Free Love Compatibility Report


Free Match Making Report for Couples

Wish you a prosperous Monday ! I am planning to give a free match making report for couples. The match making report is based on comparing the horoscope of the two person and the position of planets in their charts. Now, this match making of horoscopes is done to know the level of compatibility between two persons who are going to be married or lovers or even married couples.

Free Love Compatibility Report

Before going to the distribute the report, i would like to enlighten my readers about the truth in match making in horoscopes. Horoscope match making is an ancient custom in India as well as many other countries. This is done to make sure that the couple who are going to get married fulfills certain aspects horoscope wise to make sure that their marriage life is happy and long lasting.

Horoscope Match making can be literally called compatibility calculator between a man and a woman in terms of Love, Wealth, Social relationship, Physical Compatibility, Emotional Compatibility, Intellect, Destiny, Life, and prospect of producing an offspring. These are the major factors considered while match making. While some may argue that for couple who are in love for a long time doesn’t need their horoscopes to get matched in order to get married. Well, Love is a virtue in an institution called marriage. The concept of horoscope matching is primarily done on bride and bridegrooms to see whether they can keep their marriage a happy  long lasting one and also fulfilling their social obligations.

Marriage and Love are different entity, as marriage is bound to social laws while love has no known laws. Hence, many factors comes into play when one gets married. This is the reason, astrology extensively helps human being to lead a successful marriage life without missing the prime quality of Love. Marriage without love is meaningless as the same way couples without happiness in marriage life.

One can assess the compatibility between a man and a woman using both numerology and astrology, Both these sciences help a man to choose wisely his life partner. Astrology helps to identifies the areas of concerns in couples compatibility, and numerology helps to provide a solution if the couple are already married without having any compatibilities at all. Hence its must to analyze in astrological point of view and then correct it using numerology.

Dont ask me, if the match making can be done for same sex partners. As there is no known astrological method in assessing that, but personally i have been researching on the orientation of a person with respect to astrology and i ll enlighten you once i have done the research.

Having said that, The importance of horoscope matching between two person is so vital for them to get married. In country like India, horoscope matching for brides and bridegrooms forms an integral part of Indian ethos. The value of marriage is considered to be Holy as utmost care is taken is choosing a bride or bridegroom. People in India at least analyze ten to twenty horoscopes before finally settling for one for their sons or daughters.

The reasons for marriages ending in a pathetic way is attributed mainly to the factors considered while horoscope matching, some couple may initially have a blissful life owing to their compatibility of love in their horoscope, but as time goes by the couple may have problems with themselves owing to other factors like respect, nature, emotional compatibility etc. There are eight factors considered for horoscope matching and if more than three factors are not compatible for a couple who wants to get married, then marriage is bound to give problems for them.

Since every horoscope is unique thus making every person in this world as unique, Its a must to know and understand the nature of our life partner. So that one can compromise of work on the weaker links in their marriage life. This is the key aspect in horoscope matching.

The match making report that i am going to give will be very useful for lovers who are planning for marriage, parents who want to analyze the bride/bridegrooms compatibility, and married couples who want to know the areas of improvement in their marriage life.

In Vedic astrology, there is  a saying that

Persons who are truly in love with each other does not see horoscope or astrology, as their match is made in heavens

Its true in some ways, as for true lovers its not compulsory to see horoscope and get married. But read it again, it is said for true lovers and these days i can say with such authority that true lovers are like one in hundred thousand. Many people dont know the quality of true love. Passion and attraction  seems to rule these days more than virtue like love.

Lets not go into debate with that, as i may incur the wrath of lovers.

Let me give some example where horoscope match making is of vital importance. If there is a man/woman with uranus in 7th house in her horoscope, and if she/he is getting married without the knowledge of astrology, then the chances of their marriage resulting in separation is very high. Uranus in 7th house can cause separation. Hence, one must know their planet in chart to take necessary precautions.

In another example, if a person has planet Saturn in 7th house aspected by malefic planet, ( 7th house rules marriage,partnership in astrology) then he or she can have illict affairs or late marriage or native can turn old. Hence one must be aware of their own charts and work on to it.

A stellar example in the field of horoscope matching is affliction of planet Mars in ones horoscope. If a person is Mars afflicted in his birth chart. Then he/she should marry a person who is also having Mars affliction. Failing to do so can cause severe health problems to the native’s life partner. Most people have mars affliction, but naturally it gets cancelled due to position of planets in certain houses ( Rules of astrology comes into play here) but if the mars affliction does not get cancelled, then one must be careful in choosing the lifepartner. Usually mars afflicted persons get married late in their life.

Free match making report for lovers,couples, married partners, bride/bridegrooms

After such a long message we arrive to the important section of this post. Yes, its about free match making report !

Now what does this free match making report consists of is

  • Interactive table showing the compatibility factors of match making, total points and the points scored by the couple
  • Analysis and meaning of eight factors of match making and the results of compatibility of eight factors for the couples
  • The compatibility  report for 8 factors are

a) For Work

b) For Life

c) For Destiny

d) For Mental Compatibility

e) For Nature

f) For Physical Compatibility

g) For Social relationship

h) For Personal Relationship

  • A detailed report on afflictions if there is any, and also the remedies for them

All these exclusive reports are free !

Note: Last time when i gave free astrology readings, i was not able to give reading for all of them as i got heavy requests, so i may close down this offer any time if the requests are flooded. I will try to keep this offer as long as possible.

Just Submit the below form and get your report in your mail box !

Free Report Now Closed !



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  2. Hey why don't you do report on relationship of all the no. with each other numerologically, how they get along emotionally,mentally ,proffessionally and what kind of problems they give rise to apart from positive outcome. Hope you will consider it. take care. you are doing great job. God bless You.

  3. Dear Mr. Astronlogia,
    First of all let me appreciate you for doing such a nice work also appreciates you for the kind of knowledge you have in numerology and astrology. To be vey honest I am big fan of yours… god bless you.
    Please find below the DOB & TOB of me and my wife, we both finally got married on December 9, 2009, after a long love relationship of almost 11 years. I will be very glad if you can help us with our love compatibility report and remedies, if any. So that we can lead a lovely and successful relationship and life.
    Name : Sumesh Subramanian
    DOB : May 12, 1976
    TOB : 06:15 am
    Place of Birth : Jagdalpur, MP

    Partner’s Name : Shailya Varma
    Partner’s DOB : August 4, 1981
    Partner’s TOB : 15:18 pm
    Partner’s Place of Birth : Raebareli, UP.
    I will be also glad if can suggest us the name compatibility for us.
    Waiting for your early and positive reply.
    Many thanks,

  4. Hi! my name is shabana I would like to about me & my husband whose name is sadik husein my d.o.b is 21/10/1975. & his d.o.b is 24/09/1970.
    I want to know the lucky no. & compatibility. My time of birth is 9.00 A.M Mumbai & his is 7.45 P.M Nasik


  5. We would like to know our compatibility, lucky numbers and colors. Thank you!

    Mark Blaine Fitzgerald
    DOB: 02/12/1958
    Time: 10:15 PM
    Canadian, Texas

    Robin Kay Jackson
    DOB: 11/13/1968
    Time: 6:48 AM
    Montrose, Colorado

  6. Hello sir,
    I am in worry regarding my trying to conceive.
    we got married on 8/05/09.still not yet conceive.
    My name is Anupamasri pilli after marriage & my husband’s name is Kalyan yasodhara babu pilli.Our details are,
    me -DOB(25/06/1989)-13:40hrs-Guntur(Andhrapradesh,India).
    Seeking your valuabe advice

  7. hello! thank you for this offer i am really curious to read your prediction!
    my lovers date is August 7, 1975, athens Greece, time 7:00 am
    mine is August 13, 1975, athens Greece, time 02:16 am

    thank you very very much!

  8. female: 26. FEB. 1986 (12.15 PM)
    male: 19. MARCH 1986 (11.55 PM)

    Thank you in advance! Your help is of highest value. Greetings from Poland.


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