Numerology for Actors and Actresses


Celebrity Numerology – The Passion for Art and Success

Movies and Actors have always fascinated us, The passion for art in the form of films and acting is global. Now what makes these exceptional actors and successful ones? There are millions of people all over the world who wants to be an actor or actress, many of them try their hands in film making, or become a director, or a writer.

Numerology for Actors and Actresses

But to venture into the tinsel town of movies and stardom, one should have a strong connection of Venus either in their birth date, or name. If a person born on 6, 15, or 24 or his life path is 6, then the chances of pursuing a career in acting or arts related career is very high. If the life path is 6, then the chances become as good as they can be.

Apart from 6, number 5 is also considered to be very lucky and ideal for acting careers, as people with name as 5(not date of birth 5, or life path 5) will turn out to be the most famous actors or actress. Some people might not have the influence of numerology 6 in their birth, for those person keeping their name in 6 will ensure they achieve their dream of becoming an actor or director. The most famous as well as powerful number to become actors, actress or film maker is number 42. A person can have their name as 42 and can rest assure that they will pursue a career in film industry. Some of the world’s greatest actors and film makers have their name in 42. Actor Sean Connery comes 42, Shah rukh Khan comes 42, Nicole Kidman comes 41, Angelina Jolie comes 41, V.C Ganesan comes 32, MG.RAMACHANDRAN comes 41, Rajinikant comes 23, Irrfan Khan comes 32, and so on!


  1. Hi,
    My date of birth is 02/02/1979.I changed my name from venkatesh rajendran to R Venkatesh when I was in tenth std.I have been facing a lot problems from then on.I studied about numerology and decided to change my name to Venky J rajendra =41
    or Venky K Rajendra =42 as I am very much inclined to enter the entertainment industry.Please advice me regarding the best option for me.Waiting for your reply.

  2. According to you the letters in RAJINIKANTH equals 32, but in fact it comes to 28.
    Please comment. Moreover, Rajinikanth, throughout his acting career had different spellings in his name, such as Rajnikanth, which comes to 27 . If I am not mistaken, his birth number is 12 (3) and life-path is also 3. Is it possible that the planet Venus is placed very strongly in his birth chart?

    • Yes, there was a mistake indeed and corrected, The name intended was rajinikant comes 23, In movie titles this was the name given in title card, but as you said, rajni was also given in later stage,sometimes rajnikanth too ! even 27 is favorable for him, his career taken a turn durin venus dasha, because venus was his sublord of 10th house, which signifies profession. definitely venus is strong

  3. Thanks for the nice post. I am expecting some different idea from your side. You always represent some new thought in your post.

  4. Interesting. My 4 year old daughter is psychic 3, lifepath 6 and name number 5.
    I observed that she makes everything so dramatic with her facial expressions and body language. Number 6 lifepaths are truely artistic. I agree.

    But are they stubborn?

  5. Quick question with date of birth 08/18/1990 which name would benefit me the MOST as an actor.

    Anand B Bhatt 33
    Anand Sai Bhatt 42

  6. Hello sir, I have birth day no. 1 and destiny 8. i want to be an actor. please suggest which name no. among 33,32,41,50 is best as your articles are 100% true in my life. thank you.

  7. I would like your help in coming up with the best name for my son who is passionate about acting and singing
    His name on birth certificate is Chetan Pinakin Chaubal.
    He uses Chetan Chaubal or Chetan Rao

  8. Im born on 13th , destiny number is 30 , Name number comes to 40 …… wanna change my name … should i take it to 42 or 46 ?

  9. Hello,
    I was wondering how to calculate your number. My name is Maya Johnson; middle name Renee. My birthday is April 24, 1994. I, also, am interested in acting.

    • You are ruled by number 6 and Venus. You will be intelligence and possess sharp memory, which will bring you success in your work. You will be fond of enjoying life to the fullest. You will be helpful, trustworthy, peace loving, however you tend to be boastful and extravagant at times. Your objectives are quite high and you tend to dream of things, which you can’t achieve, but at times you receive a setback after coming very close to your goals because of your changeable, inconstant and stubborn nature. You should keep fast on Mondays for good results.


  10. Hello
    This is GUNA SEKHAR born in 11-10-1989.
    MY PYSCHIC number 2
    DESTINY number 3
    Both of these which one is lucky. Am. interested in politics . So any mistakes in my name. If any change. And Right now I don’t have source of income. I’m not settled. But I complete M.TECH .AM STRUGGLING TO CHOOSE JOB or BUSINESS. I WANT ONLY SETTLED . Please help me what I choose.

    • Influenced by number 2 and the Moon. Going forward you will have new opportunities at the doorstep awaiting to be grabbed. However you are more interested in doing business. It is best to keep a job at this moment and think about business later. You are highly independent by nature, you do not like others interfering in your personal life. Your ability to express your views and ideas, will take you to the top of hierarchy. This is the best period to build new connections and work for others along with settling yourself.


  11. Hi,

    My date of birth is 17/07/1986. I changed my name from S.Arunothayan to SV Arunprakhash on year 2014. I have been facing a lot problems from day one, no luck, no results though I am doing hard work. Right now I am in creative field. But I have passion in acting so I have taken an diversion to study acting will this carrer help me to grow?

    Please advice me regarding the best option for me.Waiting for your reply.

    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. Saturn is all about hard work, sincerity, honesty, dedication towards the work. Saturn is the planet of delays but not denials. Saturn will delay but never deny. Therefore you should keep trying and eventually you will rise in your career. Creative field required lot of efforts and if you are willing to put the efforts there will be nothing stopping you from reaching your goals.


      Navneet Khanna

  12. What about number 37? I read it is is very influential in cinema industry.

    My life path is 5 and birth day 2

    Which numbers are better for cinema 37, 42 or 41? I want to form a name.
    Please help me

    • The number 42 is more important for Cinema. As Cinema is a creative industry, 4+2 adds to number 6, which is ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet for creativity and glamor. Therefore adopting to number 6 will be more beneficial in the long run.


    • As your life path number is 6, it is ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of creativity and rules music, acting, fashion, beauty. You can keep your name as Anuraj Singh.


  13. How should i apply this name on me so it should properly work on me .i have changed my name to Anuraj Singh at all social media . Do i need to write my name with my lucky colour daily ? If yes then which colour and what more should i do

  14. My Resent name – Anurag Singh
    Name Number- 8
    DOB = 12-January-2000
    Life path no- 6
    BIRTH no.-3
    Birth Time- 9:25 Pm
    Birth Place- Kanpur UP
    Respected sir i am dying to become an Actor i am going to Mumbai this year to join the Acting Institute ..dont know why I cannot think about any thing else inspite of Acting Carrer i Love it soo much and I feel so good when I perform it ..i do practice alot …sir many Numerologist said that my Name is good for this carrer because it is compatible with my life path number …no.6 and 8 + also compatible with my birth number 3 for this carrer nd no need to change the name …sir plz suggest me some advice or if i don’t want to change my name then what should i do should i write lucky numbers daily which leads me to that carrer then which number …plz sir suggest me plz sir

    • Looking at your stars we see that 10th lord is ruled by Venus , Venus is well placed and aspects the 10th house. 9th lord Mars is exalted in the D9 chart. Venus is the planet of creativity. However the Main period of Mercury and Sub period of Mercury is going on. The period till August 2020 is challenging. You can have a good career in acting, however you will have to work on your confidence and work hard during your training.


  15. Respected Sir
    Name – Anurag singh
    Name no.- 35 =8
    DOB 12/1/2000
    Birth time – 9:25 Pm
    Place of birth Kanpur UttarPradesh
    Sir i have started wearing Manik stone (Ruby) of 6+ Carrot according one Astrologer ..he said in my kundli sun is in 9 place and its weak and etc … sir plz tell will this Ruby help me in my Acting Carrer to get in …from october i will be joining the Acting Institute…sir plz tell me does Ruby stone will work ?

    • As per your birth chart your lagna is Leo and rashi is Pisces. You are born under the Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra. As your Sun is at 28 degrees it is in the state of old age. You can wear Ruby like long. As Venus aspects the 10th house which is its own house as Taurus sign is there. Your is a creative horoscope and you will do well in this line. Take a good acting achool and work hard towards your goals, success is certainly to come your way. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily.


      Navneet Khanna

  16. Respected sir can i wear OPAL or American Diamond with Ruby as i am already wearing a ruby my
    DOb is 12 jan 2000
    Place of birth- Kanpur Uttar Pradesh
    Time of Birth- 9:25 Pm
    One of family member said to wear a American Diamond in place of Diamond because i am Persuing Acting as a Carrer sir plz tellhighly requested ?

    • Yes you can wear as long as they are worn on different fingers. Ruby is worn on ring finger and Opal or American Diamond is worn on middle finger.


  17. Respected this is Anurag singh again my DOB is 12 Jan 2000 time of birth 9:25pm place of birth kanpur Uttarpradesh nd sir i am wearing only Ruby stone.””sir My Maha Mritunjaya jaap has also been done in 2016 when i was 16 will it also help to shape my carrer nd make it grow ?. Sir its been two months in my Acting class i have been really working hard for it as u said and my lifes first stage performance was on 3 November Saturday ..and ya 3 is my mulank too ….nd sir every day i chant maha mritunjay mantra and hanuman chalisa . Nd i use Rose and mogra scent(itrrrrr) in my naabhii(navel part) after bath and do meditation every day and chant Om .

    • As per your natal chart Venus rules the 10th house of profession. Venus aspects the 10th house which is very good. Venus is the planet of creativity and that is why you are attracted to music and acting as these involve lot of creativity. As per your horoscope, you have a good career in acting. Keep working hard and you shall find success.


  18. My name Mahesh my DOB 2 July 1994 am interested in acting but am confusion about the name number which name I have to use 1.mahesh 2.mahesh chakrasali 3.mahesha please reply me and am successful in acting career?

  19. Hello sir….My name is Shreraj J Chandra… having name no 41..My Dob is 29 -5-1989….Time -5:45 pm.. Place -Katihar(Bihar)………I m struggling hard to get a gud gov Job………… Plss suggest, whether my current Name number 41 is gud or not…… Plss suggest after checking my birth details………… I am having great confusion, dat which name number will be more beneficial for me… 1 or 5….

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Mahadasha of Mercury and antardasha of Mars is going on. 10th house is ruled by Sun and Sun is in inimical sign ruled by Venus. Ketu is in your 10th house of profession. Ketu is presently in the 3rd house of efforts. The possibility of govt job is there in your chart. You will have to work extremely hard to get the desired results. The possibility of job is there after June 2019.


  20. Sir my name is Narsingh Yadav
    Dob. 10/01/1993. (1:05am)
    I want to become a super star actor
    Which name number suite for me
    32 or 41

    And what to change or add in my name

  21. Sir my name has been changed by a professionall numerologist my dob is
    12 January 2000 ..time of birth is 9:25 pm
    Place of birth Kanpur UP
    earlier my name was Anurag Singh which comes to 35- 8 its been changed to Annurag Siingh now its =41-5 ..i am Undertraining Actor …sir for how much time should i do Training..from which year my luck will help nd work for me.

    • You’re not a failure in life, your life has barely even begun! You may simply be someone who starts later than others. Giving up and feeling like a failure is the only thing you’ve done wrong. Think positive and start planning for a bright and successful future!

  22. I am Sarin, date of birth is 03-05-1985. Can you please let me know how to calculate the name number. Also if it is not 42, what change can make it 42?


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