Numerology Number 7


Another Wonderful day has begun ! So far we have seen people who are into politics,arts,business and now we will discuss about people who are into religion, spirituality, and the metaphysics. All these qualities can be applicable to people born on numerology number 7 and 8 in numerology. But there are difference between number 7 born and 8 born in numerology, i.e. 7 born people explore the spirituality in the roots of mantra,tantra and yoga whereas 8 born persons are more into philosophical path exploring the qualities of man,god and purpose of life in world. 8 borns seek an answer for who is God? but 7 borns practice what it takes to reach god. In this way a 8 born can most of the time leave everything that’s worldly and become a saint but whereas a 7 cannot leave everything and become a saint so easily.

Numerology Number 7

The intelligence to know the beyond will be the final quest for a 8 born person and the power to experience the beyond will be the final quest of a 7 born person. Now lets go deep into number 7, In numerology persons born on 7,16 and 25 and life path number 7 comes under number 7 and are ruled by planet kethu.

Number 7 born in numerology are the only persons who are blessed with spiritual medium. Their body is blessed with natural chakra energies which creates strong magnetic field around them which makes them experience many spritual powers. Our ancestors divided all great things into 7, 7(saptha) swarangal, 7 (lokhas) worlds, 7 nerve points (nadi’s) etc… and there is much more information available about the root number 7 on this page:

Basic Nature

The moment we see a 7 born person, we can adjudge them as dignified person, they always like to dress elegant and project them as a clean and tidy person. Their face is attractive and most of them are tall persons, They are not chatter box but the every word they utter will be after thorough analysis and thinking. When they are with high confidence then one can see them talking nonstop about any topic given to them, but during low confidence they can be even compared to a mute person.

Another common character of a seven born person is short temper, most of them who comes under 7 are known for their bad temper. They long for solitude more than human bonding, Happiness or sorrow they prefer to enjoy it in solitude rather than share with others. Some 7 born person develop great passion for fine arts and turn on to become a legend in that particular field. martial arts legend Jackie Chan is 7 born and acting legend Marlon Brando is also 7 born.

Numerology 7 born’s are deeply patriotic and devoted to their nation, they are strongly inclined to their traditional roots and customs. They wont easily welcome changes. One of the saddening things about 7 born is their marital life, Even one in thousands also hardly get the woman they like or want to get married, Their marriage s are mostly fruitless and they live by compulsion. They live with their spouses for the sake of their culture or society, very rarely these 7 borns are blessed with a good wife. 7 borns don’t follow others , but they create their own rules and path. If a person is birthdate is 7 and lifepath 2 then they will enjoy great success, if its 7 and 5 unexpected success will come, 7 and 9 life will move very softly and peacefully, for another lifepath number their life will turnout according to the numerological significance of that number.


  1. Good work! Thank you!
    I always wanted to write in my blog something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog?
    Of course, I will add backlink?

    Sincerely, Timur I.

  2. Hello… I have a doubt regarding number 7… In many of the books,sites etc… I came across like number 7 faces many problems in their marriage life… Is it true?

    • Yes its true but not for every 7 born, There are also 7 borns who have a good marriage life, Not all the numbers are compatible to 7, numbers like 2,7,9 and ppl born on this dates can be understanding of 7 born and be with them, if a 7 born marries a 8 born or 4 born or 1 born, then misunderstanding do bound to happen.

  3. My dob is 22/11/1971 Birth place is Baran(Rajasthan) time 3:45 in the morning. I m going to start my home furnishing business. could u sugest my company name.

    thanx & regards

  4. Sir ,
    I had posted a query for my wife who is a ‘7’ born under the ‘8’ born. If that was a mistake , I am taking the liberty to post it again under ‘7’ born. Please excuse the oversight.

    My name wife’s name is Preeti Bhardwaj DOB 7th July 1962. Time 4:20 am New Delhi.
    First I would like to know if her name is correct according to numerology.

    Secondly ,she in the fitness business and wanted to keep the fitness Studio’s name as CORE FITNESS STUDIO’ but a friend suggested me to spell it as ‘ KORE FFITNESS STUDIO’. I need your help to know if this is correct or how else should she can spell it. She is opening in a few days away and I shall really appreciate an early response from you and if you could answer both the above questions.

    • Arvind,

      Her name (47) is good considering her birth date 7, but her lifepath is 5, hence name in 5 will be tremendously favorable for her.

      CORE FITNESS STUDIO comes 71, which is not a good choice at all for her.

      KORE FFITNESS STUDIO comes 78, which is a auspicious one for business. Carry on with this name

  5. Sir ,
    Thank you so much for your response. Could you suggest how she could arrive with a name in 5. Your suggestions would be valuable.
    We are going ahead with ‘Kore ffitness studio’ . Thank you once again.
    God Bless!

  6. Sir,

    You have given difference between 7 and 8, 7 and 2 then 7 and 5 combinations in begining of post and I am having born on 7 with Life path 8.

    I am born on 16 and having 35 => 8 as Life Path, so in what number should my current name be???

    Thanks in advance for your numerolofy suggestion.

  7. Dear sir,
    I am Sitaramaswamy(=32) with surname Mocherla(=30) and my dob is 25/Feb/1986. I was called mostly Sita(=9) and Sitaram(=16). I sign as M.Sitaramaswamy(=36). I was in a lot of financial problems now. Which name suits me well and what name numbers should I have to overcome my financial problems quickly and have a happy married life(as most of the 7 borns won’t have it).

  8. Dear sir,
    I am Sitaramaswamy(=32) with surname Mocherla(=30) and my dob is 25/Feb/1986. I was called mostly Sita(=9) and Sitaram(=16). I sign as M.Sitaramaswamy(=36). I was in a lot of financial problems now. Which name suits me well and what name numbers should I have to overcome my financial problems quickly and have a happy married life(as most of the 7 borns won’t have it). Please reply. Thanks in advance.

  9. This is Sitaramaswamy(=32) with surname Mocherla(=30) and my dob is 25/Feb/1986. I was called mostly Sita(=9) and Sitaram(=16). I sign as M.Sitaramaswamy(=36). I was in a lot of financial problems now. Which name suits me well and what name numbers should I have to overcome my financial problems quickly and have a happy married life(as most of the 7 borns won’t have it). I now that you are very busy. But please reply me.

  10. This is Sitaramaswamy(=32) with surname Mocherla(=30) and my dob is 25/Feb/1986. I was called mostly Sita(=9) and Sitaram(=16). I sign as M.Sitaramaswamy(=36). I was in a lot of financial problems now. Which name suits me well and what name numbers should I have to overcome my financial problems quickly and have a happy married life(as most of the 7 borns won’t have it). I now that you are very busy. But please reply me.

  11. Thank you for your informative post.

    I am born 7 and life path of 7 in my 40’s and not married , reading posts about 7&7 scares me as the married path is not encouraging. What would he best partner number be and also there is mentioned of financial wealth for 7&7 .Could you please explain a little on the wealth factor.

    Thanking you in advance.

    • 2 borns or 2 with life path are best partner, 3 borns are also are good ones. For 7 and 7 i cant say much about finance or marriage, 7 and 7 is a number who is more over destined to become like a Dalai Lama or Christ rather than business man or a happy couple

  12. Hello Sir
    My daughter’s date of birth is 20 / 06 / 2006. Her name is R. Rifa Zubeidaa.
    She is very adamant and is very late in speech. Please kindly help.


  13. sir, i m vipin dwivedi, nick name is gaurav …. my dob is 7 aapril 1985 , howz my future.. whtr i should change smthng frm name.. tell me somethng regarding career prospective

  14. Hello Sir!
    My full name is Indurthi Laxmi Sravanthi(=70) and dob is 16/Jan/1986. I sign as Laxmi Sravanthi(=42). Is my full name & signature name compatible to me? If I need to change my name, to which numbers should I go? If name change is necessary, please select from the following. Laxmi Sravnthi(=41), Llaxmi Sravanthi(=45), Laxmi Ssravanthi(=45).

  15. My name is Sitaramaswamy(=32) with surname Mocherla(=30) and my dob is 25/Feb/1986. I was called mostly Sita(=9) and Sitaram(=16). I sign as M.Sitaramaswamy(=36). I was in a lot of financial problems now. Which name suits me well and what name numbers should I have to overcome my financial problems quickly and have a happy married life(as most of the 7 borns won’t have it).

  16. Dear Sir,

    My name is Gherman Bogdan George, I was born in Romania on 22 March (03) 1980. You are very right about 7 lifepath and marriage, since I am about to get married the next year and I feel great anxiety about what turn my life will have.
    Do you have any suggestions, what ‘number’ would be the best for me?
    My future wife is born on 31 May 1986, she is a 6.
    Thank you very much!

  17. I am curious; what can one who is born on 7-7-77 expect out of life?? What are the positives and negatives, and what should one expect out of life?? I cannot find any information on that specific birth date, and do not know what to expect in life, even being at the age of 32!! Any info or sites you can give me would be extremely helpful!

  18. Hello Sir,
    I read some books on numerology and changing my name as per the instructions in the books. Please advise me if i can go ahead.
    Birth Date: 25-04-1979.
    Old name : R. Shyam Prasad.( R is my surname / family name which stands for Rudroju ) . My name equals to 35.
    I am a software engineer and i am being called in my office as ” Shyam Rudroju” (First name + Surname). As per the rules in the office, they consider only first name and surname and ignores middles name.
    After reading some books, i have decided to change my name to ” Shhyam Rudhroj “. This new name equals to 46. I have decided to remove my middle name ” Prasad” from my old name as no one considers it.

    Please tell me whether ” Shhyam Rudhroj ” is good for me or not.

    [email protected]

  19. Dear sir,
    I am Sitaramaswamy(=32) with surname Mocherla(=30) and my dob is 25/Feb/1986. I was called mostly Sita(=9) and Sitaram(=16). I sign as M.Sitaramaswamy(=36). I was in a lot of financial problems now. Which name suits me well and what name numbers should I have in my name to overcome my financial problems quickly and have a happy married life(as most of the 7 borns won’t have it).
    I have posted my query a lot of times but I haven’t get any reply to it. Please help me by replying my query.

  20. Dear Sir,

    recently have come across your webiste and found that Numerology provide insight and interesting information. Understand that person born under 7 is likely to have many problems in their marriage life. I am born on a day 7 with a lifepath 1.Let say my other half is born on day 2 with life path 5.Do you think we are compatible…in addition, my full name is 46 and if i were to use my christian name instead of full name, it is 32. Really appreciate your advice on these.Many thanks

  21. Hello Sir, back again,

    i am 26 born and after reading your blog i am using may name as “sachinn”which is 5, please can you advise me if its good for me to marry a 25/8/1985 girl.
    Thanks & regards.

  22. dear sir…please reply to my queries. name – nagarajaan mani iyer – dob – 7th may 1974, time – 05.00am…can i be able to switch over to MNC company in good position in this year 2010 ? any chance of buying car/4 wheeler in near future

  23. sir i born in date of birth 7/11/1988 and my life path is 8 after calculate all that birthdate numbers
    which date of person is suitable for me to get married? my life path is 8 .is it 8 good for if is coming behind?

  24. Dear Mr Rajendra,

    Read your articles, very interesting…seeking your input.

    My daughter was born at 4.45pm(Malaysian time) on the 25th of July 2009. We’ve named her Harleen Pathak…is the name numerology good?

    Alternatively, what would be a good number for her name numerology.

    I’ve researched some names according to her birth month and Hindu syllable, in case a change would be needed, are the ones below a good option:

    Talisa Leen Pathak
    Tavisha Mira Pathak

    Thanking you in advance for your valuable advise.

    Kind Regards,

  25. my name is nagarajaan mani iyer. dob – 7th may 1974, time – 05.00 am, place of birth – dombivili (kalyan) maharashtra state. can i be able to switch over to some MNC company in the year 2010? any chance of buying another home/4-wheeler..please reply this is third time i am raising my query

  26. Hello sir,

    Are the number of letters also important in the name? I saw a numerologist on a live TV show saying that name number and number of letters in the name also should be in hormony with Date of birth/Destiny number.
    I am very much worried because my name number (46) is hormony with my date of birth (25-04-1979) but my name has 13 letters which is very bad for me.
    please , please , please clarify

  27. sir,
    i would like to know about my career and to be wife. I want to start a news tabloid as my career and my date of birth is 07-03-1977 in the evening 7:50 at saharsa, bihar.
    Thank you.

  28. Sir,
    I have lifepath 4/ and rest of numbers 9/8/5 and love and want to marry a person of life path 7 and of numbers 8/2/4 – – – is this a possibility? of good fortune?
    thank you

  29. Dear Sir,





    DOB: 16.04.1979

    MARRIAGE DATE: 16.05.2008




    HER DOB: 14.04.1982

  30. Resp. Sir ,
    My name is alka and dob:25.02.1967.most of the features of seven born give here are true for me .inspite of being highly educated i have not been successful in having a good career .probably ,a last chance God is giving me to start a career in taking coaching classes.I dont know if i will succeed or as usual things will not start at all.any ways, I have an option for my name as Alka Singla which adds to 23 and as said by u 23 is a Royal star.Is it fine if i keep my name as alka singla for future.
    I will be highly obliged if u could guide me on this .it will be a b’day gift for me.

  31. Alka Gupta Sir,

    We are all sinking in the same boat.

    My case is also like you only.

    Eventhough i am highly educated, i am unble to shine.

  32. Namasthe Sir,

    My second son's DOB is Jan 25,2004
    With day number of 7 and life path number of 5,I am confused which name number to change to.My 3 options are,
    1.Anag Kishan which equals to 27
    2.Anagkishan Venkat which equals to 50
    3.Anag Nanjund eguals to 37

    Please tell me which is suitable .Please respond

    THank you

    Best Regards

  33. Sir,

    my dob: 16/4/1979

    my name is s. vijayan, not used now.

    I have met many numerologists. now i am totally confused.

    i want you to be the last and best person to get my doubt clarified

    Followings are the names suggested by diff numerologists:

    After using this, i could complete the works whatever i wanted to do.

    But i got confused mind. problems in getting money flow.




    More confident. got talent mind. But unable to complete many tasks. money problem


  34. Hi Astronlogia,
    My name is Sitaramaswamy.M(=36) & DOB: 25/Feb/1986(7 & 6).
    Is my name in harmony with my dob?
    I did my MBA (Finance) and doing a job related to my qualification.
    I am in a lot of financial problems now. I would like to enter business in future. From your blog, I came to know that most of the 7 borns won't have a happy marriage life.
    So, considering all the above points, please tell which name numbers are ideal to me.
    Also give me your opinions on the following names:

  35. Sara,

    Could you post information about the number 88?
    It seems to be a fascinating number. I have for him great curiosity.

    Thank you.

  36. Dear Sir,

    I m from Ireland my dob is 17/10/1981 im in great trouble this has been one year now social worker took my child due to an accidental injury of arm and they sent her into foster care sir im dying without her but im worried about my child’s health and fate Please guide me completely what should i do to make her life comfortable maximum her date of birth is 25/11/2006 she has 7 day nbo n 8 life path number n name is zaineb ali

    plz guide me should i change her name should i buy gemstone for her what can i do im in exterme greif

    i would be thanful 4 your sincere help
    thanks plz reply me asap.

  37. my birthdate is 16-08-1981 the time i was born was 1-51 am my name, birth lifepath numbers are same and everything i do revolves somewhere or has a connection with no 7 is it good or bad

  38. My birthdate is 25-05-1976, My name is spelt as Suhanthy = 30. According to my friend my name spelling is not so good, i thought of addding my dad’s intial, so it will be RA.Suhanthy = 33. My question is should i maintain Suhanthy or should i write RA.Suhanthy?

  39. Sir,
    My date of birth is 16.04.1979
    I am fully confused with my more name.
    Pls guide me which one to adopt.
    Which name no. would be lucky for me? 37, 46, 32, 41, 15
    I have names in all these name number
    Yours snicerely
    [email protected]

  40. Hi I’m a 7 born, (born on the 7th) & have a 38/ 11 = 2 Life Path.
    ?= If someone shares 2 core numbers what does that signify??
    I have a 3 personality & 3 soul # & a 33/ 6 Destiny#. My first name=11, My middle name=11 & my last name = 11.
    & my maturity#=35/8
    Please share comments.

  41. Hello Sir,
    I am Hemavathi.D.My DOB is 21.09.1984.
    Right from my childhood i always struggle in every phase of life.Now the same struggle and confusions in my marriage.After very long time i got engaged to a guy.And this was broken last 2 months back.
    Now we are again searching.In you blog, you have said Number 7 people will not have success in their marital life.Does this issue cannot be solved.I have lot of confusions.I dont have stable thoughts.Watever decision i take it ends up in failure.I want to meet you since you are in chennai.Please share details to [email protected] would be really greatful if you could help me to comeout of these problems ..

  42. Dear Astronlogia ji.. greetings..
    the information given in your site is very commendable and helpful.. thanks for enlightening common people like us..
    I am female DOB 16-01-1979, so birth & lifepath numbers both are 7.
    My full name adds to 27 (1st name is 20 , surname is 7)
    I am suffering from a lot of disgrace since my childhood and lot of disappoinments in relationnships… but with Gods grace I have a good stable job to support me & also helps me to travel..but I am bereft of friends and feel very lonely… I am looking for love and to get married.. could you please help me with a name number that could help me maintain good relationships and get love.. thanks & best regards..

  43. Hello sir,
    My d.o.b. is 7-5-1982. My name is TAMILLARASI, name number 24. Does this name number will give me a more prosperous life. Thanking in advance.

  44. My name is Ranjeet Raghav my date of birth 25/08/1975 my birth place is Aligarh time 8:23p.m I am very confused about my career what can i do job or business please help me

  45. Sir,
    My DOB: 25/11/1977

    Always inclined to spirutual heights.

    Just had so many problems not.

    Would i be ever be able reach heights i want to attend

  46. Hi Sir,
    Iam born on 7th-Nov-1980, 09:30 AM. My name is GOWRI SANKARI P(42). My husband’s name is SARAVANAN V(31) who is born on 24-03-1978, 15:03 PM. Our marriage date is 31-08-2006. Kindly let me know whether mine and my hubby’s name is prosperous one. Can we retain this name or do we need to look for a good numerologist?. If a name change is required, suggest a number for me and my hubbyby looking at our DOB and time of birth and marriage date. Kindly reply soon.

  47. Thankyou for your informative site. Hi I was born on the 16/12/79 and my birth name added to 56 but when I married someone whose DOB was 13/4/73 I changed my name which now adds to 37 and I feel my luck has changed. We were married on the 25.10.2006. Should I change my name back to my birth name? Also what is the significance of home addresses…could you post some advice regarding this subject? Much appreciated. 

  48. hi,my birthdate is 7 and my lifepath is also 7…what does it means..? pls tell,,, m eager to knw…my birthdate is 25-09-1989

  49. Marriage is what U make of it.  There are elements that come in to play as well.  Western astrology would say you’d benefit from other earth and water signs, and there are complimenting numbers that will compliment your formula as well.

  50. Hi , my name is Sarthika , my DOB is 7th January , and my fiancee is born on 16 Dec . Since both our numbers are 7 . Can u please tell me if we will be having a good understanding with each other and a happy life ?
    Will be waiting for your reply .

    • The relationship between two people of number 7 is long lasting and fruitful one. There will be a strong spiritual connection. You both know how to convey your message across in the right manner, therefore rarely you will argue or complain to one another. The good thing about your relationship will be that you will have the ability to communicate in few words. This seems to be a divine combination and promises good future ahead.


  51. Hello,
    My name is shammitha m m and my dob is 7.3.1986 and I ve been constantly told that my marriage life will be troublesome and am unable to zero on any potential proposals that are coming my way. Please suggest.

  52. Hello sir My name is Priyanka Roy my DOB is 16/6/1996 timing:7:40Pm new delhi plz tell me about my married life I m worried?
    Thank u in Advance?


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