How to become Successful in Business Using Numerology – Part II


The Secret of Successful Business using Number of Fortunes

Last post, we saw about the most influential numbers in the world of business, which can amass great fortunes for one. For those who want to go back and view the excerpt of the previous post, they can click here to visit the part 1 of this post.

How to become Successful in Business Using Numerology – Part II

As i said in my previous post, the most fortunate numbers for business in numerology are numbers in series 6,5,9 and 1. But there is another number which is a hidden gem in the business affairs, we will see about that number in the last segment of the post. In this post, we will see the other fortunate series like 5 and 9.

last post, we mainly saw fortunate numbers in series 6 like number 51, number 33, number 41 and 15.  I stated the importance of number 6 in business ventures, as Venus is the lord of luxury,business and material comforts. Though we have seen only few examples in previous post, In this post, we will start the part 2 of the fortunate numbers by analyzing some more examples in number 6 which we have left out, and then we will proceed to other fortunate numbers in numerology for business.

some more examples for top 30 fortune 500 companies with name number in 6 series (i.e. 15,33,42,87,51)

Verizon Communications comes number 87 for its name value

Well Point has its name as number 42

Computer Giant Dell has its name value as number 15

Caterpillar has the business name value comes to numerology number 33

Movie Mogul Walt Disney name comes to numerology number 33

The above given names are all into top 50 fortune 500 companies of the world.

The Fantastic 5 in numerology

The next series we are going to see in the fortunate numbers of numerology is number 5. Number 5 is the touted as the Universal Benefactor. As people born in any birth date can use number 5 for any activities but except marriage. The important numbers in five series are number 23,32,41,50,68. Out of these, number 23 is the Royal Star of the Lion which is the most powerful number in numerology. Then comes number 32 which is Vikramaditya Number known for it sheer genius and mass appeal.

Number 41 and number 32 are very similar to each other except minor differences. Number 23 even though being the most fortunate of all numbers, is been used very less in the world of business and other activities, this is due to the value which makes the name very short one. Very few companies have their business name within 5 or 6 letter.

Number 5 in general are very auspicious as it rules the mass and communication which is very essence of any business. Hence businesses with name number as 23,32,41,50 or 68 experience great flourish and success through the help of public support.

Number 5 is regarded as the people’s favorite, as most people prefer to have their business name in either 23 or 32 citing its auspicious nature.
some of the top 20 fortune 500 companies with their name in 5 series are as follows

General Electric – The electrical giant has its name value in 50

McKesson – The company name value comes 32

CVS Caremark – Again its number 32 for this name

Airbus Giants Boeing comes 23 in their numerology name

Goldman Sachs Group has their name values as 68

Wells Fargo – the name value comes number 41

Above all fortune 500 companies are in top 20 with their name in numerology 5 series.

The Divine 9 in numerology

The next set of numbers which comes under the most fortunate of numbers for business is number 9. Number 5 and number 9 are said to be the most influential number in numerology. Number 9 is rightly described as divine 9 as it posses the divine qualities of nature. The powerhouse numbers in 9 series are number 27,45, and 9. Generally, number 18 is considered as the unfortunate number in relationships, hence it is not considered.

Number 27 and 45 are the two most spectacular numbers in 9, as both these numbers signify divinity, they can be considered as unbeatable one as its the divinity which protects the humanity here.  Number 27 and 45 are not only ideal for business but also for anything and everything. People born on 5,14,23 and 9,18,27  reap the maximum benefits of this numbers.

Number 27  especially possess magical powers, this number is considered to be the root of all occult studies. Number 45 denotes great wisdom and intelligence. If we see the below companies with name number as 9, we will know the significance of this number

Wal-Mart stores – The number 2 ranked company in list of  fortune 500 companies has its name number in 45

Ford Motor – The automotive giant ranked 3rd has its name number 45

Valero energy – Ranked5th, the name number comes 45

International Business Machines – The software giant with name number as 99

Fedex – name number as 27

AT&T – Telecom majors with name number comes to number 9

In the above list, the top 6 out of top 10 are having their name number as 45

The Mystic 8

As i said in the beginning of the post, the hidden gem in the fortunate numbers for business is number 8, with predominantly number 44 and 53. Now, people must not be misguided. Number 8 should be avoided for any causes because before using it, one needs to evaluate well. Not everybody can use number 8 in business and attain success, people who have Saturn influence in their life can use number 8 as dictated by what we know of corporate numerology. But it’s a risk, as if Saturn is well placed then that business will flourish like anything but if its ill placed then business will bound to get destroyed.

Some of the hallmark number 8 companies in fortune 500 are

Exxon Mobil – Number 1 ranked in fortune 500 companies has its name number 44

Morgan Stanley – The name number comes 44

Sun Microsoft – The OS giant name comes 53

Hewlett-Packard – The Computer giants name number comes to 62

Citigroup – bankingmajor has its name value 35

Time Warner – Production house major with name number as 35

The top 12 out of top 25 have name number in 8 series, which clearly shows that Saturn is a powerful planet which can either make one the greatest or the weakest.


    • Number 77 is a fortunate number, it brings mass popularity, wealth, and fame. Also many foreign travels, but one needs to be devoted to god to experience maximun benefit of this number

  1. most companies end with words like " co ltd " or " pvt Ltd" or "corporation Ltd ". Do these words add to the total value of the companies name ??

    • No those words dont add upto in numerology, Those words are common words for legal purpose, the auspiciousness of name is determined by the name of the business. As we dont call Coca-Cola pvt ltd or Inc but we just call Coca-Cola, As Coca-Cola is the name of the real business.

  2. I am an 8 and 8 combination and Lagna – Scorpio Rashi (Moon Sign) – Capricorn ,
    Rashi lord – Saturn

    Does this mean that i have strong influence/well placed saturn

  3. when are you going to post next article on business numerology related to no-1 series companies ? waiting for your post . hope you will soon post it … take care .

  4. My dob is 22/11/1971 Birth place is Baran(Rajasthan) time 3:45 in the morning. I m going to start my home furnishing business. could u sugest my company name. should any change /altration in my name you suggest?

    thanx & regards
    anil vijay

  5. Your artical is eye opener for me . I started thinking chang my propase name of company. You are doing wonderfull work. I really appericiate your work. could you tell me beneficial planet in my chart. And any prediction about my new business.

    thanx & regards


  6. I am greatly interested in this topic.
    Do you provide personal professional consulting and if so, how much do you charge? For confidentiality reasons, please contact me on my email address
    Thank you

  7. my date of birth is 23.06.1986 .I am a share trader.
    Is my name numerologically correct ?
    if so what ‘s the effect of my name number?

  8. Hi sir

    I want to start a new company name is “kreative Logo” it is best for me, my name is Md. Alamgir D.O.B is 10.11.1983
    Plz reply

  9. Hi sir

    I want to start a new company name is “kreative Logo” it is best for me, my name is Md. Alamgir D.O.B is 10.11.1983
    Plz reply

  10. when we name a company do we evaluate limited as well.because every private limited liability company you form that will have a suffix as limited or ltd.

    so do you consider that or just the name of the company you consider.

  11. thanks for your comments.which date is most auspicious for me to register a buisness.iam 17/11/76 it 5 or 6 .please let me know the if i give you a choice

    i want to know whether you consider the birth date or the life date

  12. hi Sarvana,

    my dob is 26/07/81 and i want to start my business, which is the best number suitable for me to be successful?


  13. My full name is Divpreet Kaur Aulak which comes down to no. 5 & my life path no. is 7. I am a chartered accountant by profession & like you say, people consider me to be lucky but if they ask me answer will be different. I recently had a baby which was 10 weeks early, am on my maternity leave and to make ends meet i need 2 see some money coming in. am also blessed with creative talents, so i want to start gift baskets business and other wedidng related services like trousseau wrapping….. I will be grateful if u could advice me on the number for me to be successful….

  14. Hello Saravana, Great info. over the company name based on numerology. I was going through your auspicious no 9 and its charisma above. But you have not taken or mentioned the 36=9. Is any reason for that? Does company name with 36=9 is as powerful as other 9 no of 27,45, mentioned above.

    Please guide and comments on my concerns.


  15. Hi,
    Born in Bhatinda (Punjab) on 17th Sept 1982, I would like to know about Saturn’s influence on my life, as I feel whatever I touch does not turn well in job or business neither.

    I have my own Computer Repairs & Services Business but not flourishing. Please guide if this is right or not, and if not then which business should I go on? Also please tell me which number should be the business name which is compatible for me. Right now my firm’s name is PC EMPIRE. And I feel that is not good, but need guidance from your support.

    I would really appreciate this.
    Thanks & Regards

  16. Hi can you check whether this name will be an auspicious name for an import export buiness company . please e mail me to above mentioned address & i will give you more details

  17. hi iam sankar.s from karaikal, i have planed to start software business, my DOB is 29/01/1982 and my birth certificate name is sankar.s, iam in demand to select name for my business. please guide me …………

  18. Hi,
    Born in Nagpur on 03-Feb-1978 and my name is Sachin Mohanlal Panpaliya.
    Last one year i was lot of problems in jobs…so want to start my own business in Financial services and investment advisory.
    can u plz guide me whether this business is suitable for me or not and also the no which is best for my company name.

  19. Hi,
    Born in Nagpur on 03-Feb-1978 and my name is Sachin Mohanlal Panpaliya.
    Last one year i am facing lot of problems in jobs and also won’t getting new thinking to start my own business in Financial and Investment Advisory services.
    Plz guide whether this business is suitable for me or not and also the no which is best for my company name.


  20. Hi,
    My Name is Jagadish Raju Naidu. DOB– 11 Sep 1981 . My partner’s name is Shilpi Sharma. Her DOB– 24 March 1987. Is “Ganasaijs” apt name for the company.

  21. is number 52 good for healthcare business and what about number 56 for retirement home business.

    Also number 45. Is it good for business. Can you also write more of other number than 3,5, 9 that is good for business.

  22. Hi,

    My date of birth is 9th september, 1981. Kindly let me know whats should I do to reap maximum benefit in my professional and personal life.

    Dilip Kumar Choudhary

  23. Hello Mr. Choudhary,

    I found your website to very useful and informative. I would like to ask you what my life will be like with the following information:

    DOB 10/26/1970
    HOuse # 2780
    Daughter DOB 4/13/2007
    Lagna is Sani

    Thank you so kindly,

  24. Sir, i read your article & liked it very much. I have kept mty company name in Exhbition industry but didnt worked Well. So planning to change it. Is number 63 benefial for me. My name is Priyanka Ramchandra Kadam & DOB is 23/12/1983. Please suggesst. The proposed company name is World Class Evennts.

      • 18 name number turns one to be a saint except other worldly influences that will challenge to force you against keeping up with the saint attributes. Naturally, saints pass through tortures of life forces. Any one with number 18 should expect matrydom and be strong to accept or maybe overcome later in life.

  25. Sir, this is the same person; I have 2 option for the company name……which would be best for me…..1) World Class Evennts 2) International Events Showcase. My name is Priyanka Ramchandra Kadam & DOB is 23/12/1983. Please help…….

  26. sir your articles are quite informative and interesting,my date of birth is 8 aug 1974 and i am a self employed my firm name is TANISSHA INC,i deal with share trading,banking loans insurance,mutual fund,does this field gives me success.i write my name as nagraj sharma,does i have to make some changes.kindly help me

  27. Dear Sarvana,

    Good morning,

    My DOB is 05/03/1966. My business name is NYLE INNOVATIONS, should I add “I” in INNOVATIIONS to make to number 60, as it is 59 with out that. We are starting with one NEW venture and the name we selected as “NAVRATNNAS” how this will suits me, what should be the date to start for??

    Please do let me know. I also have done studies for ENERGIES & GEOPATHIC STRESS.

    Do give me your mail ID, will send you some details for this subject.



  28. Dear Sarvana,

    Sorry for the above post with name spelling of NAVRATNNAS, I want to do it to NAVVRATNAS. Please get it rectified and check.



  29. Dear Sarvana,

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B C D E U O F
    I K G M H V Z P
    J R L T N W
    Q S X

    What about number 9, this doesn’t represent any alphabet ?? Please clarify.



  30. Thank you for your great web site and information. You are terrific.
    My Birthday and birthdate both total to 7
    Given birth name (which was only used the first 13-15 years of my life) totals an 11 both in chaldean and pythagorean.
    My name is spelled many different ways and with or without all names. Thus the numbers vary
    My business is holistic health.
    What numbers would be best suited for a total successful business name?
    Thanks again. Do you have a donation page on your site anywhere?

    • Witch is it,, and Witch is the right one didnt I Wanne Know,, i live in Norways, so i use pythagorean!??.. please ansvar me… thought lot about this

  31. hell sir 

    i am hemadri dob is 17/06/1988 i am already in job but i am recently start Forex trading business please give me suggest to me sir  and its doing is correct time r not good r bad please tell me sir please tell to me details   

  32. So I was born 4/09/1986=1 and my full name(first middle last as shownon birth certificate)=9 and I want to start a business name EcoClean Janitorial and landscaping services so toget the numerology should I just count the letters on eco clean or the whole thing?

  33. I hate to point this out, but while some of your numerology is in alignment my deep knowledge on the subject, I can not figure out how you are calculating some of your numbers. Such as, I have run the numbers 4 times on Walt Disney and I come up with 42, not 33. I also ran numbers on other business names given and your calculations were wrong on most of them. So, if you could please inform us as to how you are calculating these numbers, perhaps we might better understand.

  34. pls help me .

    my business name no. (Green Mine) 8
    my name (C. Raji) 8

    Date of Birth : 12-06-1980

    any suggestion & tips, pls share me.

    my business is not going good.


  35. hi
    sir my name is pradeep thakur
    DOB 24/06/1979
    time : 1.40 am
    place : delhi
    shop’s name : shri ram computer
    i have computer hardware shop but there is lots of ups and downs in my life and business now i want to change my shop’s name kindly suggest me perfect new name for my shop. plssssssssssss

  36. My name is a total of 46 with a first name of 5. Psychic number is 8 life number is 5. Should this be changed to name number 6?

  37. hi ma name is vinay and my dob 01/01/1984 07.00 AM in the morning
    I want to open a company in the name of AVG will it work can u tell me clearly

    • AVG is a very popular anti virus software. Please consult your advocate and CA, who can guide you of there can be any legal complications due to this. Numerology wise the number totals to 3, which is friendly to your lucky number 1. Hence numerology wise the name is fine, but it is important to check with your advocate as well due to reason given above.



    • Every Planet can give malefic and benefic results. It is like a Its results eventually depends upon its position in the horoscope. To know if the planet is malefic or benefic by nature you should see in your natal chart if Saturn is going to give you good or bad results.


  38. Hi my name is mayank Rawat. M born on 2-1-1994 does I have influence of Saturn and moon. What number is lucky for my buisness

    • Yes you have influence of Moon as well as Saturn. However both planets are great and give you their qualities. The qualities of Saturn are commitment, sincerity, dedication while Moon represents emotions, friendliness, care, sensibility. You don’t need to alarmed just because Saturn is there. For your business you should look at number 2 which is your lucky number.


  39. Hi my name is Samir Kakkad n my DOB is 17-08-1981, I am number 8…I hv started my business in the name of SHOESWAALA n I gues the total cums to 35 which is again 8, I m into ladies footwear retail but m not doing dat good can u plz suggest any name correction if required for my business or any other suggestions dat can help me improve my business as I m under 8 influence…thanx in advance

  40. My dob 21 .5 .1968 my name shibu.p.g I would like to start a business in find a name silver oak is the name good for progress.

  41. I am starting a company for export & Samsung service centre. I have some name of company. Pls suggest which one is suitable for me.
    Uttam Exports
    Uttam Export
    Uttam Exports Corporation
    Uttam Export Corporation

    My details-
    Manish Agrawal
    DOB 13.01.1971

  42. Hi I born in 28/10/1979. I would like to do online business. Business name that I chose is Apricot Enterprise. Would it bring success to me?thank you

  43. Hi, my name is Darshan Demble . I am planning to open a small eat out . Kindly let me know can I open the out let in the name WORLI KANTEEN.
    My date of birth is 2/2/1987. I am born in Kolkata and settling in

    • The Name – WORLIKANTEEN adds to number 3. Number 3 is a friendly number to your date of birth. Number 3 is ruled by Jupiter which is the planet for wealth, so the name can be considered.


  44. My date of birth – 10.07.1969
    Planning to start agri export business.
    I selected the name is VJR agro foods.
    Can i go ahead with this number?

  45. My mother and i are both planning on opening an online boutique . The name of the company sums up to 82 , (1) . Is it a good business number . We can shorten it so that the name sums up to the number 68, or (5) . What would be best for the company ?

  46. Good afternoon, Mr. Astronology,

    Could you write about number 45 in an exclusive post, just as you wrote about number 46?

    I think that many are interested in this number and I have a particular interest in being my name. I also believe it will enrich your site.

    Your website is the best of the internet on the subject. !!

    Many thanks if you can!

  47. Good evening..

    Kindly let me know how it’s to start my new business by name BICS, an educational institution for competitive exams, my name is PALLAVI S.

  48. hi, i am praaktan gaikwad my birth date is 4, i have plan to start web portal for construction industry domain name is
    My website will give people in construction industry information, Jobs, Property sales, product sales , and work leads of construction B2B market,

    I need your help to know,
    is it good name to start with its value is 41 i.e 5
    or Number 6 is must for getting good success in online business??

    Kindly reply

  49. I am planing to start my Spiritual Teaching and Healing business with numerological value 44/8.
    If Saturn was stationed in Taurus (my sunsign,sarsign and rising sign is Taurus) at the time of my birth, should 44/8 be a fortunate Business name value for me ?
    Gratitude and Blessings, Janine

  50. Hello, i liked ur page & ur frequent replies. We have our business & we named it on our son’s name “ATHARV ENTERPRISES” But now we think we should change it as “AATHARV ENTERPRISES”. My husband is the owner “Gaurav sikka
    DOB- 11/10/1989. Pls suggest the lucky num accordingly.
    Astha sikka

  51. Hello Sir/Madam,

    First of all, my sincere thanks for sharing such a valuable knowledge with us. This knowledge not gives us hints to find a name for a company but also removes those scary advice’s which people give randomly like “YOUR NUMEROLOGY IS NOT SUITABLE AND ALL”.

    My birth date is 05/10/1996 (5th October,1996). I am about to start a trading business. Please let me know which numerology will be best for me and why?

    Sincere thanks & abundant of lucks to the entire team of Astonlogia.

    Ratan Pandey

  52. Sir,
    IM prasanna born on day 6th april and life no is 4.
    Should we count even “Private Limited” for numerology. When I append Private Limited my options of business names are as follows…..
    1) business name with 99 = 9
    2) business name with 109 = 1
    3) business name with 73 = 1
    Please advise which should i go for.

  53. Hi, I’m thinking of starting my own real estate business. The name I’m thinking of had two words….the first equals 32 and the second equals 27 = 5 in total. My birth date is 5 and my lifepath is 6 (full name). Does my business number of 5 work for me? Many thanks Allison


  55. if were starting a project and could start it on the 22nd 23rd or 27th
    which date do you feel would give the greatest chance of financial success
    thanks- gerry

  56. Hi..
    I want to start a textile trading business in my wifes name her name is Bindu Sood D.O.B is 23/10/1969 the life path no is 31=4
    which number will suit her we have decided foolwing names
    Angelic corporates (9) / innovative solutions (8) / Angelic Associates (7) / Angelique support (5)
    innovative support (7)/ innovative solution (5) /
    what business number is good

  57. Hi
    My name is Harjeet sood My actual DOB is 23/11/1969 – (32= 5) official DOB is 23/04/1969-(34=7)
    I want to start textile trading in my wifes’ name Bindu Sood (23/10/1969 -(31=4)
    please advise which number will suit i will plan company name accordinlgly
    Best Regards

  58. Dear Sir,
    My name is Raghuvir Singh Kushwaha, Name number is 9 by Chaldean.
    DOB is 24th September 1968. Date of birth denoted 6/3.
    Please suggest type of business & business name number.

  59. Hello Astronlogia
    Can i use no. “2” for my company name (Health related manufacturing company) as my life path is “8” ?

  60. Hello sir,
    My LIFE PATH number is 7
    My ATTITUDE/ACHIEVEMENT number is 9.
    So,what Number should I choose out of 1 or 3 or 5 (23, 32, 41 etc) or 6 (33, 42, 51 etc) or 8 (44,etc.) or 9 (27, 45, etc) the success of my business.
    Thanks very much sir.

  61. Hello,
    My name is Amol. DOB 08/03/1980
    Birth Number: 8
    Destiny or Life Path Number: 2

    Please advise suitable/compatible Business Name Number for new company name.


  62. My name is Abdullah Hassan Khan, and I was born on March 15, 1992. I would appreciate your guidance on the name for my export business of organic materials that sums up to 23. Does it suit me and what are the growth or prospects of this name?
    Thank you!


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