The Wisdom of Enlightened Master


Guruji’s Grace to All

This article is the most important article i have posted in my life. The very purpose of this blog is to connect you all to conscience of an enlightened master so you can tap his infinite wisdom and compassion and help yourself evolve beautifully. I have given a brief introduction about my spiritual master in one of the post.  He is one of the 108 saints of the world whom we are blessed to have in this life. Our Guruji seldom speaks and comes out in open, but now the compassionate Master is ready to shower his grace of wisdom and also teach the most profound spiritual technique which has been kept in secret for more than 2000 yrs. The spiritual technique which was rediscovered by Gautama Buddha using series of Mudras to activate energy centers of universe was kept by secret by his followers, only very few have been able to rediscover the spiritual practice through deep meditation. All these spiritual revelations are going to be taught for the welfare of the people without any cost or obligation. Only few students including me had the grace to learn it from the saint. But now, everyone in the world will have privilege and right to learn the most advanced and profound spiritual practice bestowed by the Universe to end the suffering of beings.

The Wisdom of Enlightened Master

Why Now?

Many spiritual techniques were hidden in the Pisces age which ended in 2008-2010 approx, but since the dawn Aquarian age, it is the ripe time for all beings in the world to attain enlightenment.  Invariably everyone will get chance to know everything about universe and attaining enlightenment in this age is very easy. All knowledge and mystery will come out and reveal itself and its our action which will determine whether we will make use of it or not. Many spiritual masters all over the world have come out to reveal their long hidden spiritual practices for people to benefit.

There is also a hurry in it; as we are progressing the end of life cycle, humanity is at the brink of extinction. We are consuming earths resources at frenzy pace, we are declining as a human species. Many of technique to manipulate cosmic energy is secret or lost, so it is imperative that every being learns the art of tapping the universal energy and sharing to the other living beings to sustain ecosystem. This is done using a technique called pranayama using certain mudras. This way, collectively one can prevent the destruction of our planet.

Ask Guruji

As a first gesture, there is a form below, where you can ask any doubts or questions regarding anything to our Guruji, Once i get fifty questions, i shall hand it over to guruji and post the answers in the blog. Please do not ask personal questions like ” When will i be come rich? or When will i get married? Ask a question in general about love or life or death or spirituality, or wisdom or physiology or anything in specific too. This is a great chance to know the answers for questions which is unanswered till now. A master is one who knows answer for all.


  1. To be, to feel, to think, to imagine ….. to know. Behold the process of human life.

    One Being One! The creative principle is in the “i” of man. Gnothi Seauton!

  2. .Hi, Is ther any way to get my love back, as it has been on and off for 4 years now and I have been waiting with lots of patience and faith in the divine and in my love. Dont want to consult any astrologers or palmists, but after reading your articles, really felt to take your advise

  3. Guruji through Saravanaji,
    I would like to request with utmost humility the all compassionate Master to shower his grace of wisdom to teach me the spiritual technique of Pranayama, to understand the purpose of my life and my soul’s urge.
    Please embrace and enlighten me.


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