Best time to have operations/surgery based on astrology


Planets and Medical Operations aks Surgery based on Astrology

The positions of the planets and luminaries often determine the best and worst times for a person to pick a date for surgery based on Astrology. Following are guidelines for planning operations astrologically;

Best time to have operations/surgery based on astrology
  1. Plan an operation five days before or after new moon day, as the fluid levels will be at its ebb, and as a result there is a less chance for swelling
  2. Do not have an operation/surgery five days before or after full moon day, as the bodily fluids at this time will be at their highest, and cause swelling, hemorrhage or septic.
  3. A day where moon is Void Of Course (VOC) is not good for surgery, as there is a chance that operation might not be done successfully or may result in additional operation
  4. Avoid operation on part of the body ruled by sign on which sun or moon is transiting.
  5. Avoid operation/surgery when moon is in mutable sign such as Virgo, Pisces, gemini and Sagittarius.
  6. Have surgery or operation when moon is situated in fixed sign such as Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio. with such placement, the surgery will go smoothly and effectively. the surgeon’s hand will also be stable
  7. Avoid surgery when transiting moon is combust or within 17 degree of natal sun, moon or mars.
  8. Avoid surgery when transiting moon is square or opposite or in conjunct with natal or transiting sun or mars or Saturn. Mars especially can cause loss of blood and inflammation. while saturn can produce new complications.
  9. The surgery will go smooth if moon is in sextile or trine with natal or progressed or transiting Venus or mars or Jupiter.
  10. The operation should not be done when Mars or Mercury is retrogade. Mercury retrogade can cause confusions to the surgeon, and Mars retrogade is not fruitful to surgery or handling of surgical instruments.


  1. Dear Sir/ Madam,
    I intend for shoulder surgery to my daughter who is 9 year’s old on 10th April 2017 for her eens palsy treatment, it is known that full moon day is on 11th April, please advice is this right time to get it done.her details are as follows.

    Name: Niveditha
    DOB. : 29:02:2008
    Time. : 1:05am
    Place of birth is Bangalore, INDIA
    Nakshatra is Anuradha
    Rashi is Vrishika.

    Naveen Kumar Maregowda

  2. I am going for Laser surgery of my eyes on coming Tuesday or Friday i.e. 15/5/18 or 18/5/18 . Is there will be problem as per astrology is this period bad for eye surgery..
    Please help

  3. I have to choose between two dates for facial cosmetic surgery: November 27 or December 4, 2018. Which date is the best astrologically? Thank you for your time.

    • Hi
      When is the best time for me to have Shoulder Surgery?
      I have been told it should be when the Moon is in a Waning Cycle and not during a Full Moon.
      What are the best dates for me in late January or early February?
      I live in Perth, Western Australia.
      Thanking You

  4. Thank you for this article. I‘m planing to have a revision rhinoplasty using also a rib graft, what means a part of the rib will be taken. I want this surgery to be the last. The date could be from end of october till middle of november 2018, which date might be the best? Does my natal chart play any further role or the chart of my surgeon?

  5. When Venus in going direct is it ok to have cosmetic surgery? I know they advise not when its retrograde but now its almost direct…HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOOON. THANK YOU

    • Cosmetic surgery should not be considered when Venus is retrograde or combust. It can be considered when Venus is direct. As Venus becomes direct on 19th November 2018. Any date after 19th can be considered for this purpose.


  6. I am not sure if my reply went through so I am sending it again just in case…I am sorry. I wanted to ask if during Venus going direct in a few days untill Dec. 17, would cosmetic surgery be advisable…I understand it is not during venus retro…I thank you soooo much ..hope to hear from you soon. My appointment is Nov 27. Joyce

    • Venus is retrograde till 19th November 2018. As you have the cosmetic surgery on November 27, 2018. The date is after Venus becomes direct and auspicious for getting good results.


  7. Good evening,

    I am scheduled for a knee operation on January 9, 2019, for a partially torn ACL and meniscus.

    The doctor is just waiting for me to confirm this date. I could suggest another date no so far from this one, if it’s more aligned. Any suggestions or is the 9th a good day?

  8. I am having a plastic surgery next week. Is 16th January a good date for it? I’m a scorpio and this is a very important decision I’m making to my life.

  9. Hi..My mother requires a cataract surgery to performed during Feb 2019.What will be best time for the same..her details are..16/01/1945, 04:25 am,new Delhi..thanks

  10. I have to do my dental implants can u please suggest a nice date in month of feb 2019.
    So that the surgery is fruitful.
    Thankyou and appreciate your knowlegde .and your valuable time

  11. I am having right foot surgery. I have a plate on the tibia & fibia & screws on both ankles. Since they both have healed. He wants to go back in and take out the plates & replace whatever is needed to allow me to heal & walk. When is the best time in September 2019 to have this surgery?. What dates are even better.? I am 59 years old. Help please.

  12. Hi Astronlogia, I am in need of total knee replacement sometime in July 2019. I’m considering the days of 8, 9, 10, 25, and 26. What do you think? I’ve tried to avoid the full moon and also take advantage of when swelling would be at it’s lowest. What would you suggest?
    Thank you,
    Mary Selfridge

  13. My mother is having kidney stones removed on the 25th of October, please let me know if the signs are good. I worry way to much about her, she is 70yrs old. Please help me, we have always gone by the signs but I don’t know how to read them.

  14. I have a consult appointment for a hernia operation on November 4, 2019. What days after that in November would be good for me? I know there’s a Mercury Retrograde and a full Moon happening. Thank you and BB.

  15. I’m seeking to schedule uterine fibroid removal somewhere between mid March to end of April – excluding March 23-27 as the surgeon will be on vacation. And surgery days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am Scorpio zodiac. I’m going through the list above as best I can, but any insight otherwise would be so helpful. Thanks in advance

  16. I have planned for capsule endoscopy recovery from small intestine through enteroscope .kindly suggest dates between 20/3/20 to 28/3/20 . Need of the hour .pls help . Born in Ashwini star

  17. Breast cancer lumpectomy scheduled 4/28/2020. My birthdate is 9/19/1951
    Does moon in cancer on surgery date create a problem and also mars opposes my mars/pluto conjunction. I am confused. Any insight appreciated. Thanks

  18. Please help me decide when to best have surgery on my right ankle (fusion) in the months of May, June, July, August, September, October, November, or December 2020. Thank you.

  19. Hello I am having liposuction of my double chin and love handles/flanks.
    My birthday is July 13,1976 born 1:13pm in Cleveland, Ohio.
    My doctor is available and has given 2 dates July 17 2020 or august 12 2020
    Please help?
    Thank you very kindly

  20. Hi Astronlogia,

    I have to undergo a wisdom tooth removal surgery. Can you tell me some dates? As per above rules, 18th after 3:04pm, 19th, 20th of June, 2020 was good, but Mercury Retrograde starts on 18th 10am onwards. Is 16th or 17th better or should i wait for a date in July or further?
    My DOB – 16 Apr, 1989
    Time – 6:45am
    Place – Visakhapatnam


  21. i have surgery scheduled for April 7 2021, i am thinking of switching to the 12 or 15th of april 2021. Are either of these days good?

  22. I am looking to have foot surgery on November 23, 2020 which is a Monday. Mondays are the only days my surgeon operates. Is this a good date?
    I was born July 31, 1948 at 12:06 PM in Brooklyn, Kings, New York.

  23. I’m need knee replacement surgery and June 2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th & 16th are days open to have the Surgery in 2021.
    I was born August 15th close to Midnight, 1949.
    Please let me know if any of those dates are good.
    Thank you!

  24. I have permanent facial cosmetic injections scheduled on the full moon lunar eclipse 5/26/2021. I don’t feel like this is a good idea. When looks promising for cosmetic procedures? (She’s booked until July)

    Thank you!!!

  25. Hi! I’m looking to get a cosmetic surgery done soon. It will be a fat transfer to the buttocks and hips area. I have chosen the following dates: July 13, July 22, august 10, august 13, august 20, august 19, and august 17. I am wondering which of these dates will be ideal. Thank you!

  26. I am Planung to have Laser surgery. Proposed dates are 02.05.2021 for right eye and either 29.09.2021 or 05.10.2021 for left eye. Are these dates appropriate or should and of them be avoided? Appreciation for your advice.
    DOB: 01.02.1945
    Time: 18:43
    Morristown, New Jersey USA /Morris County
    Kind regards,

  27. Apologies for the mistaken Date for the First surgery!
    Correct date scheduled is 07.09.2021 (incorrect Date of 02.05.2021 stated in Previous email).

  28. Surgery for Gallstone has to be done for my wife ( Sagittarius born on Tuesday in Kathmandu, Nepal). Could you please kindly suggest the 1/2 dates preferably after two weeks.

  29. My surgery is on March 29th 2022. My birthday is May 23rd 1990 born at 3:48 p.m.. no planets at all or retrograde right now however the Moon will be in Pisces….. It is however a waning almost new moon. Will the type of moon that it is outweigh the sign that it is in and provide fruitful results I am nervous

  30. Hi!! I want a breast augmentation done on may 4th. I’m a sag rising. Venus and Jupiter and Pluto will be in Pisces in my 4th house, (home…BREASTS here too!! ) but moon will also be in Taurus that day as well. In my 6th house. Is this a safe time? The other date they gave me will be when Mercury is RX.

  31. I have been advised cataract surgery the dates can be from 22 apr 2022 to 27apr. My DOB is 20/02/52. Pls advice if 22/4/22 is good day. Thank you

  32. Hi
    I’m looking to have facial cosmetic surgery which date are better from end of June till end of July please. Thank you

  33. I’m a Gemini and am scheduled for stomach surgery and for hi adal hernia on July 5th, 2022. Is this a good day?

  34. I am having revision rhinoplasty and browlift and trying to choose best astrological/aspect date. Which date is better for outcome? July 1, 2022 or July 27, 2022?

  35. Namaste
    I am planning to have eye surgery in July or August
    I am Dhanu Rasi
    Which days are best

  36. Blessings! I am looking ahead to have kidney surgery in October 2022 or best time you advise. I have a tumor in left kidney.I have decided to remove kidney. This will be robotic surgery. I am a 69 yr old female. Sagittari
    us. Praying for a excellent outcome. Please advise:)

  37. Okay my dog is set to have surgery on a VOC day but the moon will be in a fixed sign. It’s 2 days before the full moon as well and a day before Mercury retrograde.. so could he still get the surgery?

  38. I will be getting cataract surgery in february or march of 2023 , can you tell me which dates are most successful to have this done? Thank you so much!

  39. This information is insightful and appreciated. Thank you! I am looking into cosmetic surgery, (breast & tummy area) and dates I had in mind are May 18, 2023 or June 18, 21 or 23, 2023 but unsure if these dates are good for my chart. Please help.

    DOB: 8/25/1984 Bronx, New York at 9:47PM

  40. Good morning,

    I am having arthroscopic hip surgery soon and am trying to figure the best day for that! I am a Cancer, 66 yrs old woman and it will be my right hip having surgery. I can pretty much pick any Thursday or Tuesday. Can you recommend a day 2023 in May or June or even July if necessary. I want to get it done so as possible, but only by the moon! Tuesdays and Thursday are the days he does surgery.

    Thanks so much,


  41. Hello Sir,
    I need to undergo fibroids and cyst removal surgery in this month n july 2023. Could you please suggests me the best dates.


  42. I desperately need your help.
    In October 2023 I need to have revision facial and neck plastic surgery also on my eyelids in
    Korea.Can you Please tell me which days are best for best outcome.
    Can you please contact me on my email address for more details
    Thank you

  43. Hi
    I will have a surgery for gallbladder remove by videolaparoscopy. Which data will be the best in the august/september interval?

  44. Thank you very much for your informative astrological information. I need to schedule cataract surgery on my right eye, before the end of 2023. Which days would be most successful?

  45. Sure glad I found this site! I am going to have hip replacement surgery in either December 2023 or January 2024. Can you tell me any Tuesday or Friday that would be best for such a surgery. Thankful I can wait until the BEST time for surgery!


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