Numerology and Child birth


Tips for Conception with Numerology

Are you looking to know when you will get pregnant according to your birth date? Keep reading below and we will go over Numerology and child birth, and getting pregnant depending on your birth date.

Numerology and Child birth

In today’s post, i would like to share some information about the mystery behind conception and child birth. The benefits of numerology in child birth and conception, and also the karma of the child to be born. We must realize one thing, Everything in this world is interconnected, our actions, our words, our thoughts, all these things will affect us and the others.

If we can realize this very truth, then we can rest assure that we live our life peacefully with great content and happiness. Numerology is one of the way, where we can control our destinies. Remember, everybody in this world can control their destinies to some extent, if we obey the law of nature. Most people are childless in this world, These days due to the over ambitious man, the birth of ones offspring has become a challenging one.

Many people think are cursed with a life without children, but this situation can be changed if we follow some truths of Numerology. There are many sciences which helps human being to produce their offspring, and numerology is one of the way. The birth of a child and its future is depend upon the father and mother. The date of birth of couple along with their marriage date determine their life and their offspring’s life. If a couple doesn’t have any children for a longtime, and who is in health through numerology is also good enough to produce their offspring’s sometimes needs the blessings of planet Jupiter.

Planet Jupiter is responsible for blessing a person with child. If Jupiter is strong in a person, then that person is very fertile and will be blessed to have many babies. Now, how to see if Jupiter is strong in a person? Well, if a person has life path as 3, then Jupiter is strong for him, the same can be seen in ones horoscope. We cannot change the lifepath of a person, but we can keep the couple’s (Both husband and Wife) name as 21 or 30. By doing this, Jupiter’s presence becomes strong in their life and they will be blessed with babies. And in general, a couple who have sexual union on date’s with date and life path as 3 will have maximum chance of giving birth to a baby. Also, for couple’s going to married, choose date carefully and never choose date such as 8 or 5 in any case, even life path or date. Can choose 3 or 1 or 9 as life path for marriage, and choosing 3 as life path for marriage will bless them with more than one baby. Also, the date of birth of baby is depend on marriage date.


  1. sir , it was very enlightening to read your article. i was born on 19.10.77(midnight 12.20). married since 8 years. my husband was born on 25.5.73(04.30 am ). bith were born in chennai. when will we get a baby. tried all sorts. will be extremely grateful if you can answer this question.

  2. Hi Vasantha, Just give me your full name, and your lifepath is 8 which is also one of the reason for delay in issue. We will make the name value as 3 by that way the chances are very high for issue. Also if possible visit sikkim, there's a place called Gurdongmar Lake, if you drink the water from that lake you will get a baby. Its a holy lake and many couples have got child going there.

    • Hello. I am 35 years old and trying for second baby. Can you advise when we wil have it. We have been trying since many months now. Your help wil be much appreciated

  3. hi sir,
    good to see your message now. my full name is N. vasantha vijayaraghavan after marriage. I would love to visit that place but medically chances for us are bleak. i expect a mairacle to happen
    thanksa lot for replying my message.I shall start putting my initials as you say sir.
    good day.

    • Hi Vasantha,

      Sign your name as N Vasanthaa (note there is two a's) for 32 times everyday for 3 months, every day when you sign believe that you will get conceived at the end of 3rd month. Sometimes god performs miracle. Believe in those.

    • sir
      i have started writing as you told me.
      can i sign along with his name?
      he feels bad (though doesn t reveal it) that i still sign as vasanthaa

      • Hi Vasanthaa,

        sign as N Vasanthaa, Tht alone comes 32. If your including your hubby name, then tell me whats ur hubby name

        • hi sir,
          his name is T.S.Vijayaraghavan.iam doing as you said. i enjoy a healthy relationship with him . will we be blessed soon
          p.s.i had put my query along with the previous answer. very sorry and many thanks.

        • hi sir
          my name varsha giri (22.12.1988) (
          12.10 aftrnoon)
          neeraj goswami husbnd dob 14.11.1984,we married on 9thfeb 2015
          when do we have baby

          • Looking at your natal chart we see that Moon rules the 5th house of your horoscope. Moon is well placed in your horoscope with Jupiter forming the auspicious Gaja Kesari yoga. There will be delays and obstacles as you are running the period of Shani dhaiyya, but possibility of children is strong in the period ahead. You should keep fast on Mondays for expediting results.



  4. HI my name is ZIEEA KHOT does it lucky for me as per my date of birth which is
    please advice what to do
    Thanks a lot
    i got nervousness , lack of concentration etc tel me how to get a freedom from these problems
    thank you

  5. Please tell me how can I get baby. My name is

    ( Name removed as per the request – author)

    and it has been more than 3 years that we got married. Actually our problems have increased so mcuh that it seems difficult to even continue marriage but we both love each other. There is some negative force that is not letting us live together happily.
    We are in apartment 8 building 27.and our marriage happened on 25th feb 2006.and my husband’s name totals to 8.
    What do you suggest. I am looking Forward for your answer.
    Warm Regards

  6. My name is Ashwani kumar. I get married 6 years . I have no child till date.

    What do you suggest. I am looking Forward for your answer.

    Warm Regards,

  7. Dear sir,
    why can t i sign along with his name. what format should i sign?will I be going through rough pathces with him ?your silence makes me think so.
    please reply

  8. Dear Sir,
    can i sign as vasanthaa vijay.
    i know you should be very busy due to the launching of new feature.
    kindly reply when you find time.
    thank you

  9. My name is vijaya shweta and my husbands name is vijay ranjan .
    My birth time is 01/03/1972 at 7:55 pm Patna(Bihar),
    my husband is 17/10/1972 at 07:05pm Hydrabad(AP)
    married on 04 Dec 1999
    we are trying for baby since 1 year. kindly guide me.
    Thank you

  10. Greetings saravana ji,

    I got married on the 12th of July 2009 ( birth & life path number 3). When do you think children will be born as you mentioned birth of babies could be calculated from the marriage dates? My name was previously ahmed faizal which i then altered to ahmed faizhaal…please advise…Thank you loadz.

    • Ahmed.

      Nice to hear that your numbers are 3 and 3. Its the most beautiful and blessed combination in numerology, To determine birthdate of babies, three factors are considered, one is husbands birthdate, then wife’s birthdate, and third is marriage date. With this three, one can predict the dates. ahmed faizhaal is very good, and will make you prosperous in all aspects. With 3 and 3 in you numbers, there will not be any delay in babies.

  11. Dear Sir,

    I posted my queries earlier today in your blog about saturn and its significance. Since the topic of the blog is about childbirth, I would like to know from you when me and my wife can expect our first baby. Below given is our full name and birth dates and marriage date.

    Sumesh Madhusoodhanan/17-10-1980
    Sreelekha Sumesh/19-04-1985

    We started trying for babies only recently. But since its been 2 yrs since marriage, we would like no further delays. Your advise will help us in terms of resolving any bad effects that we do carry.


    • Sumesh,

      I am not answering in detail about offsprings, its a time consuming one and more over they are governed by divine rules. i wont predict the dates, all i can say is you will be blessed with a great child

  12. hello Sir,

    Thanks for your response. Can you atleast tell me if there is any problems that you see in terms of mine and my wife’s names or birth dates concerning having a child?


  13. Sir, from your blog I do understand that the bad effect of 8 in marriage can be resolved or reduced by having names that resolves to 3. Both me and my wife’s names resolve to 3. Does this help? My name is 84 =12 =3 and my wife’s 57=12=3. Is this correct? Also, my life path is 9 and hers is 1. All these are favourable. Is it not? Or the effect of marriage date is something which cant be resolved?

    • When both the persons names are same, its good for their marital life, name in 3 showers chances of progeny. But marriage date signifies many things like finance, offspring, ones own death too! marriage date life path as 8 is what something to be taken care of, as it can make a family rise high or fall low

  14. Sir,

    How this can be taken care of? So far, since my marriage, I only had good experience. In terms of my job, our finance etc….I only could see a steady improvement so far. Does this all indicate the life path 8 of our marriage is a positve one for us? I dont understand how it can even signify the death as well?

    Also sir, i am currently looking for a job change. As of now, it looks like it will work out fine. But can you see any difficulties ahead?

    Thanks for your response.

  15. my name is vijaya shweta born on 1/03/1972 in patna(bihar).My husband born on 17/10/1972 hydrabad.We are childless and trying since 8 years.
    Kindly advice me.

  16. Hello Sir,

    My name is Poonam Chona born on August 3, 1974 and my husband’s name is Dharmender Singh Chona born on July 29, 1967. Our wedding date is December 28, 1996 and we are a childless couple. Please advice.

    Please remove our names before posting it on your blog. Thank you.

  17. Hello Sir,

    A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU. Sorry to bother you again. My name is Poonam Chona and I have never used initial “K” as my middle name but after reading wonderful things in your blog I have decided to sign my name as Poonam K. Chona. I hope this helps me.

    My date of birth is August 3, 1974 (life path number 5) and my husband’s name is Dharmender S. Chona, DOB July 29, 1967 (life path number 5). We got married on December 28, 1996 and unfortunately we are a childless couple. Please help.

    Thank you in advance for your help. God bless you.

  18. sir, when will bless with child,my date of birth is 29 Nov 1976 and my husband date of birth is 15 dec 1968,while we married on 18 Dec 1994

  19. My name is Agnes DOB 01 Apr 1986 my husband’s name is Mervin DOB 15 July 1979. We got married on 27 Dec 2009. When will be blessed with a child.

  20. Thought this might help….there is a temple after Chennapatna near Bangalore – Ambegalu Krishna temple. Many couples have been blessed with issues after praying here, or you can write to me at [email protected]. I will be glad to give you more details. You can find the details if you google also.

    Good luck to all childless couple….may you be blessed with progeny.


  21. May I also add to the above idea that I am a feng shui master and can offer some easy suggestions and tips to help childless couples conceive. Kindly note that this is not for self-promotion nor for money, but I’d be very happy to help. I know of a good doctor too (in Bangalore)… in case anyone thinks I can help this way, kindly email me.

    Thank you, Saravana – your site helps me reach out to others in a small way….good karma, isn’t it?


  22. Hello sir,

    Nice to read your posts. My birth date is 11.09.1980 (7.20 a.m.) and my husband’s is 04.01.1980 (11.25 a.m.) We got married on 30.04.2009. According to my recent horoscope, it is said that i’ll have problem in conceiving since my saturn is very strong. Please tell me when would be the appropriate time for us to try for a baby ? Please keep this query confidential. Thank you.

  23. dear sir,
    my date of birth is 30-09-1984 and my husbandz is 17-03-1981.our marriage date was on 23-04-2009.we are trying for a baby from jan 2010.i know itz not a long period.but the problem is last month my scaning results shows that i hav polycystic ovary disease which cause a difficulty to very tensed..when i can feel the beauty of motherhood..plz gve me an answer.

  24. Sir,


  25. sir,
    my name is chitra , date of birth is 2-5-1980, time9.42 am .and my husbands name is rajesh selvaraj, date of birth is 9-3-1976. we got married on 22-6-2008.
    we are trying for baby from 2years.when will we get a baby. we will be extremely grateful if you can answer this question.thanks

  26. Hello Sir,

    My name is Ashwini YL born on 02nd April 1983 at 09:30 PM. My husband M B Dayananda was born on 10th Feb 1978 at 08:30 PM. Our wedding date is 08th June 2009. Kindly let me know when would I conceive?

    Thank you,

  27. Do to an unforeseen miscarriage and i was looking for the comfort of when will we be having a second child my name is yadira born april 13 1983 n my husband uriel november 13 1982 married september 17 2001. i hope you can put my pain in ease with some comfort. thank you so much.

    • Yadira, There will be a delay in child birth due to marriage date as 17th, but there is no denial. Child birth is there. So dont worry, saturn delays but never denies

  28. My name is Sushma
    i got married in 2006,i am trying to conceive…but i am not getting pregnent
    my date of bith is 8th Feb 1980.
    is my name is suitable for me… plzzz tell when i will get baby…

  29. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Myself K.V.Meenakshi my Date of Birth is 23.11.1981 and my husband name K.Narayan date of birth is 21.09.1976, I was married on 12.04.2007 .still we have no child kindly tell us what to do to be blessed with child vwey soon

  30. Hello!

    My Name Prince DOB- 21.7.75, Place- Ambala(Haryana), Time- 3:15 p.m.

    Wife Samiksha DOB- 4.4.78, Place- Delhi, Time- 1:40 p.m.

    We r Childless married on 19.11.2000.

    Any suggesstions for us?? How & when she’ll concieve??


    New Delhi.

  31. My name is prabha DOB 18.10.1977, Husband’s name balagangadharan DOB 21.12.1970. Marriage date 24.04.2002. I have one child 6 3/4 yrs old DOB 16.06.04. i would like to have another child.
    kindly let us know when i can have another one.

  32. hi 
    my name is saranyaraja d.o.b 12.3.1986 
    husband name karthik d.o.b 28.10.1979
    our marriage date is 24.8.2009
    how many children will we have 

  33. i am sangita basu d.o.b. 02.10.1978,my husband’s d.o.b is 10.02.1974. our marriage date is 26.11.2007. i want to know whether it is possible for me to concieve

  34. My name is Nisha 17.09.1988, husband name is Ruben 08.4.1988, marriage date 15.5.2010 When we have a baby in our life pls reply me

  35. My name is Aparna and my DOB May 17,1981 and my husband’s name is Muthukumaran and his DOB Nov 05,1977.
    Our marriage date is Sep 13,2007
    I had 3 miscarriages.Pls let me know when can we have a baby?

  36. Hello Sir,
    my name is Namita DOB: 09/01/1983, husband’s DOB: 21/08/1980. Date of Marriage: 21/11/2009. we are trying hard but still not blessed with child. please help. awaiting revert.

  37. My name is Megha Shanbhag born 29 october 1979 and my husband Vijay shanbhag norn 18 april 1973.we r blessed with a boy Yash shanbhag on 17 Feb 2008.We want to know if we have a chance of Second child.

  38. Hi my name is sowjanya dob-24/10/1986 husband’s name Rajendra Prasad dob- 3/11/1981 and we are married on 3/12/2008

    please tell me when we will be blessed with a child?

  39. My Name is Shikha Srivastava, my DOB 5 DEC 1980 and my hubby is 26 JAN -1982 , Our Marriage date is 18-NOV-2010. Please let me know when I can conceive?

    Many Thanks




  42. I need some advice,my daughter is pregnant and due the end of June. No one she knows thinks she will deliver then (including me). We don’t live in the same city,she wants us with her a couple wks. Before the birth & then a few after.I usually am very psychic but can’t seem to pick up on a date to be there by.So if I were to calculate it out numerologicaly would I use her and her husbands numbers or my husbands and my numbers with hers for varried dates in June.I’m so confused ! If anyone can advise me or give me some insight I would greatly appreciate it……Thanks, Terry

  43. My name is krishanveni 02.12.1984, husband name is yatheendra 30.06.1985, marriage date 12.01.2012 When we have a baby in our life pls reply me

  44. Hello my name is archana, even I want to know when will I conceive… Trying since a year and it’s very saddening that u can’t conceive easily.. tried all medications and still trying but want to know when will it happen…
    My birth details-
    Place – Nagpur, Maharashtra
    Time – 05:05am
    Husband’s birth details-
    Place- jalgaon, Maharashtra
    Time- 08:05am

    Eagerly waiting for reply

  45. Hello sir,
    My DOB:4/4/1982, simha rashi, Magha Nakshtra. Husband DOB:1/9/1976, Scorpio rashi, jeshta nakshtra. Marriage Date:1/2/2004.wr already have daughter, when I conceive the second Baby

  46. Hello sir, my birth date is 06 Jan 1987, we hav been married for las 4yrs n plannin fo baby by no results cn u tel me wen vl I get it wich month n date marriage date on 27th June 2012.

  47. Hello sir,
    My name – Himani Pant
    DOB – 27-02-1989
    Husband name – Prabodh Pant
    DOB – 28-05-1984
    Marriage Date – 21-04-2015
    We r trying for bady since 9 months but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive…. Eagerly waiting for your reply.


  48. I am arpita.
    Dob-16th apr’88 time 4.05am place kolkata
    Husband dob 3rd aug’83 place kolkata but dont know his birth time
    Marriage 18th nov’12
    When i will conceive???

  49. Hello sir, i eagerly wanted to know that when i will conceive. My dob is 21 agust 1990 time 3.25 am and my husbands dob is 15 april 1990 time 4.10 am. Marriage date is 28 may 2015 time 12.35pm – 4.00pm. Please give me reply.

  50. Hello sir, my name – purnima singh, 31/10/1980,8.00am,mirzapur
    Husband name-amit singh,31/07/1981,5.45pm,rewa
    I have a baby girl she is 5yr old,we r trying for second but not succeed.. I want to know whn I concive for second…I want a baby boy to complete my family

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your Lagan is Scorpio and rashi is Cancer. Your 5th house is ruled by Jupiter which is in the 11th house and conjoined with debilitated Venus which is the 12th house lord and Saturn which is a natural malefic planet. You are presently running the mahadasha of Venus and Saturn. The possibility of progeny is there after November 2017.


  51. Hello sir,
    Good to see an active site where people are really answered for their queries.
    I am Deepika Jennifer David
    D.O.B 29.09.83

    My husband’s name is Rahul Singh Bhardwaj
    D.O.B 26.08.81

    We got married on 01.12.16

    I would like to conceive as soon as possible…
    Pls guide me whether our stars are favourable for this or are we going to expect delays in life.


  52. Hi my name is Ekta Modi
    Birth time 10.46 pm -Mumbai
    Husbands Name-Jigish Modi
    Birth time-20.43
    Marriage date-24/05/2011
    Still no kid please revert urgently when will I Concieve.

  53. Hello sir..
    Am Anusha Dob : 06-06-1991

    My husband name is Rajesh .
    His DOB 24-03-1984

    Marriage date : 02-02-2014

    We r trying for baby since 1yr… but till now I didn’t conceived.. when I will be able to conceive… please let Me know…

  54. Hello sir,my name is monika agnihotri and my date of birth is 2.09.1988. my husband name is lava agnihotri his d.o.b is 20.11.1983. we got married on 6th feb 2016. When we will have baby?

  55. Sir,
    My name is :shilpi Agarwal
    Date of birth: 12th june 1982
    place: kanpur
    time:4.20 P.M.

    I have been trying for a child for a long time. when will i have a child?

  56. Hello my name is chelsey Brooke daughtrey And my husbands is hunter Andrew daughtrey his birthday is Oct 22,1996 mine is April 13,1996 our marriage date and is Oct 22 2016 I was wondering if we are going to have a baby soon ..

  57. My name is Shilpa. My DOB is 7/7/1985.
    My husband name is Pradeep. His DOB is 20/12/1977
    Our Marriage date is 11/9/2016.
    Kindly let me know when I will conceive.
    Since I am the elder daughter in law, everyone are worried.
    Please let me know.

  58. Sir my name is nikita yadav dob is 17/11/1982 delhi and husband name is prabhat dob is 28/11/1978 at basti uttar Pradesh married since 7 yrs
    Want to know when i can conceive without any problem as j already face a miscarriage at first trimester last month ( Feb) , please help and guide .

  59. Dear sir , my name is Logeswary Chandrasekaran .. i also having this same trouble in having baby .., i already cross 8 months after marriage but still dont have any good news .. hope yue wil help me?

      • Hi Sir I m Tushar nandini mishra and my husband name is Jagadish mohapatra dob 16/06/1980and 26/10/ 10.15 pm /6.58a.m sir we are blessed with baby girl 2 years back now I want to know do we will able to get a baby boy and when

        • Thanks for contacting, we see that 2018 is a strong period for conceiving and getting the desired results. You should recite brihaspate Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times for expediting results.


  60. Hello Sir,

    My Name is Shilpa Arora (05.02.1977) and my Husband name is Sumit arora (18.10.1974) we are married 30.09.2006 past 10 years but still are waiting for our Child, not yet blessed.

    Once in 2010 had conceived naturally, but had a miscarriage.

    can you help us and tell that what are the chances of a baby in our life..and what should we do.

  61. Sir Pl tell me when I will become mother my name mamatha dob 22.01.1988 time 3.45 pm place manglalore.
    My husband name vinoj prabhu dob 25.12.1985 time 10.45 pm place chennai.
    Marriage dob 03.01.2016

  62. Hello sir
    My name is jyoti sirohi, dob 26 Oct 1990 time 2:10 am place hapur,up
    My husband name is Tarun Rana, dob 10 Aug 1989 time 10:30 am place mawana, up
    Our marriage date is 23 april 2016 place meerut, up
    I get miscarriaged my first child in April 2017. I want to know when I will get conceived
    Please help me

  63. Hi my name is pavithra.shetty date of birth is 5th November husband’s name is pradeep.k.shetty his date of birth is 23rd August 1983 married on 2nd May 2013 trying for a child
    I had stillbirth baby boy on 15th January 2014 it stopped breading in my uteruse in 8th month of pregnancy. Then I conceived 4times but no result place help

  64. sir,

    I would like to keep my name secret.

    My date of birth is 30/11/1981 & husband birth date is 28/08/1978.

    When will I have my second baby. My first daughter is 10+

  65. Sir,
    My name is : Kanika Goel
    Date of birth: 15-02-1989
    My Husband Name is Ankush Gupta
    Date of Birth: 19-01-1986
    Date of Marriage: 18-01-2015

    I have been trying for a child for a long time. when will i have a child?

  66. Hi,

    This is Simpi Poddar.I really need your help. I have been married for 3 yrs now but there no luck in pregnancy.
    My DOB name – 16sep 1983 (04:05am)
    Spouse DOB (Sachin kunal)- 1sep 1980 (10:00am)
    Marriage date- 19feb 2014
    Please let me know when will I get pregnant.
    Your suggestion will be very helpful for me.

  67. Dear Sir,
    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2017
    We r trying for bady since almost 3 years but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive…. Eagerly waiting for your reply. Can i have any email id for your contact, Please help.

    Thank you

  68. Hello sir I Am priyanka Dob : 06-01-1991
    My husband name is kalpesh
    His DOB 12-11-1984
    Marriage date : 23-01-2014
    We r trying for baby since 1yr… but till now I didn’t conceived my treatment is going on when I will be able to conceive… please let Me know.

  69. Comment: Hello sir,

    My name : Rakhi khound sarma
    Date of birth : 22/8/1983
    place : Jorhat, Assam

    My hubby’s name : Bhaskar sarmah
    Date of birth : 28/9/1983
    our marriage date : 9/3/2012

    we have been trying for a child for a long time. when will we have a child??I am eagerly waiting for your reply. thank you

  70. Comment: My name is B. J Sharma i get married 3 years . My wife conceived on 6/1/2017 but miscarriage on 12 May. Sir please tell me when will have our baby again without any bad effects and our marriage life is also not good why this things happened in our life we are so much tension.
    My birthday is 9/2/1983 time 4:30 am place Assam. & My wife birth is 11/8/1988 time 11:15 am place Assam

    • If we look at the planetary transit we see that at present you have Ketu in the 5th house of your wife horoscope and Rahu is in the house of gains. Jupiter the karka for children is in the 12th house. Rahu and Ketu along with Jupiter will move in September 2017. Therefore the period after September 2017 is much more favorable for having healthy a child. As Saturn rules the 5th house,doing astrological remedies of Saturn and Jupiter are strongly recommended.



  71. Hi Sir ,

    My name is Santhosh Naik & my wife name is Swetha. She conceived twice.. Both were aborted due to nt grown and dint get heart beat.. As we love each other bt due to small fights in families v r aparted bt meet everyday because v can’t live withou each other .. I am very depressed because v lost twice wen conceived. So pls help me is their any problem in our kundli regarding child.. my DOB is 15-07-1988 and my wife is 16-05-1989

    • Your relationship is not an easy one, because you do life each other and have the attraction that takes a relationship forward. You both can also take hasty decisions when provoked. One day you can be the best friends and partners and very next day you both can be bitter enemies. The need of the hour for both of you is to develop trust and confidence for each other, which has disappeared. More then husband and wife you need to be friends. Regarding children , yes children delay are very much in your charts, however there is a delay but not a denial. Keep fast on Mondays and also offer jal to Lord Shiva, both of you and you will see good results in your relationship and also find happiness in your life.


  72. i am born on 9th April 1981 at 9pm an my husband born on 4th september 1977….is dosh in our rashi .when we’ll have our child..any prediction

    • As per your numerology you will have children after after delays and there are chances that you may have to seek a medical help in this regard. Keeping fast on Thursday which is the day of Jupiter will be very helpful.

  73. My DOB s 2-07-1991 time -17:05
    Husbands DOB 19-07-1991,time-17:25
    Marriage date s 30-12-2015
    When will I get pregnant?i have failed many tyms conceiving and it’s killing me

    • Looking at your chart we see that Jupiter which is the lord of the 5th house of progeny is debilitated in the navamsha chart, which is not good. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will help you get quick results.


  74. Good afternoon Sir,
    My name is shalini jaiswal born in allahabad U.P. on 21.11.1985 at 1:10 p.m.and my husband name is Amit ballabh born on 10.11.1983 in allahabad at 2:10 p.m. We got married on 6.12.2012
    After 2 years of marriage i concieved and delivered a still born baby boy at 8 and half month of pregnancy on 10.09.2015. My baby boy died inside the womb just few hours before my delivery. This happened because of doctors’ fault.
    Since then i could not conceive. All medical test is done for me n mine husband and everything is okay. Still i m not conceiving. I wanted to know when i will have my second child ad per my n my husband’s kundali and how many children i will have.
    Is there any way pooja/path that we can do at home for having health baby soon?

    • Really sad to hear about your delivery. However as I can see from your horoscope there is delay but not denial. You are presently running the mahadasha of Mercury and antardasha of Venus. 5th lord Mercury is conjoined with Saturn which is the lord of 12th house and planet of delays. Jupiter the karka for children is debilitated in your natal chart. The possibility of children are strong after October 2017. Keep trying and surely you will get your results. Keep fast on Thursdays for improving your Jupiter.

  75. Hi Sir/Mam

    I am reading your article, could you please tell me what do you mean by “sign your name” such a way so that it shows 3 as a number. Also please send me your email ID, I would like to talk more.

  76. Sir,
    My name is Maheshwari
    Maheshwari jayakumar Iyer before marriage
    And maheshwari chandramoulish after marriage.
    My DOB is : 30/12/1990

    My husband name is : Chandramoulish Balasubramanian
    His DOB is : 4/08/1987
    Our marriage date is : 6/11/2016.

    Please I want to know when will I get conceive ??

    • Thanks for posting your question on, the possibility of conceiving is very strong in the second half of 2017. It is very important for you to take healthy diet and keep mentally and physically fit during your pregnancy. Unnecessary stress and tensions should be avoided. Keeping fast on Thursdays will help you getting the desired results.

  77. Hi,my name numerology number is 28 and husband is 31,
    My DOB-29/06/1990
    Husband DOB-16/03/1983
    Marriage date-14/08/2014
    I am trying to conceive last 5 months but not get pregnant.when I am get pregnant.told me.

  78. Hi sir.
    My name is vidya s r

    Husband name is: Pramod v
    DOB :21-11-1981

    Marriage :25-5-2011

    Please let me ow when can we expect a child


    • The period to conceive is going on and going forward you should see good results. You need to be careful of your health. Tie a Mauli (Sacred Thread) around your waist after you conceive to protect your pregnancy.


  80. Hi sir, we are looking for your kind help, we are very sad now, I am satheesh kumar.k DOB- 20/03/1986 and my wife DHIVYA BHARATHI.B- 10/06/1992 Married on 14/11/2013 and looking for baby long time, when will we blessed with baby.. hoping for your reply

    • Presently Jupiter is in Virgo and will enter Libra in September 2017. Thereafter you have a strong period to be blessed with a child. Keep trying and surely you will get your desired results. You can keep fast on Thursdays for beneficial results at the earliest.


  81. Hi sir.
    My name is vidya s r

    Husband name is: Pramod v
    DOB :21-11-1981

    Marriage :25-5-2011

    Please let me know when can we expect a child

    • Your date of birth and that of your husband has number 3. Which is ruled by Jupiter the planet which bestows happiness from children. There is a strong indication that you will have child despite delays. Some medical help may be required.



    • Looking at the numerology number of both. You both are ruled by Jupiter. Therefore children will be delayed. You should keep fast on Thursdays for benefits.


  82. My name is Bonita d.o.b is 18/08/1987. My hubby’s name is Himansu d.o.b is 08/08/1983. We got married on 22/2/2011. I had a miscarriage on November 2012. Since then we have been trying for baby but … We have tried all shorts. Please tell me when will my luck favour ….

    • As per your husband numerology he has strong influence of Saturn, which is why he will get things after lot of delay and obstacles. Progeny is no exception and there are strong possibility to have children after delays. Some medical and doctors advice may be necessary on this front. You should look at all options in front of you to get the desired results.


    • hi
      my name is rita and my dob is 9th feb 1977 in bihar buxar and i got married in 12th november 2016 .my husband name is sushil .he donot have actual dob.i want to know when i will be a mother of child or get pregnent.
      Please help me out because am 40+.

  83. Hello sir,

    My name is Suchitra Athavle

    Husband name is: Sandeep Athavle
    DOB :19-12-1980

    Marriage :24-4-2012

    We are trying for a baby since past 21/2 years without success
    Please let me know when can we expect a child

    • Yes there will be delay as per numerology. However the period after November 2017 is much more promising on the progeny front. However there may be a need of some medical advise so do not ignore it. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will also help.


  84. HI
    We are
    Indranil Karak, Dob: 6th June 1981, 5:35pm, at Midnapore
    Kumkum Karak (name was Kumkum Roy before marrige), Dob: 6th Dec 1990, 3:20am, at Ghatal
    Married on 21st April 2014
    We had first child on 27th April 2015, who was not normal and did not survive.
    Please help us, when can we conceive a child.

    • In your horoscope matching we see that you have Nadi dosha, which is not good. Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny. Jupiter is conjoined with saturn which is the natural karka for delays and obstacles. Rahu in the house of luck aspects the 5th house, which is not good and will create obstacles in getting the results. The period for getting the desired results is going on and the chances are strong before September 2018. You should try and surely you will get the results.


  85. Hello sir
    My name is Vandana sharma d.o.b 17/11/1985
    My husband name is Ved parkash d.o.b 28/03/1985
    Marriage date is 30/01/2015
    We are trying for child
    For the 8 months we go to doctors but nothing helped us
    Pls help me
    Thank you sir

    And pls sir remove my name and personal detail after you read the post.
    Thanks sir

    • It is certain that there will be delays and obstacles in conceiving. However the period after 12th September 2017 is much favorable to get the desired results on this front. You should do the following remedies to expedite results.

      Keep fast on Thursdays
      Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspatye Namaha” 108 times daily

  86. Hi I am Rahul Deo Purohit(DOB 08/06/1976) and My Wife name is Rajni Purohit (DOB 12/07/1980) 15 years of marriage still not blessed by child , Medically no Problem , Plz. Reply , waiting for reply .

    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. Saturn will bring delay and obstacles in life. You should try for IVF method where chances of success are more then 50 %. You can also look at adoption.


  87. Hi I am Rahul Deo Purohit(DOB 08/06/1976) and My Wife name is Rajni Purohit (DOB 12/07/1980) 15 years of marriage still not blessed by child , Medically no Problem , Plz. Reply , waiting for reply . Marriage on 1/12/2002.

      • Rahul Deo Purohit(DOB 08/06/1976) at jodhpur rajasthan timming 10:32AM and My Wife name is Rajni Purohit (DOB 12/07/1980) at jodhpur Rajasthan timming 11:20 PM

  88. namaste sir.
    name: rashmi
    husband name : digvijay
    marriage date : 03-11-2014
    can you tell us when we will be blessed with babies.

  89. Hi Sir
    My name is Rupali
    Husband Name Ravi 11-11-1982
    Rupali 22-07-1990
    Marriage 29-11-2011

    Please let me know when can we expect a child.

  90. Hello Sir,
    This is Sumita my husband name Nitin
    We got married 30-04-2006
    Still not having baby
    My DOB 12/01/1978
    My husband DOB 15/11/80
    We have tried ivf twice but had failed
    again we are going to Try this month please suggest

  91. Hi I got married 6 yr back on Feb 26th 2012 .I was born on jan 26th 1989. my husband was on June 26th 19th . We are trying for children. When will we have this period.

    • Due to strong influence of Saturn you will find delay in your life. Having said that children happiness is certainly there, but after delays and some medical help may also be required. Do consult a good doctor who can help you on this front. The possibility of children is very much in the period ahead.


  92. Hello sir
    My name is Rupali d.o.b 22/07/1990
    My husband name is Ravi d.o.b 11/11/1982
    Marriage date is 29/11/2011
    We are trying for child
    For the 2 yrs we go to doctors but nothing helped us and evrything normal
    Pls help me
    Thank you sir

    And pls sir remove my name and personal detail after you read the post.

    • There will be delays but progeny happiness is indicated. You may have to consult a good doctor on this front. It is better to consult with a gynecologist. You can also keep fast on Thursdays.


    • Presently Jupiter the karka for progeny is transiting through Virgo. It will change sign in the month of September 2017. Your possibility of having children is strong after this period. Keep trying and surely you will get success.


  93. Hi my name is Neha Wadhwa after marriage and my husbands name is Gaurav wadhwa. My DOB is 27.11.84, 6.40pm and his is 27.11.81,3.10Am. We have been trying to have a child for 6 years. Please help I am desperate.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Saturn the planet of delays and obstacles in posited in the 5th house, which is the house of children. Due to Saturn in the 5th house, you may also have to take some medical help as Saturn is the planet of diseases. 5th lord Venus is conjoined with Jupiter the karka for progeny. Jupiter the karka for progeny is in Virgo and will enter your 5th house after September 2017. This will be a strong period to conceive. Do not lose hope, as the planets are moving in your direction to help you and get you the desired results. Do Shani puja regularly and also keep fasts on Thursdays.


  94. Hi sir. My name is Jagjit kaur Dob 06/06/86. Timing 6.00am in morning my husband for is 04/09/87 and are marriage date is 13/5/2017,we are planning for baby. Plz advise

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Jupiter the karka for children is in Virgo which is your 5th house. There is a strong possibility that you will conceive in the period ahead. You should keep fast on Thursday for expediting results quickly.


  95. HI Name is Bhavna Jain DOB 21.6.83 & My husband name is Saurabh Bombwall DOB 13.12.82 we are married for 8 months but nothing has happened till date,.

    • Saturn is retrograde transiting Scorpio. Jupiter is in Virgo and will soon enter Libra, which is about fertility and growth. The possibility of conceiving is strong in 2018.


  96. HI Name is Bhavna Jain DOB 21.6.83 & My husband name is Saurabh Bombwall DOB 13.12.82 we are married for 8 months but nothing has happened till date,.planning for a child…

  97. Dear sir i wanted to planning my due date according to numerology. What dates r good to have my c section to have goog star for baby.

  98. Hello Sir,
    This is Sumita my husband name Nitin
    We got married 30-04-2006
    Still not having baby
    My DOB 12/01/1978
    My husband DOB 15/11/80
    We have tried ivf twice but had failed
    again we are going to Try this month please suggest

    Sumita birth time 20.05 pm birth place Mumbai And my husband NItin birth time 7.20 am birth place Mumbai
    Please help me with good suggestion

    • In your horoscope we see that Mars which is the lord of 5th house of progeny is ruled by Mars. Mars is debilitated in your horoscope. Ketu in the Bhagyastan or the house of luck aspect the 5th house. Jupiter the karka for progeny is in the 12th house which is not good placement for it to be. Your horoscope 5th house and karka is weak for progeny. Therefore it is best for you to go for adoption of a child.


  99. Hi sir,
    My name is Jeevita Gadiyal DOB(14/5/1993) birth place Raichur (karnataka)
    Husband name Vinoda Kumar Gadiyal DOB(23/10/1985) birth place Shahabad (karnataka)
    We both don’t know the proper birth timing
    Marriage date 30/11/2012
    We are trying for baby from past 1 & 1/2 years plz advice us when we will have baby

    • As per your both date of birth number 5 is prominent. The period for progeny is going on and you should keep trying and surely you will find success in your efforts. Doing remedies of Jupiter are strongly recommended.


  100. Sir also my husband date of birth time is 7.10am not 7.20 am
    Please advice if is there any hope to get conceive by embryo adoption.

  101. Hello,
    My husbandand I have had one miscarriage this past December 2016, and have been tri BB to conceive again ever since. Can you hemp is on a prediction based on our information. I do know that my husband has a lifepath of 5 and I a 6.

    Name: Caitlyn Elizabeth Walker (maiden name)
    Place: Tampa, Florida, USA
    DOB: March 6, 1986 (03/06/1986)
    Time: 1:41 a.m.
    Name: Michael John Moore II
    Place: Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
    DOB: July 14, 1982 (07/14/1982)
    Time: 2:34 p.m.

    • As per your horoscope you were badly afflicted by Saturn till 26 January 2017. The Saturn influence always brings delays, obstacles, hindrances in ones life. Now this period has got over, therefore the period after 01 November 2017 is much more favorable which promises results on this front. There is no doubt that you will conceive again however you need to be careful during during this period. Avoid intoxication of any kind during this period.


  102. Hello my name is Priyanka
    DOB 2/07/1991
    Time 5.05pm
    Birthplace Maharashtra
    Husband name ajay
    DOB 19/07/1985
    Time 5.15pm
    Marriage date 30/12/2015
    When will I get pregnant.??please reply soon.have tried every medical treatment but no success.its creating problems in ma family…please tell me what are my chances to get pregnant

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Jupiter the lord of the 5th house of progeny, is in the 9th house and conjoined with 6th lord Mars and 8th lord Mercury. Jupiter is debilitated in the Navamsha chart (D9), this is not good. You should do the remedies of Jupiter to get good results. Your chart also indicates the need of medical help on this front. Get in touch with good doctors to assist you and help you conceive.


  103. Hi sir my name is Saleha Sarveen my date of birth 27/9/1989 n my husband date of birth is 22/11/1988 on may 29 the 2016 I got married and when I will get pregnant please let me know

    • The possibility of conceiving are very strong after October 2017. You should keep trying and do the remedies given below for expediting fast results.

      1. Recite Hanuman Chalisqa Daily
      2. Keep fast on Thursdays
      3. Recite Mantra “Om Bhim Brihaspate Namaha” 108 times daily


  104. Hello sir
    My name Vandana sharma
    DOB 17/10/1985
    Timing do not know exactly around 1-2 PM
    Husband name Ved parkash
    DOB 28/03/1985
    Timing do not know
    Marriage date is 30/01/2015
    Sir we are trying to convince for the last 1 and half year.
    As you adviced I do fast on Thursday
    But my husband do not keep fast
    And he also washes clothes on Thursday even I often told him to not do this
    But he does not intentionally but it happens.
    I am scared that brihspati God will angry with us if my husband do this
    Pls suggest
    Thank you sir

  105. Hello sir,
    My name is Sweta… Dob-11/04/1989
    Husband name Rohit… Dob-09/08/1986
    We got married in 26/11/2015
    We r trying for a baby for the last 6 months…
    It will be of great help sir if u will tell me if I will be blessed with a baby or not… N if yes then when…
    Thanks n Regards.

    • The possibility of getting a child is strong in 2018. However there may be a need for some medical advice before you get your results. It is recommended that you and your wife do get in touch with a good doctor who can help you in expediting results. Doing Hanuman Chalisa regularly will help.


  106. Hello Sir
    I am Nisha Mitra,dob (30/04/1989) timing 04.45 am morning. Husband Sayan Ghosh,dob (08/08/1986) timing 06.32 am morning. Married on 5th feb 2015.
    Trying to conceive from Jan,2017.. We yet didnot get any fruitful result.. When can we expect our good news. High family pressure on us for baby..
    Please kindly help us.

    • As the ruling planets of both you and your husband is Jupiter and Saturn which are slow moving planets. you will get results after delays. However there is delay but no denials. You can expect to get results in 2018. Doing the remedies of Jupiter are very important for expediting results.


  107. Pranam Sir,
    My name is PREM CHANDRA, DOB – 29/10/1977, Time-4.10 am, Place of Birth – Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand. & my wife name is VIBHA KUMARI, DOB – 30/06/1983, Time-10.09am, Place of Birth – Domchanch, Jharkhand.
    We got married on 1st Dec, 2009. Since then we have been childless, in spite of trying all sort of medicinal treatment, including IVF. Currently she is taking homeopathy treatment. We both are highly devotional persons, more devoted to Lord Hanuman & Lord Vishnu. My wife does Mangal Vrat on Tuesday & Brihaspati puja on every Thursday, since marriage. I recite Hanuman Chalisa 2-3 times a day since before my marriage. But still we are unable to find any success. We are in great despair & almost loosing hope of having our own child in future.
    I just happen to come across this site today & after going through similar issues of others & your suggestions to them, I am getting little hope now. Kindly suggest me is there any chance of getting child birth for us in future & if yes, pl let us know what more we can do now to have such blessing in our life.
    Waiting for your reply at earliest,

    • In both the horoscopes we see that there is affliction on the 5th house, which is the prime house of progeny. Also there is weak karka that is Jupiter. It is better that you go for adoption. Sometimes certain things are not in destiny. It can be because of our past karmas. By going for adoption you would not only fill your life with happiness but also give parents happiness and future to a child. I suggest that you should not get carried away with emotions of having only a biological child. A child is a child and once it comes and sits in your lap you will forget about everything and start loving it.


      • Sir, Thnx for reply. But does it mean that chances for us to have own child is nil. If any remedial measured we can take to make our karka Jupiter strong, kindly suggest.

  108. Hello sir
    I am Nisha Mitra,posted u on 11th aug. Thanku so much for ur reply. As per ur suggestion as posted on 13th Aug,17 you suggested me to do the remedies for Jupiter planet..As u said that our jupiter and saturn are moving slow..
    Plz guide me with some useful suggestion,what are the remedies to follow.
    My father in law is suffering from Cancer Grade IV,n i want to fulfill his last desire.. we trying since months but till this month we failed.
    Plz kindly help me.

  109. Hello sir
    I am Nisha Mitra,posted u on 11th aug. Thanku so much for ur reply. As per ur suggestion as posted on 13th Aug,17 you suggested me to do the remedies for Jupiter planet..As u said that our jupiter and saturn are moving slow..
    Plz guide me with some useful suggestion,what are the remedies to follow.
    My father in law is suffering from Cancer Grade IV,n i want to fulfill his last desire.. we trying since months but till this month we failed.
    Is our lifepath is good?
    I donot know to calculate it.. plz tell me how earliest i ll be able to conceive. Can i keep trying after september?
    Plz kindly help me.


  110. Good evening! I would like to ask for your help in terms of conceiving a baby, I’ve been trying for a while, but no luck. All tests come out normal for me and my hubby, but still nothing. We have gone through several treatments which have done more damage, than good, thinking about the IVF, but really were hoping to conceive naturally. We got married on November 28th, 2015.
    My full name is Irina Valeryevna Gaponova DOB: March 11, 1982 , time of birth 4:20pm, place: Stanica Novodjerelievskaya, Russia (Krasnodar Region). My husband’s name is Roman Dmitrievich Gaponov, DOB: September 15, 1976( he doesn’t know the time), place: Krasnodar, Russia.
    I really appreciate your help and advice.
    Please help us.
    Thank you

    • Looking at your Vedic chart we see that your ascendant is Leo and Moon sign is Virgo. Your 5th house is ruled by Jupiter as Sagittarius sign is there and Ketu is posited in the 5th house which is not good. Ketu is the south node of the moon and it represents delays, obstacles and surgery. The period of Jupiter is going on and sub period of Mercury which is a good period to give you results on this front. However you may need to consult a doctor before you may get some results. Conceiving naturally possibility is there, but you need to be careful during pregnancy.


  111. Hello sir,
    My name is ravichendra Reddy M.
    Dob is Feb 17th 1984
    My wife name is ramadevi
    Dob is Jan 7th 1987
    Marriage date is 24-05-2014

    Last three years onwards we are trying. Some pooja also done. When will getting a baby. Please suggest me.


    • You are ruled by number 8 and Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays, hindrances and obstacles in life. You will get the desired results are delays. Progeny happiness in indicated but you may need to take advice from a doctor as well before you get your results. You should Keep fast on Mondays for expediting results.


  112. Dear Sir,
    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2017
    We r trying for bady since almost 3 years but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  113. Hello sir
    i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . I have tried everything that i can . when i will conceive ? Please sir need your help .

    I am Suvarna
    DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 10:15 am

    Husband name Arun
    Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

    Thanks and regards

    • In your horoscope we see that Saturn rules the 5th house of progeny. Sun, 12th lord Mercury and Mars aspects the 5th house. Jupiter the karka for progeny is debilitated. Hence the horoscope is weak for progeny happiness. You should seek a medical help on this front. If you do not get the results till May 2018. It is advised to go in for adoption.


  114. Hey I’m Chelsey daughtrey I’m 21 and married been married since 0ct 22 of last year my husband’s name is hunter daughtrey he’s 20 birthday is also Oct 22 never hear that much lol we are wanting a child we have been trying for a while now could you tell us when we will concieve?

  115. Hello Sir,
    My name is Yogita Mehta
    DOB – 17/8/1983
    My husband name is Rohit Minocha
    DOB – 2/9/1983
    Marriage date – 5/11/2015

    Kindly tell me when i will be able to conceive?

    • As you are born under the influence of Saturn, there sill be delays. Saturn has been retrograde and recently turned direct. The possibility of conceiving are strong in 2018.


  116. Hello sir,
    My name is Sangita Sarma
    DOB – 3/11/1984 time – 12.30pm
    My husband name is Niren Sarma
    DOB – 13/01/1980 time – 1.40pm
    Marriage date is 11/5/2013
    Please tell us when we have kids.
    Waiting for your reply at earliest.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Rahu is in the 5th house, the Mahadasha of Saturn and Rahu is going on. Jupiter the karka is transiting through Virgo and will enter libra this month. The possibility of kids is strong in the second half of 2018. You should do remedies of Rahu and Jupiter for expediting early results.


    • Hi Sir,My name is jyoti Singh and I am unmarried. I want to know after marriage,will I be able to produce child. My date of birth is July 8 1985 and time of birth is 8 pm

      • In your horoscope chart we see that Jupiter which is the karka for husband is debilitated which is not good. 7th lord Moon is under kemdruma dosha. There is marriage in your life, however the delay is because of the weak 7th lord and karka Jupiter. The strong possibility of marriage is after April 2018. You need to try very hard on this front to get desired results.


  117. I’m Pallavi U and my DOB-05-04-1993
    My husband name is Noothan M S and his DOB-09-06-1986
    Marriage date is 25-05-2016
    My birth time is 12:30 pm in the afternoon,place is bangalore
    My husband birth time is 5:30 am in the morning ,place is channapatna
    We r trying from one year for a baby.
    Please let me know when can I become a pregnant.
    Please do help us and give the solution for my question as early as possible.
    Thanks and regards,

    • Looking at your natal chart the possibility of progeny is strong in 2018. You should do the below given remedies.

      1. Drink water in a Silver Glass
      2. Put Kesar Tilak every Thursdays
      3. Give fodder to the Cow


  118. Hello sir,
    my name – Santha Karanam, 18th may 1985, 1.10am, Gowribidnur, Karnataka
    Husband name-Janardhan Sidhanthi, 7th April 1980, 11.10am, kalluvapalli, kalyandurgam, Andhra Pradesh.
    Our marriage date is 13th February 2009.
    I have a baby boy,he is 7yr old, (6th July 2010)we r trying for second but not succeed.. I want to know when I conceive for second…I want a baby girl to complete my family

  119. Sir we are trying for family expansion since a year but no luck.
    My details are:- DT of birth- 22/05/1986
    Time- 10:35 am.
    My husband detail- 10/12/1982
    Time- 5:52 pm
    Our date of marriage is 24/02/2014

    As per astrologers there is bleak chances of conception…even med reports are OK still unable to concieve. Plz help.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Moon is the lagan lord. Moon is conjoined with Ketu forming the chander gharan dosha, which is not good. 5th house is the prime house of marriage. In your horoscope Saturn the planet of obstacles and delays Saturn is in the 5th house. 5th lord Mars is in the 6th house. In your horoscope weak 5th house and 5th lord brings delay on the progeny front. The mahadasha of Saturn is going on and Saturn in transit is transiting through Scorpio and will soon reenter Sagittarius. The possibility of conceiving are strong in 2018. You should be careful on the health front after you conceive. Doing remedies of Mars and Saturn will help.


  120. Name -Preeti Dob- 5-5-1992, Time- 6:42 AM, Place- Mathura U.P. Question is this…. Would I be blessed with my own children? If, Yes then , When will have my first baby?????

    • In your birth chart we see that your lagan is Taurus and Rashi is also Taurus. Venus is in the 12th house which is not good. Mercury is the lord of the 5th house and Mercury is debilitated in your horoscope, which is also not good. Due to the above weak planets there will be delay in having progeny. If you are facing delays then it is best to seek a doctors advice who can help you with some medication. The mahadahs of Rahu and Moon is not good it will bring tensions and stress. Doing the remedies of Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter which is the karka are important for getting desired results.


      • sir Rahu,Mercury or jupiter k liye kya remedies krni h nd husband name Anupam DOB- 27-7-1987 time 3:45Am Place vrindavan…. Marriage date 29-4-2015 or marriage bhi bhut acchi nhi chl rhi h starting s hi problem chal rhi h..or husband ki kundli m kya h
        santan k yog kb tk saal kuch chances h ya nhi.

  121. hello sir,
    My name is yamini
    DOB : 14/04/1990 time 19:08 place of birth Bangalore
    husbands DOB:16/10/1983 time 18:45
    marriage date:01/05/2013
    please say me when I will have children sir plzz.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Mars and Venus are conjoined in the 5th house. 5th lord Saturn is conjoined with Rahu. Due to weak 5th lord and 5th house there will be delay in progeny. You should get a medical advice on this front to expedite results at the earliest. Also do remedies of Jupiter and Saturn for benefits.


  122. My name is amandeep kaur mathauda
    Dob 24-08-1987
    My husbands name. Shashank Rao gaddi
    Dob 17-11-1987
    It’s been a while we r trying for baby
    Can u plz tell me when I will conceive


  123. My name is amandeep kaur mathauda
    Dob 24-08-1987
    My husbands name. Shashank Rao gaddi
    Dob 17-11-1987
    marriage date 8/9/2009
    It’s been a while we r trying for baby
    Can u plz tell me when I will conceive


  124. Sir my name is Poonam Chhabra dob is August 7,1987 time 7 am Delhi husband name Ajay Kumar dob is July 14,1983 time 11.25 pm Punjab. When will we have a healthy baby. Already had 3 miscarriages. Our wedding date is October 12, 2013.

  125. Hi sir,

    My name is Pallavi
    DOB -05-04-1993
    Time – 12:30pm
    My husband name is Noothan M S
    DOB – 09-06-1986
    Time – 05:30 am
    Marriage date 25-05-2016

    Please tell us when can we have kids.
    Waiting for your reply.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Libra sign is in the 5th house and Venus rules the this house of children. Venus is exalted but combust as it is conjoined with Sun. Debilitated Rahu in the 6th house aspects the 5th lord Venus. You are presently running the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Jupiter. Jupiter in transit will enter Libra on 12th September 2017. Thereafter coming 13 months are very strong for conceiving.


  126. Hello sir my name is purnima D. O. B-27-07-1990,MY HUSBAND Name is Ashrith D. O. B-19-07-1985 we lost our first baby four days after its birth it’s date of birth 04-07-2017

  127. Hi sir, im Ravi Diwan.I want to know about my didis pregnancy, since she has no child after 8 yrs of marriage. can she concieve?
    Prerna Khare . 12th april 1981.
    6.40 pm. Dhamtari( chhattisgarh)
    husbands: Abhishek khare. 4 november 1976
    5.45 am .Lucknow ( UP) .
    I would be very grateful to you sir. Gratitude.

    • Looking at her natal chart we see that she is born under the sign of Venus. Her 5th house of progeny is ruled by Saturn which is retrograde and placed in the 12th house. Saturn is debilitated in the navamsha chart, which again is not good. Jupiter the karka of progeny is also in the 12th house, Therefore the 5th lord and Karka are both weak for getting the desired results. She should go for medical help on this front. Also look at adoption as a possibility.


  128. My name is: vivien michna
    Dob: January 28, 1982
    Husband: istvan kereszturi
    Dob: March 7, 1981

    Married: July 13, 2002.

    Had twins December 31, 2006.
    Wondering when we will conceive our third child. Thank you in advance!

  129. Dear Sir,
    My name –kiran gupta
    DOB – 27/04/1984
    time- 16.25
    Husband name – ashish gupta
    DOB – 15/11/1978
    Marriage Date – 28/11/2012
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

    • In your chart we see that 5th house of progeny is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is exalted in the 2nd house. You are presently running the mahadasha of Mercury and antardasha of Jupiter. As Saturn rules the 5th house, there will be delay in having children. As Rahu aspects the 5th house you may need to have some medical treatment before you get the results.


  130. Hello Sir,
    My date of birth is 13.10.1986 (Time not sure but around 10 AM)And dob of my wife is 10.12.1992, we married on 03.06.2015.
    when do we have baby?

  131. Hi Sir,
    My name-Joshna J( D.O.B- 11/sep/1989)
    My husband name – Senthil Krishnan( D.O.B -29/Jun/1982)
    Please let us know when we will get kids.


    • We see that both of you are ruled by number 2 and the Moon, which will make you highly talented, emotional and kindhearted. The possibility of progeny is strong in 2018. You should do the below given remedies to expedite results at the earliest.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays


  132. Hi name is Taruna Narayan and my husband name is Sanjay gureja ..below are our details..Want to know when can I conceive.
    Name Taruna Narayan
    DOB 06 Jan 1986
    Time 22:18
    Place Delhi
    Name Sanjay Gureja
    DOB 02 Mar 1984
    Time 09:10
    Place Delhi

    • Looking at your chart we see that your lagan is Leo and 5th house is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is posited in the 6th house and debilitated. 5th lord in 6th house and debilitation is not good. Also you have Sun, Venus and Mercury in the 5th house. Your horoscope is weak on this front as Rahu in the 9th house aspects the 5th house. The main period of Mercury and Mars is going on. The possibility of conceiving is there, but you need to take some doctors advice before you could see favorable results. Keep fast on Thursdays.


  133. Hello Sir,
    My name is Yogita Mehta
    DOB – 17/8/1983
    My husband name is Rohit Minocha
    DOB – 2/9/1983
    Marriage date – 5/11/2015

    Kindly tell me when i will be able to conceive? My doctor is advising me to go for ivf..will i conceive naturally ?

  134. Hello Sir, I m Chumki.
    My DOB is on 11th Feb 1981. Night 9.23 p.m.
    Birth place – Rourkela, odisa
    My husband DOB is on 9th Sept 1979,birth place – Rourkela.
    We married on 6th Feb 2010.
    I had 1 miscarriage .
    Can you Plz tell me when I will conceive or when we will have child

    • In your horoscope we see that 5th house which is the house of progeny is ruled by Saturn and is in lagan. Sun which is 12th house lord is conjoined with 2nd lord Venus and Ketu which is debilitated in the Navamsha chart. 5th house coming under Rahu – ketu axis is not good. 12th lord in the 5th house indicate health problems for which some medical consultation may be required. It is best that you take an opinion of a doctor in this regard. Doing the remedies of Jupiter and Saturn will certainly be helpful.


  135. Hi sir,
    Could you let me know when will i conceive, we dont have birth details of my husband so no one is helping me in predicting child birth. can u please see if there is any other way and let us know when can i conceive?
    My name: Sirisha Akula
    DOB: 22/04/1986
    Marriage date: 03/Apr/2016

    • Hi sir,
      Could you let me know when will i conceive, we dont have birth details of my husband so no one is helping me in predicting child birth. can u please see if there is any other way and let us know when can i conceive?
      My name: Sirisha
      DOB: 22/04/1986, time: 2:50pm, place : hyderabad
      My husband name: Vishnu Prasad
      Marriage date: 03/Apr/2016

      • Looking at your natal chart we see that Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny and Rahu in the 9th house aspects the 5th house. 2nd lord Mercury is posited in the 8th house and debilitated. Yes the horoscope is weak for progeny happiness. There will be delay and obstacles. The possibility of progeny is strong in 2018. You should do the remedies given below for getting results. Keep fast on Tuesday.


  136. i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . when i will conceive ?

    My details
    DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 10:15 am
    Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

    Thank You.

  137. i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . when i will conceive ?

    My details
    DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 10:15 am
    Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
    Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
    Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

    Thank You.

    • Looking at your charts we see that horoscopes are weak for progeny. There will be delay. The possibly of progeny are there however it is important that you seek a medical advice. Doing the remedies given below will certainly help.

      1. keep fast on Thursday
      2. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times daily


      Navneet Khanna

      • Sir,
        Thanks for your reply.
        We are trying for baby from last 7 years we have did ivf,iui but failed.can you please suggest when we will blessed with baby ? And with medical help or naturally ?
        Arun patil.

          • i am trying to conceive for a baby from last 7 yrs , got married on 1st july 2009, conceived once but miscarried . when i will conceive ?

            My details
            DOB: Sep/12/1985 (12/9/1985 )
            Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
            Time Of Birth – 10:15 am
            Husband DOB: Nov/04/1979 (4/11/1979 )
            Place Of Birth – Jalgaon , Maharashtra
            Time Of Birth – 05:30 pm

            Below is your reply

            Looking at your charts we see that horoscopes are weak for progeny. There will be delay. The possibly of progeny are there however it is important that you seek a medical advice. Doing the remedies given below will certainly help.

            1. keep fast on Thursday
            2. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times daily


            Navneet Khanna

            Thanks for your reply.
            We are trying for baby from last 7 years we have did ivf,iui but failed.Now we are taking ayurvedic treatment .can you please suggest when we will blessed with baby ? And with medical help or naturally ?
            Arun patil.

      • Sir,
        Thanks for your reply.
        We are trying for baby from last 7 years we have did ivf,iui but failed.can you please suggest when we will blessed with baby ? And with medical help or naturally ?

  138. Dear Sir,
    My name is Elena Kyoseva 12.07.1982 my partner is Georgi Georgiev 13.11.1984
    Please let me know when will I conceive?
    Thank you

    • You are ruled by number 3 and Jupiter. You are active, talented , honest, trust worthy and mature person. You are helpful and a good host. Regarding progeny we see that there will be delays and obstacles on this path. Jupiter in transit has entered Libra, and likely to bestow you will good results on this front. Do suggest a doctor is necessary.


  139. Dear Sir,
    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2017
    We r trying for bady since almost 3 years but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

    • Please provide your date, time and place of birth. Also recheck your marriage date, as you are saying you got married 3 year ago, but you put your date as 09/06/2017.


      • My name – Beni Anna John
        DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
        Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
        DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
        Marriage Date – 09/06/2014

        • Dear Sir
          Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….

          Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  140. Husband name- Anupam DOB-25-07-1987,Place -vrindavan,Birth time – 3:45 Am.
    Marriage Date – 29-04-2015. Sir please let me know When will I conceive. Preeti DOB_ 5-5-1992, Place -Mathura, time-6:42.

  141. Hi Sir,
    My name: Pranitha
    DOB: 12/12/1980, Time: 3:15AM, Place: hyderabad
    My Husband name: Srikanth
    DOB: 23/08/1974 Time: 1:30PM, place: Karminagar
    Marriage Date: 27/02/2009
    Its been 7 years i got married but we dont have kids, i also gone through 2 ivf treatments but with no success. I want to know will have kids or not. please help me.

    • In your horoscope matching we see that your horoscope is weak on the progeny front. It strongly indicates problems on the children front. There can be delay, miscarriage and obstacles in conceiving. You should seek some medical help as it is indicated in your birth chart.


  142. My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  143. Hello sir
    Myself snehal suryavanshi and husband name is- prashant narawade.
    Marriage date is -20 december 2015
    My birthdate is 11 feb 1985,17.47 pm at Thane , Maharshtra
    Husband birthdate 16 feb 1983, 18.02 pm, sangamner, maharashtra
    Plz guide me about our baby and married life

  144. Hello sir
    My name is snehal
    Date of birth=11 feb 1985 at 17.47, Thane, maharashtra
    Husband name is prashant
    Birth date 16 feb 1982 at 18.02, sangamner, maharashtra
    Marriage date 20 december 2015
    When we will have child?
    Thannks and regards

  145. hello sir,
    my name – Gopika M H , my DOB – 16th March 1988 time 4:44pm
    husband name – Muddaraju M , his DOB – 4th March 1986 time evening 5-6 pm
    marriage date- 11th March 2016 time 9- 10:15 am
    trying for baby more than year and failed
    when I will get pregnant

  146. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.

  147. My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally. Awaiting for your earliest reply since i am so depressed of not having child and famiy pressure.

  148. Husband name- Anupam DOB-25-07-1987,Place -vrindavan,Birth time – 3:45 Am.
    Marriage Date – 29-04-2015. Sir please let me know When will I conceive. Preeti DOB_ 5-5-1992, Place -Mathura, time-6:42.

    • In your husband horoscope we see that 5th lord venus is combust and conjoined with debilitated Mars which is the 6th lord. In your horoscope we see that Mercury the 5th house lord is debilitated. Therefore both horoscopes are weak for results on the progeny front, which will bring delays and obstacles. You are running the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Mars. However the possibility to get the results are stronger after June 2018. Keep trying and also do the remedies of Jupiter. Keep fats on Thursdays for benefits.


  149. Hello Sir!
    Im Maya, I want help for my family friends.
    Could you please tell me , if they can have a 2nd baby. They have a boy of 6 yrs age. They are planning for the second but in vain.Their details are Anuradha Singh DOB. 29/12/1970 Time. 5.30 AM Place. Wolverhampton England.
    Paminder Singh DOB. 02/01/1983 Time. 5.44 AM Place. Ludhiana Punjab

    • Your friend is passing through the period of Shani Sade satti, that is why she is facing obstacles, delays and health issues. Her Rashi is Dhanu that ios Sagittarius and Saturn in transit is in Sagittarius bringing obstacles in her endeavors. The period till 2020 is not good and little chances of success. She should do Shani remedies for gains.


      Navneet Khanna

  150. My name is Bindhya Sajeendran; DOB is 19/04/1978 at 1:30pm. Place of birth is Tellicherry; Kerala.
    Husband name is Kalarikkal Narabron Rajesh; DOB is 20/11/1971 at 12:59am. Place of birth is Nadiad; Gujarat
    Marriage date is 30/08/2009.
    Tried ivf for 5 times. Still not conceived
    Please tell me when will we blessed with a child.

  151. Hello sir
    I posted question on 2 th october 2017 as well as on 8 th 2017.I can understand there is lot of load on you.but plz help me by replying to my problem.

  152. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.

  153. My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally.

  154. Dear Sir,
    My name – Latha Noelline G.
    DOB – 25/12/1974
    Husband name – Maria Joseph Kumar I.
    DOB – 27/04/1973
    Marriage Date – 15/12/2014
    We r trying for a baby since almost 3 years 9 months but failed. Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….as ours is a very late marriage.

    Awaiting for your earliest reply since we are so depressed of not having child. Kindly advise

    • As per the stars indicate a delay on this front. It is best to consult a medical specialist for help. Also you should do remedies of Jupiter which will strength the chances of child in your life.


  155. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Date of Marriage – 21st June, 2010
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.

  156. Hello sir

    My name is Richa Verma(DOB is 8/09/1988 7:25 AM) my husband’s name is Rohit Kumar Verma (DOB is 06/01/1986) our date of marriage is 14/02/2013. Evn after trying continuously from last two years m unable to conceive. I want to know whn will we blessed with a baby…. plz help us

    • In your birth chart we see that Saturn rules the 5th house of progeny. Ketu in the 12th house aspects the 5th lord. Jupiter the karka for children aspect the 5th house. Saturn will delay but not deny. Also Ketu aspect indicates need for some medical advice. The possibility of progeny is much stronger in 2019. You should keep trying and you will get the desired results.


  157. Hello sir
    My name= snehal
    Birth date= 11 feb 1985 ,17.47, thane, maharashtra
    Husband name=prashant
    Birth date=17 feb1982,18.02, sangamner , maharashtra
    Marriage date=20 dec 2015
    Plz guide me about our married life and about our baby

  158. Hello Sir, My name is sachin Kunal, DOB- 1sep 1980 (10:00am)
    and my wife simpi poddar , DOB– 16sep 1983 (04:05am)
    Marriage date- 19feb 2014
    We have trying for child since last 3 years. Please let me know when my wife will get pregnant.
    Hope I will get response from your end.
    Thanks Sir

    • Looking at your wife horoscope we see that Mars rules the 5th house of progeny. Mars is debilitated in the birth chart. Jupiter the karka for children is conjoined with Ketu in the 5th house. Rahu – Ketu aspect on the 5th house is not good. It gives problems on this front. The mahadasha of Rahu is going on indicating delays and obstacles. You should get medical help on this front. Also doing remedies of Jupiter and Mars will certainly help.


  159. Namaste
    My name is Jyothi. DOB 21 Jan 1985 2:49am born in Bangalore.
    My husband name is Sairam. DOB 06 May 1982 10:30 am born in Bangalore.
    Married on 27 April 2011 in Bangalore.

    When will we be blessed by children?

  160. Hello Sir,
    This is Isha Shahani here,my DOB is 30/07/1986 and time of birth is 09:13 am.
    My husbands name is Manish Shahani and his DOB is 07/10/1981 and time of birth is 09:05 am.
    We got married on 19/05/2014.
    Both of us are born and married in Mumbai.
    I have done all my medical tests and all the reports are normal.We are trying to have a baby since a year now.
    Can you please tell us about our future married life and when will I get pregnant.

    Thank u.

    • As per your natal chart we see your horoscopes are weak for progeny, that is why delay is there. However the progeny is there in your horoscope. The chances of which are much stringer in 2018. You should do the remedies given below.

      1. Keep fats on Thursday
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily


      Navneet Khanna

  161. My name is Santosh Daga my husband name is sumeet Daga DOB mine 13/4/1984time2.40pm husband 2/1/19848.40am married for11yrs wat r the chances of convincing

  162. Thnxs sir…i wil surely do all the remedies whatever you suggested me..but sir plz i want to ask you frankly whether there is any chance of child in our life..if so when?n are there any chances of me concieving naturally ?coz already i have taken 10 times ivf treatment but havent concieved..i have already tried so many fasts n other such ways…but have failed..plz sir reply

  163. Sir, pls answer me::::

    My name – Beni Anna John
    DOB – 03/12/1987. Time of Birth- 01:30am Place of Birth -Abu Dhabi ,UAE
    Husband name – Nikhil Thachilott
    DOB – 24/12/1984,Time of Birth- 9:30pm Place of Birth -Kozhikode,Kerala
    Marriage Date – 09/06/2014
    Kindly tell me when I will be able to conceive….
    Should i go for medical help to conceive? My family is advicing to go for iVF. Will i conceive naturally.

  164. hello Sir

    my self Bhavna Jain married last year my DOB -21.06.1983 & My husband name Saurabh Bombwall DOB 13-12-1982 we are trying for a baby from day one but no result as my age is also going please help me out

  165. Sir i am very mistake i gave my birth time wrong initialy u my fresh details
    My name is Shalini Saharia .Date of birth 19th oct 1981,time 2:55pm,place Dibrugarh assam
    My husbands name is Vikash saharia ,date of birth 26th oct 1980,time of birth 07:29am,place Dibrugarh assam
    My marriage date is 12th dec 2009
    We have been trying continuesly for 7 years but i havent concieved..even tried highest level of medical treatment 10 times ivf but have failed..please tel me wil i ever have a baby?if yes ?when?which year? Wil i concieve naturally or with medical help?

  166. Sir,
    My name indurani DOB 19/11/1983 10:10 pm Place Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu.
    My husband name Ramachandran DOB 12/11/1976 7:15 PM
    We got married since 10 years, we tried all temple and medical trials.
    No progress, some struggles my treatment. Could you plz tell me wat should i do to get my child

    • In your charts we see that 5th house which is the prime house of children, is afflicted with 4 planets. Sun and Ketu are cruel and malefic planets. Jupiter is 6th lord and 6th lord in 5th house is not good. The mahadasha of Rahu is going on which is challenging and troublesome. You should look at adoption.


  167. Hello sir,
    (Nilutpala Bhuyan)
    My dob is: 28/02/1988
    Birth place: Bokajan,Karbi Anglong,Assam
    Time: 11:30 pm
    (Suraj Jyoti Baruah)
    My husband’s dob is: 25/08/1982
    Birth place: Tinisukia,Assam
    Time: 05:57 pm
    When will we have a baby?

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Scorpio and rashi is Cancer. You are born in the Punarvasu Nakshatra. 12th lord Venus is in the 5th house and exalted. Jupiter the karka for children is in the 6th house. Saturn and Mars in the 2nd house. This is a weak horoscope and therefore there will be delay. You should seek a doctors advice on this.
      You should also do the below remedies.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays
      2. Recite Santan Gopal Mantra


  168. Hi Sir

    My Name is Sagarika Majumdar (DOB – 31May, 1984). My husband name is Dipayan Bhattacharjee (DOB – 24September 1983). Both of us born in Agartala, India.
    Date of Marriage – 21st June, 2010
    Can you please tell, when we will be blessed with a baby.
    I am waiting for your response since last month and posting the same query several times, please respond. Thank you in advance.

  169. Hi sir
    My name is Ashwini hingole(DOB 22/6/85). My husband name is Sachin hingole(DOB 21/3/82).date of marriage 17/5/2011. Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby. We tried IVF two times but it fails.

      • Hi sir
        My name is Ashwini hingole(DOB 22/6/85) birth time 6.00 am – 6.15am in vidul, Maharashtra.
        My husband name is Sachin hingole(DOB 21/3/82) birth time 8.45pm in asegaon, Maharashtra.
        Our date of marriage 17/5/2011.
        Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby. We tried IVF two times but it fails.
        I am waiting for your response since last 15 days and posting the same query several times, please respond. Thank you in advance.

        • In your natal chart we see that 5th house which is the prime house of progeny is ruled by Venus. Venus in conjoined with Rahu. Ketu is posited in the 5th house and conjoined with Saturn.Jupiter which is the karka for progeny is debilitated. Therefore your horoscope is very weak on the progeny front. It is better that you go in for adoption, rather than putting yourself into physical and emotional torture.


  170. Sir i am very mistake i gave my birth time wrong initialy u my fresh details
    My name is Shalini Saharia .Date of birth 19th oct 1981,time 2:55pm,place Dibrugarh assam
    My husbands name is Vikash saharia ,date of birth 26th oct 1980,time of birth 07:29am,place Dibrugarh assam
    My marriage date is 12th dec 2009
    We have been trying continuesly for 7 years but i havent concieved..even tried highest level of medical treatment 10 times ivf but have failed..please tel me wil i ever have a baby?if yes ?when?which year? Wil i concieve naturally or with medical help

  171. Hi sir
    My name is Rupali(DOB 10/11/90 time of birth 9:15am place mumbai). My husband name is lakshminarayanan iyer(DOB 3/1/87 time of birth 3:15am place madurai).date of marriage 19/2/2016. Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby

    • In your horoscope we see that 5th house which is the prime house for progeny is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is posited in the bhagyastan with Ketu which is not good as it forms the Chandal dosha. Sun which is the secondary karka for children is debilitated in the 12th house. Your horoscope is weak on the children front. Due to this there will be delays and possibility of medical advise cannot be ruled out. You are presently in the mahadasha of Sun and antardasha of Mars. The possibility of children is more in 2019.


  172. hello sir,
    According to Chaldean Calculator my number is 43 and my husband no is 35 before marriage my number is 50. I born in ludhiana and my husband born in jaamu mu maariage date is 4-April-2012
    We have been trying continuously for 5 years but i havent concieved..Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby

  173. Hii I m Koyel Lahiri.. Date of birth 14th Dec 1988 my husband name Subhadeep Lahiri date of birth 26sep 1986.we r both born in kolkata Barasat.. Marriage date 5th Feb 2017. I want to know when I will get pregnent..

    • as you are influenced by number 5 and Mercury and your husband is ruled by number 8 and Saturn, there is a strong possibility that there may be delay in having progeny. Saturn in transit is passing through Sagittarius. Jupiter the karka for children is in the house of Venus. The possibility of children is strong in second half of 2018.


  174. Hello sir,
    My name is ravichendra Reddy M.
    Dob is Feb 17th 1984
    My wife name is ramadevi
    Dob is Jan 7th 1987
    Marriage date is 24-05-2014

    Last three years onwards we are trying. Doctors prescription also taken three years onwards. IUI also done no use. Some pooja also done. When will getting a baby. Please suggest me.


    • Your husband is ruled by number 8 and Saturn, there will be delay in everything he gets. Therefore you should keep trying and surely you will get results.


  175. Hello Sir,

    I am Vishwamitra (DOB : 17-12-1985, time : 11:45 AM, Place : Warangal),
    My wife Swathi (DOB : 23-10-1987, time : 8:00 PM, Place : Vijayawada)
    Marriage Date : 15-12-2013
    My Wife had a miscarriage in February 2017, So please let me know when we will be having a child?


    • In the horoscope of Swathi, we see that 5th house is ruled by Mercury as Virgo sign is there. Mercury is posited in the 6th house and combust. Ketu and Mars are posited in the 5th house. The horoscope if weak and that is why there will be a delay in having children. The possibility of having children are strong in 2019. However you should get a health checkup through a good doctor and see if some medication may not be necessary.


  176. Hi sir
    My name is Ashwini hingole(DOB 22/6/85) approx 6- 6.10am in vidul (Maharashtra). Before marriage my name miss Ashwini Anandrao Dawane.
    My husband name is Sachin ramrao hingole(DOB 21/3/82) 7.51am in asegaon(maharashtra).
    Our date of marriage 17/5/2011. Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby. We tried IVF two times but it fails.
    Waiting for your positive response. Thank you.

  177. Hello sir, my name is Matla shailaja, born on 16-11-1984,at 10:10am in adilabad, Telangana,India, my husband name is Kandi jithender reddy, birth date unknown but approximately 04-11-1984, in Warangal, Telangana, India, we r trying for baby since 2 years,but I’m not conceiving, please can u tell when will I conceive.

    • In your horoscope Mars rules the 5th house for children and Mars is exalted in the 2nd house. Jupiter the karka aspects the 5th house and is conjoined with 11th lord Venus. The string possibility to conceive is after January 2018.


  178. Hello sir,
    My name :Nandhini born 7/11/1991, 10:30pm in bangalore
    Husband’s name :Surendar born 26/12/1987,12:30pm in chennai
    Marriage date:21/2/2014
    When will we have a child?
    I’m eagerly waiting for your reply sir.

    • In your horoscope, we see that Venus rules the 5th house, which is the house of children. Venus is in the 4th house and debilitated. 6th Lord Mars is posited in the 5th house and conjoined with debilitated Sun. Your horoscope is weak on the progeny front. The possibility of doctors helps and some medication may be necessary before you get the results. Astrologically the period is conceiving is strong in 2018.


  179. Hello Sir,

    My name is Rachana. I was forced to give up my second child this year in April as my husband had lost his job during that period. I have gone into depression due to this and my life has completely changed after this.

    I am craving for a child now but i have lost hopes. I feel guilty and unhappy all the time. I am just waiting for a ray of hope.

    My DoB : 14-02-1983
    His DoB : 11-02-1979
    Marriage Date : 12-12-2008

    Will i have another kid, a sibling for my daughter?

    Thanks so much sir


  180. Hello sir, Am vidhya wife of Prasad Srinivasan, I have my daughter who is 8 years now. And we are trying for 2nd Baby for one year by trying to infertility treatments and found through test that my both Fallopian tubes are blocked and the only option to go for IVF. Pls help me whether i ll get natural pregnancy if yes when. I expecting a positive reply. My name Vidhya Prasad ( DOB 01/01/1983 ) and My husband is Prasad Srinivasan ( DOB 23/04/1980 ) My Daughter Ankita ( DOB 31/12/2009)

  181. Hi sir,
    My name is Prasanthi chilamkurthy don: 01 oct 1989 and my husband name is Venkata pavan padala dob: 21 sep 1983 and we both got married on 21 nov 2015. Please let me know the chances of getting conceived. Thanks in advance sir.

    • You are ruled by number 1 and the Sun. You are an independent, charming, methodical, spiritual and devoted person. For you intelligent and can solve many problems with your amazing abilities. You are funloving and like to make the best out of life. The year 2018, especially the period after September is very favourable to get results on the children front. You should get results, however, you should do the below-given remedies for expediting the results quickly.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays.


      • I usually do fast on thursdays that was like having meal means rice at once and at night having any thing other than rice. Is that right or do I need to do complete fast of having nothing from morning pls suggest.

  182. Dear sir,
    Please help me by answering my question urgently. I am at the stage of divorce of my married life.but still want to check whether there is any hope for us.
    My name snehal
    Birthdate 11 feb 1985
    Birthtime 17.47 Thane ,Maharashtra, india
    Husband name prashant
    Birtdate 16 feb 1982
    Birthtime 18.02
    Birthplace sangamner, Maharashtra
    Marriage date=20 dec 2015
    Whether there is any chance of reunion and having our own child?
    Thanking you

    • Looking at your horoscope matching, we see that there is Bhakoot dosha and it is a weak matching. Especially the horoscope of Snehal is full of affliction and no marital happiness. The possibility of divorce is strong in your horoscope. You should keep fast on Thursdays.


  183. Hi sir, my name is vidya dob is 16/1/1989 and husband name is ratheesh dob 13/9/1984 we got married 28/2/2015 , i want know when will I have a baby, if there is any problem please have me suggestions,eagerly waiting for your reply.

    • You are ruled by number 7 and your husband is ruled by number 4. The period of having happiness from children is going on and you will see good results towards the second half of 2018.


  184. Hello sir I Am seema Kumari
    Dob : 12/12/1982 time 4:30pm
    My husband name is Vivek kumar
    His DOB 12-08-1982
    Marriage date : 3-07-2014
    We r trying for baby since 3yr… but till now I didn’t conceived my treatment is going on when I will be able to conceive… please let Me know.

    • In your horoscope we see that 5th house is ruled by Sun and Sun is conjoined with Jupiter the karka for progeny in the 8th house. Ketu in the 9th house aspects the 5th house. Your horoscope is weak on the progeny front. The possibility of conceiving is after July 2018.


  185. Hello sir,
    My name Seema born 12/12/1982, 4:30pm in bokaro stell city jharkhand
    Husband’s name :Vivek 12/08/1982,5Pm in Nawada bihar
    Marriage date:3/07/2014
    When will we have a child?
    I’m eagerly waiting for your reply sir.

    • In your horoscope, we see that Mercury rules the 5th house of progeny. Mercury is in the 8th house with ketu. Which will bring delay in getting the results. Also you were in the period of Shani Sade satti which recently got over. Therefore strong chances of progeny are in 2018. You should seek a doctors advice as it may be necessary to get the desired results.


  186. Hi, my name is Neha Arora
    DOB : 3-02-1984
    Place of birth : Hisar (Haryana, India)
    Time of birth : 10:40 pm

    My husband’s DOB : 5-08-1980
    Place of birth : Ludhiana (Punjab)
    Time of birth : 9:25 am

    Please provide the details of 1) how many children r there in our destiny and
    2) when will we get male child


    • In your horoscope, we see that 5th house which is the prime house of children is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is exalted in natal chart but debilitated in the Navamsha chart. Saturn is also conjoined with malefic Mars. Rahu also aspects the 5th house. Your horoscope is weak on the progeny front. You should seek medical help to get results on this front. Doing the remedies of Saturn are important.


  187. Thanks for such an amazing post.
    Name: Ankita Rathore
    DOB : 18-12-1986
    Time: 20.30
    Place: Indore, M.P.

    Husband’s name: Amit Kumar Gupta
    DOB: 24-11-1985
    Time: don’t know
    Place: Lucknow

    Marriage date: 26-11-2015
    Could you please let me know when will we have our child?

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that 5th house, which is the prime house of children is ruled by Mars and Mars is in the 8th house which is not good. Saturn which is the 8th lord is in the 5th house and conjoined with Mercury. Saturn will delay and create obstacles. However the period after August 2018 is favourable on this front. Doing the remedies of Mars and Jupiter are recommended.


  188. Hi I commented earlier too sir, Please help with your expertise. Its been six years we have been married and never been able to conceive.
    Shefali Puri Saluja
    DOB: 11/05/1984
    TOB: 16:45 hrs
    Place: Dehradun

    Husband’s details
    Rajeev Saluja
    DOB: 29/09/1980
    TOB: 6:20AM
    Place: Delhi
    Sir please suggest us. Thankyou very much.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your lagna is Virgo and Rashi is also Virgo. The 5th house which is the house of progeny is ruled by Saturn as Capricorn sign is there. Saturn is posited in the 2nd house and exalted. however, Saturn is conjoined with Mars which is the 8th house lord. Saturn and Mars conjunction is never good. Saturn being the 5th lord will give you delayed results. Mars being the 8th lord, may make it important to take a doctors advice for getting the results. The Rahu Mahadasha period is going on which is not favourable. You should consult a medical professional in this regard. The period after June 2018 is more favourable for results on this front.


      • Thanks for your response sir..
        We have been consulting the doctors and also got done the iui treatments more than a couple of times.. but no results and we were planning to get the iui or ivf done now.. So would you suggest not to attempt right now and shall do it after June 18?

        Thanks again

    • As you are ruled by Number 6 and Venus. Venus is debilitated until 2nd February 2018. You will get the job after this period. Keep working hard to get the results.


  189. Hello sir …My name is Rinki my dob- 30-12-1996 birth place- Mathura up , time 11:30 pm… Marry date is 23-11-2015. Please let me know.. When will we bless with our first baby… Please…

  190. My name is Rinki…DOB- 30-12-1996 Time- 11:30 pm..Place- Mathura up….Marriage date 23-11-2015
    When will I have my first baby and it will be boy or girl…sir please advise me….

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Jupiter the karka for children is debilitated in the 5th house, which is not good. Debilitated Jupiter has aspect of Rahu. Although the possibility of conceiving is there in 2018, some remedies of Saturn, Jupiter may be required. Visit Shani temple every Saturday and Keep fast on Thursdays.


  191. Hi i am 37 year old, Want to know by when i will be pregnant. Find below our details

    Twinkle Shah – 31st July 1980, 8.38pm , Mumbai, Maharashtra
    My Husband Dhaval Shah 20th February 1982 , 8.33am , Balasinor, Gujarat

    Request you to let me know i am little worried.

  192. Thanks for such an amazing post.
    Could you please let me know when will we have our child.Its been six years we have been married and never able to conceive.

    Name: Amrita Bastia
    DOB: 5th September 1991
    Time: 21:09 (Night)
    Place: Odisha, Cuttack

    Marriage date: 6th May 2011

    Husband’s Name: Manas Ranjan Mohapatra
    DOB: 29th October 1981
    Time: 8:59(Morning)
    Place: Odisha, Cuttack

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Jupiter the karka for progeny is posited in the 5th house along with 5th lord Sun and 6th lord Mercury. There is an aspect of Rahu which will bring delay. The possibility of having children is strong after September 2018.


          • Thank u so much, Ur prediction came true and now I am expecting a baby in December. Could you please analyse and let me know whether my baby is a girl or boy. Though I am very much happy what ever it may be.

            Thank you

          • Thanks for keeping in touch. Please note that it is very important that you and the baby are healthy during this period. Enjoy your pregnancy it is the most important period in a Womans life. Do not take unnecessary stress and tensions. Do not worry if it is a boy or a girl. It is more important that the Baby is healthy and lucky for the parents.



  193. hi sir
    My name is Sudha S and DOB – 11.7.1990
    Husband name is Santhosh Kumar K H and DOB – 10.5.1990
    we got married on 7 june 2015
    when do we have baby? I will be waiting for your reply sir

    • We see that you are ruled by number 2 and the moon. The children happiness is very much there in your life. however there can be delays. You should keep fast on Thursday for getting quick results. Also recite brihaspate mantra “Om Brim Brihaspate Namaha” 108 times daily.


  194. Hi

    Me & my husband are trying to conceive since long Please help us with your suggestion, I am worried thinking will I be able to conceive naturally or not. I am leaving my job to get pregnant

    Name : Arshiya Patel
    Birth Date : 31/08/1987
    Place : Udupi Karnataka,
    Time : 06:45 am (approx)

    Husband’s Name: Farooq Patel
    Birt Date : 5th March 1983
    Place: Alibag Maharashta
    Time : 10:30 pm(approx)

    Please help us!

    • Looking at the natal chart we see that Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny. Jupiter is retrograde and posited in the 9th house or the bhagyastan. There will be delay but the possibility of children are indicated. Due to retrograde 6th lord, you may need some medical help as well. The possibility is much stronger in 2019.


  195. Hello Sir,
    We got married around 5 years ago and have been struggling to become parents from quite some time. Please guide us if there is a possibility of us becoming parents and what practices we should follow in order to become one.
    My name: Karishma Seth
    D.O.B: 16th July, 1984
    T.O.B: 1:35pm
    P.O.B: Moradabad (UP)

    Husband’s name: Gaurav Mehrotra
    D.O.B: 23rd May, 1984
    T.O.B: 9:45 am
    P.O.B: Allahabad (UP)

    Sir please help us!
    Thank you in anticipation

    • Your 5th house which is the prime house of progeny, is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles. Saturn is exalted in your horoscope and conjoined with Mars. Saturn and Mars conjunction is never considered good. Also there is Ketu in the 2nd house, which is the house of family growth. You are running the mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Saturn. The karka Jupiter aspects the 5th house, indicating good period for having progeny. You should keep trying during this period for getting success. Also you can visit a doctor of additional medical help.


  196. Hi sir
    Name: sandhya ramana surya kumari
    Husband name:naveen kumar
    Marriage date is 21.4.2015
    When I can have child

    • You are ruled by number 6 and your husband is ruled by number 3. We see that children happiness is very much there, however, there will be delays. The year 2018, especially the second half is much stronger to give you the results. Keep fast on Thursdays.


  197. Hi Sir,

    My name is Neha and my date of birth is 5/8/1987. My husband name is Ankit Mehta and his date of birth is 1/6/1988.
    We got married on 24/2/2016. When can we have a baby as we are trying from last 1.5 year

    • Jupiter is the significator of progeny. We saw Jupiter entering Libra last year, promising results on this front. You should keep trying as the possibility of conceiving are strong during 2018. Doing the mantra Jaap of Jupiter will help you get much faster results.


  198. Hello sir

    My name is Manisha Mishra and husband name is Ankur Saini
    My Dob is 31.01.1991 and husband is 21.11.1990
    Marriage date is 22.02.2015

    Can you suggest when we can have a baby.


    • We see that Jupiter the karka is in Libra which is the sign where it promises results. The possibility of children is there is 2018. You may need to get a medical advice, so do not ignore it. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will help.


  199. Hello sir,
    Myself chitra born on 14 aug 1987 and my husband bharghav born on sep 8, 1981, both in bangalore. At present i am 5 months pregnant and this is my second child. Is it possible to predict the gender of the child by looking into the birth dates.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your 5th house is ruled by Sun and Sun is in the house of gains. Bhagesh Jupiter is in the 5th house, which indicates children. The possibility of conceiving is there in 2018.


  200. Hi sir,
    Myself Divya my husband name is santhosh kumar our dob’s are 14-02-1992 nd 18-09-1986. our marriage date is 19-02-2016. we r tring fr child almost 1.5 yr bt no luck when ill conceive.

    • We see that Jupiter which is the karka for Children is conjoined with friendly planet Mars. You will certainly get the desired results, however the results will be more likely towards the end of 2018.


    • We see your 5th house which is the major house of children is ruled by Jupiter as Pisces sign is there. Jupiter is conjoined with Ketu in the bhagyastan, this is never good. It indicates delays and obstacles in having children. The good thing is that Jupiter aspects the 5th house which is its own house and Jupiter will give you results in the period ahead. The possibility of having children is much stronger in 2019. You should do the remedies of Jupiter and Ketu for benefits.


      Navneet Khanna

  201. My date of birth 07/jun/1988 4.55 pm .
    Husband dob 29 mar1983.
    My marrige date 30 may 2013.
    plz can u tell mi when I will conceive?

    • Looking at your 5th house, which is the prime house of children. We see that your 5th house is ruled by Saturn. Mars and Rahu are posited in the 5th house. Rahu will bring delays and Mars will require you to take medicine and doctors help. You are presently in the mahadasha of Mercury. The possibility of conceiving is there after May 2018/ Doing the remedies of Rahu and Saturn will certainly help.


  202. My name is Manisha Mishra and husband name is Ankur Saini
    My Dob is 31.01.1991 and husband is 21.11.1990
    Marriage date is 22.02.2015
    My Husband is manglik and i am not.
    please tell me how will my marriage life will go and about baby because we fight a lot even we did love marriage.

    • If your husband is mangalik and you are not, then you should check if Mangal dosha of your husband gets cancelled or not. Else mangal dosha remedy should be done.


  203. Hi sir.
    My name is AASTHA

    Husband name is: VIVEK THAKUR
    DOB :14-04-1988

    Marriage :08-02-2015

    Please let me know when can we expect a child

    • As you are ruled by number 8 and the planet Saturn. You will face delays and obstacles. However, children happiness is very much in your life and you should try and possibility is strong in 2018. Some medical help may be required so should not be ignored. Doing remedies of Jupiter will be very helpful.


    • The possibility of conceiving is very much there in 2018. You should do the below-given remedies for early conception.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays.

      2. Recite Hanumn Chalisa Daily

      3. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspate Namaha” 108 times daily


    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your 5th house is ruled by Virgo and Mercury is posited in the 12th house. Rahu is posited in the 5th house, which can bring delay in conceiving. The possibility of it is strong in 2019. Doing remedies of Jupiter is important.


  204. My dob is 13.02.1977 (12.16 pm , Chennai ) and husband dob is 29.3.1976 (around 11 am Chennai)
    Marriage date is 27.4.2005. Have one kid who is 9. Will I able to conceive a 2nd kid this year 2018? Have been trying for 2 years.

    • You are in the mahadasha of Moon and the antardasha of Mercury. The period of Moon-Mercury can give you desired results. You just need to be plan properly. Health is an issue therefore before and after conceiving, it should not be ignored. Doing remedies of Jupiter will certainly help.


      Navneet Khanna

  205. Good day Sir
    My name is Martie Nel
    Date of birth- 15April 1984
    My husband name is Louis Nel
    Date of birth 05 December 1960
    We got married on
    12 June 2009
    Will we have a child or children and when please

  206. Dear Sir,
    My name is Soma Biswas Mukherjee
    HUSBAND’S NAME- Subhra Kamal Mukherjee
    DATE OF MARRIAGE-6.12.2013
    Please help to find out when will I conceive as I am extremely fond of kids.
    Pls help…
    Pls reply waiting for your answer…

    • Looking at what the stars suggest for you. It is likely that you will have children after 2018. However you may need some medical help in this regard. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will also help.


  207. Sir its so good to see you are helping many as above. Sir my name is Ankita Tripathi, DOB is 15.05.1989, Time is 6.10 PM. Place is Banda UP. My husband’s name is Rohit Kumar Shukla, DOB is 30.10.1983, Time is 12.30 PM. Place is Lucknow, UP. Its been 3 years and 4th is running. Please guide us when shall we have baby.

    • In your horoscope, we see that Saturn rules the 5th house of progeny. Saturn is posited in the 3rd house and aspects the 5th house. Rahu is posited in the 5th house. Saturn will bring delay and Rahu will bring obstacles. The Rahu – Mercury period is going on. You should get results before December 2019. Doing the remedies of Saturn and Rahu will be important.


    • You can do the Rahu and Saturn remedies given below.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Recite Mantra “Om Praam Preem Praum Saha Shanichraye Namaha” 108 times daily


  208. DEAR SIR,
    My name adds upto 3. my dob 23-9-1988 at 11.40am (rajasthan)
    My husband name number is 9, dob 26-5-1987 at 11.23pm (rajasthan)
    Marriage date 04-02-2014. trying to concieve. Please help. Thank you.

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your 5th house which is the prime house of children is ruled by Jupiter. Mars which is the 6th house lord is ruled by posited in the 5th house. 6th house lord in the 5th house is not good, it indicates problems on this front. You may need to get some medical advice to get desired results. Doing the remedies of Jupiter given below is strongly recommended.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays
      2. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspate Namaha”


  209. Hello….myself sangeeta makkar
    DOB -15 JULY 1984
    Time – 2:40pm
    Place – chandigarh

    Husbad name – Anchal Makkar
    DOB- 28JUNE 1980
    Time – 4 : 40 am
    Place – derabassi

    I have 8yr old boy and we are planning for 2nd child since 2 years…..wanted to know when i will conceive. . Should i go for any treatment….plz guide me
    Plz reply

    • You are in the period of Jupiter – Venus which is not good. The results on this front will be there after November 2018. Some medical assistance will be necessary to get the desired results. You should also do the remedies of Jupiter for getting faster results on this front.


  210. Hai Sir, Good to hear from you sir. Im Miss. Muthulakshmi. My dob -12 july 1995. Time – 11.21 am. I want to know when I will go for a job. And when I get married and which child I will have. Thankyou so much in advance.

    • You are in the period of Mars and Rahu. This is a period of new things in life. You will get a new job. Because of Rahu there will be delays and challenges, however, Mars gives you initiative and ability to work harder. Doing the remedies of Mars and Rahu will bring gains. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily.


  211. my name is shilpa kulkarni 28/08/1983 birth time : 12.25 am Mumbai & my husband name is Suyash Rajadhyax 24/07/1980 birth time : 07.01 PM mumbai . our marriage date is 12/07/2016. Please let me know when can we expect a child.

    • In your horoscope we see that your lagan is Taurus and 5th house is ruled by Mercury as Virgo sign is there. Mercury is posited in its own house. The delay is because Jupiter which is karka for children is conjoined with Ketu. The Jupiter and Ketu conjunction also known as Guru Chandal dosha is never auspicious and bring problems and delays on this front. You should do remedies of Jupiter and Ketu for faster results on this front.


    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your 5th house which is the prime house of progeny is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is combust which is never good. Also there is Rahu and 12th lord Moon in the 5th house, which is not good. You should do remedies of Jupiter and Rahu for getting quick results on this front.


        • Looking at your birth chart we see that 5th lord Saturn is in the lagna and exalted but conjoined with Ketu, which is not good. Jupiter which is the karka for progeny is debilitated. The possibility of progeny is there after November 2018. You should do remedies of Jupiter and Saturn for getting faster results.


  212. Hello sir
    My name is ashvini .due to some reasons there always divorce happen in my family(elder brother twice,other elder brother going through divorce).my self is divorced once and now i married second time.i have doubt whether this marriage will sustain or not?(bcz we hide our background and past frm them) and when we will have baby?
    My birthdate is 25 november 1984
    Time=17.30 pm

      • Thnx sir for your reply..this time we have done proper matching but still i am in dilemma whether this marriage will work or not?
        By checking my horoscope can u advice something abt my second marriage.
        Birthdate 25 november 1984
        Time 17:30
        Place wadala,mumbai ,maharashtra

        • Looking at your birth chart we see that Ketu is posited in the 7th house which is never good. Also, Sun which is considered a separative planet is there in the 7th house. Your 7th house is weak on the marital front. Doing proper matching of the horoscopes is important.


  213. Hello Sir,

    I am Ekta (DOB: 06/02/1987) and My Husband’s name is Tushar (DOB: 28/09/1984) Our marriage date is (18/05/2013). Please help us. When will we get baby?

      • Please help me.

        DOB: 06.02.1987
        Place: Rajkot, Gujarat
        Time: 06.00 AM

        Sir, we are eagerly looking to have some good news. Please help us..

        • I guess what you want you want to know is about children. As per your horoscope, we see that 8th lord Moon is in the 5th house, which is never good. Rahu is posited with Jupiter in the 4th house of family happiness. Conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu forms the Guru chandal dosha. The period till 2021 is not favourable. You may need some medical help to get closer to your results. Doing the remedies of Jupiter and Rahu are strongly recommended.

          1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
          2. Keep fast on Thursdays


  214. Hello sir, thank you for your advice. I am fasting on thursday and now have started chanting mantra too. Also chanting santaan gopal mantra. I want to know by when it will happen sir and let me know if anything more i need to do. Thank you.

    • Thursday fast if for strengthening Jupiter and also reciting the mantra you will get results very soon. Just be focused and committed and do not avoid it.


  215. Hi. I messsaged you so many times but my msg never displayed here. I dnt know why. It says its under moderation. Hello sir my name is ruby sarmah dob 26/09/1987 15:35 jamnagar gujrat. My husbands details 23/09/1979 23:55 golaghat assam. We are trying for baby past 3 years but no succcess. I want to knw when we will be blessed with baby

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your 5th house which is the prime house of children is ruled by Venus. Venus is debilitated in the 9th house and also combust. Venus is also under the Rahu – Ketu influence. There will be delays in having children, and some medical advice is required to get results. You can expect results in 2019. Doing remedies of Venus will also be important.


  216. Hello sir,
    My name :Vangoor Dheeraja born 27/05/1989, 04:10Am in Hyderabad
    Husband’s name :Voore Suresh Kumar born 25/11/1983,12:00pm in Hyderabad
    Marriage date:02/Jan/2016
    When will we have a child? we are eagerly waiting for for child sir

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your lagan is Aries and 5th house is ruled by Sun. Sun is conjoined with 6th lord Mercury and 9th lord Jupiter. Ketu is present in the 5th house, which is not good. There is progeny happiness but there could be delays because of Ketu. You should do remedies of Sun and Ketu for getting faster results.


      • Hi Sir,
        My name is boddu pavani(19/11/1991),husband name is perumalla prashanth(25/4/1988), we got married on 9/7/2016. my husband having many debts and we are planning for baby. when our debts will go away. please reply me sir. What the problem he owns his own AC business but he is not getting orders now, business is very dull.
        thank you in advance.

  217. Hi Sir,

    My name is Guru Ganesh Sane(Sane being surname). Me and my wife are trying to get conceived from past 2 years. Please let me know, my life path and when do we become parents.

    My details
    Guru Ganesh Sane (Sane is surname)
    Dob 18 sep 1985…

    My wife details
    Veena Kattinti (Kattinti her surname from her parents)
    After marriage she has been renamed to “Parinika” to get our both kundali matched
    Her Dob 4 May 1991

    Our marriage day 13 Feb 2016

  218. Hello,
    I have messaged so many times but its not getting displayed saying awaiting moderation…
    Husband DOB is 17/06/1980 time 01;45 am place Mumbai & Wife DOB is 12/08/1983 time 20:45 pm place Bilimora Gujarat. Date of marriage is 09/05/16 .Please let us know when can we expect a child . please advise any remedies which we can do. Are there children in our destiny?

    • Looking at the horoscope of wife we see that she is going through the period of Jupiter and Mercury. The chances of conceiving are strong during this period.


  219. Hello sir,
    My name :Neha Dhok born 13/10/1989, 07:50Am in Roorkee, Uttarakhand
    Husband’s name :Mandar Dhok, born 06/06/1990,10:03pm in Nagpur, Maharastra
    Marriage date:19/Dec/2016
    When will we have a child?

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that 5th house is ruled by Saturn and Rahu is posited in the 5th house. Rahu brings obstacles. The possibility of child is strong after Oct 2018. You should do remedy of Rahu for getting faster results.


  220. Hello sir,

    My name is Pallavi
    DOB -05-04-1993
    Time – 12:30pm
    My husband name is Noothan M S
    DOB – 09-06-1986
    Time – 05:30 am
    Marriage date 25-05-2016

    Please tell us when can we have kids.
    We are eagerly waiting for baby so please give us some suggestions to get baby soon.
    Waiting for your reply.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that the period of children is going on very much and you can get results in early 2019. Doing the remedies of Jupiter and Rahu will help.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily
      2. Recite mantra “Om Brim Rahave Namaha”
      3. Keep fast on Thursdays


    • As you are ruled by Saturn there will be delay however doing the remedies of Saturn given below will strongly benefit.

      1. Recite Mantra “Om Praam Preem Praum Saha Shanichraye Namaha”

      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily


  221. Hello Sir, I have messaged u earlier also but no reply. Kindly reply this time felling very hopeless. My dob 31/05/1986 at 4am dehradun, husband dob 27/12/1983 11:49pm dehradun. Date of marraige 20/01/2014. No children kindly tell me when I will have children. Also lost my right leg in an accident in 2017 so how my future life will be. Kindly reply u have helped so many people here kindly help me also….feeling very low after amputation

          • Thankyou very much sir for ur humble reply. My dob is 30/05/1986 time 4am (acc to kundali but its 4am on 31st may 1986)place dehradun. Kindly tell me will I conceive normally or I need to do IVF or IUI

          • As per your horoscope, your lagna is Aries and Rashi is Aquarius. You are passing through the period of Saturn and Rahu. The period after July 2018 is strong to give you results on this front. As your 5th lord Sun is conjoined with 6th lord Mercury and posited in an inimical sign, you could need some medical help to achieve your results. Doing some astrology remedies will be helpful. Recite Surya Mantra “Om Ghrini Suryaaya Namaha” 108 times daily.



  222. Hi sir im ashwini b r my DOB 04-10-1989 timing 03-30 pm birthplace mysore district, bettadapura ,
    my husband DOB 16-03-1982 timing 10-15am birth place k r nagara , mysore district
    Marriage date 17-11-2008 timing 10-10am
    Sir ji,,,,, when will i have a baby please sir reply me my progeny prediction
    Thanking u sir

    • Looking at your natal chartw e see that your 5th house of progeny is ruled by Venus and conjoined with debilitated Moon. Jupiter the karka for children is in the 6th house and aspect of Rahu is there. Your 5th house and 5th lord is weak. You can try for Adoption. Doing remedies of Jupiter will help.


      • Dear Sir,
        My name is Mahendra Ekkaldevi born on 20th June 1983 09:30pm birth location Bhiwandi, Thane – Maharashtra and wife name Pooja Ekkaldevi born on 11th August 1985 between 4 am to 5 am (exact time not known) birth location Delhi. We both were married on 24th April 2012. She was undergone with treatment and we were trying since last three years but still not conceived.
        Request you to pls confirm by when we will have a baby.

        • Looking at the horoscope we see that Mars rules the 5th house and Mars is conjoined with 12th lord Mercury and is also combust as it is close to the Sun. Jupiter the karka for children is debilitated. The horoscope is weak for progeny happiness. The period of Jupiter is going on and hence doing mantra jaap of Jupiter will be very helpful. The mantra jaap to recite is “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” minimum 108 times daily. You can also look at adoption.


          • Thanks for your reply,
            The mantra jaap to be done by both of us?
            Is there chances to have our own child.
            Also I am looking for a job from long time but no success. pls confirm when can i get a good package job.
            Also I am working on my website but the income not yet started, pls confirm when will i get success and income from this business.

  223. Thanks for such an amazing post.
    Name: Ankita Rathore
    DOB : 18-12-1986
    Time: 20.30
    Marriage date 26-11-2015
    Can you predict that whether I will conceive naturally or through medical help like IVF?

    • In your horoscope we see that Mars rules the 5th house of children and Mars is in the 8th house with karka Jupiter. Jupiter and Mars in the 8th house is not auspicious. 8th lord Saturn is in the 5th house with 12th lord Mercury. Your horoscope is weak for progeny happiness. Mercury and Venus period is going on. You will enter the Mercury and Sun period after in August 2018. You should try for progeny during this period. Also certainly medical help will be required. Therefore you should speak with your doctor on this for further assistance. Ivf can be an expensive method, but the success is only 50 %. Taking in detail with your doc will be helpful.


  224. Hello Sir, I had messaged on 28 Feb but there was no reply. Sir, Kindly reply this time please. My DoB is 05/07/1984 at 4.00 AM in Pusad, Maharashtra. My Husband’s DoB is 15/04/1973 at 1.23 AM in Hyderabad, Telangana. Date of Marriage is 30.11.2008. We are having no children. Kindly tell me when I will have children.

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that 5th house is ruled by Mercury. However there is aspect of Rahu which is never good. Ketu aspects the 5th lord Mercury. the 5th house and 5th lord has aspect of Rahu – ketu which is never good. The possibility of children are weak in your horoscope. You should do remedies of Rahu. You can also look at adoption for bringing happiness in your life.


  225. Hello,

    Me and my husband are trying to have a baby since we got married. Please let us know when we will get lucky.
    My name : Sukanya Surendran
    Dob : 05-10-1991
    Time : 00:20 am
    Place : New Delhi
    Husband’ name : Biji Kuttappan
    Dob : 03-11-1989
    Time : 6:45 am
    Place : Faridabad
    Wedding date : 27-11-16
    Eagerly waiting for your response.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your 5th house which is the prime house for progeny is ruled by Venus. Venus is conjoined with Moon and Jupiter and there is aspect of Rahu. Jupiter is exalted in the navamsha chart. The present period of Sun and Saturn is not good. The chances of having a baby are strong after October 2018. However some medical assistance may be required, so do not ignore your doctor is necessary.


  226. Dear sir
    U already helped me by answering my question about my divorce.but again my personal life became again tensed because of my father health issue.on professional level i am quite successful but personal life is always tensed.please suggest me some remedies to improve my father health and eventually my personal life
    Birthdate :11 feb 1985
    Place : thane ,maharashtra,India
    Time: 17.47
    Thanks and regards

  227. Dear Sir,
    My DOB is 05 July 1986 07.05 am kalyan Maharashtra.
    Gender : female
    I have been struggling to get a decent job and not married either.
    Could you tell me when I will find a decent job and what are the chances that I will get married?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that you are passing through the period of Shani Dhaiyya and which is not good. This 2 1/2 years if challenging for you. You will have a job and better opportunities are likely to come your way after April 2018. Marriage possibility is strong in 2019. Doing the remedies of Saturn and Jupiter are important.


    • Good day sir jai Mata Di my dob is 10march76 time 9.20pm and place palampur himachal Pradesh my husband details Rajeev bhatia dob 29sep1982 time 5.50 pm place Agra up when I will conceive please reply eagerly waiting for response

      • Looking at your horoscope we see that 5th house has 3 planets. Venus, Mercury and Sun. Rahu in the lagna aspects the 5th house. Rahu aspect on the 5th house is not good. Jupiter the karka is posited with Ketu. The horoscope is weak on the children front. You should look at adoption.


  228. Hi Sir,

    My name is Veena
    DOB – 04/05/1991 (4th May 1991)
    Gender – Female

    Husband Name – Guru Ganesh
    DOB – 18/09/1985

    Wedding date – 13/02/2016

    Can you please predict and let me know, when can i get pregnant and have baby ?

      • Hello Sir,
        I have sent you my details previously, but did not get any reply. Can you please check below details and tell me when do I conceive.
        Name – Veena
        DOB – 04/05/1991
        Time – 6:00 AM
        Place – Adoni
        Wedding date – 13/02/2016

        • Looking at your birth chart we see that 5th house is ruled by Sun as Leo sign is there. Sun is exalted in your horoscope. Sun has aspect of Rahu which is never good. Jupiter the karka for children is exalted. The possibility of children is there in 2019.


  229. Hello Sir,
    my dob is 26/5/1987 time 11:23pm place Nagaur (Rajasthan). I am working aboard and want to know if there is foreign settlement and how is the future there and we are trying for child also kindly tell us by when we may have a child. I will be grateful to u sir. Thank you so much.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that the Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha is going on. Your Shani Dhaiyya is also going on. The period till January 2020 is not very favourable. However possibility of child is very much in 2019. Doing the remedies of Rahu and Saturn are strongly recommended.


  230. Hello sir,
    My name is Gopika M H and DOB is 16-3-1988 at 4.44 PM
    My husband’s name Muddaraju M and his DOB is 4-3-1986 time don’t know
    Our marriage date is 11-3-2016 Friday 9 to 10:15 am
    When will we blessed with baby we r trying
    and disappointed.
    Waiting for your response!!!

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Saturn and Mars are posited in the 5th house of children, which is never good. Ketu aspects the 5th house. Sun is in the 8th house. Your planets are weak and that is why there is delay in getting the results. The mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Saturn is going on . You should get your results in 2019.


  231. Hello Sir, can you predict when will I get married? I got good proposals but at the end somehow none of the proposal got final.
    Name – Ankur Rathore
    Dob – 09.10.1984
    Place – Indore m.P.
    Time – 23.30
    Also if possible kindly let me know from which place girl belongs to?

  232. Dear sir
    I married in 2015.but in few months I experienced mental ,physical and finanical torture from my husband and in-laws.they take my whole jewellery(which I got from my parents) with they were not ready to give my jewellery we have registered police case. but i disappointed there my husband filed divorce case.
    Please tell me whether i will get my jewellery back and when?
    when divorce procedure will get complete?
    Birth date =11 feb 1985
    Time =17.47

    Thanks and regards

    • You are passing through a period of Shani mahadasha and Rahu antardasha. This is not a favourable period for you. However the divorce will be in your favour. You will get the stree Dhan and also compensation. You should put strong case on your husband and his family for mental and physical torture.


      • Thank you so much sir..bcz of ur prediction I am motivated to fight case strongly.plz suggest some remedies for shani and rahu dasha to get peace and happiness in my personal life
        Thanks and regards

        • The remedies that you can do are given below.

          1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily

          2. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays

          3. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Rahave Namaha ” 108 times daily in the evening.


  233. Sir i married in inlaws tortured mentally after 1month itself.they changed my husband completly.he left me within 4 months.whenever i went to live with my husband they arises quarrel and makes him to leave me.till 2018 we lived just only 1year together.i explained him ,im mentally fixed that he is my life and depended on him i requested to my husband not to spoil my life but not showing any concern.he left me alone.i filed case. dont have any option but with little hope asking is there any reunion and happy life with him sir.

    My dob:13/9/1985
    Date of marriage:15/2/2013

    Husband details;
    Time 10:30-11am.(not known exact)

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your 7th house is ruled by Mars and Rahu is posited in the 7th house. Rahu in the 7th house is never good. The period of Moon and Rahu is going on. The possibility of divorce is thereafter November 2018.



  234. Hello Sir,
    I am Payel Pramanick Sinha, my date of birth is 14.11.1986 and my birth time is 10:53 a.m. and my husband name is Suman Pramanick, his date of birth is 23.01.1987 and his birth time is 02:35 a.m.. Our marriage date is 15.02.2012. We have one miscarriage on the date of 08.03.2018. Kindly tell me that when are the chances of pregnancy according to our birth chart?

    • The Mahadasha of Sun and antardasha of venus is going on. This period is till September 2018. Thereafter you will enter the mahadasha of Moon. The period for child is strong in 2019. You should keep trying and also do the below given remedies for benefits.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays

      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily


  235. Hi my name is Victoria birthday is
    My husband is Gerardo his birthday is
    We married in 8-26-2006
    I was hoping you can tell me if I will have a baby this year 2018

    • Your marriage date indicates delays and obstacles. It also indicates health problems and some medical help may be required. You can try new methods of conceiving like IVF etc. Visiting a Doctor will be helpful.


  236. Sir,
    I am facing financial problem
    Please tell me can I get good job atleast
    Name: Gopika
    Dob 16-3-1988 time 4:44pm
    Waiting for your early response!!!

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your Lagan is Leo and Rashi is Aquarius. Your 10th house of profession is ruled by Venus. Venus is debilitated in the Navamsha chart. Therefore you will face obstacles in your profession, despite hard work. The mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Saturn is going on. You will get a job after July 2018. You should put your efforts and surely you will get the results. You should give fodder to the Cow for 16 consecutive Fridays for benefits.


      Navneet Khanna

  237. Sir,
    My name is Shalini Saharia .Date of birth 19th oct 1981,time 2:55pm,place Dibrugarh assam
    My husbands name is Vikash saharia ,date of birth 26th oct 1980,time of birth 07:29am,place Dibrugarh assam
    My marriage date is 12th dec 2009
    We have been trying continuesly for 7years but i havent concieved..even tried highest level of medical treatment 10 times ivf but have failed..please tel me wil i ever have a baby?if yes ?when?which year? Wil i concieve naturally or with medical help?or wil i have to go for adoption..
    Waiting for ur eagerly response

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that 5th house which is the house of progeny, is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is posited in the inimical house and has aspect of Ketu. Jupiter the karka for progeny is also in the trik bhava, which is not good. The possibility of having your child is weak. You should look at adoption.


  238. My name is Brijesh Tyagi dob 27.01.1987 time 6:45 am and my husband name is yaggya Dutt Tyagi dob 21.03.1987 time 8:20 pm. Our marriage date 10.02.2012. please tell when I will conceive.


    • The 5th house which is the house of children is weak and that is why you are facing problems on this front. You should seek medical help and also do remedies of Jupiter.


  239. Sir
    I am married since 13th July 2016…my relation with my wife is not at all going well..we are having daily quarrels..I even left my parents home for her ,but even now the situation is same.sir please suggest future of our relation
    My d.o.b-13th Aug 1985
    Time of birth -12:42pm
    Place of birth -Dibrugarh

    My wife’s details
    Date of birth-13th dec 1986
    Time of birth -7:30pm
    Place of birth -kashipur

    • Looking at your matching we see that the compatibility is weak. This is a relationship which will need a lot of adjustment and compromising to succeed. You should keep fast on Mondays.


  240. Thanks for your reply,
    The mantra jaap to be done by both of us?
    Is there chances to have our own child.
    Also I am looking for a job from long time but no success. pls confirm when can i get a good package job.
    Also I am working on my website but the income not yet started, pls confirm when will i get success and income from this business.
    As required by you, mine 20th June 1983 09:30pm birth location Bhiwandi, Thane – Maharashtra and wife born on 11th August 1985 between 4 am to 5 am (exact time not known) birth location Delhi.

    • Yes if you both recite the mantra the better it would be. Regarding your job, do note the period after October 2018 is much better for getting a job. You should take a job, it may not be excellent package, but certainly a good start is indicated. You have recently completed Saturn sade satti and the period is always tough. Therefore it is now time to get back in action and do the right things to reclaim your status and position you deserve.


  241. Hello sir,
    my name – Santha Karanam, 18th may 1985, 1.10am, Gowribidnur, Karnataka
    Husband name-Janardhan Sidhanthi, 7th April 1980, 11.10am, kalluvapalli, kalyandurgam, Andhra Pradesh.
    Our marriage date is 13th February 2009.
    I have a baby boy,he is 8yr old, (6th July 2010)we r trying for second baby but did not succeed.. I want to know when I conceive for second…I want a baby girl to complete my family

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that Mercury rules the 5th house of children. Mercury is conjoined with Rahu. Rahu will bring challenges and obstacles. The possibility of progeny is after October 2018. Doing the remedies of Mercury and Rahu are strongly recommended.


  242. Dear sir
    My birthdate is 16 feb 1982
    Time is 18.02 at ahmednagar, maharashtra.
    When I will have haapy and peaceful married life and when I will blessed with babies.

    • Looking at your 7th house of marriage we see that Saturn rules the 7th house and Saturn is conjoined with Mars. Saturn and Mars conjunction is never auspicious. Venus and Mercury are conjoined in the 7th house. Mercury is debilitated in the Navamsha chart. You will have to put lots of efforts to make this relationship work, only then you will get good results. You should avoid confrontation, ego issues and nagging. You will only get desired results if you have patience and are willing to make adjustments. The possibility of children are in 2019.


      • Thnx sir for your reply..currently I am going through divorce phase.when I should go for second marriage? Will my second wife will be supportive and will bring happiness in my life?should I live separate frm my parents after second marriage?

          • In the birth chart, we see that Moon is debilitated in the 5th house, which is the house of progeny. Saturn the 8th lord aspects the 5th house. 5th lord Mars is conjoined with Saturn. Saturn and Mars conjunction is never auspicious. Your 5th house and 5th lord is weak for happiness from progeny. You should seek doctors help on this front. Doing remedies of Saturn and Mars is recommended for getting the results.



        • Thnx sir for ur first marriage is about to end..when will I go for second marriage? Whether my second wife will brng peace and harmony in my life

          • Looking at your horoscope we see that Moon is debilitated in the 5th house which is not good. 5th lord Mars is conjoined with Saturn. Jupiter the karka is in Libra. You are also in the period of Shani Sade satti. The possibility of children is there in 2019. However it may be necessary to take a doctors advise in the matter.



          • Marital happiness depends a lot on proper horoscope matching. It is best to match your charts before marriage, to attain marital bliss and happiness.



          • Thank you sir for reply..
            I know I am distrubing you but I really want to know whether there is chance of second marriage in my life..
            Birthdate= 16 feb 1982
            Birthtime =18.02

          • In your horoscope, we see that Saturn rules the 7th house of marriage. Saturn is retrograde which is not good. Venus and Mercury are posited in the 7th house. The possibility of second marriage is very much there. However, you should do proper matching of the horoscopes for marital happiness.



  243. Namaste! I am Tanaya Pathak. DOB is 13 sep 91 born at 10 05 am in Indore(Madhya Pradesh). Got married on 3rd feb 2017. When should i plan to conceive a baby next year? Can i conceive next year?

    Thanks and Regards

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your Lagan and Rashi is Libra. Saturn is the lord of the 5th house of children. Saturn is well placed and forming the sasa Yoga. The period of Saturn and Jupiter is going on. This period will certainly bring you the desired results. You can expect good results after March 2019. Doing the remedies of Saturn are recommended.


  244. Hi, my name is Gopika dob 16-3-1988
    Time 4:44pm, husband’s dob 4-3-1986, time not known, marriage date 11-3-2016, time 9 to 10:15 am
    When will we blessed with baby. Is there any remidies to overcome obstacles.
    Waiting for your response!!!

    • In your natal chart we see that Mars and Saturn are not forming good yoga. Ketu aspects the 5th house. The aspect of Ketu will delay progeny. You have entered the mahadasha of Saturn. The possibility of children is very much in your horoscope. The chances of getting results are much stronger after September 2018.


  245. Sir thanks for ur reply…..but I want to know whether this relationship last for whole life or will it end in divorce?and is there chances dat My wife’s nature wil change and will she respect and stay with my parents or not?

  246. Hello sir,my dob is 13-09-1988 and my husband don is 23-05-1982. our marriage date is 22-03-2014. we r trying fr child almost 2 years but no luck when I’ll conceive.

  247. sir my name is sapna dob 19-5-1989 time between 7:00-7:30 AM my husband name Sandeep singh dob 22-8-1987 time between 10:00 – 11:30 PM . Date of mrrg 23-11-2015. when i will have baby in my life.

    • You are passing through a period of Shani Mahadasha hence there is delay and obstacles. Yes, the possibility of a child is very much in your chart. However, it may be important to take some medical advice. You should also do the remedies of Saturn for benefits on this front.


      • Sir
        plz tell me what remedies i can do for shani mahadasha..And up to when this difficult time is there in my kindali..I am very stressed thinking about this.

        • For Shani Sadesatti you can do the following astrological remedies.

          1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
          2. Recite Shani Mantra “Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanichraye Namaha”
          3. Visit Shani Temple every Saturdays.


  248. Hello Sir,
    my dob is 26/5/1987 time 11:23pm place Nagaur (rajasthan). U had replied me that there will be child birth in 2019.. starting or at the end of the year 2019, please let me know and should we take any further medical treatments. my wife details are 23/91988 time 11:40 am or 11:27 am not sure place Asind (rajasthan). please guide us. Thank you sir.

  249. Sir, My name is Tanaya Pathak. Dob- 13th sep 91.Place Indore (M.P), Time: 10 05 AM

    Husband’s name – Karthik D Bharadwaj. Dob – 16th August 90. Place Hyderabad, Time: 05 07 AM.

    Marriage Date: 03 Feb 2017

    Could you please answer these two questions –
    1. Do we have any chances of going to foreign for earning purpose.If yes, when are the chances?

    2. Since 2014 I am working in the same company and not able to switch. When shall I get a new job

    • Looking at your charts we see that Yes the possibility is very much there to go and work abroad. However, it may be for short duration only. As per your chart the possibility of a better job is very much there around March 2019. As your 10th house of profession is ruled by Moon. You should do the following astrological remedies.

      1. Keep fast on Mondays
      2. Drink water in Silver Glass
      3. Wear Pearl in Silver on your right hand ring finger on Monday morning.


  250. Hii Sir,

    My birth date is 14th July,1994, Thursday & timing is morning 7.15 am. I just want to know about my career & job. From last 2-3 years I’m trying my best in my job & career. But I’m not get success. I want to know about my progressive period & when I get success in my career.

    • Looking at your chart you are in the period of Shani dhaiya, that is why you are facing obstacle and delays. This is going to be a challenging period. If you get complacent then you will not get success. The success mantra for you is hard work and dedication. These will bring you gains eventually. You should remember that Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles, but it will not deny. Therefore the period after January 2020 is much better for you for your career. Doing the Saturn remedies will certainly help.


  251. Dear sir
    I am worried because of my father health issues.please advice some remedies to improve his health.
    Father name:shirish
    Birthdate: 8 june 1958
    Place:satara, maharashtra
    Timing: not known.

  252. Hi sir
    My date of birth is 26th oct 1980 and time is 7:29am..i want to know about my bussiness future..i am having lot of debth and i am also very much puzzled ..because of this i cant even even time to my family..when wil my liabilities get over and how wil b my bussiness future?

    Plz reply sir

    • As per your birth chart, you are passing through a period of Shani Dhaiyya. This period will finish on February 2020. This is a challenging period which will test your patience and determination. You should not take further liabilities and put yourself into more stress. It is better to look for new opportunities or make changes which will give you more profits. DO not take risks during this period. Stay away from real estate investment and also stocks. Gains are indicated if you do Shani Puja every Saturday. Read Hanuman Chalisa and visit Hanuman temple every Tuesdays.


  253. Hi sir, my name is Gopika, my brother name is Giriprasad M H. His DOB 19-11-1985 time 9:34 Am. His is facing trable in getting constant job. Please advise some remidies and when he will get job. Right now he is jobless. Waiting for your response!!!

    • Looking at his birth chart we see that 12th lord Mars is in the 10th house of career. 10th lord Mercury is in the 12th house. Sun which is the karka for career and the planer which brings name, fame, status in life is also posited in the 12th house, which is the house of losses. The period till February 2020 is not good. He will have to try very hard to get the results. He can get opportunities provided he is willing to work hard. Doing the remedies given below will certainly help.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Recite Mantra “Om Ghrini Surya Namaha”
      3. Offer water to the Sun


  254. Dear sir please tell me is there reunion with my husband?and will we live together forever.we are living seperately.when we unite sir?please reply me as soon as possible sir.
    My dob:-13/9/1985

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Mars rules the 7th house of marriage. Mars is in the 11th house of gains. Jupiter the karka for the husband is debilitated. Rahu which is a malefic is posited in the 7th house. Your Moon and Rahu period is going on. Problems on the marriage front is strongly indicated with chances of separation after December 2018.


      Navneet Khanna

  255. Sir is thera any method to match hubbys details are not known exactly.we are living seperately.i want to unite with him.i cant imagine life without him.pls help me sir.

    • If birth details are not available then horoscopes cannot be prepared. Without horoscopes, matching is not possible. It is best to check as per your chart if divorce is indicated or not.


  256. Sir please please tell me is there chance of reunion with my husband.

    Husband details

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Gemini and Rashi is also Gemini. Rahu is present in the 10th house which is never good for profession. There will be ups and down in professional life. The period for conceiving is going on and you can expect good results before August 2019. Doing remedies of Rahu is strongly recommended.


  257. Hello Sir,
    I want to get married to a boy whose date of birth is 13.08.1991 and time is 10:10 am. My date of birth is 30.08.1991 and time is 3:05 pm. Astrologer told us while matching our kundalis that this is not a good match as we have low score of guna and also there is no chance of baby. We are very tensed. Please advise if there is any chance to get rid of these issues. Thanks!

    • Looking at your Ashtkoot guna milan score we see that the score is 10 out of 36, which is much less than 18 which is minimum for marriage. There is Nadi dosha which is not good for children. You should check if Nadi dosha gets canceled or not. Check Nadi Paad Vedha. If Nadi dosha gets canceled then you will have children.


  258. Hello sir,
    My name is smita .I married woman and it was love marriage.but even after so many years my married life is not stable ,there is lot of mental torture from husband and in-laws..I am having daughter of 6 yrs.nw i am at the stage where i am not able to decide whether i continue with this marriage or should i stop here there any happiness in my married life?whether my husband will change his attitude?
    birthdate =4 march 1982
    Marriage date=13 december 2009
    Please suggest whether there is stability or separation is only solution

    • Looking at your chart we see that 7th house lord Saturn is in conjunction with Mars. The Saturn and Mars conjunction is never good. This conjunction is in the 3rd house and hence you will not get support from in-laws side. However, your husband loves you but is suppressed between his family and wife. It is best to support your husband and avoid any nagging or arguments. Your husband will surely be in your side once you change your nature. Also do Shani puja and also keeping fast on Mondays will surely help.


  259. Namaste sir,
    From last 6 years my parents are worried about my marriage but there is no there any possibility of my marriage? If it is there when it will be? And how will be my married life?
    Gender :female
    Date -05 -07-1986
    Time-07.05 am
    Place-kalyan, maharashtra

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Cancer and Rashi is Taurus. Saturn which is the planet of delays and obstacles and also is the malefic planet in your horoscope aspects the 7th house of marriage. Saturn aspect will need you to put more efforts to get the desired results. You are also mangalik from the moon. Therefore it is important to get your horoscope matched preferably with a mangalik boy. The period of marriage is going on and doing remedies of Saturn and Jupiter will bring you quick results.


      Navneet Khanna

  260. Sir my date of birth 13th aug 1985 time 12:42pm and wife’s date of birth 13th dec 1986 and time 7:30pm…when wil i have a baby

    • In your horoscope we see that Saturn rules the 5th house of progeny. Saturn is posited with Ketu. Jupiter the karka is debilitated. The possibility of children is surely there, but there will delays. The chances are much stronger in 2019. You should keep fast on Mondays.


  261. Hello Sir,My name is kanika Sharma,DOB-16th April 1984, Time-11.50 PM, Muzzafarnagar(UP)
    Husband name-Mayank shekhar Mishra,DOB-28th Feb 1983, Time-1:00 pm, Lakhimpurkheri(UP)
    Date of marriage-7/2/2013
    Can u pls tell, when we will be blessed with baby
    i am eagerly waiting for your reply.


    • Looking at your natal chart we see that the possibility of a child is very much after September 2018. However as your horoscopes are weak, some medical help may be required, so do not ignore visiting a doctor. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will enhance your chances of getting quick results.


  262. Sir u had said earlier that my possibility of having a child is weak and that i should go for adoption ..sir plz suggest some remedy to have a child.sir koi to upay hoga

    My _
    Date of birth 19thoct 1981
    Time of birth 2:55pm

    Husbands _
    Date of birth 26th oct 1980
    Time of birth 7:29am

    Sir plz reply jarur kijiyega

  263. Dear sir,
    I am 32 year married woman. There is lot of dilemma in my personal and married life.
    is there any chance of happy & peaceful personal/married life in my destiny?
    is motherhood in my destiny? and when it will be?
    birth detail
    11 feb 1985
    17.47 pm

    thanks sir..

    • In your natal chart we see that Saturn rules the 7th house of marriage. Saturn is posited in the house of Mars. Debilitated Jupiter, Mercury and Sun are posited in the 7th house. Your 7th house is weak for marital happiness. As Saturn is in the 5th house, there will be delays, obstacles in the progeny front. Doing remedies of Saturn and Jupiter are strongly recommended.


          • My details are
            11 feb 1985
            Kalwa, thane, maharashtra
            Is the possibility of second marriage in my destiny? Whether it will be arrange or love marriage? When there is strong yog of that?

          • In your horoscope we see that Jupiter is debilitated in you natal chart. Venus is conjoined with Mars in the 9th house. There is Kaalsarp dosha. The Horoscope is weak for marital happiness and marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes. The yog for marriage is thereafter September 2019.



        • As per your birth details we see that Saturn is in the 5th house of children. You should do the remedies of Saturn. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays and read Hanuman Chalisa Daily.


  264. Namaste Sir,
    we trying to conceive 2nd child from last few months with no success.First child born on 29oct 2012…husband DOB 24-10-1980 n mine 26-7-1981…I would like to know if we can have second child…if so appproxiametely which year do u think we can have second child born
    Also , plz let me know nay pooja that can be done to get 2nd child conceived
    Im really disappointed waiting evry month looking to get positive results

    Thanks u

        (husband DOB 24-10-1980(00:15 AM) n mine 26-7-1981(11:30AM)MARRIAGE DATE:16/2/2011


        • The delay is primarily because of Ketu in your 5th house of marriage. The possibility of children is there after March 2019. Some medical help may be required to get your desired results.


  265. Dear sir
    I am trying for buying new house for me? When it will be possible ?
    When I will get married ? How will be my married life? When I will blessed with baby?
    Gender: male
    Date: 10 may 1991
    Time: 8.16 a.m
    Place: Thane, maharashtra, India
    Thanks and regards.

    • The possibility of new house is much more in 2019. Your 7th house of marriage is ruled by Mars. As Mars is conjoined with Ketu, it is not good. Marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes. The possibility of girl child is much stronger in your chart.


          • when there is strong yog of marriage in my destiny?
            10 may 1991

            Time: 8.16 a.m
            Place: Thane, maharashtra
            Thnx and regards

          • Looking at your birth chart we see that your lagna is Taurus and Rashi is Pisces. Your 7th house of marriage is ruled by Mars. Mars is conjoined with ketu which is not good. The possibility of marriage is after October 2019.



  266. Hello sir,
    Please tell me when i will get married and how will be my married life?
    Whether it will be arrange or love marriage?
    Also is there any chance of higher education?
    Date= 14 october 1986
    Time= 7.20 am

    • Your lagna is Libra and Rashi is Aquarius. You are born under satabhisa Nakshatra of Rahu. Mars rules the 7th house of marriage. Mars is posited in the 4th house making you mangalik. Ketu aspects Mars. Mercury is the 12th house lord and aspects 7th house. You should do proper matching of the horoscope for blissful and happy marital life. The possibility of marriage is strong after November 2018. Chances of arrange marriage are more.


      • Hi sir,
        My name is leena and my husband’s name is vikas. We are trying for baby past 2years but no result. Suggest us.
        My birth date-18dec1991 time -9:25pm.
        My husband’s birthdate -18thsept1988 time -10:30am.
        Place of birth -maharashtra.
        Got married on -27th Nov 2015.

        • Looking at your natal chart we see that Mars and Mercury is in the 5th house. Mars is exalted in the Navamsha chart or the D9 chart. The possibility of conceiving are after September 2018. You should take extra care of your self after this period. Doing remedies of Jupiter and Mars will help.


      • Thanks sir for your reply..
        Please tell me whether there is chance of higher education and job switch and when it wil be?
        Date= 14 october 1986
        Time= 7.20 am

        • you are passing through the mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Mercury. The period till August 2020 is not good. Not a good period for taking risks on the job front. Education front looks favourable.


      • Thnx for your reply sir..
        Please suggest whether there is chance of higher education and job switch and when it will be?
        Date= 14 october 1986
        Time= 7.20 am

        • Your lagna is Libra and rashi is Aquarius. You are presently in the mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Mercury. The possibility of a change of job is very much there after September 2018. However it is important that you do not take any hasty decision and understand all the pro and cons of the new job before making this change.


  267. Hi sir,
    My name is leena and my husband’s name is vikas.
    We got married on 27th Nov 2015.
    Past 2yrs no child. Suggest us when will I get pregnant.
    My birth date-18th dec1991,
    time -9:25pm.
    My husband’s birthdate -18thsept 1988
    Time -10:30 am
    Birth place -maharashtra.
    Plz reply us

    • You are passing through the mahadasah of Rahu and the antardasha of Rahu. The Rahu – Rahu period is never good as it brings obstacles in things that you desire. Rahu is in lagna and aspects 5th house of progeny. The possibility of progeny is after February 2019. Doing the Rahu remedies will certainly help.


  268. hello sir,

    My Dob is 26.07.981 11:30am n my husbands is 24.10.1980 12;00…plz let me know if we can have a child and let us jnow if need to do any prayers.we live in uSa
    Thank u

    • Your horoscopes are weak on the progeny front. However you can do the Santan Gopal mantra for getting the desired results. Ketu in the 5th house of progeny will delay children. You may also need to consult a doctor for early results.


  269. my name is preeti dhaka,dob.7/04/1993..04:45 am…baghpat uttarpradesh…my husband name is sandeep tomar…06/06/1986…07:30 pm….shamli uttar pradesh..marriage is 10/12/2017 at 01am to 3 am.. in .meerut….when we blessed with our first child

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that you are in the mahadasha of Jupiter and antardasha of Jupiter. Jupiter is presently in Libra and therefore the period is strong to give you the desired results. Yur shani dhaiyya is going on till February 2020, therefore some delay can be there. It is best to do Shani puja for getting faster results.


  270. Sir we are trying to conceive its almost one and one year and four husband stay abroad he comes eight months ones and stay for two date of birth:03/11/1992,time 12.30..marriage date 27/11/2016 name:Monica Dcosta ,husband name :Gilbert Dcosta,date of birth:20/9/1983..

  271. Dear sir
    I am unmarried male.Please tell me when I will get married?whether it will be love or arrange marriage?
    Birthdate 9 june 1983
    Time 10.30 pm
    Place shahapur,asangaon,maharashtra

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your lagna is Capricorn and Rashi is Taurus. Moon rules the 7th house of marriage. Moon is exalted in your natal chart. Venus the karka for love and marriage is debilitated in the navamsha chart. The possibility of arrange marriage is much stronger. The period of marriage is going on. Doing remedies of Venus and Rahu will help.


  272. My name is anuj.currently I am going through divorce .when the entire divorce case will end? Whether it will be in my favour or should i go for mutual consent?
    Marriage date 20 December 2015
    16 feb 1982

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that you are passing through a period of Shani Sade satti. This period of Saturn transit over natal moon is always difficult and full of obstacles. Separation is very much indicated in your horoscope. It is best to go in for mutual consent and not take any difficult and hard position which may work against you.


  273. Hello sir,

    My name is Deepti Sharma,DOB-20/1/1983,time-8.50pm, Ghaziabad (UP)

    My husband name-Sumit Sharma, DOB-18/4/1981,time-7.40 am, Delhi(delhi)

    Marriage date-16th April 2009

    Sir please reply when we will blessed with first baby.eagerly waiting.


    • Ketu in your 5th house, which is the house of progeny will bring delays and obstacles. You should do the remedies given below for getting the desired result.

      1. Keep fast on Mondays
      2. Recite Brihaspate Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times daily


  274. Hello Sir,
    I m dob is 5 sept 1984 8:20Am place Savda(Jalgaon).
    Plz tell me when i will get married.
    Thank you.

    • As per your birth chart we see that Jupiter rules the 7th house of marriage. Ketu in the 3rd house aspects the 7th house of marriage. Venus the karka for marriage is debilitated which is not good and brings delays and obstacles in life. You are passing through the mahadasha of Rahu. The possibility of marriage is strong after September 2018 after you enter the period of Rahu and Jupiter. Doing the remedies of Venus and Jupiter will help.


  275. Dear sir
    My mother is looking for my marriage from last 2 year but there is no luck.please guide us about my marriage and married life.
    when there will be strong chance of my marriage?
    whether it will be arrange or love marriage?
    How will be my married life and progeny?
    Gender: female
    Date: 21 april 1987
    Time: 19.50
    Place: Mumbai

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Libra and rashi is Capricorn. You have mars in the 8th house making you strong mangalik. Venus and Jupiter are conjoined with Rahu in the 6th house, which is not a good place for it to be. Marriage should be done with a mangalik only for marital happiness.


      Navneet Khanna

  276. Sir my husbands date of birth is 26th oct 1980 time 7:29am and my date of birth 19th oct 1981 and time 2:55pm..when wil we have our own house..plz bataiye sir ghar ka jog kab hain?

  277. Hi Sir,

    Need your help on when will we have a baby. We got married since 3 years and tried all treatment but no success. my date of birth : 04-Jan-1984 and my husband date of birth : 05-dec-1979. will let you know our name later .

  278. Hello Sir,
    My details are dob-25th oct 1990 Time-4:45 AM Place-Faridabad
    I am married for 2 years now.Please let me know about my married life and when can I expect a baby.


    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Virgo or Kanya and Rashi is Dhanu. Rahu is posited in the 5th house of progeny which is never good. You are also in the period of Shani Sade Satti. Sade satti period is when Saturn is transit moves over Natal moon. This period brings delays and obstacles. You should do remedies of Rahu and Saturn to benefit.


  279. Hello Sir,
    Name-Deepti sharma
    DOB-20/1/1983,Ghaziabad,8.50 PM.
    Husaband name-Sumit sharma
    DOB-18/4/1981,Delhi,7.40 AM.

    Our marriage date-16/4/2009

    sir please please reply when we will blessed with baby.i pray to god for an hour daily,do santan gopal stotram, do fasting of pradosh vrat since last 5 years.
    when we will get the result what else i can do please suggest.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny. Ketu is posited in the 5th house which is not good. 5th house coming under Rahu – Ketu axis will face problems for which remedies will be required. You should also seek a medical expert for some medical help.


      • sir thanks for the reply.I am already in touch with the doctors can you please tell me what all other remedies i can do for early fruitful result and when there will be the possibility of a child.

  280. My name is anuj
    I am going through divorce.
    When this divorce process will end?
    Whether I need to give some companasation and some part of my property to my wife?
    My date 16 feb 1982
    Time 18.02
    Place sangamner , maharashtra
    Wife date 11 feb 1985
    Time 17.47
    Place kalwa, maharashtra
    Marriage date 20 dec 2015

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Ketu in the birth chart is posited in the 7th house in the transit chart. Ketu position in the 7th house which is the house of marriage is never good. Therefore separation is very much there in the period. You are also in the period of Shani Sade satti which will build mental pressure and stress. Yes you will have to give compensation to solve this issue amicably. Doing the Saturn remedies will help you in your life ahead.


  281. Hello Sir,
    My name is dob is 13 Sept 1988 time: 4:45am and place:Jalgaon
    My husband name is Vishal .his dob is 23may 1982 time: 6 am place :Jalgaon
    Can u pls tell me about my married life and when we will be blessed with baby?
    Thank you.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Mars and Saturn is posited in the 5th house of your husbands chart which is not good. Saturn is posited in the 5th house of the wifes chart. Saturn is a planet of delays and obstacles and its position in the 5th house of progeny is not good. It will delay and brings health related problems for which astrological remedies should be done. You should visit Shani temple every Saturday and also Read Hanauman Chalisa Daily.


      • Hello sir,
        I am Poonam.My dob 13sept 1988. 4:45am Jalgaon.I didn’t get salary as per my experience and my degree.I am frustrated about it.Please suggest me when will i get permanent job and is there any chances of getting government job(in banking sector)?
        Thank you

        • Looking at your natal chart we see that you are in the main period of Rahu and the sub period of Mars. The Rahu – Mars period is always challenging. It is the last antardasha of the Rahu mahadasha period and therefore there will always be stress and tensions as you move towards a much stable and calm period of Jupiter. The jupiter mahadasha starts in April 2019. You are also in the period of Shani Dhaiyya. Your salary and work will improve as you move into the Jupiter mahadasha. Bank line suits you and you should give the competitive exams.


  282. Namaste sir
    Please guide me about this kundali match and marriage life
    My birthdate: 24 feb 1993
    Time: 10.30 am
    Place :pune
    Boy’s detail
    Birthdate: 10 may 1991
    Time: 8.16 a.m
    Place: Thane, maharashtra

    Thanks sir..

    • The ashtkoot guna milan score is 31.5 out of 36, which is much higher than 18 that is minimum for solemnizing a marriage. A higher Guna milan score indicates a good compatibility and marital happiness. Marriage can be done.


  283. I am frustrated with office politics. Currently I am having permanent job but because of some colleagues I am feeling depressive.Also one of my incerement is also pending.
    Whether I will get that pending increment?
    When there is chance of change in job?
    What are remedies to save myself from offifce politics?
    Birthdate: 11 feb 1985
    Time :5.47 pm
    Place :Thane maharashtra

    • In your natal chart we see that 10th house is ruled by Mars. Mars is in the 9th house with Venus. You are energetic, intelligent and hard working. You want to do something extraordinary in life. Rahu is posited in your 10th house of profession, that is not good. That means that you will face problems with colleagues, seniors, satisfaction will not be there. The period of Saturn and Rahu is going on which will bring delays and obstacles. The period after September 2019 is better for your career. Although some improvement will be there after October 2018. Do not be involved in controversies and stay away from people who can take advantage of you. Read Hanuman Chalisa and visit Hanuman Temple every Tuesdays.


  284. Good morning sir
    I want to know when I will conceive
    Vandana sharma
    DOB 17-11-1985
    Place syangja Nepal
    Time 1:20 pm
    Ved Prakash
    DOB 23 /3/1985
    Place syangja Nepal
    Time not known exact
    Marriage date 30-1-2015

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Mercury rules the 5th house of progeny. Mercury is conjoined with Saturn. Jupiter which is the karka is in the 12th house and debilitated. Debilitated Jupiter in the 12th house is not good. It indicates health issues for which medicine need to be taken. The possibility of conceiving are string after September 2018.


  285. Hello Astronlogia…Pranaam ?
    I am a 31 years old female (Disha, DOB 5th January 1987, TOB: 12:52 pm) and my husband he is 32 years old (Narender Thakur, DOB 7th January 1986, TOB 07:07am)….
    We are married since April 2014.
    Please let us know when are we going to have our babies….
    My last pregnancy ended up in miscarriage (last year in October… I was 4 months pregnant then)….
    Please help us by knowing the appropriate time to conceive.

    • In your horoscope we see that 5th house lord is not well placed and that is why you are facing problems on the progeny front. The period of Mercury and Rahu is going on. The possibility of progeny is there in 2019. You should do the Santan gopal mantra for gains.


  286. I am married in novermber 2017.this is our second we both were unsuccessful in first marriage.I want to ask whether our this marriage wil work or not ? When we wil blessed with baby?
    My name is Asha
    25 november 1984
    17.30 p.m
    Wadala, Mumbai

    • Looking at your chart we see that Moon and Ketu period is going on. This is never good, as it gives negativity and sadness. The period after July 2020 is much better. As you have not provided the birth details of your husband it is not possible to comment on your marriage. However the possibility of conceiving are there after October 2018.


  287. Dear sir
    I am married woman going through divorce.due to this I am feeling depressed and frustrated. Not able to concentrate on professional and family front.even not want to fight this divorce case.
    I want to ask you when this divorce case will end?
    Whether there is second marriage in my destiny and when it wil be?
    Or should I never go for second marriage , if marital happiness is not there ?
    11 feb 1985
    17.47 pm
    Thanks in advance

    • Looking at your natal chart we see your rashi is Libra and Ascendant is Cancer. Your 7th house which is the prime house of marriage is weak. However as your first marriage broke, there are chances that second marriage will sustain and give you marital happiness. You should do proper matching of the horoscopes before marriage for a happy marital life. The Saturn and Rahu period is going on which is never good. Saturn in your horoscope is functional malefic and in the 6th house in your transit chart. It strongly indicates divorce before Feb 2020. You should do Shani remedies for expediting results on the divorce front.


  288. Hello sir,
    I am Poonam.My dob 13sept 1988. 4:45am Jalgaon.I didn’t get salary as per my experience and my degree.I am frustrated about it.Please suggest me when will i get permanent job and is there any chances of getting government job(in banking sector)?
    Thank you

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Leo and Rashi is Virgo. You are born under Hasta Nakshatra. You are ambitious, independent and confident person. Your 10th house which is the house of profession is ruled by Venus. Jupiter is posited in the 10th house. Your Jupiter mahadasha will start from April 2019. Till then the period of Rahu and Mars is going on. This is not a good period and will pose enormous challenges. You will get better opportunities after you enter Jupiter Mahadasha. Finance, Bank line suit you, therefore, you should give exams. Sun is strong in your horoscope but conjoined with Ketu, therefore you should further strengthen Sun by doing its remedies.


      Navneet Khanna

  289. Hello Sir,
    My name is Sumit Sharma, DOB-18th April 1981, 7.40 AM, Delhi
    my wife name-Deepti Sharma, DOB- 20 th January 1983, 8.50 PM, Ghaziabad(UP)

    Our marriage date-16th April 2009

    When we will be blessed with first baby.Please reply.

    • Looking at your horoscopes we see that the birth charts are very weak for progeny happiness. There will be delays and also obstacles. You can look at adoption.


  290. Sir tell me about my marriage date 29.4.2015…Day one s problem h..He having less interest in me..kya future h is shadi ka …Is there any chances for divorce or second marriage…Or meri gov..Job ka koi yog h…DOB 5.5.1992..Time 6.42am place . Mathura up… Husband DOB 25.7.1987 time 3.47 am place vrindavan up

    • You are in the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Mars. the Rahu – Mars period is always full of stress and tensions. As your horoscope is weak on the marriage front, you are facing problems in marriage. The period till February 2020 is challenging. If you are not careful then things may turn even worse. Tact is necessary to turn things in your favour. Doing the remedies of Rahu and Mars will certainly help.


  291. Thank you so much for bringing light of hope to the life as you are helping many. Sir my Dob is 15.05.1989. Time is 6.10 PM. place is banda, UP. My husband Don is 30.10.1983. Time is 12.30 PM. Place is Lucknow UP. I have just undergone a surgery. We are facing difficulty in conceiving. Please tell us as to when shall we have a baby?

    • In both horoscope, we see that Rahu is in the 5th house of progeny. Rahu is the planet of obstacles, delays and therefore you are facing problems on this front. The period before December 2019 is likely to give you results, however, you need to be under proper medical supervision to get results quickly. Also doing the remedies of Rahu will certainly help.


  292. Sir,My name is Ankit Sharma,DOB- 29th July,1993, Time 1.13 PM, Shamli (Uttar Pradesh). I want to know about my career & job. From last 2-3 years I do not get the job i am looking for & it is not stable also.Please tell me about my progressive period & when I get success in my career.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that the mahadasha of Venus and antardasha of Rahu is going on. The Venus – Rahu period is always challenging. You are also in the period of Shani Sadi satti. Shani Sade satti is the 7 1/2 years period of Shani transit over natal moon. This period is full of challenges and stress. You will get a job provided you are willing to work hard towards it. You need to remember that as the period is challenging, you may not get what you want. Doing the remedies of Shani will be helpful in getting the desired results.


  293. My name is akshay , married in jan 2018.within few months of marriage , we are facing problems in married life.for my wife I leave my home town and settled in mumbai.but now she is not ready to live with me.not even giving proper reason for that.her father asked me to take my decision whether I can wait for her or can go for separation.i am shocked by their statement.
    Plz advice me why this is happening even though it was love marriage.
    whether I wil wait for her or separation is there only solution
    Marriage date 27 jan 2018
    My details
    29 july 1992
    12.10 afternoon
    Aale, maharashtra
    Wife details
    31 january 1994
    Junnar, maharashtra

    • As per your horoscope, your Grahmaitri is very weak and that is why there will be a strong difference of opinion, likes and dislikes. You will have ego problems. As per your wife horoscope, the possibility of divorce is there very strongly. Therefore things may not be very easy for you going forward.


      Navneet Khanna

  294. Namste sir
    I am suffering from lots of tension in divorce case is going on, my lot of jwellery with my husband only,my father is suffering from critical health issues, politics in office.from all side I am block, not able to find single ray of hopes.and still problems are coming one after another.
    Please Guide me how to face such problems in life.wil I get peace in life.when there will be improvement in my father’ health?
    11 feb 1985
    Thane, maharashtra
    Thnx and regards

    • You are in the mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Rahu. This Saturn and Rahu period is not good and bringing lots of tensions and stress in your life. This period till September 2019 is challenging. The possibility of separation is very much there in your horoscope. However you will get your jewellery if you put your case properly and for that you need to hire a good lawyer. You should do the following remedies and surely you will find mental peace.

      1. Keep fast on Mondays
      2. Drink water in Silver glass
      3. Wear Pearl in Silver
      4. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays


      • Thanks sir for your reply.I already hired a new lawyer but she is also telling my case is weak .we wil only defend the case.dont u think sir , this is very unfair with me.To get my own jewellery I need to fight?why other person by doing sin also supported by destiny.

        • The law today is very favorable to the crime against women and women in distress due to marital problems. Make sure that the lawyer that you have hired knows his/her job. You should fight the case and you will get the results. Remember that all is fair in love and war. Love did not work so you are in a state of war now. Do not get emotional and sensitive, just fight for your rights.


  295. Namste sir
    There is no luck in personal relationship aa well as matrimonial front.
    Is there yog of arrange or love marriage in my destiny?
    When I wil get married and how will be my married life and progoney front?
    Gender: female
    Date: 21 april 1987
    Time: 19.50
    Place: Mumbai
    Thanks and regards

    • Looking at your chart we see that you have strong mangalik dosha. Also the 7th house and karka jupiter is weak. Results will be delayed. There will be obstacles and delays in getting the results. The chances of getting married to mangalik person is strong.


  296. Hello sir
    My name is prasad .when i will get married and how will be my married life?when I will blessed with children?
    16 feb 1982
    18.02 pm
    Sangamner ,maharashtra

    • Looking at your chart we see that your 7th house of marriage is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles. The period of Venus and Moon is going on which should give you marriage. You should remember that Saturn is conjoined with Mars, which is not a good conjunction, hence doing horoscope matching before marriage is important.


      Navneet Khanna

  297. My name is sagar.I am planing to purchase house .I applied for governemnt
    Housing lottery scheme also.
    When will able to purchase house?whethwr it will be from goverment scheme through or through private builder?
    Date 10 may 1991
    08.16 a.m

    • As Sun is exalted in your horoscope, and soon you will enter Mercury – Sun period after 23 Dec 2018, the possibility of getting govt lottery is there after this date.


  298. My name is akshay.cureently i am facing serious financial crises. Not a single business worked for me.
    Please suggest which business line suits me?when there will be stability in my business
    My details
    29 july 1992
    12.10 afternoon
    Aale, maharashtra

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your 10th house which is the prime house of profession is ruled by Moon. Moon is posited in the 10th house but combust which is never good. Ketu in the 9th house will bring you obstacles, hindrances and career related problems. You can do business related to food, sales and marketing, electronics. Remember not to go overboard with your expenses. Doing the remedies of Moon will certainly help.


  299. Namaste sir,
    My name is trina. Born on 24th july, 1989 in Bandel, West Bengal at 8:00am & my husband name is joydeep. Born on 14th may,1991 in Asansol, West Bengal. We got married on 22nd January,2017. Please let me know when we will bliss with a healthy child.

    • Looking at the birth chart we see that Moon rules the 7th house of marriage. Moon is posited in its own house. Ketu in the 11th house aspects the 7th house. Ketu is also conjoined with Jupiter. Venus the karka for marriage is debilitated. The horoscope is weak for marital happiness. However there is second marriage in the horoscope and the marital success would depend upon proper matching of the horoscopes.


      Navneet Khanna

  300. Namaste sir
    My name is prakash.there is problem in my family, among 4 sibling only my elder sister is married elder brother divorced twice, my younger sister divorced and me divorced once.why such things happen in our family?
    Whether my destiny is having marital happiness? Now I am getting proposals for second marriage? When I shall go for second marriage
    Date 16 feb 1982

    • In your birth chart we see 7th lord Saturn is retrograde. This is not good. Your 7th house lord Saturn is conjoined with inimical Mars. Saturn and Mars conjunction is never considered good. Yes your horoscope is weak for marriage. There is second marriage in your horoscope and the period is going on. Marital happiness will depend upon proper matching of the horoscopes.


      Navneet Khanna

  301. Hi, My husband and I have been trying to conceive since 2016. We were successful in October of 2016, but lost the baby in December at almost 8wks. We have been trying to conceive again ever since the loss. What I would like to know is when will we conceive with a viable child? Hoping to know the year if not the month too. My name is Caitlyn Elizabeth Walker, born on 03/061986 in Tampa, Florida, USA at 1:41a.m.
    My husband is Michael John Moore II, born on 07/14/1982 in Royal Oak, Michigan, USA at 2:35p.m.
    Thank you in advance for any insight you may have!

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that, you are in the period of Rahu and Mercury which is not good. The period after April 2020 is favourable for showing results on this front.


  302. Hello sir
    I am working as software engineer, currently in abroad.
    Plz advice me when I should look for job switch? Or should I continue with same?
    There is also one marriage proposal for me.plz advice me whether it is preferable for me or not?
    My detail
    10 may 1991
    8.16 a.m
    Girl’s birthdate: 24 feb 1993
    Time: 10.30 am
    Place :pune
    Thanking you

    • Looking at your chart we see that the period of Mercury and Venus is going on which is not favourable. You should avoid making any changes in your present job.


  303. Hello sir,
    Please tell me when i will get married ?
    Whether it will be within cast or intercast arrange marriage?
    How will be my married life and about children?

    Date= 14 october 1986
    Time= 7.20 am
    Place =dombivali, maharashtra

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your 7th house which is the prime house of marriage is ruled by Mars. Mars is exalted in your horoscope. Ketu in the 12th house aspects the 7th lord Mars. Saturn which is the planet of delays and obstacles also aspects Mars. Jupiter the karka is retrograde in your birth chart. The possibility of intercast marriage is there in your horoscope. Your married life will depend upon proper matching of the horoscopes.


  304. Hello sir,
    I am Poonam.My dob 13sept 1988. 4:45am Jalgaon.Currently i am unemployed.I am worried about my career.Please tell me is there in future scope in teaching field for me or banking field or in any other(civil services) ?

    • In your natal chart we see that your Lagna is Leo and Rashi is Virgo. You are independent, active, intelligent and logical person. In your chart 10th house of profession is ruled by Venus, which is in the 12th house. This will make you struggle in your life professionally. Jupiter is placed in your 10th house. You can look at your career in finance, teaching and also banking. These lines do support you and you will prosper.


  305. Hello sir,
    I am Poonam.My dob 13sept 1988. 4:45am Jalgaon.Currently i am unemployed.I am worried about my career.Please tell me is there in future scope in teaching field for me or banking field or in any other(civil services) ?
    Thank you

  306. Hi Sir, I am Born on 20 sep 82 in Delhi at 8:50am & my husband is Born on 1 aug 82 in alwar rajasthaWest We got married on 24 Nov 2012. Please let me know when we will bliss with a healthy child.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Saturn the lord of the 5th house is in the 12th house, which is a trik bhava. Rahu in the bhagyastan aspects the 5th house. Rahu also aspects Jupiter which is karka. This is not a good horoscope for happiness from children. Taking some medical help is necessary. Doing the puja of Rahu and Saturn will help.


  307. Hi Sir, I am Born on 20 sep 82 in Delhi at 8:50am & my husband is Born on 1 aug 82 in alwar rajasthaWest We got married on 24 Nov 2012. Please let me know when we will bliss with a healthy child.

    • In your horoscope the 5th house of progeny is weak as it is ruled by Saturn and Saturn is posited in the 12th house. 5th house also has aspect of Rahu which is never considered good. You should do remedies of Saturn and Rahu for benefits.


  308. Hello Sir,
    I m dob is 5 sept 1984 8:20Am place Jalgaon .
    I am a doctor.I have my own clinic .Please tell me about my career growth.
    Thank you.

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that 10th lord Mercury is retrograde and posited in the 12th house. It means that you will get success but after lot of hard work and efforts. You will also get success away from your place of birth. The Rahu mahadasha is going on which is a challenging period. Doing the remedies of Rahu will certainly help.


  309. Hi sir, my name is Gopika, my brother name is Giriprasad M H. His DOB 19-11-1985 time 9:34 Am. His is facing trable in his health issue. Please advise some remidies and when he will get well. Right now he has health problem and suffering from chronic illness. Waiting for your response!!!

  310. Hi sir, my name is Gopika, my brother name is Giriprasad M H. His DOB 19-11-1985 time 9:34 Am. He is facing trable in health issue. Please advise some remidies and when he will get well. Right now he is suffering from chronic illness. Waiting for your response!!!

    • In the chart of your brother we see that Jupiter is the lord of the lagna and Jupiter is debilitated, which is never good. He should do remedies of Jupiter to get relief from illness.

      1. Wear Yellow Sapphire or Topaz in Gold on right hand Index finger

      2. Put Kesar Tilak daily


  311. Hello sir
    My name sachin.i am working in textile industry. I also want to start business of textile machineray.also having some new job opportunities .
    Shall I go for job switch ? If I start business whether it will be successful?
    16 feb 1982
    Ahamadnagar, maharashtra

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that you are passing through a period of Shani Sade satti , this is generally not a good period for career gains. The period till Feb 2020 is not good. It is best to be away from making any investment in a business.


  312. Namaste sir
    I am going through divorce husband purposely delaying this he used to be on site for most of time and due to some suspicious activity I felt that he is in process of second marriage.
    I am planning to hire detective which is going to be expensive for me.
    Please advice me whether I should go for this solution or not.
    My detail
    11 feb 1985
    Thane, maharashtra
    Husband detail
    16 feb 1982
    Sangamner, maharashtra
    I can understand this question is out of box , but if possible plz help me

    • Marriage is all about responsibility, trust and commitment. If there is no responsibility, trust, and commitment in your relationship. It is better to move away from it.


  313. Can you please tell whether my marital issues will solve and have children in my destiny.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that you have Rahu in the 7th house, which is the reason for marital issues. Doing the remedies of Rahu will help you improve your marital life. Saturn rules the 5th house of progeny and Jupiter the karka for progeny is also debilitated. The period after December 2018 will bring results. Read Hanuman Chalisa and keep fast on Thursdays for best results.


  314. Hi, my name is Gopika dob 16-3-1988
    Time 4:44pm, husband’s dob 4-3-1986, time not known, marriage date 11-3-2016, time 9 to 10:15 am
    When will we blessed with baby. Is there any remidies to overcome obstacles.
    Waiting for your response!!

    • In your natal chart we see that 5th house which is the prime house of progeny is badly afflicted, due to this there will de delay in having children. There is also a strong possibility of miscarriage. However the period after July 2019 is much stronger to give you results on this front. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will help.


  315. My name is Neha Kumari, DOB – 05.03.1988, at 1:40 am in raxaul,bihar
    date of marriage is 25.05.2014.Kindly tell when will I have baby

    • In your horoscope, we see that 5th house which is the prime house of children has Jupiter and Venus. Mars rules the 5th house and it is conjoined with Saturn the planet of delays and obstacles. Also your Rahu mahadasha is going on you will bring further delay in getting desired results. Some medical complication can be there so seeking help from doctor may be required. Doing Rahu remedies will be helpful.


  316. Namaskar Sir. I am Tanaya Pathak, dob is 13th sep 91 at 10 02 AM in Indore ( M.P) married in the year 2017 feb 3rd. I trying to switch my job since 3 years now but unable to. I am currently into logistics industry. Could you please tell me when will I be able to do this.

    • You are in the period of Saturn and Jupiter which is not well placed in your horoscope. This period till February 2020 is likely to be challenging. You need to be careful and should avoid taking any hasty decisions. Better period comes after May 2019. You should wear Pearl in Silver on your right hand ring finger for gains.


  317. My name: Shraddha Das
    Dob: 09.10.1986
    To: 08.20am
    Pob: Valsad,Gujarat, india

    Married: 18.11.2013

    Husbands name: Amitav Das
    DOB: 22.10.1982
    Tob: 20.55
    Pob: patna, Bihar, India

    When shall I conceive? I have taken many tests and all reports are normal.
    Please guidé

    Thank you in advance.

    Shraddha Das

    • In your kundli matching there is Nadi dosha, which is never good. It brings problems in conceiving. You should do Nadi dosha remedies.


      Navneet Khanna

  318. Namaste! My name is Tanaya Pathak, DOb is 13th sep 91 in Indore ( M.P) on 10 02 AM.

    I am in the same job since 4 years and not able to get a new job, even though I am trying so hard.

    Kindly suggest.

    • You are in the main period of Saturn and the sub period of Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter are not placed well in your horoscope, therefore you are not getting the desired results despite your best efforts. Also Rahu in transit is in your 10th house of profession. This period till February 2020 is not good. Doing the remedies of Rahu and Saturn will help.


      Navneet Khanna

  319. My name is Ali Ammar Naqvi date of birth 06.06.1989 birth of place is faisalabad Pakistan My wife name is Rushan Fatima date of birth is 19.07.1989 sir plz tell me about chid bcz we have not any child since 4 years

  320. My name Lakshmi priya 11-06-1985 05:00 pm birth, husband Arunkumar 22-12-1985 04:23 pm birth.. we are planning for a baby for last 2 years.. please let us know when I will conceive

  321. Myself Lakshmi priya DOB 11 jun 1985 05:00 pm, husband Arunkumar , 22 dec 1985, 04:25 pm. Married since 3.6 yrs.. planning for baby for past 2 yrs . Please let us know when I will conceive.

    • In your natal chart, we see that Jupiter the karka for progeny is debilitated, which is never good. Debilitated Jupiter will bring delay and obstacles in having children. You should do the remedies for strengthening Jupiter as given below.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays
      2. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspate Namaha” 108 times daily


          • Looking at your natal chart we see that Jupiter which is the karka for progeny is debilitated. Debilitated Jupiter is never good as it bring delay and obstacles on the progeny front. Jupiter in transit is presently in Libra and will change signs on 12 October 2018. Thereafter the possibility of having children is strong in your horoscope. Do the remedy of Jupiter to get faster results.



  322. Hello Sir,
    I am Suhasini, We have two girls of 10 and 7 yrs old and we are desperate for boy baby.
    Our details are as below.
    My Name: Suhasini , DOB : 30-Nov-1984 1:43 AM (early morning), POB: Guntur, Andhrapradesh, India
    My Husband name : Subba Rao , DOB : 20-Aug-1979 4:12 AM (early morning), POB: Inkollu, Prakasam District, India
    Kindly respond at the earliest. Thank you in advance.

    • In your husband chart Sun and Jupiter which are the planets responsible for male progeny are weak. Sun is conjoined with Rahu and Jupiter is combust as it is close to the Sun. Due to weak Sun and Jupiter the chances of having a male child are weak. He should do remedies of Sun and Jupiter for getting the desired results.


  323. Namaste sir
    I am planning to buy new house for me.i also got selected for government home scheme lottery.but problem is as I am outs8de of india from last 5 months , I am worried about whether I will able to complete their formalities.or whether I may loose this opportunity. .plz guide me.when my dream of own house will get complete
    10 may 1991
    8.16 a.m
    Thane maharashtra
    Thanking you

    • The mahadasha of Mercury and Venus is going on followed by Mercury and Sun period. The period of Mercury and Sun is likely to give you results on this front. You will have a house as per your horoscope.

      1. Do Surya remedies for results.


  324. My birthdate is 25 november 1984
    Wadala, mumbai
    I am married from last 8 months.when there is chance of married life is little bit tensed also.

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your 7th house which is the prime house of marriage is weak as we have Rahu – Ketu axis. Ketu in the 7th house is never auspicious. Also Sun in the 7th house is bad for marital happiness. You should do astrological remedies to improve your marital life and you can see vast improvement in this. Mercury rules the 5th house of progeny and Mercury is in the 8th house which will bring delay in having children. Moon mahadasha is going on. Keep fast on Mondays for desired results.


      Navneet Khanna

      • Hello sir, I m married since 2yrs..
        Planning for kids my dob s 02.04.1992 time of birth 9.55pm(not sure it’s btw 9.30 to 10.00) pob- Hyderabad
        My husband dob 13.04.1986 time of birth 10.55(not sure) I have health issue I m on medication…can I know wn will I conceive

        • As per your horoscope we see that Rahu aspects Jupiter which is the karka for children. There can be delay, obstacles and problems because of that. You need to consult a good doctor incase some medical help may be needed. The possibility of having children are strong after December 2018. You should do remedies of Rahu and Jupiter for getting good results.


  325. Dear sir
    Is there any yog of remarriage in my kundali? When it will be and how will be my married life?
    My earlier relationship experince was not good .if there yog of stable relationship in my life
    Thanks in adavance
    Birthdate 11 feb 1985
    Time 17.47 pm
    Place Thane , Maharashtra

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your 7th house which is the prime house of marriage is ruled by Saturn. Jupiter which is the karka for husband is debilitated in the 7th house. This is a weak chart for marital happiness. The possibility of marriage is very much there after September 2019. You should do proper matching of the horoscopes before solemnizing the marriage.


  326. I am facing job related issues.i need to quit my old job due to some I got job? But whether this job switch will be good for my career and finance. Whether I will face any issues in this new job
    16 feb 1982 time:18.02
    Ahamadnagar, maharashtra

    • Looking at the period that you are going through, your transit chart has Rahu in lagan. You are also in the period of Shani Sade satti. This is not good period till February 2020. The period till March 2019 is especially challenging. You will be unsatisfied and face difficulties with colleagues and seniors. It is best to discuss all details of your new job with your new employer before taking this change. Job description, the scope of work, remuneration should be all clear so that nothing is next unclear. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily and visit Shani temple every Saturdays.


      Navneet Khanna

  327. Namaste sir
    I am worried about my life.
    This is my second first marriage didnt work due to some reasons.after that i was in relationship with unmarried boy but unfortunately his parents was not ready for our marriage.
    In last november I re married to divorcee my life is good but I am tensed about whether my past will bring any tension in my present or future(in first marriage we have registered dowry harassement case against him,my relatonship with that boy,other famiy issues which was hidden from my current in -law family.)
    Please alert me if any of these things will bring tension in my marital life?how to concured my fear?
    My birthdate is 25 november 1984
    17.30 pm
    Wadala, mumbai

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that Ketu and Sun are posited in the 7th house which is the prime house of marriage. Venus and Jupiter are in the 8th house which is not a good position for it to be. You are presently in the mahadasha of Moon and the antardasha of Ketu. This is not a good period as it is likely to exert mental pressure and bring negativity in your life. The need of the hour is to think positive and do not let the past enter your present. If you have already spoken about your past marriage and separation to your husband , there is no reason for you to worry. Tact and diplomacy is required during this period. Doing the remedies of Moon and Ketu will strongly help.


      Navneet Khanna

      • Thnx for ur reply sir.
        When i wil blessed with baby? Wheher i need any medical help for tat?

        My birthdate is 25 november 1984
        17.30 pm
        Wadala, mumbai

        • Your 5th house is ruled by Mercury and Mercury is posited in the 8th house. Rahu aspects the 5th house of progeny. Your 5th house and 5th lord is weak for progeny. It will bring delay and also obstacles. Doing the remedy of Mercury and Jupiter is important. Medical help in this matter may be required and should not be ignored.


  328. Hello Sir,

    We just wanted to know when we will be blessed with our first child. My DOB is 5th May 1986 Time 2:30 PM, Place of birth Mannargudi Tamil Nadu. My husband DOB 21st Jan 2018, Time 12:00 AM, Place of Birth Bangalore.
    We are married on 20th January 2016. We have gone through many medical treatment for child birth with no use and Kindly help and advice on our child birth.
    Thank you.

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that 5th house which is the prime house of progeny is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in the sign of Saturn. Rahu in the bhagyastan aspects the 5th house. There will be delays and obstacles due to Rahu. However progeny is there in your horoscope and the chances of it are there after May 2019. You should do remedies of Jupiter and Rahu to expedite fast results.


  329. Hi Sir,

    My Birth Date is 4-8-1990 and my Husband date is 25-5-1984.
    3.5 years for our marriage but no kids. Please let me know whether I will be blessed with kids.

    Place of Birth: kamatagi


  330. Hi Sir,

    My DOB is: 4th aug 1990. Place of birth: kamatagi
    Husband DOB is : 25th may 1984 Place of birth:
    Married for 3 years now and no luck of kids. Please tell us when we will be blessed with kids.

    • You are ruled by number 4 and Uranus. You are methodical, active, friendly and possess strong memory. You are religious and philosophical. For you 2019 is likely to bring you the desired results. Doing the remedies of Jupiter are very important.


  331. Namaste sir
    I am suffering lot from this marriage.there is no marital happiness in my life.not able to understand whether my wife want to continue with this marriage or not.
    my civil construction business is also down.when my financial and married life will improve
    Please advice
    My birthdate :17 april 1984
    Time :00.10 am
    Place :mumbai
    Wife birthdetail:
    07 july 1985
    Time: 9.15 pm
    Place: mumbai

    • Your individual horoscopes are very weak for marriage and that is why there is no marital happiness. In your chart we see that Ketu is in the 2nd house of finance. Ketu in the 2nd house ruins the significance of the 2nd house and hence you are facing problems on the money front. This period till March 2019 will be dull. Thereafter you will see improvement in your work. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily and visit Shani temple every Saturdays.


      • Sir plz guide me on matriminial front.there is no cordial relationship betw me and my the separation is only solution?
        My birthdate :17 april 1984
        Time :00.10 am
        Place :mumbai
        Wife birthdetail:
        07 july 1985
        Time: 9.15 pm
        Place: mumbai

        • In your horoscope matching, there is bhakoot dosha, which is never good. Because of this Dosha there will be lots of ego classes, arguments, conflicts as you will have strong likes and dislikes. You should do remedies for getting positive results on this front.


  332. Name preeti DOB 5.5.1992 time 6.42 am place mathura up.. tell me about gov.. job.. kab tk settle hogi.kis line m…Or mujhe phli Santan ka yog kb h..

    • As per your horoscope you have exalted Sun which means that possibility of govt job is very much there. However as you are in the mahadasha of Rahu and also shani dhaiyya, you will have to put in lots of efforts to get the desired results. Doing remedies of Rahu and Saturn will certainly help in getting the desired results.


          • Name Preeti dob 5-5-1992…time 6:42 am place Mathura up..when Will I conceive..Nd gov..job kB tk satteled hogi or kis line m..I’m B.ed.

          • As per your birth chart we see that you are presently in the period of Rahu mahadasha and antardasha of Mars. The Rahu – Mars period is always challenging. The possibility of progeny is thereafter June 2019. Education line suits you and should be pursued.



  333. When I am able to purchase my own home? Whether that decision will be beneficial for me?
    I am having good job now but still want to start small business is it possible for me? In which domain I can plan that?
    11 feb 1985
    17.47 pm
    Thane maharashtra

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that you are in the mahadasha of Saturn and the antardasha of Rahu. This period till September 2019 is not good to take any kind of unnecessary risks. Saturn is presently in the 6th house of debts, therefore incase you do a business you are most likely to put yourself into financial stress. It is better you wait till September 2019 to take any decision on business or on the property front.


  334. Hi Sir,
    I got married on 19/05/2015 .My DOB is 2/12/84 ,00:15 AM,Place at Namakkal,Tamil nadu .My wife DOB is 16/3/1989,10:30 AM Place at Salem,Tamil nadu.we have a lot of difference in interest and taste everything. we are somehow adjusting .I am worried and depressed ,When will we become father & mother.?We are staying in remote location.Will I get opportunity to live in metro city.
    Please guide.

    • Having different taste and interest is common between two people. Science says that opposites attract. Having mutual respect, affection and care is important. Couple always take some time to understand and know each other. So don’t take tensions, just have patience. Possibility for a change in location is very much there in 2019. Keep trying for opportunities.


    • In this horoscope, we see that Rahu is posited in the 7th house which is not auspicious. Jupiter the karka for husband is debilitated. Maital happiness will depend upon proper matching of the horoscopes and it should not be ignored.


  335. Dear sir iam already married.conflicts arised in my life.i want to save my relationship at any cost.please suggest me remedy to avoid divorce.i will be greatful to you sir.
    Hubby details:

    • In your natal chart we see that Mars rules the 7th house, which is the prime house of marriage. Mars is posited in the 11th house which is not a good house for it to be. Rahu is posited in the 7th house. Rahu posited in the 7th house is never auspicious. Your Moon and Rahu period is going on and therefore during this period there will be ego clashes, understanding with each other will be less. Problems due to others interference can also be there. You should do Rahu remedies and you will improve your relationship, else the possibility of separation is very much there in your chart. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily. Visit Shiva Temple every Mondays.


      • Sir we are living separately since 2 years.heard that he is suffering from sugar.whatever the situation may be i dont want to leave him.i want to save our relation.i want to live with him with his full wish.sir will the remedies which u suggested will bring positive results and unites us forever.?or need any other remedies also.please advice me as soon as possible.

        • Doing the remedies will certainly help you in improving your relationship. Also, do remember that there is always a lot of give and take in any relationship. If you are committed, sincere and caring then you will certainly improve your relationship.


  336. Hello
    My name is Rajeetha Kishore
    DOB 24-11-1981 12.05pm Secunderabad
    My husband’s name B. Kishore Kumar
    DOB 14-11-1980 12.15pm Secunderabad Married on 16-02-2017
    Will we be blessed with a child?

    • In your horoscopes, there is Kaalsarp dosha and Nadi dosha. Kaalsarp dosha brings delay in life, like late marriage, late children etc. Antya Nadi dosha is never good for children. You should do Kaalsarp dosha and Nadi dosha remedies.


  337. Hi
    My name is Bhumika Tiwari (DOB: 16 March 1985).
    My husband’s name is Manish Pandey (DOB: 15 August 1982).
    Our marriage happened on 27 November 2010.
    We still don’t have a baby and have some serious medical issues which seem to be noncurable. Can you please suggest us something for this issue as we expect a miracle to happen?

    • As per prashan kundli the possibility of having children is weak and therefore you should explore adoption. Children are Gift of Almighty God. No matter whose child it may be, he /she will give you complete love and affection and you will also feel blessed and happy. Tomorrow is Krishna Janam, which will be celebrated all over India and abroad. Krishna was born to Devaki but his mother is known to be Yashoda, who raised Him. Therefore we need to understand and learn from our Gods and Goddesses. You will be the parents of the child you raise. Bring happiness in your life and adopt someone, who also needs mother and father.


      Navneet Khanna

  338. My dob is 30 Apr 1989 @ 4:45am
    Husband is 08 Aug 1986 @6:32am
    Marriage date is 05 Feb 2015
    1 miscarriage in Feb 2017;due to no heartbeat found
    Pls help me
    When can I expect sir?

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that the period of getting results is strong after March 2019. Presently Rahu is in your 5th house of children and Rahu moves away in March 2019 bringing you much stronger chances of getting your results. Wear Pearl in silver and also Yellow Sapphire for gains.



    • As per your natal chart we see that 5th house which is the prime house of progeny is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is in the 9th house which is the bhagyastan. That means that progeny is very much in your horoscope. Saturn the planet of delays and obstacles is in 5th house which is not good. Also Ketu aspects the 5th house. The possibility of progeny is very much there in 2019. You should do the remedies given below.

      1. Do Shani Puja every Saturdays.
      2. Keep fast on Thursdays


  340. hi, my birth date 29.05.1988 & time 12.05pm. My husband birth date 02.03.1986 & time around 7.30 am. our marriage date 29.11.2013. please tell when we will become parents

    • Looking at your charts we see delay and obstacle and therefore doing the below given remedy will be helpful.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa
      2. Read Santan Gopal Mantra
      3. Keep fast on Thursdays.


  341. Hello Sir,
    My name is Amrita Arora dob 26.05.1988 Delhi and husband name Ravi Singh dob 28.07.1983 Barabanki UP. Our marriage date 25.01.2015 Lucknow UP. when will we be blessed with a child?

  342. My name is Amrita Arora dob 26.05.1988 new delhi and husband name is Ravi Singh dob 28.07.1983 Barabanki UP. Marriage date 25.01.2015. When we will be blessed with child?

  343. Im k .midhuna 06-12-1990 Timings 7-8pm
    My husband k. Raji reddy 21-4-1987 timings6.30 -7.30pm
    when we will have child? We are facing financial crisis

    • iN your horoscope Jupiter the karka for progeny is exalted but conjoined with Ketu, that is why there is delay in getting results. You should do the below given remedies for expediting quick results. The possibility of getting results are strong after March 2019.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily
      2. Keep fast on Thursdays


    • Ketu in the 5th house is not auspicious. You also have Kaalsarp dosha in your horoscope. The possibility of progeny is there after March 2019. keep fast on Mondays for good results.


      • Thanks
        Can you please help in case of health issue as me and my husband continue suffer from health issue after fever and miscarriage too. is their is something which i can do for betterment.

        Please suggest i will be really grateful to you.

          • You are ruled by number 7 and your husband is ruled by number 2. The possibility of children is very much there after March 2019. Doing the remedies given below will help you in your efforts.

            1. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily
            2. Read Santan Gopal mantra



          • my name rupa (25.10.1986) (8:12pm) birth place rohtak haryana
            Sunil Kumar husbnd dob 02/03/1990,birth place rohtak haryana

            we married on 6th March 2018.Can you please help in case of health issue as me and my husband continue suffer from health issue after fever and miscarriage too. is their is something which i can do for betterment

          • Looking at your horoscope we see that you have Ketu in the 5th house of children. Ketu in the 5th house brings delays and obstacles in having children. Your mahadasha of Mercury is going on and antardasha of Saturn. The possibility of children is very much there after March 2019. Health is certainly a issues. Wear Emerald in Gold on your right hand little finger. Also read Hanuman Chalsia daily and recite santan gopal mantra.


            Navneet Khanna

  344. Hi sir ,
    My name is Vijayalakshmi (18/3/1994-3am), my husband name is nagaiah (16/1/1987). We are trying for children since 3 years .plz tell us when I will get conceive.

    • Looking at your chart we see debilitated Ketu in the 5th house which is the reason for delay and obstacles. Going the Ganpati puja will help. The possibility of having a child is strong in 2019.


  345. Namaste sir,
    I am suffering from critical lung disease from last 8 months.Because of good treatement my condition was ok .but from last 15 days again health issues started.i used to be down with illness.
    Is there any remedy to improve health issues?is there any serious issue?
    8 June 1958
    Not aware of birth time

  346. Hi sir,
    My name is Ramadevi my husband’s name is Ravichandra Reddy.
    We got married on 24th May 2014.
    Past 3.5yrs no child.
    Recently 6 months back Miscarriage happend.
    Suggest us when will I get pregnant.
    My birth date-7th January 1987
    My husband’s birthdate -17th Feb 1984
    Plz reply

    • You are born under influence of number 7 and Venus. The year 2019 is likely to give you results on this front. Doing the remedies given below will help. For you Keep fast on Thursdays. For your husband Visit Shani temple every Saturdays and read Hanuman Chalisa daily.


  347. Hi sir,
    My name is Ramadevi and my husband’s name is Ravi Chandra Reddy.
    We got married on 24th may 2014.
    Past 4yrs no child.
    Recently five months back one first Miscarriage happend.
    Suggest us when will I get pregnant.
    My birth date-7th jan1987
    My husband’s birthdate -17th feb1984
    Plz reply

  348. My name is Damayanti Manoj
    DOB 11/11/1978
    Time : 6.35 am
    Place of birth: Mumbai

    Husband’s name Manoj C R
    DOB 20/02/1978
    Time 11.30 am
    Place of birth : Ernakulum, kerala

    Marriage date : 10/11/2013
    Require your guidance, kindly help
    Eagerly awaiting to become parents.

    • You are ruled by number 8 and the planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles and you will face this on many fronts in your life. Regarding progeny also there will be delay. You should do the remedies given below for faster results.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily
      2. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays
      3. Light a diya under a Peepal tree every Saturdays
      4. Keep fast on Thursdays.


    • You are ruled by number 8 and planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles that is why you are facing obstacles on this front. You should do the below given remedies for expediting quick results.

      1. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      3. Recite the Santan Gopal Mantra


  349. Hi sir my husband Raji reddy .21-4-1988 He is doing business but there is no development in his business we r facing financial crisis..
    my name is midhuna 06-12-1990 i want to do job thr any possibility of job in my life.. and what kind of job

    • Ruled by number 3 and Jupiter. Your husband is sincere, hard working, multi talented. However, he does not get results for his work. A possible change in 2019 is coming in his business. He should do remedies for the improvement of his financial condition. Read Hanuman Chalisa, Put Kesar Tilak every day. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays. You should certainly do a job. Jobs like manager, administration, sales suit you.


  350. My Name is Nidhi Sharma my DOB is 05/10/1989 time of birth is 15:25 and my Husband’s name is Mohit Rana his DOB is 13/02/1984 his time of birth is 04:30
    We got married on 05/06/2010 i had 3 miss carriages before will you please tell me about my pregnancy and about child in our life and when do will have our child and related treatment for that. Although we are consulting with doctors but everything is alright. Please help.

    • Looking at your chart we see that Venus rules the 5th house of children. Venus is in the house of gains and conjoined with debilitated Moon. There is 6-8 bhakoot dosha which is never good as it indicates health related problems. ketu in gochar is presently looking at your 5th house and not giving you desired results. You should look at having children after Match 2019. Keep fast on Mondays and visit Shani temple every Saturdays.


      Navneet Khanna

  351. My Name is Nidhi Sharma my DOB is 05/10/1989 time of birth is 15:25 place ahmedabad, Gujarat and my Husband’s name is Mohit Rana his DOB is 13/02/1984 his time of birth is 04:30 place sundarnagar, himachal pradesh
    We got married on 05/06/2010 i had 3 miss carriages before will you please tell me about my pregnancy and about child in our life and when do will have our child and related treatment for that. Although we are consulting with doctors but everything is alright. Please help.

  352. Sir.
    My name Dipti Singh, DOB- 28-07-1989, place- banglore
    Husband’s name- Gaurav Singh, DOB- 25-12-1983, place- Varanasi
    Date of marriage- 08-02- 2014
    When do we have baby.

    • Ruled by Number 1 and the Sun, you are an independent, active, intelligent and caring person. You will get things in your life after delays. You should do the below given remedies for results on the children front.

      1. Recite the Santan Gopal mantra
      2. Keep fast on Thursdays


  353. Hello Sir,

    I was going through ypur post found on internet while trying to get some answers.

    Me and my husband are married for 6yeats now which no kids.
    My DOB: 19 oct 1982
    TOB: 01:55 pm

    Husband DOB: 03 July 1980
    TOB: 01:40 pm
    Can you please advise if there is a chance if we having a biological baby soon?

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Venus is the lord of 5th house which is the house of progeny. Venus is combust and debilitated in the bhagyastan, which is never good. Rahu in the 6th house aspects Jupiter which is also known as Putra Karka. Your 5th house, lord and karka are weak and that is why you are facing obstacles and delays in having children. As your chart is very weak on this front, you can look at adoption.


  354. Hello Sir, my name is Trisha. My marriage date is 10 Nov 2012
    Date of birth: 19 Oct 1982
    Husband’s DOB: 03 July 1980

    Can you please advise when will we have kids?

    Thank you in advance.

  355. HELLO SIR,

    (13.15 P.M. aftrnoon)
    MY HUSBAND NAME IS PRAFUL PARMAR DOB 23.02.1981,we married on 22ND NOVEMBER 2009

    • Looking at your chart we see that Mercury is the lord of 5th house of children and has aspect of Rahu which is in the 9th house or bhagyastan. Mercury the 5th lord is combust which makes it weak. Jupiter the karka for children is debilitated in the D9 or the Navamsha chart. The horoscope is weak for children happiness and you should look at adoption.


  356. HELLO SIR,

    (13:15 P.M. Afternoon)
    MY HUSBAND NAME IS PRAFUL PARMAR DOB ( 23.02.1981 ) ( 08 : 15 A. M .Morning ) We got married on 22ND NOVEMBER 2009

  357. Hello Sir, I have posted so many times now. But the post shows under moderation and then vanishes.
    My Dob: 19 Oct 1982
    Husband’s DOB: 03 July 1980
    Marriage date: 10 Nov 2012
    Can you please advise when will we have kids? It been almost 6 years but we haven’t got any success.

  358. Hi sir ,my birth date is 07/02/1988 n my husband DOB is 03/03/1988.and our marriage date is 02/12/2014. Plz tell when can I have child?

  359. HELLO SIR,

    (13:15 P.M. Afternoon)
    MY HUSBAND NAME IS PRAFUL PARMAR DOB ( 23.02.1981 ) ( 08 : 15 A. M .Morning ) We got married on 22ND NOVEMBER 2009

    Please do the needful for any chance of conceiving please
    Any other remedies for conceiving . please

    • The horoscopes are weak for progeny. Doing the remedy given below will help.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily

      2. Recite Brihaspathe mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times daily


  360. Hello sir,

    My name is Pallavi
    DOB -05-04-1993
    Time – 12:30pm
    My husband name is Noothan M S
    DOB – 09-06-1986
    Time – 05:30 am
    Marriage date 25-05-2016

    Sir I am waiting from long time to become a mother to have a child please tell me when will I be mother.

    Waiting for your reply.

    • As per your horoscope you are passing through the period of Rahu mahadasha and Jupiter antardasha. You are also in the period of Shani Dhaiyya. The possibility of progeny is very much after August 2019. You should do the remedies of Rahu and Jupiter for expediting quick results.


  361. Namaste sir
    I am suffering lot because of office politics . unnecessary other colleagues are interfering in my work and spreading bad things about me .
    Is there any remedy to face such situation. Whether any serious damage can be done by them to my working profile?

    11 feb 1985
    17.47 pm
    Kalawa, Thane

    • The 10th house is the house of profession and you have Rahu in the 10th house which means politics and difficulties with seniors and colleagues. The mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Rahu is also going on. The period till September 2019 is challenging and you will face problems due to others. Therefore it is best to avoid confrontations and arguments of all kind. Doing the remedies of Rahu will certainly help.


  362. Hello Sir, writing again as my comments are going in moderation.
    My name: Trisha Jagtiani
    Dob: 19 Oct 1982
    Timeout birth: 01:55 pm

    Husbands Name: Sanjay Jagtiani
    Dob: 03 July 1980
    Time of birth: 01:40 pm

    Date of marriage: 10 November 2012

    Can you please tell me if we will have kids…

    Thank you.

  363. Hello sir ,
    Tq you for your valuable advice, I am suffering with financial crises for checkups in hospital.. please help me whether I need to go to hospital or else wait until 1 year as you said I am having possibility of having child in 2019 is more .. plz reply me sir.. hope you will help me .. tq u

  364. Hi sir,
    My name is Vijayalakshmi (18/3/1994 at 3 to 4 am)and my husband name is nagaiah (16/1/1987). I am are trying to conceive since past 3 years.. I am suffering from financial problem to checkup in hospital..plz help me when I will get pregnant and have children..

  365. Hello sir ,
    I had tried so many times it shows awaiting under moderation plz help me..
    My name is Vijayalakshmi ( 18/03/1994 at 3 to 4 Am) my husband name is nagaiah (16/01/1987) and my marriage date is (22/08/2016). We are trying to conceive since past 3 years .I am unable to pay the hospital bills for every month checkup.. plz help me when I will get pregnant and have children..plz waiting for your valuable words.

    • Your 5th house of progeny has Ketu and that is why you are facing delays and obstacles on the children front. Jupiter the karka for children is presently in Libra and will enter Scorpio after 11th October 2018. Therefore the possibility of children is much in the year 2019. Do remedies of Ketu for benefits.


  366. Hello sir
    Is there marital happiness in my life? When I wil get blessed with baby? My last marriage was nt worked well. Whether this marriage will work ?
    Birthdate 25 november 1984
    Time 17.30
    Place mumbai

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that 7th lord is Mars and Rahu aspects the 7th lord. Ketu is posited in the 7th house which is never auspicious. Sun which is a cruel planet is also in the 7th house. The 7th house and lord is weak. The possibility of a second marriage is very much there in your horoscope. However, marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes.


      • Yes i have re- married in last november .but still not able to conceive.thats why i am worried whether this or any other reason will distrub my married life.
        25 november 1984
        17.30 pm

        • In your horoscope Mercury rules the 6th house which is the house of progeny. Mercury is in the 8th house which is not good. Ketu presently aspects the 5th house and mahadasha of Moon and Ketu is going on. The possibility of progeny is after March 2019. Doing the remedies of Ketu are strongly recommended.


          Navneet Khanna

  367. I used to have health issues regularly.when there will be improvement in my health? Another serious issue is about my marriage. When my marriage will happen?
    Date 2 december 1986
    Time 12.10 afternoon
    Place mumbai

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Aquarius and rashi is Scorpio. You are facing health issues because your sade satti is going on. The period of Sade satti is never good. 7th house is the prime house of marriage. Sun rules the 7th house. Sun is conjoined with Saturn the planet of delay and obstacles. There also is Kaalsarp dosha in your horoscope. The possibility of marriage is there in 2020.


  368. My wife is not living with me from last 2 years.she also registered police complaint against me and my family.i filed divorce but she is not ready to for it unless i release her gold/silver ornaments.
    When this case will end?whether it will be in my or her favour?
    Is second marriage child happiness is there in my destiny
    16 feb 1982
    18.02 pm

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your lagna is Cancer and Moon is debilitated. Venus and Mercury are posited in the 7th house. 7th lord Saturn is conjoined with Mars. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn is never auspicious. Presently in transit, you will Ketu in the 7th house indicating strong possibility of divorce. The possibility of divorce is very much in 2019. The case will be in the favor of your wife, therefore you should try to settle at amicably and at the earliest.


      Navneet Khanna

  369. Sir we got married in 2013.but we are living separately from 2.5 years.our case is in court.iam proposing for divorce.but she is not accepting and saying wants to live with me sir.will our marriage sustain or if not possible will case will be in my favour?
    Husband details:
    Time:10:30-11:30am (not sure)
    Date of mrg:15/2/2013.

    • Your horoscopes do not match properly and that is the reason why you are facing marital problems. Out of court settlement should be encouraged. The possibility of divorce is strong after March 2019.


  370. Hello sir, my dob 22/11/1988 6:15pm bangalore, husband dob 02/02/1985 1:17 am bangalore. marriage date 12/5/2013. Sir when is the possibilty for child birth.

    • The horoscope is weak for progeny, therefore seek some medical help if required. Doing the remedies of Jupiter given below will help.

      1. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathe Namaha” 108 times daily
      2. Put Kesar tilak every Thursdays.


    • Rahu which is the planet of the obstacles aspects your 5th house which is not good. It brings delays and osbatcles. The possibility of conceiving are strong after March 2019.


  371. Sir is there chance of reunion with my wife.we are living seperately since 2 years.
    Time: 10:30-11:30am
    Pls see with her details because her detaiks are correct.

    • In your horoscope matching, we see that there is bhakoot and Nadi dosha, which is never good. Because of this, there will be less understanding, less affection and also less compatibility between husband and wife. In her horoscope she has Rahu in the 7th house of marriage, this reduces marital happiness. She is in the period of Moon mahadasha and Rahu antardasha, and possibility thinking of separation.


        • You should do the Gauri Shankar mantra. Also you can keep fast on Mondays. You need to remember that these remedies will certainly help you, however, if there is divorce in your or your partners’ horoscope and the divorce period is coming, then you may need to do much stronger remedies.


  372. Namaste!

    Next year is the good time to plan the baby or get a new job? Because i m trying to switch job since 2 years now, but failing to change, also next year i was thinking to plan the baby. Could you please suggest, what should I do, basis my details –

    Dob: 13th sep 91, Indore (M.P)
    Time: 10 02 AM

    Marriage: 3rd feb 17

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that your lagan is Libra and rashi is also Libra. Your 5th house which is the house of baby is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles and therefore you are facing problems on this front. The period for baby is going on and you will see the results soon. Doing the remedies of Saturn are strongly recommended.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays


    • In your horoscope, we see that 6th lord Mars is in the 5th house of progeny. Saturn the planet of delays is in the 2nd house. Ketu aspects the 2nd house. Your horoscope is weak on the children front, but the chances of progeny are very much thereafter April 2019. Doing the remedy given below will certainly help.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays.

      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily

      3. Wear Yellow Sapphire in Gold on your right hand Index finger on Thursday Morning.


  373. Hello sir my dob 23/9/1988 11:40am place Asind (rajasthan).
    Husband dob 26/5/1987 11:23pm place Nagaur (rajasthan). when will we have a baby.

    • The possibility of baby is there in your charts and the delay is because of aspect of Rahu – Ketu in transit. The period is strong after March 2019. You should have a beautiful baby which will be lucky for the parents. Doing the remedies of Rahu – Ketu is important for getting the desired results.


    • The remedies for Rahu and Mars are given below.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Visit Hanuman Temple every Tuesday
      3. Recite Rahu mantra “Om Brim Rahave Namaha” in the evening on Saturdays


  374. Hi sir my name is kusuma gayatri and my d.o.b is 13.06.91 my husband name is ramateja d.o.b is 27.06.85
    My marriage date is 29.04.2017. Please tell me when do I get conceived

    • Jupiter which is the karka for progeny has entered Scorpio and this will be beneficial for you to get your desired results. 2019 is likely to give you results. Doing the remedies of Jupiter is strongly recommended.

      1. Keep fast on Thursdays
      2. Put Kesar tilak every Thursdays


  375. Hello sir my dob 03/11/1992 12.30am place kumta taluk (Karnataka).
    Husband dob 20/9/1983 5.30am place karwar(Karnataka). when will we have a baby.
    Date of marriage: 27/12/2016

    • In your natal chart we see that debilitated Rahu is in the 5th house which is the prime house of progeny. 5th lord Mars is in inimical position. You are also in the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Mars till May 2019. The possibility of children is after May 2019 after you enter the mahadasha of Jupiter. As Rahu is in the 5th house, some medical help may be required to get the desired results.

      Doing the Rahu remedies will surely help.


    • In your horoscope match there is Nadi dosha, which is the reason for delay in progeny. Nadi dosha is never good in kundli. You may need to take medical help to achieve your results.


  376. DOB 25.7.1987 time 3.45 am place . Vrindavan up. Please tell me about my job …Or business what have in my husband destiny.. Please we are suffering long time for financial problem. And please also tell me about my job gov ka h to kB to settle hogi..DOB 5.5.1992 time 6.42 am place Mathura up

    • Exalted Sun in your horoscope does indicate good career. The Rahu mahadasha and Mars antardasha is going on which is challenging. You will gain good position after June 2019.


  377. DOB 25.7.1987 time 3.45 am place vrindavan uttar Pradesh.. Please tell me about of husband job or business ..What is in my husband destiny..We r suffering very long time…1.5 year s jobless h…Husband please tell me ..My DOB 5.5.1992 time 6.42 am place Mathura uttar Pradesh. Want to know about my gov..Job..Any possibility h..bhut confusion h..kafi n bola ki h or jaldi settle ho jayegi…But kuch n kaha ki koi yog nhi h gov job. Please let me know truth…

    • Looking at your husband chart we see that his lagna and Rashi is Mithun and his birth nakshatra is Punarvasu. Rahu is in the 10th house which is the house of profession. Rahu in the 10th house does not give stability on the career front. The chances of doing job are much more during this period. Rahu in gochar is in his 2nd house of finance, indicating losses on the financial front. Doing business is not recommended. He should do the remedies given below.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Put Kesar Tilak every Thursdays


  378. My name is k.raji reddy his DoB 21-4-1988 tob:6.30pm i want to buy machinery is this good time to buy and ive some financial problems.. i got married my wife name is Ravali after marriage her name changed to Midhuna her Dob:06-12-1990 her tob:10-11pm.but we dont hav children till now we got married on dec 22 2016

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your lagna is Tula and rashi is Mithun. Saturn mahadasha is going on. Rahu is in the 10th house of profession and therefore you will face obstacles till March 2019. You need to avoid taking debts during this period. Also do not take unwanted risks. The possibility of children is very much in 2019. Doing the remedies of Rahu and Saturn will help.

      1. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Rahave Namaha” 108 times daily in the evening
      2. Visit Shani Temple every Saturdays
      3. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily


  379. When there will be child happiness in my life?whether i will blessed with girl child or boy child?
    16 feb 1982
    18.02 pm

    • In your horoscope we see that lagan lord Moon is debilitated in the 5th house. 5th lord Mars is conjoined with functional malefic Saturn. Your horoscope is weak on the children front. Doing the remedy of Mars will help.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Keep fast on Mondays


  380. Hi sir,
    My name is Prasanthi chilamkurthy dob: 01 oct 1989, nuzvid and my husband name is Venkata pavan padala dob: 21 sep 1982, nuzvid and we both got married on 21 nov 2015. Please let me know the chances of getting conceived. Thanks in advance sir.
    Doctors said that no chances of conceiving, please let me know if any remedy to have a baby

    • You should do the below given remedy for conceiving.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Read the Santan Gopal Mantra daily.

      Some medical help will be required to get to your goals.


  381. Hi sir,
    My name is Prasanthi chilamkurthy dob: 01 oct 1989 and my husband name is Venkata pavan padala dob: 21 sep 1982 and we both got married on 21 nov 2015. Please let me know the chances of getting conceived. Thanks in advance sir.
    Doctors said that no chances of conceiving, please let me know if any remedy to have a baby

    • When there is difficulty in conceiving and having children then you should recite the santan gopal mantra. The mantra is given below for your reference.

      Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Glaung Devakisut Govind Vasudev Jagatpate Dehi Me Tanayam Krishn Tvaamaham Sharanam Gatah.


  382. Hi sir,
    My name is Prasanthi chilamkurthy dob: 01 oct 1989 and my husband name is Venkata pavan padala dob: 21 sep 1982 and we both got married on 21 nov 2015. Please let me know the chances of getting conceived. Thanks in advance sir.
    Doctors said that no chances of conceiving, please let me know if any remedy to have a baby

    • Jupiter is the karka for children. You should do remedy of Jupiter which will help you in conceiving.

      1. Put Kesar /haldi Tilak on your forehead daily
      2. Recite Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathi Namaha” 108 times daily


  383. My name is Soumya kulkarni and my dob:23-12-1990
    My husband s name:Pavan kulkarni
    Our marriage date:15-12-2014
    Trying to conceive since 2 years

    • You should do the below given remedy for early conception.

      1. Read the santan Gopal mantra
      2. Keep fast on Thursdays
      3. Put Kesar/ Haldi tilak every Thursdays


  384. Hello sir,

    My name is Bindu
    DOB -02-03-1985
    Time – 10:00a.m
    Place- Kolkatta
    My husband name is Mahesh
    DOB – 01-07-1979
    Time – 07:10 am
    Place- Rourkela
    Marriage date 22-04-2016
    I have 2 miscarriages already.

    Sir we are waiting from long time to become parents to have a child please tell me when will we blessed with baby

    Waiting for your reply. Plz sir

    • In your horoscope, we see that there is Adya Nadi dosha, which is never good. It brings problems related to having children. Nadi is the most important koot in horoscope matching and should never be ignored. Doing the Nadi dosha remedies are important to get the desired results.


  385. My name is Soumya P kulkarni
    Birth timing :10.45pm
    Husband name:Pavan R Kulkarni
    Birth timing:01pm
    Marriage date:15-12-2014
    Trying to convince since two years, please give us some suggestion

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Jupiter the karka for progeny is retrograde and also conjoined with Ketu. This is never good, it brings problems in conceiving and also delays. There is also Adya Nadi dosha which brings obstacles on this front. Remedies for Jupiter and Nadi dosha should be performed to get the desired results.


  386. My name is ravali dob 06-12-1990 my tob is 7 -8pm is thr any possibility of job in my life ?wen ill get job and in vch sector? Give me any remedies for my job .. iam facing financial crisis i want job at any cost in vch year ill get job .. any possibility

    • 10th house is the prime house of career and in your horoscope Jupiter rules the 10th house. Jupiter is the planet of fortune and also wisdom. Therefore you have the tact and the ability to do well professionally. However Jupiter in your natal chart is retrograde and also conjoined with Ketu, which is never considered auspicious. Because of this, you will always be doubtful about your abilities and face difficulties on your career front. The possibility of getting a job is very much before March 2019. You will do well in work related to teaching, secretarial, reception, marketing, sales etc.


  387. My name is Arika walia dob 19-04-1988
    Husband name Amitpal walia 15-05-1988
    Marriage date 02-march-2014

    Its been 2 yrs we are trying for baby. I am so stressed. Kindly help.
    Even tell me some remedies about his work life.. As we dont get time with each other. Will the things get better with time or not

  388. My name is A.shanoor D.O.B 12.4.1987 and I have one daughter she s 5 years old.. and I had entropic percancy and the toke and right tube … Trying for second baby… When I ll get

  389. My nam is k.raji reddy dob:21-4-1988 tob:6.30-7.30pm is there any chance to buy a new home and car in my destiny? When will i buy a home and vehicle? Pls let me know

    • As per your natal chart you will have both a home, most probably a flat and also a car. Saturn Mahadasha is going on and Saturn remedies should be done to get the desired results.


  390. Hello sir
    I am starting new startup business of textile machinary manufacture.will this be favourable decision for me?whether any financial burden will arise?when my new business will work smoothely
    16 february 1982
    18.02 evening

    • Looking at your natal chart your lagna is karka and Rashi is Vrishak. Your period of Shani sade satti is going on. Overall your chart is good, but presently the period till February 2020 is going to be challenging. Therefore it is advised to be very careful in whatever you do. Check the pro and cons of your actions. Financial constraints are likely during this period.


  391. My name is k. Rajireddy dob:21-4-1988 tob:6.30-7.30pm
    will i able to buy my own new home ? Wen will i buy a new home and vehicle?pls lett me know sir

    • As per your natal chart you will certainly have a flat and also vehicle. The possibility of Vehicle is strong around March 2019 and the possibility of flat is there after January 2020.


  392. Hi, this is Mr. Dhiraj pardeshi & my DOB is 15/03/1985 time:-2:20 pm, place:- Kalyan (W.) Maharashtra and I’m soon getting married with match done by May family her name is Miss. Monika Shriwas DOB is 13/08/1992 time:- 12:59 am, place:- Yavatmal, Maharashtra. Want to know its perfect match or not and other details like financial status, child, married life & future life Thanks Dhiraj

    • In your horoscope matching we see that the score is 21.5 which is more than 18 that is required for marriage. There is Bhakoot dosha which is not good. The Grahmaitri score is also weak. This will bring ego clashes and also a conflict of personalities. Remedy for dosha should be done.


  393. When will I have a baby? How many children will I have? Trying to become parents for a long time.

    DOB: 29/04/1991
    Time: 2:30 am
    Place Chennai

    • In your horoscope, we see that Mercury rules the 5th house of children. Mercury is debilitated in your natal chart which is not good. Ketu is posited in the 5th house bringing delays and obstacles. The possibility of progeny is there towards the end of 2019. You should do the remedies of Ketu and Mercury for gains.


  394. Hello Sir,
    My name : Hemangi
    Dob. : 17/06/1988
    Time. : 4 pm
    Place. : Bhuj Gujarat

    Husband : Sanjay
    Dob. : 14/01/1986
    Time. : 4 am midnight
    Place. : Surendranagar Gujarat

    I have one miscarriage and 3 years of marriage.. Still don’t have child .. Plzz give some remedies eagerly waiting for child.. Waiting for your reply..

    • looking at your chart we see that Rahu is in the 5th house of progeny. Saturn the planet of delays aspects the 5th house. The possibility of progeny is very much in your horoscope, however you may need to take some medical help to get your results. Doing the remedies of Rahu and Saturn will help.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Visit Shani Temple every Saturdays in the evening.


  395. Sir,
    My Name is Parvathy R Nair and My husband Pradeep Kumar R.

    DOB : 19/11/1993
    TIME : 10.15 PM

    DOB. 23/11/1984
    TIME. 12.05 AM

    I am expecting my second child and very much interested to know wether it will be a boy or girl.. our first son Reghuram P Pillai
    Dob: 22/09/2016
    Time : 4.40 pm

    • Parvathy ji, we thank you for communicating with us. However, as a matter of principle, does not encourage or would like to be involved in any way with Gender selection or become Gender bias in any way. Therefore you should take it as it comes and be happy with what the Almighty Gods Blessings. We wish you and your family all the very best.


  396. Sir .. my name is Ravali dob:06-12-1990 tob:7-8pm sir as u said earlier ill get job by march 2019 . Should i follow any remedies to get a job easily .. please sir tell me wat shud i do

    • Presently Rahu is transiting your 2nd house of finance and bring losses on the financial front. You should do the remedies of Rahu to get the desired results. Some of the remedies are given below.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Recite Mantra “Om brim Rahave Namaha” 108 times in the evening
      3. Give food to the birds daily


  397. Dear sir
    We are in relationship from long time.but there is no approval from my parents for our marriage.
    Will this marriage will work ?when there is yog of marriage in my kundali
    My details
    20 feb 1988
    5.30 pm
    Girls detail
    2 dec 1986
    12.10 afternoon

    • Your guna milan score is 21 out of 36, which is higher then 18 that is required for marriage. There is Gana dosha and Bhakoot dosha which are not good. Marriage can certainly be done provided the dosha get cancel.


      • Thanks for ur reply sir
        What kind of remedy we have to perform to cancell dosha.
        When our marriage will happen?
        My details
        20 feb 1988
        5.30 pm
        Girls detail
        2 dec 1986
        12.10 afternoon

        • In your horoscope matching we see that there is Gana dosha and also Bhakoot which is not good. The overall score is 21 out of 36. Basically you need to check if these doshas get cancel. If they do get cancel then marriage can be considered with out any problems. The malefic effect of dosha get canceled.


          Navneet Khanna

  398. Hi Astronlogia,

    My query is regarding conception of children. We are improving our health and preparing for conception. We have not tried for children so far. Can you tell us the possibility/ time for success? I was calculating dates for conception a few months from now, and the deeper the criteria I use, there are no dates. This caused me worry, hence my request to you. (I checked dates for March to May, 2019 using Vedic astrology guidelines.) We are willing to wait as long as it takes to conceive the destined children for us. Our wish is to have at least two children. Please guide us. The knowledge you have is precious and I will be indebted to you for the same. Thankyou.

    My name: Poornima Malik (neé Sarika)
    TOB: 6:45AM or 6:50AM
    DOB: 16 April, 1989
    POB: Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

    Husband’s Name: Sheetal Malik
    TOB: 12:10PM
    DOB: 12 October, 1989
    POB: New Delhi, Delhi

    Marriage: 28 May, 2015 @ 12:53AM (early morning of 29th May Gregorian)

    (All four of our parents are alive. I have one elder brother (2y8m). My husband has one younger brother (1y).)


    • Looking at your chart we see that your lagna is Aries and Rashi is Leo and Ketu is in the 5th house which is the house of children. Ketu in the 5th house brings delays and obstacles in having children. The good period for you for children is second half of 2019. Doing the remedies of Sun and Ketu will help.


    • Looking at your birth chart we see that 5th lord Mercury is in the 8th house with 8th lord Jupiter and 6th lord Venus. You are in the period of Shani Sade satti. the period is difficult for you, hence there will be delays and obstacles in getting your results. The Possibility of this is likely towards January 2020. Doing the remedies of Mercury and Saturn will help.


  399. Sir, My name is Priyanka Gupta. Date of Birth – 04 Dec 1990 ( Time -11:57PM) . My Husband is Ankur Gupta, his Date Of Birth is 19Nov 1986. Time – 2:40 PM . We got married on 17 Feb 2016. Can you please suggest when can we expect Baby? Is their any hurdles in conceiving a Baby?

    • In your birth charts Saturn in the 5th house brings delays and obstacles. Saturn is also 6th lord hence some medical help will be required. Doing the remedies of Saturn and Jupiter will help.


      Navneet Khanna

    • You are born under the influence of number 5 and your husband is born under number 3. The possibility of progeny is very much indicated in the year 2019. You should do the remedies of Jupiter for gains.


    • There is 6-8 bhakoot dosha which is bringing delays in progeny. Rahu in the 5th house of progeny is also likely to create obstacles. Doing the remedies of Rahu will bring you success.


      Navneet Khanna

      • Hello Sir,
        My DOB:09/02/1987
        timing: 10:50 PM
        HUSBAND DOB:06/05/1989
        My marriage date:20/05/2013

        When i will be blessed with Baby -> which year and which baby

      • Hello sir,
        My date of birth :09/02/1987
        Timing:10:50 pm
        Place: Bangalore

        My husband date of birth
        Timing:7:00 am
        Place:wagdiri maharastra

        When will I be blessed with child
        What child?
        Please sir requesting you to provide me solution
        I am really concerned

        • In your natal chart we see that Saturn rules the 5th house of children. Rahu has aspects of Saturn which is never good. 12th lord Mercury is in the 5th house. Your horoscope is weak on the front of children, hence remedies given below should be done.

          1. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays.
          2. Recite Shani mantra “Om Sham Shanichraye Namaha”
          3. Donate Items of Rahu


          Navneet Khanna

  400. Hi sir,
    My name is Aarthi husband name is Srivathsan married 5.12.2011
    My bday is 20 july 1990
    His bday is 3 Nov 1983
    No child for 7 years. please predict and let me know thanks.

  401. Hi, my name ia Srivathan wife is aarthi
    Married 5.12.2011
    My bday is 3 nov 1983
    Her bday is 20 july 1990
    Married for 7 years no child please predict and help. Thank you.

  402. Hi sir my name is K.Raji reddy
    Dob:21-4-1988 tob:6.30-7.30pm im doing business in electrical work with 2 more partners (including me 3) will i get in success with partnership in my business? Presently im residing North facing house which is rented is it good for me

    • Partnership does not suit you. As per your birth chart you have exalted Sun in the 7th house which will bring ego clashes with partner. Also ketu in the 11th house aspects the 7th house which will bring financial problems in your partnership. You should try to control the finances. Yes north facing residence can be considered.


  403. Is this issue is going to create any problem in my married life ? I am very tensed because of this progeny issue ,i am having health issue related to stomach also.
    birthdate 25 november 1984
    Time 17.30 pm
    Marriage date 23 november 2017

    • In your natal chart Mercury rules the 5th house of progeny and Mercury is in the 8th house which is not good. You are also in the middle of Shani Sade satti which brings obstacles and hindrances. Stomach problems are indicated in your chart and hence you need to be careful on this front. Doing remedies of Mercury are strongly recommended.


      Navneet Khanna

  404. I have started new business from October, whether it will succeed or not? I left job for tat, whether this decision will be favourable for me or not?
    16 February 1982
    18.02 pm
    Ahamadnagar, maharashtra

    • Your lagna is Cancer and Rashi is Scorpio. Venus mahadasha and Moon antardasha is going on. You are also in the period of Shani Dhaiyya. The period till January 2020 is likely to be challenging and therefore you will have to work very hard to get to the results. Business is in your horoscope, but you need to focus on your communication and marketing. Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house of communication indicate the important need to highlight your services to your customers. Doing the remedies of Mars and Saturn will be very helpful.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Drink water in Silver glass daily
      3. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays


      Navneet Khanna

  405. We are going to get married.whether this marriage will work?when we will blessed with baby?
    6 octomber 1993
    1.00 afternoon
    Ratnagiri ,maharashtra
    Boy detail
    1 octomber 1995
    8.00 morning

    • In your milan we see that ashtkoot score is 18 out of 36 which is minimum of what is required. There is 6-8 bhakoot dosha which is never good. the grahmaitri is also weak with 0.5 out of 5. Marriage should be done if bhakoot dosha gets cancel.


      Navneet Khanna

  406. Hi,
    My name is Isha Bhargava and my birthday is on 22nd Oct 1991
    And my husband’s name is Gaurav Bhargava and his birthday is on 25th Sep 1985.
    I had one miscarriage. When will I get pregnant?

    • You are ruled by number 4 and your husband is ruled by number 7. The 4-7 relationship always faces obstacles in marriage. Children are certainly there in your horoscope. The possibility of which are much stronger in second half of 2019. Reading Hanuman Chalisa will certainly help.


  407. Hi sir, my name is Vaishnavi charanya and my husbands name is Balaji Vasanthan. Its been 4 years and no child. When we will be blessed with baby?

  408. When I will get married and how will be my married life and progeny.when I should start searching for proposal.
    My birthdate 10 may 1991
    Time 8.16 morning
    Place Thane, maharashtra
    Thanking you

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your 7th house is ruled by Mars and Mars is conjoined with Ketu which is never good. 8th lord Jupiter aspects the 7th house of marriage. Therefore your 7th house and lord is weak on the marital front. Marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes. Marriage chances are strong after the 28th year of birth. Doing the remedies of Mars will help.


      Navneet Khanna

  409. Hello Sir,

    Me and my husband arearried for past 6 years and do not have any kids. Below are my details:

    Name: Trisha
    Dob: 19 Oct 1982
    TOB: 13:55

    Husband’s Name: Sanjay
    Dob: 03 July 1980
    Tob: 13:40

    Marriage date: 10 Nov 2012

    Last time you mentioned that we have bhakoot dosha..

    Could you please guide what type of Bhakoot dish we have and what are their remedies?


  410. We are going to get married.whether this marriage will work?when we will blessed with baby?
    6 octomber 1993
    1.00 afternoon
    Ratnagiri ,maharashtra
    Boy detail
    1 octomber 1995
    7.45 morning

    • Looking at your charts we see that there is Gana and bhakoot dosha. Dosha in the horoscope matching is never good. It means that there will be arguments, ego clashes, conflicts. It is recommended that you do Puja for these doshas before marriage.


      Navneet Khanna

  411. My name is Suyash Rajadhyax 24/07/1980 birth time : 07.01 PM mumbai & My Wife name is Shilpa Rajadhyax 28/08/1983 birth time : 12.25 am Mumbai . our marriage date is 12/07/2016. Please let me know when can we expect a child. if there is any remedies for preganancy

    • Your charts are weak for marriage and that is why you are facing obstacles and delays in having children. Children are very much there but some medical help may be required to get the desired results. The year 2019 can certainly give you good results. You should recite Jupiter mantra for benefits.


      Navneet Khanna

  412. Dear sir
    When I wil get married? Whether there is chance of love marriage in my life? Whether my marriage will occur in good time ?
    10 may 1991
    8.16 morning
    Thane maharashtra

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Mercury rules the 5th house of love and Mercury is debilitated in your 11th house of gains. Mars the 7th lord is is conjoined with Venus the planet of love, sex and romance. The possibility of Love marriage is very much there in your horoscope. However there will be obstacles due to debilitated Mercury and also the marital life will be weak due to Mars association with Ketu. Doing the remedies to strengthen Mars will certainly help.


      Navneet Khanna

      • Thnx sir
        My family started looking for proposal for me as my father is detected with cronic lung disease.when i will get married ?whether my marriage will occur in presence of my parents?
        10 may 1991
        8.16 morning
        Thane maharashtra

  413. Sir my name is Shruti Shete, my birth date is 08/06/1989 time is 12:47pm.i have been married since last 3 years. Some astrologer told us that we will never be able to have baby. What should I do? Please help.

    • In your horoscope Saturn is posited in the 5th house and Jupiter rules the 5th house. Jupiter is combust as it is close to the Sun. Weak 5th lord is never good. Ketu aspects the 5th house. Your house of children is indeed weak. However doing the remedies given below will bring you positive results.

      1. Recite Brihaspathi Mantra “Om Brim Brihaspathi Namaha” 108 times daily
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      3. Keep fast on Thursdays


      Navneet Khanna

  414. Hi my name is Aliyah moin m ( dob: 29-06-1988)time: 9.15 am, place : chennai, Tamil Naidu, India
    My husband is Nurul Haque ( dob: 02-12-1985),time: 8.00 pm, place: Vijayawada,Andhra Pradesh, India
    Our marriage date is 01-02-2015
    Plz tell when we will be blessed with a baby, I’m trying since 3 years, in 2017 I had a miscarriage since then dint conceive. Please reply

  415. Hi my name is Aliyah moin m ( dob: 29-06-1988)time: 9.15 am, place : chennai, Tamil Naidu, India
    My husband is Nurul Haque ( dob: 02-12-1985),time: 8.00 pm, place: Vijayawada,Andhra Pradesh, India
    Our marriage date is 01-02-2015
    Plz tell when we will be blessed with a baby, I’m trying since 3 years, in 2017 I had a miscarriage since then dint conceive. Please reply

  416. Am i gonna have kids my name is allyson soliai born april 26 1973 my boyfriend is lemasanimaleea mapu born august 23 1994 and been together since december 09 2014

    • As you are born under the influence of number 8 and planet Saturn, you will face delays and obstacles in life. The possibility of children is there after delays and even some medical help may be necessary. Doing the remedies of Saturn will be helpful.


      • Thank you so much for the reply and was wondering if you can let me know what kind of remedies of saturn will be helpful for me or what can i do and do i have to fast on some days? Thank you again for replying to my message as i know you have a very busy schedule.

        • Happy New Year and the Saturn remedies are given below.

          1. Recite either of the Mantras “Om Namaha Shivaye” , “Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanichraye Namaha”, “Om Sham Shanichraye Namaha”


          • Do i have to repeat this mantra everyday how many times a day and do i have to use any special beads? Please can you describe what i really need to do. Thank you!

  417. My name is Shruti and husband name is aditya. My date of birth is 8th June 1989 at 12:47pm and his 29th November 1989 03:16pm. We trying for baby but it’s not happening. When we will have baby or there is any issue

  418. Hello sir,
    I want to know when will I and my wife have a boy child.

    My birth date is 01/07/1988 (1st July 1988)
    Place: Vadodara, Gujarat
    Time: 6:37 am

    My wife’s date of birth is 02/11/1989 (2nd November 1989)
    place: Godhra, Gujarat
    Time: 3:00 am

    Please kindly suggest

  419. We got married on 10/5/2017. We are trying for pregnancy. My birthdate 22 march 1992, morning 6.12. Place is Sirsi karnataka. Please tell me when can i expect baby.. Is there any chace to get pregnant?? Am facing problem for this reason. please tell me about this..

    • In your natal chart we see that 5th lord is Moon and Moon is in the 8th house which is not good. Jupiter the karka for progeny is also in the 6th house. Your 5th lord and Karka are weak and there will be delays. Rahu in the 5th house till March 2019. You will get desired results after April 2019. Keep fast on Mondays.


      Navneet Khanna

  420. Sir my name is Meenu Gulati

    I got married on 17.04.2011. My date of birth is 22.08.1984 and time is 18:43 pm in New Delhi. We had a miscarriage on 12 November 2017. Sir we are praying for a child. Can you please help us know when will we have that day in our lives.

    • Looking at your natal chart Mercury rules the 5th house of progeny. Mercury is combust in natal chart but exalted in Navamsha chart. Jupiter the karka for children aspects the 5th house. Combust Mercury is never good. Saturn mahadasha is going on and Saturn brings delays and obstacles. The period is strong after February 2019. Doing the remedies of Mercury will help.


  421. Hello sir my name is K.Raji reddy dob:21-4-1988 and my tob:6.30-7.30pm my marriage date 22-12-2016 wen i will have children … can i go any alternate medical.. or naturally basically im facing little progeny problems can hav children in 2019 and month .. please give me some remedies sir

    • There is Rahu in the 5th house of progeny and that is why there is delays and obstacles. 5th lord is also Saturn, which is a natural malefic planet. Doing the remedies of Rahu and Saturn will help you get closer to your results.


      Navneet Khanna

  422. Hi my name is Aliyah moin m ( dob: 29-06-1988)time: 9.15 am, place : chennai, Tamil Naidu, India
    My husband is Nurul Haque ( dob: 02-12-1985),time: 8.00 pm, place: Vijayawada,Andhra Pradesh, India
    Our marriage date is 01-02-2015
    Plz tell when we will be blessed with a baby, I’m trying since 3 years, in 2017 I had a miscarriage since then dint conceive. Please reply

  423. I wanted to hide my name

    My DOB: 23rd October 1987,
    Time : 8 PM, Vijayawada
    Husband DOB: 17th December 1985,
    Time : 11.45 AM, Hanamkonda
    Marriage Date: 15th December 2013

    Had a miscarriage 2 years ago. I would like to know when will we are going to have a baby?


    • In your horoscope we see that Mercury rules the 5th house of progeny. Ketu is present in the 5th house which is never good. Mercury which is the 5th lord is in the 6th house. Possibility of children is very much there after April 2019. Doing the remedies of Mercury will help. Also as 5th lord is in 6th house, taking medical help would be important to get the desired results.


  424. My name:vinay swethi k
    DOB 07/04/1987
    Husband’s name:Avinash Naidu S
    D o b 10/05/1987
    Date of marriage: 12 /06/2014.
    No children yet

  425. Dear astrologer
    I am going through bad patch of my life.not having personal,marital and professional happiness.when my family life will be smooth and happy?when this period is going to be over
    11 feb 1985
    17.47 pm
    Thane maharashtra

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that you are passing through a period of Saturn mahadasha and Rahu antardasha. Rahu is presently in lagna and Ketu in the 7th house of marriage. The period after September 2019 is likely to bring you gains on career and relationship front.


      Navneet Khanna

  426. Dear astrologer,

    When will I have a baby, or when is the best period to conceive?
    I was born on 3.11.1985 at 6.33am
    Husband on 13.11.1984 at 11.45pm

  427. Dear Astrologer,

    Please when will I have a baby or when is the best time to concieve?
    I was born on 3.11.1985 at 6.33am
    Husband on 13.11.1984 at 11.45pm

    Thank you

    • You are actually in the mahadasha of Venus and antardasah of Mars. The possibility of conceiving is there before September 2019, else it will get delayed. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily and also visit Hanuman temple every Tuesday.


  428. Name:suman barthwal
    DOB 16/11/1988 time 3:15 am
    Husband’s name:manish barthwal
    DOB 28/11/1986 time 11:55 pm
    Date of marriage: 21/04/2016
    Trying to have child..please guide and when will we be parents?Do any medical assistance is required?

    • In your horoscope we see that Saturn is the lord of 5th house of children. Saturn bring delays and obstacles in getting the results. Possibility of children is very much there after January 2020. Doing the remedies of Saturn will help you get results easily.


  429. Hello sir my name is Ravali dob:6-12-1990
    Tob:6.30-7.30pm(exact time not known but below 9pm) sir wen do i get job.. please give me some remedies sir.. i badly need a job

    • In your horoscope there is the Guru chandal dosha which is never good. It brings wastage of money and financial losses. Financial instability will be there because of this dosha.
      You should do the below remedies and it will help you get a decent job immediately.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Keep Fast on Thursdays
      3. Visit Shani Temple every Saturdays


      Navneet Khanna

  430. Namaste sir
    Unfortunately my married life is ended in there second marriage in my destiny?when it will occur and how it will be?
    Time– 22.46 (time known exactly,this time is calculated by astrologer)
    Place –jalgaon,maharashtra

    • In your natal chart we see that your 7th house is ruled by Venus and Venus is in the 7th house in its own sign. Jupiter the karka for husband is in the house of gains, which is never good. Possibility of second marriage is very much in your horoscope. However your horoscope is weak on the marital front and hence, marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes.


      Navneet Khanna

  431. Namaste sir
    Unfortunately my married life is ended in there second marriage in my destiny?when it will occur and how it will be?
    Time– 22.46 (time known exactly,this time is calculated by astrologer)
    Place –jalgaon,maharashtra

    • As per the detailed provided above your horoscope is weak on the marriage front. Second marriage is certainly there. Marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes for a happy marital life.


  432. Namaste sir
    Dont know why but there is no stability in married life of me and my 2 sibling.everyone is divorced atleast one except my elder there any chance of second divorce in my destiny and what will be the reason for tat.i am worried about tat.
    25 november 1984
    17.30 pm

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that there is Sun in the 7th house of marriage. Also there is Ketu in the 7th house which is never good. Rahu ketu axis falling in the 7th house brings marital problems. Rahu aspects the 7th lord Mars. Your horoscope is weak for marriage. Jupiter and Venus in the 8th house. You should do remedies to improve your marital life. Fasting on Monday will help.


      Navneet Khanna

  433. Hi my name is Aliyah moin m ( dob: 29-06-1988)time: 9.15 am, place : chennai, Tamil Naidu, India
    My husband is Nurul Haque ( dob: 02-12-1985),time: 8.00 pm, place: Vijayawada,Andhra Pradesh, India
    Our marriage date is 01-02-2015
    Plz tell when we will be blessed with a baby, I’m trying since 3 years, in 2017 I had a miscarriage since then dint conceive. Please reply

    • Looking at your natal chart we see there is Saturn in the 5th house of progeny. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles. Doing the remedies of Saturn will surely help.


  434. Dear Astrologer,

    Will there be a child in our union? What is our relationship compatibility?
    I was born on 03.11.1985, at 6.33am in Celje Slovenia.
    He was born 13.11.1984, at 11.45pm in Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Thank you very much.

  435. Dear Astrologer,

    Will there be a child in our union? What is our relationship compatibility?
    I was born on 03.11.1985, at 6.33am in Celje Slovenia.
    He was born 13.11.1984, at 11.45pm in Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Thank you very much in advance,

    • Your is a inspiring relationship not only for self but also for others. You can achieve a lot in life, especially if you work as a team. You do like any other couple have strong differences, however the best thing about you is you know how and when to put the message cross to your partner without offending him/her in any way. If you can work out small differences you can trust that yours is a relationship which has been made in Heaven.


  436. I am suffering from cronic disease. Is there any remedies to improve health and life? I have lot of responsibilities and my healh is detroited from new year? Whether I will able to complete my responsibilities like marriage of son, house for him?
    Birthdate 8 june 1958
    Place satara, maharashtra
    Time not known

  437. SIR,

  438. Hello Sir,
    My name usha, DOB 19/08/1987
    Husband name is Manjunath Badiger, DOB 21\11\1986
    Trying to get pregnant from 4 year but no luck
    When will we bless with baby?

  439. Hello Sir,
    My name usha, DOB 19/08/1987, Time – 6.25AM, Place -Shakthinagar
    Husband name is Manjunath Badiger, DOB 21\11\1986,Time -3.35PM, place – Karmadi
    Marriage Date – 15/05/2014
    Trying to get pregnant from 4 year but no luck
    When will we bless with baby?

    • Looking at your chart we see that your 5th house of children is weak. This is the reason for delay in having children. You need to get a doctors help on this front to get the results. Doing the remedies of Jupiter will be very helpful.


  440. Hello sir,
    My name is Gopika M H and DOB is 16-3-1988 at 4.44 PM
    My husband’s name Muddaraju M and his DOB is 4-3-1986 time don’t know
    Our marriage date is 11-3-2016 Friday 9 to 10:15 am
    When will we blessed with baby we r trying
    and disappointed.
    Waiting for your response!!! please suggest us some remidies

    • As per the chart you have Saturn and Mars in the 5th house of progeny. Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles. Ketu aspects the 5th house. Your horoscope is weak on the children front and hence you should do remedies given below to get the best results. Also checking with your doctor will be helpful. The astrological remedies that you should do are.

      1. Visit Shani Temple every Saturdays
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily


  441. Sir please santan ka bataye kb strong possiblity dob 5.5.1992 time 6:42am, place Mathura u.p
    Husband dob 25.7.1987 time 3:45am place Vrindavan u.p
    DOM 29-4-2015

    • In your horoscope Mercury rules the 5th house of progeny. Mercury is debilitated which is not good. Debilitated 5th lord is likely to bring delays in having children. You should do the remedies of Mercury to get the desired results. Possibility of children is there despite weak planets, however you may need to take a doctors advise before you get the results.


  442. What is our relationship compatibility?
    I was born on 19.08.1987, at 6.25am in Shakthinagar
    He was born 21.11.1986, at 3.35pm in Karamdi
    Thank you very much in advance,

    • Yours is a 1:3 relationship which is always good one. There will be compassion, understanding, energy and love for each others. You can do wonders if you work as a team. You can bring common goals and achieve those with little efforts. You both have the ability to provide emotional support which can lift the other. You both can overcome obstacles because of your understanding and teamwork.


      • My name Laxmi, DOB 12/11/1991, Time – 7.45AM, Place – Mumbai
        My Husband DOB 16\09\1993,Time -1.25PM, place – Mumbai
        Marriage Date – 24/11/2017
        we are planing of baby

        • Looking at your birth chart we see Jupiter rules the 5th house of children. Rahu aspects the 5th lord Jupiter which is not good. Rahu aspect will bring delays and obstacles in getting the results. You should do remedies of Jupiter and Rahu for getting the desired results.


          • Thank you for the prompt revert. May I request you to please share the remedies for remedies of Jupiter and Rahu.
            Also can you tell me which house is it and do you think we should go for IVF or some medication
            Thanks in advance.

          • Yes possibility of some medical help may be required as per the horoscope. However as we are not medical expert, we cannot help you on which medical help you should look at. It is best to consult your doctor for the best guidance.



  443. Hello sir, my name is Rashmi Yuvraj trying to conceive from 4 months im taking all medicines folic acid on medication… But still im not conceived…my birth date is 5th sept 1991 and time 6.22 am place husbands name is Yuvraj Prakash Bhujbal..and dob. 17th Jan 1985…place- pune. Our married date is 7th July 2016 ( Pune). What shud i do to conceive fast..

    • Looking at your chart we see that Jupiter rules the 5th house of children. Rahu is in the 5th house which is not good. Due to rahu there will be delays and obstacles in your path. The possibility of conceiving is there after September 2019. You should do the remedies given below.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Keep fast on Thursdays
      3. Give food to the Dogs every Saturday


  444. Hello,
    We are married for 7 years not yet had child
    My dob 3 Nov 1983 10 45 pm
    Wife is 20 july 1990 10 05 pm
    Marriage on 5 dec 2011
    We tried medical also. Will we be blessed? Do we have santan bhagyam?

    • The horoscopes are indeed weak on the children front and hence you should do astro remedies to get the desired results.

      1. Keep fast on Mondays
      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      3. Visit Sai temple every Thursdays


  445. What is our relationship compatibility?
    My name Laxmi, DOB 12/11/1991, Time – 7.45AM, Place – Mumbai
    My Husband DOB 16\09\1993,Time -1.25PM, place – Mumbai
    Marriage Date – 24/11/2017

    • Your guna milan score is 27.5 out of 36 which is higher then 18 that is required for marriage. The grah maitri is less which means that despite attraction, there will be lot of differences on the mental level. You both will have strong likes and likes. You both can accomplish a lot if you work as a team and be totally disaster if you come in opposition . You can work together for long term gains easily.


  446. Hello sir
    I am suffering from lot of mental stress and depression.not a single aspect of my life is going smooth. My marriage is ending(divorce case is going on from last 1.5 year) ,my father is suffering from critical disease,not getting increment in workplace and frustrated with office politics .
    When there will be improvement in my situation? Is there marital and child happiness in my life?
    11 feb 1985
    17.47 pm

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that you are passing through the mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Rahu. The Saturn and Rahu period is always stressful. The period till September 2019 is likely to be tension prone. You will see better results in your life after this period is over. Second marriage is there in your horoscope. The possibility is there in 2020. Doing the remedies of Saturn will help.


  447. Hi sir.
    You are so kind to reply to each & every query.
    Sir i would like to know about kid. Trying since 8.5 years, did everything but not happening. Could you please predict.
    My details
    Name – Kinjal
    Dob – 16/04/1986
    Place – Khambhat, gujarat
    Time – 1.25 pm
    Husband name – purav shah
    Dob – 08/08/1970
    Time – 7.20 am
    Place – surat, gujarat
    Marriage date – 26/05/2010

    Sir i would like to have your guidance whether Should we wait for the kid or go for adoption.
    Please help sir.

    • As per the charts we see that Saturn in the 5th house of progeny. Saturn is the 8th lord and Jupiter the karka is in the ashtam bhava. Sun is conjoined with Rahu and aspects 2nd house. Your horoscope is weak for marriage and certainly you should go in for adoption.


  448. Hello sir,
    My DOB is 05-06-1980 at 23:35 PM in Mumbai, Maharashtra
    My husband’s DOB is 31-08-79 at 2:10am in bhilai, chattisgarh
    Our marriage date is 08-09-2005 in bhilai

    When will we blessed with second baby we r trying and disappointed.
    Waiting for your response!!! please suggest us some remedies…

    Also, kindly keep our identity hidden

  449. Thank you so much for the prompt revert.
    May I request you to please share the remedies of saturn as well
    Much appreciated and thanks in advance

    • Remedies of Saturn are as under.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily
      2. Visit Shani temple every Saturday evening.
      3. Light a Diya under a Peepal tree every Saturday


  450. Hello sir,

    We are married for 7 years with no child
    My dob is 3 Nov 1983. 10 45 pm
    Wife is 20 july 1990. 10 05 pm
    Married on dec 5 2011
    Please ket us know if we will be blessed with children.

  451. Hello,
    Name – Tanushree Shelly
    DOB – 30/05/1986
    Time – 6:30pm at Kota

    Husband – Arjun Dhir
    DOB – 26/04/1985
    Time – not known at Bareilly

    When will we have a child? Will we have 2 children?

    Thank you so much.

    • Looking at your birth chart we see that you are in the mahadasha of Saturn and antardasha of Sun. This is not a good period and the chances of getting the desired results are after November 2019. You should do remedies of Jupiter for benefits.


  452. Hello sir,

    My name is vaishnavi charanya. Married 4 years. Trying to concive. Took so many treatment not successful. Please let me know remedies and when i can expect pregnancy.

    Name: vaishnavi charanya
    Dob: 25/08/1985
    Time: 7:30 pm
    Husband name: balaji vasanthan
    Dob: 25/04/1984
    Time: 2:15 pm
    Marriage date: 13/11/2014

    Awaiting for your response. Thank you

    • the possibility of conceiving is there after January 2020. You should do remedies of Saturn for benefits. Some medical help will be necessary to get the desired results.


      • Hi sir,

        Please let me know what remedies to be performed for saturn. Im in homeopathic treatment. How long to take this treatment. By this august im crossing 36 years. So worried of getting delay in pregnancy

  453. Hello sir,
    My first marriage ended on bad there any chance of second marriage in my life?
    Will it be arranged or love marriage? How will be my married life and progeny?
    Birthdate 11 feb 1985
    Time 17.47
    Place : thane , maharashtra

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that debilitated Jupiter in your 7th house is not good. Also 8th lord Saturn aspects the 7th house. Your horoscope is weak on the marital front. Possibility of second marriage is there in your horoscope. The possibility of love marriage is strong.


  454. Hello sir. My dob is 23/9/88 11.40am place Asind (rajasthan), husband dob 26/5/87 11.23pm Nagaur (rajasthan). sir when will we have a child. Thanks in advance

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny. Jupiter mahadasha and Venus antardasha is going on. The period after April 2020 is strong for getting the desired results. You should do the remedies of Jupiter for gains.


      • Hello Sir?
        My Name: Champaka H T
        DoB: 24.05.1987
        My Husband name: Rakshith K P
        DoB: 24.04.1986
        We married on 08.11.2017
        Is there any obstacle for us in having baby?
        Thank you in Advance

  455. Hello Sir,

    My name is Champaka H T. Date of birth is 24.05.1987
    My husband name is Rakshith K P. DoB 24.04.1986
    We married on 08.11.2017
    Expecting to conceive every month. But.. No positive result so far.

  456. My DOB is 17oct 1986 time 6.38am place Kharagpur West Bengal and my husband DOB is 16april 1987 place Asansol…when will I conceive….

    • You are in the period of Venus and sub period of Saturn. The possibility of conceiving is there after January 2020.

      Doing the remedies of Saturn will surely help.


  457. Dear sir
    When I will get married and how will be my married life?
    Whether it will be arranged or love marriege?
    My birthdate 10 may 1991
    Time 8.16 am
    Place Thane ,maharashtra

  458. Thank you for the prompt revert. May I request you to please share the remedies for remedies of Jupiter and Rahu.
    Also can you tell me which house is it and do you think we should go for IVF or some medication.
    What shud i do to conceive fast..
    Thanks in advance.

    • Some remedies that you should do are.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Put Kesar / Haldi tilak every Thursday
      Regarding IVF or some other medication, it is best you talk to a doctor who can guide you more professionally medically.


  459. Sir,
    My name is Prarthana Kulkarni, Dob March 1 1982, place – Jorhat – Assam, time- 4:00 PM
    My husband – Pracheth Rao, DOB May 6, 1982, Bangalore, Time – 3:05 am.
    Married on Dec 6, 2007.
    We are anxious to conceive. Also, how is our future in general. Kindly guide

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Jupiter rules the 5th house of progeny and Ketu is posited in the 5th house. Rahu aspects the 5th lord Jupiter. Your horoscopes are weak for children happiness and you should look at adoption.


  460. Hello sir my DOB is 27/01/1986 (bagalkot karnataka)and my husband’s DOB is 21/12/1989(Mumbai) we got married on 01 Dec 2014. When we will blessed with child.

    My name is vibha sapare
    My husband’s name is prakash divate

  461. My DOB is 27/01/1986 (bagalkot Karnataka) and my husband’s DOB is 21/12/1989(Mumbai) our marriage date is 01 Dec 2014. When will we blessed with child.
    My name is vibha sapare
    My husband’s name is prakash divate

    • There is no denying that it will need lot of efforts from your side to get the results. Also some need of medical help also seems likely. The possibility of progeny is there in early 2020.


  462. My name Laxmi, DOB 12/11/1991, Time – 7.45AM, Place – Mumbai
    My Husband DOB 16\09\1993,Time -1.25PM, place – Mumbai
    Marriage Date – 24/11/2017
    we are planing of baby

    Looking at your birth chart we see Jupiter rules the 5th house of children. Rahu aspects the 5th lord Jupiter which is not good. Rahu aspect will bring delays and obstacles in getting the results. You should do remedies of Jupiter and Rahu for getting the desired results.

    Thank you for the prompt revert. May I request you to please share the remedies for remedies of Jupiter and Rahu.
    Also can you tell me which house is it and do you think we should go for IVF or some medication.
    What shud i do to conceive fast..
    Thanks in advance

    • Some of the remedies that you can do are.

      1. Put Kesar / Haldi Tilak every Thursdays
      2. Keep water overnight in Tamba glass an drink in the morning.
      3. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily


  463. Name: Gilbert
    Place of birth: karwar(kumta)
    Date of birth: 20/9/1983
    Time of birth: 5 am
    Wife name: Monica
    Place of birth: kumta talk (Karanatka)
    Date of birth: 3/11/1992
    Time: 12.30am..
    When we will have kids

    • In your natal chart we see that 5th lord Jupiter is conjoined with Ketu which is the reason for delays and obstacles. Saturn mahadasha is going on. You should do remedies of Jupiter and Ketu for getting the desired results.


  464. My name aparna upadhyay
    Place-aligarh u.p.
    Time-01:49 am
    Husband name- prasoon gautam
    Time-10:20 pm
    Place-mathura u.p.

    Date of marriage-17/01/2017

    When we will ve blessed with kids??
    And what remedies should we do for better life?


    • Looking at your horoscope we see that Venus the 5th house lord of progeny has aspect of Rahu. Rahu also aspects the 5th house. Jupiter is in the inimical position. Jupiter mahadasha is going on which will bring you desired results. However there can be delay due to aspect of Rahu. Doing the remedies of Rahu are important. The possibility to get the desired results is strong after January 2020. Some medical help in this regard will be needed.


  465. Dear Sir,

    My name is Gayatri
    Birthdate: 28-08-1988
    Birth Time: 3:55PM
    Birth place: Ahmedabad
    Husband name is Arjun
    Birthdate: 09-07-1988
    Birth Time: 4:00AM
    Birth place: Ahmedabad
    Marriage date is 27-11-2015
    When we will bless with First child?

    • In your natal chart we see that Ketu aspects the 5th house of progeny and 5th lord Mars is in its inimical position. Jupiter the karka is in the 6th house meaning some medical help is required. The possibility of progeny is strong after October 2019. Doing the remedies of Mars will be very helpful.


    • Hi! My name is Avantika Sharma (dob 23/05/1988 ,born at 02.35pm, mumbai )
      My husband’s name is Akshay Kadoo (dob 19/07/1983, born at 07.26am, mumbai )
      Married for 7 years now (15/02/2013) but can’t get pregnant… tried medical help but in vain. Plz suggest what might be wrong and what could be done .

  466. Hi Sir,

    My name is: Sanjay Rajendra Gupta born – 01st July 1983 Birth place- Mumbai , timing – 12.10 pm
    My wife name : Manasi Gupta born -18th September 1983 Birth Place- Delhi , timing -12.10 p.m
    We are trying from last 4 year for a baby but no luck have come in our hand . We have try many doctor for conceive related issue but still the result are negative . Can you tell us when we will get first child.

    Thank you.

  467. Sir, My baby’s (girl) date of birth is 8th of Aug 2019
    Where the Psychic number is 8 & destiny number is 1 which is very contradictory is other, to selecting a baby name we are scared that which name number should we follow and will be better for baby’s future success.

    since 8 is the position of shani & 1 is for sun,
    can you please suggests any name for my baby and help on this so that babies life can be in safe side.

    My name is Newton Chandra Saha
    my dob is 21st Feb 1988, i am from Bangladesh. Please help advise.

  468. Hello sir,

    My name is Esha Shukla. Married 5 years. Trying to concive. Please let me know remedies and when i can expect pregnancy.

    Name: Esha Shukla
    Dob: 28/01/1986
    Time: morning between 4am and 5am place : Korba in chattisgarh
    Husband name:Ankit Kumar
    Dob: 19/09/1987
    Time: do not know
    D o marriage: 5 June 2014

    Awaiting for your response. Thank you

  469. My name is RUBI
    DOB IS 15.11.89

    Husband dob: 28 OCT 1988
    TIME: 9:40 PM


  470. my name is Preeti Bedi born on 19/01/1983 at 0914am in Ludhiana punjab).My husband Santosh budalakoti born on 26/07/1981 at 1235am Dhamola uttrakhand. We are childless and trying since 10 years.
    Kindly assist as we want to why there is so much problem and will we be able to become parents. Thank you .
    Waiting for ur revert.

  471. Hi Sir, I am Sheetal Pandey DOB 18.04.1985,time-5 AM, Birth place Vishakapatnam, AP.
    My Husband Sachin Pandey DOB 15.02.1983, time- 7:30 PM, Birth Place Faizabad, UP.
    Sir, we got married on 13.02.2011 and immediately I got pregnant but we aborted that pregnancy. And from 2013 we are trying for baby, gone to many doctors, IVF also done twice. I would want to ask u straight. Will i ever get pregnant?
    Eagerly looking forward for your reply.

  472. My name is Deepti Chugh
    Birthdate: 01-11-1990
    Birth Time: 10:13 AM
    Birth place: Barnala
    Husband name is Bobin Khosla
    Birthdate: 22-03-1987
    Birth Time: 8:00AM(approx)
    Birth place: Patiala
    Marriage date is 14-09-2015
    When we will bless with First child?

  473. Dear Sir,

    My name is Jyothi s
    Birthdate: 03-03-1987
    Birth Time: 7:20aM
    Birth place: nanjangud
    Husband name is v raghavendra
    Birthdate: 26-07-1987
    Birth Time: 12:00pM
    Birth place: mandya
    Marriage date is 01-10-2017
    When we will be blessed with First child?

  474. Hello sir,

    My name is Pallavi U
    DOB -05-04-1993
    Time – 12:30pm
    My husband name is Noothan M S
    DOB – 09-06-1986
    Time – 05:30 am
    Marriage date 25-05-2016

    Please tell us when can we have kids.
    We are eagerly waiting for baby so please give us some suggestions to get baby soon.Give us some remedy to get solution as early as possible.
    Waiting for your reply.

  475. Hello Sir Good evening,

    I came across this website by luck, and by eventually reading many posts and the positive solutions that you give, i was motivated to ask about me and my husband professional and personal life. We are planning a baby this year so wanted to now about it. Also wanted to know whether NGO profession is good for both of us, as we both had quit our Banking jobs in the past.
    SARANJIT KOUR – 03-06-1986 = LIFE PATH 6
    SAURABH KUMAR – 12-11-1981 = LIFE PATH 6

  476. Dear sir,
    I liked your articles, my name is trishna chettri and my date of birth is 14.12.1990
    And my husband name is mriganka pathak and his date of birth is 1.12.1988
    We got married on 6.03.2018.. we are eager to have a child but it has not happened till now?? So is there any chances in future, if so then when?? Or is there any remedies to conceive a child.. is so then let me know..
    Thank you
    With regards

  477. Hi,
    My Name is Asha Barveen
    Date of Birth: Mar 12,1992 ,Time:1.20p.m
    Birth place: Sivaganga Tamil Nadu
    Husband Name: Kalandhar Maideen
    Date of Birth: Oct 02,1988 Time:6.10a.m
    Birth Place: Devakottai,Tamil nadu
    Marriage Date: August 17,2016
    When will i get a baby? Please reply

  478. Name : Nicole
    Birthdate : 30/July/1993
    Time of birth : 6 : 45 pm
    Birth place : Stellenbosch, Western Cape

    Partner name : Devan
    Birthdate : 09/January/1998
    Time of birth : 12 pm
    Birth place : Ladismith , Western Cape

    When will i get pregnant ?

  479. Sir
    My sister name-A.Rama
    Place-nellore AP
    Her husband details
    Place-Nellore Ap
    They got married in 15/2/2019
    When will she get pregnant
    When will they have their first child.

  480. Sir
    My sister name: Rama
    Place:nellore AP
    Her husband name:suneel
    Place:nellore AP
    Marrige date:15/2/2019
    When will they bless with their first child need your advice

  481. Hi sir

    My name is Prasanthi and don is 1st October 1989 and my husband name is pavan and dob is 21 September 1982 and we got married on 21st November 2015 please do let me know the chances of conceiving and do I conceive naturally or with medical help

    • Hi sir,

      Please reply.. am having health issues… currently undergoing Ayurvedic treatment.. please suggest if I could conceive and deliver babies on my own or not.. please help sir

  482. Dear Sir,
    My name is Shweta
    Birthdate: 16-03-1991
    Birth Time: 6:00 AM
    Birth place: Mumbai
    Husband name is Lalit
    Birthdate: 01-04-1987
    Birth Time: 7:18AM
    Birth place: Mumbai
    Marriage date is 25-02-2018
    When we will bless with First child?

  483. My name is ankita jain(30 may 1991)
    My husband is mohit jain (4 feb 1992)
    We got married on 12 dec 2016 and first baby on 21 dec 2017
    But i am not able to concieve my 2nd child
    Plz help

  484. Hi sir,

    Im Vaishnavi charanya married to balaji vasanthan. Got married on 13/11/2014. No kids still.

    My dob:25/08/1985
    Balaji date of birth:25/04/1984

    Please let me know when we will be blessed

  485. Manisha mishra dob 31011991 place delhi time 06.05 pm, husband name Ankur saini dob 21111990 place muzaffarnagar up time 06.20 am my marriage date is 22022015. When we will be blessed with a baby sir pls suggest remedies

  486. Hello sir,

    My name is Noothan M S
    DOB – 09-06-1986
    Time – 05:30 am
    My wife name is Pallavi U
    DOB -05-04-1993
    Time – 12:30pm
    Marriage date 25-05-2016

    Sir we are waiting from long time to become a parents to have a child please tell us when we will be blessed with child.

    Waiting for your reply.

  487. Dear Sir
    Hope you are doing well. As you predicted earlier , i had conceived my first child in Oct 2017.Thank you so much.
    Kindly help me to know when could i conceive for my second child.
    My name is Beni Anna John(03/12/1987)
    My husband is Nikhil Thachilott (24/12/1984)
    We got married on 09th June 2014 and first baby on 27/06/2018.

  488. Hi sir…
    My name is Navdeep kaur
    D.o.b- 18/08/1987
    Husband name -Harshveer singh
    Date of marriage-25/03/2018

    Sir i had 2 miscarriage and now i am not conceiving…what should i do to have baby.please give me some solution.


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