Numerology Number 58 and 67


Number 58

Number 58 in Numerology consists of mercurial number 50 and Saturn 8. With both ruling planets of numbers are friendly and compatible to each other and also the compound number 4, the number gives outstanding popularity, and the power to captivate others. The intellectual Mercury meets the industrious Saturn to provide good results due to diligence and hard work. They are great achievers. Life’s progress will be swift. The presence of strong Saturn can make them pious or orthodox, great reformers and are more attached to religion. If their birth number is or 4 or 8 of any month, they will hold positions of great responsibility and fame. They may be sometimes forced to carry out certain things against their wish. Outwardly these people appear to be very lucky but they have also a lot of unwanted fear within them. If the names of those born under other birth numbers also come under this number, life will slowly take a turn for the worse and they will lose their reputation. They may become selfish and may have to undergo lot of difficulties during their life time which seems to be a common theme if we analyze the findings from this page on the Astronlogia website.

Numerology Number 58 and 67

Number 67

Number 67 in Numerology composed of creative Venus (60) and scientific/psychic Neptune, These people are exemplary artists and work with great determination and vigor. They are patronized by power bronze and reveal noble ideas.  Men should control their passion and lust for woman. Love, affection and grace make this people enduring. They can never achieve anything if they are selfish. This number which helps to attract and conquer others does not help non artist. Any presence of number 7, whether in birth number or name number calls for unselfish attitude, even an iota of selfishness can spell doom for them. They don’t have the luxury of selfishness, hence people with this name number should be cautious not to indulge in acts that caters to their ego. The innovative mind of number 7 and creative energy of 6, becomes a perfect combo for artists, magicians and performers.


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