Learning Your Zodiac Sign Birthday Compatibility


Birthday compatibility is based on your Life Path number and the Life Path number of the person you are interested in! Because the Life path number is the number decided by your birth date, and is the most important number in numerology it only makes sense that this is the number that would be used to determine compatibility.

Learning Your Zodiac Sign Birthday Compatibility

Doing a birthday compatibility check is a great way to see if you’re likely to get along with someone or if you’re looking ahead to problems. It is even a great tool for identifying problems in a current relationship or pitfalls that could be coming up. It’s even a great way for parents to get an idea of what their children’s personalities will be like and how much conflict they can expect in the years ahead. Whatever your reason for looking into birthday compatibility, you should remember that just because a number is less compatible with yours, it doesn’t mean that you two are destined never to be together! It just means that you may have to work a little harder to make your relationship work.

Going Over Your Horoscope Birth Date Compatibility

Life Path Number 1: Ones are bossy and opinionated and will need partners that get along with them.

High Compatibility: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Medium Compatibility: 8
Low Compatibility: 2, 4, 6

Life Path Number 2: A two is a gentle, diplomatic soul and will need people that fosters their needs while encouraging them to spread their wings a little.

High Compatibility: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,
Medium Compatibility: 9
Low Compatibility: 1, 5, 7

Life Path Number 3: Three’s need a little chaos in their lives and will seek to find it in the other numbers. They tend to gravitate towards fives and sevens.

High Compatibility: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9
Medium Compatibility:
Low Compatibility: 4, 7, 8

Life Path Number 4: A Four needs a serious relationship. They don’t just play around with people’s feelings. They want a solid, long-lasting experience.

High Compatibility: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8
Medium Compatibility:
Low Compatibility: 1, 3, 5, 9

Life Path Number 5: A Five wants a long lasting partner, but needs someone who will do the work to provide the change and excitement they need so that they stay together.

High Compatibility: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Medium Compatibility: 8
Low Compatibility: 2, 4, 6

Life Path Number 6: The Sixes of the world can get along with almost everyone. Their low compatibility numbers just mean a little more work.

High Compatibility: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9
Medium Compatibility:
Low Compatibility: 1, 5, 7

Life Path Number 7: This number will have to control its desire to force people to meet unrealistic standards. Seven’s are least likely to end up in marriages that last.

High Compatibility: 1, 4, 5, 7
Medium Compatibility: 9
Low Compatibility: 2, 3, 6, 8

Life Path Number 8: Eight’s are looking for a partner they can guide and control but they don’t want to completely boss them about like the Ones do. They just like to be in charge.

High Compatibility: 2, 4, 6, 8
Medium Compatibility: 1, 5
Low Compatibility: 3, 7, 9

Life Path Number 9: Nine’s keep their distance and have trouble letting their vulnerabilities show. They need others that will take time to work through that with them.

High Compatibility: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9
Medium Compatibility: 5, 7
Low Compatibility: 4, 8


  1. date of birth of my son is 24/01/2010. his current name is om saraf. recently i have come to know about name DoB compatibility. can you suggest a powerfull name so as to give him that.

  2. Dear Astronlogia,
    I was Born in Srilanka. My childhood was very difficult one. My Birth name is Chandrawathie Manikkahetti. But Most people call me as “Chandra”. I do not know my Time of Birth. Birth Date , 18th February 1968. Using Numerology, can you calculate my Time of Birth by using my name?. And also what is my health going to be like in the future? And what are my lucky numbers? Thank you .
    Kind Regards


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