Numerology – Benefits of Name Change


How Numerology Can Help You?

Name Change in Numerology If the name you change according to numerology is not compatible with your date of birth or life path number then the benefits of number will not be acquired even if number resulting from changing your name is very lucky one, hence its a must to change the name by considering ones life path number and date of birth. For e.g. if a persons life path number is 1, or date of birth 10,19,1,or 28 then that person can keep their name as 37 or 46 instead of 33 or 41, In this case all the above mentioned numbers are very lucky but its 37 or 46 which will really make wonders in that persons life.

Numerology – Benefits of Name Change

Consult a Numerologist before a Name Change

When a name is changed to 5 or 6 value with the help of a numerologist, then one can experience unexplainable changes in ones mind and also physical structure. If a person changes his name to 5, then unexplainable feelings can be experienced as there is a rapid change of mind, and if name is changed to 6, then that person’s physical aura changes, and great energy is obtained. physical endurance is obtained when name is changed to 6.


    • I am confused my daughter dob 29-6-2011. For her date no.2 and life no.3 so in birth certificate name is samiksha.s so name no.23 ie.5 so calling name samiksha I want to change name to samikshaa or samikshaa.s or what is there in birth certificate is OK plz suggest me

      • But in passport full name either samikshaa shashikumara or samiksha shashikumara or in school certificate samikshaa or samikshaa.s or samiksha.s but calling name is samikshaa only which name suits for her as per her dob msg me I will b waiting

  1. Hello Rajendra,

    I found your blogs very informative. My DOB is 20.10.1977. What do i add to bring my name in harmony with my DOB/life path number ..
    i shall be grateful
    Rajneesh sharma

  2. Kindly tell what should be total of name of person born on 20.02.71.we are suffering because of his name total as 8.Please help.

  3. Hi,My name totals to 28 and life path number is 5.My husbands' life path number is 4 and his name totals to 8. Please help and tell what should be total of my hsuband's name that we have happy life nad he achieves success. Is numerology responsible for our peaceless life.Please help.And if possible, please dont publish this.I am in great problem.If you would be having email, I could write.Please help.Please guide.

    • Hi Gauri, your name value 28 is not good for relationships also your husbands name has to change. dont worry we can solve your problems very easily… Provide both of your's date of birth and complete name

      • I was studying changing names.
        What do you say if I change my name as

        ( Name removed as per the request – author)

        and my husband keeps his name as ( Name removed as per the request – author)

        both of them coming to be total as 32.

        Warm Regards,
        ( Name removed as per the request – author)

  4. Hello My name is Ziaa Khot , Does my name is lucky for me
    My date of birth is 19/03/1987
    can anyone sugust me. about my name
    lucky shall i cary on this name or what to do
    Thanks a lot

  5. Hello My name is ZIEEA KHOT
    does my name is lucky for me
    Please advice what this name will bring into my life
    Thanks a lot

    • Hi Zia,

      Ziaa Khot comes 28 and Zieea Khot coems 37 in numerology, though both are belong to number 1 family, 37 is more lucky, favourable, and a great number than 28. number 28 is not a lucky number at all

  6. Hey Friend,
    i met one numerologist, he suggested me to change my name to 31 which comes to 4 and 4 is enemy no. of 3 . i am 3 born 5 as life path presently 42 as my name total. Saachin Tillak Gabba. I am in Broadcasting industry. He told me to write my name 43 times till 43 days. you will be benefited.which i didn't followed.
    Now the question is why numerologist suggest to write name 43 times ,102 times daily till 43 or 102 , 109 days .
    whats the logic behind it ? and is my name now lucky for me to move ahead in media industry ? if possible do answer ? i am having lot of question will keep asking you one by one . thanx

  7. Hey friend what would you suggest me , 30 jan 1980 is my DOB . Life path no 5
    I changed my name to Saachin tillak gabba. Which come to 42 .i’m interested in film industry, then i read your post on 5&9 compatibility. Sachin gabba which comes to 27.

    Now what would you suggest according to your experience which name (Saachin tillak gabba/ sachin gabba) will give me more promising fame and success . I am already working in Radio Station as radio jockey in Dubai and I want to make my career in film industry ?

  8. Hey friend what would you suggest me , 30 jan 1980 is my DOB . Life path no 5
    I changed my name to Saachin tillak gabba. Which come to 42 .i’m interested in film industry, then i read your post on 5&9 compatibility. Sachin gabba which comes to 27.

    Now what would you suggest according to your experience which name (Saachin tillak gabba/ sachin gabba) will give me more promising fame and success . I am already working in Radio Station as radio jockey in Dubai and I want to make my career in film industry ?

    • Saachin,

      42 is undoubtedly the name for actors, and entertainment industry, both 42 and 27 are great numbers, 42 pertains only to entertainment industry and 27 is a number which can be used ( not for 8 borns) to make success in any field. Its a divine number. Its upto you to choose, your lifepath as 5 is compatibel to 27, and 27 can make you from a peon to an emperor, and it has that capacity. its diff to choose one from these two, but i ll go for 27 as its overall a magical number.

  9. Hello Sir,

    My name is Karthik P.One of my friend suggested me to change into Karthik Prakash.
    I din't see any change after changing my name.
    My birth number is 4 and life path number is 3.
    Karthik Prakash sums to 39.Is it lucky for me.
    Currently I am working in a financial sector on risk analysis.


    • as your lifepath is 3, keeping name in 3 will certainly be lucky for you, but your friend should not have kept number 39, 39 is a number which brings benefits to ur frnds but for you it wont do any good at all. karthik when called comes 17 which gives many obstacles, you can keep your name as P karthi, which comes 23 overall and karthi comes 15 which is good for your industry

  10. my name KUBENDAR SANKARAN VALAIYAR date of birth 25 – 05 -1973 __ I NEED POSITVE CHANGE IN MY LIFE i tried my best in altering my own name according to ur guideline for my own betterment i would like to explan to you __if my new name will be like thiz ???????? WHICH IZ BEZT NAME FOR ME ????? __ 1, NEW name KUBENDHAR SANKARAN VALAIYAR=68__ 2, NEW name KUBENDHAR S V = 41__ 3, NEW NAME KUBENDHAR=32__ 4.NEW SHORT NAME KUBENS =23__ i m confued which hould i keep?__plz guied me __thankz__kubendar

    • Hi Kubens,

      go for KUBENDHAR, which comes 32, this the best choice of all you have mentioned, keep your nick name as kubens, sign your new name 32 times every day and believe that its your new name. All the best

      • KUBENDHAR 25-05-1973 tob 16.38 pob srinagar jk & PRATIMA 22-10-1976 tob 19.30 pob ankleshwar gujrat is it worth geting married both of us?? will our life be sucessfull? will she be suportive in my carrier plan? can we hv twins 😉 ? now i am working in a hotel BAR with alcohol-which type of product bussiness sutabel for both of us in our future? plz suggest the BEST MUHURTHAM DATE for geting married in augest 2009 sept 2009 oct 2009 nov 2009 jan2010 feb 2010?

  11. Hey Rajendra,

    Suppose person is having his original date of birth say 30/01/1981 but in his passport , in legal documents, in certificates he is using 30/01/1982. so which date will have inflence on that person. original one or the one which he is using in all his legal documents ? which date of birth will be used for numerological calculations ? plz answer it . thanx

  12. hi saravana____i am a rapper/musician and very keen on getting to the top, and was just wandering if my name is helping or hurting.____in music i am known as jreaper which leads to 1(my life path is 7) my full birth name is joel benjamin nathaniel richards and leads to a 4 but had my name changed by dpole to joel benjamin nathaniel griffiths ten years ago as it is our proper family name and leads to 8. ____is this good or bad. since the name change i have become really good at music and have had some sucsess. but personal relationships have been poor as before too.__please could you help.

    • Jreaper comes 24 in chaldean numerology, i.e. 6, thats why you are good in music and art talents also your 15 born, thats 6 which is a symbol of beauty, music, and love. and joel benjamin nathaniel richards comes 91 (1) in chaldean numerology, which is good only, i think u counted ur name using pythagoran system. Your music name jreaper is very good, dont change it, you will become one of the greats in music, just do the hardwork n it ll push u to new heights, keep your name as joel benjamin nathaniel griffiths which comes 105 (6) again. Everythin speaks music only in your life, All the best, reg love life, you will have many love, love is never ending, you cant be a one woman man, you belong to many hearts. All the best

  13. hi ____sorry here is my birthdate 15/08/1982 ____my full name at birth: joel benjamin nathaniel richards____my full name now: joel benjamin nathaniel griffiths____my musician name: j reaper____is this bad for music and love or good?____thanks.

  14. Hello Sarvana Rajendra,

    There is one more question in my mind, if person is having two names say …..i take my example — Saachin Tillak Gabba which comes to 42, i use this name for all my entertainment contracts, projects. and the second name Sachin Gabba which come to 27 and i use this name in all my business projects other than entertainment industry, news channels.etc. Is it possible for a person to use both the names? is it possible that both the names will show their benefit to the same person in respective contracts and projects. OR one should go for only one name ?

  15. Why don't you write a post on lucky and unlucky Alphabets ? I think this really have effect on individual's life!!!

    Take care
    God bless You

    • There is nothing called lucky or unlucky alphabets, Its a matter of which number to be used for a particular date of birth. Birth date alone can determine whether a number is good or bad.

  16. Hi Sarvana
    Can one person use two different names in different spheres of life to get success in different fields?

  17. Please help me to correct my name number.My name is yogeasvary.My date of birth is 11/6/1979.Please give me a lucky name so that i can achieve things in my life.Thank you

    • Good Question,

      The physical structure changes according to the number we change, for eg. generally 5 and 6 are considered to be the most sought out numbers in numerology. If a person changes his name to 5, he tends to remain agile, alert, his muscles will be reflexive, his physical aging will be directly proportional to his mood of mind. If name is changed to 6, then that person will become very attractive, beautiful and a great sense of amorous energies will pass through on them.

  18. Hi Saravana KKUMAR,

    My son is Born on 19.8.1999 His name is Shivaprasad sharma. Is correction is required?
    The present value comes to 51 and if he delete H it will be 46. Kindly advice us which is better for him.He is very good in studies and intelligent too.

  19. Hi ,

    I want to ask.. Is it rue that we have chosen to experience everything in our life? If so when changing our name could this be cheeting? Trying to escape our Karma?

    • Experience here means a Whole experience, which simply means we have to empty our karma’s in this life itself. There are three types of karma, Sankit, Prakriti and Kriyaman. Sankit karma denotes all your past lives karma and is the sum of all karma’s. ( imagine like a big bowl) Prakriti is your present like karma, the sum of karma’s of your present life. ( imagine a bowl within the big bowl) and Kriyaman is your day to day karma in your present life, this includes every second of your present life. ( a bowl within prakriti bowl). Now, one has to empty the sankit karma to attain moksha or liberation. One cannot empty it before emptyin prakriti, and to do that, you must not add any bad karma’s in your day to day life, i.e. kriyaman. Even though some people doesnt add any bad karma in the prakriti, but they tend to reborn again, because their sankit is not empty, which accounts for sum of all karma’s in ur past lives. One can know the amount of sankit karma only through meditation. And for 8 borns, they have already emptied their kriyaman, and now the sankit is left in their last life due to past karma’s, so they will empty it owing to the karmic nature. But there is a term called Karmic Reward, which says one can cleanse the past karma’s using karmic reward, number 5 is called karmic reward. Thats why 8 borns name as to be in 5, so that they can empty the sankit karma without being to suffer due to past karmas, this will allow them to led a blissful life in last life and then attain liberation.

          • Astral World is called cosmic world or heavens in lay man language. The Universe is very vast, unimgainable, we live in milky way galaxy in sun solar system, but there are billions of galaxies which compromise the universe, this universe is called heaven or astral world.

          • The enlightened ones like Jesus,Buddha, and even a common man who has got liberation will be in astral world. Are they in human form? well i dont know, but they are in the form of light. There is one supreme being who controls the astral world, When Jesus said ” I and the Father are same” it means once a person gets liberation his conscious become one with the Supreme Being – The Father

          • what about what muslims believe like they will get 60 virgins or something- what about that?

            Also what do we do in the Astral world? is that the total end of us?

            Taianna Camarado

          • I personally dont go with that statement, moreover heaven is not the place where one can bang woman, its a place nearest and closest to the supreme being.

  20. Thank you for your wonderful explanation.

    I have a few questions- What things could i do on a daily basis to create Bad Karma? For instance if i lie will this make bad Karma? What about bad language?

    So me finding out about the number 5 for my name is a Karmic Reward does it mean that it was no accident?

    • It was no accident, you have done some very good karma to have ur name in 5 in this life, Many 8 born suffer so much and end their last life, even to have a name in 5, you should have done some good karma, which makes you to naturally have a name in 5 or atleast meet guys like me and change their name.

      Now what is bad karma? Difficult to answer tht, like answering what is God? let me try to explain you in easiest terms, Karma means actions, so bad karma means the actions which can create things that are bad for you or your surroundings. Hence, you have to be aware of what you do. Buddha call this as the art of watchfulness. When your consciousness is aware, your actions will not hurt anyone. E.g, When some one scolds you, its our nature to strike back and abuse them thus adding unwanted karma, but we also have the choice of silently ignoring that person through awareness. Thats why Jesus Christ said, forgive your enemies, love your neighbors, if some one slaps you show the other cheek. All this he said, so that we wont add our karma’s and born again and again.

      In short, Karma means actions, whatever action you do, it will come back to you. If you scold a person, some person in this world will scold back you with the same word. If you steal from some one, some one will steal from you. Cos, every action we do, will come back to us, thats the law of universe. If that doesnt happen in your present life, it will happen in your next life. This is called carrying your sankit karma. But if your a 8 born, it will come back to you in this life itself as you have no other life left.

      Thats why Buddha, Christ, Krishna all said, Love everyone and you will be loved by all. As your actions come back to you.

        • How are you meant to ignore someone who abuses you? If you ignore it they will think they can get away with treating people in that manner.

          • We have been trained like that to do by our society and its laws. There is no need for a law, nature is the greatest law. If some one abuses us, who are we to abuse him or judge him, let the nature takes it course and it will decide by its own. There is no need to react at all. Are we goin to become the abuse what he intends, we are only self discrimnating us by abusing back, we fail to know that we r unique and equal

    • Yeah i cant believe someone would think this was a reward. Me personally after one virgin id rather sit down and have a piece of cake.

  21. hello i changed my name to sachin bisaani earlier sachin bisani my new name speliing coming to 32,i got changed from specialist before i used sachiin bisaani and sachinn bisaani ,i asked specialist that why you have kept my name on 32 instead i have 33 or 37
    as my DOB is 12-05-1982 he answered that you have strong mercury position in your chart,that i it was kept on 32,please if you can suggest me more about my numerology.
    time of birth 12:35am place nagda junction,MP,India

    • Its a good name 32. And one has to consider planetary positions also to name a person, Since your lifepath is 1 with birth date 3, Name can be in 1 or 5. 37 is also a good choice. The astrologer has said that you have strong mercury, its acceptable, but there is other way, if i were there, i ll keep name in 37. Because, when a planet is strong there is no need to make it stronger, But 37 signifies 1, the Sun, In a person’s chart, The position of Sun in the house indicates the strongest traits and benefits of the house. Which ever house Sun is placed, it makes it stronger and completely powerful s Sun denotes the Self in horoscope. with life path as 1, the best choice will be name as 1 (37 or 46) which makes the persons chart powerful. But 32 is not a bad choice, it depends on astrologers choice.

  22. hi.__my date of birth is 24/04/1976=total 6/33,my name also after count showing words total42..but i'm spending unhappy life also no any improvement in my life!also my wrking place day by day i becoming lower per neumarology article i should have very good life but still i didn't see any changes in my life..can you kindly advice me why its happening to me.____Thanks regard__Cassem Irushan

  23. Dear Kumar,
    I want just want your advise on my kids my son born on 19..8.1999 name is shivaprasad sharma and my daughter is born on 13.06.2001 her name is sanjana sharma
    any changes is required in their name please advise

  24. i got my sum placed on 4rth house on mash rashi ,it can be said sun is in better position but my lagna is makar so sum is a lord of 8 th house and currently iam under going mahadasha of sun which is not going favable for mercury on 5th house so it can be reason for that.

  25. hi sir,

    my name is umashankar
    born ; 19.12.1991
    birth no; 1
    life path; 6
    name number; 30

    can u plz suggest me a good name as per numerology for my overall success,

    thank you very much.

  26. Hi, KR Saravanakkumar

    My name is Kumaran S/O V.Karuppiah.
    Birth date: 26/03/1987

    According to numerology it is better if i use my name as K.Kumaran?
    My Name number : 5
    Birth number : 26
    Destiny number : 9

    How my life will be in future?
    -Love life
    – carrer
    – marriage
    – Wealth

    Pls take ur time to answer my request and i will wait patiently for ur answer.

    TQ very much sir,

      • Hi sir,
        Recently i try to adjust my name spelling to be 23 without using my initial K, and finally i discovered that if i use my name as Kumarran (still 23) . Because people call me as Kumaran not K.Kumaran is it better if i use/sign my name as Kumarran without altering the name vibration? pls tell me sir……. waiting for ur reply.

        p/s This is because based on pandit sethuraman (Science of fortune book) he said that one/others must use the new favourable name frequently…..

        • Kumarran,

          You can use the name Kumarran itself then, Since most people like to retain their initial i never disturb the initials or surname, If your fine with it, then Kumarran is a very good one as even the name pronunciation comes 23.

  27. hello sir,

    my date of birth is 30.11.1987
    birth no; 3
    life path; 3

    my name is r surendra kumar

    is it suitable for me?

    plz help


  28. sir, i have another question to ask for my fren whereby;

    her name comes under number 33

    and her birth and lifepath number is also 3

    is her name number suitable for her birthday


    • Yes, they can marry. Birth date is not the only criteria for marriage, there are many things too. If atleast one of the criteria satisfies then the couple can live happily

  29. hello sir,

    after read ur post, i am interested on this numerology topic, so i read more on this topic, n just one thing is giving me some confusion;

    in chaldean system, from books and website of famous indian numerologist most of them is telling no 3 is enemy of number 6 and vice versa.

    and people number 3 should not have name under number 6 and vice versa

    so, i am confused because u are saying that for people born under no 3 ,name number 6 is good

    can u pls explain more such as which system are u using or anything regarding this matter.

    thanx, will really appreciated it

    • There is a debate still goin on about this topic, numerologers say 6 is enemy to 3 on basis of planetary relationship, but ancient scripts says 3 and 6 are friendly planets as they are godly numbers. But truth is 6 born people get along very nicely and are very compatible to 3 borns, some say that a 3 born should not have a name in 6 as its enemy, but i dont go with this, as i have personally seen many great people who are 3 born with name in 6.

  30. hi
    i m kartik goel born on 8 march 1988…… as per your suggestion should i change name to kkartik goel(counts to 5).

  31. Dear Sir,
    My daughter name is S.RAKSHANA and my friend has suggested to change her name to KEERTHIKHA SHRINIVAS which will be good. Her DOB : 30/07/1998 TOB : 10.22 PM and POB : Tirupur. I need your suggestion in this regard before changing her name.

    With Regards,

    • Shrinivas,

      Keerthikha Shrinivas is a better option than S Rakshana. Though S rakshana comes 23. the name keerthikha shrinivas will be more apt for her, and the calling name also comes good. Go for Keerthikha Shrinivas if you are planning to change the name.

  32. Dear Sir,

    My daughter name is S.RAKSHANA and my friend has suggested to change her name to KEERTHIKHA SHRINIVAS which will be good. Her DOB : 30/07/1998 TOB : 10.22 PM and POB : Tirupur. I need your suggestion in this regard before changing her name.

    With Regards,

  33. My name is Umaiyal . Date of Birth : 14/09/1972. The name number comes to 17 and life is a long everlasting struggle for me. Can you suggest a name change?

    If somenow were to have a number 8 as the destiny number of fate number, can it be offset by a 5 in the name number like 23, 41,32 or 50 ?

    • Umaiyal,

      Name number 17 is a powerful one, but it gives many struggles and obstacles in ones life. You are born on a lucky day with 14 as birth date and 6 as life path, but name as 17 is the one which gives u struggle, for your birth date you could keep a more lucky number than 17. And yes, for 8 borns and lifepath 8, number 5 can ward off the evil effects

  34. I am MANOJ DEY born on 3rd Nov 1973, at 5.37am, has changed my name to NEERAJ DEY one year back for upliftment, but within 1yr I left my job, sitting at home ideally, not married even, then what is the use of changing name as per numerology, so, should I go back to my original name or what to do?

  35. hello sir,

    my name is ISHAN GOSWAMI ,my name value comes out 40
    my DOB is 13/4/1989 & that makes me a 4 born, with 8 as the life path,

    do u suggest me to change my name, as the post says that the 4 born face lot of problems in life?

    eagerly waiting for ur reply!
    thanking u,

  36. dear Kumar,
    I just want your advise on my kid. My son born on 19.6.2008 name is yashas vishruth pothineni
    any changes is required in his name please advise me.

    • Your sons numbers are very good, 1 and 8 is a super birth date combination, but make sure you keep the name in 5. His current name comes 87 (6). However it is advisable to have name in 5 like 23,32,41,50,59 for people with life path 8

  37. thank you ..

    my husband day number 6, life path number 33 and his name comes 66

    my day number is 3 lifepath 3 and name 54

    any changes is required in our name please advise me.


  38. hello sir,

    my name is ISHAN GOSWAMI ,my name value comes out 40
    my DOB is 13/4/1989 & that makes me a 4 born, with 8 as the life path,

    do u suggest me to change my name, as the post says that the 4 born face lot of problems in life?

    eagerly waiting for ur reply!
    thanking u,

    • Mere 4 borns dont face lots of problems, but if 4 comes in lifepath or 8 comes in birth date or lifepath then problems n obstacles occur, For your both 4 and 8 are present which is bound to give you problems and wisdoms through your problems, Your name total comes 40, again name in 4 with already presence of 8 can make matters worse, but by adding an ‘a’ to your name, ISHAAN GOSWAMI it comes 41, thus by name in 5, all problems are erased and turned into gains

  39. dear sir,

    my name is amruta deshmukh name value 52, my DOB is 15-07-1987, my day number is 6 and life path is 2, i was thinking about changing my name to dipika deshmukh name value comes out to be 51, this is my BIRTH NAME, waht should i do?

    please advise me

  40. Dear saravana,
    I have been following your blog since from two months, you have provided really wonderful, authentic interpretations.
    my name number is 105, birth date is 14 and life path is 9.
    my husband name number is 62, bith date is 30 and life path is 6….
    Your advise is highly appreciated. thank you.

    • Hi,
      Your name is perfect and very good, its also compatible with your birth numbers. Whereas, your hubbys name as 62 is not a good one for married life, his birth numbers are good, but his name is unlucky. He should have his name in numbers like 6 or 9 for better relationship in family life

  41. dear sir,

    my name is amruta deshmukh name value 52, my DOB is 15-07-1987, my day number is 6 and life path is 2, i was thinking about changing my name to dipika deshmukh name value comes out to be 51, this is my BIRTH NAME, waht should i do?

    please advise me

    • Amrutha,
      Name number 52 is a bad one, its not at all good for marital bliss, Dipika Deshmukh comes 51 which is in sync with your birth date, its a royal star of the man. Very auspicious number. So make the changes

  42. Dear Saravana

    my husband day number 6, life path number 33 and his name comes 66

    my day number is 3 lifepath 3 and name 54

    any changes is required in our name please advise me.


  43. dear sir,

    thank you very much for ur reply regarding number 3 and 6 questions ,

    it is very useful for me,

    can i ask you another thing,

    let say if in my birth chart

    Jupiter in Pisces on 5th house from ascendant

    and Venus in Sagittarius on 2th house from ascendant

    is it highly beneficial for me to have name under 33 or any other number to really achieve my dreams at fullest. and to make achievement as businessman..

    my birth day; 3
    life path ; 3

    tank you very much,
    may god bless you always

  44. Thank you very much for ur kind advice.. my sister
    name number 33 day num 27=3 lifepath=5 please let me know if name change is required..

  45. TThank you very much for ur kind advice.. my sister
    name number 33 day num 27=9 lifepath=5 please let me know if name change is required..

  46. hi Saravana, thank you so much for your advise. i’m looking forward to change my hubby’s name. I agree the same as you said.
    I have one question regarding name number.
    1)For ex 51 is name number means, is this the name is always influenced by Mercury, Sun, and venus in all dealings?

  47. Hi,

    Thank you for your advices, My birth name is Thangaraj V, V is my intial & im born on 21/11/1984, Is the name lucky to me or should i change the name please advice…also i tend to use Rajj or sometimes Thanga as my short name is it good using like this

  48. thank you sir for your reply,

    so, can i come to conclusion that in my case even though my birth date and life path both is 3 that is strongly influenced by jupiter but venus is strong in my birth chart and also can give me lots of benefits.

    and is good to have name in 33 as well right? pls comment

    i do really appreciate your comments

    thank you very much sir


  49. Dear Sarvana,
    My DOB is 26/10/1978 Name ******
    is my name and DOB in harmony? if not what name number should I change to?

  50. Hi ,
    My Name is Sajitha M (my nick name is sajee), M is my initial & iam born on 19/07/1984, Is this name lucky for me ? or should i change the name please advice…

  51. Sir,
    Thanks for the reply. What if I write my name as Aasif Ali. will it be any better.

    I consulated one numerologist in Pakistan and he asked me to change my wife’s name for Saadia to Farah. Her date of birth is 01-Jan-1982. My kids name were Omar Asif Ali and Ahmed Asif Ali and he asked me to change those to Ursalan Asif Ali and Faheem Asif Ali. Does these changes make any sense to you.

    My name is Asif Ali and DOB is 22Nov1969. Is my name OK?

    Astronlogia 09.04.09 at 3:42 pm
    The complete asif ali comes 18, which is bound to give you obstacles, hardships, enemies, constant fights in your life.

    • AAsif,

      Asif Ali is not at all a good name as per numerology, but Aasif Ali is an excellent name for you, it comes 19. I have said about this number in my blog. More over for a 4 born person like you, name in 1 is the most benefactor.

      Reg Your wife,

      Her birth number is 1 and lifepath is 4, you and your wife share same life path which is very good, but her name comes 17 (Farah) which is a tricky one. Though its very powerful number for your wife’s birth date, its not advisable for woman, as it makes them very strong and Iron willed, also it gives many challenges and obstacles and makes them a warrior like person, woman being sensitive and soft should refrain from using this name number. If it were men, then this is very good for them.

      Both Omar Asif Ali and Ahmed Asif Ali are top class names, i dont know why he asked to change.

  52. Dear Sir,
    I am regularly following u r blog it is very interesting and informative
    I am having name and life path is 8.
    My details are
    name: bharath kumar
    DOB 19/01/1977(18th night 1am)
    I wanted to change my as bharathchandra as it come to numerology life path5. can select this name. how many times i have to write? please advice me, iam looking for u r kind reply.

    With Warm Regards,
    bharath kumar N

  53. Hi Saravana, You are doing great job by helping so many, I wish you to have a grand success in your life. Always God bless you and keep you in his care. Thank you so much for your suggestions…..

  54. my name is anil vijay and my Dob is 22/11/1971. pl. suggest my name is conflicting with my dob, if yes pl. suggest how i correct it.

    my wife name chetna vijayvargya dob is 27/10/1977 is it o.k or required some altration.

    thanx & Regards


    • Anil your name comes 20 which is a average number for your birth date, also not advisable one.. Your wife’s name comes 47 which is fine for her life path 7 but it can give problems to her eyes.

  55. Truly A best blog around for numerology,Hai man hats off,Thanks For helping people for there name numerology. You have tweet me button but please share your twitter account we must follow you.

  56. Astronlogia

    you are doing fantastic work , May good bless you. Lots of respect and good wishes for you & your family members . And hoping you would contineue your job. Can I write ANIL VEJAY My name PL . Suggest.

    Thanx & Regards.

  57. thanx . pl. do same with my wife name . Her name is chetna vijayvargia which is correct bt i changed it chetna vijayvargya to correct it. but it is not perfect.

    thanx & regards.
    anel vijay

  58. hello sir,

    just currious about this matter,

    i do come across a book talked about nameology that for example they were saying that it is good to have letter combined in name such as ra, ar, vin , kar that will give very good result and success, also everything good and

    should not have bad combination as ran, de, di, en, es, su that will give trouble and problem in life.

    do agree with this fact?

    and another thing for writing names daily is that any specific way?

    such as for exp ;


    saravana, saravana, saravana, saravana like this


    • Oh , You can write name in any way, only thing is you must write it clearly and understandably, Also there are certain expressions which we must avoid, but there are lots of rules in it, so one cant say just like that Ra is a bad expression for name.

  59. HI Saravana,

    I would like to know if my name needs a little tweaking. Dont know who to approach. Things in my life are either too slow or dont come by all togather.
    My DOB is 25/08/1975. Your input and suggestion would be highly appreciated.


  60. Hi,
    My nam is Ashish Bansal and DOB is 05 Jun 1978.
    Pl. suggest.. Is my name in line with DOB or need to change, suggest if require.

  61. hi sir,

    tanx for ur reply

    sir, can u pls tell about name number 36

    is the number good or bad

    because the explaination of the number from certain book makes me confused is the number good number or bad number of number 9 series

  62. sir my name is suresh bhupathii b . tel me how my name should b called . can u explain abt my name number sir, i hav combination like 24 + 33 + 2 = 59 means wht it indicates sir.

    with warm regards

  63. Dear Saravana,

    Just calculated my name (A.V Krishna Mohan) adds up to 48. my life path is 1andf birth num 7. my dob is 25/08/1975.
    could you please help find out if this is harmonious. Incidentally my bro’s name(A.V Harsha Vardhan) is 48 and his life path us 7and birth num 9, dob is 9/6/1981. Please help in suggesting appropriate solutions thru ur valuable input.Please let me know if a pvt consultation is required.

    Thanks and regards

  64. i hav calculated my name suresh puneeth r , adds like 24,33 and with intial 2 up to 59. my life path is 9 andf birth num 8. my dob is 08/05/1976. can u explain n tell wheather name is harmonious or not. how r these combination .
    urs thankfully

  65. dear saravana sir
    i hav calculated my name suresh puneet R, that comes to 24,33 and 2 total
    comes to 59.i want to my name is hormonious r not for me. wht does the combination means . 24+33+2 =59. im good at work n personal life also. rarely i get health probelms cos im doing yoga. giv me ur advice for my name n combination.
    ur thankfully

    • Suresh,

      Your name is in perfect harmony with your birth date. As a 8 born, you have your name in 5(59), this is what i advocate in this blog, to have name in 5 for 8 born, its no wonder that you are having a good life with sound health.

  66. Thanks for ur help Saravana. If I’m dropping my initials A.V and just keep Krishna Mohan it adds up to 41. Krishna is 19 and Mohan is 22=41. Does this help.
    For my Brother adding a “D” to Harsha Varddhan sums up to 45. he again should be dropping A.V from his name to arrive at 45. Please let me know if the calculations are correct and how it is to be enforced.I’m a total novice and have arrived at this by the number values provided. Please do let me know what these numbers 41 and 45 indicate.What of the numbers you suggested are forceful to suit our personalities.
    Once again thank you for your help. You are doing a great job for the benefit of others.

    Warm regards
    Krishna Mohan

    • Krishna,

      There are numerous names one can choose, hence i cant interfere in that rights, You can experiment with your name, as you can include your sur name, or grandfathers initial or family name.

  67. i have alredy sent my query but no reply
    dob 26-03-1951
    pl suggest name change for Rakesh Babu
    will it be ok if i change it to Rakesh Baboo

  68. hello sir,

    can i ask you some question regarding lucky dates?

    let say we born in date such as 30.11.1987 and name number is 33 as you know just for example,

    is the most lucky day is 3 series like 3,12,21,30 or the sum of 3 will be most lucky according to birthday


    the the lucky date will be under influence of name number such as in example 33 ( number of venus) 6,15, 24 or the sum date of 6 will be the most lucky

    regards and tanx

  69. hello sir, my name is MAHANTHESHI S and DOB is 20 5 1984. 2 n 2 combination. my name number comes to 42. is my name number compatible r not to my DOB. i thought to keep vijay mahantheshi s. tel me sir

    ur faithfully

  70. hello sir. u told my name is good . that comes to 59 for 8 borns. in my names 24, 33 n intial 2 wht does it mean sir…how wil b my life n career..

  71. my name is MAHANTHESHI S and date of birth is 20 5 1984. my name comes 42. i want to know wheather my name is harmonious r not. i want to change my name coz im feeling lot of probelms in my life. somebody suggested me a vijay mahantheshi s . is it fine r not. tell me ur reply

    • For people with life people 2, name should not be in 42, the chances of eye related disorders and health problems are there. The best name would be to have in 9 like 27,45 or 36. Or in general one can even have name in 5.

      Your suggested name vijay mahantheshi s comes 52, which will make your life a better one, but will give marriage/relationship related troubles

  72. Dear sir,

    I am inquiring about name changes. I am an 8 born person (born on the 17th). I have calculated my full name to the number 4 (or 1 , without my middle name). But my first name alone calculates to the number 23. Also, my last name alone calculates to 14.
    Through your website, I found that an 8/5 combination is favorable.
    My question is, when calculating name numbers, can I use just my first name and not my entire name or must I use my full name? Or, if I use my entire name, should I change my name?

    Thank you for your time.

    • Hi,

      You have mentioned that full name comes to 4, and your name without middle name comes 37 and your first name comes 23. Now, whether its full name, or first name, the power of name lies in the way we sign. If you sign your first name alone in all the legal documents and everywhere, then your name is first name alone, the last and middle doesnt count here. But if you sign the complete name then we must see whether the value of your full name is good or not.

      You can sign your first name alone, as its very lucky for you (23), you can even use first name and last name which is 37, (good but not as as good as 23) but you must not sign ur complete name which comes to 4

  73. Astronlogia, im new to ur website i find ur website is very informative n good compare to others, my name comes to 5, i hav combination like 33, 24 n 2 intial. i want to know what these numbers indicates also 8 born with life path 9. im always fun loving n happy with married life.

    • rohit,

      It comes 59, and i have already told you that this name is a very good one for you considering you as 8 born. I will dedicate a separate post for 59, many ppl are asking about it.

  74. Dear sir,
    My name is sonali gupte . dob is 10th october 1973. tell me my number and its lucky or no. i dont get any sucess in any areas of my life. I wish to change my name as Prity. is this new name going to be successful for me in all areas or no?

  75. 27.09.1969 is my DOB. The total comes to 4+33 = 37. In your blog under name number 46, you have mentioned that those born under 9, should avoid 37 or 46 as they might affect the eyes. Can I have your valuable suggestion for suitable name number please as I am determined to change my name, if 37 is bad for my birth number.

    I am the regular reader of your blogs and would like to sincerely thank you for the great service to human kind.

  76. my DOB is 16 jan 1976, i want to know is my name harmonious r not to me. my name comes to 39. somebody suggested me to hav vishwa b, is it good r wht.

  77. i hav frnd whos date of birth is 2 4 1975. his name is mohan s , it is good r no , tell me pls sir.if not what is best number for him to hav

  78. hi sir,

    just to tell u eagerly waiting for your post for name number 32 as u already done it for name number 41, hope u make it soon

    thanx for ur valuable blog

  79. Dear sir,

    My DOB is 4/2/1990, which makes my birth number 4 and my destiny number 7.[I have read that 4(ruled by rahu) and 7(ruled by kethu) oppose each other which pushes me in opposite direction. – i even dream of worldly success]. I hav a lot of dreams and ambitions in my life. So i seriously need to change my name to a perfect number so that i can cum up in my life.

    vishalachy maniam = 45, which is gud but i tink tat itz total is nt suitable fr my both birth num n destiny num

    so hw if i alter my name to vishaalachy maniam=46. Will it giv positve effect in my life?? wat do u tink sir??

    How can i make sure changing of my name works??

    thx a bilion sir helpin my life to better…u meant a lot…may God bless u alwys…thx again

    • you have both rahu and ketu in your birth numbers, this is a tricky situation, both are opposites and most powerful in planetary system. Make it 41 that will give you worldly success,

  80. as i mentioned above will num 1 work if my destiny number is 7 o wil it bring negative effect?

    so shud i change my name to
    m.vishalachy – 33

  81. hello could you please change me name as per numerology
    current name is : Zia Ahmad khot . please tel me my name is okey for me and also i having a problem i cant concentrate on my studies
    9 am

    1)Feel sense of aloofness, difficulty with communication, lack of
    concentration and slowness and lack of vitality.

    2)i have a Lack of Confidence, Depression, Not getting Success, ,
    nervous, Repeated Failure in Life.

    Thanks a lot
    i am very thankfull to you

  82. hello could you please change me name as per numerology
    current name is : Zia Ahmad khot . please tel me my name is okey for me and also i having a problem i cant concentrate on my studies
    9 am

    1)Feel sense of aloofness, difficulty with communication, lack of
    concentration and slowness and lack of vitality.

    2)i have a Lack of Confidence, Depression, Not getting Success, ,
    nervous, Repeated Failure in Life.

    Thanks a lot
    i am very thankfull to you

  83. hello my date birth is 19/03/1987, my destiny number is 2 , which name number is suitable for me most , example 32, 37, 42, 24, 23, 47, 55, etc
    please help me in this matter
    Thanks a lot

  84. Hello Sir,
    It would be kind of you if you could please give me your views on my name .
    D.O.B :11-08-1980
    LIFE PATH NO: 01
    Would like to change it to : HARRSHA KRISHNA MURTHY – 6
    Should i keep to as HARRSHA OR K.HARRSHA.
    Once agian i would request you kindly help me on this issue.
    Thanks a ton

  85. Hello Astronlogia,

    My birth number is 5 and the life path number is 6. My original name is M. Ramani. I have recently changed it to Venkat Ramani. M, totalling to 41. Please let me know whether this is ok.

    Of the two name numbers 23 and 41, which is better and which one suits me most ?

    What is the reason for me to write this new name every day 41 times. How many days should I continuously write this name ?

    Expecting your revert,

    Venkat Ramani

  86. dear sir,
    my name is saurav daga and i have changed it to sourrav daaga
    and date of birth is 03-11-1986.plz lemmen know whether my new name is good or

  87. You have suggested that the name should be 23 for me as my date of birth is 26-03-1951. will it be OK if I sign as Rakesh Bab which come to 23.
    In my official and bank records the spellings are ” Rakesh Babu ” . How to take care of the same. Will it be sufficient if I sign as Rakesh Bab and let spelling in record continue as above.

    Pl reply promptly as I have already written 3-4 reminders.


  88. my name is saurav daga and my date of birth is 03/11/1986.plz lemme know if my name is numerologically correct or not.i am planning to cahnge my name to sourav l daga

  89. first of all, thx fr sparin your time to ans although u r busy…i really do appreciate it..

    and sir, i read it some where that a person vit life path 4 upon 7 is advised to have name under total name num either 6 or 1 as thier lucky number seemed to be 6 or 1…what do u think about diz sir??

    thx a lot sir:-)

    • Yes, they can certainly have it in 6 or 1, 6 will make them drawn to worldly life and 1 will make them career oriented, with 7 as lifepath, its a must to have name in 5,6,1 or 9. As 7 is highly spiritual in nature, a material number is needed to balance it

  90. Hi Sir,

    Please attention

    I were asked you question about my name but you not given me answer yet.
    Please give me answer.

    My name is Md. Alamgir my d.o.b is 10.11.1983. It is best for me? plz reply or what changes do you want ?

  91. Dear Saravana,
    I was born on the 17th and my lifepath number 4 (DOB 17 March 1982, 16.20pm). As you told above this mix is harmful for the person. My name is Olesja Verbicka. Could you suggest if i need to change the name or to do anyhting else?

    Best Wishes

    • Olesja,

      I will give the choices of name change for you, i ll make it as 41, which will make you a successful and happiest person in earth 🙂

      Olesa Verbicka

      Olesj Verbicka

      Olesja Verbcka

      You can choose any one out of these three name, all these names comes to value 41, so choose which one is feasible for you

  92. Hello Astronlogia,

    Can you please reply which I am eagerly awaiting ?

    My birth number is 5 and the life path number is 6. My original name is M. Ramani. I have recently changed it to Venkat Ramani. M, totalling to 41. Please let me know whether this is ok.

    Of the two name numbers 23 and 41, which is better and which one suits me most ?

    What is the reason for me to write this new name every day 41 times. How many days should I continuously write this name ?

    Expecting your revert,

    Venkat Ramani

    • I have replied early i think, 23 is better than 41, and your name as 41 is perfectly fine, you must write it for three months to get make the vibration of the name spread all over the cosmos

  93. tatz a gud explaination indeed, sir. so what number do you u tink will be the best fr me sir?? 41?? so shud i change my name to vishaalacy maniam or do u have any other suggestion…thx again sir

  94. Dear SARA
    Pl reply for my earlier post reproduced below:

    You have suggested that the name should be 23 for me as my date of birth is 26-03-1951. Will it be OK if I sign as Rakesh Bab which come to 23.
    In my official and bank records the spellings are ” Rakesh Babu ” . How to take care of the same. Will it be sufficient if I sign as Rakesh Bab and let spelling in record continue as above.

    Pl reply promptly as I have already written 3-4 reminders.


    • You can change the name legally using govt Gazette, these days everyone uses govt gazette and change it. This will solve the problem, and you must sign as Rakesh Bab which comes 23

  95. Dear Astronlogia,

    Thanks for your reply. I have one more question about changing the name.
    Olesja Verbick (41) and Alisija Mur (23). As you said these 2 numbers are meaningful.
    Which one will work better for me. Born on 17th March, 1982 (4).
    sometimes I sign with my nickname Murr (5). Is it ok?

    Best Wishes
    Have a great day

  96. Thanks Astronlogia for your good response.

    Is it possible to talk or meet up with you at your convenience ?

    I have some serious personal issues in which I need your numerology / astrology help


    Venkat Ramani. M

  97. my name is saurav daga and my date of birth is 03/11/1986.plz lemme know if my name is numerologically correct or not.i am planning to change my name to sourav l daga

  98. sir, i dun understand wat u mean by radical changes…so do u hav any suggestion how to change my name to make the best of 41…thx a lot again sir…

  99. Hello sir, how r u, im suresh bhupathii. i hope ur doing good, i called u many times u didnt pick ur call u told me ur in meditation course whn can i call u i need to talk to u ,
    i have doubt while writing my name i hav to write with signature or only name is enough and i should say my name r no sir. you told me u wil give article about number 59 very soon.
    your thankfully
    suresh bhupathii b

  100. Hello Sir,

    I read your blog and it is very true, my birth date is 26/Feb/1983 = 4

    Real Name : Sachin Kamthe = 3.

    Now after reading your blog on 8 born ppl i have changed my name to “Saachiin Kamthe”=5. please tell me if this is correct.
    I am also testing if the Blue Sapphire stone is lucky for me or not.
    Please reply.

  101. dear sir, i have been requesting you since many days to please tell me my numerological prediction regarding date of birth is 03/11/ i am a number 3 with life path 2.i wish to change my name to sourrav daaga.plz lemme know wehther this name is good or not.thank you .wishing your earliest reply

  102. i hav brother his birth number is 8 and life number is 7. but is name not in 5 currently it is in 42 that is 6, would pls tel me without altering his name in 5 wht is d remedy for that. he cant change his name due to some personal reason coz he has many dealing n property in his name. so pls tell me what is d remedy without altering his name. im ready to do i need solution from u thats all..
    thank u
    his name vinod kumar bk he is my brother

  103. hello sir, im arun here i want learn numerology like u, many people says that dont believe in numerology but believe in astrology it has begun from old period since it has proof also. can u tell me what is the proof to believe in numerology and how it is originated. pls im waiting for ur reply soon thanks

  104. Dear Sir,
    I am an 8 born person with a lifepath of 2 (or 11).
    This combination does not seem to be favorable.
    My name without middle name comes 37 and my first name comes 23.
    Would you have any suggestions for me?

    Thank you

  105. my birth number is 3 and lifepath 2 u said any name in 9 like 27,45 will be good.should i go ahead with name saurv daga which adds fortunately to 27.also my date of birth is 3rd november 1986 .is my new name compatible with my birth number i mean 3.also i am a libra (3rd november).help mee plzz

  106. Hi Sir,
    Name (used everywhere): UDAY KUMAR
    Surname: NAMBURU
    Nicknames: BUDDHA, VEBZ
    DOB: 05/Nov/1986

    As BUDDHA=22, shall I keep it same(as my Lifepath is 4)? Or shall I change it to BUDDHHA(=27) or BUDDHAA(=23)?
    I would like to use the name VEBZ as my business/brand name and pen name in future.
    As VEBZ=20, shall I keep it same or shall I change it to VEBZZ(=27).
    I feel glad if you suggest me even any other changes apart from the above mentioned.

  107. Hi Sir,
    My Birth Name: Yugandhar Uday Santosh Kumar
    Name (used everywhere): Uday Kumar
    Surname: Namburu
    Nicknames: Buddha, Vebz
    DOB: 05/Nov/1986

    As Uday Kumar=27, shall I keep it same or do you suggest any changes?
    As Buddha=22 , shall I keep it same(as my Lifepath is 4)? Or shall I change it to Buddhha(=27) or Buddhaa(=23) ?
    I would like to use the name Vebz as my business/brand name and pen name in future.
    As Vebz=20 , shall I keep it same or shall I change it to Vebzz(=27) ?
    I feel glad if you suggest me even any other changes apart from the above mentioned.

  108. like u suggested 27 for 3and 2 borns .3 is my birth number whereas 2 is my life path 27 also compatible with libra whihc is my sun sign whose lord is venus
    (number 6).thank you f or your reply.

  109. i have changed my name which adds to 27 but my problem is that i just wanted to know whether it has compatibility with my sun sign libra whose lord is venus.

  110. DEAR SIR,

  111. DEAR SIR,

  112. sir, my dad name p veera reddy total name peddi veera reddy i dont know birthday sir my dad has lot of problems even he has money he can’ t do anything he not be happy vth his relation sisters &brothers can u sugges name sir to be happy regards p karthik reddy

  113. Hi Sir,
    My Birth Name: Yugandhar Uday Santosh Kumar
    Name (used everywhere): Uday Kumar
    Surname: Namburu
    Nicknames: Buddha, Vebz
    DOB: 05/Nov/1986

    As Uday Kumar=27, shall I keep it same or do you suggest any changes?
    As Buddha=22 , shall I keep it same(as my Lifepath is 4)? Or shall I change it to Buddhha(=27) or Buddhaa(=23) ?
    I would like to use the name Vebz as my business/brand name and pen name in future.
    As Vebz=20 , shall I keep it same or shall I change it to Vebzz(=27) ?
    I feel glad if you suggest me even any other changes apart from the above mentioned.

  114. I APOLOGISE for have given you my wrong lifepath number to birth number is 3 and lifepath number is 11.lemme know if any name in 27 or 45 is still good for me coz there is a hell of a difference beteewn life path 2 and lifepath 11.thank you

  115. Sir, my full name Sumesh Madhusoodhanan comes to a total of 84 which is 3. Since my life path is 9, am I having a lucky name? Do you suggest any changes to this?

  116. Hi Mr.Astronlogia,
    My Birth Name: Yugandhar Uday Santosh Kumar
    Name (used everywhere): Uday Kumar
    Surname: Namburu
    Nicknames: Buddha, Vebz
    DOB: 05/Nov/1986

    As Uday Kumar=27, shall I keep it same or do you suggest any changes?
    As Buddha=22 , shall I keep it same(as my Lifepath is 4)? Or shall I change it to Buddhha(=27) or Buddhaa(=23) ?
    I would like to use the name Vebz as my business/brand name and pen name in future.
    As Vebz=20 , shall I keep it same or shall I change it to Vebzz(=27) ?
    I feel glad if you suggest me even any other changes apart from the above mentioned.

    Thanks in advance,
    Uday Kumar.

  117. also i have a new name suggestion sourv daga whihc adss to 33 fortunately can you plz tell me whether this is a good number to have with birth number 3 and life path 2.(11/2)

  118. Dear Sir,
    Dear Sir,

    May you please post on number 48? I read it is a very unfortunate number, specially if one’s birthday adds to 4 or 8. This is my case and would love to know more about it please. When this number is commented, no examples of people who hold it are given. Is there a way to diminish its negative influence? Is it a good number for writers or business man?

    Thank you so much,

  119. Hello Astronlogia,

    As I have mentioned in earlier post, I want to either meet up or talk to you personally to discuss certain specific issues and take your help.

    Can you please mail me the details so that I can benefit by your suggestions ?

  120. Hi Mr.Astronlogias,
    My Birth Name: Yugandhar Uday Santosh Kumar
    Name (used everywhere): Uday Kumar
    Surname: Namburu
    Nicknames: Buddha, Vebz
    DOB: 05/Nov/1986

    As Uday Kumar=27, shall I keep it same or do you suggest any changes?
    As Buddha=22 , shall I keep it same(as my Lifepath is 4)? Or shall I change it to Buddhha(=27) or Buddhaa(=23) ?
    I would like to use the name Vebz as my business/brand name and pen name in future.
    As Vebz=20 , shall I keep it same or shall I change it to Vebzz(=27) ?
    I feel glad if you suggest me even any other changes apart from the above mentioned.

    Thanks in advance,
    Uday Kumar.

  121. sir,
    my dob: 20.09.1977
    day no.2
    life no.8
    name no.40
    now im working in a small concern. can i change or modify in my name to begin a business.

  122. Hi Mr.Astronlogia,
    Name: Uday Kumar
    Surname: Namburu
    Nicknames: Buddha, Vebz
    DOB: 05/Nov/1986

    As Uday Kumar=27, shall I keep it same or do you suggest any changes?
    As Buddha=22 , shall I keep it same(as my Lifepath is 4) or shall I change it to Buddhha(=27) or Buddhaa(=23) ?
    I would like to use the name Vebz as my business/brand name and pen name in future.
    As Vebz=20 , shall I keep it same or shall I change it to Vebzz(=27) ?
    I feel glad if you suggest me even any other changes apart from the above mentioned. I have posted you a lot of times sir. Please answer..
    Thanks in advance.

    • Keep it as Uday Kumar, for you 27 is the luckiest number, make sure its present in ur nick names, business name etc, 23 is also v good for you, both are well suited, but 27 is the best for 5 borns

  123. Thanks for your reply sir. I am a regular follower of your blog. I have learned a lot from your articles and from your answers. Your blog is outstanding !!!

  124. Hello Astronlogia,

    Still waiting for your revert.

    Can you please let me contact you on your mail or phone, as I want to discuss some serious personal issue.

    Expecting your immediate response



  125. Hello sir,
    Name: Rama Sakuntala Santoshi
    Dob: 14/Oct/1985.
    People generally call me Sakuntala/Sakku or with my nickname Papai. Are these names suitable to me? What are the changes you suggest and which name numbers should I keep to have more luck.

  126. Dear Ssir
    Name : S.Rashid Ahamed
    D.O.B. : 20/12/1961
    Which one of the following names suit me .
    1. K.S.Rashid Ahamed (41)

    2. Raashid Ahmad (32)

  127. Hello sir,
    Name: Rama Sakuntala Santoshi
    Dob: 14/Oct/1985.
    People generally call me Sakuntala/Sakku or with my nickname Papai. Are these names suitable to me? What are the changes you suggest and which name numbers should I keep to have more luck. Please reply me.

  128. My DOB is Feb. 1st, 1983. I am 1 and 6.
    I was born at 5:43 pm.
    My name is Pavithira Sellathurai.
    Pavithira = 29
    Sellathurai = 34
    S. pavithira = 32
    However, on my chart they suggested that my name should come up to 3.
    I thought that we only calculate the initials and the first name. How come we calculate our last name.
    What is the benefits of having one’s name as 32?


  129. my name is saransh srivastav
    my d.o.b is 4/11/1987
    does my name suits me i hv my destiny no 4 n life path no.4 as well….
    do update me…

  130. hi sir,
    jus some humble enquiry

    is person born on 3series and lfe path also 3 can have name in no 1 series or 73 to be more specific, is it will bring great benefits

    thanx for your advice

  131. Hello sir,
    my name is khyati patel.. which leads to 8
    and DOB is 23/12/1979 …so,birth number 5 and life path no 7
    I am thinking of changing the name to KKhyati patel (as 8 is not good number in name)
    can you please advise if the new name will be good for me? or advise the change in name please.
    can I still use my first name khyati (totals to 5) where my last name is not needed.?
    I have middle name in passport.(normally i use khyati patel) so,the total of my whole name is 7in passport …if you suggest name change should I change in passport as well?
    thanks ..regards

  132. HELLO,
    D.O.B- IS “21/11/1984”;
    THANK U.

  133. Hello sir,
    Name: Rama Sakuntala Santoshi
    Dob: 14/Oct/1985.
    People generally call me Sakuntala/Sakku or with my nickname Papai. Are these names suitable to me? What are the changes you suggest and which name numbers should I keep to have more luck. I haven’t received any answers to my previous posts. Kindly reply me.

  134. dear sir,

    my name is khyati (please see the comment above)
    can you please please provide me some guidance… It is extremely important for me to get out of the vibration of number 8…
    thanks for your time….waiting for your advice..
    thanks ..k

  135. Hi,
    I have a doubt. Whenever a person changes a name you said he has to sign his name so the vibration changes.Now my doubt instead of writing our name in a book
    can we type the name in a computer/Laptop’s notepad and save it as per the date will there be any vibrations i meant to say changes.

  136. Dear sir,

    for Number Birth 1 & life path 9 – it is possible to keep in 46 and 55 else 36, Because initial will be 6 as to subtracted from the total. pls considere this deducted the no 6 and find the favuourable for jupiter first and sec mercury.

  137. DOB – 10 dec 1965
    My no is 1 n 7. what would be best for my name is it 1 , 5 or 6 names n which compound no suits best is it 19, 37 46, 23, 41 or 15, 33 or 51.

    By the way, my Lagna is virgo n rasi is gemini. Sun in 3rd house (scorpio) with mercury n ketu. venus in 5th (capricorn).

  138. Hello sir,
    my name is khyati patel.. which leads to 8
    and DOB is 23/12/1979 …so,birth number 5 and life path no 7
    I am thinking of changing the name to KKhyati patel (as 8 is not good number in name)
    can you please advise if the new name will be good for me? or advise the change in name please.
    can I still use my first name khyati (totals to 5) where my last name is not needed.?
    I have middle name in passport.(normally i use khyati patel) so,the total of my whole name is 7in passport …if you suggest name change should I change in passport as well?
    thanks ..regards

  139. P Guna Seeilan 11.13.09 at 11:10 am
    DOB – 10 dec 1965
    My no is 1 n 7. what would be best for my name is it 1 , 5 or 6 names n which compound no suits best is it 19, 37 46, 23, 41 or 15, 33 or 51.

    By the way, my Lagna is virgo n rasi is gemini. Sun in 3rd house (scorpio) with mercury n ketu. venus in 5th (capricorn) and jupiter n moon in 10th.
    im employed in sales of property (Land) n also managing a team.

  140. hi sir,

    wish u happy always with everything u wish come true as u have done a very good job vy helping lot of people who do not know why they are suffering and u had show them how toend suffering through numerology

    i had ask u regarding number 36 before and u tell me it is a gud number but i juz been wandering because in some book they said this number can cause problem in family life and the person can only enjoy his life if he go abroad and there will be no luck if their in their homeplace. and also people around will be not generous to them.

    so, is it a good number? and what actuallt the positive effect that this number 36 have

    pls guide, tank you very much

  141. dear sir,
    my original name is kunal shah ..dob 29/06/1984..i stay in melbourne. A leading numerologist(known in film industry) suggested my name to be written as kuunal shhah. can u explain me what number it comes and what it signifies,and what ur suggestion.i stay in melbourne and work for a company.i have my side business in metal scrap exports. i usually do a lot of shares investment in my wife name manshi shah (dob 14/12/1984) it advisable.would appreciate your reply

  142. of the above reply, i really appreciate ur response and the work u do..for a nri to get connected to this medium is gr8.. i wanted to know what does number name value 42 indicate in numberology.also i write this name 24times a day (kuunal shhah) but havent changed legally due to tough australia laws..does it equally benefir just writing it.looking for your favourable response

  143. DOB is 11/17/1965
    I need a career boost; not very good till now. Presently away from my family and want to be with them soon.
    on some body’s advice started writing my name as Manoj K Taneja. Kindly provide answers to my questions and give your opinion on name change.

  144. sir, my name is V. Rajashekar Reddy. i am from Hyderabad, India. my DOB is 01-Sep.-1979, 9:15pm. i am not yet settled in my life. still depending on my parents. i am actually preparing for civils services. pl. give your valuable advice . what is my destiny, fortune and is political career suitable to me?
    should i make any changes in my name to bring me luck?


  145. sir, pl. make analysis of my name with my DOB: 20-NOV.-1976. Suggest any changes to be made to career boost.


  146. could u kindly suggest ,me do i need to make any change in my name so dat i can benefitt out of it so that , my luck favour me

  147. > Name: Mrinal Sen

    > My DOB:13/04/1976,time at 1 noon.


    > QUESTIONS: I have started in 2003.That year 1 of my song became a huge hit. But till date i dint get recognition.

    > Last year my 1rst Film Music came.One song did well but,my name was nowhere.
    > Even few projects those are coming with my name,suddenly got withdrawn.
    > So I have started feeling that there is somthing wrong with MY NAME.
    > Next year four of my Films will release.But im very scared.I ahve already started feeling me unholy.


    But the pronunciation is almost same as it was b4(I mean MRINAL)..Sir pls help me..IF you suggest a complete different name that will help my carrier pls suggest cos next year
    6 of my Bengali films will release & i will use only that name..PLS HELP SIR..
    My cell no is 09432050422

  149. Hi there, I would like to change my first name as it ends to 18. Could u please give me some suggestions regarding it? My full name is Vishaya Sadasing. Birth number 7 and life number 9.

  150. Hi, my name is Jahnu Rama Stayton. My DOB is March 5 1982

    I have a name # of 51
    Life Path # of 1
    Birth number of 5
    And destiny # of 3

    I am an actor and have been looking to change my name because I feel my name has been keeping me down. What name #’s would help my career most? Thank you in advanced for your time ,its greatly appreciated.

  151. Hi, my name is stuart roland smith and my DOB is 19/11/1965 can you please advise me if this name and DOB are compatable. I am new to numerology and have seen the numbers 8 & 9 repeatedly for several days now. Can you please help/advise me on this issue.

  152. hi
    my name is kashyap sitwala date of birth 23/10/1978 my name was advise to be changed to kasshyap p sitwala but it is very difficult to change on passport as they do not accept just P as initial so can I change it as Kasshyapp sitwala or can you suggest some thing please

  153. Dear sir,
    your nri follower from date of birth is 29/06/ name is kunal shah. howver what accordinf to you is best for me kuunal shhah(42) or konaal shah(33) and why.i am working and building towards my business of export of metals and own a large quantity of shares in indian stock market.loooking forward to your reply

  154. Dear Sir,

    My dob is 6/8/1976, life path is 1. One of my friend say my name & my husbands name should not start with P so she ask me to change it to Rriyaakarrthicikk. karthikeyan is his name dob is 14/9/1969 for him she said karrthicik Can you pls sugget me to start my career till now im not set in any job.

  155. Hello sir,
    Thank you so much for doing this service.
    My brother’s date of birth is 10/11/1982
    His present name is vincent, but we feel that it is very unlucky for him.
    I have some names like ,
    Can you please suggest any one of these names sir. Thank u

  156. Hello sir,

    My brother’s date of birth is NOVEMBER 10, 1982
    His full name is vincent devaprasath
    we would like to change his name,
    can u suggest any one of the names , i have already given.

  157. Hi sir! My dob is 05/Nov/1986. As my birthdate is 5 & lifepath is 4, what are the best/ideal name number(s) to me? My present fullname(surname+myname) is 53(26+27).

  158. Hello Sarvana Rajendra,

    Kindly suggest me on my name correction as my DOB 11.5.73 & in certificates it is vineet kumar singh,but I use vineet singh .need your help in this regard


    Vineet Singh

  159. My name adds up to 35 and I have had bad luck all my life. I’m scared. How do I go about a name change here in the US. I’m scared.

  160. Dear Sir ,

    Pls suggest me correct name spelling ,am still waiting for your reply on my mail to u on 21/01/10.


    Vineet Singh

  161. Dear Sarvana Sir,

    Pls pls reply my DOB 11/ 5/ 73 ,name in certificates vineet kumar singh

    but using vineet singh for the last 5 years
    need your valuable advice as despite of more hard work am not getting full returns .
    looking forward your suggestions

    warm regards


  162. Sir,

    Pls give your views on no 41 ,as I heard that 41 is not much auspicious in the series of 5,14,23,41,50,59 coz here 4 ( Rahu ) is comming before i (sun) which causes hurdles in every work

    pls throw light & clear my doubt on this


    vinit singh

  163. Hi sir! My dob is 05/Nov/1986. As my birthdate is 5 & lifepath is 4, what are the best/ideal name number(s) to me? My name in certificates is Namburu Uday Kumar(=53). Uday Kumar(=27) is my actual name & Namburu(=26) is my surname. So what name should I use?

  164. Hi sir,

    Please suggest a name for my brother

    Date of birth : november 10 , 1982 ( 1& 5 )

    from names like , ANDREW VICTOR

    If these names are not suitable , please suggest an ideal name sir.
    I am eagerly waiting for ur suggestions

  165. Hey!
    I wroted before, but i.m not sure if I succed to send it my request.
    I really need your help!!! And i thanx that you study numerology the oldest one so you kan make a great gifts to peopple!
    I`m born 28.11.1967. Life path “8”..the tuffast. I bealive in karma and as a nurse i try to give as much as possible to people in need. But i dont have any friends or boyfriend and thats kills me. I think i`m atractive, people want to know me, but i kant keep them…I`m too honesty may be. I.m late för everything.
    I never liked my name and after i devorce i want to change it. I want to know wath number should my name has…5 och 1, (37, 46). Is Lina Hygnes=32 is a good choise?

  166. Thanks Sir for clearing my doubt in a simple & clear way,

    Sir My DOB is 11/05/73
    my birth no or psychic no is 2 & destiny no is 9 ,my name Vineet Singh no is 43 .
    My full name is Vineet Kumar Singh ,but I use vineet singh for the last 5 years.

    Need your support to enhance my luck & prosperity in life as ,kindly suggest suitable name no & colour

    your sincerely


    pls suggest

  167. sir pls reply .my earlier mail on dob 11/05/73 pls spare your valuable time for my sake,
    As I read you have changed life of so many facing trouble in this world ,request your attention & waiting of Miracle in my life too

    vinit singh

  168. Dear Astronlogia!

    I have´nt got any respons from you yet, but you have your reason.
    I tryed to do count ( create) a name wich will be best for me.

    DOB 28.11.1967. Life path =8, Burth date =1
    As i uderstund my name nr. must end to nr.5, becouse off lifepath 8. But my burth day is nr.1 and its says that for 28 borns, must keep the name to 37 or 46. So i.m confuse. Is a vocal number metters and if it is what is bäst for me 8 or 1 or 2 or 4?
    I realy need your help me to choose betwin those names:
    Jolinah Hygnas =41, vocal nr.2, Lethey Hygnas=41, voc. nr. 4
    Lina Hygnes=32, voc. nr. 8
    Jolinah Hugnes=50, 8, Lethey Hognass=50, voc. nr.8,
    Lin Antonova=50, voc. nr.8
    I believe just on you and need your anser. I feel you can change my lonely life!
    Thank you for reading that!

    The names i choose are:

  169. Hello dear Saravana!
    I put a lot av work to find the best solution for my name change.
    DOB 28.11.1967. My name has to end to nr.5.
    I need YOUR help to deside betwin those names:
    Accelina Hjugnes = 50, Axelina Abel=32
    Lina Hjugness=41, Lina Hygnes=41

    I hope you will respons and thank you for your website.

    • Lina,

      Great effort ! From the above names, the best one is Lina Hygnes, because the calling name will be Lina (10) which is also auspicious, apart from that 41 is a default choice than 50

  170. Resp. Sir ,
    my name is alka gupta dob :25.02.1967 Kindly suggest if my name is in good vibration.Istart any work with a lot of enthusiasm but am never able to reach the goal.Now i want to start coaching classess in maths ,inspite of high education i somehow lack the confidence to do anything in life.Ihave lot of interest in astrology and keep reading stuff on it.

  171. Sir,

    As mailed you earlier on my dob 11-05-73 , bith no-2 & destiny number-9

    full name is Vineet kumar singh in certificate & using Vineet singh currently ,

    Sir pls suggest can I write Vinett Singh (42) to make it harmonius relation with DOB, waiting for your feedback ,pls reply

    vineet singh

  172. hello, when you have to calculate name what we should use? one’s full birth name ( both first name and last name ) or after marriage name chang.( first name and last name.

    alos my DOB is july 4 1977.

    how will the numbers affect me.


  173. sir,
    my name is james peter born on 13 february 1977.
    is the name correct.. i have read in cherieo s numerology book that i have to change it.can u please suggest a name.
    it seems the date is very unlucky… and i have faced many problems in my life. please help me.

  174. Sir,

    My name is Anshul (23) Mahra (13) = 36 and my date of birth is 30-07-1974 = 4. My question is that my date is 3 and fadic no. is 4, now both of these numbers are not compatible, so which number should my name be compatible with and is 9 the best for me. Also can you let me know my lucky numbers.
    Thank you for writing such interesting posts. Please keep educating us.

  175. kindly also suggest for my child (new born baby boy)that name harshit,hemish,het name is compaitible with born date 30-01-2010.
    Also suggest lucky numbere

  176. i m in partnership with c.s.balasubramanian d o b 26-01-1966 starting a new venture called SRI VALLAB INFOTECH SOLUTIONSS.
    MY DOB 04-07-1957.
    kindly advise on name selected and its chARACTERSTICS and about its future

  177. Resp. Sir,
    sir, i want to start caching classes in maths .should i do it with my name as
    1. alka gupta
    2.alka singla
    or alka
    my dob :25.02.1967

  178. hi my daughter was named Arushi Srivastava her dat of birth is 19nov 1992..some numerologist advised me some years ago to change her name to arooshi srivastava..afetr going through your blogs i feel her previous name was more suited to her though u say 37 is not a good number for girls,,i ma very disturbed please guide me..

  179. dear sir my date of birth is 26-oct 1967 name sarika srivastava..i can see i have gone through a lot in life ..may be that is becoz of number 8 ..i wish to change my name ….I am an anaesthesist,, i want to change my line and do numerology ..will i succeed in my venture …show me the path please..

  180. dear sir my dob is name z shiva kumar…now im in family and personnel problems,im studying 2 year ,im very fear about how z my future,and i want to change my name…can u plz help me sir…

  181. hye….sir…my real name is umashankar past two weeks ago i changed ma name to shankar(19)…n my birthdate is 19.12.1991…….is tat gud i changed ma name to this number…..can i continue it…i realy need ur advice sir….bcz i done it with ma own knowledgev i realy dun know it’z wrong r not..n suitable too….pleazz sir i realy need ur advice

  182. my d\o\b is 18 june 1956 and my name is raksh pal goyal .sir please i want to correct my name according my numerology number .i am faceing many problem in my business ,my business firm name is seven seas steels pvt ltd i am from delhi.plz suggest to correct my name .i am vry thnx full to you

  183. Hello sir 🙂 my name is mustafa electricwala i was born on the 14th of september 1977.can u please help me in knowing what name i should keep so that i may have a very satisfactory life? i was born in mumbai at 9.17 am .thanking u

  184. hi sir,
    my name is jaheer from the birth.
    my DOB is 29/12/1991
    what change should i do for my good exam results and for good career.
    i am studying engineering.
    kindly reply.

  185. Hi Rajendra,

    My Son’s DOB is 15/01/2008 & I want to name him through Numerology.

    My query is whether the Name total should come on Life Path No. which is 8 or on 6 which is the day of birth in this case?

    Also, I wanna know that the name total comprises only the first name or the full name as per numerology?

  186. helllo sir
    i was born in 02july in 1985 ..
    its nuber 2
    and my name is :shovan kanti das which is nuber is 3(48)
    so is it good for me ?
    if i change it as ( shovon kanti das banik then it become 65 which is number 2)
    sir i am waiting for your reply mail ..


  187. my son date of birth 10/04/2008, name: kaarunya madireddy. he is suffering health probleum. please give me suggiestion

  188. Hi sir
    my name is kanagavalli
    my d.o.b 12.09.1990
    my question is my name is suitable o can i change it 2 other name….
    if i wana change what is a suitable name 4 me
    thank u

  189. Hello Saravanakkumar,

    My birth date 5 lifepath is 3, name total is 42 with initial is 45 and short name is ram (7) another name only use by family is 24.. any advice would greatly be appriciated.

    Kind Regards.

  190. Hi Astronlogia,

    Does the name should come in sync with our birthdate or lifepath number? Which is more influential?
    If name change is necessary, which name should we actually change? Is it the official name (which appears on all of our certificates & documents) or signing name or the name with which we will be called or the name with which we introduce ourselves to others?
    Waiting for your valuble reply.

  191. Hi,

    Im born on 21st and my partner on 18th. My birthname is benish akram and his Fahad malik. I use benish Khan for official reasons and he uses Malik fahad ahmad. Are we compatible or should we change our names even if its our nick names if you know what i mean.

  192. hello…my name is veena m swami (which equals to 41) and my birth date is 21/11/ question is tat,”my real name is sneha(i.e sneha m swami) but due to some pronounciation problem,my parents had changed it to should i change back to sneha or keep up with this.

    P.S: i really liked your blog…its really awesome and mind boggling.I thought numerology is just paisa vasool and just supersitious kind of stuff but after going through your reports and analysis i've a new opnion about this.Thank u so much for helping us.Good Luck for your feature… 🙂

  193. hi there

    i wanted to ask i have heard abut a too, called Lecher Antenna that measures vibrations in name if they are good or bad how accurate do you think it it?

  194. dear sir ,
    i want change my name to sanath s.k . is my name sandeep kopp is correct for my date of birth 7 th november 1986.please help

  195. daer sir
    my name is sandeep kopp( 31+25=56, 5+6=11, 1+1=2 ) dob 7th november 1986(birth no 7, lifepath no 6 ).
    is my name correct. am an engineer. i want to change my name to sanath s.k please guide is it correct

  196. Why it is required to write the name on fix number of times if they change their name? could you pl explain scientifically.

  197. Hi there

    I want to know is it bad if you have changed your name but occasiobally use the old one? Does this hinder?

  198. Dear Rajendra,
    My name is AAMER MOHAMMED , DOB IS 03.10.1980.
    can you suggest me a change in my name for better results. Thankyou.

  199. Hii sir,
    My name is Ambar Gedam .by DOB is 12-12-1986.
    I have changed my name to Ambarr.Is it correct?
    Plz suggest me some solution for my career with help of numerology.

  200. That is not what i was asking. I asked is the lucky birth name luckier than the changed lucky name? which is more powerful

    • there is no difference in lucky birth or lucky changed name, all it matters is whether the name is lucky for a person or not, it can luckily come as birth name for some, some may change it after 40 yrs and still get that luck

  201. Hi again i want to change my name again i dont feel it is right. Do you have a paid service for this now? Can you give me a new last name?

    • yes, if you feel its not right, you can change it, no need to pay, but whats the difficulty ur facing in new name. Because, a name takes some time to get its actual vibrations, one should use it religiously.

  202. i’m an 8 born and my first and last names come to 51 but my first and middle names come to 41 and I don’t want to change my name. Can you give me any advice how to get the benefits of 41.Do I have to start using my first and middle name?

  203. Hi,
    I would like to know whether the first letter of the name should be kept on the basis of Moon sign (kanya Rashi) or any letter is fine. My D.O.B. is 5-7-1984. How about a name with the first letter as ‘A’ ? And can you please tell us more about the compound no. 14,15, 16 & 50.

  204. Sir,

    My d.o.b 23.02.1967

    My name is Mrs. Geetha Arun Kumar which gives the name number as 52.
    I dont think it is favourable.
    My name alone Geetha seems to be fine. What can I do about the surname?


  205. Hi , my date of birth is 14 oct 1973 ( life path 8 ) and my name at birth is guneet singh bali.
    Post reading your blog and along with help from other books i have decided to change my name to Gunneet Singh ( Chaldean totak – 50/5 )

    What do you advice ? I case i want to meet you for discussion how can we go about it

  206. Hi there I have had my name changed for a while now but i am still
    finding i have allot of bad luck. I then changed my name again but
    still i have bad luck. I even bought a blue star sapphire. Is there
    anything i can do?

  207. dear sir kindly suggest me my dob is 26-10-1977 write my name as
    vivek mishra i dont feel like i am getting the the best of my
    inputs kindly suggest what should i do to remove the negative
    effects of number 8 either by changing my name or whatever you
    suggest please do reply.

  208. Can u please delete my post number -42. which was sent on sept 29
    ,2009. once again i request u to do the needful. thanks a ton.

  209. meu nome é: josé dos reis batista de paula, e quero saber se está
    harmonioso com minha data de nascimento que é: 23/06/1966. nasci em
    ribeirão claro – parané – brasil, às 09:20h. quero saber se tenho
    que mudar alguma coisa no meu nome para ter sucesso. o nome pelo
    qual todos me chamam é: REIS

  210. hai sir,
    can u please guide me with my name(change) inorder to make it lucky pls .
    my date of birth is 6th oct 1983 and also can u advise me abt my career .

  211. hai sir
    please make analysis of my name and tell any changes to be made to boostup my career
    date of birth is 6th oct 1983

  212. good day sir.pls help name numerology is birthday is 22 which equals to 4 and my life path is 8…in our country it’s difficult to change name.we have to go to court first then it’s very costly.i can’t afford it.what should i do?

  213. Hello:

    My DOB is 9-9-1978. My name is Nithya K, but recent years i have started expanding my initial and it is Nithya Kuppuraj. Please let me know which of the two I should use or should I change the spelling of my first name alone. Thank you

  214. Hello Sir,
    I am Ashwani Kataria, born on 25th october 1988 at 10.15pm in delhi(india).
    Sir, I want to know about my name. Is it good for my career and life. THANK YOU

  215. Hello Sir,
    I am Ashwani Kataria, born on 25th october 1988 at 10.15pm in delhi(india).
    Sir, I want to know about my name. Is it good for my career and life. THANK YOU

    • Hey Ashwani,
      Change your name to ” ASHWWANI KATARIA” and start wrting this name 40 times each day up till 40 days in CAPITAL LETTERS. Start using this name from 12th december 2012.

  216. Dear Sir,
    My Date of birth is 19/07/1989
    my name is NAVEEN KUMAR A S
    Is this is a good combination? what you think about this?…Any expert’s try this!!!!!

  217. Name; maureen=28; full name Maureen Opene=4 not so good
    So if I spell my name: Maureene=33; Full name =Maureene Opene=63. seems great. DOB =12th May/ 05/ 195=psychic 8.
    What do you think. will be grateful for your feedback. I admire what you do.

    Thanks so much & God bless

    Maureene (email [email protected])

  218. present name Maureen opene=4
    Wannts to change to Maureene=33 So Maureene Opene=63=9. Only by adding a letter I have changed the vibration of my name. What do your think/ i would grateful for your kind feedback.

    Thanks so much for your work. i really admire what you do.

    God bless


  219. my birth name is Patricia Ray Sharp
    Name most commonly used is Patty. A few friends call me Trish. Patricia is used at work.
    I prefer Trish the most.
    Dob: 06/01/1955. Does my birth name correspond with my lifepath number? Should it be changed?

  220. hi sir,
    name: B.manikandan
    every one call :mani
    i have planned to change the name, should i? if so,can u please sugest the name that suet

  221. Hi. My name is Shrilakshmi B S. My date of birth is 19/12/1985. I have not been happy with my name for sometime and after turning 18 years my life took an entirely differnt turn. I had never expected such changes. I want to change my name to Thaneesha Narayana. My husbands name is Lakshminarayana B G, his date of birth is 30/08/1974. I have two sons names Tejas K Narayana(04/03/2007) and Chirag K Narayana(08/03/2011). Will the name Thaneesha Narayana suit me. Please help me. Thank you.

  222. please please please please help me……….my name is shraddha gupta .dob 05 09 1989.having thyroid problem,allergy problem…,many obstructions in study,i belive in numerology…i consult a numerologer ..he suggest me my name as shreya gupta..pls suggest me a name…….read ur blog….i knw my nane should be in no.5…………bt im confusd……..

  223. Please write on other numbers too. Should we match name number to destiny number or just the Date.

    Does this rule apply to phythagorean system also. Certain astrologers say that the name number should  match good planets in the horoscope. What is your opinion?

  224. Hi Sir,
    My son’s name is Puvendran Sanmuganatan, dob – 30/5/1983 every calls him Puven 
    lots of obstacle , please suggest soemthing tha is suitable for him, please help

  225. hi , my name is anshul dubey and my dob is 21/07/1987 . i want to start a business , for that i need a name . please help me 

  226. my name is S.Vazeer alikhan,DOB is 2-10-1974 , i am still not settled in my life.always facing financial problem .    Pls suggest me can i use my name as S.Vazeer khan , how many times and how many days i need to write for full effect? can i start my construction business in the  name of SURABHI CONSTRUCTIONS   pls email me soon [email protected]

  227. my name is B.haritha
    dob:17 july 1987
    all of them call me as haritha pls by calling me haritha it good or bad to my carreer side & personal life … & now i m searching for a job too pls reply me

  228. Mr.Rajendra,
    I am writing to you from Bangalore, could you pls provide me your email id / phone number, it will be of great help if you can write a test mail to my id [email protected], would like to write a detailed personal mail and also plan to visit you in Chennai for suggestions. Pls respond immediately, matter most urgent.

  229. Namaskar
    name – Nitesh Saxena
    Dob  –  7/feb/1978
    time –  23:25pm
    pob-    new delhi

    Do i need to change my name or spelling as unwanted situations and bad situations are just not finishing , i come out of one and land in another ,it takes everything too resolve it.i want to do my business cant seek any oppurtunity .
    should i start using my middle name initials G {Gopal}

    Nitesh g saxena will this be a lucky for me in accordance to my birth date.

    pls tell ,thank you

  230. Hey Shalini,

    Your child is born in birthpath 15/6 and lifepath 16/7. Best name for him would be

    ” PRINCE GUPTA”. And make him write this name from 15th December 2012.

  231. Hey Shyam,

    You are born in 26/8 birthpath and 37/10/1 lifepath number.
    Best name for you would be ” SHYAAM PRASAD ” and start writing this name from 11 December 2012. You must write the full name 34 times each day till 34 days.

  232. Hi Sir, I am Jayanthi Vadivel, DoB 17/8/1978 Everyone call me Jayanthi, I planned to change my name, should I? if yes, could you tell me what name suits me. I am really fed up of my life. loosing hopes day by day about my life. please suggest

  233. Hello sir, My Daughter born 18-01-2000 her name is KIRTANA is there nay change require her name or what is the bast number for her name. would you please let me know. -Thanks

  234. Sir, Can you please help? Pravin Kulkarni
    Dob 23/04/1975
    Time: 00:08 am
    Place: Deolali Nasik
    Problem: career stalled after working 23 years.





    • i think your name is correct in 41 total, because your brth date is very matching and sutable with 41 and lifepath is 4, best name in 5 or 6 so 41 is nice name

  237. sir
    dear astronlogia
    i read/studied very deeply all the A to Z’s in Astronlogia, but i don’t get any solution about myself
    can you please help me sir….
    i am very thank full to you.
    my legal name is – Rudra Pratap Singh comes in 56=2, first part 15=6, second part 24=6, third part 17=8…
    first and last name part comes under = 32
    second and last name part comes under = 41
    first and second name part comes under = 39
    initials name part r p singh comes under = 27
    i officially achieved Doctorate (Phd) Degree so I can also use Doctor Rudra Pratap Singh now it comes under = 83
    my nick name is – sanjay comes in 12=3
    10/05/1972 is my dob, under 10/25 or 1/7 – day number and life path number.
    i am contractor as my profession.
    please suggest me the best personal name for my construction business and real estate business.

  238. Hello sir,
    My name is Thota Mounika.DOB:10th may,1994.
    Recently I have changed it to Mouniekaw. Is it correct or not?
    After changing my name also nothing has changed in my life.

  239. Namaskar
    name – dinesh
    Father N- kangayan
    Dob  –  01/04/1985
    time –  09:15
    pob-    chennai
    Thanks for doing this service
    Do i need to change my name or spelling as unwanted situations and bad situations are just not finishing , i come out of one and land in another ,it takes everything too resolve it.i want to do my business cant seek any oppurtunity .

    One side is earnings otherside is losing
    I can’t able save or invest money
    Please do the needfull

    • In your horoscope we see that Mercury the lord of 2nd and 5th house of intelligence and planning is debilitated. We also see that Jupiter the karka for wealth is also debilitated in the 9th house or the bhagyastan. Rahu in the 12th house means you will be wasting a lot of money. As per your horoscope you will earn a lot of money, but there will also be lot of expenses as well. You should do remedies of Jupiter and also make make wise investments only.


  240. Hello Sir,

    My birth date is 28 Jun 1971 (Psychic 1 & Life Path 7). I am planning to change my name. What name numbers will be best suited for me. Is Name Number 32 or 46 suitable, if not please kindly suggest. Also, any particular starting alphabet to choose for first name.
    Thanks for your help !!

  241. Dear Astronogia

    Please suggest me suitable name for my DOB.
    DOB: 03-jul-1976. Life path number 6(33)
    Original name: Sivaprasad SV
    Please suggest which name below is suitable for me.
    1) BARADWWAZ=30

  242. Hello Sir,

    My date of birth is 28 Jun 1971. I would like to change my name to either KAVITA SINGH or KAVITA BOBBY SINGH or KAVITA H SINGH. Please kindly suggest if suitable or not. Thanks for your help !!

  243. Hi. My nme is bhumika rastogi & my dob is 12/12/1996 & my partner dob is 25/12/1996 i want to change my nme with his dob but can i belive in nme change but hi is not belive in this & i want to change my nme to good compabilit between us so what nme should i get wit matched ob pls suggest me i m worried to my relationship pls guide me thanks

  244. My name is Darshika Tailor born on 25/05/1976 so I am day no 7 and life path 8 having so much problems with finding a job been jobless for years 15.

    I consulted numerologist he said to change it to 6 so his recommendation is Darshhika Tailor which is 42 as whole name and Darshhika as 24 I can’t see any results also so much health issue since child birth he said 6 is Better then 5

    Please help

  245. My name is VISHU ARORA
    DOB – 07 March 1990
    Place of Birth – Meerut

    Need to know whether my name is correct or not and also i would like to get detailed analysis report from you so need to know the charges as well

  246. Hi Sir,

    My name is Naresh Mulchandani or I can use Naresh Moolchandani (my full name is Naresh Narender Moolchandani) date of birth is 11-08-1989,

    Please advice me a correct name which will give me success.

  247. Dear Sir

    One numerologist set my name number in 30, and my birth number is 3 and lifepath is 6. BUt when i started to write my name as BARADWWAZ =30 on the starting day my father hospitalized. My father expired on 13th day after i started to write this name. Now after 2 months gap, I once again started to write this name. this time now the third day, my aunt’s health not so good. Is there any problematic in this name? Shall I continue or stop it. PLease advise me.

  248. Dear sir,
    my DOB is 16-12-1987 is my name is lucky according to my DOB. I want to become a film maker. Is my name number suits for that

  249. Dear sir
    My name is harikrishna
    Date of birth 22/12/1990.
    Place Srikakulam
    I was changed my name to Harrekrrishnaa by one numerologist.
    Is it good name but I didn’t see any benefits .if wrong please correct it

  250. Hi
    My DOB is 08-july-1992
    My full name is Kuravi sai mythri
    Everyone call me Mythri. Recently a numerologist changed my name to Mythrri which totals to 19=1 and told me to write mythrri Kuravi 50 times daily
    Please tell me whether this name change is good or not ?
    Also please suggest any other lucky names

  251. Thank you astronlogia for the reply
    Could you please alter my name which is compatible to my date of birth??

    Thank you in advance

  252. Please guide me

    My name is Satyajeet
    My father’s name is Prashant
    & my surname is More

    So I write my name Satyajeet More
    My birthdate 18/05/1996

    Please tell me that is my name number compatible & benefitial to me ??
    If you suggest me any number I will change my whole name

  253. Dear saravana

    My name is SARFARAZ AHMED,DOB 08/12/1978 NAME NUMBER 44




  254. Dear saravana

    My name is SARFARAZ AHMED
    I BORN 8/12/1978



  255. Hello sir
    i have been writing my name as kartik kasshyap
    my dob is 18th november 1972
    is this a favourable name number for career success and better opportunities?

      • Sir,

        My name is Manish Bajaj.
        DOB – 26-04-1979
        Time – 07.40am

        There is lack of clarity of thoughts & low in confidence.Certain health issues like cervical spondilitis & stomach ailments

        kindly advise suitable remedial measure


        • Looking at your natal chart we see that you are passing through the mahadasha of Moon and antardasha of Sun. You have Moon and Sun in your 12th house which is the house of medical expenses, your Moon is also combust which is never good. For clarity of thought and confidence you need to strengthen your moon. You should keep fast on Mondays and also do Puja of Lord Shiva. Every Monday offer water to Shivalinga. Following a discipline lifestyle which includes eating and sleeping at proper time will help you going ahead.


          Navneet Khanna

  256. Hello Sir,

    My name is Rachit Gupta, DOB – 21.08.1990, Place – Delhi, Time of Birth – 7.20 Am, some numerologist suggested to change my Name to Rachitt Gupta, please suggest if i should do it and if there are any problems with the current name??

  257. Please help me to correct my name number.My name is Surinder Singh Sondh.My date of birth is 24/02/1980.Time: 07.25am,Jagraon,India..
    Birth Number: 6,Life Path: 8
    Please give me a lucky name so that i can achieve things in my life.Thank you

  258. Dear Sir,

    My name is Rajesh Kumar
    DOB -20 July 1979
    Time.- 11.10 am,
    Place- Patna

    Sir, I want to run an NGO. Please suggest my lucky name and name no. and lucky name name no. for NGO.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Rajesh Kumar

  259. My name is Yogeswary
    My date of birth is 16/9/1980
    Initially I have changed to (Yoges)only by one of the numerologist, which I have to writing it for 37 time everyday, is it profitable?
    Please advise me.

  260. Hi Sara, thank you for all your valuable information.
    I wanted to ask you for a stage name.
    my real name is Roberto Rais (36/9) (18-06-1977), choosing a stage name like Robertino Rais which is a 42 (6) or in Roby Rais (19/1) okay?, or Does it cause career problems?
    I thank you so much


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