Saturn and Rahu in Libra – What to Expect?


Tonight is a full moon day and my first post after nearly three months. Its 1 am in France and yet the moon has not blossomed. This is a  post which was supposed to reach many month ago, specially in November 2012, when Saturn entered the Zodiac Sign Libra. As i have mentioned before, the significance of Saturn and Rahu in Libra is enormous both on personal as well as worldly aspects of life. Since, Saturn will be in Libra till 2014, the transformation of individual lives is noteworthy.

Saturn and Rahu in Libra – What to Expect?

Why Are We Discussing Saturn and Rahu in Libra?

Saturn in libra is not for everyone! Since it is exalted, only few benevolent Saturnians and Venusians tend to gain from this position, however a large portion of people face radical transformations in their life. Now with the conjunct of Rahu along with Saturn, things can tend to be come rough, problematic, scandalous, destructive in some people’s lives. Even attitude and behavior of people can change in an unexpected way during this period. Like a fall of the great scepter, its a test of faith for many individuals. The path of righteousness and truth is severely tested in these times. This transformation can happen in a destructive form too, as we must embrace the fact that death is the ultimate phenomenon of transformation. The unfolding events both in microcosm and macrocosm is a testimony to this transformation. Whether its a natural disaster or a political disaster, a revamp is happening on a large scale as we can see with other 8s on this page…

As an individual, it is extremely important to be in utmost awareness to events happening around and within you. Do not let yourself be lost in the vanity of affairs. Out of the three impurities that results in endless cycle (Ego, Karma and Maya), Karma (Saturn) and Maya (Rahu) dictates affairs of daily lives. A positive influence of Jupiter transit can act as grace and dispel ones ignorance, however for those who are not in fair disposition, I suggest they make peace with their own Soul ! How to do this?

In order to get immunity from Bad Karma, the greatest and simplest way is to offer unconditional forgiveness and bliss to all beings. All karma are due to discriminating activities, the moment you wholeheartedly forgive all beings in existence in this birth and also from birth time immemorial, then you are relieved from your sins/karma’s of yourself and your forefathers. This cannot happen in just words, you should direct this offering to your soul, which hosts the supreme un-manifested lord (The Father of All creations). You should do it every night you go to bed, as you may curse or discriminate in daily activities without your own knowledge.

By doing this, you  will be relieved of bad and evil karma’s that are the causes of your worldly suffering in this existence.


  1. Beautiful!! I have missed your posts so much. I was just thinking how important the sentence “as I forgive those that trespass against me….” when I prayed today and having you write this just gives me yet another confirmation of how connected we are!! Love you 🙂

  2. Dear Sir,
    Wonderful article.
    I understand your point that we need to offer forgiveness to all beings to get rid of bad karma.

    I am a Libra born with presence of Saturn and Rahu and also Ketu in my seventh house. My husband and In-laws troubled me and also have abandoned me. Till today they are not ready to accept me nor leave me.My husband threw me out of his house, made small things big issues, my little mistakes were not forgiven, took away my money, betray my trust, hit me for worshiping Goddesses,
    and also tortured me mentally. I admit to have been rude in my language. But my little mistakes not worth leaving a relationship. He is not able to see life beyond these small things. He is not ready to divorce me nor come
    for a consensus or accept his mistakes. I feel cheated and also trapped.

    He will never divorce me. If i need to come out of this and forget everything for my well being, I have been left with no choice but to file a harassment case against him and his parents. I also need to recover the money he took from me. Does filing case on my husband increase my bad karma? what are the ways I could forgive him.

    What would be the best way out to reduce my bad karmas?

    Do i need to wait for him to come back and realize his mistakes and accept him the way
    he is?

    I feel forgiveness is difficult yet possible. Time is the best healer. I can forgive him and set him free. but I need to forget him for that. I cant accept him anymore.

    What are your thought on this. In this scenario, how best can I deal with this situation, yet not increase my bad karma

  3. I need your servive Sarvan. Please advise. I had paid fee but didn’t get any respond from you.
    Please advise. I had also sent you an email on your gmail.

  4. I need your servive Sarvan. Please advise. I had paid fee but didn’t get any respond from you.

    Please advise. I had also sent you an email on your gmail.


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