually respect each other they have a high sense of loyalty.

Challenges: There are fundamental personality differences between Capricorn and Pisces that could pose some problems in love. Capricorn is slow and methodical and thinks everything through. It is a highly rational sign that doesn’t appreciate or even need overt displays of emotion. Pisces on other hand  is one that wears their heart on sleeve and wants to talk about emotions all the time. Pisces may become frustrated with Capricorns rational approach. Capricorn may become tired or overwhelmed with Pisces emotional approach. Pisces is easily wounded emotionally. Capricorn has a critical side that can be taken the wrong way. A meeting of minds and compromise will be required on both parts for love to stand test of time. Being kept can be be uncomfy for Fish, because you’re much more used to playing the sacrificial martyr role. Plus Pisces HATES to be controlled and Capricorn is all about having control. Once connected it is a hard habit to break. There is a codependent energy that flows between you. Literally feels as if you need each other for oxygen sometimes.

Make it Work: For Capricorn and Pisces to make it work both have to be focused on just that. Differences between the two will need to be overcome and both committed to compromise. Pisces will need to exercise their Mutable nature when Capricorn is too unyielding to new ideas. At the same time, Capricorn could stand to exercise more adventure and be willing to explore fantasies with Pisces. Capricorn wants a devoted partner and Pisces would have stop flirting so much to complement each other.


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