Numerology Meaning of Number 47


In the previous posts, numerology meanings of name number 56 and name number 65 are discussed. Today, we will go over the Numerology meaning of number 47 will be revealed. Name number 47 is not as auspicious as its counterparts number 56 and number 65. The reason? You might know by now that it does not have the blessing factor of number 5 and number 6. But still, its a number which has got its own value and goodness.

Numerology Meaning of Number 47

Some of the striking qualities of number 47 are its rapid evolution in the field they work, tireless hard workers and social reformers with flair for occult and metaphysical knowledge. There can be a bit of selfishness which may arise due to presence of number 40, and also one should be careful in being too open or frank. Element water is very significant for this number. Person with this name number can be successful while dealing with business or service related to water element. Yet, there is a danger of acquiring water borne diseases and defect in eye sight too.

Financially, this number gives stability and prosperity to people born on number 2 or number 7. This name number should be avoided by people born on number 6, 15, 24 or having life path 6.


  1. Amazing website! Hello, I tried emailing you a couple times but to no avail. I’d deeply appreciate if you can help.

    I was born 11/08/1988 — and I have come up with the name Samuel Caiden. I know that Samuel Caiden is a 41 — However, I know that Samuel is numerically 22, and that is not so lucky. I am wondering if you think I should scrap Samuel for another name to make up 41 , or if the overall name is more important and I should stick with Samuel. The 19 for the last name, is that good too? Even though I am not a 1 in my birth…

  2. hello sir!! thank you for posting this 🙂
    i’m sravani, i have a doubt about this number why does this number wont leave me?!
    it follows me since childhood!! 4 and 7 combinations are very natural for me can u please explain !

  3. I was born on may 10th at 7:47 pm, 1947. My ssn starts with 547. Please share your wisdom with me about this date.


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