Numerology Report on Tata Nano


Tata Nano Number Analysis

The whole world witnessed the launch of Tata Nano on march 23rd, now is Nano gonna bring a benediction for the people of india or simply the viceversa? many questions are popped out about the launch of Nano into indian market. And we will analyze the strange but compelling truths about numbers of Mr Ratan N Tata and his Nano.  Lets go over Tata Nano Numerology and break it down

Numerology Report on Tata Nano

The Birth of Tato Nano

Now, firstly Tata nano was unveiled  on Jan 10th 2008, and launched on march 23rd 2009. If you analyze the dates, we can find the significance of number 1 is Tata’s empire, Almost all of his products and offerings bear this number 1. The lifepath of the launch date is 1. It was unveiled on jan 10th, And most importantly the word TATA NANO comes 28 i.e. 1. One must remember that name RATAN N TATA is also 28, above all Ratan Tata was born on december 28. And here comes the most strange one……….. the price of Tata Nano is 100,000 !  oh! number 1 again!. well, it doesnt end here; Ratan Tata’s group TATA SONS comes 28, count TATA MOTORS and it comes 37 ( 1 again ). Now , one can analyze like this many more things like TCS  adding to 10.

Well, the life of Ratan Tata has been extraordinary. The number 1 in all his endeavours hs clearly stated his supreme creativity and establishes him as a creator of a sort. Not only that, 1 signifies ” The Sun” the all powerful and the source of all life, we can very well say that Ratan Tata is the source for survival of many lives in our country. And, if one’s thinking about the outcome of Nano, then it;s goin to propel the country’s economy to new heights. But, there is something to worry about Nano, Nano comes number 18, and this is the reason it faced struggles in singur plant and eventually had to quit.

There are chances that it might start a war with the environmentalists and green activist for the amount of pollutions its going to cause, and once the war starts then it would be a long one and would even result in a drastic changes in Nano. As far as the launch date is concerned, its very lucky for Ratan Tata, and the stars are favouring him very much !

Good Night and Have a Nice Day Tomorrow!


  1. Very interesting post. Tata Nano is the best car in its segment and
    much better in comparison to its rivals. Planning to buy it soon in
    white shade.


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