The Importance of Numerology in Marriage
Marriage is an important event in ones life. It can also be said as the transition stage of a person. So much of importance is given for marriage, as a wrong wed-lock can become deadlock!. Hence thorough planning and research has to be done while choosing a marriage date. We will show you how to pick the best marriage dates using Numerology.

The marriage date is a crucial and important factor in determining ones marriage life. “If a couple gets married in an auspicious date then their marriage life and also their progeny would be prosperous and healthy with great Bliss! Numerology helps us to choose an ideal date to get married considering the couple’s date of birth. Best dates to get Married 1 and 9 are best dates in numerology to get married for persons born on any number. Note that the destiny number should be 1 or 9. Consider this date for eg: 1 5/11/2008 —- 1+5+1+1+2+0+0+8 = 18 (1+8=9). Here the destiny number is 9 in numerology! like this choose a muhurat day which has destiny number 1 or 9. Birth number or Destiny number and the ideal date for marriage/span according to numerology (Sum of date+month+year).
Numerology Numbers to Consider for the Best Wedding Date
- people who are 1 born (1,10,19,28) or with destiny number 1.
- 1 born or destiny number 1 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1.
- people who are 2 born (2,20,29) or with destiny number 2 in numerology
- 2 born or destiny number 2 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 or 7
- people who are 3 born (3,30,12) or with destiny number 3 in numerology
- 3 born or destiny number 3 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 3 or 9
- people who are 4 born (4,13,22) or with destiny number 4 in numerology
- 4 born or destiny number 4 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 or 7
- people who are 5 born (5,14,23) or with destiny number 5 in numerology
- 5 born or destiny number 5 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 9
- people who are 6 born (6,15,24) or with destiny number 6 in numerology
- 6 born or destiny number 6 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 6 or 9
- people who are 7 (7,16,25) or with destiny number 7 in numerology
- 7 born or destiny number 7 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 or 2
- people who are 8 (8,17,26) or with destiny number 8 in numerology
- 8 born or destiny number 8 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1
- people who are 9 born (9,18,27) or with destiny number 9 in numerology
- 9 or destiny number 9 should get married in a date which has destiny number 9, 3, or 6
Marriage dates to be avoided
Marriage dates ( again i mean the destiny number) should never fall on 4,8 , or 5. specifically 5 can cause even a divorce between couples. hence these dates should be strictly avoided ! In the world of numerology, 5 should be always avoided for marriage. You can learn more about numerology and marriage at our specific marriage page located at this URL: May your love life be blessed and your marriage sacred and happy!
KUBENDHAR 25-05-1973 tob 16.38 pob srinagar jk & PRATIMA 22-10-1976 tob 19.30 pob ankleshwar gujrat is it worth geting married both of us?? will our life be sucessfull? will she be suportive in my carrier plan? can we hv twins 😉 ? now i am working in a hotel BAR with alcohol-which type of product bussiness sutabel for both of us in our future? plz suggest the BEST MUHURTHAM DATE for geting married in augest 2009 sept 2009 oct 2009 nov 2009 jan2010 feb 2010?
Hi sir my dob 09-dec-1987 & her dob is 11-nov-1992. We are planning to get married on 01 Dec 2017. Is that a good date or if not any suggestions ??
hello sir, Ur doing a great job. my date of birth is 17-05-1976, n her date of birth of his 26-7-1978 . we r getting married on 28th oct 2009. how is d marriag date.
but our both names comes to 5 sir. if the marriage date is not good wht is d remedy, cox we cant change our marriage date. so pls help us.. im wating for ur reply soon.
ur regards
hello sir … …our marriage date we plan is on 09/10/2010 or 06/11/2010…my date of birth 09/04/1981 …his 27/11/1976 ,,,is it this date suitable for our marriage
pls reply as soon as possible..pls
Both dates are good as per numerology, but for marriage one has to consider many things, like ruling constellations on that day, and must see whether there is Kasara Yoga on that particular day. Kasara Yoga should not be there on that day. This can be seen by a astrologer comparing the horoscope of both persons. But if its a love marriage, then no need to see all this traditions
hi sir would u like to help us whats the best date to get married..our planned date is july 10, birth date is 04-16-1980 and my fiance is 05-08-1966.will u please help us sir if that date is good..tnx and hoping for ur reply!!
Date as 10th is very good for marriage, specially when the woman’s birth date is 8
hi maam, magpapakasal ka na pala? kailan po ba?
Hello Sir, I have a question about compound number 18 with relation to marriage. I read that marriage on destiny 9 day is auspicious but what if it is 18 before you reduce to 9 (9/21/2013)? I have read that planning anything on 18 day is not good…. thank you Love Eleni
Yes, 18th is not good. but life path cannot be considered as 18, it will be considered as single number only which is 9, date as 18th alone should be avoided, like September 18th or July 18th
Vanakkam Sir. I planned to get married this year in August. My DOB is on 22/10/1980 and my fiance is on 13/12/1981. Since both of us are 4, our Ideal number is 1 I believe as per you stated in this website. Is 28/08/2010 is good enough? I heard the number 28 in overall is good but there will be some hicup. Pls advice
check for 10th and 19th also,
We are thinking of getting married on 15th or 16th July 2010. My birthdate is 18th November 1954 and his 23rd February 1959. We are limited with dates due to childrens work commitments! We live in London. Many many thanksfor your views. Alexander and Caroline
July 15th is better than 16th, so try to get married on 15th
HI Im getting married on February 8, 2010 and now im becoming anxious if it’s a lucky date to get married. I was born on June 29, 1985 and my fiance was born April 21, 1986… please help me.. thanks
Even though its 8th, no need to worry about it, since you have made all arrangements i dont think its for u change the date, But marryin on 8th can some times lead to delays in financial status or child birth. But not always.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the article. I had earlier sent in my info for a report, but unfortunately did not receive a reply. The name is Aryaman Chandra and DOB is Dec 23rd 2005. Time of Birth 5:12 pm. Place : Orlando – Florida. Please can you send me a report, With the details I have provided.Thank you.
Sir, hv sent a mail on ur gmail id, pls do reply, (by mistake I wrote hotmail id earlier.
awaiting ur reply …
Thank you for clarifying!
sir i got married on 8-3-2009 (destiny num (4)) , peoples are saying that is not good date, try to remarry on temple on good date, i want to know the good date , my DOB num is 12-7-1982 my wife DOB is – 11-12-1984, pls clarify my doubt. which one is important date or destiny number.
hi Sir,
My dob is 19.10.73 and my husband’s is 5.11.74. we got married on 17.02.2002. Thus the destiny no comes to 5. We are facing a lot of problems in our life. Nothing happens easily. we have a 4yr old daughter but due to my job I have to stay away from my family. I am even facing problems in my job and am looking out for new job which again is not coming easily. Is this all because of our marriage date 5? If yes kindly tell us wat to do now. Please help, we are really desperate to reunite.
Best regards,
Hi, me too, same DOB, 19/10/73 0039 GMT, London. I’m an astrologer so feel to reassure you that you/we have good reason to be having a hard time at the moment. We’re learning alot thanks to pluto square pluto and pluto opposite saturn. We will feel so much better from 26/12/10, which isnt long to go. I know just how your feeling and send you love. Where in the world do you live? I’m in England..
Hello sir, our marriage date we plan to 7/06/2010 my dob is 28/12/1985 and his dob 2/7/1980 is it this date suitable for our marriage please reply as soon as possible
hello sir,our marriage date plan to june 7th 2010,my date of birth is 28th dec 1985 and his is july 2nd 1980,is it is suitable for our marriage reply me as soon as possible
Hello sir, we have planned to get married on 21st april 2010. my dob is 6th nov 2010 and her dob is 14th aug 2010. Is it suitable for our marriage… Reply me as soon as possible….
You have provided wrong birth date, you cant be born 2010. And april 21st is a good date to marry
Hi…second marrage for both of us…he wanted a winter month so originally picked 12/11/2010, but thinking we need a bit more time (want to avoid both months of our previous marriages which are May and July). My birthday is 4/11/1964 his 6/7/1966. Also want a Saturday. Any suggestions?
Hi! I’m going to get married on 29th Aug 2010 (destiny number 4). My DOB is 7th Jun 1984 and my fiance’s DOB is 4th Feb 1982. Is it a good date to marry? How will be my life with him.
both of them have life path as 8, so it will better if you get marry in dates with number 1 or life path 1.
my dob 2-11-82 my fiance is 9-7-71. We want to get married summer 2011. We were thinking 6-11-2011. is that a good date or if not any suggestions ??
/what to know the best date for my wedding.. It will be my second and his first. My bday is 9-19-1974 and his is 4-9-1980.. I want to get mariied his years asap. within a few months.. Please help
Hi, mail me with your birth details including place of birth, Ill give you the dates for marriage.
I was born in San Fernando, ca on 2-16-71.
andrew hardwick was born in perth, australia 1-24-75
I am pagan
we were thinking of a 3-20-11 wedding, we have had to reschedule it 3 times, this will make 4, due to his work, my being sick, and money.
what are our odds with that, at this point?
my name is v.bhargavi pirya dob:23-04-1986 raasi:kanya nakshatram:chitta and my hubby name is v.avinash dob:24-06-1984 rasi:karkatakam nakshatram:bharani i want to know the mugurtham dates match for us in august
hai im born in 25/11/1990 and my boyfriend is born in 27/05/1989 we are planning to get married in MARCH but we have not yet decided on the date…………so it would be so helpful if u could please be kind enough to suggest us a date to get married which may preferrably fall after Mrach 17th 2010, we love each other madly and truly so i want these things to be the same after marriage too. Please help me
Krishan, If its a general name change then i can give as i can spend the time required for it, but choosing a marriage date is a time consuming process, it takes hours to finalize a date. When it comes to marriage, its not the date but the time of marriage is very important factor which takes hours to finalize, i am afraid i cant do this one as a free service as it needs considerable man hour. If you wish i can do this for a paid service which will be satisfying for both you and me.
hello , female birth date feb 11,75, male birth march 8,74, we want to get married in sept, 2010 or october, we planned sept 11, but we had some $ issues and we will decide the day the next month, we are from mexico., thanks..
Hello! My boyfriend and I were both born in Los Angeles, CA. He was born on 2/22/1968 and I on 2/17/1964. We would like to get married in August or October , 2010. We have been together for over 16 years and would really appreciate it if you could give us a suggestion for a good wedding date. Thank you.
Rosemary, If its a general name change then i can give as i can spend the time required for it, but choosing a marriage date is a time consuming process, it takes hours to finalize a date. When it comes to marriage, its not the date but the time of marriage is very important factor which takes hours to finalize, i am afraid i cant do this one as a free service as it needs considerable man hour. If you wish i can do this for a paid service which will be satisfying for both you and me.
Note sure if I’m figuring dates out correctly. my b/date is 22/12/1969=32=5, Wayne’s is 21/01/1963=23=5. So do I pick my (day) to be on the 9, 6 or 3? or is it a 2011+mo+day?
I was born 09/11/1965 (MM/DD/YY) and she was born 06/04/1976 (MM/DD/YY) and we were married on June 3 2000. Was June 3 2000 a good date for us to have been married on?
Thank you
Hi My birthday is October 20, 1980 and his birthday is on October 7, 1981.
We’re planning to get married on September 10, 2011. Is this a good date for us? Hope to hear from you. Thank you.
My birthday is 23/03/1979, my fiance is 08/11/1977. We are planning to get married next year – 16th July 2011 – is this a good date for us?
Hello Sir,
I was born on 23.12.1986 and he was born on 23.10.1980. Please advise us is 24.09.2010 would be correct date for us to marry or suggest us another good date in September 2010.
We’re planning to get married late next year or early on 2012. Can you help us find a perfect date to get married? My birth date is Feb. 15, 1978 and he was Dec. 5, 1979. Thank you!
hello sir.i got married on the’s a civil wedding.if i get married again ( church wedding) in the 1st or 7th day will it make a difference?but i think the date we still need to follow or use is the civil wedding.can u advise me pls?
my dob 5-11.77 and her dob 16.12.86. We would like to marry in January 2011. Kindly suggest the best date. PLS. We value your suggestions
I’d like to ask for my sister who plan to get married next year. Her birthday is Oct. 30, 1971 and her fiancé is April 23, 1973… Is January 14, 2011 a good date for them?
my birthday is 02-10-1970 and my future husband was born 12-12-1968. We are considering getting married 12-12-2012. We are not 100% decided on the date and it could be anytime from 12-12-2010 until 12-12-2012. What would the best date to get married based on our birthdays?
my fiance has a birth number of 11 (or 2) and I have a birth number of 3.
We are thinking of a date for November 2010, December 2010, or Jan 2010. What is the best number for us to marry is it a 9?
okay I made a mistake in my previous post…
my birth date is aug 20, 1982 and my fiance is aug 10 1982 … so I am not sure which is the best date I was thinking of dec 3, 2010 (because it adds up to 9). Is that how we are to do it? what is the number that is my birth number is it 2 or is my birth number 8+2+0+1+9+8+2=3 or is that 3 considered my life path. Please help as I am not sure if you want us to calculate the entire date, or just the day number.
so, now I see that by birth number you mean if you are born aug 20 1982 your birth number is 2 and your marriage date (destiny number) should be a 1. and the same with my fiance who his birth number is a 1 (aug 10 1982) and since our marriage date should be a 1, is Jan 14 2011 a perfect date for us. It adds up to 1+14+13=28=10=1
If this is the best date for us then we will schedule our wedding for this date
The life path is 1 on jan 14th, but there are many factors to consider in choosing a marriage date, numerology is an important factor, addition to that there are other factors (astrological)
If you are in urgency and need a good date, then we can follow the numerology and finalize a good one, but if you want the ideal or the best date, then we have to consider astrological factors.
@krysta isnt it 1+1+4+2+0+1+1?l
hi…i just want to ask if what’s the best date to get married?
my fiance’s birthday is May 12,1982 and mine is March 18,1982 … where planning to get married this coming may 2011..our choice is may 8 , 15 , 22 which is the best date for us… ty 🙂
Finalizing the best date for marriage involves atleast 3 to 4 hours of thorough analysis, these times i am unable to dedicate such long hours, hence i am giving only as paid consultation. if you are interested, you can visit my page here to order one:
Finalizing the best date for marriage involves atleast 3 to 4 hours of thorough analysis, these times i am unable to dedicate such long hours, hence i am giving only as paid consultation. if you are interested, you can visit my page here:
Kindly suggest me a best date of my marriage.
My birth date is 16.06.1984 and my partner birth date is 15.08.1981.
We are planning to get marry in Jan 2011.
Requesting your early response to decide please.
Finalizing the best date for marriage involves atleast 3 to 4 hours of thorough analysis, these times i am unable to dedicate such long hours, hence i am giving only as paid consultation. if you are interested, you can visit my page here to order one:
I was wondering whether you could tell me what would be the best date for us to get married. My DOB is 6/6/1981 his is 2/1/1975. We are thinking Spring 2011 or 2012. Thank you SO much for your help!
Finalizing the best date for marriage involves atleast 3 to 4 hours of thorough analysis, these times i am unable to dedicate such long hours, hence i am giving only as paid consultation. if you are interested, you can visit my page here to order one:
I am not convinced with above article. Marriage is between two people and their numbers can differ. May be for one person one date suites but for other some other date suites for eg. if one is born on 5 or with destiny number 5 should marry on 5th but if he/she getting married to a 8 born or destiny number then? The above concept does not hold good.
Partially you are right, and thats why while fixing the marriage they choose the strongest partners (better birth numbers among two) favorable date to get married. for e.g., In a family of four, even if one has a auspicious chart, it can protect the whole family. Thts the law of planetary influences on humans.
i really like ur blog …..
me and ma fiance are getting married on 9-5-2011..i.e 9,9
my dob s 16-01-1987…..i.e 7,6….
n ma fiance’s dob s 18-02-1981 9,3
according to ur blog..(my destiny num is 6 and ma fiance’s num 9,3)… 9 is a good date to get married..
the date and destiny num of 9-5-2011 is the same….is it a good date to get married..pls let us know…..waiting for ur valuable reply..
how do you say it ends in 5, 8/13/2011 comes life path 7
its a suitable date. and compatible too, out of you both, you ll get benefited from marriage more than ur fiancee
What if your destiny numbers don’t match for a marriage date. What if my destiny number is 5 (32) and his is 4 (22). What date/destiny number should we pick for the marriage – 9, 1 or 4?
Dear Sir, My name is Dayanand, my DOB is 26-5-1978. Since 26 =8 (2+6). I need to change my name so that my name number comes to 5. I have selected Dayananda/Dayaanand. Problem is i also use initial on signatures like on cheques “E” at the end, ex: Dayanand.E. Should i need to change my spouse’s name also so that both our name number can be in 5.
What is the best date for an eleven born person?
we plan to marry 2011 and looking for best numerology number my dob is 6/11/48 his dob 10/09/47 which would be the best we are looking at sept 2011
Why should destiny number not be 8?
Hello Sir,
My marriage is fixed for 03 July 2011. My birth day is on 20 May 1982. My would be wife’s birth day is on 09 Nov 1984. When we add the number for the marriage date we get 5.
I am now in a big confusion. We cant change the dates. Could you suggest any remedy?
Please help.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
ok we want to get marry and our dob my 2-10-1981 i’m a 4 he is 8-25-1980 he is a 6 we want to get marry August 2011 what would be a good month and date for us please
hi my marriage is fixed for july 1, 2011. my date of birth is 1981sept 07 and her date of birth is 1981 Nov 14. Is this suitable?
hi my dob is 26/6/1981, which number is best for my marriage, by live path number or destiny number ,
Avoid, number 5,8,7,4,2 in marriage date and life path. Number 1 and 9 are best for marriage. See in may.
2012. May 9, 27 Are good ones, April 10, 19 are also choices. Make sure the dAy doesn’t fall on Saturday or tuesday. Thursday or Friday is good.
In doubt always go for number 9. Date and life path 9
my birthdate is 8/1/1952, my fiance birthdate is 9/23/1955. We want to get married in 2012. Both our spouses have passed away, so this will be a 2nd marriage for both of us. Which date is the best for us to get married. Can we get an answer asap? Much appreciate your reply.
good question, usually when there is a common presence of a number in both persons, like man born on 4th and woman with life path 4, then they can get married on 1st or 7th, but if birth numbers are different, then they can marry on a common benefactor dates like 1 and 9 which are universal good ones. specially 9. but marriage involes more that dates, like cosntellation, moons strength on that day, etc….
We are a destiny number 1 and a destiny number 2. Would 02/02/2012 be a good date to marry?
Or is 23/09/2012 much better.
Plan on getting married in 2012. I am 7/29/1968, he is 9/4/1973. Both end up with 6 as Destiny number. Not sure what the diff is between Destiny number and Born number. What dates should we attempt. Based on info above I came up with 6 or 9 in the date.
Thank you!
tell me your location, will post set of dates that are auspicious in 2012
Thank you! We are looking to get married on the beach possibly Ft Lauderdale or Key West.
Thanks! Either in FL on the beach (Ft.Lauderdale area) or Jamaica.
My bday is 3/16/1979. His is 12/2/1977. Both bad relationships so second marriage. Wanting outside wedding on our property n Indiana next to the river. Must b a Saturday wedding. Thinking of date 08/18/2012. Wat r the odds? Or can u recommend Wat we shud think dif
date is one criterion, but there are other factors too
hi ,
My b’date is 8 feb 1989.fiance’s date of birth is 14 aug 1987.Is it good date to marry? how will b my life with him.
hello.our marriage date is on 04/4/2012 @4pm. my dob is 19/11/1978 and his dob is 29/3/1974.what can you say about it? thanks!
Hello sir, i am Sathia. my DOB is 26/01/1986. my future husband’s DOB is 14/04/1986. we were born in Malaysia. race:indian. we plan to get married on 5th september 2012. is this date will be suitable for us? if not can u suggest a suitable date for us in the month of august nad september 2012. we have no other choice than this 2 months. thank u sir.
Hi I have numerical number of 6 and I’m gnna get married with a person who has numerical number 1 when on April should be the best day to get married?
hai sir i don have my date of brith but my name is sriniva rao plz change my name plz reply
Hi Sir, My marriage date is on 1st June 2012 and my DOB is 13.03.1987 and fiance’s DOB is 23.01.1980 kindly let me is this wedding date is suitable for me.
hi my marriage date in 30-04-2007,am born in the year 6-12-1986 and my husband born in the year 12-1-1981.pls advice is our marriage date is fine…..
hi i got married in the date of 30-04-2007,my born date is 06-12-1986 and my husband born date is 12-01-1981…pl advice whether we live love and affectionately through out life……as we had so many problems due to other members of family this becoz we both get clashed everyday….
??? ? ???? ?? ??? ?????? ?? 22-?? ? ??????? ??? ????? 4-?? , ? ?????? ??? ?? ???? 17-??.???? ????? ?? ?? ?? 1 ? 7.
hi there! my husband and i are planning to have our church wedding on dec 05, 2012. we already got married on civil wedding on aug 23, 2002. is it good to have our church wedding on dec 5 2012? i am hoping for your reply. thanks and best regards
oh by the way my husband’s dob is feb 16 1979 and mine is nov. 24, 1979 thanks
i am planning to get married on january 8,201 his dob is oct.25,1987 and my dob is may 26,1991 is it the best wedding date?pls we need ur response tnx
Have a question my fiance destiny number is a 6 while mine is a 4what date would be best for us to ge married? My dob is 17.09.1985 . My fiancée is 18.09.1986. Thank you
Hi sir my DOB is 31/12/1986 & his DOB is 10/9/1966..destiny number in common is1.kindly advice a good wedding date for this aug or sept.
hi, my birthday is 31.12.1971 and his is 1.8.1975 what would be the best dates for us, it would be good to have a few options, as far as i can work out from this 1 is the only option? As a side the first time I msrried it was on the 5th….ended badly. Thank you
hi my dob is 15 09 1981 and my fiance dob 17 11 1981 . we are getting married on 14 th feb 2013 . kindly let me know if this date is fine.
[email protected]
My D.O.B 30.11.1982 and my bf’s birthday is on 04.04.1982 We are planning on having our
wedding date in 2013. Can you please tell me if that’s a good
date for us? Thank you.
sir, my dob 28.7.1981 and her dob 3.3.1987, we plan to marri date 15.3.2013 this date suitable for my marriage date and how will my life please reply sir
My marriage is scheduled on 04.03.2013, Monday in Tamilnadu, India. Is it a suitable date for us? My date of Birth is 14.06.1979 and her date of birth is 14.04.1982. Kindly reply.
Hello sir, our marriage date we plan, my dob is 16/10/1986and his dob 11/11/1984
is it this date suitable for our marriage please reply as soon as possible
Unless i analyze your charts; i will not be able to choose or suggest. im afraid you need to get a paid reading
My name is radhika my birthdate is 14/10/1989 and my husband name is Naitik his birthdate is 17/10/1985 our marrige date is 29/1/2015. we are passing in many problems.
Relationship can be improved by doing the correct remedies. For strengthening your relationship. Both should do the below given remedy.
1. Keep fast on Mondays
2. Offer Jal to Shivling every mondays
3. Refrain from Non Veg and Alcohol diet for 43 days
I got married in 26th jan 2015, It was the good date to get married? please revert back.
Thank you. getting married on 24/03/2018,is the date is gud for us as my partners birthday on 24/12/1988 and mine is 10/09/1988
Dear sir,
My birthday is 27/08/1991, my fiance is 12/01/1992. We are planning to get married this year on 30th Nov 2017 is this a good date for us? Please please reply as soon as possible…
Sir my fiance dob is 17/12/1976 and mine is 07/01/1979 we are planning to get married on 29/11/2017 is this a gud date.
Yes 29th November is a auspicious day for getting marriage. Marriage can be considered.
Hello sir, my marriage date has been fixed on 29th Jan,2018. My D.O.B is 28/02/1990 and his D.O.B is 31/10/1989. Is it the suitable date for our marriage ?
Please reply soon.
Kindly note that 29th January 2018 is not a good day for getting married. As a matter of fact complete January 2018 there are no marriages February 05, 2017. Kindly select a another day which will promise you happy marital life.
Boys DoB is 25-5-1986 n girl DOB is 26-8-1985.n marriage date is fixed it good mahurat??
5th February is a good Mahurat for marriage so it can be considered.
Navneet Khanna
But it was said 2,4,5,7,8 shouldn’t be considered both for date and lifepath no. Know??
Boys DOB 25-6-1986 n girl DOB is 27-8-1985.marriage date fixed on it good mahurat??
Yes 5th February 2018 is a good Mahurat for marriage. All the best in your wedding life ahead.
Boys DOP is 29.11.1987 at 5.40 am place Machalpattanam (AP) and girls DOP is 19.07.1988 at 8.10 am place Karwar (Karnataka). Kindly suggest best marriage date among 18.04.2018, 25.04.2018 and 02.05.2018.
Hello! My birthdate is 11/25/53. My fiancé is 2/6/1955. We would like to marry in 2018 late November or early December. Are either 12/1/2018 or 12/2/2018 good days to marry. Thank you, Lisa
My wedding date is 20-5-2015. My Husband’s DOB – 23-1-1987 and mine 24-12-1987. We are trying to conceive for the past 1.6 years and no luck. He has medical conditions of infertility. Could you please help us whether the wedding date is the reason for this and how to improve our chances of pregnancy.
Depressed so much because of this in life. We literally hate life and there is no love between us because of this issue. There is always fight. Please help!! Need some light in life to proceed.
Please provide complete birth details.
My wedding date is 20-5-2015. My Husband’s DOB – 23-1-1987 and mine 24-12-1987. We are trying to conceive for the past 1.6 years and no luck. He has medical conditions of infertility. Could you please help us whether the wedding date is the reason for this and how to improve our chances of pregnancy.
Depressed so much because of this in life. We literally hate life and there is no love between us because of this issue. There is always fight. Please help!! Need some light in life to proceed.
Please provide date, time and place of birth for detailed analysis.
Boys DOP is 29.11.1987 at 5.40 am place Machalpattanam (AP) and girls DOP is 19.07.1988 at 8.10 am place Karwar (Karnataka). Kindly suggest best marriage date among 23.03.2018, 02.04.2018 and 04.04.2018.
My dob is 5/1/1990 and my hubby dob is 24/12/1986 n our wedding date is 4/12/2015..Plz let me know about wedding date good date r wat sir
Why you want to know about the date now if it is good or bad, because now it cannot be altered. I suggest that if you are facing challenges in your relationship, do fasting on Mondays.
Birthdays are 5.18.1989. And 2.20.1983 . What are good days to get married in 2018.19or 20? And what are not? Thank you so much ! Thid will be so helpful for us
In the year there are many dates which are auspicious for marriage. You want to get married in 2018 or 2019 or 2020. You need to be very specific as to the year and month when you are looking for getting married, for us to help you on this front.
Hello Sir, My marriage date has to be finalized between these two dates 05-02-2018 or 11-02-2018 My D.O.B is 11/03/1986 and His D.O.B is 05/10/1983. Request you to advise the best dates for my wedding please. We are planning to fix wedding date on 05-02-2018, Is it the suitable date for muhurtham?
Please reply soon.
Yes 5th February 2018 is good day for marriage and marriage can be considered.
I was born on November 29 1984
And wife born on November 28 1987
I got married on 26 .01.2008
Please suggest me a good date in 2018
Your Question is not clear. You need date in 2018 for what?
There are no auspicious dates from 15th December 2017 to 2nd February 2018. Also, number 3 and number 9 have less felicity, do proper matching of the
horoscope before marriage.
I tried to send you a msg with more detailes on FB but didn’t get any respond back..
my name is Mahrou, and i was born on April 23, 1988
my fiancé’s name is Matthew and he was born on June 06, 1991
we plan to get married someday in January or early February.
– Please advise –
As per Indian calendar, there are no good dates until 18 February 2018. You can look after that period.
age 34 17-06-2017. Still not yet married. when marriage will happen
Please check your date of birth and provide correct and complete birth details.
age 34 17-06-2017. Still not yet married. when marriage will happen
Please check your date of birth and provide correct and complete birth details.
Hi my DOB is dec 21 1989 and his DOB is aug 18,1990. We’re getting married on 23rd of june 2018. Is this a good date? Thank you
Yes 23 June 2018 is an Auspicious date for marriage.
My DOB is 21/05/1993 at 10:00 am Friday.
His DOB is 15/03/1985 at 3:44 am Friday.
Is this marriage preferable?
Please suggest a good date for marriage in the month of Feb or Mar, 2018.
Thank you.
You are ruled by number 3 and the boy is ruled by Number 6. The 3-6 combination is a good one as they have similar tastes and likes. However flamboyant lifestyle of number 6 is not easy for number 3 to handle. Also, the relationship can be marred by possessive nature of number 3. Both need to give and take for this relationship to do excessively well.
my name is yogita , birth date 5/5/1990
and partner name is shivaji, birth date 5/5/1990
We are planning to get married coming april 2018.
Plz suggest date which will good for us.
You can get married on 18th April 2018, on the very auspicious day of Akshaya Tritya.
I need to pick a date to marry in Feb 2018. Dob 3/3/1972 for female. DOB 6/8/1971 for male. Please advise. Thank you.
The period from 5th Feb 2018 to the 11th February 2018 is a good period for marriage and you can get married during this period for a happy marital life. Best Wishes.
Hi sir,
My name is Akshay – DOB :10/01/1989 (DD/mm/you) , my partner name is Sailaja DOB:09/11/1988 (DD/mm/yy) we are planning to get married by March,plz suggest us a best date to get married ?
Thanks in advance
Venus is combust till 2nd February and thereafter Holaastak after February 23 2018 which is also not auspicious. You can get married between March 2nd to March 12, 2018.
My name is Ashok
My DOB 11/11/1989
My fiancee name is vimala
DOB 26/06/1995
Can I know the future details of us…
Marriage date fix in 14/03/2018
Is it good or any changes….
14 March 2018 is not a good period for marriage and new dates should be considered.
Hello Sir/Madam,
I love reading your blog as they are very informative and helpful. My question is this…My name is a 32 and so is my partners. We are both 32. Im born August 21,1978 and my partner born on September 12, 1973. We are getting married on July 1st, 2018. Its is a 1 day and 19 Destiny and on a Sunday. Our Lagna will be Libra. However, there are some difficult aspects and retrogrades in the chart for that day. Does that even matter? From what I understand the day and numerology is more important than the transit. Does the day promise success over transits in the astrology chart? I have yet to hear numerologist ellaborate on this.
Thank you for taking a moment to respond.
1st July 2018 is an auspicious day for marriage and can be considered.
Sir my dob is 19-7-1994 and his dob is 17-4-1991 ..would u give me auspicious date in march
There are good marriage dates from 2nd to 12th March. Thereafter there are no good dates for marriage till April 24th 2018. You can choose any dates between 2nd to 12 for marriage.
Hi Sir,
My DOB is 01-04-1989, his DOB is 11-05-1986, oue marriage date fixed on 23-08-2018, is this ok for us?
Please replay at the earliest, because they are going to book the hall by this weekend.
Thanks and Regards,
23 August 2018 is an Auspicious day for marriage and it can be considered.
My Name is Lokesha A
My DOB 08/08/1985
My fiancee name is Komala R
DOB 24/04/1996
Please let us know about wedding dates in the month of June 2018 ….
Kindly note that there are no auspicious dates before 17th June 2018. After 18th till 30th is a good period for marriage.
I would like to know whether June 3, 2018 date is fine for getting married.
Pradeep kumar- 15/08/1988
Kauviya- 19/09/1992
Kindly say me. Awaiting for your response
No June 03, 2018 is not an Auspicious date for getting married. Actually, there are not many auspicious dates in the month of June 2018. The marriage dates are after June 17th 2018.
Hi. My soon to be husband and I are getting married next year 29 June 2019. My name is Kris and DOB is 28 May 1987 and Don my soon to be husband is born on 15 May 1989. Would like to ask if the date we picked is auspicious for getting married? Thank you and more power.
Yes 29th June is an auspicious date for marriage and can be considered. Which you all the best in life ahead.
Can you give me a few best dates with our birthday’s? 10/20/82- mine
10/18/83- his
Thank you so much!
I appreciate your work
You need to be more specific as to which year, month you are looking for marriage.
Hi sir,
Is 27 August 2018 auspicious date for marriage? Groom DOB 26/8/1989, Bride DOB 28/3/1991
Yes 27 August 2018 is an auspicious day for getting married. You can go ahead with me.
My name is Caroline cross my D.O.B is 11/09/1978 and my husband to be is David Bowyer his D.O.B is 24/03/1969 what would be our best wedding date to choose ?
Please provide the date, time and place of birth for Horoscope analysis.
I am getting married either December 1, 2018 or December 15, 2018. Which is better? The 15th adds up to 6 but since it has the number 5 in it, does it carry the negative 5 vibrations?
Looking at both dates along with the planetary transits , December 15 2018 is a much better date for marriage.
My DOB is – 15-07-90 & the guy date is 22-08-90 our marriage date is predicted by pandit is 25 ,26 and 27 Jan 2019, and February 9, 26 2019 can you tell me which will be the best day of our marriage and it should be very lucky for both of us and our family life should be good .. plz suggest me best date for marriage .
All the dates given by the Pandit are correct as per astrology. You can consider any of the dates which suit yours and family schedule.
Sir… I’m Keerthi… my DOB is 1-12-1992 and my fiance’s DOB is 05- 04-1987. Our marriage date is fixed on 21- 12- 2018. Is it a appropriate day for us to get married… please suggest me sir… please…
Looking at the marriage dates for December 2018. 21 December 2018 is not an auspicious day for marriage. You should relook at this at the earliest.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am Krishna and my DOB is 13/12/1974 and My fiance Gayathri DOB 28/06/1987, we are getting married on 11/11/2018, is this the good date for getting married, please advise Sir…thank you for helping us to lead happy life…
11th November is not auspicious for marriage. You should consider some other date.
Dear Sir,
I am Krishna and my DOB is 13/12/1974, my fiance is Gayathri and her DOB is 28/06/1987, we are getting married on 11/11/2018, please advise whether this date is good for us to
thankyou Sir…
No this is not an auspicious date for marriage. There are no auspicious dates in November 2018. You may look at dates between December 10 to December 14, 2018.
Dear Sir, thank you so much for your reply. I request you to advise us a suitable date for marriage. we got this marriage date from the astrologer. So not sure what to do now…please advise…thanks…
My DOB : 13/12/1974, 11:40AM
girl’s DOB: 28/06/1987 9:35PM
Thank you..
Some of the good marriage dates are as under.
October – 10, 11 , 12
November – No dates
December – 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Dear Sir, thank you so much for your reply. I request you to advise us a suitable date for marriage. we got this marriage date from the astrologer, not sure what to do now…please advise…thank you…
My DOB : 13/12/1974, 11:40AM
girl’s DOB: 28/06/1987 9:35PM
Although you have not stated the months and tentative dates that you are looking for marriage. I have given some idea below.
October 2018: 10 to 12 October marriage dates
November 2018: No dates
December 2018: 10 to 14 marriage dates
January 2019: 15 January to 20 January and then 23 to 31 January
February 2019: 1st February then 5th February to 11 February, 14, 15, 19 onwards all dates
March 2019: 2, 3, 7 to 12 March , thereafter no dates till end of March 2019
Sir…. my marriage is already fixed on 21st.. of Dec…. please suggest me the remedy for this sir please……
Do Gauri Shankar Puja before marriage. The Gauri Shankar puja is of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati for blissful and happy marital life.
Navneet Khanna
Sarita mohanty
Angul odisha
What age will I get married
Marriage month
Marriage life
Sir plzz reply
As per your horoscope we see there is debilitated Rahu in the 7th house which is the prime house of marriage. Rahu in the 7th house is not auspicious. Rahu will bring delays and obstacles. Doing Rahu remedies is important for marital happiness.
Sarita mohanty
Angul odisha
What age will I get married
Marriage life
Marriage month
Plzz sir reply
As per your horoscope your 7th house which is the house of marriage is ruled by Mars. Mars is debilitated in your 3rd house this is not good. Mercury and Rahu are posited in the 7th house. 7th house coming under the Rahu – ketu axis is not auspicious. There will be delay and obstacles in your marriage and it is possible after July 2019. Do proper matching of the horoscopes for having happy marital happiness.
Dear Sir,
I am Jabasteen and my DOB is 07/05/1989, my fiance is Divya Blessy and her DOB is 05/11/1990, we are getting married , please advise whether this date is good for us to before december-2018
thank you Sir…
Some of the good dates for marriage are given below
October 2018 – 10, 11, 12
November 2018 – No Dates
December 2018 – 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
My date of birth is 21 Jan 1993 I want to my marriage in November 19 kindly suggest date
I assume you are referring to November 19, 2018. It is not a very auspicious day for marriage and another date should be explored.
Hello Sir,
My dob details are as follows-
dob-8th of July, 1987
time- 07:20 AM
Name- Gyan Prakash
Can you please analyse the chart, more so ,the navamsa, and briefly tell about my would be spouse.
Sir, as you can see, I’m a no.8 and my life path is 4, Sir, I’ve seen tremendous struggles in my life till now, specifically wrt to my education. I’m unemployed right now and looking for whatever opportunities I come across. Honestly speaking sir, ive lost hope of getting employed and starting a business isn’t my cup of tea. Im depressed. Cant see any glimmer of hope. Sir ive read your articles on no 8 and name number as well, and if I remember correctly you’ve mentioned that a 8 no. person, should necessarily have his name number as 5, that’s his only saving point. Sir Chaldean wise, my name no. is 32 ie 5 . but still I am facing delays in job, marriage.If you can look into my chart or numerologicaly it would be of great help. hope to get a reply from you soon. thank you.
As you are born under the influence of number 8, you will face many delays and obstacles in your life. You will face delay in settlement and also delay in getting married. The period till January 2020 is going to be with lot of struggle. You are passing through a period of Shani sadesatti. Doing remedies of Shani and reading Hanuman chalisa will help.
Navneet Khanna
Sir my dob 26-01-1994 place cuttack Orissa, time 5.55 pm .. sir I would like to know about my marriage ..How would it be.? When could it possibly be? Will it be blissful? Will I get a good partner..
As I am an 8 have seen so many misfortunes till now.. o just wondering how long life’s gonna be like this..
Also sir, how would my life be financially.. I m a doctor completed MBBS.. planning to do PG.. which branch would suit me in specialisation .. if u could tell me.. as in medicine/surgery/ pediatrics/ eye etc.. which I should opt…
Looking at your natal chart we see that you have Mars and Sun in the 7th house along with Venus and Mercury. Ketu also aspects your 7th house which is not good. Marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes to have a happy and blissful marital life. You can look at medicine or pediatrics line as it will suit you well.
Navneet Khanna
Girls dob 05/11/1991and boys dob 26/06/1990 kindly suggest marriage date in the month of April 2019
My date of birth is 5/11/1991
My fiancee dob 26/6/1990
Kindly analyse both kundalis and suggest best marriage dates in months of april and june 2019…..sir…is 26th April 2019 good for both of us.
Please send complete birth details for analysis.
My dob 5/11/1991
My fiancee dob is 26/6/1990
Kindly provide best marriage dates after analysing both kundalis …
Please do the needful
Please let us know which months you are looking for marriage.
My DOB 28-07-1995 and my husband DOB 15-11-2018 and i got married on 3rd february 2017 so can u tell me about our marriage life?
Please check your husbands birth date again and resend correct birth details once again.
Namaste sir. My name is prashanth. I want a good date for engagement and marriage for this year. My DOB is 17/03/1987 and the girls dob is 17/03/1984. Pls suggest me sir
Thank you
Please provide the date, time and place of birth for horoscope analysis.
boy named mr.sharath was born on 16-12-1988
girl named ms. snehalatha was born on 20-11-1987
Awesome. Helps all the bachelors to choose the best pair numerologically. Thank you for sharing the wonderful information.
Hello sir my dob 03/06/1994 my hubby dob31/01/1992.we are planning Jan 2021 please suggest me date of Jan month or any month also sir.Kindly provide best marriage dates after analysing both kundalis sir
Sir my date of Birth is 16 jan and his is 4th feb can we get married on 21st August.
Hi sir my DOB is 10.8.1981
My fiyancI DOB is 19.8.1985
We planned our marriage on 7.7.2021
Pls kindly reply and help me sir to start