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Numerology Number 56

Numerology number 56 belongs to the number 2 group. Its ruled by planet moon. However, every number is unique as its a combination of...

Auspicious and Inauspicious Constellations|Birth Star|Nakshatra

Auspicious and Inauspicious Birth Stars/Constellations/Asterisms/Nakshatras In one of the previous posts, i have briefed about the constellations that shower wealth. This is the extension of...

Are you a Saturnine?

Many readers have asked me about whether they are Saturn ruled or not. Well, to be a Saturnine one has to come under the...

The Secret of Chaldean Book of Numbers

When Chaldean numerology related books were published in 20th century many did not believe the power and greatness of the system as the world...

Positives and Negatives: Qualities of Number 2

Numerology Number 2 Traits Number 2 in numerology is ruled by the moon - the creative bearer. People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and...

Positive and Negative Traits of Number 1

Number 1 is the most masculine number in Numerology. It is the sun itself, the creator and the protector of beings. It symbolizes the...

Change in Zodiac Signs – A Hoax

Have the Zodiac Signs Changed? The recent buzz in the internet has been the change in Zodiac Signs due to change in earths alignment. After...

Hora – The Planetary Hour

How to Calculate Hora a.k.a. "the Planetary Hour"? Before reading this post, i advice the readers to read the prequel to this post Hora and...

Numerology Forecast of New Year 2011

New Year 2011 Numerology Forecast Happy New Year to All Being in this World!  This is my first post in 2011 and certainly it will...

Number 29 – The Power of Body and Mind

Hypnotic Number 29 in Numerology Do you know that there are numbers which have powers of hypnotism? Well, the number 29 (as a name number...

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Numerology – Best Dates to Marry

The Importance of Numerology in Marriage Marriage is an important event in ones life. It can also be said as the transition stage of a...

Top 10 Symptoms of Evil Eye and their Remedies

What is the Evil Eye? Evil Eye is an envious look directed at a person that can result in misfortune, disease or severe injuries. Evil...

How to become Successful in Business using Numerology? – Part I

Wealth is an important aspect in one's life next to a illness-free health. Perhaps, in search for the wealth we people almost lose most...

Numerology Lucky and Unlucky colors

Many of our readers have asked for lucky colors and unlucky colors for people born on various birth dates. In this post, we will...

How to become Successful in Business Using Numerology – Part II

The Secret of Successful Business using Number of Fortunes Last post, we saw about the most influential numbers in the world of business, which can...

Trending This Week

Numerology is used all over the world, every single day to help make major business decisions. Companies and CEOs, small business owners, and people just getting ready to begin...

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Meet your Soul Mate

The Science of Soul Mate, or, How to Meet Your Soul Mate with Numerology Belated Valentines Day Wishes! This...

Mumbai – Never ending Battlefield

Before creating this post, let me Salute all the brave commandos, policemen and various civilians who have...

Learn How to Become a Palmistry Reader

Becoming a palmistry reader requires practice more than talent. It is a skill that can be picked...