Free Synastry Report


Free Synastry Report

Synastry has its meaning “Bringing together the Stars”. A Synastry report is more or less a compatibility report between two persons, its necessarily not a match making report but the over all compatibility of two person in terms of emotional,intellectual, planes of expression, planetary compatibilities, cusp compatibilities, and aspect compatibilities. Overall, its the cosmic compatibility of two person.

Free Synastry Report

A Synastry report can tell many things about the relationship of two person, their interests, their medium of thoughts, their common likes or dislikes. Synastry reports does not allocate points or marks like the vedic kundli matching, it is not a marriage match maker, but it compares the various aspects of their horoscopes and reveal the degree of closeness or happiness quotient that will exist between those persons.

Synastry in astrology though complex yet it acts as a powerful science in determining the physical,emotional and psychological levels of two person. Their long term partnership and their destiny as one. With synastry astrology one can analyse the longevity of a marriage, and whether it will be fruitful or not. Not only in terms of marriage aspect, but it can be successfully analysed between friends, sisters, brothers and relations.

The synastry report that i give will be a detailed one, all you need is to fill the form below and submit it. The report will reach you after 2 or 3 days. I appreciate your patience very much. The report will be send via e mail. Kindly don’t fill the form if you are not sure of time, as when time is not known then the accuracy of report is very less. Since the offer is now closed, Click Here to learn enough about Astrology to make your own Synastry report from the information we provide. Sorry for the inconvenience!




  1. Suvarna

    I belive you have done so much good that i need to ask you for more info if you wish to stop it why , i mean this is good why stop it.

    please do something.


  2. Hi sir This is Kalpana, DOB: 22-08-1984,TOB: 1-07PM,POB: Tirupati,Andra pradesh,INDIA. I dont know anything abt my horoscope.. plz tell me in detailed..
    Thank you

  3. my birth data: 13.08.1975 Ankara,Turkey. time: 23.15 (at night)
    his birth data: 05.01.1959 Diyarbakir, Turkey. time:07.00 (in the morning)

    thank you

  4. I want a Synastry Report for my daughter but offer was closed for a while anyway keep up the good work and thank you for your guidance.

  5. Dear sir,
    my complete name is tapti r chand, date of birbth -13/7/1973 and have been recommenyded since few yrs to use the name taptii r chhand.
    i have been married for 8 yrs difficult yrs. now my husband has filed for divorce under my mother in laws pressure.
    my husbands nyame is ravinydra r chand,date of birth – 30/7/1973.
    he usually uses the nyame -ravee chhand.
    please advice as i dont want this divorce for the sake of my child and lead a happy prosperous married life.

    • Tapti,

      There is a way you can avoid this, i am not saying you can avoid divorce 100%, but there is a good chance to avoid it. Provided both your name and your husbands name share same numerology value, then compatibility increases and its difficult to part. Sign your name as Taptii Chhand, this way both of u will share name number 42, which is good for marriage life. I dont know which fool asked you to sign as Taptii R Chhand which comes 44 (number of saturn) , this is the reason for your marriage disaster.

  6. Sir,
    Please help me I can tell you one thing.that from Childhood to uptill now I have no chance to rise up. My dte of birthis 19th May 1955, Time of Birth is 3.30.p.m.
    Place of Birth is Patiala,Punjab. I have no our own house and never promotion. I am service in Limited Orginaisation. I can change the job. please teel me the
    change is best.

    Ram Kumar Mittal

  7. Hello Sir,
    I am trying to reach you .Please help to solve my problem.My DOB is 21.09.1984.My name is Hemavathi.D.
    My marriage is the problem.For past three years wmy family is trying to get me married. 2 months back i got engaged and it got cancelled because we found that guy is a cheat.
    It further added fuel to my problems.
    Now we dont know when i will get married.If i would able to find a good guy..

    Please help us sir.. Whats wrong with my DOB and name.Why such things are happening to me through out my life.My mind is full of negative thoughts only..nothing is being sucessfull.Please help sir.

  8. Greeting Guru
    Need your help to over come my most difficult period Im going through…broke to the bones may even have my internet terminated ….sigh
    Daniel Fong Weng Fook
    Born 21th May 1960
    Thank you so much one last favour if I have luck or some lucky number out there that can spring board me back to paying all my debts please please let me know jackpot number or numbers 1 to 55 anything…!!!
    Thank You
    email [email protected]

  9. Happy new year
    thank you for answering my previous question, how true is it that combination of Born on 8th with life path 7 is not good.
    My dob is 08/08/1980 with life path 7 and my fience DOB 04/12/1982 with life path 9, i know u have posted that couple with this number combination r not compatible for marriage. This is my secound marriage and would really appreciate your help.


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