Important things to know about Saturn Exalted


Saturn and Astrology

A very common question I get from people is whether or not they are ruled by Saturn, therefore we will go over everything there is to known about Saturn Exalted in this post. First let us know about the strological details of saturn.

Important things to know about Saturn Exalted

Saturn is one of the Natural malefic planet in astrology. Unless or otherwise Saturn is an ascendant lord for a person, it is always meant to produce malefic results. Though Saturn is widely considered as the most malefic and dangerous planet it is infact a Saintly Planet. Saturn is a highly spiritual planet, the role of saturn is to cleanse ones sin’s and past karmic impressions and free them from chain of re-births. He is responsible for giving judgment on basis of ones karma.

All bad karma of a person will come into effect during saturn’s period in his chart, or during saturn transits to his moon sign. If a person suffers badly in saturn ruling period (called dasha’s or bukthi’s or anthra) then it means he is paying for his karma’s done in this life or the previous ones !

Saturn rules signs Aquarius and Capricorn.  If a person belongs to any one of this ascendant, then they are 100% ruled by saturn. Ascendant is called the sign rising on the eastern horizon during one’s birth. Ascendant is the most important factor in one’s life. Ascendant lord is considered to be the soul benefactor of a person. When saturn is ascendant lord, then such person are not affected by saturn during saturn periods, since saturn is the highest benefactor for them.

Saturn is a windy planet, hence rules the vayu tattva in the universe. Ageism is also caused by saturn, when saturn is strong and benefic then such person will be robust in health and live longer life and vice versa when saturn is weak and posited as malefic.

Saturn loves yoga, meditation and ascetics. To become a ascetic, a person should have a strong saturn influence in their life, otherwise they cannot be ascetics.  Saturn rules Saturday, in numerology its denomination is number 8. Saturn is a contracting planet who contracts our desires, our karma’s and our illusions thereby providing wisdom, in the same way jupiter is expanding planet which expands ones wealth, health, knowledge and luxury.

Saturn is the estranged son of Sun, Sun and Saturn are considered to enemies which can be clearly seen as Sun’s exaltation sign aries is saturn’s debilitation sign and Saturn’s exaltation sign libra is Sun’s debilitation sign.

Saturn is extremely strong in its exaltation sign Libra, when Saturn is exalted in a person’s chart, then they are considered to be extremely fortunate and such persons are near to attaining enlightenment in their life.

Venus is the most friendly planet for saturn, its evident that number 8 borns and 6 borns will be friendly to each other, and will be attracted to each other. Venus is the fortune bringing planet for ascendants aquarius and capricorn.

Unless a saturn ruled  person is practicing yoga or meditation, they will tend to be extremist in nature, by being lazy or hyper active, timid or violent, over confidence or lack of confidence, empathy or sadism, love or hate, peace or terrorism. Saturn brings extreme traits in persons to make them understand that the purpose of life is to throw both Rajas Guna and Tamas Guna but to be in Sattva Guna. We will discuss about gunas in next post. But Sattva guna means being in neutral state and taking everything as null.

During saturn periods, one must practice yoga or meditation to avoid ill effects of saturn. karma’s can be burnt only through yoga’s , thats the point of planet saturn.


  1. my ascendent is aquarius….and i am born on 8th june… is saturn malefic to me then ? ? ….i am having delays and denials…in most of the things i do!! 🙁

    thanx..god bless u

  2. my ascendent is aquarius, my moon is capricorn, my fadic 8, born on d 8th zodiac sign (i.e) scorpio, my saturn is in 11th house and in sagittarius.
    And i want to change my name as Koyyel Manotosh Ghwsh. Is it good or shall i use only Koyyel Ghwsh? And is saturn malefic? Should i wear blue sapphire? thanks in advance.

  3. continued #3
    Another thing is, am wearing a diamond 1/4th carat on my first finger right hand since last 2 months. will it help anyways??

    • for aquarius ascendant, jupiter is lord of 2 and 11, its the money giving planet. yellow topaz is lucky, but one should see the position of jupiter and its significators. Same way, blue sapphire should not be wear, as saturn is lord of 1st and 12th house. One can wear diamond, as venus is raj yoga causing planet, but again see where venus is posited in ur chart. wearin a gem stone is very tricky, careful observation is needed.

  4. My DOB 08.01.1983 and Name: Ratul Goswami born on Saturday at 11.10 pm. wearing panna and Perl. i am doing CA (Final) and still struggling. is there any chance of being rich and famous. please tell me something about my future.

  5. I’m confused. My ascendent is Virgo but my sun sign is Capricorn and I’m ruled by Venus because I was born in the second decan. Is that sort of the same as this article is implying?

  6. Hi, my dob is 22/10/1981…time 1:35am, place Agra up…I m a Libra with strong Saturn and debilitated sun….. Not married, always lonely,no friends…. Can u tell me ,why?? Is it due to Saturn??

    • As per the birth details you have given you are Leo lagan and Rashi is Cancer. You have kaalsarp dosha and also Chander gharan dosha. You are also a gandmool born person. These are not good dosha in a horoscope and they bring obstacles, hindrances and delays. Doing the given below remedy will help.

      1. Keep fast on Mondays
      2. Recite Hanuman Chalisa Daily


  7. My birth date is8th august 1992, the birth time is 7:15 PM, place of birth is chennai, please reply when my marriage yogam appears??

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your lagan is Aquarius and Rashi is Scorpio. You are born under the Jyestha Nakshatra. You are presently in the mahadasha of Venus and antardasha of Mercury since November 2016. Your marriage period is going on and you should put effects in this direction to get the desired results. As Mars is in the 4th house of your horoscope, you are mangalik. Marriage should be done after proper matching of the horoscopes.

    • Looking at your horoscope we see that your ascendant is Aquarius. You are passing through the main period of Venus and sub period of Mercury. The possibility of marriage is very strong in your horoscope and you should be married before September 2019.



  8. Hi, my son diptanshu’s dob is 13/3/12…sohar,Oman….Saturn is in Libra bt retrograde…is it harmful…plz reply

    • Saturn gets exalted in Libra but as Saturn is retrograde it will not give the results of exaltation. To really understand the effects of retrograde Saturn, it is important to read the complete horoscope. You can send your birth details.

  9. Hi myself Dr. Gopinath (17/6/1987), my Rasi is Aquarius and my Lagna is Virgo. My current Dasa is Sani and bhukti is Sun, I have already crossed 10 years of my sani dasa out of 19 years. Especially in the past two and of years I have experienced very challenging face of my life with lots of downfalls in my career and humiliations etc…
    Recently, I have got to know that by this October (2017) Saturn will move to 11th house of by birth chart, what will the outcome, whether the Saturn is exalted? The effect of Saturn will be benefic or malefic?

    • For Virgo Langa Saturn is a functional malefic as it rules the 6th house of the horoscope. The Dasha of Saturn and Bhukti of Sun is also not good. You should keep doing Shani remedies for good results. For detailed analysis please provide complete birth details.


    • Saturn is the planet of delays and obstacles and it is never good in the 7th house, which is the house of marriage. Doing proper milan is important for blissful and happy marital life.


  10. Is my Saturn strong or weak? And what about my other planets (Sun, Moon, etc…)?

    D.O.B: 22/5/1995
    T.O.B: 10:43 AM
    Time zone: GMT+8
    Birthplace: Singapore

    • Looking at your horoscope Saturn is the lord of the house of destiny. Saturn is a very favorable planet in your horoscope as it governs your Luck and good fortune. As per Vedic astrology all planets in your horoscope are favorable except Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node).


  11. Is my Saturn strong or weak? And what about my other planets??
    DOB-: 17 august 1998
    TOB-: 12:35 pm
    Time zone-: UTC+05:30
    Birthplace -:Mumbai, India.
    Reply soon

    • In your horoscope we see that your lagan is Libra and Rashi is Gemini. You are born under the Mrigasira Nakshatra ruled by Mars. Saturn is the yogakarka planet in your horoscope. However Saturn is not likely to give good results as Saturn is debilitated in your horoscope. Doing the remedies of Saturn is strongly recommended.


  12. Hello sir this is me Gowtham Sir my date of birth is 17/08/1997 on sunday at 12.39 PM at Palakkad kerala ,with day number 1+7 =8 and lifepath 42 ,4+2=6 and my present name number is Gowtham. I wanted to change my name so please suggest me a good name number .In my horoscope sun is the only strong planet so can i have name number in 46 with split of 23 +23 = 46 combination i wanted to go to media and cinema .but i i have debliated Venus and Jupiter please do check my horoscope sir .. name 42 will it work if i have debliated Venus . Im a scorpion Ascendant. Sun sign Leo born in magha nakshathra and moon sign is Capricorn in shravana nakshathra. I have the same birthdate and lifepath of Robert de niro i wanted to pursue acting .many 17 August born people such as robertdeniro,sean penn ,director Shankar I film with name number in 46,37,19 succeed they shined in film industry.. can you help me sir please do check my horoscope and guide me with your spellbound knowledge sir

  13. My Details are as Follows:

    Date of Birth-13/02/1983(13th Feb 1983)
    Time of Birth:12:05PM

    Iam currently Wearing Blue sapphire.Is it ok to wear Emerald along with it?Also how will be my career and married life?

    • As per your horoscope you are Taurus rising and Saturn becomes the Yogakarka planet in your horoscope. Therefore Saturn Stone Blue Sapphire can be worn. Also Mercury is the planet for intelligence, confidence and planning. It is the lord of 5th house and 2nd house. Hence Mercury stone Emerald can also be worn. You are soon going to enter Saturn Mahadasha and Saturn period will be much better than the present period for career.


      Navneet Khanna

  14. I am Capricorn ascendent native and Saturn is in Scorpio in 11th house
    How is my future or suggest me your reply of experience in this regard of saturns placement

    • As Saturn is in the 11th house of gains, it is good position for Saturn to be. However as Saturn is in Scorpio, the sign ruled by inimical Mars, Saturn losses its powers. Therefore you should do the following remedies to strengthen Saturn.

      1. Wear Blue Sapphire in Silver on your right hand middle finger.
      2. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays


  15. Is my saturn strong or weak and also what is my acendant would be…new to it all and want to learn…
    D.O.B: 29/09/1983
    T.O.B: 1:14 AM
    Time zone: Est
    Birthplace: USA/Washington DC

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Saturn is 8th lord and hence it is Malefic. Saturn being the 8th lord in your horoscope will not give you good results. It is the planet which will give obstacles, hindrances and delays. Your ascendant is Cancer. As per your horoscope, your mahadasha of Saturn is going on till 2026 and hence Saturn remedies should be done.


  16. Is my saturn strong or weak. Saturn maha dasha is going to start in March ,2018. Is Saturn good or bad for me. Please advice
    D.O.B: Dec 24th 1977
    T.O.B: 11:30 AM
    Birthplace: Tiruvalla, kerala, India

    • Saturn is a benefic planet for you as it is the lagan lord. However as Saturn is posited in the inimical sign Leo, it is weak. You should strengthen Saturn by doing its remedies. Your Saturn mahadasha starts in March 2018. You should wear Blue Sapphire in Silver on your right hand Index finger on Saturday Morning.


    • For Gemini ascendant Saturn is the 9th lord, means that the lord of the Bhagyastan or lord of the house of destiny. Saturn is a benefic planet and you should wear Neelam or Blue Sapphire in Silver on your right-hand Index finger on Saturday Morning.


    • Ruled by number 9 and the planet Mars, you are intelligent, courageous, energetic and an enthusiastic individual. You are a warm and sober person and always ready to help others, but you need to check your tendency to behave fickle –minded, moody and extravagant at times.


  17. Hi my kundali has 7th house saturn and i m libra (man) ancedent ..whether good or bad for me and having kal sarp yog also .
    my DOB:- 08/10/1983 19:45 hrs faridabad haryana

    • In your horoscope, we see that Saturn the planet of obstacles is posited and not giving good results on the marriage front. Saturn and Moon conjoined in the same house form the vish dosha. There is Kaalsarp dosha in your horoscope and Saturn mahadasha is also going on till Aug 2019. Your horoscope is not good on the marriage front. Doing remedies of Venus and Saturn will help.


        • Planets give results totally on the basis of their chart placement. An exalted Saturn may be bad for someone but the same may be good for other chart. Please provide the date, time and place of birth for horoscope analysis.


          • In your chart we see that Saturn is exalted in the 7th house which is the prime house of marriage and marital happiness. Saturn is conjoined with Moon forming the Vish dosha. The presence of Saturn in the 7th house is never good as it brings obstacles in marriage. You are in the ending period of Saturn Mahadasha which gets completed by August 2019. You should do the Saturn remedies given below.

            1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily

            2. Visit Shani temple every Saturdays


            Navneet Khanna

  18. I liked this article. I am born on 6/11/1962 at 7.15 AM in Joravarnagar near Surendranagar. Do I have Sasa yoga and Vish yoga? When will I get my own house and happiness?

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that Ketu is conjoined with Saturn and also Moon. There is no Sasa yoga as Saturn although in its own house, is conjoined with Ketu. The Vish dosha is not strong as Saturn and Moon have lot of difference in degrees. You are presently passing through a period of Shani Sade satti. You will certainly have your own house, the period can get delayed due to Sade satti. But chances are strong after 2020. Doing remedies of Saturn are recommended.


      Navneet Khanna

  19. Hello sir
    I was born on the 22-09-1954 at 13-41 hrs( afternoon) at Mumbai. I have Saturn in 11 th house exalted with Venus in libra. What are it’s effects and can I wear Blue sapphire?

    • Saturn is the 2nd and 3rd house lord and exalted in the 11th house of gains. It is conjoined with Venus which is 11th and 6th lord in your horoscope. The person will live a life of comforts and luxuries even if he / she has to pick up loans. 6th house indicates debts. You will do a lot of family and others but never reciprocated in the same way. Blue Sapphire is not recommended. The stone you should wear is Yellow Sapphire, wear it life long. You can also wear Ruby on your right hand ring finger on Sunday morning for gains.


  20. Hello Sir,
    DOB 12/24/1977, at 11:30 AM, born in Tiruvalla, Kerala, India
    I started wearing blue sapphire ring but still there are so many difficulties. Is my Saturn exalted? Which house is Saturn in my birth chart and which house is Saturn currently located? What are the effects of Saturn being in the sign of Leo? Any other remedies I need to do?

    • You have asked many questions. I will try to answer all one by one. As per your horoscope, Saturn is the lagna lord as it is the lord of Aquarius. Your Saturn mahadasha is going on. Saturn in your horoscope is in Leo which is its inimical sign and hence Saturn gets weak. Wearing Blue Sapphire is recommended. You are facing difficulty as you are passing through a period of Shani Dhaiyya till February 2020. Doing remedies of Saturn are strongly recommended. You should read Hanuman Chalisa Daily and also visit Shani temple every Saturday.


      Navneet Khanna

    • Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Saturn in the 11th house which is the house of gains. Indicates a person strong desire to achieve big in life. Also the gets slow results in life as 11th house is the house of fructification of desires. Hardwork, sincerity and dedication is the magic mantra for success.


  21. Namaste:
    Born April 24, 1953 at 12:00 noon, Philadelphia, PA EST 5:00 75W11 39N57
    I will enter Saturn dasha Aug. 24, 2018 I have been learning Kriya Yog and attend Homans at the temple. Is there a specific Homan that I should perform? Thank you.

    • Looking at your natal chart your lagna is Cancer and Rashi is Leo. You are born under the Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra. In your birth chart, Saturn is the lord of the 8th house which makes it the most malefic planet in your horoscope. Saturn mahadasha as you said starts on 24th August 2018. Yes you should do the Saturn Homan. You can recite Saturn mantra “Om Praam Preem Praum Sah Shanichraye Namaha”.


  22. Hello,

    I’ve Rahu in Gemini Ascendent (Born in Chitra 4)…so Ketu in Saggi with Mars. Rest all 6 planets are in Libra (5th house). In which, Sun is debilitated and Venus, Jupiter & Mercury got combust. Going through Saturn AD & MD since March’18. How’s my life…have seen a lot of up & down…All alone in life. No money & partner. Is this Saturn MD good for me. In D9, Saturn is with Moon in 8th house I believe. Please help. Good Bless You 🙂

  23. I am interested in your perspective on Saturn – and also your comments on other planets in people’s charts. I was born 6/27/1952 at 12:49 PM, CST, Elgin, IL USA. In western astrology, I am Cancer, Libra rising, and Saturn in either 1st or 12th house, depending on which house system is used. What do you think? Thanks.

  24. Is Saturn good for me or bad. My birthday details Dt. 17 Dec 1983, Place – Mumbai, Time – 1:45 PM
    When will I become financially sound.


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