Free Astrology Reading


Free Astrology Readings ( Limited Offer till August 1st week)


Free Astrology Reading

Hello readers,

I am going to give an extensive astrology readings for my blog readers, and though its a limited offer, this offer will run till 1st week of august. I have not given a complete astrology reading for any of my readers till now, i have given numerology reading but not astrology reading, the reason behind is that creating a horoscope and giving astrological reading for a person is very time consuming and exhaustive. Most of the astrology sites in the web charge many bucks to give horoscope or astrology readings for an individual.

I will giving out these detailed astrological reports for free of cost ! Yes, its absolutely free of cost. Anybody who wants these detailed astrology reports will be charged after august 1st week as i will be launching astro shop in my blog after august, and these reports will be commercialized.  As my birthday is coming on august, i have planned to give these detailed astrology reports to my readers as birthday special which you can read more about on the Astrology section.

Now what this detailed reports consists of

  • General Prediction

  1. General Prediction which includes your nature and temperament, your great strength, your great weakness, your lucky day, your lucky stone, your lucky color, your lucky month, your lucky number
  2. Your Physical attributes, General health.
  3. Education and Profession
  • Your Horoscope

  1. Your graphical horoscope with planets in signs
  2. Your Navamsha ( Horoscope of Spouse)
  • Planetary Predictions

  1. Predictions according to the planets in your chart
  2. Predictions according to the Zodiac signs in your chart
  3. Predictions according to the Planets in the houses of zodiac
  • Life Predictions ( Overall summary of your horoscope)

  1. Your personality
  2. Your face to the world
  3. Learning and education
  4. What makes you special
  5. The way you act
  6. The thing you love
  7. Health
  8. Family
  9. Romance
  10. People
  11. Career
  12. Property
  13. Spirituality
  14. Home and Away

I hope this is pretty much a very big astrology report for any one, the same kind of report costs hundred’s of dollars in the web, but i love to spend some time for my readers in giving this detailed report. I wanted to add many more other features, then that will take all of my time to create a report, so i choose to give you the important ones.

Now, all you need to do is just fill up the form below and i will reply back to your email id with a detailed report. Kindly send the accurate details, specify your place of birth and time of birth accurately, time of birth can be rectified if its plus or minus one hour. If you were born in Canberra, then mention Canberra, Australia. The city/town with the country. Give me at least two days to send your report, as it takes considerable time.

Before filling this form, kindly subscribe to my blog ( which your can do by clicking the orange color alien icon at the right sidebar or enter your email to subscribe) only those who email id which matches in subscriber list and in the form will receive the report, this is been done to avoid spammers.


      • How many days after filling the form one should expect getting his astrological report.?It is easy to understand that U must have rcvd plenty of forms as this service is foc now.

        • I am getting hundreds of requests, i am trying hard to send as fast as possible, but since i am also working, i have only less time. Will send maximum in 4 or 5 days. But may send before that also.

  1. Hi THank you for the offer. Does this also oblige a subscription in any sense? Looking forward to your reply.

  2. Hi Astronlogia,
    if a person birth time is wrongly noted can we identify it. For eg in my case i was born on 26th morning 12:05 am. What if, i was born @ 11:59 pm (6 min before) and was noted wrongly. My astrology prediction would totally change. So is there any way to identify it. And if in an astrology prediction if a person's marriage life or finance or etc is not good can he change it by keeping a good name in numerology.


    • One can rectify the time in astrology, but one must know the details of the persons mom, or dad or his profession to make that correction, if mom s horoscope is there, with that one can know the correct time of sons horoscope. The purpose of numerology is to lessen the bad aspects in ones horoscope by keeping suitable name. Horoscope cannot be changed as its written in ones destiny, but using numerology one can make themselves fortunate and make a better life

  3. I don't know if you are continuing this offer but anyway it s a very kind one and I thank you for that
    I ve read your other articles and am looking forward to read more, it s very interesting so far 🙂
    I hope you ll find time for my reading but I know how long a chart can take and won't blame you if you can't do it
    Bye and Thanks again

  4. Sir

    where is the access link to form , becuase i am not able to trace it , although i have subcribed to your blog

    can i email you my queries or else could anyone send the link to form

    many thanks

  5. Dear Saravana, thanks for the free offer. Can you please do the astrological reading for me, I submitted the dob , time and place of birth details. Thanks very much in advance


  6. sir

    i could not find where to give the details since today was the last day

    hence i am give the details on this page only
    dob : 20.11.1973
    time- 16.10
    place -pune maharashtra


  7. Dear Saravana!

    Is it too late for a reading? I´m sorry but I couldn´t find the form to fill in all the details. But it´s an wonderfull act of you to make this. All the best to you.



    • Carina,

      I have closed the offer due to heavy requests, but i can give one for you as you have asked. mail me with your birth place, birth date(mmddyyyy), time of birth details.

  8. Dear Saravana!
    I found out about your blog through another site. Know I saw that you would make an reading for those interested. I´m not sure that it is to late or that i means it will last till the end of this week. If it is still availible, where can I find the form?

    Best and greatfully regards


  9. Hi Sarvana,

    I have submitted my birth details to our blog sometime ago. Just wanted to know if you'll be able to spend some time on my astrology details ?

    I need your thoughts and guidance on my life very badly.

    Sorry If I sound desperate, but I see no other way right now. Can you please email me ?

    Thanks a lot,

  10. Hi This is Bhasker here from hyderabad, can you pleas send my birth horoscope for the details below

    Name:K.Bhasker Goud
    Date:26 05 1982
    Time:10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
    Place: Hyderabad

  11. Hello Sir,
    Hope you are doing fine.
    Can you please send me a detailed astrological report of mine.
    I do understand that it is not possible to fulfill all the requests and the time constraints. But it would be great help to me. I am ready to pay if any charges
    please let me know

    thnks sir

  12. name : partha sarathi das

    sex : male

    date of birth :14/05/1984

    time of birth : 11:15 p.m.

    place of birth : calcutta(west bengal)

    country : india

    question :When will I get married? Will I have an arranged marriage or a love marriage?my wife will loves me?

  13. Respected Sir,
    I couldnt find the form for filling .Plz give me ur mail id so that i can forward my details.
    Hope to hear soon from you..

  14. My Name is kulbhushan, please let me know if mine would be a love or arrange marriage.

    Name: Kulbhushan
    DOB: 8th Aug 1982
    Time: 4:45 am
    Place: Delhi

  15. Pls I would like to know when will i get married and to who…. and full horoscope prediction pls sir

    Name: Alvinesh Murugan
    DOB: 01/04/1992
    Time: 14:18
    Place: Kuala Lumpur
    Email Address: [email protected]

  16. i couldn’t find the form anywhere here!is it a trick task? please please please do get back to me. my e-mail is [email protected] please send me the form..or just take my details. dob:8 june 1984, 16:30 (apox) , pplace of birth:calarasi, romania. thank you for your time. hope to hear from you soon.take care

  17. Name; Genupravin,
    place of birth; ahmednagar,maharashtra,
    time;19:15 pm ,Dear sir , i have subscribed to ur Blog, also i have a lot of interest in ur articles, will u provide me the astrology reading,my birth details are mentioned above and my
    email; [email protected] .Thank u

  18. Name; Genupravin,
    place of birth; ahmednagar,maharashtra,
    time;19:15 pm ,Dear sir , i have subscribed to ur Blog, also i have a lot of interest in ur articles, will u provide me the astrology reading,my birth details are mentioned above and my
    email; [email protected] .Thank u


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