Number 1 Life Path in Numerology


The Number 1 Life Path  proposes that you entered this plane with aptitudes permitting you to end up a pioneer sort rather effortlessly. Your basic trait is composed of individualistic yearnings, an interest for autonomy, and the requirement for individual fulfillment. A significant number of our military officers, corporate pioneers, and political pioneers are men and ladies having the Life Path 1. When you show positive 1 attributes your brain is fit for huge imaginative motivation, and it has the excitement and drive to perform an extraordinary arrangement. You are great at kicking it into high gear; starting new undertakings is your specialty. You are taking care of business when gone up against with snags and difficulties, as you battle these with quality and brave. This is both the physical and internal assortments of quality. With this quality comes utter determination and the capacity to lead. As a characteristic pioneer you have a penchant for assuming responsibility of any circumstance. You tend to do this, regardless of the possibility that, now and again, it is not fitting for you to do as such.

Number 1 Life Path in Numerology

Very unique, you may have abilities as a creator or pioneer or something to that affect. In any work that you pick, your free state of mind can appear on the other side. You have exceptionally solid individual needs and cravings, and you feel it is constantly important to take after your own feelings. You feel worn out on routine and profoundly nitty gritty undertakings rather rapidly.

life path number 1You are aggressive and emphatic in advancing yourself. In spite of the fact that you may conceal the reality for social reasons, you can act naturally focused and request to have your way much of the time. So, generally, you are viewed as great organization, well disposed, amiable, and a superb conversationalist. Individuals like you and are attracted to you. It really is ideal they are, on account of you are exceptionally delicate to dissatisfaction and you don’t handle it extremely well like some of the other life path numbers do.

Negative Effects of Life Path Number 1

There are a few ways that the negative side of the 1 can appear. The 1 dependably has the potential for enormity as a pioneer, however they may fizzle as a supporter. Tragically, at times you need to take after for some time before you are permitted to lead and this can be a troublesome time. At the point when the 1 Life Path individual is not completely created and communicating the negative side of this number, the aura may seem extremely needy instead of free, especially in the early years. In the event that you are communicating this negative attribute of the number 1, you are liable to be exceptionally disappointed with your circumstances, and long for independence. This may be characterized as the powerless or ward side of the negative 1 Life Path. On the solid side of this negative bend, the 1 vitality can turn out to be excessively self-serving, narrow minded and vain. Abstain from being excessively bossy and requesting.


  1. My life Path is 1 , dob- 19-02-1990(sonam) and my partner dob- 26-06-1989(Nicholaus). When i get child, facing problem in conceiving since 1 year, Marriage date : 16-01-2015..Please tell me.. I m in big trouble.

  2. My Name is Karthika DOB 30.03.1990
    My Husband Name Prakash DOB 25.09.1981
    Marriage Date 17.09.15
    When we will have kids??
    Please give the solution.


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