The Power of Number 8 in Numerology


We have discussed so much about number 8 in numerology, we have seen the problems of 8 born persons like 8,17 and 26.  Proper remedial measures have also been suggested in this blog for the 8 borns.  Many people avoid, fear, object number 8 in all aspects of their life, cos they believe that 8 brings more misfortune and pain than good. No one can change their date of birth as its a predestined one, but we can control the destiny of our life through the science of numerology. If at all there is one thing which is very much true, that that is Life is not made up of chances but the choices we make

The Power of Number 8 in Numerology

One common misconception about numerology is that only number 5 and 6 are the best numbers, but the truth is even many numbers in 8 series are very much powerful and great too! There are 108 numbers in numerology and each number from 1 to 9 has 12 numbers out of those 108 numbers. For e.g. 1,10,19,28,37,46,55,64,73,82,91,100 are the twelve numbers which belongs to the compound number 1 in chaldean numerology.

Hence 12×9 makes 108 numbers in total. Any name in this world has to come under these 108 numbers only, If the name exceeds the value 108, then its converted to the last possibility of those 12 numbers in its family.

Having said about the structure of numbers, let us uncover the power of number 8 in those 108 numbers. First, lets know what are all the 12 numbers which comes under number 8.

They are 8,17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80,89,98, and 107. These 12 numbers form the number 8 series in Chaldean numerology. Honestly, not all the numbers in this series are good ones, majority of the numbers in 8 series are deadly and avoidable, but there are certain numbers which are considered to be INVINCIBLE. Those numbers are rightly termed as the Powerhouse of 8.

Now is the time, where we are going to see about the numbers of 8 which are hidden and mostly unknown to the world of numerology.

Number 17 – The Resurrector

The undisputed top spot for numbers in 8 goes to number 17. Number 17  is a sensational and super power number which belongs to Saturn/Venus. The result of Saturn in sign Libra gives rise to number 17. Saturn is the most powerful planet when its placed in sign Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus which is a friend of Saturn, and in this position Saturn becomes stronger than anyone else. As the person gets the power of both Venus and Saturn.

Person with name as number 17 will be super strong willed, and a person of great force an intensity. They are virtually indestructible as one can never destroy their happiness, goals, pride, ambitions, and their self too. The person with this name initially will have to face many struggles and sufferings from all quarters of life due to their rebellious nature. But they will never ever quit their ambitions and will fight them till their last breath. Eventually they will win over their enemies and will emerge as victorious. Like phoenix, they resurrect every time they fall.

The confidence and strength of these persons are eternal like which never perishes. They can defeat any one in any field and has the power to emerge victorious or wealthy or powerful. Though they will not be interested in money, wealth will come to them naturally.

They are the people who can achieve the impossible in life. Their fame is eternal and the world can never forget them for their heroics.

Number 80 – Living Dangerously

Out of 12 numbers in numerology 8 series, only two numbers are worth mentioning and are said to be unique among others. One is number 17 and the other is number 80.

80 is not as powerful or as glorious as number 17. But this number is certainly a very different, unique, and a mysterious one out of all numbers. First of all, no one should try to use this number 80 in their name as its a risky number and also gives a dangerous ride of life for that person.

Now whats the exact nature of this number?

In three words to answer – Indiana Jones Number

That might sound funny, but actually number 80 is like Indiana Jones life which gives lifetime adventures, travels, life threatening incidents, mysterious journey of life in search of quest. The person with this number will face grave dangers in all walks of life but they will some how trick those dangers and live a normal life like that seen in Indiana Jones.

Their life will be full of adventures and risks which no one can even imagine of. They will possess some mystic qualities which actually saves them from all the dangers they face. Nevertheless to say the nature will help them in all the ways to make sure their journey of life is safe. They have a great gift from nature which helps them in mysterious ways.

If these persons study occult classics, then they can even become Chi masters or Pranic Healers or Zen Masters with gift of being one with nature. But not all can use this name, as the date of birth must not conflict. Only certain birth numbers can use this number as name and can expect these results.


  1. Hi there,

    I want to know why is it that some 8's become so powerful like Michale Jackson for example. But yet other 8's could be very unsuccessful.. Why was Michal Jackson so Lucky?

    • Cant say MJ was lucky, he was successful but not lucky. May be for our eyes he was a successful person and happy person. But in reality, he himself knows that he was not happy in his personal life. He suffered many health problems, he constantly had to change his self to avoid the bullyin of others. He made millions happy with his music but he hardly lived the life he really wanted. When a person is not happy and blissful in heart, he is certainly unlucky even if he as billions fans and billions of money.

      • Hi sir…I was born on 08/08/1987..The date is 8 & Life path is 8…
        As Suggested i have come up with a name which counts to 8..Can u please suggest if i can use this name…
        Karthik reddy d-original name.
        karteek reddy d–new name.
        Really feel lifez changing after using d new name..getting attached with d world..

    • Michael Jackson was lucky but also unlucky that's why he died like he did. Plus everyone tried to take advantage of MJ and tried to rip him off just for his money. From molestation cases to his wife all were after his money. Also he was never happy with himself that's why he did plastic surgery. If his name added to better number maybe he would have lucky in all aspects.

  2. Dear Saravana sir,

    My name is Krupakaran V, i recently joined to forum, could you please let me know
    if i need to correct my name and what it must be ,below are the details
    Name:- krupakaran V
    DOB:- 8/12/1978
    Would appreciate your response in this regard

  3. Hi Sir,____you are right, i observed that person carry this number are very strong, powerful, hard working, born fighter and one more thing these number person speaks generally very slow then normal person. for eg: Raghu, Amrith, Farah, Harish, Harsha, etc

    • Yes, they dont utter words that easily, they save so much energy through this. Thats why sages go for absence of speech for years, so that their praanic energy is intact.

  4. hello, saravarajenthirsir

    I am number 8 & 8. I am living in apt .8. Is it danger for living.
    But room number is 9.
    which number total name is best for date of birth 19,20,23.
    thank you for your answer & help.

  5. Saravana
    You have mentioned “Numerology Lucky and Unlucky colors” but will you please also post “Numerology Lucky and Unlucky Numbers” also…
    like lucky marriage date, exam dates, bike/car numbers… etc

  6. Its good, you dont have 8 in your birthdate,

    One has 8 in their birthdate if he/she has birth date 8,17 or 26.. Or their lifepath comes 8,17,26,35,44,53,62..107

    Your lifepath is 6!


    here it is (11/01/1983 = 1+1+0+1+1+9+8+3 = 24=2+4=6) hence your lifepath is 6

  7. Hi
    Does name number has more importance or influence than day number, or life number? Or do all numbers (name, day, life) have equivalent weight?

    thank you

  8. An interesing day in my life 20.09.2009

    38 viikko… 3+ 8 = 11
    päivä 2+0+0+9 = 11
    vuosi 2+0+0+9= 11

    ON TOP OF IT, IT WAS 263th DAY OF THE YEAR… 2+6+3= 11 !!!!!!!!!!

    4 x 11 = 44
    4 + 4 = 8

    I was born 29.06.1989

    2 + 9 + 0 + 6 +1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 44 !!!
    4 + 4 = 8 !!!!

    + I was born 89 8+9 = 17 1+7= 8

    + I was 62days over 20 (on 20.09.2009) 6+2 = 8

    + my name Angelica has 8 letters
    + angelica 8 letters + saukkonen 9 letters…. 8+9= 17, 1+7=8
    + I have 26 letters in my whole name… 2 + 6 = 8

    + we started dating with Mikael on 05.10.2008 0+5+1+0+2+0+0+8=17, 1+7 =8

    Just coincidence right…

    I could go on and on…


  9. sir,

    i am 17 born faith number 5 doing business in name 73 having idea to change to 23 or 32 either 37 or 59.

    please suggest ideal number.


  10. hiiii,… how r u???? sir, i just wanted to know something…..
    dob=17/05/1989.. ie no. 8
    name=pranay kaul=30 not good enough…
    pet name= gabru=14 , ie no. 5 , but only some of my friends and family members know me by this name…
    should i still change my real name and if so which is better
    1. pranay b kaul
    2. pranay k kaul
    3. pranay r kaul
    pls do respond …. i m w8n……

  11. Dear Astronlogia,

    My DoB is 08/08/1981 and my husbands date of birth is 17/07/1982 we got married on 28/03/2009. I’ll be grateful to u in case u can tell me about my marriage that whether it will be sucessful or not??

    Incase its not sucessful how can I make it sucessful.

  12. My name is ” R. PASUPATHI RAJA ”
    DOB : 08.05.1979

    Pls say a right name for me… 30 years gone…. but still i didnt succed in my life..even i cant pay for my own bike due…… thats my case…

    i have decided – “” R.R. PASUPATHI “”……..IS THIS OK? or ANY CHOICE ?

    With a mood to comment sucide..

  13. Hello Sir, My birth date is 26th Feb 1983, i know that its not a lucky date as it sums up to ” 8 “. Please advise some success mantra (as i have to struggle evry day)and if it is a good match to marry a girl having born on 1st.

  14. Dear Astronlogia,

    U said my marriage will be sucessful but I have a doubt in this become I have stayed only 3 months with my husband and from last 5 months we are not staying together… we also keep having arguments.. and face financial problem as well.. then how can u say that its gonna be sucessful…

    • Khushbu,

      The result of your marriage is good, this is a temporary separation, everything will be sorted out soon. No successful marriages are free from separation atleast for a short while

  15. I used to think of 8 as the most luckiest number for me! In my experience it has always been good for me. But now i realise that it can be as bad for someone as it is good for someone else… I do agree, Saturn is a great teacher..

    I love your work sir. Honestly am fascinated by your knowledge in this field of numerology. May god bless you…


  16. hi


  18. The name which you use for legal and signing purpose should be 5. If its ponnapu reddy revathi, then it has to be 5, and you should sign in this way only. or make it as revathi than ponnapu reddy revathi

  19. sir,
    thanks a lot for your reply.

    1) my mom LP is 8,in some imp documents her name was mentioned as ponnapureddy.revathi=80, but she singed below as p.revathi=32. is it ok sir? any changes required in future we have to take care?
    2)even her sign is in 32,does her full name name number 80 will have any significance?does it give her any bad influences?
    3) we don’t know my father DOB his sign is PSSR=16 is it good? if change is required which one would be most lucky for him,p.s.sankara reddy=42 /p.siva sankara reddy=50?

    please reply. thanks in advance.

  20. My name used to be Tejal Kiritkumar Dumasia. DOB July 15, 1978. 31 years and still struggling to settle down in career. I decided to change my name to Trisha Dumasia Dang (changed first name, kept my father’s last name as my middle name and adopted my husband’s last name as mine). Can you help me with my numerology? will I ever be successful?
    I came across this forum while searching for the power of 8.

  21. My name was Tejal Kiritkumar Dumasia, DOB July 15, 1978. I have been 31 now and still no success with career. I changed my name to Trisha Dumasia Dang (changed my first name, kept father’s last name as my middle name and adopted my husband’s last name as mine). Can you please help me with numerology? will I ever settle down in my career and be successful because for last 5 years I have been nothing but failure. I have recently changed my name on July 21, 2009. Please guide me through. I came across your forum while searching for “power of number 8” .

  22. please please please please please please please help me sir.
    My full name is navanshu and my date of birth is 19-12-1987.
    i am living worst pathetic life with no social recognition inspite of my efforts.i always have physical problems all th time.spent most of my life alone.someone said my name is ruled by saturn which if not placed in right position destroys person in all departments which exactly might have happened.
    so sir, what name number would be best for me when i decide to change my name

  23. Sir, My date of birth 17-01-1983. Can you suggest me to get better life shortly considering my name and date of birth. How can I change my name number?

  24. sir,
    my name is Praneet Undurti and my D.O.B is 17-07-1991……though 17s my number, i’am facing many problems regarding my studies and physical health……just about 4months before met with an road traffic accident in which i broke my right femur and tibia……i got operated and i’am rite now advised rest, i’am in no manner able to taste any success with anything…….is there anything wrong with my name???? please help me!!!!
    Praneet Undurti

  25. Sir,
    My name is khandaker iftekharul islam. it comes 76. but if I change it to Khandaker iftekhaarul islam. then it comes 77. What about 77 sir. Is it ok for me or not. My date of birth is 17.01. 1984

  26. Dear Saravanna Sir,

    My name is Krupakaran V. Could you please let me know if the name needs to be changed and also what it has to be in that case.
    Date of birth is DD/MM/YY:= 08/12/77
    since im undergoing lot of difficulties would appreciate your feedback.

  27. Sir,
    I was going through the significance of numbers in our life and stopped here.
    My name is Smita Rajan and my date of birth is 09-10-1975. I am struggling in media industry. Somehow, I think that I am less determined than I should be. Is my name number in sync with my birth number? Please guide me or let me know if I need to make some change in my name.
    Smita Rajan

  28. Sir,
    Thanks a ton for the encouraging words. I will keep in touch for further guidance. I will try to be more determined as you said.
    Smita Rajan

  29. hello how r u Astronlogia, i hope ur doing good n fine. i called ur mobile so many times but u didnt pick ur calls, pls i need to talk to u, i hav many doubts and clarification or i can meet u personally if u wish. give me the address of urs i wil come one day to meet u. im wating for ur reply soon

    with warm regards
    suresh bhupathii b

  30. Dear Saravana sir,

    The initial V in the name should it be written after the first name i.e Kruphakaran
    or can it be written as V Kruphakaran.
    thanks for your response.

  31. Dear Saravana Sir,

    Also i would like to ask about baby’s name which is V K HITESH and his date of birth is 12-OCT-2009. kindly let me know if this is ok or the should there be any alteration in the name. appreciate and thanks your prompt response.

  32. sir,
    MY DATE OF BIRTH 17-01-1983. My name comes 76. if i change it to 77 by changing khandaker iftekhaarul islam, it comes 77. should I change this way? Will it be effective Please suggest me sir? What about 77 ?

  33. Dear Sir,

    My name is – Bhuvaneswari.T (47) If change the Initial to L (46)
    My DOB – 17.06.1975

    My Husband’s name – M.Loganathan
    My Husband DOB – 03.02.1971

    Our Marriage date – 17.03.2006

    Could you pls advise that our marriage life will be successful or not?
    Because we are facing financial problems and everyday arguments.
    When will clear our financial problems and which one is correct for my name.

    I have one son Name – L. ASHVANTH (33)
    DOB – 15.03.2007 (18)

    Is this okay for my son?

    Pleaseeee I am eagerly waiting for your reply.

    Thanks in advance.

  34. hello sir
    my name is vandana panjeta
    is my name lucky for me…
    if not could you pl suggest some change so that is becomes no 5…

  35. Hello sir,
    My birth date is 1/19/1968, my life has been all the things you say 8’s are.
    I am given great responsibilities yet have lived a very hard life. all my life I have felt
    powerful, but lately the power is radiating and becoming so strong spiritually it seems uncontainable. My words cannot truly explain to you this beautifully painfull
    experience. My name is john french or john brandon french I have 5 sons
    any insight would be appreciated thank you

    • With 8 as lifepath, the doors to spiritual and higher realms is opened in your life. The hard life you have lived is your karma, and since you have emptied it, true purpose of your soul has arrived, concentrate your energies in spirituality. Higher realms are opened.

  36. Dear Saravana Sir,

    Could you please kindly revert to those queries which i have posted , would appreciate your response in this regard.

  37. Hello Sir,

    My name is in my email address:-)

    my dob is 1 oct 1977. I am looking for 100K+ $ job this year. when that is likely to happen this year?

    This is a great site. Thank you.

  38. Hello Again Sir,
    Happy New year to you!

    I am intrested to know about the lifepath numbers ’35’ and ’38’. Can you please analyse them.
    what are their main caracterstics, are they compatible to each other and how auspicious are they
    Thank you

  39. my birthdate is 7-17-1953… life is always filled with obstacles, but also there have been lots of miracles also…..please explain what my birthdate means….thanks

  40. Hello Sir,

    I had no clue 8 was such a powerful # until 8-8-08.
    I have always been drawn to the # 8 and constantly find my self using the Chaldean numerology to break down #’s …License plates, addresses, social security’s

    My dob is 8-26-1979
    8 2+6=8 and 1+9+7+9=26 2+6=8 (888)
    I am the 8th child born
    My first name has 8 letters

    I also have lived a struggle no parents or grandparents at the age of 24 became an orphan. I am very spirtual and this is where I drawl my strengths.
    are there any reccommendations to change my struggles that continue to come.
    my first name has 8 letters

  41. Dear Saravana Sir,

    Also i would like to ask about baby’s name which is V K HITESH and his date of birth is 12-OCT-2009. kindly let me know if this is ok or the should there be any alteration in the name. appreciate and thanks your prompt response

  42. Hi Saravanana, first of all i would like to thank u for the service U r doing to the public.I have been well motivated and convinced by ur article on the “Number 8”.I would be very greatful to U if U can find me a way out of ma misfortunes.
    My full name is Dondapati Karthik Reddy, which counts to 5,and i was born on 08-02-1987 which counts to 5 as life path.But oficially i use the name D.karthik Reddy, which doesnt count to 5,Is it necessary to change ma name .
    My birth on date 8 led to my mother loss,n full of misfortunes later,n still our family suffers obstacles.And still many leading astrologers say my marriage life wont go well.

  43. Saravana the name U refer to match , is that the full name? or register name? or calling name ? or name on signature? Hope i am not troubling u too much.Ma mind is full of doubts.Really life has been a disgrace and without happiness.I dont want my marriage life to become upset so plz offer me sme suggestions..

  44. Sir,

    My daughter birth date is 08-12-2009. I named her as A.Moksha which has name number 5. Is it good to her life? Or do I need to change name?

    Please suggest us.


  45. Hello Sarvana sir

    my dob is 1oct1977.. i am looking for a job change this year.. what do you suggest per numerology… am looking for very fat salary 🙂


  46. Hi Sravan,

    I am Number 8 (26 July 1982)… Have faced major debacle in business recently. 2009 was a a major blow to my professional and personal life. Inspite of alll this I am still fighting and have started rebuilding my business again… Do u have any suggestions which I should follow to make it successful this time

    Thanks in Advance

  47. Dear Saravana Sir,

    Just for a clarification you had suggested for change of name from krupakaran V

    to kruphakaran V, is it ok to place the initial first and then the name or should it be vice versa.

  48. I have seen atleast 2 examples of 8 born with name number 33..leading a life as per 33 number…why in these cases number was not required for a better life

  49. hello name is kevin das, born on 17-12-1971, can i change my name to kkevin dass to have good vibration .my wife name is sunita das born 13-1-1973, please help us to improve in our life.we have a great influence of 4&8 in our daily life. we try to avoid these number but they keep coming back to us. please help us.

  50. Hello Sir,
    My nephew was born on 17-02-2010. We have decided on names starting with “D” … Deep, Dipen, Dwij. Could you kindly tell me which of these names would be suited to him. Can you tell me how his life path number is to be calculated?

    Thanks & Regards

  51. Hello Sir,

    My name is Nagesh Prabhu
    My Date of Birth is 26.07.1983
    Got married on 24.02.2008
    My Wife’s date of Birth is 27.09.1980

    Career wise, going little smooth, but marriage wise Not at all going great. Pls let me know what can be done. My parents are only worried about my marriage life. We dont have a proper undertstanding at all. I have a Duaghter too, whom I love most. Pls help me. Waiting for your reply soon.

  52. i would like to know: 1. do i have to change my name spelling to get the right number? what should i use when i sign any papers? my date of birth is: 17-oct-1974.
    Iam facing so many difficulties in financial and legal matters too.
    PLEASE DO E-MAIL ME any good solution if there is any?: LUCKY COLORS, LUCKY NAME AND NUMBERS.


  53. Dear Sir,

    Pls reply to my problem

    Everytime I comeonline, I visit your blog to see the reply. Pls waiting for the reply badly

  54. I have gone through the reading mentioned for number 8.
    My name is Parag Deb.
    Date of Birth – 8th July 1984
    My name under numerology is 8.
    I am very concerned about my future. I don't know where i will lead to. Do I make changes in my name to bring number 5 . If I change from 'Parag' to 'Porag' it will be 5 then. I need your valuable suggestion. I am ready to change it if you suggest. I am really really concerned. Please help me.

  55. Namasthe Sir,

    My first son's DOB is Nov 26,2002.I read your entire blog on Number 8
    I have 3 options to change his name to number 5,which are
    1.Amoggh Rajat
    2.Amoggrajat Venkat
    3.Amoggh Nanjund

    Please tell me which is suitable for him

    Thank you vv much

    Please respond

    Best Regards


  56. Dear Sir,
    My Name is “Naveen Kumar A.S” DOB is 19/07/1989. Birth number is 1 and life number is 8. my name number is 46 (i read your article regarding name number 46, which is very good for me) but now i need to expand my name in passport my initial expansion is given below with addition of my father’s name
    Naveen kumar ananda sundar =80(name number)
    Naveen kumar anand sundar =79.
    please let me know which one suits me more, i read the effects of name number 80 whether it suits me? because my life number is 8. if not what is effect of 79 name number.
    And also can i go for name number in 82, but my wish is above said name in 80 if it suits me i’m happy man.
    And also i used to put my signature a just “A.S.Naveen Kumar” . If possible you put an article regarding names in signature and passport for your regular reader’s sake.
    Thank you.

  57. Dear Sir,
    My Name is “Naveen Kumar A.S” DOB is 19/07/1989. Birth number is 1 and life number is 8. my name number is 46 (i read your article regarding name number 46, which is very good for me) but now i need to expand my name in passport my initial expansion is given below with addition of my father’s name
    Naveen kumar ananda sundar =80(name number)
    Naveen kumar anand sundar =79.
    please let me know which one suits me more, i read the effects of name number 80 whether it suits me? because my life number is 8. if not what is effect of 79 name number.
    And also can i go for name number in 82, but my wish is above said name in 80 if it suits me i’m happy man.
    And also i used to put my signature a just “A.S.Naveen Kumar” . If possible you put an article regarding names in signature and passport for your regular reader’s sake.
    Thank you.

  58. dear sir,
    do you give classes on numerology in chennai? if not so can u send me the information where we can learn it. and also are the qualities of 17 applicable to 17 borns that is whose birthday falls on 17th of any month.
    liked your post on 8 number the only one to give me inspiration.thanks

  59. Out of curiosity, did anyone happen to notice the significance of the day this blog was posted??? 7/29/2009? Perhaps the author intended to do so, but WOW, if they didn’t, because there is a very powerful message underlying the actual message. How appropriate?!?! Look at all the elevens!!! Inspiration, illumination!!….29th day=11, 2009 year-=11, and 7+ 11+11= 29(day AND year in which this was written) AND it ==11!!!! Coincidence or profound message!?!! Let the numerologist decide……

  60. sir

    this is a very humble request i m making for the third time …cud you please delete all the posts under my name ….

  61. my dob is August 16, 1987. I’m a single mother and jobless but I still believe that God has good plans for me. Do you think, I will be lucky this year??

  62. hi sir im quite impressed by ur work,u r helping a lot of ppl,im also a common man who wants to become big in life,but things r nt getting my way,plz help
    i write my name as SARVESH KUMAR,dob 26-09-1973,plz suggest me some remedies as to which number shud i use for business,or to get high in life
    instead of SARVESH KUMAR i can also write SARVESH CHOWDHURY,if u agree to it,or any other change made by u is appreciated.
    thanx in anticipation,may god b wid u.

  63. Hi Saravana,
    I wrote you yesterday asking if my name goes well with my day number and life number. I’m not able to locate the place where I had posted it. Anyway, My date of birth is 3rd september 1985. My birth name is saima nisar and I was told to change it to Saimah Fatimah. would that be suitable for me. My surname is Khwaja. Can I change the spelling of my first name so that I retain my surname or else I don’t mind even writing it as saimah fatimah. And yes My day number is 3 and life number is 8. So is that ok for me or not? You have made numerology so simple and understandable with all the logic and background. Felt good reading your posts.
    In urdu my name saimah fatimah comes out to be number 3 but in english I guess it comes out to be 1. So which one will go with my life number 8. ASlo it would be great help if you could suggest me a gemstone to wear.

  64. Hi Saravana,
    I wrote you yesterday asking if my name goes well with my day number and life number. I’m not able to locate the place where I had posted it. Anyway, My date of birth is 3rd september 1985. My birth name is saima nisar and I was told to change it to Saimah Fatimah. would that be suitable for me. My surname is Khwaja. Can I change the spelling of my first name so that I retain my surname or else I don’t mind even writing it as saimah fatimah. And yes My day number is 3 and life number is 8. So is that ok for me or not? You have made numerology so simple and understandable with all the logic and background. Felt good reading your posts.
    In urdu my name saimah fatimah comes out to be number 3 but in english I guess it comes out to be 1. So which one will go with my life number 8. Can’t I stick to name number 3? It would be great help if you could suggest me a gemstone to wear. Thanks
    With best regards,
    Saimah Fatimah

  65. Thats one great blog! I quite like the articles and the fact that most of them are organised into categories so I could jump directly to the spiritual category or number 8 related posts. Kudos to the author for sharing his knowledge with others.

  66. dear sir,

    my name is kieran sirsat, my dob is 26-07-1984, im very much interested in acting line do u see any rewarding future here…

    my heart body n doul is in acting…..

  67. Hi !

    Read the article Number 17 – The Resurrector, which gave me some hope.

    Kindly tell me is it the total of the name or the DOB ? My son was born on 15.01.2008 which comes to 17, is it good for him ?

    I’ve named him Aditya Verdhan. Please suggest me is it good or bad.



  68. Dear Sir,



  69. I am trying to choose a sucessful wedding date. could you please advise which date is more ideal

    1) 26/02/2012 = 6
    2) 19/02/2012 = 8

    my date of birth is 21/11/1985 and my partner is 17/09/1981

    i am concerned because i have been told you should avoid 26 but then the 19th comes to an 8…please help!

  70. I have birthdate 3 and life path 8
    I am cancerian (2-7) factor.
    Which of the following name numerology be best for me?

  71. Dear Mr Sarvana Rajendra,

    I had a doubt I recently bought a Car whos no is J 78227 the total is coming to 8 can you pls let me know who would this car treat me. Will my life be easy & smooth or I will face lot of challenges after buying this car.

    Many Thnx
    Tejas Shah

  72. Hi,

    This is an interesting article about number 8. I don’t believe in numerology until I read some articles about it. My date of birth is 12/28/1984 which happens to be a life path 8. I can relate almost all facts about 8 born people, I mean I’m always thinking on how to create more money..I really don’t know how to avoid this feeling of wanting more..

    Do you have any suggestions?

  73. Good day,  My name is 16  (29+20+21) and my birthdate is 22.09.1975 = 35 = 8
    I am so depressed and tired.  Any suggestions?
     Thankyou, Christine

  74. Dear Sir, I had a question: my daughter was born on 05 november 2008. she gets 8 as her life path number and her name is Aditi jain. Is it good or bad or should I change her name

  75. HI my name is Amit Parsi and my birth date is 17-03-85. I want to know which number is compatible with me male and female. 

  76. Hi sir
    i got through your artical iam so much impressed
    sir i need some more suggeston on my bussiness & bussiness name
    my DOB is 17.11.1966 , Name is LAKSHMI
    i hope you reply soon

  77. Hi , I am Jayanthi, my date of birth is 17-08-1978, please let me know about my future- job and career , finance and health

  78. hi sir iam 17-10-1993, date 17 with Libra sun, iam 24 age iam always surrounded with bad luck, failures despite hardworking, always spent lonely(even till today), I really hate my self to look back at my childhood days.only thing iam fortunate is I never had financial problem despite that I could never enjoy my money.I will spend more than thrice what my other friends spend but the satisfaction I derive out of is nothing compared to them.most of the time(ie more than 90% times)my hard work,my money goes into vain. but the funny thing even after failing all the time, iam still fighting for some bigg success which can wash away all my past failures and misfortunes. your article on 17 Libra gave me small hope that my future will be filled with some capacity. can you please suggest some changes for my successful career. 8 is my birth number and 4 is my destiny number KARMA.please help me out.

  79. Lifepath 8 and having Saturn in 8th house. Life seems extreme lousy cant express my pain in words…as you guys already know how it feels to have a negative Saturn in life. I’m just wanting a good name change suggestion which can bring me success and happiness. My name is Anima Beck. D.o.b – 10/10/1986. Peace and love to all 🙂

  80. Hi Sir,
    I’m Tushar Chawla born on 28-10-1977 at 2:15pm. My new company name is Bhagwati Interiors and exteriors Pvt ltd and old company name was Bhagwati Interiors Pvt ltd. With old name I was facing losses.
    Kindly guide if any change is required in my name or company name.

  81. Hello sir my birth date is 8 / 7/1984 and my life path no. Is query is i have always been sort of unlucky and failure in all aspects of life..but i always take care of my karma and try to do good whenever wherever it is needed.plz suggest me something..

    • Being born under number 8 whose ruling planet is Saturn. You will always gets things late in life. The good thing is that you will get things as Saturn is the planet of delays and not denials. Doing the remedies of Saturn will help you a lot in your life.

      1. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays
      2. Light a Diya under a Peepal tree every Saturdays


  82. Hello, first I like to say thank you for all your wonderful posts on this site. I have learned a lot about my own essences so far. Yet I still struggle as I seem to have some very different energies in my charts. I think they are (or could be) powerful when used for the highest good of all. My astrology is Scorpio ascendant, Libra, and Virgo cusp Moon. Virgo Sun. Neptune in house 1. + many squares haha. It aligns with my numerology sort of, I am still confused though by this. I have 8 an day number, 8 expressions/destiny, an 8 Soul Urge, 8 Minor personality number, 8 subconscious confidence number, a 3 Life Path, 11 minor expressions, and an 11 Maturity. Also at this moment 2020-2021 8 personal year cycle essence, and 8 life cycle path as well. Matthias Van Landeghem which is calculated to 98/17/8 or 80/8 in some numerologies. My birth date is 08 October 1983, and the time of birth even was 12.05 PM LOL,.. Needless to say, I have mostly struggled, which I do see as valuable lessons, but I can’t ever seem to root or ground myself. Overactive energies leading to constant burnout, obsessive and impulsive behaviors. could you give me some suggestions, or refer me to someone that is great in these type of readings for my type of person? Thank You. Regards, Matthias.


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