Sorcery, Magic and Witchcraft


Sorcery is more than harmless witchcraft and light magic – sorcery is dark arts, intended to cause harm and control the world around you. It is mentioned in the major religious works of the world – Torah, Koran, and Bible – because it is considered to be an affront to God. In fact, while witchcraft can be good or bad depending on the intention of the caster, the term sorcery implies that it is magic performed with the specific intention of causing harm to others. Historically, a sorcerer was someone who not only knew magic but was something of an apothecary and equally feared for their knowledge of harmful and deadly poisons.

Sorcery, Magic and Witchcraft

The History of Sorcery

The practice of sorcery is what many early witches were accused of and what led to so many of them being killed. It is considered a maleficium or ‘act of witchcraft performed with the intention of causing damage or injury’. Most often this intention was death or serious injury (which in earlier periods often still led to death). It included more than just spell casting, but also poisoning and drugging and some acts involve performing torture. In fact, one of the most famous cases of sorcery was in 1324. An Irish Lady, Alice Kyteller, was accused of sorcery and of poisoning her first three husbands. While sorcery was, in the early periods of history, considered a form of witchcraft and many women were killed for it, it was understood that sorcery was not simply limited to witchcraft. Many men, including the infamous Knights Templar, were accused of sorcery or maleficium, tried and executed for their supposed actions.

As our knowledge of the world grew and expanded in earlier centuries, sorcery also shifted. The mystical arts of places like India and China led to a minor evolution of the word sorcerer. While this was still someone to be feared and respected, people began to seek out these occultists to see if they could help them achieve their goals in life.

Using Spells for Personal Gain

If you suspect that sorcery has been used against you or someone you know because of sudden, negative changes in your life, such as a sudden health crisis or financial emergency, you may want to seek the help of a witch or other practitioner of magic to help reverse the spells. Reversing a powerful spell like the ones used by sorcery is difficult and complicated. You want to be sure that the person you are using has experience as all magic has repercussions. If the spell is properly removed then the caster will receive all the negative feedback from casting it; if this is done incorrectly and with negative intentions towards the caster (such as hoping that whoever sent this spell gets harmed or worse), you may also receive some feedback from your own negativity.

Whenever engaging in the use of magic, you want to make sure that you only have positive and beneficial intentions towards others. Avoid casting spells that remove agency from the people on the receiving end. Remember that any spell you send out into the universe will return to you and hit you with greater intensity.


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