- Today’s Number: 25
- Today’s Life path: 15 (6)
- Today’s Moon Sign: Capricorn
- Today’s Constellation: Shravana
- Today’s Constellation Lord: Moon
Famous persons born today: Al Pacino, Felipe Massa, Rene Zellwegger, Guruji Sri P Rajkumar
Bottom Line: Should be avoided for important business activities, number 2 borns should avoid treatment of eye s on this day. A day that can suck up your energy levels but deliver very less. A good day for meditation though.
Hi Saravana,
Since today’s constellation is Shravana in India – does that Nakshatra also apply here in the United States? Or do we need to adjust hours given time difference, i.e. subtract 13 or so hours?
Are you still there. Can you post something new?