Lucky Numbers in Numerology – Part 1


Lets understand one thing before going through this post, Not all numbers in numerology are lucky, and not all lucky numbers are lucky for everyone.

Lucky Numbers in Numerology – Part 1

There are totally 108 numbers in Chaldean Numerology. Beyond 108, a name value is confined to number within 108, e.g if a name number value comes 120, then it is counted as 102 (The numerology 3 series number close to 108), and the meaning of number 102 goes for 120. Learn more about the basics of these numbers at this part of the website.

Part I of this post consist of lucky numbers under numerology numbers 1 to 6.

  1. Number 1 series  is considered to be the most flamboyant of all numbers, majority of the numbers in 1 series are positive ones.  The top numbers of numerology 1 are Number 1, Number 10, Number 19, Number 37, Number 46.
  2. Number 2 is mainly suited for creative industries, and farming. Though there are very few number in 2 which are fortunate, some of them are gem of a kind ! The lucky numbers of Moon based 2 are 2,11, 47, and 65. Among these numbers, number 11, and 65 are top class numbers.
  3. Number 3 ruled by Jupiter is the heart of service oriented sectors. This includes media, communication, journalism, NGO’s and many more. Health and education sector is also ruled by number 3. The lucky numbers of Zeus are 3,21,30,57, and  75.
  4. The Urania number 4 is known for finding answers for the uplift of society. A constant seeker of answers for various issues that affect the life of humans. Very few numbers are deemed as lucky in  4 series. Some of them are 13, 67, and 103.Out of all, number 13 is the most powerful number (lucky for 4 born and 7 born)
  5. The mercurial number 5 is the most versatile of all numbers. Almost most of the numbers in 5 are considered to auspicious and universally lucky, a crowd favorite number indeed. The stellar ones in this group are 5,14,23,32,41,50, 59 and 68. Out of all the 5 numbers, number 23 is the luckiest and auspicious.
  6. The number which currently controls psyche of living beings. One of the powerful number of our planet system, and an inevitable part of every organism in this universe. Number 6 is one of the primordial numbers in numerology. Like 5, number 6 consists of maximum number of auspicious numbers. The list of great 6’s include number 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, and 60. Out of these, number 15 and 51 are the most vibrant and supreme numbers. These two numbers also belong to a group of greatest numbers.

The Part I comes to end from this post, Part II will include lucky numbers of number 7  to number 9.


  1. In the number 4 series I think number 49 is also very lucky. I have few friends with their name value as 49 and they are super lucky!!

    In the number 5 series number 77 is also very lucky specially for 8 borns.

    In the number 6 series number 96 is very powerful!!

  2. Hi,

    Why is 55 not considered a lucky number? Its description made it seem like a lucky number. Any particular reason?

    Thanks and regards,

  3. I am EXTREMELY confused about my lifepath and birth number! Please reply!

    My full name tallys up to 43, and my birth number is 7. could you please shed some light on this for me? Name changing is not an option for me.

    I found this page using real-wishes, and all your articles are amazing.

  4. hai sir,this is very good website,thank you for giving valueble information

    my name is: KARRI SIV SRAAVAN

    D.O.B: 12-11-1990


  5. Dear sir, I am Somnath Mali, a struggling singer. My date of birth is 10/10/1989. Cant get any good opportunity. Is my name correct according to numerology or I should change the spelling. Please advice me. Thank you very much.

  6. Dear Sir, My name is N. Krishnamurthy, D.O.B. is 30/03/1982.
    My life has been a struggle since birth. There is no permanent job. My marriage life is not at peace. It is not yet known when this will be correct. I pray to the gods and pray daily. I don’t know if my name is on the date of birth. I request you to give me a good advice. In my certificate or some of my ID proofs my name letters are ‘N Krishnamoorthy”

  7. Dear sir, I am sandeep kaur and doing a private job in immigration office as a admission officer as well as a receptionist or study visa counselor . My date of birth is 02/12/1995. Cant get any good opportunity. Is my name correct according to numerology or I should change the spelling. Please advice me. I am worry about my marriage. Please let me confirm .. I want to do love marriage …is it impossible according to my numbers or not please rp my as soon as possible ….. Thankyou so much


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