Numerology – Number 8


The Significance of Numerology Number 8

“I pray to our benevolent god that persons born on this number should be blessed with lucky and fortune”

Numerology – Number 8

The discovery of numerology happened only because of the number we are going to see now. Out of nine numbers in numerology this number was previously considered as the most fearsome and unlucky number by all, hence ancient yogi’s, and meta physical researchers wanted to do something to people born in this number – numerology number 8. They desperately wanted to make them lucky and enjoy life as people born on other numbers, there result of their long last research and hard work is the birth of numerology to mankind. I have read innumerable numerology books of many great authors but the sad part is they have never given anything to make this number a lucky one or relieve the people of this number from wheel of destiny, it was pundit sethuraman a great astrologist and numerologist unearthed many mysteries of this number and also provided them the elixir that released their long lasting curse and ill luck. The number i am speaking about is 8.

The lord Saturn who rules this number according to numerology/astrology. Number 8 is the most researched and analyzed number in any system of numerology without a doubt. I can say that this post is the most important post of this blog site and it serves the very purpose i created this blog for public. The only number which can entirely change the nature of planet Saturn i.e. number 8 is the number 5. I ll say more about this at the end of this post. In the ancient scripture of Egyptian civilization and ancient Tamil literature’s number 8 is being glorified as very lucky number and the number of wisdom ! this is absolutely true, but people were unable to interpret further more as they failed to know that by implementing  magic  number 5 in 8 born person’s life, the strength of number 8 is multiplied and its negatives are turned to positives. People born on 8,17 and 26th of any month or whose life path number is 8 comes under this category.

These people attain the greatest wisdom and knowledge about the meaning of life than anyone in this world. They can be defined as a pinnacle of wisdom. If 8 born people cultivate devotion and love to god then they will attain greater realms of supernatural powers in them, and this is a proven fact ! Before proceeding to know more about 8 born persons, we must try to know some truths about planet Saturn. Saturn is the lord of praradha karma, because of this common people have a misconception that Saturn is the cause of all sufferings, But this is  entirely a wrong conception. Every planet has good and bad qualities, but only planet Saturn has the quality to weigh good and evil and enlighten the one’s with wisdom. That’s why even in astrology Saturn is called the lord of sign libra which is denoted as a lady with a physical balance who is a symbol of unanimous and righteous decision. Even in palmistry, the lines of destiny is called Saturn’s lines which comprises of ups and downs. It is planet Saturn which weighs ones previous karma’s and according to that it benefits the persons present life. People born on this dates 8,17, and 26 are called people driven by destiny. Now is it a lucky number? Well the answer cannot be no, but its certainly a number to be feared. It cannot be embraced like other number. Even the luckiest 8 born person will know that really he is not that lucky, Even during most fortune situation 8 will give great responsibilities and makes a person unable to enjoy that fortune. Its like with greatest gift comes the greatest responsibility. It will give the most prestigious and powerful jobs but at the same time it creates great dangerous situations. Its like eating ice cream and walking in desert. For most 8 born people their life turns out to be complete opposite of what they thought or what they desired.

Their wishes or desires never been fulfilled, these people constantly feel the disappointment in their life. Their hearts are lonely and wandering for success but that word would seem so distant to them. Though they will possess talent and hard work more than others still the destiny will deny them success. They will long for one opportunity that can change their entire life, but most 8 borns die waiting for that one opportune moment. Numerology 8 born people are soft-hearted in reality though they seem to be very harsh or rude to others, They can judge anybody with a clean state of mind. They belong to the highest class of humans when it comes to wisdom and righteousness or dharma. 8 borns are people of compassion and empathy, at the same time they cannot stand social injustice, they will turn violent when there is social injustice or any atrocities, this is the reason many 8 borns have turned to rebels or terrorists. They are revolutionists by birth, where ever they are they bring a revolution in that place. There are also other type of 8 borns, who will project themselves as holy persons or a messiah, but in real life they will be most corrupted and opportunists, selfishness and worldly pleasures will burning inside them. There can be only this two kind of persons, either a person of great moral values, a person of morality or a person who is simply a lowlife, an immoral person. Because number 8 as a Saturn is noted for its extreme nature and characters. What ever their actions or nature or behavior, it will be extreme. their ideas too will be extreme in nature. either they can be mother Teresa ( Saint Teresa born on Aug 26) or they can even be a leader of a terrorist group like ltte. LTTE leader prabhakaran is also 26 born, Nov 26. 8 borns are fascinated by illegal activities like smuggling, robbery, mafia, or gangster but not everybody becomes one.

Only the other extremists opt this lifestyle. eg is underworld don dawood who is also 26 born. Most 8 borns spend their life with less friends, mainly due to their comparatively superior worldly knowledge than others. They will be always seen in thoughtful mood. Most of the 8 borns have experienced sexual abuse and assault in their early age itself, and they are the ones who easily get de motivated and often think about suicides to end up their life. But actually they never have the courage to commit one. Like black and white, numerology 8 is about extreme natures of life and death. To avoid all these complexities in an 8 born persons life, their name should be in numerology 5 ( i.e. 14,23,32,41,50, or 59). 5 is the only number which has the power to completely change the negatives qualities of planet Saturn or 8 born persons. I have given details of number 23 in my previous post, but i will dedicate a new post exclusively for this purpose and  i will give the benefit of all the 5 series numbers right from 5 to 104 ( like 5,14,23,32,41,50,59,68,77,86,95,104)


  1. Hi,
    I am Aishwarya (male,26,mumbai). Year 2008 was the worst year of my life. Could you please tell me how year 2009 will going to be.


  2. Hi my dob is 26-06-1983. My name is prashant & my name totals to be 29(first name)+15(surname)=44=8. I cant change my name.But for official purpose I use 1st oct as my date of birth.I want to avoid myseries of being a 8.Can u help?

  3. Hi,My husband's date of birth counts 22 means 4 but his name counts 8. What should be total of his name so that he becomes lucky in all matters of life which he is not till now.
    Is he unlucky till now because of total of his name that comes as 8?

    • Absolutely, name when comes to brings bad luck and creates obstacles, more than that it delays things badly. Whats your husbands name, We will change his name according to his birth date. Tell me his date of birth and name

      • I calculated as per your website information and trie following but all of them total to 8.
        ( Name removed as per the request – author)
        Now, I dnt know wht else can be tried for.
        Warm Regards

      • I want to give you some info which I would not like to be publicized.
        Unconsciously, we got choice between 2 apartments and both of them were 8. Now, by chance building no. is no. is 8. if you combine back you get 8 again.My father in law is 8 born.we got married, I think in the most luckiest day whcih as ShivRatri as I am shivbhakt since childhood but now my husband says it was unlucky as it was 25 feb2006 and total is 8.

      • Now we tried our best c hanging this apartment but certainly there is some power that spils our all efforts and we cannot change our house.uptill now the rent was $550 and now it is 575 form this month,whcih is again total 8. my husband is admitted in hospital and all the time he talks of shani and numerology that his life is ruined and he wants to die.I paid the rent and I am scared in my mind though I dont show him and try to not give him info which will trouble him.My husband said Canada day is o n july 1st which is 8. so everywhere 8 is following him and wil kill jhim as he came from 8 no. country to 8 number.

      • Now, name change is good, whatever you’ll say I’ll try to do that. then do you suggest us to marry again on some other lucky day when we come back to india or here in canada itself. I am very much worried.Very much.We have no kids, no jobs even though we are highly qualified. My husband is ver intelligent and topper in every stream he studied and is highly qualified.but we are in trouble. Please help us. Can you save us.

      • Do you suggest that we rent another apartment which will be veyr expensive but I can do that in credit but if you suggest that will be helpful, I will certainly do.I will defunitly do whatever you say.And so that you can reply me publicly and this website helps other ppl as well I will write these questions again so that you can reply me but please do not publish my his message as I dont want to publicize my problems.Thanks a lot.Warm Regards,( Name removed as per the request – author)

      • Hi there,
        Thanks for reply and your generousity. I want to give you the info that I got married on date that totals to 8. Right now we are living in apartment which is no. 8 and building no. is 8. And I realize that though there were problems earlier as wellbut they became impossible and horrible when we came in this apartment.
        Now, my question is do you suggest us to marry again in better/lucky date and then also change this house as quickly as possibe irrespective of expenses we hv to bear. we are living on credit but if this solves problems, I will certainly do this.
        Let me know this please.I am scared since I realize all these things.
        Warm Regards

      • Hi there,
        I am writing you once more because I am really very much scared and I was about to close I saw just next to my name it was written 8 replies. Pelase for God's sake.
        What should I do. And please do not publicize which I dont want.
        I have already written sparate question for you to publicize and reply. o that everyone is benefitted. You are really doiing a ver noble work which only those can realize who are suffering from this mysterious problem.
        With this I also want to mention that my sister also got married on 17th nov.2005 which was again 8 as total and she also has problems and has no kids till now.I will discuss that later.My husband is in hospital. Please help us.
        Please For God's sake help us overcome this problem.

      • Hi,
        I am worrying for following things:
        1. If you suggest me changing house, I want to ask it may take 2-3 months.Can you suggest something to avoid its bad effects till we dont change it.
        2. If you suggest me changing mine and my husband's name.As you suggested to someone in website to write everyday for 23 times. should we do that before it is done legally.Because It will take time for me to find out and do the legal action.
        3. I am very scared of 8 number. Tell me, (well it is foolish and stupid question), Is there any way my children are not born on any date falling in series of 8. It is kind of phobia but I am very scared now.
        Please let me know.

      • Sorry for writing you so many questions but I just want to make our life better at the earliest possible. Anyhow, I want to ask you what number house is good for us. Well first of all you tell us what number name total should be for us.
        My birth total is 5. and My husband’s birth total is 4. I am 29 jan 73 born and my husband 20 feb 71.
        There are some names that I was thinking but dont know which is better one.So, please suggest us like

        ( Name suggestion removed by the author)

        Please tell us what dates are lucky for us for important works and what are bad.
        I just wish my husband overcomes NUMBER 8. we are suffering because of it. Our ife is hell because of it. Please Help us.

        • Hi ( Name removed as per the request – author)

          I read all your problems, dont worry, i will mail you separately your solutions, i dont want to publicize as you wish. I will mail will you all the details you have to do to overcome these problem. But don’t every worry about this problem. Your marriage is extremely strong.

  4. Hello my brith date is february 8,1962 and fullname Rowena Ann de Paz Albao comes up to 76. I am planning to change my name so it will turn to to 50 it is after I have been reading your wonderful site of numerology. thank you so much.

    • Hi Rowena,

      Thanks… And i created this blog with the prime intention of helping 8 borns. I am happy that i'm quite successful in it. Your lifepath as 1 is very harmonious to your birth date 8 and name as 5 will make wonders in your life. All the best. Keep reading 🙂

  5. Dear sir
    Your suggestions for 8 born people are excellent.I am D.Sugumar
    Born on 26.10.1977 .whether i should change the name ,if so what name would be preferable to succeed as a international personality with my businesses spread throughout the world.

    • Hi m 8 jan 1980 born name comes to 30 but doesnt seem to work that well..can u suggest ? Lots of financial ups n downs..also i was askd to wear an amethyst kindly suggest thnx

  6. Hi, My name is Vikas Sharma and my date of birth is 26-02-1980, By education I am Computer engg. But I am not getting any job in my field, now I am working in one Real Estate Company. I am Married and my wife date of birth is 3-10-1980, I am nt happy with my life till now, nor married and nor professionally, I am worried now. coz my half life is gone and I am not able to save a single rupees for my family… Please let me know when my luck start favour me and also tell me that is job is good for me or should I do some business ???

    • Hi Vikas,

      These are the most common problems faced by a 26 born, lack of luck, opportunity, i advice you to change your name to VIKASS SHARMA which comes 32 in numerology, this will make a sea of change in your life. you can do business as it suits you more than service

  7. Thats a great read Saravana, trust me I can relate to every statement of yours above. Struggle is what defines me. Am born on 8th September 1981, and my name is Piyush Kodape, though I use my dad's name as well these days that is Piyush Prabhakar Kodape. Am doing good enough in my career, till now, of course there were few hiccups. Savings is a issue. Am married to a 22-09-1981 born.

    Any suggestions you have for me to improve things up?

  8. Hi,

    I am born in 21st March 1982 life path is 8. Just would like to know if my life is more to positive or negative side.

    Please help…

  9. Hi,

    I am born in 21st March 1982 life path is 8. Just would like to know if my life is more to positive or negative side.

    My number for my name is 9. Am I going to have bad luck throughout my life?

    Please help…

  10. Hi,

    My Name is N.Gopinath born in 26 July 1975. Some times I will get problems, but the problems will rectify after some time not in quick period with good conclusion. But am suffering from health problems I dont know why am be like this. I thought my birth number is 8. I need your help and suggetions. Thanks

    Hoping the genious comments on this reply

    • Gopi,

      You are 8 born by virtue of being born in 26th, and your name comes 39 which is no way lucky or good to your birth number. Your life path is 1 which is very compatible for 8. But your name as to be in 5 like 32,23,41 to enjoy trouble free life interms of health, finance and relationship

    • How do you want me to help?

      Whats the full name of Sowmya, and both birth date life path is 7 for her, she will become one of the greats in her time if the name is correctly chosen.

  11. hello i was really impressed by the work than u have done on number 8
    my birthday is 8/8/1980
    married 2/2/2002 but now divorced had a really rough life
    just wondering wht i have done to deserve it
    can u give me suggestion for the hardship that i face

    • All our troubles and sorrows are not entirely due to us. Some times fate tricks us and inflict losses and pain due to our karmas. You are a 8 born with 7 as lifepath in numerology. This combination itself is a threat to marital life due to spiritual oriented nature of a person. More over the date you got married comes to 8 in total. I have said in my posts about the consequences of getting married in numbers coming 8 or 5 in total.which can lead to separation. There is nothing wrong in your part.

  12. Hi Sarvana,

    I’ve sent you my details earlier. ( I don’t want to disclose here, but please ask me if you want me to resend those, My email id mentioned here is correct even if I’ve been using different names 🙂 )

    As I came to know by reading your blog itself, I have a very strong Saturn influence on me. I have met very knowledgeable and Gifted astrologists like you earlier but none of them have mentioned to me this is my last birth, they’ve told that to my Mother though.

    I wanted to know can this really be equated ? Meaning Can I be under Saturn influence however strong and not having my last birth as well ?

    I haven’t done anything “bad” so far, even in my Saturn Transition. Though all people fail to understand my intent, My actions are always intended to not harm anyone by any means. There’s a very less chance that I’ll do anything bad for anyone or community, the reason being me and my Family (I am unmarried yet) have a Spiritual Guru as well, and we are all very religious to the core.

    I would really be glad to have this question answered from you.

    I’d also like to have a personal consulting from you. Is this possible ? Please let me know.

    Thanks ..

  13. hell sir., h r u , i hope ur doing good and fine.i hav come across many astronlogers and in tv shows , they say that there is nothing power in name , u need a identification for calling a particular person n they say evn if u chaange ur name u cant chage ur life destiny,
    go as per astrology , how far is it true and so pls i need a clarification from u sir. cos i believe in both.
    with warm regards

    • All metaphysical sciences operate on one concept, most people dont know know on what grounds astrology or numerology or palmistry works, because of this ignorance they condemn and non-believe other occult sciences. Numerology,Astrology, Palmistry, Feng-Shui all these sciences works on the principle of Bio-Magnetism which fills this universe. All these sciences are true and have its meaning

  14. hello sir,
    u hav explained the significance n benefits of number like 41 and 32. can u explain abt the number 59 benefits. for example william shakespeare comes 59.
    with regards

  15. Hi Saravana,

    Thanks for reply.
    You asked about my daughter full name and birth details:

    Initial Name: Nakkala
    Full Name: Sowmya
    Date of Birth: 25-09-2007

    • Sowmya Nakkala will be a good name for her which comes 37, she is a 7 and 7 born person, its wise to name her with a number which is more materialistic and worldly. 7 and 7 is highly spiritual/religious number, such person even can become ascetic in their life

  16. Hi

    My name is P. Saritha i born on 28-11-1981 at 1.04 am(early morning). let me know the harmony in my life? your suggestions please to become successful life.

    • Name is not harmonious, name comes 25(7) which is religious/spiritual number, and doesnt go well with lifepath 4. Name should be in 1 or 5 like 23,32,37,19,46.

      Your daughter name is also 25, her lifepath is 1. again, its not harmonious to have name in 7

  17. Thank You So Much Saravana.

    And one more big doubt. what is important in following

    1. Calling name
    2. Name registered in certificates.
    3. In certificates name would be “Nakkala Sowmya”…Or in schools name should register as “N.Sowmya”..what is the correct ?.

  18. Hi rajendra gi,

    Not harmony in the sense, i must change her name is it essential or any alternatives because i think i can’t change her name now. please suggest me. from following Yoshita.Golla or Yoshitha.Golla or Yoshita.Gor Yoshitha.Gor Yoshita

    DOB: 02-09-2006
    Initial: Golla
    Name: Yoshita

  19. hi,

    My birthdate is 8 nov 1981. Birth time is 20:00.
    plz let me know when will i get married?
    u didnt give ur answer before so i am sending it again.


  20. Hi,

    My dob – 17th March, 1982
    Birth time 16.20pm.
    This is my last year of studying, could you please let me know what field will be the most successfull for me at work? I have a problem to sattle down and find what i really want to do with my life.
    Do i need to change my name?

    Many thanks

  21. dear Sir,
    my name is SANTOSH.GOUD. and my birth date is 26-07-1988 .actually my surname spelling is GAUD.but it was not corrected in school and i m still carrrying it. should i change my name and correct my surname? could u please suggest me any name so that it will come in number 5.i want to do business will business will b better for me? and what type of business will b better for me.
    please help……

  22. dear Sir,
    my name is SANTOSH.GOUD. and my birth date is 26-07-1988 .actually my surname spelling is GAUD.but it was not corrected in school and i m still carrrying it. should i change my name and correct my surname? could u please suggest me any name so that it will come in number 5.i want to do business will business will b better for me? and what type of business will b better for me.
    please help…….

  23. hello my name is Manish Pandey my date of birth is 8th Nov 1987 can u pls tell me whether I will be success full in life or not and if yes in which field?

  24. hello my name is Manasi Arekar and my DOB is 06/12/1988. Currently i am pursuaing MS Biotechnology in Australia. I am studying hard but is not able to recieve good marks as expected. Also i want to pursue MBA Biotechnology further. can u please suggest me some what should i do to reach my expected level grades in exams

    • You have life path 8, so it ll make you to get anything with struggle and hard work, nothing will be easy for you. More over your name should be in 5. right now its 28, which is not good for success.

  25. what should i do then ….can you suggest me something…..i am confused should i make corrections in my name ??????????????

  26. I am fascinated with number 8, most likely because I have triple 8s in my birth date. 8.8.8 (month, date & year). Most of my major stones in life have happened on 8th (either month or day). It’s unbelievable how much number 8 surrounds my life. I consider myself a lucky person but most of my life I’ve been lonely. While reading your article I had a feeling that somebody is describing me.

    And advice for triple 8s? 🙂


    • Lonliness and solitude is a common trait in 8 borns. But remember there is nothing harm in socializing. Try to balance your life, you must learn to be an extrovert to balance your life.

  27. hello sir,i read ur blog for ‘numerology number 8’ and i am very much inspired with it,hence got the courage to mail u.Need your help to make my life happier and satisfactory.I tried everything for it,but….you are my last hope.Please help me Sir! (dont want to disclose my name)The mail ID is correct and used by me.Any details you want from my end will surely inform you.Will be waiting for your response.thank you.

  28. Hello, My life path number is 8 and my name number is it ok?

    My husban’ds life path number is 1.We got married on 26 of january 2001.Still no children due to recurrent miscarriages.Has 8 to do with these combination?is there any remedy ?

  29. sir

    iam born on 26-11-83. my name counts to 8. year 2008 and year 2009 both have been very unfortunate for me. i have gone through severe depression also. my health is being highly affected. my carrer did not start. im not able to take any decision regarding my life. i dont know how to move ahead. i want to know how year 2010 will be for me.

  30. my date of birth is 17-03-1987 …….my name is S.Deivanaayagam……are these numbers good ……please comment …or help with any alterations

  31. hello sir, how r u i hope ur doing good, i hav contacted u many times on ur mobile, but ur not pickuping ur calls, whn can i call u sir, i need to talk to u once.

    My question is that my wife house number is 8. she cant change her house number cos it is under lawcourt case so please tell me what is d remedy for this. im waiting for u reply soon..

  32. you have told that house number 8 is not good in ur previous post. can u tell me clearly how it is good she is also 8 born..thank u

  33. how r u sir. i want to purchase new laptop and computer, should i look for the particular brand as per my name number or birthnumber to match or else can i take anybrand. On which date should i purchase im waiting for ur reply my birth number is 8 LP 9 and Name number 5. thank u

  34. sir, my Brother name is hariprasad b and date of birth is 3 Nov 1977. my question is that he is not yet married and it is getting delayed we are searching for bride can u tell me when he wil get married , pls im waiting for ur reply and what is d solution for this, bye tc

  35. my name is avinash date of birth is 26-4-1987.i am suffering from very bad life.i feel i am very unlucky.whatever i think to do,it never happens.can you please suggest a lucky name and a lucky gem stone for me and any other thing that can make my life lucky.

  36. hello sir i am aniket born on 08/08/1984 i have struggled to the limits in my life since i was in my teen age i have struggled a lot n have gt just nothing at last as i have heard that change of the name will create some positive vibrations can u please suggest me some name against the no 8.

  37. HI Savarna
    Great Blog , I really want to know if you have the same 8 number in your life path 🙂 “take that as a joke” I believe in what you have to say in your blog
    1. Child abuse at early age
    2. terrorist nature :
    3. filled with wishdom:
    4. I think a lot
    5. Not doing great at business so i have added you on my g talk hope i get to hear from you as to what changes can be done with my name and my office name and what date may i fix my marriage and other things which i would like to tell you once i hear from you my mail id is [email protected]

    i dont know how to keep a tab of your blog always i was searching a name for my new business and a friend spoke about numbers and i did a research on internet and found you the wise and close to my real experiences

    if there a phone number and fee you have please let me know by e mail i would not mind paying if there is a logic and sense in what you sujjest.

    Thank You

  38. Dera sir i am having lot of trouble in my carrer i have completed my MBA in 2007 got a job in renouned bank but could there for 3 moths now again some thing happned and i have to resign from my current job can u plz tell me why my carrer is so instable d-o-d 08/06/1981

  39. Sir,my name is akhilendra pratap singh,my D.O.B. is 26-07-1989.I am a student of m.b.b.s. at AIIMS,new delhi for past 2 and half years. Sir,inspite of being in such an excellent institute and career I feel some problem in pursuing the course, like I don’t enjoy it much, even studying medical course becomes unpleasurable sometimes. Sir, is there some problem with my numbers and would you please give me some suggestions to make some possible corrections anywhere name and let me enjoy my journey ahead. I shall always remain thankful to you. Sir, my e-mail address is – [email protected],you may please send your suggestions’ on this address. I shall always remain thankful to you.
    -akhilendra pratap singh

  40. hi.this is little(female,24,odisha).my dob is 27.01.1987. I have completed my in 2009 but till i am not engagged in any job. my parents and my neighbours just kicked my mind, can you please tell me my lucky no. or any lucky charm?

  41. Hello Sir,
    My name is Parag Deb. MY DOB is 8 July, 1984. Unfortunately, my numerology of my name is also 8 . Whatever you have mentioned about number 8 absolutely relates with my life. Especially, the para 4, 5 and 6. I am really scared about my future. Could you please suggest me any remedy.

  42. Hello Sir,
    I have gone through the reading mentioned for number 8.
    My name is Parag Deb.
    Date of Birth – 8th July 1984
    My name under numerology is 8.
    I am very concerned about my future. I don’t know where i will lead to. Do I make changes in my name to bring number 5 . If I change from ‘Parag’ to ‘Porag’ it will be 5 then. I need your valuable suggestion. I am ready to change it if you suggest. I am really really concerned. Please help me. Yesterday, I posted my concern it got deleted today. Is my numerology very dangerous. I am eagerly waiting for your reponse. Please help me. Nothing good is happening to me.
    – Parag Deb

  43. Hi friend Astronlogia,

    Firstly, congratulations and many thanks!
    His willingness to analyze and to obtain, free of charge, their studies all deserve congratulations.
    If possible, I would count on their position regarding the number 71.

    Again, thank you for your attention.

  44. hi
    my name is viral
    my DOB is 17th july 1982. I am 8 and 8.
    can you please tell me how a change in name can help me and please suggest me name change and new name?

    can you please give me detailed analysis …

    thank u


  45. sir,
    i would like to known about my daughters name numerology her name now is hridyabgada sujith, i would like to change it to hrishma sujith is it ok.

  46. sir, i would like to add my daughters date of birth 17/11/2005 time 8:05 a.m. now name hridyangada sujith, sujith her fathers name. i would like to change her name to hrishma sujith which is number 5 is it ok pls reply.

  47. Hi .. I was born on 8th October 1979 ,, birth date is 8 and date totals to 8 also …

    My name is S.Mahesh kumar .. which makes to 41 .so 5 …. all my life from say my 7th standard in school .. there will be some kind of problem in my life …… like 7th standard my parents left me in my relatives place ….. at that age it was big time loss for me at that age .. this is just one example … problems keep on happening in my life latest one is .. i am married for 3 years but i dont have kid
    I was scared by one person that tamil nadues x cheif minister MR MGR was born on a 17th and his name ‘s numerologoy makes it 41 .. ie M G Ramachandran and we all know that he never had a kid .. Do i have solution …. pls help me

  48. Hello sir,

    First, I wd like to congratulate you for such a deep and exact prediction of Number 8 born.

    Sir, Myself Rohit tripathi, born on 26-10-1983.

    I would like to share with you that sometimes I literally not able to understand myself with duality in thoughts.
    I want to know every secrets of this creation and creator, like Mahatma buddha. but after sometime there is another voice that I can be very good singer like sonu nigam, M. rafi like greats. for last 4 yrs i was associated with music and doing my riyaz whenever i am geting the time alongwith job. but strong feeling inside that if i wl do 6 to 10 hars of riyaz then i wl become that great, and satisfy my thirst to achieve something in this life. but life seems to be very different with me.

    Please suggest me , what exactly is going on???

    Thanks and Regards

    • The Duality is not a contradiction, its a sign that keeps tellin us that we have to go beyond dualistic logic of thoughts. Its very common to have dual perception in thoughts, and its very healthy too.

  49. dear sir , iam a great fan of your ,plsss help me to find a solution to my problem which i been suffring for name is kevin das,, born on 17-12-1971, i got married to a girls who i loved for many years,but her date of birth is 13-1-1973. i alway get a good jobs but losese after fews years. presently i had a nice jobs but lost it, so now iam jobless, my daughter is born on 21-12-2007. please help me .can i changed my name to kkevin dass to get the vibration of no 5 to improve my state of living which at present is very bad.

  50. Amazing blog, amazing content………….i m a 8 born DOB 8-6-1984

    with a name in 10 ….can u suggest me a name ? ?

    hats off to u man!!

  51. Hi Astronlogia
    greetings. I am grateful to you for the work you have done on number 8 and this blog. I am sure it will help million of people across the world who are number 8 and facing the tough life.

    Here i come with number 8. Birthdate: 17/05/1975
    and you wont believe everything happens with me has someway 8 number attached. for example, my marriage on 17th feb.

    i have faced all problems, financial crisis, closing of business, legal problems and everything, but i am still fighting and trying my best.

    requesting you to guide me and suggest me to fight successfully.

  52. Hi !

    After reading this article I’m quite scared for my son whose DOB is 15.01.2008.

    Please tell me the precautions I should take while naming him.


  53. Sir,

    Thanks for the prompt response.

    I wanna name my son who’s DOB is 15.01.2008 using numerology. I’ve the following options:


    Please suggest which is the best one for him.


    • Arav Gupta comes to 32 as per Chaldean Name Numerology System. Which is recommended by many numerologist. I’m not a numerologist but a number 8 and I’ve researched a lot on this.

      According to me you should go with the name “Arav Gupta” for your son.

      Hope this helps.
      God bless.

  54. Hi Saravana,
    Your blog seems to be an eye-opener for many like me. Keep up the good work. I have a doubt…

    some numerologists say that if a person is born before 6.00 am on a day, the influence is less. ie., like if a baby is born at 12.10 on midnight on 8th of any month, then it is more influenced by 7. Is it true..

    Also while changing one’s name should we also calculate the initials. eg. A.B. Mary etc..We would like to take a personal appointment with you…how can we do it ?

  55. My name is pooja and and i read ur articles it is really good and fantastic. im newly married bride. i want to know for having baby on a good day we hav to go for operation on a particular day cox i hav seen many people they go for baby cesarean to be born on a good day with good date of birth, this will effect good or bad for baby i want to know….or else how to hav good date of birth for baby to be born.. ple let me know im waiting
    with regards

    • Yes, its become common these days to opt for Cesarean on a desired date, however, i dont really encourage this. Its a great risk to indulge in such things, child birth is a divine act, and no one can alter the birth date of a child, its a predestined one. However, to certain extent we can determine the birth date of a child, two to three days before the actual date, we can consult an astrologer and get cesarean done on a day where most planets are in benefic houses. (but still the time of birth is not in our hands, as lagna changes once in 45 minutes, lagna determines whether a planet in house is benefic or not). Considering these real time issues, its better to leave it to God. No can influence the child’s birth date once a woman is conceived, but the sex of a child and its destiny can be influenced before pregnancy by choosing certain days and hours for indulging in sex and also during sex through vasi meditation.

  56. dear sir
    it was great reading your blog on number 8 my dob is 26-10-1977 and i am facing the same promblems of number 8 delay in the work, not getting the desired result of my work etc how can i get the best of the number 8 and get the the best of my life kindly suggest your quick and positive response will be highly appreciated.

  57. dear sir i have written you before about the problems i am facing
    due to born on 8 kindly suggest what should i do how can i get the
    best of my life my dob is 26-oct -1977 and i write my name as vivek

  58. Hello Sir,

    My husband’s name is Kamalakar.VP and his date of birth is 17/1/1977. I am born on 1/2/1979.
    So should we make any change in his name so we get better prosperity.
    Please reply to us.


  59. Hello Sir,

    My husband’s DOB is 17/1/1977 and his name is Kamalakar.VP.
    Should we change his name to come to the number 5 to get good results in life.
    I am his wife and my DOB is 1/2/1979.


  60. Hi sir,
    my son born on 19/06/2008 and his name yashas vishruth pothineni.
    actually we(friends n relatives) are calling him vishruth =32.
    full name is 87. do we need to change my son name

    please i need ur suggestion

  61. Dear Sir , Iam Reema n ma DOB is 8th Jan which is double saturn , n the article explains all m going thru …..plz give me some suggestions as m wandering for ma career n failed in ma relations n been misunstood by ma family all the time

  62. dear friend, i am ajay krishnan and my DOB is 8.02.1989… i face several types of problem, even i was near to death. this blogs explains everything. My parents are also unaware of my problems, and keeps on telling everythings gonna be alright. Its getting worse each day. My studies broke up. Couldn’t attend class. Mentally weak n getting worse. less number of friends. losing everything that i love. Not getting morale strength, health problem, if i do anything nice always gets me into trouble.

  63. sir, i hope you can help name is ailene piernes cuizon.i included my middle name.i was born on the 22nd of october 1974.i wanted to change my name but it’s expensive to do so in our country.also my husband’s birthdate is oct 19,1971.r we compatible?our date of marriage is dec 8,1998..pls help me.this is my email address [email protected]….PLS DON’T POST MY REAL NAME HERE.THANK U VERY MUCH

  64. Dear sir, my d.o.b is 08/06/1977, my name is prasad, i have not shettled my career, i am facing hardship,for last 13 years, please give your valuable suggestions

  65. sir my d.o.b is 8/4/73 my life is not stable could not finish my graduation faced lot of fincial problems in early age of my life still not stable;have been cheated by lot of people as i hv helped them fincially should i stop trusting people in life?what should i add to my name to brinf total of 5

  66. hi my name is Manonmani n born on the 26 of march 1983. recently an astrologer adviced to change my name n i did. my new name is Manjusri. can u tell me if this name is the one for me?

    thanks a heap. n i loved yur article!

  67. Im 17 /10/81 born and spelling of my name is vishal singh, would using veshal siingh be fine or just veshal singh , pls help

  68. Hello Sir

    I need your help

    Its been over 10 months and i am jobless. I haven’t got success in anything till now. My dad is retired and mother is a housewife. My parents are dependent on me and i m their only soon.. I am out of job from last 10 months..

    my details are :-

    Kamal Arya


    I am planning to change my name from KAMAL ARYA to KAMALL ARYA. Is my name good enough to bring success in my life in all the aspects. or do you suggest any name correction Sir????

    I am positive that you will help me.

    Your help is much appreciated.

    Thank You

    Kind Regards

    Kamal Arya

  69. Dear Sir

    Warmest greetings !

    Born 17-01-1964 ( 6.30pm )…city Johor bahru…state Johor Bahru Country : Malaysia.

    I’ve read the book of Sethuraman.

    Should I wear a blue sapphire or star sapphire. But certain quarters advised me to wear Yellow Sapphire instead.

    Kindly stand advised.

    Ranjit Singh

  70. Dear Sir

    Warmest greetings !

    Born 17-01-1964 ( 6.30pm )…city Johor bahru…state Johor Bahru Country : Malaysia.

    I’ve read the book of Sethuraman.

    Should I wear a blue sapphire or star sapphire. But certain quarters advised me to wear Yellow Sapphire instead.

    Kindly stand advised.

    Ranjit Singh

    • Wearing gemstone is a tricky one, if you are wearing yellow sapphire, then your ascendant should be jupiter, or jupiter should be the lord of benefic houses and posited in benefic or your moon sign should be jupiter. It its blue, then replace jupiter with saturn for above.

      • Thank you for your prompt reply
        Than should I wear a yellow sapphire instead ?….Thinking of having my name changed to Ranjeet J Singh (41) insted of Ranjit Singh (31). Kindly stand advised….By-the-way…where is the best place to purchase sapphire in India.

    • Wearing gemstone is a tricky one, if you are wearing yellow sapphire, then your ascendant should be jupiter, or jupiter should be the lord of benefic houses and posited in benefic or your moon sign should be jupiter. It its blue, then replace jupiter with saturn for above.

  71. dude i m born on 26th august and i appretiate your knowledge i sometimes dont understand how to use so much power i m myself a palmist numerologist and astrologist doin job in infosys my month number middle finger(saturn) is the longest i m a pure 8 and sometimes i feel i m god i feel very lonely ppl constantly misunderstand me and fight with me suggest some remedies please even my name has 8 letters i appretiate your knowledge

  72. My whole date of birth – 15/10/1963 adds up to 8, but the day only to 6. Which do I go by? Also am considering moving to house number 8.

  73. Hello Sir,

    First of all Hats off to u…
    My Birthdate is 17/06/1985.
    U are really great in my life many things happnegs as u told on ur blog.
    I m really facing may problmes in my life. Ihad 2 years drop in Engineering still i did hard work in engineering i got failure there.
    After that after struggling for job searching after many search I had got job in small firm where slalry and me and 1 man working there having salary of rupees 4000 with night shift.
    Where i didn’t learning on new technology after 7 months that compny also closed.again started new job searching in metro city where after 3 months got job in small firm where they had taken 40000 rupees deposit amount I had job requiremtn so i had submitted it.After 6 monht i left that cmompny becuase it was also closing stage. and after I left that compny that compny get’s close but stil ididn’t get that 40000 deposit. now got new job in other metro city but here alos not satisfied with technology beciase they r expecting i had this much experience so must give output but they didn’t know how experience i had collected.

    Please help me i m really frusted with my life .

    Please fill free to suggestions on my personal id [email protected]

    Waiting for ur positive reply.

    Thanks very much

    • hi , mee too born on 26 06 86, mst of the time when I was in college I used to face the same problem, but I only get along with number friends born in number 4 , also remember those who born in 8 , 17 and 26 cannot get along with those born in 1 ,and 9, these 3 numbers are most powerfull , so they cannot get along together.

      dont worry friend , always remember knowledge is our power. educate yourself then every one will listen to us , actually by nature we are soft even though appear bold by outer appearance , we never hurt others feelings intentionally and expect the same from other, which we seldom get from others.

      always friend with number 4 , it is good .

  74. this is amaizing is like if my life was blogged dwn i was born 2.8.1992 and my name = 53 and i never understood why shyt was so complicated i am absolutely not a religious person so didnt try to find help in church so i gave up and decided to find myself spiritually wen everything appeared to continiue to slip away.. i truly was amazed and grateful happy wit the girft of God and the knowledge i gained fufilled my soul and made me happy but now i somehow manage to be dissapointed cuz slowly everyone labled me as weird cuz i tryed to let sum people in on the key to the gates of heaven and Gods heart they all said i lost my mind and for sum time i thought i might have but i kept faith.. things dnt look so pretty most of the time but i have the greatest amount of patience and understanding than anyone i’ve met before .. so im alrite most of the time but always kinda sad.. i want if you can help me is there a way i can simply overcome sorrow really im spiritually found. im in a very well functioning relationship. i know way to much about life. im fufilled and im happy with life i love it but why do i feel like im missing someting??? someting big??? but were ever i see i goot all that i need what can i do .. suggestions plz if any available… thanx

  75. Hi.. Just read your post.. Clears a lot of confusion!

    My birthdate happens to be : 8-8-1981 and I was born at 4:31 am and it was also ashtami that day. My birthdate totals to 8 both ways. All through life I have constantly encountered number 8. Be it a house number (current one being number 17), bank account number, telephone number, you name it. And my life has been VERY unpredictable and VERY VERY unusual/abnormal. Do not want to disclose all that in a public domain. 

    Btw, Roger Federer was also born on the same day as me, and it really makes me wonder where my life is headed. 

    I am hesistant to reveal my real name here so is there anyway that I can contact you directly? 


  76. My birth date is 8th of July of 1986… Destiny is nothing but the effect of what we are doing right now.. I believe one thing god is there… If I haven’t done something wrong god will never  do anything wrong with me. And another thing Mother Teresa was one of the greatest person in this world.. She borned on 8 th…. I love to be atleast 1% of Mother Teresa.


  77. Dear Sir,
     i am born on number is total 8.  i have change my name is  sv pradeep its come total 33.please guide me ,and thanks to detailed about number 8.

  78. iam looking for a complete name change I feel because of my current name I am been always facing misfortunes. can u please suggest
    a new name starting letter with and of what value ? my D.O. B is 15/11/1978
    Thank you

  79. Number 8 name number in my experience lead me into unusual and rare diseases, but luckily I was cured each time. I had a tongue operation when I was 4 because I could not speak properly. Then I had an operation in my scrotum for unusual extra nerve in my scrotum. I had eating problems. Then my vision got poorer and poorer as well. Then acne all my life. To have this name number is a curse  for an average person. To yogis who practice yoga like Kundalini can automatically balance the negative consequence of this number by balancing their energy centers. They can easily experience Sun/Sakshi enlightenment, this enlightenment is channeling Sun light/planetary energy from the Sahasrara. This enlightenment gives a normal person a super man energy and the person does not feel tired at all. One will feel like exploding of sun light on his eyes. One has to learn to tune into this energy properly. This also involves sublimation of sexual energy to the head. One can also temporarily go blind when experiencing this enlightenment. Next enlightenment is Witness enlightenment, whatever one sees he becomes that and he feels divine God pulsating in his awareness, the person also feels all the best emotion of life like self less love, gratitude, kindness all rolled into one another. Brahma awareness/enlightenment is attained through celibacy. Next enlightenment is about Kundalini, feeling the Kundalini by itself is a enlightenment. Only Kundalini is the gateway to our freedom of experiencing all enlightenment mentioned above. This above info is from my personal experience only.

    The reason I have written this information is because for the people who come to this page is mostly number 8 people and they have a divine quest for enlightenment. Even experiencing one of the enlightenment (not Kundalini alone) for brief seconds like 3 seconds even will change your life. In this Yuga/time enlightenment is easier to attain. It is very rare to find a real guru.  Start your practice with Kundalini yoga, then slowly move on to other practices. During this age there is only deception. When one experiences enlightenment his ego sometimes inflates and he thinks he is God. This attitude is very false and it is left hand path of God/Satan. Repeating mantras like hara rama hara krishna with out the awakened Kundalini is useless. Sometimes God sends his messenger to awaken the Kundalini when one repeats the mantras with devotions. It is devotion that counts.

    This above info is from my personal experience, Moderator please let people access this information :). Thank you

  80. Since I remember number 8 was crucial for me. When I was about 8 year old my whole life changed to opposite direction – I fall in love with knowledge – Benefits from that i will receive till end of my days, but at same time I received hard lesson from community – i was judged for my family mistakes from past, for financial status etc. It lasted for 8 years. Just before I turned 16 in 2008 everything changed. I came to England on 25th July. I stayed. For the first time in my life I was judged only for who I am. I tried to forgot who I was. In 2009 I came poland for holiday. I took my diary with me. First note i wrote on 18/6/07. Last on 28/5/08. When i started to read i had strange feeling like i am visiting sister which died long time ago. The presence of number 8  scared me. 3/8/06 – first time in my life i heard nice comment  from boy. Next time it happen was 18/6/07. At 18:23 21/6/07 first time i experienced ride on motorbike. 21/7/07 (2+1+7+7=17 1+7 = 8) I was kissed 1st time. 17/9/07 – second kiss in my life. Then on next page i found sign i did by myself, without concentrating on content of it. Number 18 in a middle, crossed 3 times each of digit. Behind there is a sword which blade is curving and so creating 18 times number 8. Crown, and 2 pair of wings – angelic and demonic on sides. Next pages are full of 8point stars. I was trying to create all possible symmetrical  8point stars. On 18/9/7 i smoked 1st cigarette in my life. on 8/12/07 first time i spoke with member of class out of classroom. His mobile number begins with 88 and end same. And then when i turned the pages up to the New years eve I saw my summary for year 2008. Half page was red, as i associated this colour with this year. I made list of 8 things to do during this year. Each thing contained number 8 – to dance with 8 boys, eat max 8 chocolate bars per month,  etc. On the bottom of page i wrote: “8 is half of 18 – number of my life.” Every time i used 8 within text it was crossed 3 times. Then i found information with name of sickness and times i was in hospital. 28/3/93 – 16/4/93.  my phone number was 518 242 553. Diary has 251 pages. my ID number in college is 417188. my current phone num ends with 868. my room is 8.8 square metre. and has got 8 walls due to shape. My house number is 28. my surname number is 8. first 3 digits of my surname are WON (18)and it used to be separate before World wars. I was born on Autumn Equinox (3rd day of Sabbath -Wicca) 23 09 1992  at 11;05 am 2+3+9+1+9+9+2 = 35 = 8. 92/4 = 23. i was born 8 years before millennium. Date of my labour should be 14 09 but due to lacks in medicine especially in knowledge the nurses left my mum for some extra time. 14+9 = 23. My name number is 16 but i do not use it. the name i use is Litka = 11. second name number is 18, 3rd name chosen by me is 11 and my surname is 44. Together it gives 107 = 8.  7 + 9 + 11 + 44 = 71 = 8. In Mayan astrology year 1992 1940 and 1888 are assigned to number 92. I have got tatto on my stomach which i made when i was 16. I have got 3 hidden 8s in design and 8point star. Each day i find number 8 everywhere. I know that i someone seek for number will get it. But I am concentrating on amount of 8 compare to amount of different numbers. number 8 is more often present than the rest together. If u could make an comment please i appreciate that. Thank you. 

  81. I was born on 26/june/1978. My name is Ganesh sah P.M.
    Please let me know if my name suits to my date of birth.


  82. hello sir
    i struggled my life last 12 year but got only sorrow and serious health prblem so pls kindly suggest me wt i will do ?
    Date of birth- 8 feb 1980
    Time- 3pm
    place- khurda
    email id- [email protected]

  83. Can i just say that im an 8 and honestly i cant see how this could possible true. this article scared me. im actually a really happy person, good health and i dont feeel like a “terrorist” or like hurting people. I think you need to get your facts straight. my birthday is 06/13/1996.

  84. Bro Me too born in 26/06/86 , kavasgar from SIngapore, Iam a srilankan tamil foreigner working in Singapore, I did face lot of difficulties in life , but i THINK I managed to over come, believe me , only education and knowledge can help people with with no 8 to succeed , I even started a company when I was in 22 years old , but failed, believe me , by nature we will have super knowledge but will not easily get opportunity to shine, learn technology it will change your life, if you are planning about starting your business, please don’t invest big capital, go for virtual organization. I have been doing lot of research about people born in no 8.

    I happened to read one numerology book by PANDIT SETHURAMAN , whatever he said all is 100% true.

    would like to correct some lines in this post, blogger did a very big mistake
    LTTE leader is not terrorist neither LTTE , you should know the reason why he had to reply take weapon. always remember this ” one man freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist”,”if you win you are soldier , if you loose you are terrorist”.

    those who bron in 8,17 ,26 , please help each other , never be jealous on each others victory , if possible help them

  85. This. -_- This path is impossible. I hold myself up to the highest standards possible, and I swear I try my absolute hardest to do everything in the name of good but… I can’t help but feel that I’m being punished. At this point, I’ve actually turned to Archetypes like Jesus & Buddha & it has improved my experience. However, there is nothing that is going to be able to change my bad luck & when I become aware of this.. I am inconsolable My best friend is also an 8. In fact, she has 3 // 8’s as her lifepath, destiny & soul desire. She operates on the more negative side of this number. We’re still young.. 23! I can’t get a job, I’ve never been in a serious or even partially successful relationship & when I do get my hands on money, it flies out of my hand. Not so much because of /my bad spending habits anymore, but because apparenly, there is such a thing as been “too” giving. The more i read, this life path seems more like a ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ type thing.

    BUT! I refuse to let whatever it is that has it’s hold on me keep me down for too long. I feel like a natural winner, in a sense that I’m really, really good at losing. I don’t cry anymore when I see I’m being overlooked by someone, I get angry, cry, rant & keep trying. If anyone else is having a hard time with this path, maybe taking joy in your ability to ‘laugh through the tears’ might help eleviate a few things.

    Don’t give up! It looks like a nice number comes after the 8. Finishing my count is what has been keeping me going. :/

    • Try Feng Shui and reiki for removing negative energy. The reason u have such bad luck is bc number 8’s have a subconscious hidden program that allows others negative unsaid and said thoughts and feelings to break and form whiles into their auras. Your aura is designed to keep out the negativity so your positive thoughts can bring what u want into existence. However, number 8s and Capricorns
      Are generally or naturally very accommodating to others who really don’t like them. These ppl negative views v them penetrates their shield and causes them to all v a sudden become depressed or do something that will sabotage their happiness.

      I read a book where it said the group that always needs to wear amulets and have altars in their home are number 8s and Capricorn in order to reinforce their positive state v mind that is being fought by others negative thoughts others throw their way.

      Also reiki is good bc it trains ur mind to automatically get rid v the negative vibes and feelings others send ur way and how to cleanse ur aura. I wish ppl wud have taught the truth instead v making others think they’re damned and have to deal with this crap.



  88. namaste
    name : t s balasubramaniam dob 8.5.1969 what can u suggest life is a roller coaster for me
    low finance RIGHT NOW !!! Should i teach meditation or do angel card reading or what do u suggest thanks namaste

  89. Though I was born on the 13th I may as well have been born on the 8th. I have had 2 serious relationships with two women who both lived at number 8 in their respective streets and both relationships failed miserably and everything you can think of went wrong.I experienced very odd health that stopped me eating properly,dark depression,no energy or drive and of course the end of my relationships though I loved these women deeply. I will NEVER in my life live in a house with #8 on the front door not if you gave me the house for free!I will also never date a woman with that house or apt number or for that matter that birth date.

    • Sir, my name is RUSHA MONDAL. Birtdate is 26/02/1988.(1) Is my name compatible with my birthday and Lifepath.(2)Also I’m passionate about setting my own manufacturing and trading BUSINESS. Will I b successful. Or is SERVICE better for me.(3)which no is compatible for Marriage & at what AGE should I get married. Please reply to my query. Thanks in advance.

  90. My name is V. BHUJITH MADAV.I was born on 26.05.1999.My name no is 46.This was opted by me since already my life no is (2+6+0+5+1+9+9+9=41) 41 .Is my name no26 yield me good results

  91. HELP
    I could never understand why my luck so bad. Things that should be so straight forward came with a twist. Never ever finding love when I am an instrument of fate for soooooooooooooo many others, including my ex’s. I always thought it must have something to do with my past lives because no one is this unlucky.
    Yesterday a friend of mine I haven’t seen for years did a numerology test on me, using my birth number, compound number and other things (sorry not clued up on numerology) and what I was thinking was confirmed.
    I have lived many past lives I am paying for that in this life.
    My full name amounts to 4 my used name which I drop my Christian name amounts to 10. but worse of all my birth number is 8 (26/2/71) and I live and have lived at property 8 for the past 25 years.
    The book stated my birth number cant be changed, which is unfortunate looks like the bad luck is going to continue.
    My question is, is there anyway I can lesson this or do anything to help my fate so Karma stops kicking my ass soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated as I am at my wits end. I have always seen 111 or 1111 for a while. this time around I am going to explore what this means. If I am meant to get massages I am listening.

  92. Hi … my name is ankita….. dob is 17 oct 1989..
    I want to appear an foriegn exam .. which will be on 29 july and 3 aug. Plz suggest me .. the dates

    • 3rd August 2017 is much better day for appearing for the exam. It is Ekadashi that means the 11th Tithi of the Hindu Calendar. This day is for gaining victories in your efforts.


    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. You are hard working and dedicated person. You are a true friend and good host. For you life is all about proving your ability and you are willing to go to any length on this front. You are fond of your traditions and customs. For you “seva” of others is like worship of God. In life you will get everything, however due to strong influence of Saturn, there will be delays. You should do the following remedies always.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays


  93. My name is Asavari Saxena and I was born on 26 SEPTEMBER 1996 in DELHI at 1612 HRS. Can you please suggest a name change for me and a Name Spelling in 5 if that can reverse my 8 – Will I become a successful Bollywood Film Actress and when please? Many people misunderstand me. People always bring me down, bully me, and spoil my image. I only find enemies everywhere. I have never been lucky in love, all relationships ended before they even started. Will I have a Love Marriage at all, and when will I find my Mr.Right?
    Please guide me.. I am facing a bad time.

    • Your is a good chart which promises lots of success and fame. As Venus rules the 10th house of profession, it will make you highly creative and you will be past of the creative industry. You will be fond of art, music and anything creative will appeal to you. In your navamsha chart Venus is exalted and therefore it does suggest your talent. You will do well in the acting field. Relationship front is certainly not good and you need to be careful on that front. You need to learn how to judge people. Do not trust everyone else you will suffer.


    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles. You will experience such effects in your life. However Saturn will delay but not deny. Therefore you will eventually receive lots in your life, but only after delays. Therefore you should do remedies of Saturn. You can do Shani Baaj mantra for benefits.


      Navneet Khanna

  94. My name is Aishwarya modi.dob 8-3-1995.Both birth number and life path number 8.Name number 37.Could you please suggest some name change?

  95. my name is gaurav chatuvredi…birth date – 26-09-1993..born on sunday at 11.20 night….can you tell me about myself…..reallly needs help

    • You are born under number 8 and ruled by Saturn. Saturn will make you hardworking, dedicated, systematic, sincere in your work. You will be methodical, sober, hold high principles, but be lazy and spendthrift at times. In life you will get success after lot of struggle. This is the right time to take decisions on the professional front. Do not hold yourself when it comes to new ideas and taking important decisions. Investment decisions needs to be done with care.


  96. Hello, My name is Rupesh Ramesh Sawant from Mumbai and my birthdate is 8/11/1981. I am an engineer and failed throughout my life till now n don’t know what going to happen next. Professional and personal life been hell for me now. Plz help me and do suggest me at my email I’d bikingheaven@ Eagerly waiting. Thanks.

    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. You are practical, systematic, authoritative and highly disciplined. For you your duties and responsibilities take precedence over everything else, but you need to control your tendency to behave cynical and stubborn at times. As Saturn is a slow moving planet, you will experience slow results in life. It may be related to any work or profession. Things will be challenging before you get your results. You should do the remedies given below to expedite things early.

      1. Recite Shani Mantra “Om Sham Shanichraye Namaha”
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily


  97. Hello everyone..
    I’am born on 8-5-1988….whatever this blog says is damn true…. Yes we all born on 8..17..26 have to face great hardships… Failure……whatever we plan doesn’t happen at all…. We all get cheated by others… we make enemies automatically…. We help others a lot… But we don’t get help from others… We are never given credit for our well doings…we face accident and abnormal troubles…. U need to be very strong to face all these things….according to me what we can do is to follow these 5 points to stop things go worse

    1 Don’t keep any expectations from anyone
    2 Make adventure and travel a hobby and try to become a person who can enjoy life without anyone ( Dat sounds hard but u can)
    3 Drive slowly whatever vehicle u have becoz we r magnets to accidents
    4 We people can hardly do jobs…. Majority of ous want to have our owt business… Never start business directly on high scale or invest high amount in business… Start from lowest level and watch if it is fruitful….u don’t need to take big risk….
    5 At last u need to be One man army……


    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. You are hardworking, friendly, confident, authoritative and methodical. You have an analytical mind and you do not do anything until you are very sure and confident, but you need to control your tendency to behave cynical, stubborn and ungrateful at times. You are asset for your friends as you go out of the way to help them. People love you because of your generous nature.


  98. Hi was born on 17th of July . One website computed my birth name expression number as 8. Some sites computed my expression number as 11 with life path 1. what is the implication in my life? your article description describes a lot about what I feel. Thanks

  99. Hi my name is suhanya ilango. my birthday is Jan 10th 1995. I am been feeling very low past few years. I am very stressed about school and don’t know what kind of job I will be pursuing.Can u tell me what kind of job I will be getting

    Thank you

    • As per your date of birth , you are born under the influence number 1 and the Sun. Sun is the king of planets and is associated with leadership qualities in a person. You can perform best when you play role of a leader. You can handle responsibilities and manage large group of people. You can be a good manager, head of a department, group and therefore you should do MBA. Business management and administration is good line for you.


      Navneet Khanna

  100. I have 8 guntha of land. According to my luck whatever comes with no 8 is bad luck. This land is also a headache to me. Not able to sell also eventhough adjacent deals are going on frequently. How to escape from this.

    • Number 8 is related to Saturn, which is the planet of Delays and obstacles. You should do remedies of Saturn and then you will be able to sell your land easily. Some of the remedies you should do are.

      1. Recite Shani Mantra “Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanichraye Namaha” 108 times
      2. Light A Diya under a Peepal Tree every Saturdays


    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles. Therefore in life, you will get things after a lot of struggle. You should do remedies of Saturn for removing obstacles and gaining prosperity in life.


  101. Hello. Please can you give me an advice.i shall be grateful…my date of birth is 26 september 1996( day number 8 and life number 6) and i think i am a libra. So can i keep my name as 23+19=42 for becoming a bollywood superstar? I think name number 42 might help people who have 2 and 4 as their numbers. But can it turn me into a superstar?

  102. My name is Megha Gajbhiye and my date of birth is 17 April 1996 I am being very unlucky in my career till now and I am in a relationship with a boy who is born on 4 June but my relationship is going no where..I want to move on but I am deeply attached with him.. I am facing lots of problems in my life sometimes I feel like doing suicide.. whatever you said in your article is very true I am dealing with all this problems please help me please guide me..I don’t want to spend my life like this..I feel very bad all the time..there is no peace in my life

    • You are born under the influence of number 8 and the planet Saturn. The boy in your life is born under number 4. Basically, number 8 and number 4 is not a great relationship. There will be an attraction, but there will be a lot of difference in thoughts, likes and dislikes. You can be friends, but cannot be lifelong partners. The differences between you will not make it easy to drive this relationship to success. You will never understand what each other want or feels in the true sense. Therefore it is important for you to understand this difference between your relationship and move forward in life. Stability in career will be expected after April 2018.


  103. Hello my daughter name is saranya and her birth date is 27-05-2010.Is her name o.k.She is suffereing a lot of problem in childhood

  104. My name is Arjun Satish, dob is 20/12/1994. Completed B.Tech with 1st class. Now i wish to do MBA in US or in Europe. Is it possible for me? Please give me a suggestion. Thank you.

    • You are ruled by Number 2 and the Moon. 2018 is going to be a very important year for you which should bring you new and important opportunities. Your dedication will be important to get the desired results. The possibility of overseas education is very much there during this period. You should work towards it for a bright future.


  105. My name is Abhishek Ranjan Pandit and my date of birth is 1 st May 1991 … – kolkata …..I want to become a professor in English , so I am studying hard for it .But luck often detest me and I fall short of few marks to ….what’s in my destiny , shall I study to become a professor of English literature .
    Please do help .

    • Ruled by Number 1 and the Sun, you surely can achieve enormous heights in life. However hard work is something that is required from your side. You are active, energetic, loyal, devoted, ambitious. The work that you do will certainly give you good results in the period ahead.


  106. Hi, can you offer me some advice? My full name is Levi Jay Champion. I was born 01.07.1989 (M/D/Y) at 1230am at 49.7 degrees N Latitude. My life has turned out poorly and I’m unhappy with it. I have had several very difficult negative karmic occurrences and feel like I’ve lost important aspects of my life due to this. My biggest concern is trying to find a adequate partner, I have not been able to find anyone at all for the last 10 years. I have a Libra Ascendant and the majority of my planets in my western astrology chart are in House 4. I don’t like being alone, but I can handle it. Unfortunately your blog post seems to describe my life very well. I’m hoping you could have some advice, maybe something that might help me succeed more, find a partner and avoid or balance bad karma?

  107. I am Jotsna. born on 08/10/1997 at 6 pm in Mangalore,Kartnataka.My family stays in Mumbai.I am studying in Karnataka since last 3 years.My family is going through a lot of problems.My mom is going to leave my dad.My dad is already depressed about it.I cant see him like that.Also i am not able to concentrate on my studies.My family life is almost over.please help me inregard to this.
    My mom was born on 08/01/1976.
    She is not realizing her mistakes.My relationship with my Mom has gone kaput.But internally its taking a toll on me.As i was very close to her.

    Also i am studying engineering in computer science.and am planning for higher studies.
    Mtech or MBA .which one will give me more success?

    I have to make my dad feel real proud.I want him to be happy coz of me.

    Please help! I dont want my family to break at this stage.

    • Jyotsna, there are times when things in life do not move as we want them to do. Separation of your parents can be one issue where although you may not want it to happen, but there is little you can do about it. Sometimes when people do not get along it is always better for them to move away. Atleast they are not hurting each other. If your parents do decide to move away, it does not mean that they love you less or in coming days they will love you less. It is just that there are not friendly to each other now. You need to look at things very maturely rather than emotionally. I sure they must have tried, but things may not have worked, so that is why they are taking this extreme step. Do not let that affect your studies and life goals. You can still bring them lot of happiness by doing what they expect from you.


      Navneet Khanna

  108. I dint a get reply for my previous comments.and the comment is not being displayed.Last time i saw,the status was Your comment is awaitong consideration.
    Can you please look into it?

  109. My name is Jotsna born on 08/10/1997.
    My day of birth is Wednesday and time of birth is at 6 pm.
    Currently i am pursuing Engineering in Computer Science and i am planning for higher studies.
    Which field do you think i will be succesful in?
    Coz i am planning to go for Mtech in Computer Science or MBA degree.

    I dont want to regret my decision later.
    Please help. And do i have to change my name?

    • You are confused as you are passing through the period of Shani Sadesatti. Sade satti is the 7 1/2 years period of Saturn transit over natal moon. This is generally a challenging period of one’s life and requires a lot of hard work and dedication to come out a winner. Although your horoscope is good on the career front. However, the period till January 2020 is challenging. Doing the remedies of Saturn will be very helpful.


  110. This is Jotsna.i was born on 08/10/1997 in Puttur,Mangalore.
    My time of birth was at 6 pm and day of birth is Wednesday.Currently my parents are settled in Mumbai.

    I am currently studying Engineering in Computer Science in Mangalore and planning to go for higher studies.

    Will i be successful as a Professor in my field by doing M tech in Computer Science or should i enter the corporate world by doing MBA.?

    I dont want to make any wrong decision this time.

    Please help me with this. Also should i change my name from Jotsna to something else?.

    • As per your horoscope your lagan is Pisces and rashi is Sagittarius. Jupiter us the lord of the 10th house of profession. Jupiter indicates that you will do well in the teaching profession. However Jupiter is debilitated and hence you should wear Yellow Sapphire to strength it.


      Navneet Khanna

  111. My name is Jotsna.i was born on 8th october 1997.My time of birth was at 6pm and day of birth is Wednesday.

    I will be joining college after a brief vacation for my 4th and final of of Engineering.
    I hope to get a job through Placements in my college that is going to start this August.

    And after that i am planning to go abroad for MS.
    What are the chances of me going abroad after 2 years from now and also what are the chances of getting placed in a company in the 2nd half of the year?

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your lagna is Pisces and rashi is Sagittarius. You are presently in the mahadasha of Venus and antardasha of Mercury. You are presently passing through the Shani Sade satti, which is why you will face obstacles and delays. Certainly, the period is challenging. Therefore you will get placement, but it may not be to what you expect. ALso the period of foreign travel in the coming years is very much there.


  112. Replying to your previous message.
    I am Jotsna.My birthdate is 8/10/1997.My time of birth is at 6pm and day of birth is wednesday.
    Is there something i can do to succesfully pass through Shani sade satti phase and get the placement that i want.?

    • As your rashi is Dhanu or Sagittarius, you are in the period of Shani Sade satti. Doing the Saturn remedies is very important during this period. You can do the following remedies. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily, visit a Shani temple every Tuesday. Recite mantra Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanichraye Namaha.


  113. My name is Adarsh.i was born on 11/7/2002.
    i was born at 7 am in the morning.I just finished my 10th.
    I am confused between pursuing science after which i will be doing Engineering in Computer Science or Commerce field and become a CA.
    I dont want to take a wrong decision.

    • Ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury. You are practical, sensitive, friendly and optimistic person. You possess a sharp memory, excellent health, and a powerful character. You are highly respected in your group and people look up to you for inspiration and support. Howver you can be hasty, stubborn and spendthrift at times. The Year brings you brilliant opportunities will come your way but you need to grab them before others. Financial gains will accrue from past investments. A wonderful period to do things that you enjoy and make you feel good. A distant journey for pleasure or pilgrimage seems likely. You will make money from more than one source which will raise your confidence. Read Hanuman Chalisa for benefits.


  114. I am Jotsna Gowda.I was born on oct 8,1997.Time of birth- 6:31pm.
    I am actually confused between taking up GATE exams and preparing for Civil Service examinations after one year knowing that i could only take up one stream that will decide my whole career.Can you please help in this matter.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Sun and Mercury are conjoined in your horoscope forming the auspicious bhudh aditya yoga. You have a very logical, intellectual mind and great aptitude to achieve a lot in life. You are passing through a period of Shani sade satti which will bring you enormous challenges. GATE exams suits you and you should work towards it. Doing the remedies given below will help you enormously.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays.


    • Looking at your natal chart we see that 2019 is going to be a important year for you which will bring new opportunities for financial and career growth. You will get new opportunities through people you meet and there will be an improvement in your confidence and personality. In your horoscope Jupiter is conjoiend with Ketu which is not good forming the Guru chandal dosha. Doing the remedies given below will help you get a good career opportunity.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Light a Diya under a Peepal tree every Saturdays
      3. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays.


      Navneet Khanna

  115. My name is Jotsna.My date of birth is 08/10/1997 .Time of birth is 18:31 pm.I recently lost an excellent opportunity of getting placed even though i was selected till the last round through my campus…Are there any opportunities for me to get placed in a good company this month?

    • As you are ruled by number Saturn , you will get results in your life after delays and obstacles. Things will come but after lot of hindrances. You should do remedies of Saturn for benefits.

      Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      Visit Shani temple every Saturdays


      Navneet Khanna

  116. So I am born on 17th of september with taurus Lagna . Venus is debilitated in horoscope.(virgo)
    Any solutions? Life pretty much sucks for me : (

    • Lagan lord Venus debilitated in the horoscope is not good for health and also relationships. You should strengthen the relationship in your life by strengthening Venus.


        • Mercury gets exalted in Virgo. Mercury is the planet of communication, memory and intelligence. It is also the planet of confidence, business and speech. A native with exalted Mercury will be fast in taking decisions. He / she will have sharp memory. The person will never think small and will be fond of doing business.


        • I have Venus in virgo with Mercury. Does this help Taurus lagna? I’m also a number 8 birth number. Life does not feel great.

  117. Hi,
    I have my baby boy with 5 years old. his DOB is 08-10-2013.
    I want his name to be changed or may be with new name so wanted your suggestion with name number and starting alphabets (If it is play any role) for betterment/luck. Below are the details for your reference.

    DOB- 08/10/2013
    Place – Mumbai
    Time – 09:42am

  118. My life path is 8, with ruling number 1(born on the 10th). My name number is 8 as well. I don’t consider myself unlucky, however its not like everything i touch is gold, but its not too bad. my apartment number is 35, and its not too bad nor too great. Turns out that my phone number is a 44, also a 8.
    After reading your article and comments section, i’m considering changing my name. Considering adding my husband’s surname, it would make my name number a 7. What are your thoughts?

  119. Hello sir,
    I would like to know if I will be successful in the my upcoming PG entrance exam in Jan 1st week , 2020. I have done MBBS. I m appearing for this exam for the second time. Will I get admission this time? Will I get a good rank and a seat of my choice? What are the chances? Kindly help!

    My details : DOB : 26/01/1994
    Time : 17:50 hrs – 5.50 pm
    Place : Cuttack, Orissa india

  120. Dear Sir,
    I am Nitesh currently living in Kalyan (Varp), I was born on 5 APRIL 1988, time of birth 9:25am, place of birth : Kota (Rajasthan).
    I am facing lots off problem regarding my jobs. I am not at job from last 7 months mean while I was doing some part time job for my livelihood now I am selected in company but they are not giving me joining date all other documents I received from company.
    Apart from that I have own flat in Kalyan (varap) whose flat number is 305. Is something wrong in flat number. What I have to do for that means something I have on entrance of gate like some god picture etc or I have to sell that flat. One thing more in my flat temple is placed in kitchen, is it correct or I have to place in hall.
    Kindly give me your guidence so accordingly I can take step.
    Thank you
    Nitesh Tulsani

  121. Hi Astronlogia,
    My name is Ismaiel Waheed. 15 years ago I spell my name as Ismail Waheed. But after changing the spelling of my name to Ismaiel Waheed my health was not doing good. Am jobless. I would be greatful if you could check for me.
    My dob is 14th May 1967.
    Exact birth time don’t know. And also I would be really appreciate if you could keep my information without published.
    Warm regards

  122. Hello Sir, I am born on 15/6/1976 and 6 Am Mumbai. I need guidance for.

    1) Name Number. (33? 41? 51?)
    2) Business Name Number. (33?, 41?, 51?)

    I have a business name with value 53 and 81 are they favourable?

    Do guide.

  123. Namaskar, I need your help as number 8 ‘s evil powers is showing on our lives, my husband’s DOB is 26 April 1975 He did very well at some point of time in his career but now since past 4 years he has lost two jobs and no good offers is coming his way, he is a very hardworking man and has always helped others and has not harmed anyone knowingly…To cut the long story short I can’t see him sad and losing smile every day, his age is 45 now iam afraid of our future and if he will be able to earn well at this point of life or not ….what will be our children’s future as money is so important for everything their education, our future..I don’t know if you will read this or not as I saw questions and answers dated long back…but still I will hope you will read this and help us…pls keep my name private.Regards

  124. Hello Astrologia,
    MY DOB is Sep 30th 1985. I am life path number 8. Is my name compatible with my DOB? Appreciate your help.

  125. or would it be preferable to Erivaldo Santos Jr, who adds up to a 55? I am attracted to the number 71. Thank you!

  126. Hello, I’m born on the 8th I’ve been looking for answers about the number 8 whether your life will be nothing but good or bad karma and a reoccurring theme for me in life has always been enjoy it while it lasts because eventually it goes south very fast now the best thing that’s happened to me is my significant other who’s a 5 life path and if there’s any way I can get more information from you I would really appreciate it

  127. Hii Sir… can you please tell something about my success like in what year ill be successful… i work smart and lil hard and i can feel instant karma in my life
    Im a singer and a student
    D.O.B – 2-11-2002
    Real name – Harsh Shrivastava
    Artist name – The HS
    …i can change my Artist name if you insist… ive faced so much money losses when i was doing stock market in greed of money and proving my success to my father but no I regret and I wholeheartedly pleasing god…. help me sir

  128. Woww such an amazing article on number 8. I’ve not seen such factual and helpful article on number over the internet. Believe me I’ve researched a lot on number 8 as I’m also a number 8 born on 17/06/1995.

    2 years back I consulted a numerologist online they suggested me to change my name to:
    1. Jaky C Soni = 24
    2. Jakie Chetan Sonii = 50

    I’ve started adopting 50. Is it okay and good to go?


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