

The demon Beelzebub has been around since the ancient world. The name is a derivative of that of a god of the Philistines and is associated with the Canaanite god Baal. In Christianity Beelzebub is synonymous with Satan, an idea supported by the Testament of Solomon, in which he is seen as synonymous with Lucifer and a cause of tyrannical destruction and war. However in other works he is said to have led a rebellion against the Devil and is a chief Lieutenant of Lucifer. He is considered one of the three most prominent fallen angels in hell next to Lucifer and either Leviathan as described by Sebastien Michaelis or Astaroth as described by Milton in Paradise Lost.


Beelzebub the Demon Prince

A prince of demons, Beelzebub’s name means Lord of the Flies and his most famous depiction is that of a giant fly. Despite this, this is not a demon to take lightly. He is a feared and highly formidable demon; not one that should be taken lightly. He self-identifies as the ruler of all demons and was a high ranking angel who fell with Abezethibou. It is said that early witches would summon Beelzebub for wild orgies during their Sabbats and during the 17th century when Black Masses enjoyed a spurt of popularity his name was chanted during the rights.

If you summon, or try to summon, Beelzebub you do so at your own risk. You may suffer from strangulation, apoplexy, or epilepsy, and once summoned chances are you will lack the strength to banish him. Some of the most famous and terrifying possessions have been blamed on Beelzebub including the bewitchment of the nuns in Loudun, Nicole Obry in Laon, France, and the Earling Possession of Anna Ecklund at the behest of her father! As the demon that claims the ability to stir up intense jealousy it is not all that surprising that a father, angry that his daughter will not have an incestuous sexual relationship with him, would summon Beelzebub to possess his daughter as punishment. In fact, historically Beelzebub has been blamed for the majority of possessions and bewitchings. In fact he was even blamed on numerous different occasions during the Salem witch trials.

Originally he was thought to be a demon of pride but instead it appears that Beelzebub is a demon of gluttony, the fifth of the ‘Deadly Sins’. Gluttony, however, is more than the sin of over-eating. Gluttony is more the sin of living to the extremes of excess and this can happen in any area of life. Inviting the influence of this demon into your life will encourage you to engage in acts of gluttony. Summoning Beelzebub should not be encouraged and if you decide to try it you should be warned that death is a very likely outcome. With such a strong history of possession and ease of taking control of people one should take precautions to make sure that their body and soul are protected from possession and that any and all tools of protection are available.


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