Numerology and Child birth


Tips for Conception with Numerology

Are you looking to know when you will get pregnant according to your birth date? Keep reading below and we will go over Numerology and child birth, and getting pregnant depending on your birth date.

Numerology and Child birth

In today’s post, i would like to share some information about the mystery behind conception and child birth. The benefits of numerology in child birth and conception, and also the karma of the child to be born. We must realize one thing, Everything in this world is interconnected, our actions, our words, our thoughts, all these things will affect us and the others.

If we can realize this very truth, then we can rest assure that we live our life peacefully with great content and happiness. Numerology is one of the way, where we can control our destinies. Remember, everybody in this world can control their destinies to some extent, if we obey the law of nature. Most people are childless in this world, These days due to the over ambitious man, the birth of ones offspring has become a challenging one.

Many people think are cursed with a life without children, but this situation can be changed if we follow some truths of Numerology. There are many sciences which helps human being to produce their offspring, and numerology is one of the way. The birth of a child and its future is depend upon the father and mother. The date of birth of couple along with their marriage date determine their life and their offspring’s life. If a couple doesn’t have any children for a longtime, and who is in health through numerology is also good enough to produce their offspring’s sometimes needs the blessings of planet Jupiter.

Planet Jupiter is responsible for blessing a person with child. If Jupiter is strong in a person, then that person is very fertile and will be blessed to have many babies. Now, how to see if Jupiter is strong in a person? Well, if a person has life path as 3, then Jupiter is strong for him, the same can be seen in ones horoscope. We cannot change the lifepath of a person, but we can keep the couple’s (Both husband and Wife) name as 21 or 30. By doing this, Jupiter’s presence becomes strong in their life and they will be blessed with babies. And in general, a couple who have sexual union on date’s with date and life path as 3 will have maximum chance of giving birth to a baby. Also, for couple’s going to married, choose date carefully and never choose date such as 8 or 5 in any case, even life path or date. Can choose 3 or 1 or 9 as life path for marriage, and choosing 3 as life path for marriage will bless them with more than one baby. Also, the date of birth of baby is depend on marriage date.


  1. sir , it was very enlightening to read your article. i was born on 19.10.77(midnight 12.20). married since 8 years. my husband was born on 25.5.73(04.30 am ). bith were born in chennai. when will we get a baby. tried all sorts. will be extremely grateful if you can answer this question.

  2. Hi Vasantha, Just give me your full name, and your lifepath is 8 which is also one of the reason for delay in issue. We will make the name value as 3 by that way the chances are very high for issue. Also if possible visit sikkim, there's a place called Gurdongmar Lake, if you drink the water from that lake you will get a baby. Its a holy lake and many couples have got child going there.

    • Hello. I am 35 years old and trying for second baby. Can you advise when we wil have it. We have been trying since many months now. Your help wil be much appreciated

  3. hi sir,
    good to see your message now. my full name is N. vasantha vijayaraghavan after marriage. I would love to visit that place but medically chances for us are bleak. i expect a mairacle to happen
    thanksa lot for replying my message.I shall start putting my initials as you say sir.
    good day.

    • Hi Vasantha,

      Sign your name as N Vasanthaa (note there is two a's) for 32 times everyday for 3 months, every day when you sign believe that you will get conceived at the end of 3rd month. Sometimes god performs miracle. Believe in those.

    • sir
      i have started writing as you told me.
      can i sign along with his name?
      he feels bad (though doesn t reveal it) that i still sign as vasanthaa

      • Hi Vasanthaa,

        sign as N Vasanthaa, Tht alone comes 32. If your including your hubby name, then tell me whats ur hubby name

        • hi sir,
          his name is T.S.Vijayaraghavan.iam doing as you said. i enjoy a healthy relationship with him . will we be blessed soon
          p.s.i had put my query along with the previous answer. very sorry and many thanks.

        • hi sir
          my name varsha giri (22.12.1988) (
          12.10 aftrnoon)
          neeraj goswami husbnd dob 14.11.1984,we married on 9thfeb 2015
          when do we have baby

          • Looking at your natal chart we see that Moon rules the 5th house of your horoscope. Moon is well placed in your horoscope with Jupiter forming the auspicious Gaja Kesari yoga. There will be delays and obstacles as you are running the period of Shani dhaiyya, but possibility of children is strong in the period ahead. You should keep fast on Mondays for expediting results.



  4. HI my name is ZIEEA KHOT does it lucky for me as per my date of birth which is
    please advice what to do
    Thanks a lot
    i got nervousness , lack of concentration etc tel me how to get a freedom from these problems
    thank you

  5. Please tell me how can I get baby. My name is

    ( Name removed as per the request – author)

    and it has been more than 3 years that we got married. Actually our problems have increased so mcuh that it seems difficult to even continue marriage but we both love each other. There is some negative force that is not letting us live together happily.
    We are in apartment 8 building 27.and our marriage happened on 25th feb 2006.and my husband’s name totals to 8.
    What do you suggest. I am looking Forward for your answer.
    Warm Regards

  6. My name is Ashwani kumar. I get married 6 years . I have no child till date.

    What do you suggest. I am looking Forward for your answer.

    Warm Regards,

  7. Dear sir,
    why can t i sign along with his name. what format should i sign?will I be going through rough pathces with him ?your silence makes me think so.
    please reply

  8. Dear Sir,
    can i sign as vasanthaa vijay.
    i know you should be very busy due to the launching of new feature.
    kindly reply when you find time.
    thank you

  9. My name is vijaya shweta and my husbands name is vijay ranjan .
    My birth time is 01/03/1972 at 7:55 pm Patna(Bihar),
    my husband is 17/10/1972 at 07:05pm Hydrabad(AP)
    married on 04 Dec 1999
    we are trying for baby since 1 year. kindly guide me.
    Thank you

  10. Greetings saravana ji,

    I got married on the 12th of July 2009 ( birth & life path number 3). When do you think children will be born as you mentioned birth of babies could be calculated from the marriage dates? My name was previously ahmed faizal which i then altered to ahmed faizhaal…please advise…Thank you loadz.

    • Ahmed.

      Nice to hear that your numbers are 3 and 3. Its the most beautiful and blessed combination in numerology, To determine birthdate of babies, three factors are considered, one is husbands birthdate, then wife’s birthdate, and third is marriage date. With this three, one can predict the dates. ahmed faizhaal is very good, and will make you prosperous in all aspects. With 3 and 3 in you numbers, there will not be any delay in babies.

  11. Dear Sir,

    I posted my queries earlier today in your blog about saturn and its significance. Since the topic of the blog is about childbirth, I would like to know from you when me and my wife can expect our first baby. Below given is our full name and birth dates and marriage date.

    Sumesh Madhusoodhanan/17-10-1980
    Sreelekha Sumesh/19-04-1985

    We started trying for babies only recently. But since its been 2 yrs since marriage, we would like no further delays. Your advise will help us in terms of resolving any bad effects that we do carry.


    • Sumesh,

      I am not answering in detail about offsprings, its a time consuming one and more over they are governed by divine rules. i wont predict the dates, all i can say is you will be blessed with a great child

  12. hello Sir,

    Thanks for your response. Can you atleast tell me if there is any problems that you see in terms of mine and my wife’s names or birth dates concerning having a child?


  13. Sir, from your blog I do understand that the bad effect of 8 in marriage can be resolved or reduced by having names that resolves to 3. Both me and my wife’s names resolve to 3. Does this help? My name is 84 =12 =3 and my wife’s 57=12=3. Is this correct? Also, my life path is 9 and hers is 1. All these are favourable. Is it not? Or the effect of marriage date is something which cant be resolved?

    • When both the persons names are same, its good for their marital life, name in 3 showers chances of progeny. But marriage date signifies many things like finance, offspring, ones own death too! marriage date life path as 8 is what something to be taken care of, as it can make a family rise high or fall low

  14. Sir,

    How this can be taken care of? So far, since my marriage, I only had good experience. In terms of my job, our finance etc….I only could see a steady improvement so far. Does this all indicate the life path 8 of our marriage is a positve one for us? I dont understand how it can even signify the death as well?

    Also sir, i am currently looking for a job change. As of now, it looks like it will work out fine. But can you see any difficulties ahead?

    Thanks for your response.

  15. my name is vijaya shweta born on 1/03/1972 in patna(bihar).My husband born on 17/10/1972 hydrabad.We are childless and trying since 8 years.
    Kindly advice me.

  16. Hello Sir,

    My name is Poonam Chona born on August 3, 1974 and my husband’s name is Dharmender Singh Chona born on July 29, 1967. Our wedding date is December 28, 1996 and we are a childless couple. Please advice.

    Please remove our names before posting it on your blog. Thank you.

  17. Hello Sir,

    A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU. Sorry to bother you again. My name is Poonam Chona and I have never used initial “K” as my middle name but after reading wonderful things in your blog I have decided to sign my name as Poonam K. Chona. I hope this helps me.

    My date of birth is August 3, 1974 (life path number 5) and my husband’s name is Dharmender S. Chona, DOB July 29, 1967 (life path number 5). We got married on December 28, 1996 and unfortunately we are a childless couple. Please help.

    Thank you in advance for your help. God bless you.

  18. sir, when will bless with child,my date of birth is 29 Nov 1976 and my husband date of birth is 15 dec 1968,while we married on 18 Dec 1994

  19. My name is Agnes DOB 01 Apr 1986 my husband’s name is Mervin DOB 15 July 1979. We got married on 27 Dec 2009. When will be blessed with a child.

  20. Thought this might help….there is a temple after Chennapatna near Bangalore – Ambegalu Krishna temple. Many couples have been blessed with issues after praying here, or you can write to me at [email protected]. I will be glad to give you more details. You can find the details if you google also.

    Good luck to all childless couple….may you be blessed with progeny.


  21. May I also add to the above idea that I am a feng shui master and can offer some easy suggestions and tips to help childless couples conceive. Kindly note that this is not for self-promotion nor for money, but I’d be very happy to help. I know of a good doctor too (in Bangalore)… in case anyone thinks I can help this way, kindly email me.

    Thank you, Saravana – your site helps me reach out to others in a small way….good karma, isn’t it?


  22. Hello sir,

    Nice to read your posts. My birth date is 11.09.1980 (7.20 a.m.) and my husband’s is 04.01.1980 (11.25 a.m.) We got married on 30.04.2009. According to my recent horoscope, it is said that i’ll have problem in conceiving since my saturn is very strong. Please tell me when would be the appropriate time for us to try for a baby ? Please keep this query confidential. Thank you.

  23. dear sir,
    my date of birth is 30-09-1984 and my husbandz is 17-03-1981.our marriage date was on 23-04-2009.we are trying for a baby from jan 2010.i know itz not a long period.but the problem is last month my scaning results shows that i hav polycystic ovary disease which cause a difficulty to very tensed..when i can feel the beauty of motherhood..plz gve me an answer.

  24. Sir,


  25. sir,
    my name is chitra , date of birth is 2-5-1980, time9.42 am .and my husbands name is rajesh selvaraj, date of birth is 9-3-1976. we got married on 22-6-2008.
    we are trying for baby from 2years.when will we get a baby. we will be extremely grateful if you can answer this question.thanks

  26. Hello Sir,

    My name is Ashwini YL born on 02nd April 1983 at 09:30 PM. My husband M B Dayananda was born on 10th Feb 1978 at 08:30 PM. Our wedding date is 08th June 2009. Kindly let me know when would I conceive?

    Thank you,

  27. Do to an unforeseen miscarriage and i was looking for the comfort of when will we be having a second child my name is yadira born april 13 1983 n my husband uriel november 13 1982 married september 17 2001. i hope you can put my pain in ease with some comfort. thank you so much.

    • Yadira, There will be a delay in child birth due to marriage date as 17th, but there is no denial. Child birth is there. So dont worry, saturn delays but never denies

  28. My name is Sushma
    i got married in 2006,i am trying to conceive…but i am not getting pregnent
    my date of bith is 8th Feb 1980.
    is my name is suitable for me… plzzz tell when i will get baby…

  29. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Myself K.V.Meenakshi my Date of Birth is 23.11.1981 and my husband name K.Narayan date of birth is 21.09.1976, I was married on 12.04.2007 .still we have no child kindly tell us what to do to be blessed with child vwey soon

  30. Hello!

    My Name Prince DOB- 21.7.75, Place- Ambala(Haryana), Time- 3:15 p.m.

    Wife Samiksha DOB- 4.4.78, Place- Delhi, Time- 1:40 p.m.

    We r Childless married on 19.11.2000.

    Any suggesstions for us?? How & when she’ll concieve??


    New Delhi.

  31. My name is prabha DOB 18.10.1977, Husband’s name balagangadharan DOB 21.12.1970. Marriage date 24.04.2002. I have one child 6 3/4 yrs old DOB 16.06.04. i would like to have another child.
    kindly let us know when i can have another one.

  32. hi 
    my name is saranyaraja d.o.b 12.3.1986 
    husband name karthik d.o.b 28.10.1979
    our marriage date is 24.8.2009
    how many children will we have 

  33. i am sangita basu d.o.b. 02.10.1978,my husband’s d.o.b is 10.02.1974. our marriage date is 26.11.2007. i want to know whether it is possible for me to concieve

  34. My name is Nisha 17.09.1988, husband name is Ruben 08.4.1988, marriage date 15.5.2010 When we have a baby in our life pls reply me

  35. My name is Aparna and my DOB May 17,1981 and my husband’s name is Muthukumaran and his DOB Nov 05,1977.
    Our marriage date is Sep 13,2007
    I had 3 miscarriages.Pls let me know when can we have a baby?

  36. Hello Sir,
    my name is Namita DOB: 09/01/1983, husband’s DOB: 21/08/1980. Date of Marriage: 21/11/2009. we are trying hard but still not blessed with child. please help. awaiting revert.

  37. My name is Megha Shanbhag born 29 october 1979 and my husband Vijay shanbhag norn 18 april 1973.we r blessed with a boy Yash shanbhag on 17 Feb 2008.We want to know if we have a chance of Second child.

  38. Hi my name is sowjanya dob-24/10/1986 husband’s name Rajendra Prasad dob- 3/11/1981 and we are married on 3/12/2008

    please tell me when we will be blessed with a child?

  39. My Name is Shikha Srivastava, my DOB 5 DEC 1980 and my hubby is 26 JAN -1982 , Our Marriage date is 18-NOV-2010. Please let me know when I can conceive?

    Many Thanks




  42. I need some advice,my daughter is pregnant and due the end of June. No one she knows thinks she will deliver then (including me). We don’t live in the same city,she wants us with her a couple wks. Before the birth & then a few after.I usually am very psychic but can’t seem to pick up on a date to be there by.So if I were to calculate it out numerologicaly would I use her and her husbands numbers or my husbands and my numbers with hers for varried dates in June.I’m so confused ! If anyone can advise me or give me some insight I would greatly appreciate it……Thanks, Terry

  43. My name is krishanveni 02.12.1984, husband name is yatheendra 30.06.1985, marriage date 12.01.2012 When we have a baby in our life pls reply me

  44. Hello my name is archana, even I want to know when will I conceive… Trying since a year and it’s very saddening that u can’t conceive easily.. tried all medications and still trying but want to know when will it happen…
    My birth details-
    Place – Nagpur, Maharashtra
    Time – 05:05am
    Husband’s birth details-
    Place- jalgaon, Maharashtra
    Time- 08:05am

    Eagerly waiting for reply

  45. Hello sir,
    My DOB:4/4/1982, simha rashi, Magha Nakshtra. Husband DOB:1/9/1976, Scorpio rashi, jeshta nakshtra. Marriage Date:1/2/2004.wr already have daughter, when I conceive the second Baby

  46. Hello sir, my birth date is 06 Jan 1987, we hav been married for las 4yrs n plannin fo baby by no results cn u tel me wen vl I get it wich month n date marriage date on 27th June 2012.

  47. Hello sir,
    My name – Himani Pant
    DOB – 27-02-1989
    Husband name – Prabodh Pant
    DOB – 28-05-1984
    Marriage Date – 21-04-2015
    We r trying for bady since 9 months but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive…. Eagerly waiting for your reply.


  48. I am arpita.
    Dob-16th apr’88 time 4.05am place kolkata
    Husband dob 3rd aug’83 place kolkata but dont know his birth time
    Marriage 18th nov’12
    When i will conceive???

  49. Hello sir, i eagerly wanted to know that when i will conceive. My dob is 21 agust 1990 time 3.25 am and my husbands dob is 15 april 1990 time 4.10 am. Marriage date is 28 may 2015 time 12.35pm – 4.00pm. Please give me reply.

  50. Hello sir, my name – purnima singh, 31/10/1980,8.00am,mirzapur
    Husband name-amit singh,31/07/1981,5.45pm,rewa
    I have a baby girl she is 5yr old,we r trying for second but not succeed.. I want to know whn I concive for second…I want a baby boy to complete my family

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your Lagan is Scorpio and rashi is Cancer. Your 5th house is ruled by Jupiter which is in the 11th house and conjoined with debilitated Venus which is the 12th house lord and Saturn which is a natural malefic planet. You are presently running the mahadasha of Venus and Saturn. The possibility of progeny is there after November 2017.


  51. Hello sir,
    Good to see an active site where people are really answered for their queries.
    I am Deepika Jennifer David
    D.O.B 29.09.83

    My husband’s name is Rahul Singh Bhardwaj
    D.O.B 26.08.81

    We got married on 01.12.16

    I would like to conceive as soon as possible…
    Pls guide me whether our stars are favourable for this or are we going to expect delays in life.


  52. Hi my name is Ekta Modi
    Birth time 10.46 pm -Mumbai
    Husbands Name-Jigish Modi
    Birth time-20.43
    Marriage date-24/05/2011
    Still no kid please revert urgently when will I Concieve.

  53. Hello sir..
    Am Anusha Dob : 06-06-1991

    My husband name is Rajesh .
    His DOB 24-03-1984

    Marriage date : 02-02-2014

    We r trying for baby since 1yr… but till now I didn’t conceived.. when I will be able to conceive… please let Me know…

  54. Hello sir,my name is monika agnihotri and my date of birth is 2.09.1988. my husband name is lava agnihotri his d.o.b is 20.11.1983. we got married on 6th feb 2016. When we will have baby?

  55. Sir,
    My name is :shilpi Agarwal
    Date of birth: 12th june 1982
    place: kanpur
    time:4.20 P.M.

    I have been trying for a child for a long time. when will i have a child?

  56. Hello my name is chelsey Brooke daughtrey And my husbands is hunter Andrew daughtrey his birthday is Oct 22,1996 mine is April 13,1996 our marriage date and is Oct 22 2016 I was wondering if we are going to have a baby soon ..

  57. My name is Shilpa. My DOB is 7/7/1985.
    My husband name is Pradeep. His DOB is 20/12/1977
    Our Marriage date is 11/9/2016.
    Kindly let me know when I will conceive.
    Since I am the elder daughter in law, everyone are worried.
    Please let me know.

  58. Sir my name is nikita yadav dob is 17/11/1982 delhi and husband name is prabhat dob is 28/11/1978 at basti uttar Pradesh married since 7 yrs
    Want to know when i can conceive without any problem as j already face a miscarriage at first trimester last month ( Feb) , please help and guide .

  59. Dear sir , my name is Logeswary Chandrasekaran .. i also having this same trouble in having baby .., i already cross 8 months after marriage but still dont have any good news .. hope yue wil help me?

      • Hi Sir I m Tushar nandini mishra and my husband name is Jagadish mohapatra dob 16/06/1980and 26/10/ 10.15 pm /6.58a.m sir we are blessed with baby girl 2 years back now I want to know do we will able to get a baby boy and when

        • Thanks for contacting, we see that 2018 is a strong period for conceiving and getting the desired results. You should recite brihaspate Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times for expediting results.


  60. Hello Sir,

    My Name is Shilpa Arora (05.02.1977) and my Husband name is Sumit arora (18.10.1974) we are married 30.09.2006 past 10 years but still are waiting for our Child, not yet blessed.

    Once in 2010 had conceived naturally, but had a miscarriage.

    can you help us and tell that what are the chances of a baby in our life..and what should we do.

  61. Sir Pl tell me when I will become mother my name mamatha dob 22.01.1988 time 3.45 pm place manglalore.
    My husband name vinoj prabhu dob 25.12.1985 time 10.45 pm place chennai.
    Marriage dob 03.01.2016

  62. Hello sir
    My name is jyoti sirohi, dob 26 Oct 1990 time 2:10 am place hapur,up
    My husband name is Tarun Rana, dob 10 Aug 1989 time 10:30 am place mawana, up
    Our marriage date is 23 april 2016 place meerut, up
    I get miscarriaged my first child in April 2017. I want to know when I will get conceived
    Please help me

  63. Hi my name is pavithra.shetty date of birth is 5th November husband’s name is pradeep.k.shetty his date of birth is 23rd August 1983 married on 2nd May 2013 trying for a child
    I had stillbirth baby boy on 15th January 2014 it stopped breading in my uteruse in 8th month of pregnancy. Then I conceived 4times but no result place help

  64. sir,

    I would like to keep my name secret.

    My date of birth is 30/11/1981 & husband birth date is 28/08/1978.

    When will I have my second baby. My first daughter is 10+

  65. Sir,
    My name is : Kanika Goel
    Date of birth: 15-02-1989
    My Husband Name is Ankush Gupta
    Date of Birth: 19-01-1986
    Date of Marriage: 18-01-2015

    I have been trying for a child for a long time. when will i have a child?

  66. Hi,

    This is Simpi Poddar.I really need your help. I have been married for 3 yrs now but there no luck in pregnancy.
    My DOB name – 16sep 1983 (04:05am)
    Spouse DOB (Sachin kunal)- 1sep 1980 (10:00am)
    Marriage date- 19feb 2014
    Please let me know when will I get pregnant.
    Your suggestion will be very helpful for me.

  67. Dear Sir,
    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2017
    We r trying for bady since almost 3 years but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive…. Eagerly waiting for your reply. Can i have any email id for your contact, Please help.

    Thank you

  68. Hello sir I Am priyanka Dob : 06-01-1991
    My husband name is kalpesh
    His DOB 12-11-1984
    Marriage date : 23-01-2014
    We r trying for baby since 1yr… but till now I didn’t conceived my treatment is going on when I will be able to conceive… please let Me know.

  69. Comment: Hello sir,

    My name : Rakhi khound sarma
    Date of birth : 22/8/1983
    place : Jorhat, Assam

    My hubby’s name : Bhaskar sarmah
    Date of birth : 28/9/1983
    our marriage date : 9/3/2012

    we have been trying for a child for a long time. when will we have a child??I am eagerly waiting for your reply. thank you

  70. Comment: My name is B. J Sharma i get married 3 years . My wife conceived on 6/1/2017 but miscarriage on 12 May. Sir please tell me when will have our baby again without any bad effects and our marriage life is also not good why this things happened in our life we are so much tension.
    My birthday is 9/2/1983 time 4:30 am place Assam. & My wife birth is 11/8/1988 time 11:15 am place Assam

    • If we look at the planetary transit we see that at present you have Ketu in the 5th house of your wife horoscope and Rahu is in the house of gains. Jupiter the karka for children is in the 12th house. Rahu and Ketu along with Jupiter will move in September 2017. Therefore the period after September 2017 is much more favorable for having healthy a child. As Saturn rules the 5th house,doing astrological remedies of Saturn and Jupiter are strongly recommended.



  71. Hi Sir ,

    My name is Santhosh Naik & my wife name is Swetha. She conceived twice.. Both were aborted due to nt grown and dint get heart beat.. As we love each other bt due to small fights in families v r aparted bt meet everyday because v can’t live withou each other .. I am very depressed because v lost twice wen conceived. So pls help me is their any problem in our kundli regarding child.. my DOB is 15-07-1988 and my wife is 16-05-1989

    • Your relationship is not an easy one, because you do life each other and have the attraction that takes a relationship forward. You both can also take hasty decisions when provoked. One day you can be the best friends and partners and very next day you both can be bitter enemies. The need of the hour for both of you is to develop trust and confidence for each other, which has disappeared. More then husband and wife you need to be friends. Regarding children , yes children delay are very much in your charts, however there is a delay but not a denial. Keep fast on Mondays and also offer jal to Lord Shiva, both of you and you will see good results in your relationship and also find happiness in your life.


  72. i am born on 9th April 1981 at 9pm an my husband born on 4th september 1977….is dosh in our rashi .when we’ll have our child..any prediction

    • As per your numerology you will have children after after delays and there are chances that you may have to seek a medical help in this regard. Keeping fast on Thursday which is the day of Jupiter will be very helpful.

  73. My DOB s 2-07-1991 time -17:05
    Husbands DOB 19-07-1991,time-17:25
    Marriage date s 30-12-2015
    When will I get pregnant?i have failed many tyms conceiving and it’s killing me

    • Looking at your chart we see that Jupiter which is the lord of the 5th house of progeny is debilitated in the navamsha chart, which is not good. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will help you get quick results.


  74. Good afternoon Sir,
    My name is shalini jaiswal born in allahabad U.P. on 21.11.1985 at 1:10 p.m.and my husband name is Amit ballabh born on 10.11.1983 in allahabad at 2:10 p.m. We got married on 6.12.2012
    After 2 years of marriage i concieved and delivered a still born baby boy at 8 and half month of pregnancy on 10.09.2015. My baby boy died inside the womb just few hours before my delivery. This happened because of doctors’ fault.
    Since then i could not conceive. All medical test is done for me n mine husband and everything is okay. Still i m not conceiving. I wanted to know when i will have my second child ad per my n my husband’s kundali and how many children i will have.
    Is there any way pooja/path that we can do at home for having health baby soon?

    • Really sad to hear about your delivery. However as I can see from your horoscope there is delay but not denial. You are presently running the mahadasha of Mercury and antardasha of Venus. 5th lord Mercury is conjoined with Saturn which is the lord of 12th house and planet of delays. Jupiter the karka for children is debilitated in your natal chart. The possibility of children are strong after October 2017. Keep trying and surely you will get your results. Keep fast on Thursdays for improving your Jupiter.

  75. Hi Sir/Mam

    I am reading your article, could you please tell me what do you mean by “sign your name” such a way so that it shows 3 as a number. Also please send me your email ID, I would like to talk more.

  76. Sir,
    My name is Maheshwari
    Maheshwari jayakumar Iyer before marriage
    And maheshwari chandramoulish after marriage.
    My DOB is : 30/12/1990

    My husband name is : Chandramoulish Balasubramanian
    His DOB is : 4/08/1987
    Our marriage date is : 6/11/2016.

    Please I want to know when will I get conceive ??

    • Thanks for posting your question on, the possibility of conceiving is very strong in the second half of 2017. It is very important for you to take healthy diet and keep mentally and physically fit during your pregnancy. Unnecessary stress and tensions should be avoided. Keeping fast on Thursdays will help you getting the desired results.

  77. Hi,my name numerology number is 28 and husband is 31,
    My DOB-29/06/1990
    Husband DOB-16/03/1983
    Marriage date-14/08/2014
    I am trying to conceive last 5 months but not get pregnant.when I am get pregnant.told me.

  78. Hi sir.
    My name is vidya s r

    Husband name is: Pramod v
    DOB :21-11-1981

    Marriage :25-5-2011

    Please let me ow when can we expect a child


    • The period to conceive is going on and going forward you should see good results. You need to be careful of your health. Tie a Mauli (Sacred Thread) around your waist after you conceive to protect your pregnancy.


  80. Hi sir, we are looking for your kind help, we are very sad now, I am satheesh kumar.k DOB- 20/03/1986 and my wife DHIVYA BHARATHI.B- 10/06/1992 Married on 14/11/2013 and looking for baby long time, when will we blessed with baby.. hoping for your reply

    • Presently Jupiter is in Virgo and will enter Libra in September 2017. Thereafter you have a strong period to be blessed with a child. Keep trying and surely you will get your desired results. You can keep fast on Thursdays for beneficial results at the earliest.


  81. Hi sir.
    My name is vidya s r

    Husband name is: Pramod v
    DOB :21-11-1981

    Marriage :25-5-2011

    Please let me know when can we expect a child

    • Your date of birth and that of your husband has number 3. Which is ruled by Jupiter the planet which bestows happiness from children. There is a strong indication that you will have child despite delays. Some medical help may be required.



    • Looking at the numerology number of both. You both are ruled by Jupiter. Therefore children will be delayed. You should keep fast on Thursdays for benefits.


  82. My name is Bonita d.o.b is 18/08/1987. My hubby’s name is Himansu d.o.b is 08/08/1983. We got married on 22/2/2011. I had a miscarriage on November 2012. Since then we have been trying for baby but … We have tried all shorts. Please tell me when will my luck favour ….

    • As per your husband numerology he has strong influence of Saturn, which is why he will get things after lot of delay and obstacles. Progeny is no exception and there are strong possibility to have children after delays. Some medical and doctors advice may be necessary on this front. You should look at all options in front of you to get the desired results.


    • hi
      my name is rita and my dob is 9th feb 1977 in bihar buxar and i got married in 12th november 2016 .my husband name is sushil .he donot have actual dob.i want to know when i will be a mother of child or get pregnent.
      Please help me out because am 40+.

  83. Hello sir,

    My name is Suchitra Athavle

    Husband name is: Sandeep Athavle
    DOB :19-12-1980

    Marriage :24-4-2012

    We are trying for a baby since past 21/2 years without success
    Please let me know when can we expect a child

    • Yes there will be delay as per numerology. However the period after November 2017 is much more promising on the progeny front. However there may be a need of some medical advise so do not ignore it. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will also help.


  84. HI
    We are
    Indranil Karak, Dob: 6th June 1981, 5:35pm, at Midnapore
    Kumkum Karak (name was Kumkum Roy before marrige), Dob: 6th Dec 1990, 3:20am, at Ghatal
    Married on 21st April 2014
    We had first child on 27th April 2015, who was not normal and did not survive.
    Please help us, when can we conceive a child.

    • In your horoscope matching we see that you have Nadi dosha, which is not good. Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny. Jupiter is conjoined with saturn which is the natural karka for delays and obstacles. Rahu in the house of luck aspects the 5th house, which is not good and will create obstacles in getting the results. The period for getting the desired results is going on and the chances are strong before September 2018. You should try and surely you will get the results.


  85. Hello sir
    My name is Vandana sharma d.o.b 17/11/1985
    My husband name is Ved parkash d.o.b 28/03/1985
    Marriage date is 30/01/2015
    We are trying for child
    For the 8 months we go to doctors but nothing helped us
    Pls help me
    Thank you sir

    And pls sir remove my name and personal detail after you read the post.
    Thanks sir

    • It is certain that there will be delays and obstacles in conceiving. However the period after 12th September 2017 is much favorable to get the desired results on this front. You should do the following remedies to expedite results.

      Keep fast on Thursdays
      Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspatye Namaha” 108 times daily

  86. Hi I am Rahul Deo Purohit(DOB 08/06/1976) and My Wife name is Rajni Purohit (DOB 12/07/1980) 15 years of marriage still not blessed by child , Medically no Problem , Plz. Reply , waiting for reply .

    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. Saturn will bring delay and obstacles in life. You should try for IVF method where chances of success are more then 50 %. You can also look at adoption.


  87. Hi I am Rahul Deo Purohit(DOB 08/06/1976) and My Wife name is Rajni Purohit (DOB 12/07/1980) 15 years of marriage still not blessed by child , Medically no Problem , Plz. Reply , waiting for reply . Marriage on 1/12/2002.

      • Rahul Deo Purohit(DOB 08/06/1976) at jodhpur rajasthan timming 10:32AM and My Wife name is Rajni Purohit (DOB 12/07/1980) at jodhpur Rajasthan timming 11:20 PM

  88. namaste sir.
    name: rashmi
    husband name : digvijay
    marriage date : 03-11-2014
    can you tell us when we will be blessed with babies.

  89. Hi Sir
    My name is Rupali
    Husband Name Ravi 11-11-1982
    Rupali 22-07-1990
    Marriage 29-11-2011

    Please let me know when can we expect a child.

  90. Hello Sir,
    This is Sumita my husband name Nitin
    We got married 30-04-2006
    Still not having baby
    My DOB 12/01/1978
    My husband DOB 15/11/80
    We have tried ivf twice but had failed
    again we are going to Try this month please suggest

  91. Hi I got married 6 yr back on Feb 26th 2012 .I was born on jan 26th 1989. my husband was on June 26th 19th . We are trying for children. When will we have this period.

    • Due to strong influence of Saturn you will find delay in your life. Having said that children happiness is certainly there, but after delays and some medical help may also be required. Do consult a good doctor who can help you on this front. The possibility of children is very much in the period ahead.


  92. Hello sir
    My name is Rupali d.o.b 22/07/1990
    My husband name is Ravi d.o.b 11/11/1982
    Marriage date is 29/11/2011
    We are trying for child
    For the 2 yrs we go to doctors but nothing helped us and evrything normal
    Pls help me
    Thank you sir

    And pls sir remove my name and personal detail after you read the post.

    • There will be delays but progeny happiness is indicated. You may have to consult a good doctor on this front. It is better to consult with a gynecologist. You can also keep fast on Thursdays.


    • Presently Jupiter the karka for progeny is transiting through Virgo. It will change sign in the month of September 2017. Your possibility of having children is strong after this period. Keep trying and surely you will get success.


  93. Hi my name is Neha Wadhwa after marriage and my husbands name is Gaurav wadhwa. My DOB is 27.11.84, 6.40pm and his is 27.11.81,3.10Am. We have been trying to have a child for 6 years. Please help I am desperate.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Saturn the planet of delays and obstacles in posited in the 5th house, which is the house of children. Due to Saturn in the 5th house, you may also have to take some medical help as Saturn is the planet of diseases. 5th lord Venus is conjoined with Jupiter the karka for progeny. Jupiter the karka for progeny is in Virgo and will enter your 5th house after September 2017. This will be a strong period to conceive. Do not lose hope, as the planets are moving in your direction to help you and get you the desired results. Do Shani puja regularly and also keep fasts on Thursdays.


  94. Hi sir. My name is Jagjit kaur Dob 06/06/86. Timing 6.00am in morning my husband for is 04/09/87 and are marriage date is 13/5/2017,we are planning for baby. Plz advise

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Jupiter the karka for children is in Virgo which is your 5th house. There is a strong possibility that you will conceive in the period ahead. You should keep fast on Thursday for expediting results quickly.


  95. HI Name is Bhavna Jain DOB 21.6.83 & My husband name is Saurabh Bombwall DOB 13.12.82 we are married for 8 months but nothing has happened till date,.

    • Saturn is retrograde transiting Scorpio. Jupiter is in Virgo and will soon enter Libra, which is about fertility and growth. The possibility of conceiving is strong in 2018.


  96. HI Name is Bhavna Jain DOB 21.6.83 & My husband name is Saurabh Bombwall DOB 13.12.82 we are married for 8 months but nothing has happened till date,.planning for a child…

  97. Dear sir i wanted to planning my due date according to numerology. What dates r good to have my c section to have goog star for baby.

  98. Hello Sir,
    This is Sumita my husband name Nitin
    We got married 30-04-2006
    Still not having baby
    My DOB 12/01/1978
    My husband DOB 15/11/80
    We have tried ivf twice but had failed
    again we are going to Try this month please suggest

    Sumita birth time 20.05 pm birth place Mumbai And my husband NItin birth time 7.20 am birth place Mumbai
    Please help me with good suggestion

    • In your horoscope we see that Mars which is the lord of 5th house of progeny is ruled by Mars. Mars is debilitated in your horoscope. Ketu in the Bhagyastan or the house of luck aspect the 5th house. Jupiter the karka for progeny is in the 12th house which is not good placement for it to be. Your horoscope 5th house and karka is weak for progeny. Therefore it is best for you to go for adoption of a child.


  99. Hi sir,
    My name is Jeevita Gadiyal DOB(14/5/1993) birth place Raichur (karnataka)
    Husband name Vinoda Kumar Gadiyal DOB(23/10/1985) birth place Shahabad (karnataka)
    We both don’t know the proper birth timing
    Marriage date 30/11/2012
    We are trying for baby from past 1 & 1/2 years plz advice us when we will have baby

    • As per your both date of birth number 5 is prominent. The period for progeny is going on and you should keep trying and surely you will find success in your efforts. Doing remedies of Jupiter are strongly recommended.


  100. Sir also my husband date of birth time is 7.10am not 7.20 am
    Please advice if is there any hope to get conceive by embryo adoption.

  101. Hello,
    My husbandand I have had one miscarriage this past December 2016, and have been tri BB to conceive again ever since. Can you hemp is on a prediction based on our information. I do know that my husband has a lifepath of 5 and I a 6.

    Name: Caitlyn Elizabeth Walker (maiden name)
    Place: Tampa, Florida, USA
    DOB: March 6, 1986 (03/06/1986)
    Time: 1:41 a.m.
    Name: Michael John Moore II
    Place: Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
    DOB: July 14, 1982 (07/14/1982)
    Time: 2:34 p.m.

    • As per your horoscope you were badly afflicted by Saturn till 26 January 2017. The Saturn influence always brings delays, obstacles, hindrances in ones life. Now this period has got over, therefore the period after 01 November 2017 is much more favorable which promises results on this front. There is no doubt that you will conceive again however you need to be careful during during this period. Avoid intoxication of any kind during this period.


  102. Hello my name is Priyanka
    DOB 2/07/1991
    Time 5.05pm
    Birthplace Maharashtra
    Husband name ajay
    DOB 19/07/1985
    Time 5.15pm
    Marriage date 30/12/2015
    When will I get pregnant.??please reply soon.have tried every medical treatment but no success.its creating problems in ma family…please tell me what are my chances to get pregnant

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Jupiter the lord of the 5th house of progeny, is in the 9th house and conjoined with 6th lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury. Jupiter is debilitated in the Navamsha chart (D9), this is not good. You should do the remedies of Jupiter to get good results. Your chart also indicates the need of medical help on this front. Get in touch with good doctors to assist you and help you conceive.


  103. Hi sir my name is Saleha Sarveen my date of birth 27/9/1989 n my husband date of birth is 22/11/1988 on may 29 the 2016 I got married and when I will get pregnant please let me know

    • The possibility of conceiving are very strong after October 2017. You should keep trying and do the remedies given below for expediting fast results.

      1. Recite Hanuman Chalisqa Daily
      2. Keep fast on Thursdays
      3. Recite Mantra “Om Bhim Brihaspate Namaha” 108 times daily


  104. Hello sir
    My name Vandana sharma
    DOB 17/10/1985
    Timing do not know exactly around 1-2 PM
    Husband name Ved parkash
    DOB 28/03/1985
    Timing do not know
    Marriage date is 30/01/2015
    Sir we are trying to convince for the last 1 and half year.
    As you adviced I do fast on Thursday
    But my husband do not keep fast
    And he also washes clothes on Thursday even I often told him to not do this
    But he does not intentionally but it happens.
    I am scared that brihspati God will angry with us if my husband do this
    Pls suggest
    Thank you sir

  105. Hello sir,
    My name is Sweta… Dob-11/04/1989
    Husband name Rohit… Dob-09/08/1986
    We got married in 26/11/2015
    We r trying for a baby for the last 6 months…
    It will be of great help sir if u will tell me if I will be blessed with a baby or not… N if yes then when…
    Thanks n Regards.

    • The possibility of getting a child is strong in 2018. However there may be a need for some medical advice before you get your results. It is recommended that you and your wife do get in touch with a good doctor who can help you in expediting results. Doing Hanuman Chalisa regularly will help.


  106. Hello Sir
    I am Nisha Mitra,dob (30/04/1989) timing 04.45 am morning. Husband Sayan Ghosh,dob (08/08/1986) timing 06.32 am morning. Married on 5th feb 2015.
    Trying to conceive from Jan,2017.. We yet didnot get any fruitful result.. When can we expect our good news. High family pressure on us for baby..
    Please kindly help us.

    • As the ruling planets of both you and your husband is Jupiter and Saturn which are slow moving planets. you will get results after delays. However there is delay but no denials. You can expect to get results in 2018. Doing the remedies of Jupiter are very important for expediting results.


  107. Pranam Sir,
    My name is PREM CHANDRA, DOB – 29/10/1977, Time-4.10 am, Place of Birth – Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand. & my wife name is VIBHA KUMARI, DOB – 30/06/1983, Time-10.09am, Place of Birth – Domchanch, Jharkhand.
    We got married on 1st Dec, 2009. Since then we have been childless, in spite of trying all sort of medicinal treatment, including IVF. Currently she is taking homeopathy treatment. We both are highly devotional persons, more devoted to Lord Hanuman & Lord Vishnu. My wife does Mangal Vrat on Tuesday & Brihaspati puja on every Thursday, since marriage. I recite Hanuman Chalisa 2-3 times a day since before my marriage. But still we are unable to find any success. We are in great despair & almost loosing hope of having our own child in future.
    I just happen to come across this site today & after going through similar issues of others & your suggestions to them, I am getting little hope now. Kindly suggest me is there any chance of getting child birth for us in future & if yes, pl let us know what more we can do now to have such blessing in our life.
    Waiting for your reply at earliest,

    • In both the horoscopes we see that there is affliction on the 5th house, which is the prime house of progeny. Also there is weak karka that is Jupiter. It is better that you go for adoption. Sometimes certain things are not in destiny. It can be because of our past karmas. By going for adoption you would not only fill your life with happiness but also give parents happiness and future to a child. I suggest that you should not get carried away with emotions of having only a biological child. A child is a child and once it comes and sits in your lap you will forget about everything and start loving it.


      • Sir, Thnx for reply. But does it mean that chances for us to have own child is nil. If any remedial measured we can take to make our karka Jupiter strong, kindly suggest.

  108. Hello sir
    I am Nisha Mitra,posted u on 11th aug. Thanku so much for ur reply. As per ur suggestion as posted on 13th Aug,17 you suggested me to do the remedies for Jupiter planet..As u said that our jupiter and saturn are moving slow..
    Plz guide me with some useful suggestion,what are the remedies to follow.
    My father in law is suffering from Cancer Grade IV,n i want to fulfill his last desire.. we trying since months but till this month we failed.
    Plz kindly help me.

  109. Hello sir
    I am Nisha Mitra,posted u on 11th aug. Thanku so much for ur reply. As per ur suggestion as posted on 13th Aug,17 you suggested me to do the remedies for Jupiter planet..As u said that our jupiter and saturn are moving slow..
    Plz guide me with some useful suggestion,what are the remedies to follow.
    My father in law is suffering from Cancer Grade IV,n i want to fulfill his last desire.. we trying since months but till this month we failed.
    Is our lifepath is good?
    I donot know to calculate it.. plz tell me how earliest i ll be able to conceive. Can i keep trying after september?
    Plz kindly help me.


  110. Good evening! I would like to ask for your help in terms of conceiving a baby, I’ve been trying for a while, but no luck. All tests come out normal for me and my hubby, but still nothing. We have gone through several treatments which have done more damage, than good, thinking about the IVF, but really were hoping to conceive naturally. We got married on November 28th, 2015.
    My full name is Irina Valeryevna Gaponova DOB: March 11, 1982 , time of birth 4:20pm, place: Stanica Novodjerelievskaya, Russia (Krasnodar Region). My husband’s name is Roman Dmitrievich Gaponov, DOB: September 15, 1976( he doesn’t know the time), place: Krasnodar, Russia.
    I really appreciate your help and advice.
    Please help us.
    Thank you

    • Looking at your Vedic chart we see that your ascendant is Leo and Moon sign is Virgo. Your 5th house is ruled by Jupiter as Sagittarius sign is there and Ketu is posited in the 5th house which is not good. Ketu is the south node of the moon and it represents delays, obstacles and surgery. The period of Jupiter is going on and sub period of Mercury which is a good period to give you results on this front. However you may need to consult a doctor before you may get some results. Conceiving naturally possibility is there, but you need to be careful during pregnancy.


  111. Hello sir,
    My name is ravichendra Reddy M.
    Dob is Feb 17th 1984
    My wife name is ramadevi
    Dob is Jan 7th 1987
    Marriage date is 24-05-2014

    Last three years onwards we are trying. Some pooja also done. When will getting a baby. Please suggest me.


    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays, hindrances and obstacles in life. You will get the desired results are delays. Progeny happiness in indicated but you may need to take advice from a doctor as well before you get your results. You should Keep fast on Mondays for expediting results.


  112. Dear Sir,
    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2017
    We r trying for bady since almost 3 years but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  113. Hello sir
    i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . I have tried everything that i can . when i will conceive ? Please sir need your help .

    I am Suvarna
    DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 10:15 am

    Husband name Arun
    Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

    Thanks and regards

    • In your horoscope we see that Saturn rules the 5th house of progeny. Sun, 12th lord Mercury and Mars aspects the 5th house. Jupiter the karka for progeny is debilitated. Hence the horoscope is weak for progeny happiness. You should seek a medical help on this front. If you do not get the results till May 2018. It is advised to go in for adoption.


  114. Hey I’m Chelsey daughtrey I’m 21 and married been married since 0ct 22 of last year my husband’s name is hunter daughtrey he’s 20 birthday is also Oct 22 never hear that much lol we are wanting a child we have been trying for a while now could you tell us when we will concieve?

  115. Hello Sir,
    My name is Yogita Mehta
    DOB – 17/8/1983
    My husband name is Rohit Minocha
    DOB – 2/9/1983
    Marriage date – 5/11/2015

    Kindly tell me when i will be able to conceive?

    • As you are born under the influence of Saturn, there sill be delays. Saturn has been retrograde and recently turned direct. The possibility of conceiving are strong in 2018.


  116. Hello sir,
    My name is Sangita Sarma
    DOB – 3/11/1984 time – 12.30pm
    My husband name is Niren Sarma
    DOB – 13/01/1980 time – 1.40pm
    Marriage date is 11/5/2013
    Please tell us when we have kids.
    Waiting for your reply at earliest.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Rahu is in the 5th house, the Mahadasha of Saturn and Rahu is going on. Jupiter the karka is transiting through Virgo and will enter libra this month. The possibility of kids is strong in the second half of 2018. You should do remedies of Rahu and Jupiter for expediting early results.


    • Hi Sir,My name is jyoti Singh and I am unmarried. I want to know after marriage,will I be able to produce child. My date of birth is July 8 1985 and time of birth is 8 pm

      • In your horoscope chart we see that Jupiter which is the karka for husband is debilitated which is not good. 7th lord Moon is under kemdruma dosha. There is marriage in your life, however the delay is because of the weak 7th lord and karka Jupiter. The strong possibility of marriage is after April 2018. You need to try very hard on this front to get desired results.


  117. I’m Pallavi U and my DOB-05-04-1993
    My husband name is Noothan M S and his DOB-09-06-1986
    Marriage date is 25-05-2016
    My birth time is 12:30 pm in the afternoon,place is bangalore
    My husband birth time is 5:30 am in the morning ,place is channapatna
    We r trying from one year for a baby.
    Please let me know when can I become a pregnant.
    Please do help us and give the solution for my question as early as possible.
    Thanks and regards,

    • Looking at your natal chart the possibility of progeny is strong in 2018. You should do the below given remedies.

      1. Drink water in a Silver Glass
      2. Put Kesar Tilak every Thursdays
      3. Give fodder to the Cow


  118. Hello sir,
    my name – Santha Karanam, 18th may 1985, 1.10am, Gowribidnur, Karnataka
    Husband name-Janardhan Sidhanthi, 7th April 1980, 11.10am, kalluvapalli, kalyandurgam, Andhra Pradesh.
    Our marriage date is 13th February 2009.
    I have a baby boy,he is 7yr old, (6th July 2010)we r trying for second but not succeed.. I want to know when I conceive for second…I want a baby girl to complete my family

  119. Sir we are trying for family expansion since a year but no luck.
    My details are:- DT of birth- 22/05/1986
    Time- 10:35 am.
    My husband detail- 10/12/1982
    Time- 5:52 pm
    Our date of marriage is 24/02/2014

    As per astrologers there is bleak chances of conception…even med reports are OK still unable to concieve. Plz help.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Moon is the lagan lord. Moon is conjoined with Ketu forming the chander gharan dosha, which is not good. 5th house is the prime house of marriage. In your horoscope Saturn the planet of obstacles and delays Saturn is in the 5th house. 5th lord Mars is in the 6th house. In your horoscope weak 5th house and 5th lord brings delay on the progeny front. The mahadasha of Saturn is going on and Saturn in transit is transiting through Scorpio and will soon reenter Sagittarius. The possibility of conceiving are strong in 2018. You should be careful on the health front after you conceive. Doing remedies of Mars and Saturn will help.


  120. Name -Preeti Dob- 5-5-1992, Time- 6:42 AM, Place- Mathura U.P. Question is this…. Would I be blessed with my own children? If, Yes then , When will have my first baby?????

    • In your birth chart we see that your lagan is Taurus and Rashi is also Taurus. Venus is in the 12th house which is not good. Mercury is the lord of the 5th house and Mercury is debilitated in your horoscope, which is also not good. Due to the above weak planets there will be delay in having progeny. If you are facing delays then it is best to seek a doctors advice who can help you with some medication. The mahadahs of Rahu and Moon is not good it will bring tensions and stress. Doing the remedies of Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter which is the karka are important for getting desired results.


      • sir Rahu,Mercury or jupiter k liye kya remedies krni h nd husband name Anupam DOB- 27-7-1987 time 3:45Am Place vrindavan…. Marriage date 29-4-2015 or marriage bhi bhut acchi nhi chl rhi h starting s hi problem chal rhi h..or husband ki kundli m kya h
        santan k yog kb tk saal kuch chances h ya nhi.

  121. hello sir,
    My name is yamini
    DOB : 14/04/1990 time 19:08 place of birth Bangalore
    husbands DOB:16/10/1983 time 18:45
    marriage date:01/05/2013
    please say me when I will have children sir plzz.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Mars and Venus are conjoined in the 5th house. 5th lord Saturn is conjoined with Rahu. Due to weak 5th lord and 5th house there will be delay in progeny. You should get a medical advice on this front to expedite results at the earliest. Also do remedies of Jupiter and Saturn for benefits.


  122. My name is amandeep kaur mathauda
    Dob 24-08-1987
    My husbands name. Shashank Rao gaddi
    Dob 17-11-1987
    It’s been a while we r trying for baby
    Can u plz tell me when I will conceive


  123. My name is amandeep kaur mathauda
    Dob 24-08-1987
    My husbands name. Shashank Rao gaddi
    Dob 17-11-1987
    marriage date 8/9/2009
    It’s been a while we r trying for baby
    Can u plz tell me when I will conceive


  124. Sir my name is Poonam Chhabra dob is August 7,1987 time 7 am Delhi husband name Ajay Kumar dob is July 14,1983 time 11.25 pm Punjab. When will we have a healthy baby. Already had 3 miscarriages. Our wedding date is October 12, 2013.

  125. Hi sir,

    My name is Pallavi
    DOB -05-04-1993
    Time – 12:30pm
    My husband name is Noothan M S
    DOB – 09-06-1986
    Time – 05:30 am
    Marriage date 25-05-2016

    Please tell us when can we have kids.
    Waiting for your reply.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Libra sign is in the 5th house and Venus rules the this house of children. Venus is exalted but combust as it is conjoined with Sun. Debilitated Rahu in the 6th house aspects the 5th lord Venus. You are presently running the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Jupiter. Jupiter in transit will enter Libra on 12th September 2017. Thereafter coming 13 months are very strong for conceiving.


  126. Hello sir my name is purnima D. O. B-27-07-1990,MY HUSBAND Name is Ashrith D. O. B-19-07-1985 we lost our first baby four days after its birth it’s date of birth 04-07-2017

  127. Hi sir, im Ravi Diwan.I want to know about my didis pregnancy, since she has no child after 8 yrs of marriage. can she concieve?
    Prerna Khare . 12th april 1981.
    6.40 pm. Dhamtari( chhattisgarh)
    husbands: Abhishek khare. 4 november 1976
    5.45 am .Lucknow ( UP) .
    I would be very grateful to you sir. Gratitude.

    • Looking at her natal chart we see that she is born under the sign of Venus. Her 5th house of progeny is ruled by Saturn which is retrograde and placed in the 12th house. Saturn is debilitated in the navamsha chart, which again is not good. Jupiter the karka of progeny is also in the 12th house, Therefore the 5th lord and Karka are both weak for getting the desired results. She should go for medical help on this front. Also look at adoption as a possibility.


  128. My name is: vivien michna
    Dob: January 28, 1982
    Husband: istvan kereszturi
    Dob: March 7, 1981

    Married: July 13, 2002.

    Had twins December 31, 2006.
    Wondering when we will conceive our third child. Thank you in advance!

  129. Dear Sir,
    My name –kiran gupta
    DOB – 27/04/1984
    time- 16.25
    Husband name – ashish gupta
    DOB – 15/11/1978
    Marriage Date – 28/11/2012
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

    • In your chart we see that 5th house of progeny is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is exalted in the 2nd house. You are presently running the mahadasha of Mercury and antardasha of Jupiter. As Saturn rules the 5th house, there will be delay in having children. As Rahu aspects the 5th house you may need to have some medical treatment before you get the results.


  130. Hello Sir,
    My date of birth is 13.10.1986 (Time not sure but around 10 AM)And dob of my wife is 10.12.1992, we married on 03.06.2015.
    when do we have baby?

  131. Hi Sir,
    My name-Joshna J( D.O.B- 11/sep/1989)
    My husband name – Senthil Krishnan( D.O.B -29/Jun/1982)
    Please let us know when we will get kids.


    • We see that both of you are ruled by number 2 and the Moon, which will make you highly talented, emotional and kindhearted. The possibility of progeny is strong in 2018. You should do the below given remedies to expedite results at the earliest.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays


  132. Hi name is Taruna Narayan and my husband name is Sanjay gureja ..below are our details..Want to know when can I conceive.
    Name Taruna Narayan
    DOB 06 Jan 1986
    Time 22:18
    Place Delhi
    Name Sanjay Gureja
    DOB 02 Mar 1984
    Time 09:10
    Place Delhi

    • Looking at your chart we see that your lagan is Leo and 5th house is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is posited in the 6th house and debilitated. 5th lord in 6th house and debilitation is not good. Also you have Sun, Venus and Mercury in the 5th house. Your horoscope is weak on this front as Rahu in the 9th house aspects the 5th house. The main period of Mercury and Mars is going on. The possibility of conceiving is there, but you need to take some doctors advice before you could see favorable results. Keep fast on Thursdays.


  133. Hello Sir,
    My name is Yogita Mehta
    DOB – 17/8/1983
    My husband name is Rohit Minocha
    DOB – 2/9/1983
    Marriage date – 5/11/2015

    Kindly tell me when i will be able to conceive? My doctor is advising me to go for ivf..will i conceive naturally ?

  134. Hello Sir, I m Chumki.
    My DOB is on 11th Feb 1981. Night 9.23 p.m.
    Birth place – Rourkela, odisa
    My husband DOB is on 9th Sept 1979,birth place – Rourkela.
    We married on 6th Feb 2010.
    I had 1 miscarriage .
    Can you Plz tell me when I will conceive or when we will have child

    • In your horoscope we see that 5th house which is the house of progeny is ruled by Saturn and is in lagan. Sun which is 12th house lord is conjoined with 2nd lord Venus and Ketu which is debilitated in the Navamsha chart. 5th house coming under Rahu – ketu axis is not good. 12th lord in the 5th house indicate health problems for which some medical consultation may be required. It is best that you take an opinion of a doctor in this regard. Doing the remedies of Jupiter and Saturn will certainly be helpful.


  135. Hi sir,
    Could you let me know when will i conceive, we dont have birth details of my husband so no one is helping me in predicting child birth. can u please see if there is any other way and let us know when can i conceive?
    My name: Sirisha Akula
    DOB: 22/04/1986
    Marriage date: 03/Apr/2016

    • Hi sir,
      Could you let me know when will i conceive, we dont have birth details of my husband so no one is helping me in predicting child birth. can u please see if there is any other way and let us know when can i conceive?
      My name: Sirisha
      DOB: 22/04/1986, time: 2:50pm, place : hyderabad
      My husband name: Vishnu Prasad
      Marriage date: 03/Apr/2016

      • Looking at your natal chart we see that Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny and Rahu in the 9th house aspects the 5th house. 2nd lord Mercury is posited in the 8th house and debilitated. Yes the horoscope is weak for progeny happiness. There will be delay and obstacles. The possibility of progeny is strong in 2018. You should do the remedies given below for getting results. Keep fast on Tuesday.


  136. i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . when i will conceive ?

    My details
    DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 10:15 am
    Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

    Thank You.

  137. i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . when i will conceive ?

    My details
    DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 10:15 am
    Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

    Thank You.

    • Looking at your charts we see that horoscopes are weak for progeny. There will be delay. The possibly of progeny are there however it is important that you seek a medical advice. Doing the remedies given below will certainly help.

      1. keep fast on Thursday
      2. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times daily


      Navneet Khanna

      • Sir,
        Thanks for your reply.
        We are trying for baby from last 7 years we have did ivf,iui but failed.can you please suggest when we will blessed with baby ? And with medical help or naturally ?
        Arun patil.

          • i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . when i will conceive ?

            My details
            DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
            Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
            Time Of Birth – 10:15 am
            Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
            Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
            Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

            Below is your reply

            Looking at your charts we see that horoscopes are weak for progeny. There will be delay. The possibly of progeny are there however it is important that you seek a medical advice. Doing the remedies given below will certainly help.

            1. keep fast on Thursday
            2. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times daily


            Navneet Khanna

            Thanks for your reply.
            We are trying for baby from last 7 years we have did ivf,iui but failed.Now we are taking ayurvedic treatment .can you please suggest when we will blessed with baby ? And with medical help or naturally ?
            Arun patil.

      • Sir,
        Thanks for your reply.
        We are trying for baby from last 7 years we have did ivf,iui but failed.can you please suggest when we will blessed with baby ? And with medical help or naturally ?

  138. Dear Sir,
    My name is Elena Kyoseva 12.07.1982 my partner is Georgi Georgiev 13.11.1984
    Please let me know when will I conceive?
    Thank you

    • You are ruled by number 3 and Jupiter. You are active, talented , honest, trust worthy and mature person. You are helpful and a good host. Regarding progeny we see that there will be delays and obstacles on this path. Jupiter in transit has entered Libra, and likely to bestow you will good results on this front. Do suggest a doctor is necessary.


  139. Dear Sir,
    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2017
    We r trying for bady since almost 3 years but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

    • Please provide your date, time and place of birth. Also recheck your marriage date, as you are saying you got married 3 year ago, but you put your date as 09/06/2017.


      • My name – Beni Anna John
        DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
        Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
        DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
        Marriage Date – 09/06/2014

        • Dear Sir
          Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

          Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  140. Husband name- Anupam DOB-25-07-1987,Place -vrindavan,Birth time – 3:45 Am.
    Marriage Date – 29-04-2015. Sir please let me know When will I conceive. Preeti DOB_ 5-5-1992, Place -Mathura, time-6:42.

  141. Hi Sir,
    My name: Pranitha
    DOB: 12/12/1980, Time: 3:15AM, Place: hyderabad
    My Husband name: Srikanth
    DOB: 23/08/1974 Time: 1:30PM, place: Karminagar
    Marriage Date: 27/02/2009
    Its been 7 years i got married but we dont have kids, i also gone through 2 ivf treatments but with no success. I want to know will have kids or not. please help me.

    • In your horoscope matching we see that your horoscope is weak on the progeny front. It strongly indicates problems on the children front. There can be delay, miscarriage and obstacles in conceiving. You should seek some medical help as it is indicated in your birth chart.


  142. My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  143. Hello sir
    Myself snehal suryavanshi and husband name is- prashant narawade.
    Marriage date is -20 december 2015
    My birthdate is 11 feb 1985,17.47 pm at Thane , Maharshtra
    Husband birthdate 16 feb 1983, 18.02 pm, sangamner, maharashtra
    Plz guide me about our baby and married life

  144. Hello sir
    My name is snehal
    Date of birth=11 feb 1985 at 17.47, Thane, maharashtra
    Husband name is prashant
    Birth date 16 feb 1982 at 18.02, sangamner, maharashtra
    Marriage date 20 december 2015
    When we will have child?
    Thannks and regards

  145. hello sir,
    my name – Gopika M H , my DOB – 16th March 1988 time 4:44pm
    husband name – Muddaraju M , his DOB – 4th March 1986 time evening 5-6 pm
    marriage date- 11th March 2016 time 9- 10:15 am
    trying for baby more than year and failed
    when I will get pregnant

  146. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.

  147. My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  148. Husband name- Anupam DOB-25-07-1987,Place -vrindavan,Birth time – 3:45 Am.
    Marriage Date – 29-04-2015. Sir please let me know When will I conceive. Preeti DOB_ 5-5-1992, Place -Mathura, time-6:42.

    • In your husband horoscope we see that 5th lord venus is combust and conjoined with debilitated Mars which is the 6th lord. In your horoscope we see that Mercury the 5th house lord is debilitated. Therefore both horoscopes are weak for results on the progeny front, which will bring delays and obstacles. You are running the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Mars. However the possibility to get the results are stronger after June 2018. Keep trying and also do the remedies of Jupiter. Keep fats on Thursdays for benefits.


  149. Hello Sir!
    Im Maya, I want help for my family friends.
    Could you please tell me , if they can have a 2nd baby. They have a boy of 6 yrs age. They are planning for the second but in vain.Their details are Anuradha Singh DOB. 29/12/1970 Time. 5.30 AM Place. Wolverhampton England.
    Paminder Singh DOB. 02/01/1983 Time. 5.44 AM Place. Ludhiana Punjab

    • Your friend is passing through the period of Shani Sade satti, that is why she is facing obstacles, delays and health issues. Her Rashi is Dhanu that ios Sagittarius and Saturn in transit is in Sagittarius bringing obstacles in her endeavors. The period till 2020 is not good and little chances of success. She should do Shani remedies for gains.


      Navneet Khanna

  150. My name is Bindhya Sajeendran; DOB is 19/04/1978 at 1:30pm. Place of birth is Tellicherry; Kerala.
    Husband name is Kalarikkal Narabron Rajesh; DOB is 20/11/1971 at 12:59am. Place of birth is Nadiad; Gujarat
    Marriage date is 30/08/2009.
    Tried ivf for 5 times. Still not conceived
    Please tell me when will we blessed with a child.

  151. Hello sir
    I posted question on 2 th october 2017 as well as on 8 th 2017.I can understand there is lot of load on you.but plz help me by replying to my problem.

  152. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.

  153. My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally.

  154. Dear Sir,
    My name – Latha Noelline G.
    DOB – 25/12/1974
    Husband name – Maria Joseph Kumar I.
    DOB – 27/04/1973
    Marriage Date – 15/12/2014
    We r trying for a baby since almost 3 years 9 months but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….as ours is a very late marriage.

    Awaiting for your earliest reply since we are so depressed of not having child. Kindly advise

    • As per the stars indicate a delay on this front. It is best to consult a medical specialist for help. Also you should do remedies of Jupiter which will strength the chances of child in your life.


  155. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Date of Marriage – 21st June, 2010
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.

  156. Hello sir

    My name is Richa Verma(DOB is 8/09/1988 7:25 AM) my husband’s name is Rohit Kumar Verma (DOB is 06/01/1986) our date of marriage is 14/02/2013. Evn after trying continuously from last two years m unable to conceive. I want to know whn will we blessed with a baby…. plz help us

    • In your birth chart we see that Saturn rules the 5th house of progeny. Ketu in the 12th house aspects the 5th lord. Jupiter the karka for children aspect the 5th house. Saturn will delay but not deny. Also Ketu aspect indicates need for some medical advice. The possibility of progeny is much stronger in 2019. You should keep trying and you will get the desired results.


  157. Hello sir
    My name= snehal
    Birth date= 11 feb 1985 ,17.47, thane, maharashtra
    Husband name=prashant
    Birth date=17 feb1982,18.02, sangamner , maharashtra
    Marriage date=20 dec 2015
    Plz guide me about our married life and about our baby

  158. Hello Sir, My name is sachin Kunal, DOB- 1sep 1980 (10:00am)
    and my wife simpi poddar , DOB– 16sep 1983 (04:05am)
    Marriage date- 19feb 2014
    We have trying for child since last 3 years. Please let me know when my wife will get pregnant.
    Hope I will get response from your end.
    Thanks Sir

    • Looking at your wife horoscope we see that Mars rules the 5th house of progeny. Mars is debilitated in the birth chart. Jupiter the karka for children is conjoined with Ketu in the 5th house. Rahu – Ketu aspect on the 5th house is not good. It gives problems on this front. The mahadasha of Rahu is going on indicating delays and obstacles. You should get medical help on this front. Also doing remedies of Jupiter and Mars will certainly help.


  159. Namaste
    My name is Jyothi. DOB 21 Jan 1985 2:49am born in Bangalore.
    My husband name is Sairam. DOB 06 May 1982 10:30 am born in Bangalore.
    Married on 27 April 2011 in Bangalore.

    When will we be blessed by children?

  160. Hello Sir,
    This is Isha Shahani here,my DOB is 30/07/1986 and time of birth is 09:13 am.
    My husbands name is Manish Shahani and his DOB is 07/10/1981 and time of birth is 09:05 am.
    We got married on 19/05/2014.
    Both of us are born and married in Mumbai.
    I have done all my medical tests and all the reports are normal.We are trying to have a baby since a year now.
    Can you please tell us about our future married life and when will I get pregnant.

    Thank u.

    • As per your natal chart we see your horoscopes are weak for progeny, that is why delay is there. However the progeny is there in your horoscope. The chances of which are much stringer in 2018. You should do the remedies given below.

      1. Keep fats on Thursday
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily


      Navneet Khanna

  161. My name is Santosh Daga my husband name is sumeet Daga DOB mine 13/4/1984time2.40pm husband 2/1/19848.40am married for11yrs wat r the chances of convincing

  162. Thnxs sir…i wil surely do all the remedies whatever you suggested me..but sir plz i want to ask you frankly whether there is any chance of child in our life..if so when?n are there any chances of me concieving naturally ?coz already i have taken 10 times ivf treatment but havent concieved..i have already tried so many fasts n other such ways…but have failed..plz sir reply

  163. Sir, pls answer me::::

    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally.

  164. hello Sir

    my self Bhavna Jain married last year my DOB -21.06.1983 & My husband name Saurabh Bombwall DOB 13-12-1982 we are trying for a baby from day one but no result as my age is also going please help me out

  165. Sir i am very mistake i gave my birth time wrong initialy u my fresh details
    My name is Shalini Saharia .Date of birth 19th oct 1981,time 2:55pm,place Dibrugarh assam
    My husbands name is Vikash saharia ,date of birth 26th oct 1980,time of birth 07:29am,place Dibrugarh assam
    My marriage date is 12th dec 2009
    We have been trying continuesly for 7 years but i havent concieved..even tried highest level of medical treatment 10 times ivf but have failed..please tel me wil i ever have a baby?if yes ?when?which year? Wil i concieve naturally or with medical help?

  166. Sir,
    My name indurani DOB 19/11/1983 10:10 pm Place Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu.
    My husband name Ramachandran DOB 12/11/1976 7:15 PM
    We got married since 10 years, we tried all temple and medical trials.
    No progress, some struggles my treatment. Could you plz tell me wat should i do to get my child

    • In your charts we see that 5th house which is the prime house of children, is afflicted with 4 planets. Sun and Ketu are cruel and malefic planets. Jupiter is 6th lord and 6th lord in 5th house is not good. The mahadasha of Rahu is going on which is challenging and troublesome. You should look at adoption.


  167. Hello sir,
    (Nilutpala Bhuyan)
    My dob is: 28/02/1988
    Birth place: Bokajan,Karbi Anglong,Assam
    Time: 11:30 pm
    (Suraj Jyoti Baruah)
    My husband’s dob is: 25/08/1982
    Birth place: Tinisukia,Assam
    Time: 05:57 pm
    When will we have a baby?

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Scorpio and rashi is Cancer. You are born in the Punarvasu Nakshatra. 12th lord Venus is in the 5th house and exalted. Jupiter the karka for children is in the 6th house. Saturn and Mars in the 2nd house. This is a weak horoscope and therefore there will be delay. You should seek a doctors advice on this.
      You should also do the below remedies.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays
      2. Recite Santan Gopal Mantra


  168. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Date of Marriage – 21st June, 2010
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.
    I am waiting for your response since last month and posting the same query several times, please respond. Thank you in advance.

  169. Hi sir
    My name is Ashwini hingole(DOB 22/6/85). My husband name is Sachin hingole(DOB 21/3/82).date of marriage 17/5/2011. Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby. We tried IVF two times but it fails.

      • Hi sir
        My name is Ashwini hingole(DOB 22/6/85) birth time 6.00 am – 6.15am in vidul, Maharashtra.
        My husband name is Sachin hingole(DOB 21/3/82) birth time 8.45pm in asegaon, Maharashtra.
        Our date of marriage 17/5/2011.
        Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby. We tried IVF two times but it fails.
        I am waiting for your response since last 15 days and posting the same query several times, please respond. Thank you in advance.

        • In your natal chart we see that 5th house which is the prime house of progeny is ruled by Venus. Venus in conjoined with Rahu. Ketu is posited in the 5th house and conjoined with Saturn.Jupiter which is the karka for progeny is debilitated. Therefore your horoscope is very weak on the progeny front. It is better that you go in for adoption, rather than putting yourself into physical and emotional torture.
