Numerology Number 6


So far we have seen numbers of hard workers, creative geniuses, social reformists, and also people with mass influence. Now its the time to see about people who attracts the above mentioned people and get their work right done. Yes, i’m going to reveal the nature and traits of person born on 6, 15,and 24 and life path numerology number 6.

Numerology Number 6

According to numerology these people comes under 6! ruled by Venus. 6 born people according to numerology are very brave at heart and possess magnetic eyes to attract anyone, one can see the very look of their scrutinizing eyes and say there are Venus ruled people. Their mind always longs for beautiful things, poetry, music, dance. To live a blissful life will be their prime ambition, all worldly pleasures will attract them very much. The distance between spirituality and 6 born people is so much, they usually never accept the concept of abstinence.

Numerology 6 borns never take a decision without analyzing its pros and cons. They never get intimated by failures rather they will bounce back with great force. Their appearances will be attractive. Mostly 6 borns are very beautiful or handsome in their looks. 6 borns are one of the most luckiest people among other numbers in numerology. They will be blessed with money and fame in their life. In numerology 6 borns and 2 borns are blessed with offspring than the other 7 numbers, it means its 0.001% that they will be childless in their life (as many 6s do which we explain in more detail at this part of our blog:

Numerology 6 borns are the ones this world witness as the greatest musicians, painters, artists, actors and singers. They draw the masses with their attractive physical form, this makes them very popular in their field. (Attracting to one person has nothing to do with external beauty, attraction and falling in love is purely based on the magnetic field of a person) Now lets see about two categories of 6 borns, In numerology when Venus planet is not having any dosha in a 6 born person then that person will be a person of calm stature, peace loving and kind one.

Such person will possess Christ-like qualities of love and forgiveness and their physical structure will be sharp like of a warrior. But if Venus in a 6 born is having any dosha or if its weak, then that person can even become a threat to a society, such person will be person of greed, animosity, exploits, lustful person, dishonest persons and cheats. Such people will attract the others and exploit them with their beauty or false projection of them. Hence for such people its must to nullify the dosha of Venus to ensure that they are not in wrong path. Numerology says a woman who is 6 born with weak Venus link loves to enjoy her life and live in a luxurious ways enjoying all the worldly pleasures at any cost, such woman usually gets married to wealthier men and fulfills their desire. But if they don’t get the wealthy partner then they sometimes even indulge in amoral activities to fulfill their desires and wishes. Its wise to name a 6 born child according to numerology and analyzing her horoscope to see if there is any Venus dosha.


  1. Hello
    Can you do detailed analysis of 42 as you did for 41, 32, 14 . i 'll be grateful to you. take care

  2. hi there my mum birthday is on 18/july/1962 her name currently is catherine favorito she remarried. what would be a more suited name for her as she has had bad luck and illness.

    • Hi Bublee,
      Your mom s lifepath is 7, so more than physical strength, its her mental strength or will power which s gonna fight her illness. her name comes 67 now, which is no where compatible, She can use her name as Katherine Favorito,which comes 66, 3 is more compatible and supports lifepath 7. It will also make her marital life happy and blissful. This number also opens the door to great achievement in some form of arts

  3. Ok here is the thing,the name Favorito is from her ex partner so she doesnt want this name anymore. Our last name is Camarado she wants first name to be Cat. Can you sugest anything from that.

    So Catt Camarado.


    • I cant keep Catt Camarado, which comes 35 and is destructive, before we proceed to suggest a name, let me ask, what your mom wants to be in future? or what she likes to do or what she wants to be now? The answer alone can determine which name has to suggested to ur mom

  4. Ok here is the thing,the name Favorito is from her ex partner so she doesnt want this name anymore. Our last name is Camarado she wants first name to be Cat. Can you sugest anything from that.

  5. Hello Mr.Astronlogia

    My Date of Birth is 24/07/1973 and my name is NATARAJA LOGANATHAN. Whether i will get top position in Reputed Companies. Now i am in middle level position (Administration).

      • Thank you for your immediate and kind reply. Actually my name is Loganathan and my father name is Natarajan. I used to write my name as N.Loganathan. When i came to middle east they mentioned my name as NATARAJAN LOGANATHAN in all documents. I used to earn money with this name, but saving is Zero and moreover my growth is very less. Since My Date of Birth is 24/07/1973, one of my friend advised to change my name as N.Loganaathan (41), but no use. I faced the problem in work and home. Recently one of numerologist suggest me to change as NATARAJA LOGANATHAN (51) to have growth in my carrier and financially to be good. Before proceeding i want to confirm you whether i may gohead for changing the name as NATARAJA LOGANATHAN (51). Now my possition is middle level and i am planning to change my job.

        Please reply me whether i can change the job and to get the good position in reputed companies by changing the name. (51).

        Your confirmation will enable me to proceed further. Now financially i am so weak eventhough i am working in Middleast. I am MBA (HR) professional.

        Thank you.

  6. My date of birth is 17/05/1976 and my name is B. suresh Bhupathii. i want to work in reputed companies and in future i want to become a manager. currently im doing MBA executive. my current job is self employed doing graphic designer. wheather tell what profession is best for me and im interested in software also. so kindly request for me.
    it wil b great favour for me. im in confuse so help me
    ur reagards

  7. Dear Mr.Astronlogia
    I already post comment 2 times,still i didnt get any reply from date of birth 24/04/ name "CASSEM IRUSHAN". i am in middle level position (Administration ASSISTANT). but day by day i'm going to low position, upper position people dont let me show my attitudes and performances.income also very low.kindly let me know do i have to change my name..please advice me.looking forward your favourable reply……………….
    thanks regards
    cassem irushan

    • Cassem,

      Your number 42 is a good number, but the number gives its true power when a person is in field of arts,music,entertainment, and creative spheres. Moreover as a 6 lifepath your name in 6 will tend to produce health problems sometimes, its not advisable to have name in 6 if you already have presence of two 6’s in your birth date. Being the native as well as lifepath of 6, 6 as a name bounds to gives health troubles.

  8. Dear Mr Astronlogia,
    Thank you so much for your reply. 🙂
    Regarding my “short name” Lotten (which turns out into the bad 28..) you say that I could change it into “Lotte” (23). How about Lottène (33) instead? The E in the end would not be pronounced, like in french spelling/pronunciation..

    My life path is 33 and day of birth 1.

    //Best regards Lotte or Lottène

    • Yeah, its a great one. When name and lifepath are same, provided if they are lucky ones like numbers 5,1,and 6 then success is overwhelming. You can write your short name as Lottene, it ll give enormous material happiness.

  9. Well thank You, for your kind assistance. 🙂
    And thank you for a great web site. There aren´t many people like you around giving so much – to people. Thanks ever so much again.
    I will most certainly continue reading your blog.
    Best regards,

  10. Dear sir,
    thank you very much for your prompt advice.also i wish to inform you that the profession you have suggested me,is that involve (arts,music,entertainment)that which i’m doing present job/work.becouse my present job is administration assistant at real estate & investment company..when my bad planetry will change..also you have adviced me to take care my health..i’m in confusion.please advice my neumarological name that would be favourable to for my career and upcoming life and health..which job/business suitable for increase my wealth and prosperity.which number is suitable for my name..
    looking forward your favourable reply
    Thanks regards
    Cassem Irushan
    please advice me any correction required.

  11. Dear sir..
    thanks again,after calculating my name characters total is 42.but you say 47.please clear me this confusion.kindly tel me how can i change my name number as per neumarology..also you said take care about my health.but thank god until now i’m not suffering any health problem.

    looking your prompt reply
    cassem irushan.

  12. dear sir,

    I am very much interested in reading your blog.lots of information and
    helping people who are in need. god bless you always.
    I wish you all the very best.currently i’m suceeding in life with lots of effort.
    i would like to know my combination is lucky or not??name number 66 ,life path number is 33 ,birthdate 15.

  13. 9/9/09

    Hello sir,

    My daughter was born on 24th november 1996.
    As it is clear, her day number and life path number is 6.
    Her name is Anya S Deepika. The name totals to 37- a 1 series number.
    Is it good for a 6 born??? Or should she be named as S Deepika which totals to 2???

    Thanking you in advance for your kind clarification.

    Warm Regards,

  14. Dear sir..
    my dob27/04/1976. means 6”6′.my name cassem irushan total as per neumarology 42.i make my signature “c.irsan”.kindly advice me do i have to change my name spelling ..
    also let know please why i didnt getting any benefit in wealth..and why i’m not getting any promotion with my working place.

    Thanks regards
    Cassem irushan

  15. Hi sir,
    im radhika.r born under birth no.6 & lifepath no.8 combination.I have chosen few names and calculated using ur num calculator in ur blog wich helped me a lot.Sir can u plz choose a name from these names.
    R.L.RADHIKASHRI [name no.27 tot.32]
    R.L..RADHIKHASHRI [name no.32 tot.37]
    R.L.RADHIKAASREE [name no.36 tot.41]
    R.L.VISHAKA [name no.19 tot.27]
    V.R.VANSHIKA [name no.24 tot.32]
    V.R.VARNIKASRI [name no.24 tot.32]

    thank you in advance nd kudos to ur numerology calculator !

  16. Hello!

    My full name is Mira My Chatarina Pyne, I was born as My Chatarina Åkerman on 11 October 1974. (Scandinavian letter A with a ring on top, sounds like o in english for). I am an opera singer and I am in the beginning of my career. I completed my studies late but the last year I have enjoyed tremendous success but due to being already 34 I wish to speed up. My palm was once read by a very grat palmist who said I have unusual signs of a politician or high priest of highest rank, and that my career will come late but will be extremely strong. I have been dreaming for years of going into politics after pursuing my career in opera to the utmost. The name Mira which is my Sanskrit spiritual name should perhaps be spelled Meera or Miira, I see that it comes to 8 now. I am using Mira Pyne as my common name. Maybe, even though I might not use Åkerman actively, should I still add it to my name again? The name Devii is often added to one’s sanskrit name in my yoga organisation, I could also think of useing that. I would be tremendously grateful for your time.

    Cordial wishes,


    • Mira,

      Mira Pyne is an excellent name, it comes 27 which makes you glued to religious sasthras and yogic techniques. Its the best name for your birth date. I dont see any other than better than 27 for you. Its of great spiritual value. When you use Devii, it comes 17, and even Mira comes 8, if you see the value of Meera that also 17, this is the unity in numerology, as the meanings are same, the value also remain same. Now your overall name is v good, but your the name you use to address yourself is Mira (even in this blog you have mentioned Mira while thanking) As a trademark 8, it will postpone and delay your goals, but it will not deny. I ll suggest you to use Mira Pyne instead of Mira everywhere.

  17. PS (Perhaps I should clarify that Mira Pyne is the name I use to introduce myself, but I am registered as Mira My Chatarina Åkerman)

  18. sir did u mean 36 and 41 combo…..?
    sorry 4 askin u again sir coz i made a mistake, d name RADHIKAASREE actually sums upto 32 and 37.If 36 and 41 is the combination for me i ll change the same by taking out A and adding H i.e R.L.RADHIKASHREE is dis correct?

  19. Hello sir,

    My sister was born on 7thth Feb 1977.
    her name was padma B.H but,now changed to padmaa sanjaya apthi.
    is her name suitable for the birthdate?

    Thanking you in advance for your kind clarification.


  20. Dear sir,
    my DOB is 24/04/1976.
    birth time also
    i’m writing my name
    “cassem irushan”
    and i make signature
    kindly let me know, do i have to change my name characters?i already mentioned my previous comments about my problems.looking for your kind clarification and advice.
    Cassem Irushan

  21. Thank you very much for the explanation, I am very satisfied that the name is good numerologically already. And I love your site!

    All the best,

    Mira Pyne =)

  22. PS Two more questions; how about my husbands name Santanu Pyne, and do you make fullfledged analysis of names? How do I do if I would like to have one?

    Mira Pyne

  23. THANK U VERY MUCH…:):)
    MY SUNSIGN IS VIRGO and as u hav mentioned it earlier in your blog that saturn is goin to influence virgo,sir how to forgo the ill effects of saturn and do u think its a right time for me to change my name in this transition period?
    if so when is the ideal time to start writing my new name given by you?

    • One has to follow the righteous path, thats the known way to counter effects of saturn, also one should not wear black color dresses and should take special care in Health regarding Iron deficiency. You can start writing the name from any day, but start at anytime from 6 to 7 morning on thursday

  24. Dear Mr.Astronlogia,
    I would like to ask one question. For Cassem Irsaan, you are suggesting that name in 6 is worst for him and advising to keep the name as 5. where he is already having 6 and 6. Where as you recommened me the name 6 (51) is ok for me where i am also having the same 6 and 6. (24-07-1973)

    Please confirm me whether i can proceed the name (51) where i am also having 6 and 6.

    As re-confirmed by you. I am using my name as 51 for the past two months.



    • You can carry on with that name logu, I asked cassem to change as his field of profession requires name number 32 for that well needed success. His previous name 42 was of no use for ppl in business other than entertainment, arts, film, music industry

  25. Hi Sir,

    My name is Paluru Vimala and my DOB: 14-08-1982 Could you please tell me my name is suitable for me or any changes have to do. Also please let me know about my carrer and future life with this name. Thank you:)

  26. Dear Mr.Astronlogia,

    Thank you for your clariffication. Now i understood the power of 42 and 51. (Eventhough the total value is 6)

    I am using this name in all documents.

    Onceagain thank you for your prompt reply.



  27. My dob is 19760325. Mylife path is a 33=6, but my date of birth is a 7.
    I don’t know which name nummer could benifits me more in the life.
    Should it be 41, 42, 46,or 51?

    Best regards

  28. Hello again.

    I was born in Shanghai 19760325 few minuts after kl17. How did venus effect me? Which name nummer will give me most luck in all the areas?

    Thank you

  29. Thank you very much for the answer.

    Do you know where I can get the anser about how Venus effect my life when I was born? As I mentioned that my bithdate is 25th mars and my life path is 6.

    Another question:
    do you think 46 as name number also could siut me? 51 and 41 which is the best for me if I want more luck in the love life as well as my work?

    Have a nice weekend

  30. my name is p chandra shekar reddy and my born date 3 and my destiny no 4 is name perfect for me am waiting for ur suggestion to change my name pls give me solution sir am 25 y till now am not vth my carrer

    chandra shekar

  31. sir pls help me my name p chandra shekar reddy waiting for ur comment my born date 3 my life path 31=4 my lucky number to change name

  32. thanks for the response. well my birth certificate has doroth as my first name but my mum says am dorothy so what am i supposed to use when calculating my life path number.

    I don’t know which name nummer could benifits me more in the life.

  34. My name is Ramu achanta and my DOB: 06-02-1978 = 6
    Could you please tell me my name is suitable for me or any changes have to do. Also please let me know about my carrer and future life with this
    Thanks in advance

  35. Hello Sir,

    I had gone through your articles and you have done great job by providing valuable information at once place.

    Sir could you please analysis on my date of birth numbers and let me know about my career prospects in software field.

    Currently I am doing good but want to know whether I am capable to manage US based organizations in India.

    I mean to say I have aquired good knowledge on enterprise infrastructure products and want to convice few US based promising organizations(Start ups) to start there operations in hyderabad india.

    Wanted to know whether I will be successful..

    Here are my details.


    D.O.B : 24-01-1975

    Thanks a Lot in Advance.


  36. sir, my last question to change my name u advice me to change name in 23,32,41&59 ARE R ONES FOR ME SOME NAMES I HAV SELECTED MY BORN DATE 3 LIFE NUMBER 4, i CONSULT NUMEROLOGIST person they advice me to change in 1 are 5 so i hav studyed in u r site greatness of number 6 can i change name to 42 one more question sir call name should be compulsory lucky or only complete name should be luckY SOME NAMES I HAV COLLECT PLS PLS PLS SELECT ONE P AJAY REDDY P KARTHIK REDDY PEDDI KARTHIK REDDY P H KARHIK REDDY A LOKESH REDDY PEDI VIVEKANANDA RREDDY P CHIRANJEEVIREDDY SIR PLS SOLVE MY PROBLEMS COMPLETLY I WNT TO BE ATTRACTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL PERSON THANKS AND REGARDS P CHANDRA SEKARA REDDY

  37. sir, my last question to change my name u advice me to change name in 5 ARE R ONES FOR ME SOME NAMES I HAV SELECTED MY BORN DATE 3 LIFE NUMBER 4, i CONSULT NUMEROLOGIST person they advice me to change in 1 are 5 so i hav studyed in u r site greatness of number 6 can i change name to 42 one more question sir call name should be compulsory lucky or only complete name should be luckY SOME NAMES I HAV COLLECT PLS PLS PLS SELECT ONE SIR PLS SOLVE MY PROBLEMS COMPLETLY I WNT TO BE ATTRACTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL PERSON THANKS AND REGARDS P CHANDRA SEKARA REDDY

  38. To P chandra sekara reddy,

    Stop using CAPITAL letter in your comments. When you want to shout (add emphasis) capital letters are used.

  39. sir, my last question to change my name u advice me to change name in 23,32,41&59 are r ones for me some names i hav selected my born date 3 life number4 i consult numerologist person they advice me to change in 1 are 5 so i hav studyed in u r site greatness of number 6 can i change name to 42 one more question sir call name should be compulsory lucky or only complete name should be lucky some names i hav collect pls pls pls select one ap ajay reddy p karthik reddy peddi karthik reddy p h karthik reddy a lokesh reddy pedi vivekananda rreddy sir pls solve my problems completely i want to be attractive and beautiful person thanks and regrads p chandra sekara reddy

  40. Dear Mr.Astronlogia,

    Thank you for your clariffication.may GOD BLESS YOU always and your family members too.thanks a lot.
    Sri lanka

  41. The prediction about 6 number people to whom I know is hardly coming true. Can you find out the reason sir. DOB:–06/05/ 1953.The person is neither wealthy,nor famous,nor sucessful in his service career, could not get promotion in 25 years,stagnating there.His name initials are D P, weather these initial letters are suiting to him or not?.Though basic traits of 6 numbers are appearing in his physical appearence.He does not posses a own house .How can be said that 6 number is lucky among all basic numbers.

  42. My name is Minutha Karkera and my DOB: 24-06-1974
    Could you please tell me my name is suitable for me or any changes .let me know about my future life .


    minutha karkera

  43. hi..
    i am Anshul Trivedi and my DOB is 2/12/1987, basically i was into theatre and music. basically i am a singer and got a good break before 2 years and my life changed to a great extent. but now i am in mumbai since july 2009, i cam here with the aim of getting into industry and thats why i had taken admission into a reputed mass comm institute of mumbai. but the strange reality is i don sing anymore. and situations have changed in such a way i started studying Public Relations seriously and i am not able to either learn music or preform it. please guide me.
    thank you.
    Anshul Trivedi

  44. Hi,

    My date of birth is 15 8 1960 – 7:32 AM – Dibrugarh
    and name is Madhukar Khemka
    Current name number is 44

    I am currently suffering from eye problems

    I was thinking of changing my name to Madhuukar Khemka – 50 or Madhukkar Khemka – 46

    Kindly suggest an appropriate name

    Thanks for your valuable insights

  45. minutha 11.04.09 at 10:47 am
    My name is Minutha Karkera and my DOB: 24-06-1974
    Could you please tell me my name is suitable for me or any changes .

    minutha karkera

  46. Hello Sir,

    I had gone through your articles and you have done great job by providing valuable information at once place.

    Sir could you please analysis on my date of birth numbers and let me know about my career prospects in software field.

    Currently I am doing good but want to know whether I am capable to manage US based organizations in India.

    I mean to say I have aquired good knowledge on enterprise infrastructure products and want to convice few US based promising organizations(Start ups) to start there operations in hyderabad india.

    Wanted to know whether I will be successful..

    Here are my details.


    D.O.B : 24-01-1975

    Thanks a Lot in Advance.


  47. Respected Shri Sarvanarajendraji,

    I had been reading your artices in numerology which are very helpful and guide a lot.

    I am very confused and seek your guidance.My name is Maneesh Dwivedi, DOB 15/09/1967.I have been advised by two very known Numerologists to change the spelling of the name so that it sums up to 42, while the other one has advised me to spell the name in such a way that it sums up to 60.I am totaly confused please guide.

    Also let me know if the birth date of a person is 26/08/1972 then which name number is best 46 or 50.

    Eagerly looking forward to your reply.


  48. which is powerful numerology or astrology?
    because celine dion has a twin brother, so they have the same natal chart since they are born at the same time, but they chose different lives . Celine Dion’s brother is a yoga instructor. Is it thier different name that have given those two each a different kind of life path?

    Above two tricky questions to be answered please.

    • No twins are alike in astrology, The KP system of astrology says even a delay of a minute in birth time changes the sublord of house, hence the career of twins changes drastically. This has been proved many times. Both numerology and astrology work on same concept. But Numerology is a soultion where astrology is more like a study

  49. Dear Astronlogia,

    My name is Ravi Pravin and D.O.B is 26/12/1986.

    I want to know while signing should i join both the names (i.e. i of ravi touching the last name p) and underline it ?
    Please note : my signature is very simple no scribble.
    Does underlining below the signature is poweful ?

    Please let me know your thoughts on this because i am changing my name and signature next week .

    Ravi Pravin

  50. Hi thr I had a boy baby on 12-11-2009…& would like to put name as per numerology can u suggest starting letter & as well the Value of name letter…

    Date Of birth : 12-11-2009
    Time: 17.08 pm
    Place : Thanjavur , Tamil Nadu

    With Regards,

  51. My Name is R.prabhakaran …DOB : 23-01-1977 …could you tell me is my name suitable or Need to do any correction to develop & improv my business.

    Expecting your valuable reply to [email protected]


  52. My Name is R.prabhakaran …DOB : 23-01-1977 …could you tell me is my name suitable or Need to do any correction to develop & improv my business.

    my Father name is : Rajan

    Expecting your valuable reply to [email protected]


  53. Best Sarvanarajendra,

    I would like to be anonymous, and would like all my posts to be removed from this webpage. In case you will change your policy and again make full analysis of name in the future, please contact me on my email.

    Thank you again for your time!

    Mira Pyne

  54. My name is Gabriel, and I was born May 30th, 1987….5/30/1987 so I basically have that 33/6 life path, sun in Gemini lingo and what not…..I was initLly going to school for finance but I wasn’t happy so I decided I chaninging my major to Acting, yeah I’m going to be an actor hopefully I can pay back these student loans fast, but my Venus is in my first house in Taurus and thus me being a Gemini and Venus being my esoteric ruler it looks like a good shot I look good and everything not saying the acting industry doesn’t need people from all walks of life. But I’m only 22 so i have a ways to go and much to learn A!

  55. Dear Sir,

    Please guide I am eagerly Waiting for your guidance. Which name should I use to speed my growth financialy & carrer wise.
    DOB 15/09/1967, place Hamirpur(UP), time 08:37AM.
    Maniis Dwivedi
    Manish Dwividi
    Maneeshh Dwivedi
    or else.

  56. hello, my name is Kezia R. Evangelista and I was born on November 1, 1985. I am wishing also for a detailed numerology analysis because I am confused regarding my lifepath. I would be very thankful for your kindness.:)

  57. Sir,
    Please guide I am desperately waiting for your reply.I am not into entertaiment sector should I change to 42 or 60 or else.


  58. Hi Saravanan,

    I have gone through your website, its very informative. Here I take chance to know about my financial and professional growth. I request can you please tell me about my future. Here is my date of birth 13-10-1969, My full name is P Venkata Ramana Murthy


  59. Hi Saravanan,

    In continuation of my mail. I will give you full details

    Full name:- Puchakayala venkata ramana murthy
    DOB 13-10-1969
    Place Rajahmundry
    Time 06:00 AM

    please guide me.


  60. Hi,

    I have got my baby boy on 29.12.2009 at 9.16 A.M on madurai tamilnadu.

    What should be the first letter.


  61. Hi Sir, My name is “P VITHUN BALAJI” born on 27-09-1976. Is it a good date sir ?
    Is my name name also correct ?
    Please help me out sir ?

  62. Hi , My DOB is 15-10-1972,1.30 p.m Thanjavur. I want to start a Pharmacetical whole sale business. Will it be ideal for me?. Presently we are abroad,is it the right time to come back to India?

  63. Hello
    My name is Chetna Ahuja,
    DOB;-3rd Sep,1985
    I want to know about my marriage prospects.
    Will i be compatible with person whose DOB is 15/10/1981?


  64. Hello, I would love to know more about my name, found that some of my freinds have written to you here above,…just by surfing the net…. =) an accident or fate? =) Anyhow, I see that the dates are last years and I am not sure that this is the most updated place to write? Where can i contact u?
    Kind Regards

  65. Hello sir
    My name is sunil.ks .DOB 28-11-1987
    I am not able to get good education in my collage day , Know i am working & also i agin start my bachelor degree . How is my future plz tell me sir

  66. Hi Rajendra,

    My son’s DOB is 15.01.2008 & i wanna name him through numerology.

    My query is whether the name total should come on Life Path no. 8 or Date of Birth no. 6 in this case?

    Also, i wanna know that while calculating name total sum of full name is taken or only the sum of first name is taken?

    Plz. help me at the earliest as i’m already very late in naming my son.


  67. Sir, I possess a very keen interest in Numerology & I want to share one of my finding with you. Over a period of years, I’ve observed the significance of No. 6 in my life. Anything happening good in my life is somehow attached with No. 6. My DOB is 19.09.1980 & my full name is MUDIT GUPTA.

    Please tell me whether it is due to the fact that my Name total comes on 42 which is 6? Does it mean that our lucky no. is the total of our name?


  68. Hello My date of birth 15 june. Will my name has to be changed to a 6 digit? I am willing to switch my career from IT to Journalism.I need advice.Bit indecisive about my long term career.

  69. Hello. I have a 33 life path number.
    My current full name is 56.
    A lucky name number numerology site suggested that I have my name number to be in a 1 or 9 because with my birthday being May, 3rd, it would mean that my 6 life path is inimical to my 3 birthday. So..I'm wondering should I sign my name as 19 and/or use 37.
    I am pursuing a career in music and film..with spiritual metaphysical work on the side. Can I use two different names at the same time like 42 while I'm doing anything artistic/creative and 33 for my metaphysical work? Or should I just use one for the full effect? For short would 23 be good for my stage name?

    I am also suggesting that my spouse, born Jan. 11 and life path 6, change his name from 54 to 33. Is this good advice?
    I also plan to change my oldest son's, currently a 45 to 41..he was born on Dec. 17th with life path 1.
    My daughter is currently a 55, born on Jan. 20th with a 1 life path..what does that say?
    My youngest son a 46 is born Jan. 4th born with a 7 life path. What does that tell you?

  70. Hi!
    I was born May 5th 1976, so my lifepath is 6.

    My birth certificate name is however 74 or 70…I am not sure, because I have one letter in my name that is z, however, it is pronounced as s.
    If it would still count as a z, than it would be 74, if it counts as an s, it would then be 70…My question here is of course if a z is no longer a z, if pronounced as an s, and if it is then counted as an s…or what.

    My current signature adds up to 33, but my current names (I have two different versions, one used more than the other because it is more simple) add up to 38 the shortest one, and 60 the second longer one (or 56 if the z counts as an s). I cannot change my name more than that unless I married, so, I need some advice.

    The 60 should be great, I guess, but then if it counts as a 56 because of the z that is pronounced as an s…than not at all, huh? For practical pursposes, the easiest one for me to use is the 38…but that one is not supposed to be such a nice one either, is it? Also, my first name adds up to 20…I could shorten it to a 9, allthough many people call me that already without me telling them…not sure what is best though…

    Thank you so much for your help.

  71. hello sir ,i have seen ur report and suggestion all are nice, can u help me my birth date is 15-8-1987. and my name no is 36…… can i change it to 24 wheather it will be compatable to me sir…..awaiting for ur reply sir …….

  72. Sir,

    My son's DOB is 15/01/2008 & I've named him ADITYA VERDHAN.

    Please suggest is this name good for him or not ???

    I've few other options:


    Please suggest anyone from the list. If ADITYA VERDHAN is not suitable. Also, tell me what should be the appropriate name total as his day of birth is 6 & life path number is 8.

    Kindly reply as early as possible.


    Mudit Gupta

  73. im born on num 6/6,but my name no is 28.sir do u think my name s correct?i have read ur article,and i plan to change my name as below~valarmathhi.(33)i need ur help pls

  74. Hi!

    I asked you previously to please remove my name and birthdate from the site. Perhaps you did not see this request?

    Thank you for being helpful!

  75. Dear Sir.

    I’m kumar.
    It is very good explaination on Number of 6.

    My DOB is 15-02-1969.
    Since my birth date is 15 = 6 and lifepath also 6 and further my name also 6.
    I have big question that whether the combination of 6x6x6 is good or not. Whenever I see my luck and future and they always said good but until now, I still have some doubts why I unable to come up in my life either on working life or/and lifestyle.

    I need your advice whether my name is suit with my DOB and lifepath. If not what is the best Numberthat suit for my name that can bring brightnessof my life.

    I hope that you will reply my doubts.

  76. Thanks for description on this number.

    My date of birth is 6-08-1981. My name is Purnima Yadati.

    Pls tell me is there any need for change in my name.

    And also advise me how to rectify Venus Dosha if there is any thig like that in my name.


  77. Hi
    My daughters name is Viveca Krishnamoorthi, her D.O.B is 24-12-1992.
    She struggles to get good grades at school. Even if she works really hard, the results she get is much lower than she expects. She plays el-guitar and loves music, therefor she wants to be succsess in music. Next years she is going to study marketing and want to be succsess in that too.

    She gets sick very often and she signs her name like K.Viveca. Is that bad or good? Or should she sign her name diffrently. Can you give some suggestions?

    Please, I need your help

  78. Hi!
    My name is Viveca Krishnamoorthi, and my D.O.B is 24-12-92.
    I work really hardt with mye school work, but unfortunatelly I get grades that are much lower than I expect. I love music and I play el-guitar, therefor I want to work with music and be succsess with music. And next year I am going to study marketing, and i also want to be succsess in that too.

    I get sick a lot, and sometimes it effect my studiyng.

    I sign my name like K.Viveca. Is that a good or bad? Because I feel like signing like that, doesn’t help me at all. So should I sign my name diffrently? Can you give me some suggestions?

    I really want your help


  79. My Name: Thurga Shanmuganathan
    date of Birth: 06.05.1984

    I’ve been advised to sign my name with the initial which sums up to 24=6 (S.Thurga), while some others have advised me to sign the name that sums up to 50.
    I’m confused now and seek for your advise.

    I’m a current student. I would like to get a good job that assist me to help others.

    Finally I have a question, is number 6 Satan’s number?

    Thank you for your time and consideration

    With regards

  80. Please sir, can you answer me. I expected your answer.

    My name is Viveca Krishnamoorthi, and my D.O.B is 24-12-92.
    I work really hardt with mye school work, but unfortunatelly I get grades that are much lower than I expect. I love music and I play el-guitar, therefor I want to work with music and be succsess with music. And next year I am going to study marketing, and i also want to be succsess in that too.
    I get sick a lot, and sometimes it effect my studiyng.
    I sign my name like K.Viveca. Is that a good or bad? Because I feel like signing like that, doesn’t help me at all. So should I sign my name diffrently? Can you give me some suggestions?
    I really want your help

  81. I am born under 6 and 8 combination (6/3/1988)
    what would be an apt profession for me.In future im planning to take up a business if so in which area i should indulge myself?
    Thank you in advance:)

  82. Hi, Astronlogia. god blessed me a daughter on 24/7/2010. at
    3.54 pm in kota rajasthan pl tell me name. regards anil

  83. my name is sajitha d.o.b is 15/11/1978.
    would wish to know whether my name is suitable for me according to my d.o.b
    or require any change. for growth in life. am facing unfortune since long time in every way. how do i sign?

  84. Could you please tell us how to name no 6 baby what are the suitable options?? My daughter born on 6th Aug and i have kept her name 6 digit letters is it ok

  85. Hi u born on 6.1.1988 which has a total 33, and which name number may give me a fortune ..
     Astronlogia Sir could you help me

    my surname total is 16
    i have seen if the both first name and surname are good and compatible each other then only the name brings fortune and all comforts.. so according to me in my case i have surname in 7 and for 7 i need good first name  and the total name number should be positive
    Please help me

  86. Respected Sir,
    I’ve been blessed with a baby girl, born on 6th April 2012. The number turns out to be 6. I have a few queries regarding her name:

    – What name numbers will suit her the best 

    – For name numerology calculations – should I consider the first name only or the  complete name 

    – Which calender to consider (Chaldean OR Pythagorean)

    – Should the nick name be also chosen through numerology

    Please suggest, many thanks in advance 🙂

    Best Regards.

  87. hi! I am born 06/06, I am extremely physically attractive as others tell me and I have been asked to model, sing for others, dance etc. I have this natural sense, psychic ability, I have a scorpio moon which helps… I am passionate about helping others, being a stable person in other peoples lives… I love people. I am extremely confused, however about the path I should go.. Whether I should go into arts or whether I should use my other talents for the sciences… I am not sure. All in all, I hope to one day discover what it is I should do. I am definitely a romantic at heart, I am not ill hearted or have bad intentions in anyway but I can have a temper! I hope to figure me out… I have a feeling that everyone will know me one day as something great… this feeling…
    I am also stopped on the street every now and ago, people tell me I am a beautiful woman or give me roses… ITS KIND of weird because I don’t pay attention to it. Or when I was a child, a lady asked my mum if I would care to model. My mum says no of course, she is protective and also intuitive. I LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for this post… It makes me feel a sense of understanding. My life path number is 4, my numerology of my name is 57 or 3…. I have very psychic people in my family from ancient lines…

  88. sir
    my daughter’s bday 12/06/2003
    i want to keep her name shivanya singh or shivanyaa singh – witch are the best please suggest sir

    son bday 10/11/2010
    i want to keep his name yagyesh pratap singh, varunesh singh, shriyendu pratap singh sir please suggest the best

    please sir i am very hopefull for your suggestion

  89. Hey Sir if birth date 25 and Life path number is 2 and name number is 39
    And interested in politics
    So which number is good
    41 or 42 ?

  90. Dear Sir,
    My Name is : Surinder Singh… Birth Number 6 and Life Path 8
    My Dob is : 24-02-1980 ,time 07.15 am Ludhiana.
    Can u please suggest me my Name number as per numerology as struggle a lot in life but still no success. already closed 4-5 business so far but no success. nowadays do nothing. Was into Travel Business,Real Estate.

    Please guide..
    Thanks and Regards.


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