Magic Number 108


Number 108 has been widely considered as a divine denomination by almost all major religions on earth. Many interpretations are cited by religions of our times to substantiate the universally divine nature of number 108. But one thing is sure, the magic number 108 is not just a symbol or a mere divine metric, It is a statement and a path laid to man for higher truths.

Magic Number 108

There are various illustrations which place magic number 108 as the most sacred of all. Some of the meaning’s of number 108 in mathematical context is that 108 arrives by(1 x 1 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 108) 1 power 1 x 2 power 2 x 3 power 3.  Though 123 doesn’t make any divine connection, spiritually there is a subtle meaning in 123.  1 represents the unmanisfested supreme being, the anadi – who has no beginning or end. The one becomes two and thus creates His manifested forms (The masculine and Feminine) with the power of three i.e. Maya or Cosmic Illusion.

One, Two and Three also signifies Sattvas, Rajas and Tamas.

The 27 constellations which falls under the Fire, Earth, Air and Water signs of the zodiac i.e. 27×4 = 108.

One of the major interpretation of number 108 is the number of the 12 zodiac signs multiplied with 9 planets in the zodiac, 9 x 12 = 108.

In eastern philosophy, number 108 is considered as the complete circle. It is the ultimate and end of an event or a phenomenon. That’s why mala or beads used for prayers consists of 108 beads. In india, there are 108 shaivaite (Lord Shiva) shrines and 108 vaishnavite (Lord Vishnu)  shrines.

There are 108 energy centers in our body, and our brain consists of 108 mandalas or spiritual planes.

In numerology, magic number 108 is the ultimate number. There are many meanings for number 108 in numerology,

In 108, 1 stands for Sun – Creation, 0 stands for the spirit which protects the life itself and 8 stands for Saturn – the destruction.

In the same way, 1 stands for Rajas Guna (means quality of dynamism and passion) 0 stands for sattvas guna (purity, balance and goodness) and 8 stands for tamas guna (darkness and dullness).


  1. Hello Sarvana Rajendra,
    today i’m here to ask you a very exciting question, the talk of the time… 🙂


    your old fan
    God Bless

    • I wanted to do a post abt it earlier, but forgot. Its a tough choice for this WC, i knew PAK will win win against WI. and one who wins against IND Vs AUS will go on to win title.

  2. the number 123 is very powerful and occult and 100% DOES have a divine connection, the author should not make sweeping statements without a decent degree of numerological knowledge. 123 is the first three magnitudinal descending series, and is the sum of the factors of the superabundant 72 – the internal degrees of a pentagram, the most phi’d up shape in existence. Furthermore, 1,2,3 are the factors of the first perfect number – whichever way you look at it, 123 is very important – AND divine, perhaps the author shodl dig a bit deeper in future…


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