Numerology Predictions


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Numerology Predictions


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  1. Hello Sir,BR/My name is Deepshikha.BR/DOB: 30-09-1984BR/POB :Kurawali ,MainpuriBR/I am in last semester of MCA.BR/Pls tell me when will i get job ?BR/and something about my love life

  2. Hi Deepshikha,BR/BR/ Your job prospects are good, and u shall find yourself employed by the time u finish ur degree.Business prospects are brighter too! Strong indications are there in love, i presume that u r already in love, and love marriage is very much possible.

  3. Hello Mr. S. RajendraBR/BR/My name is Dhananjay Ramchandra Korpade My date of Birth is 8-10-1970 time 10.30 am Mumbai. My request for your answer on the followings are as follows.BR/BR/My career is stagnant.BR/Money crunchBR/BR/Kindly advice.BR/ BR/I write my Name as Dhananjay KorpadeBR/and sign as Dkorpade.

  4. To Deepshikha,BR/BR/ Deepshikha, ur marriage will happen before 2010. By 2010 u can find urself lawfully wedded with ur loved one.

  5. Hi Dkorpade,BR/BR/Both ur date of birth and destiny number is 8, which strongly signifies that u must have suffered many problems and obstacles. and the way u sign ur name should be same as way u write it. iam giving u a some modification in ur name, sign and write it for 3 months and u can see the change.BR/BR/BR/Dhananjay R KorpaddeBR/BR/BR/or BR/BR/DkorppadeBR/BR/BR/use either of this choice n sign n practise 41 times every day

  6. Hello Sir,BR/BR/I know i am asking a lot of questions but sir Please tell me will there be any hurdle in my marriage with him ?

  7. Dear Mr. S. RajendraBR/BR/Thanks you sincerely for your promt reply and but the follwoing has been retrived from one of the site. Its not that am trying to correct you or something as am aware u doing a favour on me BR/BR/Life Path Number : 8 BR/Life Destiny Number : 4 BR/Soul Number : 9 BR/Personality Number : 4BR/Lucky Number : 6 BR/Birthday Number : 08 BR/BR/Sir, in your repy u said my Both ur date of birth and destiny number is 8 and no doubt life has been struggle. But i request you if possible please throw some light on the above.BR/BR/Regards,BR/Dhananjay R. Korpade

  8. To Jay,BR/BR/Jay no need to worry about,Life path number and destiny number are same,only the terms are different. many ppl use diff terms, i call it as destiny num, generally speakin there are only two major numbers 1) birth num 2)destiny num ( which u mentioned as life path num) rest of them are not significant

  9. Hi sir,BR/My name is B dob is 23rd june 1989.i am madly in love with a girl.i request u to predict my love life,marriage life and my career.

    • You are ruled by number 5 and the planet Mercury. You will be highly sincere, intelligent and warm person. Generally number 5 people are least understood by others, the reason is that number 5 are always looking for quick results in everything they do or want. Even in a relationship or career you want quick results. You need to understand that things that are slow are more likely to remain steady and for a long period. Your love life and career is good, but you need to have patience in do not expect immediate results.


  10. Sir thanks a ton for your reply but i need your advice on the following 1). As u know the market is so down and my company is going to cut staff will i get a new job.BR/BR/2). How long do u my sufferings will last as it is from ages and am tired to live one day at a time. BR/BR/Please advice some good remedy on it if possible.BR/BR/Sincerely,BR/BR/Dhananjay Korpade

  11. Sreenivasan,BR/BR/Your marriage will be of love marriage only. and i find you jolly and easy going guy… ur career will be shining. luck will follow you wherever u go.

  12. Jay,BR/BR/Jay sign ur name as i mentioned. that ll erase all ur worries. the prime factor s ur name. Do not quit ur job now, practise this name for 3 months and u ll see the difference

  13. Sorry to disturb u again sir.BR/u said that I(B Sreenivasan)will be having a love marriage.will both our families agree to it??(i am asking this beacause nobody in my family has had a love marriage yet).will we have a long and a successful marriage??

  14. Roger,BR/BR/All love marriages has to face the obstacles and problems,thats the characterestics of love. You will face the same obstacles and come across it successfully

  15. Dipti..BR/BR/I have removed the post. Ur friend sonzal has her destiny num has 8. which makes her life fullof struggles. the only solution is she should have her name value as 5. if u tell me the name she uses to sign, then i can help her makin that value to 5.

  16. that post is still thereBR/pl delete it .she signs it as sonzal onlyBR/but pl delete that postBR/i shall be very grateful to uBR/the post is dated on 3 july ,2008BR/pl sir,delete it

  17. Moon,BR/BR/Your friends desntiny number is 8,a person whose destiny num 8 should have their name value 5. right now the name SONZAL value comes to 26 i.e 8. which is unlucky and also the prime cause for her sufferings.her dads name s jitendra right, in that case she can sign as BSONNZAL J/B that ll erase all her problems

  18. Deep,BR/BR/She can change legally in government gazette, but she can do this later also, first she should sign her name as i said for 32 times a day. it ll take a month to know the results. she should start believing that its her way of signing.

  19. Moon,BR/BR/8 born ppl are not unlucky, but they are influenced by destiny or karma, hence their name should be in 5 to avoid certain mishaps.if their name s in 5, then they are the most luckiest ppl in world. Reg ur question, more than date of birth destiny num is more significant.

  20. HI !!!BR/I m SHELLY MEHTABR/DOB 6 /12/1979BR/POB : Jodhpur, RajasthanBR/want to know abt change in job (time period) and when wil i get maried?BR/Thanks

  21. Shelly ,BR/BR/Its not only marriage but it seems u also have other worries, cos ur destiny number is 8. I strongly recommend ur name value to be in 5. Right now shelly mehta value comes 39. SHELLYY MEHTAA by this way ur name is 41(5). which answers all ur problems. sign like this for 2 months, everyday 41 times and all ur mental worries shall disappear

  22. Dear Mr. Sarvana Rajendra Sir, in continuation with my past numorology as adviced by you i am writing my signature as u said in that spelling 41 times and feel the Horizon is filling with some hope and colours Thanks a million my concern is as follows: 1). I am suppose to go for an interview if i get that job and offer is good from all aspects can i take it 2). Will i flourish in the offer if taken or work with my present company. 3). My date of birth is 8/10/70 time 10.30am now i write as u said Dhananjay k. Korpadde or sign as dkorppade. kindly advice if any last minute tips and on the above. Thanking u in anticipation and sincere gratitude.Regards, Dhananjay

  23. hello sir,my name is Sudheer Kumar Busineni,my DOB:29-6-1987,my place of birth:proddutur(kadapa dist) in Andhra Pradesh,can I know when I will get job?amp; I want to know about my health?please tell me

    • Sudheer,

      your life path is 42 (6) which makes you an attractive personality ad gives you professional success but at the same time, it gives some health problems. thats very evident.Regarding your job, tell me how do you sign your name and also how people call you.

  24. Hello Mr. S. Rajendra,Just to remind u that if possible kindly reply the above mention email as my interveiw went flop and have received a negative reply from other end kindly advice if possible the next course of action.BR/BRAwaiting your response.Dhananjay

    • Jay,

      Sorry about your interview, i was not available to give you some magical tips when it comes to interviews. But continue stop signing the way i said, and remember the value of your name now is 41! which will only give you the best place to work and most likely a job where there wont be any need for you to struggle of strain so much, 41 will make things easy at work, so if you didnt get this job, then it simply means a better one is waiting for you. You cannot get anythin lesser than best. so be optimistic about this. Next time when you attend an interview i shall give some secrets to clear interviews of any type. Those secrets are mystic ones.

  25. Hi Sir/Mam,BR/My birth name is ‘shalini’.Later was advised to change it to ‘shalinii’.BR/Birth name – shaliniBR/present name – shalinii BR/DOB – 15/06/1985BR/Time – 01:17pmBR/POB – Tanjore,Tamil NaduBR/BR/I want to know which year my marriage will happen?Also about my partner’s characteristics and my marraige life.Is it possible to predict his name?Will i go abroad because of marriage or through my career?

  26. hi.. m goin thorough a emotionally rough phase now. i would like to kno how long tis stage would continue,my health n future.
    thanking you
    time btw 6pm-7pm not sure.
    in palakonda AP

    • Janaki,

      Your life path number is very nice, and the reason for your emotional problems is purely due to your bad planetary dasa periods, these problems are not permanent, and it will go away in this new year. If your so much worried even now, then give me your full name and i can analyse it. but seeing your date of birth i can say your problems will vanish after jan 15

        • Janaki,

          Your name s perfect,so there s no need to worry, the only reason for your emotional problems are your saturn period, which has ended on dec 10, hence you can expect things to change.if you want great strength to tackle your emotional problems then sign your name as S JANAKI fourteen times daily for two months.

  27. hello!
    i got a job in infosys.but i am not interested in technical field.n knowin t recession rite i would like to kno if i wil continue in IT field. my stengths are my communication skills. i would like to make gud use of it.wut would u suggest.

    • Akhila,

      Your question is very significant at present scenario, Being a software engineer and also as a numerologist i can suggest you to take up MBA. Since you have good communtication skill, your MBA degree would certainly add value to your career and also you can pursue a right career for your skills. Go for a top level MBA program

      From Astro Predictions, 2008/12/25 at 11:57 AM

      • ya thats actaully a good idea. but right now its not my option to study. if i could take up a job else where..?? what do u see in store? because so many ppl are in professions their degree don command..

        • If job is the option for you, then you can get a job relevant to your degree,I assume you are a B.E graduate, then you can enter a non IT field if your degree is B.E ECE of EEE, You can enter communication or telecom sectors which are booming these days.

  28. oh ya! how do u kno.. cheeezz.. wrong que. m a kathak dancer n painter as well.. n got back 2 dance after a long gap 🙂 wil keep wid it til job n other priorities don come in.wat about my personal life? marriage,husband n stuff?? m very colse to my mother after marriage i would likr to stay somewhere colse to her. is tat possible???

    • My personal advice would be,never stop dancing and painting for any reason,what ever job you are in, always continue your creative talents. Dance and painting are the two most greatest gift of god, a natural meditation it is. you can very well stay with ur mom after marriage, and i also find you spritually inclined and religious person, and also person who values love more than anything.

      • actually at this stage m not so spiritual.. i don pray at al !!! may be in future i wil be so.. n ur rite.. peace,love n happiness mean a lot 2 is my martial life goin to be..?? n bout my mom.. more than me.. she is very emotionally attached 2wadrs me.. stay wid my mum after marriage.. wut did u mean by tat..?

  29. my bro name NANDA KUMAR SANKARAN VALAIYAR dob 09-09-1978 plz rectyfy his name, he has not completed 10th std, not doing any thing , only takeing care of my mom,but trying to get marryed with any girl, i dont know what to do? plz suggest A perfect name and carrier suggestion and when will good time start?

  30. KUBENDHAR 25-05-1973 tob 16.38 pob srinagar jk & PRATIMA 22-10-1976 tob 19.30 pob ankleshwar gujrat is it worth geting married both of us?? will our life be sucessfull? will she be suportive in my carrier plan? can we hv twins 😉 ? now i am working in a hotel BAR with alcohol-which type of product bussiness sutabel for both of us in our future? plz suggest the BEST MUHURTHAM DATE for geting married in augest 2009 sept 2009 oct 2009 nov 2009 jan2010 feb 2010?

    • Yes the compatibility is good, you can get married, regarding muhurtam days, choose muhurtam days consenting your family and give me a set of dates, then i can choose one. I alone cannot determine the days as it depends on ones family and other plans.. reg twins, its very diff to predict in astrology or numerology

    • Your brother's lifepath is 7 hence his marriage getting delayed, needs to keep his name in 6, ie. 42 or 33, or 51. You know the values, hence choose some name and give to me ill suggest one. I am finding diff to keep name in 6 with this name, you know the family sur name and initials so u can keep it with the help of my values i posted in my blog

  31. i am undergoing enormours emotionionally bad phase. due to the opposite neighbour. she always has an eye about what my father does n hence my mother does not trust my father now. where ever he goes i should be ter wid him to keep an eye. hence im not free to do wut i want.? im seriously prayin that lady shoudl vaccate the house as soon as possibl. wil that happen so..? is there any solution??

    8.31 PM

    • This solution is not due to your chart or name, but actually due to your dad's astrological period. I think this problem is only temporary and will eventually fade away once that particular astrological period is over. Dont worry about this. And, you can recite maha mritunjay stotra and pray, this will destroy any evil being done to you or your family

      • sir should i post my parents astro chart?
        s.madhava murthy

        because of this prob my mother does not allow me to go out at all. she wants me to sit at home full day and keep an eye on m father. my company joinin is on the feb of nxt yr. wil i be able to leave home n go work there..?

  32. Hello sir my name is RADHIKA.R born on 06:03:1988,im very much intrested in numerology sir, i jus want to know wether 6&8(8 is my lifepath number sir) combination works out for me or do i hav to change my name accordingly.And also what would be d suitable career for me.From my childhood my strong ambition in life is to become a business magnet.Will my dreams come true.Waiting for ur valuble answer sir.

    • Definitely you can realize your dreams and will come true. 6 and 8 is a very compatible number, 6 and 8 are friendly to each other. But you have to change the name as your current name is 18 (9) which is not good number for any birth number. Change your name into 5 and you can realize it very soon. But 18 should be strictly avoided. Whats the full form of your initial R?

      • THANKS for ur reply sir.It is R is my dads name RAVI sir.Little alterations in my name would do it or do i hav to keep an entirely different name sir? If u do the changes i would be grateful to u sir.

        • Iam tryin ways to change it. But its a tricky name, i cant change your dad's name, and if i use radhika ravi the name comes 26 which is worst. Radhikha R comes 23, this is only way i can make the name 5 without disturbing the initials or dads name. If you have any other idea then tell me n we ll see if it can be modified.

  33. Hello can you make any predictions about me. Taianna Camarado 17/7/82 born saturday 2.28 pm. About love life, and carrier- please. (: Thank you

  34. Thanks again sir,but u hav given radhikha.r wich sums upto 23 but den one small doubt sir the name alone adds up to 21 which makes 3 ,wich ll be an enemy number for 6 and 8,which is my birth and lifepath no.So will it affect the positive effect of d name change?? and also one general question sir i am having dis doubt right from d time i started attracted towards numerology.Numerology is sumthing by changing the pronounciation of the name we tend to change the vibrations around us,am i right sir? but what is the use of changing the names by just adding sum extra alphabets in their names which only changes the mere calculation but when people call you by the same name then the vibrations are same as their previous one.Then what will be the benefit they gain from name change sir. (sorry if i hav bored u by ds question but im seaching for an strong answer for ds for a long time sir 🙁 )

    • Well, its a common question asked by many, how can a number make a difference? Numbers are there even before the existence of man, but man discovered it only later, One must first understand the structure of universe and our galaxy, we live in milky way galaxy which has 13 zodiacs and 9 planets. Every life forms within the 9 planets are influenced by 12 zodiacs along with 9 planets. Any changes in the position of zodiac actually affects the whole earth ! thats why we see a pattern on natural disasters on certain dates. Now, when we born on a particular time and date, ( note all forms of units are manipulated in numbers) there is a unique pattern in heavens ( i.e. our galaxy) which we call horoscope in astrology, the life of that person wil be based upon the movement of that pattern or zodiacs. every planet is denoted by means of numbers, not only planet, the babylonians discovered the relation of numbers with the planets, like mayans they were accurate in predicting events based on astral science. One cannot prophecise using telescope or other complex instruments but the mayans and babylonians did by knowing the astral science. The numbers are the vibrations of planets they correspond to, thats how numerology is effective even one changes the name, but mere name changing will not do wonder, one has to sign the name and that vibration has to spread all across elements of earth. Thats why we ask to sign and practice for 3 months b4 seeing the effects of it. it ll take atleast 3 months for the vibrations of the name to spread to the cosmos. Astrology and Numerology are not methods but they are metaphysical sciences, which needs inner conscience to understand it.

  35. yea thank you sir…:) finally i got an answer for my question ….
    i hav a doubt sir,is 3 compatible with 6and 8?

    • 3 is certainly compatible with 8, they say 3 and 6 are not compatible in terms of lord of houses in astrology, but they are not enemy numbers, 3 borns and 6 borns are very compatible, but name as 6 and lifpath as 3 is not compatible.

  36. So the name suggested by u i.e R.RADHIKHA will b compatible for both birth no.6 and life path no.8,well sir wat s d procedure i must follow lyk,hw many times shud i ryt and sign ds name? ( i hav currently compltd my engg nd written for mba) wat wud b d suitable career 4 me sir?

    • hi karthika,

      your full name as 21 is good, but karthika alone comes 18, everybody calls u karthika only so it ll come to 18, and 18 is not a good number for woman. more over ur lifepath is also 9, which create problems for you in love and relationships. You can change it to KARTHIKKA S which comes 23 as whole, and 20 as karthikka,which is good.

  37. Dear sir.
    my born date 1976/04/24 time 6:am total 6/6 and name(cassem irushan) alphabetics also "42".i'm spending unhappy life,kindly avice me about my life and what are the changes i have to made on my name or any otr facts.please reply me

    • Pythogorus was a man of science and mathematician, when alexander conquered Babylon, Pythogorus and other scholars took the sacred scriptures of babylonian’s which is about astrology, numerology and other occult science. Most of them were burnt too. Pythogorus took those scriptures and made his new system of numerology called pythogorean numerology. But the origin of numerology is Chaldean ( Babylonian). Before Greek invaded babylonia, their astrology and numerology concepts were widespread in india, hence only few people knew thorough about chaldean system.

  38. sir.
    please advice me about my DOB 24/04/1976.My name is CASSEM IRUSHAN.already i rquest you about my neumarology report.

  39. My birth date is 15 April 1972, 6.45am and born at ipoh, perak, malaysia. I am starting an IT company and in the process of selecting names. Can you advice me on the most suitable number to be used my company name? Thank you

  40. dear sir,
    I am moving in new home on 22/11/2009…i have asked this date to the estate agents as in Hindu panchang it was shown to be the auspicious day…

    now when I looked from the numerology view total of the date is 22/11/2009…2+2+1+1+2+9=17=8….
    as 8 is not a good number but according to panchang it is good day….I am really in dilemma…PLEASE suggest me what should i do? (22/11 is sunday …and 21/11 is saturday)
    I am off on saturday ? should i move the transfer date on saturday? i chose sunday as it was shown in panchang…


  41. dear sir,
    thank you so much…although you suggested 20th ,friday….i am working that day..i will try my best for friday,20th november..but if its not possible ,would it be ok to move on the date on 21st ,saturday?

    please advise…i am waiting for yr reply..

    thanks n regards
    (p.s:- i am not sure above comment related to me, to use business blog,but i couldnt fine it, and i thougt this is regarding my home not the business , so though its fine , hope its ok)

  42. Dear Astronlogia,

    My name is Ravi Pravin and D.O.B. 26/12/1986 born on Friday 2.30PM afternoon in Bangalore, India.

    I have struggled a lot in life and have crossed lot of hurdles, four years back I came to know about numerology and became a true follower of it. Also, know a little numerology.

    My first name was only M.sanjay. Then as per one numerologist suggestion i changed it to M.Sanjay Adithiyyhaa, the result was good but I felt I need a powerful but simple name.

    After a lot of research and struggle along with one numerologist friend whom i came to know through orkut took suggesion on new name from him. So I am about to change my name to RAVI PRAVIN.

    My Question is :
    1) Is my new name RAVI PRAVIN powerful and correct as per pyramid number(adding all number till it reaches to single number till end) which comes to number 4 is that good as per astrology ?

    2) I sign the full name ravi pravin its very simple and i do not scribble. My question is should i join both names while signing to get power.

    3) I am planning to underline the sign does that give power to the signature ?

    Please answer to my questions its my humble request, as I am about to change my name and signature next week.

    Thanking you,
    Ravi Pravin

  43. Dear Astronlogia,

    I really thank you for the reply.

    Also, please throw light on the signature science, is that good to underline after signing ?

    I will look forward to your reply.

    Ravi pravin

  44. Dear Sir, I have lost hope in the possibility for me tobe able to change my life.
    I struggle every day with suicidal thoughts. It feels like I have the most challanging combination of personal traits in my charts and my numerology.
    Could you shed some light on my situation, and help me understand what it is all about? And if there is some reason to everything so far or anything that points to some kind of postive transformation or meaning in/to my life?

    Another question I have about numerology, that puzzles me is how to count letters in different languages, that is written with extra dots or cirkels, like the Swedish å,ä,ö, for example? (I am studying numerology and am trying to figure out the “right” interpretations).

    With my humble thanks to you, for your kind and caring and incredible human way of being, doing this to people, to all of us, for free.
    I am touched by your kindness and generousity. And I just wish and hope that it will all come back to you and enrich your life with health, happiness and all that is impórtant to you. Bless you.

  45. I couldnt sent the form from my computer, so I submit my data here instead;
    born 2 aug 1952 in Petah-Tiqwa , Israel. Time: 08.15 am female.

  46. my dob is 7 may 1974, place – dombivili, time – 5.00 am. My name is Nagarajaan Mani Iyer. Can I get a change of job in MNC in a good position in the year 2010? Any prospect of buying a four wheeler…or home in near future

  47. Hi there.

    This is the second time am posting my query…I posted on friday it appeared…but somehow it got knocked off!!! I am posing my query again with a request to answer my queries…

    My DOB. 7th May 1974, Time – 05.00 am, Place – Dombivili (Maharahstra, Thane Dist). any chance of promotion in my present company in the year 2010? Switch to MNC…and purchase of home/4 wheeler

  48. dear Astronlogia,
    im sarabjeet,dob-23.6.1989,time-5:00am,place-patiala,.plz tel me about my life favourable will 2010 will be for me?when will i get a job?will i be able to go to abroad in 2010 for further studies?

  49. Dear Astronlogia

    My DOB is 11/12/1984 & the birth time is 0130 am. I want to know about my job prospects and also about my marriage. Currently i m working but the company’s condition is not good, should i look for another job or stay in the current one?

  50. my name is nagarajaan mani iyer. dob – 7th may 1974, time – 05.00 am, place of birth – dombivili (kalyan) maharashtra state. can i be able to switch over to some MNC company in the year 2010? any chance of buying another home/4-wheeler..please reply this is third time i am raising my query

  51. My name is Samarjit Sen, DOB – 12th September’1984, time – 0920am, place of
    birth- Kolkata, Westbengal State. I am B.Tech. with computer Science and at present working in a small software company since November 2008. I am not
    satisfied with the present job. Interested in Animation line. Please tell me\
    when my life will be settled with a better job? Any chance to go abroad and when?
    Whether my marriage will be arranged or love, year of marriage.
    I hope I shall get the reply of all my queries. Thanks.

  52. my name is nagarajaan mani iyer. dob – 7th may 1974, time – 05.00 am, place of birth – dombivili (kalyan) maharashtra state. can i be able to switch over to some MNC company in the year 2010? any chance of buying another home/4-wheeler..please reply this is third time i am raising my query

  53. Hello Sir, my name is Rachana. My date of birth is 16/04/1986, time of birth is 08:00 am, and place of birth is Chalisgaon, Maharashtra. My only question is will i get married to the boy i am really in love with? When will i get married? Please please reply.

  54. Hi tehre,

    I am Shazia Saghir (although my name on birth certificate was Shaheen but was officailly changed later on 03-01-1985 adn since then I am using this name).

    i want to know WHEN will I be able to get a new and better job. i ma facing a lot of intentional discrimination and bias on this job, and various opportunities for my growth adn promotion had been stopped. i am just too stressed here and want a good placement in an MNC or any other better place. I also would like to start my own business in Career/HR consultancy and training. willl i be successful n famous in that and will the business be profitable?

    thanking you in advance for answering the above.

  55. Hi tehre,

    I am Shazia Saghir (although my name on birth certificate was Shaheen but was officailly changed later on 03-01-1985 adn since then I am using this name).

    i want to know WHEN will I be able to get a new and better job. i ma facing a lot of intentional discrimination and bias on this job, and various opportunities for my growth adn promotion had been stopped. i am just too stressed here and want a good placement in an MNC or any other better place. I also would like to start my own business in Career/HR consultancy and training. willl i be successful n famous in that and will the business be profitable?

    thanking you in advance for answering the above.

  56. Is this cms you use good for my first site ? I want to start blogging soon and looking for good platform.

  57. Hello, My DOB is 17.11.1988 and my name comes to 76(first=15 middle=25 last=35).What kind of number is 76. I want to be able to open my third eye so is it better to have my name come to 9 rahter than 5? Is my life going to be full of turmoil because my life path number is 18 and birth number 8? Is it possible to see the most suitable profession for oneself with numerology? Are letters like ä(a with dots) and ö(o with dots) counted in numerology ?

  58. im timmy dob-10 jan 1985,time-09:04am,place-kanpur,.plz tel me about my life favourable will 2010 will be for me? when will i marry?

  59. I am Praveen Sharma (DOB – 01/12/1983), time 2.10 am. I very disappointed with my career and love life. Please help me in knowing, will how would be my love life? Will I get into SAP profile with a good company.
    I had struggled a lot in my due these. Will this struggle ever end?

    I am not afraid of fighting it back. Just need a support for motivation.
    To have some relief. Please advice.

    Praveen Sharma

  60. Hi there – what a great website!
    My DOB is 16 March 1983
    Full name is Trinity Francis Barberio (male believe it or not)
    Time of birth: somewhere between 11.55 – 11.59am
    Life Path 4,
    Day no. 7
    destiny no 3 or 6 (forgot which)
    inner soul urge 11

    I am hoping for a general message, no particular question..things have been very difficult financially, dislike my job a lot and earning very low income at the mo, also need to find a new place to live as my current rental lease is not being renewed. Being held back by money restraints to do a lot of the stuff I fel to do such as energy healing studies and getting out there to help people and Lightworking the way I feel I could.

  61. dear sir i and my boyfriend always end up in fighting for small issues,n either of us give breakup,though we love each other.can we can be in healthy boyfriend’s date of birth is 02-10-1993 and my is 27-05-1993

  62. hai sir i am yadavalli swapna born on 11th april 1989 please let me know whether i have an oppurtunity of getting job if so tell me my lucky period pls sir


    • He is ruled by number 1 and the Sun, he is active, authoritative, assertive, practical, dignified and highly sensitive. He is charming, attractive and jovial by nature, but he need to check your tendency to behave spendthrift, dominating and be more careful on the health front. Upcoming few months will be very important as important decisions are likely to be taken. This is not the period to wait for things to happen, rather he needs to run after things to get the results. health front needs care. Needs to be more particular about diet. Investments made during this phase will bring in good profits in the long run.


  64. Hello my name is Twinkle Sharma date of birth is 7th October 1996 and time is 1:25 pm Delhi. When will I get job ,or will I do business ???

    • Looking at your natal chart we see that your 10th house is ruled by Mercury. Sun which is the karka for career and progression is conjoined with Rahu forming the Surya Gharan dosha. This is never good. Your Venus mahadasha and antardasha of Venus is going on. Venus is the lord of 11th house of gains. and is well placed in the bhagyastan in your horoscope. The possibility of job is very much after January 2018. You should do remedies of Sun and Rahu for getting stability in the career front in your life. Doing the remedies given below will certainly help.

      1. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily
      2. Offer Jal to Surya Daily



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