What Does A Love Horoscope Say About Dating Cancer?


Cancers are ruled by their hearts and belong to the sign of family and children. They have a tight circle of friends and often fall in love with someone they are already close to. That or they use their friends as a romantic referral service because they trust them to know what Cancer is looking for. Learning about your Cancer love horoscope can be difficult to stick to in our world of casual flings. Cancer the Crab is looking for a long term partner, someone they can settle down with, share a home, and start a family with. Getting along with Cancer’s family is a must because family is the most important thing to them.

What Does A Love Horoscope Say About Dating Cancer?

Loving a Cancer and What Their Horoscope Reading Says

Cancers can be difficult to pin down, they are very picky about their lovers, but once they decide on someone they commit permanently. This sign is extremely protective of the people they care about and they are very nurturing. There is little a Cancer won’t do for someone they love. They will sacrifice anything for their loved ones though they have a tendency to be a little possessive.

Female Cancers love to be spoiled and pampered a bit, while male Cancers love to spoil and pamper their partners. Ideally Cancers will pair up with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces. They are best suited to Earth and other Water signs because these signs also tend to prefer the home life to the wanderlust of Aries.

Those who fall under this sign are often slow maturing and won’t really be ready for true compatibility with someone until their late twenties. This may be in part because of the time it takes others to be ready to settle down. Cancer’s will retreat into their shell when they are wounded and it may take time to coax them back out again. They want approval from their partners and can become co-dependent quickly. You must be willing to let them cling to you a little bit (as some of the needier signs are known to – see here for more information about those signs).

Great: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Favorable: Leo, Sagittarius

Challenging: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries

What To Know About Being In Love With a Cancer

They match well with Water and Earth, but rarely Cardinal signs. As a Cardinal Water sign they love to be the boss of everything. They do not gel well with others that like the same chance to be the boss. They love being nourished and nourishing others. They thrive on it actually, male or female. Cancer blends seamlessly with fellow Waters and practical, grounded Earth signs that are waiting to be fed by the Cardinal Cancer. Emotional signs like Air or quick moving signs like Fire may be too much for Cancer. But Water and Fire make steam so it can make it if you work on it.

Remember that a Cancer love horoscope will always show Cancer’s intense empathy and understanding of people. They just know, instinctively, what others are going through and how their hearts hurt. This is both a good and bad thing. They are able to anticipate a loved ones needs, and are able to keep up with the wants of everyone around them, but ultimately if they are not given time to recover they can burn out.

If you are lucky enough to be in a relationship with a Cancer then it is up to you to nurture them. These are people who need approval, love, and affection to thrive. Spend time telling them how important they are and how much you value them. The more you help them see their positive qualities and what makes them so precious to you, the more they will come out of their shell and become secure in the relationship. This will also help them move through their moody phases, where they beat themselves up for the mistakes of the past, more easily and bring them back into a happy, family focused mood. While a Cancer love horoscope may not be exactly what you wanted out of it, these are general guidelines to follow to protect yourself from getting hurt and making rash decisions based on emotions.

Not a one-night stand type. Must be emotionally involved before would really embrace the physical side. Once there is a connection, then you give it your all to meet their satisfaction. In bed, this zodiac sign is caring, open, and intuitive. Sometimes they can be too clingy.


Aries & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Aries is Fire, Cancer is Water, Delicate balance so neither evaporates
QUALITY:  Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY:  Aries is Yang, Cancer is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Square, Push-pull dynamic

Overall: Cardinal Fire and Cardinal Water could pose a potential challenge since water can squash fire. At the same time, water plus fire can create steam. So this match can be steamy and passionate, if both put their egos aside for some time. Both signs are incredibly emotional. Aries is fiery and passionate. Cancer over-analyzes every feeling. They must find a way to work together on their emotional turbulence; if they can, then it will be steamy and stimulating. This could be a nurturing but over bearing relationship. They are great at keeping it real. It is challenging but loving, since both understand each other’s needs. This can be a heartwarming story of opposites attract. They value the others strengths.

Positive: Aries loves how sensitive Cancer is. With Aries being a sign of the self and Cancer being a sign of the home, this pair will go to the end of the Earth to protect each other. Cancer has the tough shell of crab to protect. In the Aries world, they are the knight in shining armor. Cancer wants what Aries wants, a happy home life. Aries will never complain about the home center that Cancer putters to each day. The instinct of Cancer will also help Aries get as far as they want and wherever they want in life, which Aries really loves. This can be a nurturing and loving relationship. Cancer is the Zodiac Mother sign, while Aries is the baby. This is a relationship of endless care taking or of tireless demands. The moody quality of them both can be enhanced when they are together, but neither of you actually consider this a bad thing. You are able to keep it real around one another, no false fronts or exhausting facades. There is a shared competitive spurt that makes you great motivators and cheerleaders for each other.

Challenges: When this match fights, its going to get ugly with a lot of hurt feelings. Cancer is the most sensitive and takes things personally. Cancer is also stubborn and attacks with pincers. Aries has to be careful when they start something. Aries will be the first to bail because of it. Cancer really needs to be careful in how they manage their feelings in conflict. Cancer isn’t as independent as Aries and that could cause conflict. If Cancer doesn’t get the cherished feelings they want then they will bail. There are challenges, but the kind that you can grow from. Do not rest on your laurels. You need to provide each other with enough emotional security to continue, which can be harder for Aries. They are great partners and parents to children, family, etc. Cancer is a legendary homebody, Aries can lounge too. A comfy base camp is essential for this relationship. Both need space, so you need to create personal areas.

Make it Work: Steam and sparks are possible, if they focus on it. Makeup sex will be as steamy as a person could want, as long as they can survive the battle that proceeds it. Both Cardinal signs are born leaders and initiators. Aries won’t worry about who will make the first move because Cancer is always on it. Cancer will be in charge of the emotional bliss of the union. Aries will be in the lead when fighting off intruders and enemies. They need to take turns being boss and compromise in order to have a long and happy life.

Cancer & Taurus

ELEMENT:  Taurus is Earth, Cancer is Water, Harmonious blend for comfort
QUALITY: Taurus is Fixed, Cancer is Cardinal, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Both Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Sextile, Best of friends

Overall: This is a match many dream of so both these parties will enjoy and cherish it. This is Fixed Earth Taurus loving the Cardinal Water Cancer. They are very compatible. Earth needs water to feel nurtured and grounded, water feeds off the ability to sustain earths needs. This match is very very good for each other, as well as the karmic and soul mate connection. Both in the pair will mutually understand and grow with each other, so long as they focus on the shared outcome. This is a soul stirring match in heaven. These are two domestic partners with an affinity for homespun sensuality and a love for cooking and entertaining. Traditional and family oriented, they want security and stability. After some investment, this deep connection will create an unbreakable bond full of trust and admiration.

Positive: They want the same things, so when they come together, its remarkable. They are committed to a happy home life. Cancer is a domestic center, Taurus makes it beautiful 7 ways to Sunday. Solid home and family, beautiful things all around, and work ethic to make it all happen are all shared traits. There is almost nothing but shared love. Their feminine energies mean a deep emotional bond that will sustain and nurture for a long time. Cancer likes how open, real, and grounded Taurus is and learns to open up more in turn. Taurus is quite attracted to how Cancer puts everyone but themselves first and prefers quiet nights in. These two are adorable soulmates, like a pair of high school sweethearts. They have this homespun quality to combine. They are security minded, traditional, and family oriented.  It is ideal for building a legacy. Domestic bliss is the grand theme. The inspire art and music within each other.

Challenges: This is a loving and beautiful relationship but not without words of caution. Being ruled by the moon makes Cancer moody and Taurus could tire of it. This could lead to Cancer taking too much too personal. This is another matter Taurus will tire of quickly. As a Cardinal sign, Cancer must be the boss or the pincers will come out, but that will not always bode well for Bull Taurus. Taurus doesn’t need to be the boss at all, but doesn’t appreciate being wrong all the time. This is a blessed nest but the catch is that it shelters them from the world. They might lose their edge and have to make the effort to socialize. They need to have individual interests and friends, it is a healthy must. Don’t let your careers suffer because they would rather stay in bed.

Make it Work: They will experience a few wrinkles along the way. Watery Cancer will always wind up nurturing Earthy Taurus. Both of these feminine energies simply need to give and take a little and always rely on strong emotional bonds that connect them cosmically. Cancer can’t take Taurus so personally. Taurus needs to pay more attention to Cancer. Cancer must ease off ordering Taurus around. This results in having a strong, secure, and happy home life. This is a match made in heaven.

Cancer & Gemini

ELEMENT:  Gemini is Air and Cancer is Water, Collision of head and heart
QUALITY:  Gemini is Mutable and Cancer is Cardinal, Directing the flow
POLARITY:  Gemini is Yang, Cancer is Yin, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Semisextile, Cosmic combination

Overall: The mutable Air Gemini with Cardinal Water Cancer is low on the compatibility scale. It may feel like “what can we agree on.” All their differences bode well for the long term- if they are both committed, and it can be exciting. They will always keep each other guessing and loving more each day if they both put their minds to it. This is a dynamic but also sensitive relationship. They are two polar opposites that actually complement each other well, especially since you both have many different layers to your moods. Gemini and Cancer make a stimulating relationship, since both share an affinity for cultural activities and socializing.

Positive: They can offer what the other needs. There is an innate understanding of one another that leads to a very happy couple. Cancer loves Gemini’s Knight in Shining Armor. Gemini will love how Cancer sets up everything at home for them. They will probably have many children. This is Cancer’s domain because they are the provider and nurturer. Cancer will give all to Gemini. Cancer will love the long conversations they can have with Gemini. This bond can be difficult to match. They are spoiled by the other in a unique way. They must work hard to keep the magic going in order to have it last the long term. This is an oddball combination that often ends up in a marriage full of shape shifting due to Gemini’s ever changing moods. At least the dull moments will be rare. Both signs adore children and you’ll co-parent playfully as a duo. Your shared love of cultural activities can be the glue that holds you together. Museums, amusement parks, food festivals- together you’ll try them all.

Challenges: This is a lovely and compatible match in some ways but they definitely have problems. Gemini has a quick wit and sometimes sarcasm can go too far. Cancer is easily wounded as a water sign and so you can see how far this will go in a love match. Cancer is a homebody. Gemini flits off to the next fun night. Learning to cooperate could be a problem for these two. Gregarious Gemini has a social appetite and loves bantering with strangers at the bar. Domestic Cancer prefers to throw intimate dinner parties in the company of a tight knit circle of friends. With vastly different social circles styles, you’ll need to work harder to find common ground. Gemini shouldn’t leave Cancer alone in the corner, Cancer shouldn’t expect Gemini to be a wallflower all night.

Make it Work: Both are intuitive and skilled at communicating in their own ways. Their methods are on two ends of the spectrum. Cancer needs a thicker shell so they don’t take everything Gemini says so personally. Gemini wants to be cute but not hurtful. Gemini must curb enthusiasm on snappy comebacks. They have to learn to love their differences and make an effort to love and appreciate them for it to be good in the long term. They have to communicate throughout it all to be able to overcome and last the long haul. Gemini has to hear feelings in words from Cancer and then accept them. Cancer has to realize that not everything needs a feeling. Words are words!

Cancer & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Both are Water, Sensitive and deep
QUALITY:  Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Conjunct, Twinning that needs separation

Overall: This is a very good match on the compatibility scale. The Cardinal Water sign of Cancer with the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo in a match means it is very well balanced. Earth and Water are always well balanced as one element nurtures the other towards abundance and prosperity. With Cancer, we have the emotionally centered partner whose cup of love always floweth over. Virgo is flexible, goes with the flow and is real. Virgo’s are about as down to Earth as it can get. This match may not be the most adventurous or exciting, but it keeps on giving the love for many years to come. This is domestic bliss at its finest. They are homespun Crabs that love cooking and mothering, though that can sometimes mean smothering. This is a nurturing and heartwarming pairing, since both understand each others care-taking ways.

Positive: There is little that is negative about this match. Virgo is flexible so they go with the flow which works for the bossy Cancer. Virgo longs for the grounded and practical home life; so they really appreciate how good Cancer is at providing that. With this match, we have Cancer who is ruled by the Moon. Moon means love and emotion. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so they are grounded in Earth, which means they are real and communicative. This match will have a lot of long, lovely conversations that will be real, authentic, honest, and loving. This is a compatible and smooth match because they really understand one another. With the feminine energy from the Moon and the masculine energy from Mercury, there is a great balance. This is another matter that enhances the love in this match. They are not the most energetic love match, but they are rooted in devotion and love. This is one that will last much longer than the matches that are always in motion. This is a true white picket fence fantasy, which can mean nothing but boring on the homefront. You will inspire each other to create and procreate. Sexually speaking, this is what your fantasies are made of – lots of action  between sheets producing lots of children. Children come regularly as does building up the home. They are all about the scrapbook, savings, garden, etc.

Challenges: The Cancer and Virgo match is one built by the stars but every match is going to have wrinkles. Virgo is detail oriented and critical when anything is out of place. This could pose a problem for Cancer who takes things personally and is wounded over the slightest negativity. There is a bit of a stubborn streak with Cancer, which is the opposite of the flexible Virgo. This means Virgo may find themselves frustrated with this part of Cancer on occasion. They can clash through their motherly quality and smothering. They need raw, masculine energy. Too much coziness can be like cold water to libidos. Don’t let the home life over shadow outside interests and ambitions, at least not if you want to keep having sex for other purposes than making brood.

Make it Work: The shadow sides of the pairing results in some wrinkles. The wrinkles in this one are small, Cancer is fortunate to have a Virgo who literally will go with the flow any day of the week. That is unless their needs are not being met. To do so, Cancer needs to learn to give a little on occasion and not take every little thing so personally. Virgo on the other hand can ease off some teasing because that can be taken a little too far very easily with Cancer. For the most part, these are passing moments. While it is slow to start, they build a relationship deeply rooted in devotion, love and appreciative communication. These are all things needed to ensure many happy years to come.

Leo & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Cancer is Water, Leo is Fire, Delicate balance so neither evaporates
QUALITY: Cancer is Cardinal, Leo is Fixed, Two styles of leading
POLARITY: Cancer is Yin, Leo is Yang, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Semisextile, Cosmic combination

Overall:  This match has heat and passion. It is a very compatible match. As close as these two are on the chart, they have a special bond that keeps them aligned despite differences. The Cardinal Water sign Cancer is deep, while Leo brings the fixed Fire sign energy. Both want the same things in love and they offer it to each other freely and openly. Cancer and Leo also appreciate tender love and dedication that doesn’t waiver. They share common needs in love. Both are fiercely loyal, so rarely, if ever, are there commitment issues in play. There may be wrinkles because of heated tempers, so both need to be careful. If they are, then their love will last many lifetimes. This is a balance of stage manager meets superstar. They are two family oriented signs that both love to entertain. This makes for some epic holidays spent at their house. They will need to compromise, since energies are as different as night and day.

Positive: One thing that both Leo and Cancer want in love is a long, happy life together. So they will go into this relationship bringing shared common goals. Both want and crave security and a deep connection. They are both able to offer this to each other in their own unique ways. Leo will be the one to inject passion, creativity, and energy into the union. Cancer will be the one that starts the long and emotional conversations. There is nothing but love between these two. Cancer is loyal to the end and appreciates that quality in Leo. Leo loves the home life Cancer can provide. They also appreciate Cancer’s sense of intuition and instinct. Leo is ruled by the Sun and Cancer by the Moon, which means highly compatible love match with many children and shared years to come. Behind every superstar (Leo) is a highly intelligent manager (Cancer). Which means this match becomes a force to be reckoned with. Let Leo play and shine, while Cancer makes shrewd deals and plays agent. Not that the Crab won’t be a star in their own right. Together you can cut a dramatic figure, keeping clan and crew entertained for hours. Both signs are devoted to family and long for a large, noisy brood to play with. With a shared love of party planning, these two might just wind up hosting Thanksgiving and all the holidays.

Challenges: The Cardinal Water sign of Cancer pairing with the fixed Fire of Leo could pose some challenges. Leo is opinionated and biting. Cancer is super sensitive, which won’t go over very well with Leo. Leo will not always understand Cancer’s hyper sensitive nature and may not have the patience for it. One thing Leo doesn’t like is an emotional manipulator, which is something Cancer will have to work on. While they are fiercely loyal, that means they are also fiercely stubborn. Tempers can and will fly if they aren’t careful. They are as different as day and night (ruled by Moon and Sun). Both Alphas, Cancer prefers to rule the roost with quiet control. Showboating Leo turns every announcement into a media circus. Leo should create opportunities for Cancer to shine every now and again, particularly in the company of Cancer’s closest friends. You will need to make sure your relatives mesh well before you start booking dates. Otherwise, arguments over where to spend the holidays could send you sailing right to divorce court.

Make it Work: The Cardinal Water with the Fixed Fire means lot of love and intuition flowing between the two. Cancer and Leo can focus on intuition, and pay attention to what the other is saying in critical times. If they do this, they will be a long lasting match. Both need security to last and both are committed to practicing. Cancer needs to flatter Leo and make them feel like the hero they are daily. Leo will also need to smooth away any hurt feelings on occasion from sensitive Cancer. This is a match born from the stars that will stand the test of time.

Virgo & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Cancer is Water, Virgo is Earth, Harmonious blend for comfort
QUALITY:  Cancer is Cardinal, Virgo is Mutable, Directing the flow
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Sextile, Best of friends

Overall: This is a very good match on the compatibility scale. The Cardinal water sign of Cancer with the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo in a match means it is very well balanced. Earth and Water are always well balanced as one element nurtures the other towards abundance and prosperity. With Cancer, we have the emotionally centered partner whose cup of love always floweth over. Virgo is flexible, goes with the flow and is real. Virgo’s are about as down to Earth as it can get. This match may not be the most adventurous or exciting, but it keeps on giving the love for many years to come. This is two sentimental spirits that may have just met their match. They are security seeking signs that give each other the space they need to feel safe. They are also nurturing, since both understand each other’s need for domestic bliss. This is a strong bond as they get what they want: emotional and physical stability.

Positive: There is little that is negative about this match. Virgo is flexible so they go with the flow which works for the bossy Cancer. Virgo longs for the grounded and practical home life; so they really appreciate how good Cancer is at providing that. With this match, we have Cancer who is ruled by the Moon. Moon means love and emotion. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so they are grounded in Earth, which means they are real and communicative. This match will have a lot of long, lovely conversations that will be real, authentic, honest, and loving. With the feminine energy from the Moon and the masculine energy from Mercury, there is a great balance. This is another matter that enhances the love in this match. They are not the most energetic love match, but they are rooted in devotion and love. This is one that will last much longer than the matches that are always in motion. Pack rat powers unite! Cancer the Collector meets Virgo the Hoarder, so you might have to rent out a storage unit before you rent out the hall. They are natural treasure hunters who love to gather unique conversation pieces with sentimental value. They are family oriented, with values that dovetail naturally and that may even bring out a conservation streak in one another. Saving and planning for future is a favorite past time for you security minded signs. You will build a nest egg as a couple.

Challenges: The Cancer and Virgo match is one built by the stars but every match is going to have wrinkles. Virgo is detail oriented and critical when anything is out of place. This could pose a problem for Cancer who takes things personally and is wounded over the slightest negativity. There is a bit of a stubborn streak with Cancer, which is the opposite of the flexible Virgo. This means Virgo may find themselves frustrated with this part of Cancer on occasion. You will have plenty of backup for those rainy days, but how about enjoying sunny ones?  Work harder to see the overflowing glass you create instead of always working for more.  Allow yourself to swig from this cup at least once a year. Traveling to historical destinations as a couple is key to romance, even if you find it nearly impossible to leave the cozy home you’ve created.

Make it Work: The shadow sides of the pairing results in some wrinkles. The wrinkles in this one are small, Cancer is fortunate to have a Virgo who literally will go with the flow any day of the week. That is unless their needs are not being met. To do so, Cancer needs to learn to give a little on occasion and not take every little thing so personally. Virgo on the other hand can ease off some teasing because that can be taken a little too far very easily with Cancer. For the most part, these are passing moments. While it is slow to start, they build a relationship deeply rooted in devotion, love and appreciative communication. These are all things needed to ensure many happy years to come.

Libra & Cancer

ELEMENT: Cancer is Water, Libra is Air, Collision of head and heart
QUALITY:  Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY:  Cancer is Yin, Libra is Yang, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Square, Push-pull dynamic

Overall: This ranks very well. Cardinal signs have a lot of leadership energy coming into the match. Both also have what the other wants and needs, so balance and harmony is a beautiful thing. With Cancer being Cardinal Water, they come from a place of feeling their way through the world. Libra is a Cardinal, meaning they think first and feel later. Two very different perspectives are coming into play. This bodes well for the long term if both individuals are able to keep goals aligned in this relationship. This relationship is elegant and sensual, but also emotional.  They are two peaceful signs that both avoid conflict like the plague, which can lead to harbored resentment. They are highly sensitive, since they internalize feelings. Since both want the same things, they create a secure and reliable relationship together.

Positive: These are two born leaders and initiators. Cancer is emotional, Libra is thinking. They come from very different places. It is slow to start but then will take off. Libra needs balance and harmony at all costs, this favors partnerships and long term relationships. Libra is attracted to Cancer’s domestic center and long term vision. Cancer on the other hand is attracted to the charm and elegance Libra exudes. Cancer loves the idea of marriage and so does Libra, so they are on the same page from the get go. Cancer is gifted at being the domestic center of the home. Libra is gifted at making sure the home is beautiful on the inside and out. This is two feminine energies coming into the mix here with Cancer being ruled by Moon and Libra ruled by Venus. This combined energy bodes well for a long term relationship marked by love, beauty, and the ever present flow emotions. Gracious and elegant, both are the picture of class. They create a gorgeous home together filled with art, music, treasures, and a gourmet kitchen for every foodie fantasy fulfillment. You should keep freshly whipped crème fraiche and organic strawberries on the nightstand. Cooking elaborate meals and touring the best restaurants is part of your courtship dance and makes for ongoing sensual delights as you build a life together.

Challenges: Things can get a little tricky when you pair two born Leaders and that’s what you get with this match. At the same time, as much as these two have in common, both come from different perspectives. Cancer feels through life, Libra thinks their way through life. With the challenges that arise, one leads with heart and the other with their head. Libra doesn’t understand why Cancer is so emotional and can get critical about everything. Cancer is extremely sensitive and could feel wounded for days over the smallest thing. They need to work through the differences and embrace them or it will lead to their demise. Neither one of you deals with conflict well or willingly. Resentment can fester. Cancer may hold a silent grudge for years as Libra cluelessly bops along. Libra may avoid addressing issues for fear of hurting sensitive Cancer’s feeling. A few sessions with a couples therapist would be money well spent, as you learn a format for addressing the difficult issues. Otherwise you could wind up being the couple that never fights but wakes up one day to discover magic is gone.

Make it Work: There are two Cardinal signs leading the way, so there is a lot of leadership energy taking the reins here. To be happy, they have to take turns being the boss to experience a shared union. Libra is unable to make decisions, so Cancer can pickup the reins. When Cancer doesn’t rationalize, Libra leads the way. There is a lot to offer each other including shared goals and visions. They need to embrace vs bicker, which is the key to the long term.

Scorpio & Cancer

ELEMENT: Both are Water, Sensitive and deep
QUALITY:  Cancer is Cardinal, Scorpio is Fixed, Two styles of leading
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS: Trine, Add mystery for harmony

Overall: This is two water signs coming together. The love compatibility will be very high and both partners will even feel they’ve found their lost soul mates. This is an emotional union, one that has deep bonds, unshaking loyalty and trust, and an intensity that creates sparks in bedroom. Both signs are very intuitive, which bodes well for the long term success of the union. They read each other daily, without even expecting or thinking about it. Their sexual chemistry is very high and they will share a practical chemistry that stands test of time. This relationship is two kindred spirits that have met their match. These sensitive beings are both afraid to let their guard down, but feel safe with each other. This pair is full of nurturing and healing, since you allow each other to let your guard down. This is an interesting pairing as Scorpio easily takes control.

Positive: This pairing is not without passion, so many will envy the sparks. They are dual water marked by deep love, strong loyalty, and an intuitive connection that is impossible to replicate in any other match. They want a long term love, this is a commonality that bodes well for the long term. Cancer craves security and Scorpio can give it because they can only do one love at a time. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and thus ruled by a love that nurtures and replenishes. Scorpio is intensely grateful. Scorpio is sexy and smoldering and adoring as Cancer needs. They are emotional soulmates and feel an instant kindred spirit connection with each other. Both are innately possessive, terrified of feeling vulnerable  and automatically suspicious of everyone you meet. Although you have the good sense to hide these qualities from most people, with each other you can actually fess up to your fears and find solace in one another arms. The nurturing vibes overflow between you, leading you to the happy family life you both crave. Sexually speaking, the emotion and passion fueled from these two creates firework in the bedroom.

Challenges: With all the emotions skittering about, tempers will flare. This is especially true here, they will have pretty emotional problems. Scorpio lashes out with intensity over the slightest grievance if caught in the wrong wind. Cancer feels mortally wounded over these moments and will carry a grudge. Cancer wants to dominate the relationship, which is difficult under the intense scrutiny of Scorpio. If there is one fixed sign that trumps Cardinals in leadership, it is the intensity of the Scorpio energy that can do it. Cancer will want to retreat on occasion but when both parties remember the soul and intuitive connection they share these moments will not last long with these two. Both have issues with emotional manipulation though. This is something that will need to be let go of in order to keep those tempers at bay. Jealously alert: this is two of the most possessive signs. When you tread over each other’s trust lines, look out. Both develop hardened outer shells to shield vulnerability; cracking through will be epic feat. Both are uber sensitive and discussions about feelings could become epic and endless. Give each other a get out of jail free card every now and again. Dropping a grudge is not a sign of weakness, it’s a necessity with two people who are as proud and power-obsessed as you both are.

Make it Work: When these two water signs match up it is going to be an emotional one indeed. Both parties are equally guilty when it comes to emotional manipulation at times. There is a deep passion and love at the base of this, so there are good intentions. For the match to be successful for the the long term, both parties will need to remember they are given intuitive feelers for a reason. Using their spidey sense bodes well for Cancer and Scorpio match, as they will be able to innately sense what their partner needs. If they tap into that deep well of love, then they will be able to meet those needs with considerable long term success in love.

Sagittarius & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Cancer is Water, Sagittarius is Fire, Delicate balance so neither evaporates
QUALITY:  Cancer is Cardinal, Sagittarius is Mutable, Directing the flow
POLARITY:  Cancer is Yin, Sagittarius is Yang, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS:  Quincunx, Original odd couple

Overall: They are not the best match on paper. This pairing comes with problems but if they are willing to put in an effort to embrace their differences, they will find happiness for some time. The Cardinal Water sign is an emotional center. Sagittarius is an energetic Mutable Fire. Their relationship is always in flux. Both have to be okay in order for this to stick. This couple will eat, drink, and be merry until the end. This match will be full of fights and laughs, the shared compassion and romance will get them through the bumps. These two culinary masters love good food and company. They are fueled by big belly laughs since they understand each other’s unique sense of humor.

Positive: They have very different personalities. Cancer is the Cardinal Water who loves to lead, be the boss, and create a domestic center of the life. Mutable Fire Sagittarius is always moving from one project, vacation, or adventure to another. This gives Cancer a new experience that they thought was impossible. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so it is a grounded match. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, they are lucky and optimistic, and almost always in a good mood. Feminine energy Moon is being paired with masculine Jupiter which can give a lovely balance. They have the same goals just different methods of approaching that can be a little bit of effort. They love to laugh and their wry comedic quips can keep each other in stitches. This pair shares a wicked humor about life’s oddities that keep them from noticing how fundamentally different they are. As kitchen whizzes, they can throw legendary dinner parties as a couple. It is anyone’s guess as to whether your motley crew of friends will get along. Family wise, Cancer wants to settle down while Sagittarius wants to roam around, so this matchup may work better as a second or third marriage. Sagittarius makes for an  excellent step parent.

Challenges: There are two distinct personalities that affect their lifestyle and what they find important. Both want long term love and that is a foundation to build on. Cancer prefers long nights in and Sagittarius is the opposite. Sagittarius has a need for freedom, and will be upset by Cancer who wants Sagittarius to themselves. Conversations could seem like they are occurring on two different planets on occasion. This could get heated with sparks flying. Cancer employs emotional manipulation when they are not getting what they want. For Sagittarius that will only mean running in the opposite direction. On the other hand, Sagittarius has tendency to run and give up a little too easily, which is something that will authentically ground Cancer in long term. Drinking, dancing, and side splitting jokes could find you both tumbling into bed together when things start unraveling. Sagittarius wants to giddyup and get it on, ignoring Cancer’s need for emotional validation and slow, sensual touch. There is always a half unpacked suitcase sitting next to Sagittarius’ bed or smiling family photo perched on Cancer’s nightstand. Who are you again? You’ll be endlessly enigmatic to one another, which could be an aphrodisiac or a deal breaker.

Make it Work: Cardinal and Mutable bode well, so they have some hope. Mutable signs like Sagittarius have the tendency to go with the flow easily. When problems arise, and they will, Sagittarius will concede. Sagittarius may need to be okay doing this regularly, and if they are then this match has a chance. Cancer has to realize they can’t be the boss all the time. They have to hand the reins over to Sagittarius on occasion. Honesty will work better for Cancer in heated conversations more so than emotional manipulation. Embracing differences in each other are approaches that will strengthen this bond for years to come.

Capricorn & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Cancer is Water, Capricorn is Earth, Harmonious blend for comfort
QUALITY: Both are Cardinal, Headstrong leaders
POLARITY:  Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS: Opposite, Soul twin match

Overall: This is a very high love compatibility. This is two Cardinal signs going head to head. Water and Earth combine for a real, authentic and long lasting relationship. They will nurture each other into an abundant love. They have an intuitive way of knowing what the other needs and when they need it. This is not a high energy or exciting relationship, but they are devoted and loyal. This has a real deal and long term connection that will last. This pair is the perfect blend of divine feminism and masculine energies. They are two traditionalists that can easily fall into conventional roles, which becomes a dynamic codependent situation. It is a nurturing relationship, since you both strive for balance between caretaking and providing.

Positive: This relationship will have a strong foundation, rooted in Earth, fed from Water. There is emotional security and practicality. Neither are big on parties and nights out. Lots of sexy and sensual long nights in are appreciated by both. Cancer is a homemaker, creating a perfect paradise. Capricorn is a worker bee, who feels good by supporting many kids. Cancer will admire Capricorn’s success or how successful they are working to be. This is a slow growing love compatibility as Earth Signs tend to work that way and then its all systems go. This is the perfect balance. Cancer is the mother sign, Capricorn is the daddy sign. This makes you feel like long lost partners, destined to start a family together.  Since the two of you are opposite signs, there’s plenty of chemistry between you. This is a soul mate match up made in domestic heaven. You’ll naturally fall into step with one another. Capricorn builds an empire while Cancer keeps home fires burning. While you can lapse into traditional roles, you may both enjoy playing them. Sexually speaking, Capricorn wants Cancer to experience full ecstasy and is dedicated to that mission. Likewise, Cancer puts their whole heart into bedroom and pleasure.

Challenges: There are a few differences in what they want for the long term. Short term, there will be stumbling blocks. Capricorn focuses on the material, spiritual, and intuitive which Cancer may find annoying. Cancer wants Capricorn home and in their arms, even if this means less luxuries. For Cancer, they just want worker Capricorn to get home every night. They are born Cardinal, so both want to be the boss and this will create some challenges. As the relationship evolves, Cancer may grow resentful, especially if they sacrificed a personal dream only to feel like Capricorn’s secretary or baby nurse. Capricorn designs the family crest, but they need to make sure they include both sides in equal measure. Tradition is a strange hullabaloo to Cancer, but if you don’t insert yourself into the picture, take charge Capricorn may unwittingly paint you into a very tiny corner. This one is full of ups and downs.

Make it Work: They have to take turns being boss once in a while. Both are skilled negotiators, so no problem there. There is a long term dedication and shared vision for goals.

Aquarius & Cancer

ELEMENT:  Cancer is Water, Aquarius is Air, Collision of head and heart
QUALITY: Cancer is Cardinal, Aquarius is Fixed, Two styles of leading
POLARITY: Cancer is Yin, Aquarius is Yang, Strengths equal complement
ASPECTS: Quincunx, Original odd couple

Overall: This is a unique situation as both approach from different perspectives. One feels their way through the world (Cancer). The other thinks their way through the big picture, this is the Fixed Air Aquarius. At face value, this is a case of opposites attract. This will keep them going for the long haul, both appreciating and embracing different values and systems. If they can manage it all, they will stand the test of the time. This pair is awkward at first, but with plenty of lasting potential. There is a lot to be learned from each other, and that can help appreciate each other’s differences. They are nurturing, since both understand each other’s parenting styles (should you decide to have children). This is an extremely committed partnership  if they realize how real their connection is.

Positive: Opposites are joining in love but their differences will compliment over time. The Moon keeps the emotional waters flowing. Aquarius appreciates how Cancer is able to create the home life that is desired by many. Cancer is attracted to Aquarius’ big picture way of thinking. Aquarius will bring home special unexpected surprises which Cancer will love. Aquarius will love the lessons of the heart that Cancer can offer. They have much to learn from each other, if they don’t bolt from the initial awkward encounter too quickly. Cancer teaches Aquarius the power of intimacy and the hidden joys of focusing on one, and only one, person at a time. Aquarius pulls Cancer out of that protective shell and holds the crab claw as they navigate crowds. Popular Aquarius can help ease Cancer’s social anxiety, while the Crab will help Aquarius relish the joys of cooking and entertaining at home. Parenting can be the common ground that plays to both your strengths, and seals your bond. Cancer’s tender, nurturing style and Aquarius’ eternal youth can turn family life into sentimental adventure that scrip together.

Challenges: There is an increased chance of heated arguments because they are opposites. Cancer needs to be felt and understood, while Aquarius often doesn’t understand why things need to be emotional all the time. Both are stubborn. Cancer wants to make the rules, Aquarius as Fixed is fixated on their own way of doing things. They do not understand the need for Cancer to be the boss. The power struggles between these two will get in their own way. Cancer likes traditions, while old fashioned Aquarius is forward and contemporary thinking. This is a bizarre relationship, though they are not exactly opposites. They are simply fascinated by discovering a person so far flung from their own comfort zone. Outgoing, edgy Aquarius is like an enigma to shy, traditional Cancer, who’d rather lie on the couch reading a thick classic novel than visit any of Aquarius’ interdimensional watering holes. There is a good chance you’ll be spending more time apart than together in this matchup. Since both relish personal space, this could work out, provided Aquarius can earn Cancer’s trust, which is not an easy feat.

Make it Work: There will need to be a lot of turn taking going on. The differences between them are what will make them grow as individuals and a couple. Cancer must hold off on emotional manipulation, as that is precisely what is going to turn Aquarius off. Once Aquarius has their mind set, it is impossible to change. Cancer must tread carefully. Aquarius as well could learn from Cancer on expanding the emotional horizon and feeling their way through. This means they will commit to working through it all, which means a long and happy life.

Pisces & Cancer

ELEMENT: Both are Water, Sensitive and deep
QUALITY:  Cancer is Cardinal, Pisces is Mutable, Directing the flow
POLARITY: Both are Yin, Intuitively sensitive
ASPECTS:  Trine, Add mystery for harmony

Overall: Those involved in this match will feel like a match made in heaven because they are two different Water signs. They have a deeply spiritual and emotional connection. Cardinal Cancer and Mutable Pisces starts off with lot of common ground. They are sympathetic, loving, and feel their way through the world. Both are committed to growing from the emotional bonds they share. The emotional floodgates have opened. These two are sensitive souls that are both passionate and empathetic. This can lead to decisions based on feelings over logic. This pair is fueled by fantasy, since you understand how to navigate each other’s psychic waters. As two dreamy and romantic people, they are drawn to each other and lavish each other with romance

Positive: They are deeply emotional and devoted. They approach love the same, and the common ground they share will help them get through any difficulties. They are balanced, they have what others need. Its a rewarding journey and spiritual connection. If there is Fantasy fulfillment then it is smooth sailing for you two Water signs. Who can swim to the depths of passions in the sea of love?  Empathetic Pisces creates a safe space for private Cancer to open up and share vulnerability. Crab’s domestic stability is a dependable harbor for the chaotic fish to swim home to. If you don’t get sucked too far into the emotion ocean, you’ll find it easy to flow from courtship to matrimony without breaking stride.

Challenges: Their waters run deep. This is a deeply connected relationship with turbulence on occasion. Their emotions guide the daily life and can land them in hot water. Cancer needs to be the boss in love and life. So Pisces could feel stifled by their clinginess because they need freedom. Cancer doesn’t understand Pisces’ need for love in freedom. Cancer is good at starting but not at finishing and that will frustrate Pisces and cause wandering. Both will use emotions to manipulate, this means the disagreements could get ugly if both engage. At some point, you will both need to set feelings aside and embrace logic. Otherwise you’lll never make those practical decisions that keep the relationship moving forward. The differing approaches to finances can be disruptive element here. Penny pinching Cancer can’t rest easy without a nest egg and retirement account in bank. Pisces will spend ‘on spec,’ amassing more lou’s than expected and drowning in debt. Bring a financial advisor in to picture early on, so you can map out a plan and have those savings automatically deducted from your paychecks (before Pisces fritters them away). Cancer, don’t forget about entertainment budget! Kids college fund is important, yes, but Pisces needs to download music, buy a bottle of wine for friends, and splurge on shoes every now and then in order to feel alive.

Make it Work: Both are emotional and curbing this in heated moments will be key. Pisces is the most flexible and will serve Cancer well by adapting to changes and flexes in life. Cancer on the other hand will serve Pisces well by pulling back on bossiness and emotional manipulation when times get tough. Under all the differences, they share emotional connections and a heightened intuitive sense. If they focus on the strengths in this union, it will ensure the match grows spiritually and emotionally.


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