

What is Mediumship?

Mediumship is the practice of mediating communication between the spirit world and the physical world, often spirits of the dead and the living. It includes spirit channeling, trance mediumship, and ouija. This can result in the offering of information, paranormal activities, channeling of energies, and manifestation in which the spirit gives itself some form for examination. The most common form of medium-ship involves the medium allowing the spirit to take control of their voice, though some mediums allow the spirit to write through them or control their body.  You check read more about mediumship here:


Mediumship requires cooperation between at least the medium and the spirit whether that spirit is a communicator or operator. Spirits that use the medium for communication are known as spirit communicators or spiritual advisors, while those that use the medium to manipulate energies are known as spirit operators. Being a spirit operator does not mean they cannot also be a communicator, in fact most spirit operators do, in fact, communicate. Because of this there are two types of mediumship, physical and mental.

Mental mediumship means that the medium is using their mental abilities, such as telepathy, to communicate with the spirit. In order to do this, the two must sync their vibrations. The medium must increase their vibrations while the spirit lowers their’s in order for the two to be on the same wave-length and communicate or operate with one another. The medium may use any number of abilities such as clairaudience to communicate with the spirit.

How Mediums Communicate

Physical communication involves things like channeling, where the medium synchronizes with the spirit and then allows them to take control of their body in some way. Some mediums, under the influence of spirits, have written series of books, others allow them to take control of their voice and speak to those gathered around them.

Trance mediumship is another form of mediumship that is similar to mental while having elements of physical. It is similar to channeling. The medium remains conscious and enters a trance. The spirit is then able to enter the medium’s mind and communicates with them. The medium then allows their own ego to step aside and lets the spirit speak through them. They are still in control of their body, but the spirit is in control of their mind. It is different than being asleep, as they are still conscious of some, if not all, of what is being said. It is a good idea, however, if you are going to practice trance mediumship, to have someone there who can write down the words.

It’s important when discussing mediumship to note that all mediums will have psychic abilities including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and others. This does not, however, mean that all psychics are mediums. There is a distinct difference between the two.

Many religions have incorporated types of mediumship into their rituals, however many others speak out against mediums and psychics both, condemning them as avenues for evil forces to take control of the body of the medium and use it for their own nefarious purposes. Many mediums and psychics dispute this.


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