How To Make Natal Charts From Your Star Sign


Many people are familiar with their zodiac signs. For these, the sun, or zodiac represents the sign the Sun was passing through at the exact time of your birth. As you have read the details about your Zodiac sign, have you ever felt that maybe not everything aligned? Have you ever thought you sounded a little more like an Aquarius in love than a Libra? Or fight like a Scorpio instead of a Cancer? Have you ever wondered where other zodiac signs were at the time you were born? How were the planets aligned?

How To Make Natal Charts From Your Star Sign

If you haven’t, you should; especially if you feel like there is more to your story. This is where a birth chart can help. It tells you what your areas of strength are, what you already do well, and what your weak areas are or where you are lacking. They can also help to guide you for the career path that best suits you. In addition, a birth chart can show you how the unique influence of each planet affects your personality and what lessons you need to learn in this life. For example, the ascending sign, or moon sign is the 12th house of endings. Get ready for the next layer of astrology because once you learn a lot of them, you’ll reach a whole new level of understanding yourself, career choices, and relationships.

Birth charts are the combination of zodiac signs, planets, and astrological houses that make us unique. Each have their own distinct traits, strengths, and weaknesses. It provides a celestial snapshot of universal energies at play the moment you arrived on the planet. It provides a road map to understand how you became you. It shines light on the most unknowable parts of yourself. It is like an inverted triangle with the broadest explanation at top (your zodiac sign). Then there are the planets. The planets take longer to move than houses and signs; whole generations can have the same planetary placements. The slower the planet moves, the more of us that will share that placement and the qualities it brings with it. Ascending and moon signs will further narrow the details, as the Moon changes signs every two and half days. Houses change signs every two hours. Some example of houses include: second house, which is for wealth and values, fourth house which is for roots and family, and the eleventh house which is for friendships. These are what connect all the details together into one complete chart.

To determine your birth chart, you need exact date, time and location of birth. There is a TON of information contained within a birth chart.

The Primary Birth Chart Considerations

If you don’t have a lot of time, then there are 4 things to look at if you just want an overall summary of a birth chart reading. Usually when we point out these things in person’s birth chart, they immediately identify with them.

  • Usually immediately, people identify with their Rising signs, sometimes even more so than with Sun sign. Your rising sign tells you a lot about how a person acts on a regular basis, especially in front of others.
  • The planets are in conjunction to 1 of the important angles (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant). It’s a huge influence on a person. A planet can overpower sun sign characteristics, which means people will greatly identify with characteristics of that planet.
  • The planets in conjunction to Sun. If a person doesn’t have #2 (planet in conjunction to an angle), then check for a planet in conjunction to the sun. A planet in conjunction to the sun will color you with qualities.
  • The tightest dynamic is the major aspect involving 1 inner planet. If not #2 or #3, look at the tightest major aspect involving either Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and possibly Jupiter and Saturn. An aspect can be from one of these to any planet, including outer planets. An aspect is between an inner planet and outer planet, its even more obvious and noticeable in person. Focus on the tightest dynamic major aspect. Dynamic (challenging) major aspects are the conjunction, the square and the opposition. The tightest one will be the aspect with smallest orb. An aspect will be a prominent influence in person’s life and can explain why a person acts the way they do.

The three most influential pieces of your birth chart make up the primal triad.

PRIMAL TRIAD: Rising Signs, Moon Signs, and Sun Signs

Your primal triad refers to the placements of the Sun, Moon, and Rising or Ascending sign. Before looking at the birth chart, spending time deciphering the primal triad is a valuable practice. This could be very enlightening for you, as the struggles you may have had in your past could come down to the difference between the perception you are putting out into world (Rising sign) and your real inner personality. Sometimes you’ll hear people describe you and their characterization of you doesn’t match the way you see yourself. This discrepancy is because they are seeing your Rising sign and what you’re projecting, rather than your core self as represented by the Sun sign.


Your Zodiac sign represents your ego, the mark of the innermost structure of your character. The Sun sign guides actions like career and skill development, as well as how you perform in social interactions. We respond at the deepest level through the filter of our Sun sign, which has the mark of our development needs and our core personality.


The Moon describes our emotional inner self. The Moon sign also affects romantic behavior when in love. This sign represents physical, emotional, and social needs.


This is your exterior shell, the face you show the world, the way you appear to others. It is the final leg on which your chart stands. If you see surprise on the faces of those you reveal your Sun sign to, it is probably because they are picking up on your Rising sign. It can become the mask you wear that prevents the world from getting to know the real you. This is how we see the world and how the world sees us (first house of self). It is the beginning of the house and based on the horizon at the exact time of birth, which mean it changes every two hours. When you first meet someone, you likely meet their rising sign.


Planet placement in a natal chart is very important when it comes to personality. Movement of planets correspond with both auspicious events and misfortunes on earth. Your Birth chart is a snapshot of sky at the moment of birth. They reveal the precise location of each of the planets and which constellation they occupied. For some, all are in same constellation. Others spread across sky. Where planets are placed will determine the influence on that house and/or sign. For an example, if Mercury (a planet ruling communication) was on Leo at your time and place of birth, then the way you express yourself is likely to be creative, fiery, and enthusiastic (which are characteristics of Leo). If Venus was in Cancer, then you are likely more affectionate and concerned about your partner by displaying rock solid loyalty. If you have adaptable Gemini in there, you may be a natural flirt who wants to test the waters. Jupiter in Taurus will be helpful when it comes to material wealth. The largest planet is about explanation, luck and optimism, and Taurus is the stable, sensible Earth sign attuned to personal and financial stability. Ultimately, each planet brings a different energy and influence into our lives. The placements of planets affects you and understanding how the connections they make with each other influence your personality. Planets with short orbits move across zodiac frequently and are specific to include date and time of birth. Inner planets including Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars directly impact unique personalities and day to day experiences. On the outer side of the asteroid belt are the outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Those that move slowly, change signs every 1 to 30 years and define larger than life themes, as well as experiences shared by generations. Each planet has a specific energy that governs various areas of life. Love life? Venus placement could hold key. Moon sign is your emotional self. Rising sign will reveal how you interact with the world. Simply put, the key characteristics of the sign that a particular planet is in when you’re born will influence the specifics aspect of your life.

SUN: Sense of self, your ego.

The sun is the sign we use with our horoscopes. It is the first three legs of the birth chart (sun, moon, and Ascendant sign). As the sun puts forth light, so it brings forth life. The sun represents the self, one’s personality and ego, spirit, consciousness, and what it is that makes the individual unique. Ego is Iam, what drives me to be who I am. It is our identity and our face to world, our life force.  The sun reflects who you are all the time, regardless of whom you’re with or what you’re doing. It determines our personality traits, ‘shining’ on certain parts of you and illuminating them for world to see. The Sun also speaks to our creative ability and the power to meet the challenges of everyday life. One’s natural father, husbands, and other male influences are ruled by the Sun, as are children. The Sun’s energy is a forceful one and in its wake comes authority, the ability to lead, and an individual’s essence. Through the will of this planet, we learn to manifest ourselves in the world. The Sun is majestic and in keeping with its regal air, it rules royalty and the higher office. This orb also lords over our health and well being. The Sun’s golden glow is a vital life force which imbues us with strength, energy, and a will to succeed. Physiologically speaking, sun rules over cardiovascular system, which includes the heart. It is the sun that gives strength to the other planets, which is why this planet occupies a key role in astrology. The Sun spends about a month visiting each sign and takes a year to journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac. It is a masculine energy and the rules Leo and the 5th house.

MOON: Emotional self, your feelings.

The Moon is the closest planet to Earth and completes its circuit in less than a month. It also touches us more deeply than most planets. It symbolizes everything beneath the surface, the spiritual retreat of our most private selves. The moon is the second key leg of a birth chart. As the ruler of the tides, it is fitting that the moon should be the ruler of our emotions and subconscious. Yes, our emotions have long been portrayed in terms of the sea; fluid, momentus, churning from within. Our mood swings, our instinct, how we feel about things, and how our feelings affect others are all influenced by the Moon. It rules all 5 senses and the way you react instinctively to sensory stimuli of the world around you. Whereas the Sun gives us our spirit, it is the Moon that gives us our soul. The Moon is goddess-like in that it symbolizes a mother and the relationship between woman and child. This planet (also known as luminary) speaks to the women in one’s life and their role as nurturer. Fertility, pregnancy and childbirth are also governed by the Moon. We see the Moon casting its silvery glow from our earliest moments when we are stroked and caressed by our mother and felt the tender touch. The placement of Moon in natal chart can therefore be telling nature of relationship with mother.  Our emotions manifest themselves through our being and set the tone for our daily lives. The Moon is party to this continuum, rendering us vital one moment and fragile the next. We’re up and down, naughty or nice, and may laugh wildly or cry at will. Through the Moon’s energy we endeavor to reconcile varied emotions in order to make ourselves complete and one with world. It explains how we react to and receive the world. The Moon also helps us see that which we want and to use memory and past as part of the process. Its our personality.  It spends roughly 2 ½ days in each sign and takes 28 days to circumnavigate the zodiac. It is a feminine energy and rules Cancer and 4th house. It speaks truly to our emotional self and what we need to feel secure, safe, and nurtured. The moon is where we need to go to restore ourselves or need direction over decisions.

MERCURY: Self expression, communication.

Although he be but little, he is speedy. Named for roman messenger of Gods, Mercury is the smallest besides Pluto. Much like the winged messenger of the Gods, Mercury comes in on feather-light wings and commands us to speak. It rules parts of body that are integral to communication and self expression, including the voice, tongue and hands.  Communication, intellect and awareness are all within Mercury’s domain, as are logic and reasoning, our manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thought processes. Mercury uses clever intellect and relentless curiosity to analyze, sort, and classify, helping us synthesize and articulate complex ideas. Mercurial nature brings to mind restlessness and motion. Rat-at-tat-tat: things happen fast here! Mercury is about quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning, and the ability to rationalize things. Mercurial energy can be good or bad, but it will certainly be energizing. This planet also prompts us to move from one thing to the next and to get answers on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury’s energy is both dexterous and perceptive. Mercury is about short trips: a visit to a neighbor or a friend across town, the workday commute, a weekend getaway. Its position amongst the stars influences the shifts in our thoughts and communications with one another from 1 day to the next. Known for adaptability, fluctuations and changeability, depending on environment. Depending on zodiac, Mercury is in on a given day, thought patterns can be quick, strict, and linear, or slower, creative and intuitive. It is the bridge between brain and nervous system, way bodies react to what brain perceives and vice versa. Ruler of central nervous system, Mercury determines how quickly or slowly we act and react depending on what sign resides in time. Siblings and transportation in general are also within Mercury’s realm. Speaking, writing, books, online communications and learning are all within Mercury’s domain. This planet implores us to express ourselves often and well. When Mercury goes retrograde it is the appearance of traveling backward. However, our communications will be challenged. Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the sun; it takes about 88 days to complete its orbit of the Sun. Mercury retrogrades often, 3 weeks 3-4 times per year. Retrograde is show in arguments, technological failure and general misunderstandings. It is neither masculine nor feminine energy and assumes the gender of the sign it is in. It rules both Gemini and Virgo, and the third/sixth houses.

VENUS: Love, relationships.

This planet is all about pleasure, especially pleasure shared with someone else. Venus concerns itself with love, romance, and harmony in our emotional attachments, marriages, friendship and other unions (like business partnerships). Healthy dose of femininity to solar system but also hot headed since its the 2nd closest to Sun, but 2nd to none. Venus is the hottest planet in solar system. The biggest, brightest planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. You will feel her influence in relationships, attraction to others, our own feelings of desirability, how we express our affections and our responses to arts and all that is beautiful in the world. Venus is content to spread happiness and tenderness, all the while teaching us how to love and appreciate others and the things that we possess. We appear attractive and we attract others, thanks to Venus’ energy. Socializing with and relating to others are important to this planet. Beauty is also strongly associated with Venus. The arts, music, dance, drama and literature, and a sense of the aesthetic fall within realm of Venus. Venus beseeches us to indulge in our senses and revel in the beauty of our world. This planet is inextricably linked to retirement, culture, charm, and grace. Venus also deals with the pleasure we derive from our possessions. Luxuries (jewelry, paintings, expensive cars), good food and drink, a beautiful home and a sense of refinement all please Venus’ interests. It’s a sensual, though not necessarily sexual world a star as Venus is concerned. Venus takes 225 days to complete its orbit of the zodiac. It is never more 47 degrees from the Sun. It is feminine energy and rules both Taurus and Libra, and the 2nd and 7th houses. Venus governs things we spend our money on in pursuit of sensory gratification. If you have expensive taste or problems with impulse control, you can probably look to the placement of Venus in birth chart for explanation. Venus is also responsible for stealing the wits of the wise and allows pleasure to take precedence over self discipline.

MARS: Activity, courage, how we assert ourselves, and get motivated.

Mars is the action planet of the zodiac, the ruler of passion, ambition, and will. This red planet should be pretty fiery and Mars doesn’t disappoint. Energy, passion, drive and determination are all right up Mars’ alley. This planet commands you (yes, Mars rules military) to stand up, be noticed and get things done – sitting on the sidelines belongs somewhere else in heavens. Simply put, Mars speaks to the power and confident expression of the individual. Ambition and competition are also within Mars’ realm. Whether it is at work or on the field of play, Mars encourages us to face challenges and to be our best or better. Aggression is part of the plan here, although Mars also values courage and honor. Assertion and a daring, fearless nature please this planet. Fire under our ass, provides adrenaline charged boost of energy that fuels movement. Impassioned spirit often manifests when we’re racing to meet deadline. It is important to note that Mars’ energy can be constructive or destructive. God of War in ancient times, Mars could be brutally violent. Mars is especially connected to aggression, how quick tempered we are and how temper is expressed. While this energy still emanates from the planet, it also asks us to harness this force for good. Do you let feelings bubble under surface until they boil over and lash out with verbal venom or physical, cry or shout? Stamina, ambition, and achievement are all part of Mars mantra. Depending on what zodiac sign Mars is traveling through, we Earthlings will feel shifts in energy. Mars and Leo are energy, impulsive. Mars and Taurus are slow and steady. Mars placement in birth determines what spurs you into action and what action looks like for you as individual. Mars rules our sexuality and sexual energy and governs weapons, accidents and surgery (the last 2 illustrating yin and yang nature of this planet). In the end, however, the energy of Mars can be quite useful if used properly. It takes two years for Mars to complete its orbit through zodiac. It is masculine energy and rules both Aries and Scorpio and the first and eighth houses.

JUPITER: Luck, generosity, opportunity.

Jupiter is the thinking person’s planet. It is the ruler of luck, growth, and wisdom as the biggest planet. Planet of abundance and expansion It is the guardian of the abstract mind, this planet rules higher learning and a yen for exploring ideas, both intellectually and spiritually. Anything with growth and prosperity is his terrain. Placement of Jupiter in natal chart determines ways individual experiences growth, luck and in what parts of life. This generous planet governs expansion, encouraging us to widen our scope and broaden our horizons through philosophy, spirituality and education. Jupiter also points to natural talents and abilities. In the more spiritual realm, Jupiter lords over religions and philosophy. The search for answers is what Jupiter proposes and if it means spanning the globe to find them, well, that’s probably why Jupiter also rules long distance travel. Telling of one’s tendencies towards travel and higher learning. Indicates one’s willingness to take risks and other grand actions in pursuit of something more, whatever that something may be. The luckiest time, when Jupiter is in same element as in your natal chart. In keeping with this theme, Jupiter compels us to assess our ethical and moral values, it also addresses our sense of optimism. Luck and good fortune are associated with Jupiter for good reason. This is a kind and benevolent planet, one that wants us to grow and flourish in a positive way. Jupiter maybe judge and jury, but it is mostly an honorable helpmate, seeing to it that we’re on right path. While our success, accomplishments, and prosperity are all within Jupiter’s realm, this largeness can at times deteriorate into laziness and sloth (Jupiter at its worst is associated with weight gain). More often than not, however, Jupiter will guide us down the primrose path. Leisure time is also 1 of Jupiter’s past times. Sports of all kinds, games of chance, and a stroll in the park with the family pet (Jupiter loves animals). These are all ruled by this planet. Finally, Jupiter often presages great wealth, material and otherwise. Takes Jupiter about 12 years to circle the zodiac (the planet visits an average of 1 sign a year). It is a masculine energy and rules both Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as 9th and 12th houses.

SATURN: Discipline, ambition, and commitments.

Saturn doesn’t make things easy. That’s the role of task master of the zodiac. As ruler of responsibility, discipline, and time Saturn keeps a watchful eye over everything. Saturn commands us to get to work and work hard. Discipline and responsibility are important to this planet, yet if we’re eager to conquer the world that is ok too. Much like Father Time, Saturn implores us to look at the clock (its glyph, after all, is the sickle of Chronos, God of time). There is a time for everything we want to do and there are limits. Those limitations are important to Saturn, and we must learn to manage them. Restrictions are the province of this planet, as is any form of discipline or delay. In keeping with the passage of time, Saturn governs old age along with the lessons it teaches us. Learning life’s lessons is key to this planet, in keeping with its role as a teacher. The majesty of older age also brings with it a certain sense of tradition, conventionality (our learned patterns of behavior) and wisdom. Saturn is mindful of these characteristics. Saturn influences how we manage, control, and maintain stability in our lives. As farthest planet from Earth discovered by unaided eye, Saturn’s presence in our lives on Earth is a strong one. Place for everything and everything in its place. Influences sense of responsibility, our ability to persevere and self discipline, patience and tendencies towards optimism, pessimism or realism. Saturn’s placement indicates a natural of sense of responsibility and how you handle life’s difficulties and restrictions. This planet oversees tough job watching over our shadow sides, parts of ourselves we repress, bottle up, or otherwise hide or avoid. This planet applauds our perseverance and the fact that we’ve withstood the test of time. This senior status further brings with it a measure of authority and Saturn lords over that as well. Structure, order and the way in which we conduct our affairs are all ruled by this ringed planet. Contraction and the reining in of assets are also important here. Lastly, Saturn again in its role as teacher concerns itself with karma and the lessons which past experiences might bring. It takes Saturn 28-30 years to complete its orbit of the zodiac. This planet has a masculine energy and rules both Capricorn and Aquarius, and 10th & 11th houses. Saturn is time, regulations, and restrictions. A good day symbolizes hardwork, professional achievement, and steadfast resilience. A bad is harsh and unemotional, forcing us to learn through tough love and difficult challenges. This planet does have an odd way of showing affection, Saturn does have best interest in mind.

URANUS: Innovation, rebellion, and change.

This planet was not discovered until 1781 and as 1 of the outermost planets, it moves rather slowly through the zodiac. The ruler of change and originality, Uranus itself was a surprise and unexpected and therefore represents outsides and misfits of the world. Uranus symbolizes technology, rebellion, and innovation. The result is that its effect is felt more generationally than individually.  As a generational and modern planet, Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers, cutting edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo; preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold. While the building blocks (science, electricity) are safe here, this planet would rather focus its gaze on a new world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution, dictators, an autonomous state and free will all full under the area of this planet. No one will ever characterize Uranus as subtle. This is the planet that coaxes erratic and bizarre behavior and byzantine schemes. A Bohemian, utopian society is more in keeping with Uranus’ bent, as are humanitarian ideals. Freedom and creativity are important to this planet; astrology is also with its realm. Lastly, in keeping with its sudden, sometimes violent and often unexpected manner, Uranus rules earthquakes and natural disasters. It takes Uranus 84 years to complete its trip around the zodiac. It is an androgynous energy and rules Aquarius and the 11th house. Uranus is considered to be the higher octave of Mercury and the 1st of the transcendental planets. Uranus has a deep seated energy with personality, unconscious purpose revealed over lifetime. Surprise you constantly, unveil sides of you, you don’t know you had. How comfortable you fit into society, how normal or unconventional you are as a person, based on birth chart. As a planet of the future, Uranus is always looking forwards and shaking up the order of things where he sees fit in order to allow balance of stability and growth on Earth and within you as individual. As a revolutionary planet hates rules and is always eager to facilitate ground breaking, dynamic change. Uranus can have surprising effects, loves shock value. Uranus’ influence teaches us flexibility, adaptability, and the importance of change for growth and progress.

NEPTUNE: Mysticism, intuition, imagination, and healing

Neptune was discovered in 1846 and is the ruler of dreams, illusion and mysticism, subconscious. This planet reminds of power of unseen in Universe and within selves. Its slow orbit around the zodiac ensures that the effect is generational in nature. Neptune governs magical, mysterious vastness of the spiritual unknown. Power exists at intersection of fantasy and reality. Neptune’s glyph is a trident of Poseidon, God of Seas. Much about this planet is fluid (Neptune rules the Oceans of Earth), changeable and illusory in nature. Dreams, illusion, abstract thought and the mysterious are all governed by Neptune. Our spirituality is important to this planet and how we harness that energy for our personal betterment. Neptune invites us to let its energy wash over us and to use a meditative state to gain insights and heightened awareness. Poetry, music, and dance are among trance like activities which this planet favors. This planet’s energy influences intuition, dreams, connection with soul and spirit and soul’s connection with universe. This generational planet is modern.  Neptune does have its slower side, as it rules movies, tv, theater, fashion and all forms of glamor. In essence, Neptune is creating an illusion of what is an enchanting outside and captivating inside. Neptune has a mystique when it doesn’t reveal itself easily. This planet can be a poser too, dabbling in flattery and subversion. The shadow side of Neptune is akin to an aging star who doesn’t make 1 more curtain call. When the lights are low, this planet plays in a netherworld of drugs, alcohol, traces and hypnosis. Neptunian energy reeks of escapism on its darker days, a sea of delusion, hypochondria and abnormality. Sleep and dreams are also lorded over by this planet. It takes Neptune takes 65 years to complete its whirl around the zodiac, spending roughly 14 years at each. It is a feminine energy and rules Pisces and the 12th house. Neptune is known as higher octave of Venus and is 2nd of transcendental planets. Because of its slower travel time, the planet is still new, and we don’t know all its influence because it hasn’t traveled through all signs yet. There are shifts in overall attitudes towards the spiritual, the mystic and mysterious and escapism. This planet is a gate keeper of the subconscious boundary within an individual self as well and its influential ability to access subconscious. Neptune is prone to methods of escapism; can often be lost in daydreams and out of the physical world. On a good day, the energy is extremely creative and powerfully psychic. A Bad day means delusional and escapist. When you feel the influence, you can explore imagination, but remember to throw down an anchor. You don’t want to get lost at sea.

PLUTO: Power and transformation.

Pluto is the outermost planet in solar system; farthest from sun. It is the ruler of power, transformation, and rebirth. It symbolizes power, transformation, destruction, and regeneration. It was discovered in 1930, it is a potent pull on humans. Fittingly named after Hades, it symbolizes power, transformation, destruction, and regeneration. With power rooted in darkness, this beguiling planet seamlessly slithers into complex infrastructures, quietly transforming systems from the inside. Pluto has a subtle energy, but its results will hit you like a ton of bricks. Its influence impacts individual and entire generations. In the natal chart, Pluto placement is indicative of: highest and lowest of which mankind is capable. Though its not pretty with Pluto, it will get done. Pluto says out with the old and in with the new and we’d better be ready for it. If we’re not, the planet will simply have us wallow in our misery. Pluto asks us to transcend that which we know, redeem ourselves in the process, and come out stronger as a result. For all that Pluto recreates (governs reproductive system) it also rules destruction, death, obsession, kidnapping, coercion virus and wastes; its not pretty. Pluto influences crime and the underworld, along with many forms of subversive activity (terrorism, dictatorships). This planet is about all that is secret and undercover, that which is hidden from view. Story of good vs evil? Yes. No one will deny Pluto’s power (it rules atomoc power too) and intensity. This planet’s energy is often focused on masses and what the collective will do. Pluto beseeches the masses to look inward (and subconscious) to see what’s there. It may be scary, but Pluto doesn’t care. This planet knows how to push buttons. It takes Pluto approximately 248 years to complete its orbit around the zodiac. Due to the eccentricity of its orbit,  it takes this planet between 12 and 31 years to pass through a sign. It rules Scorpio and the 8th house. Pluto is last of transcendental planets and is higher octave of Mars. Pluto reminds us that in order for us to manifest change, we must release the past.

CHIRON: The new kid on the block.

The most recently discovered heavenly bodies is a planetoid named Chiron. Chiron is a ruler of suffering, burdens, and rebirth. Its planet is a powerful influence. As a Maverick, it unites paradoxes and extremes. Although there are differences of opinion over the actual classification of this body (some claim it’s a comet or asteroid), its power is widely acknowledged. It was first sighted in 1977 on its trek between Saturn and Uranus. This planet is named after Chiron the Centaur. The Greek Myth says Chiron’s mother is a water nymph who turned self into horse to run from Zeus;  she couldn’t escape and Zeus impregnated her. She gave birth but was shocked to see her newborn was ½ horse, ½ boy. She prayed to the Gods to be a tree and her was wish granted, meaning that both of Chiron’s parents abandoned him. Instead of dwelling on that though he became a skilled teacher and healer. One day while he was handing a poisoned arrow to a student, it dropped and pierced his leg. Since his father was God, he was immortal. He didn’t die but was in terrible pain and he prayed to the Gods to let him die. In gratitude for his teachings, they let him out of his misery and placed him in the sky. Since Chiron is a wounded healter, this planetoid is for everyone who, rather than giving in to despair amid own suffering, reaches out so others will not have to experience the pain they’ve felt. Many people who have had a painful childhood grow up to be psychiatrists or therapists so they can help other people get through same things that hurt them. Parents who have lost children to drunk drivers go on to form support groups so that other parents know they are not alone. These people feel influence of charitable Chiron. It can be healing for a person to help others cope with a pain that they themselves have lived through.


Earth is not part of the natal charts but is a massive effect to all. It manifests itself through tolerance, patience, realism, practicality, productivity, endurance, sensuality.


You already know what parts of life each of the planets rule so you have a head start to understanding the significance of the ruling planet or planets associated with ascending sign. A planet’s qualities can tell you about yourself, what you value and what rules your behavior. For example, if the Rising sign is Gemini, the chart’s ruling planet is Mercury. Thanks to this planet’s influence, the individual is probably talkative, clever, and intelligent. They would be more affected by Mercury’s orbit and movements, especially if in retrograde. It is a lot to take in, but don’t let the details of a birth chart deter you from getting yours drawn. By combining all this, you can get hope, guidance, reassurance, and confirmation.


There are twelve Astrological Houses on the wheel of the birth chart. Each represents a different area of life and personalities. The combination of what they represent are the traits and influences of zodiac signs and/or planets that reside in them. These combinations will point to specific aspects of your personality. How we manage wealth, how we feel about family, and how we communicate.

Astrological houses can help you understand compatibility with other people in your life. Looking at the signs in the seventh houses can tell you a lot about what you both need in your relationship.  If you have Jupiter in the 4th house (family), it will have a much different influence than if you have it in the 9th house (philosophy). Having an action oriented sign such as Aries in a more serious house like the 10th house (social status) might mean you aren’t as interested in more static roles where you will be at a desk all day.

Like a clock, each ‘hour’ is a different house.

The first house is the Ascendant and represents the zodiac sign that was ascending on the Eastern horizon at the exact time and location of your birth. Every other sign can then be placed counter clockwise in the rest of the houses. This is especially helpful if you are not fully connected with the Sun sign. The energy of the house tells you a theme and the sign in that house, based on your birth chart, will tell you traits that may apply to the theme.


This reveals the initial impressions you make on others. You might show more of the sun sign traits to those who are closer to you and who know you better, but the first house is what you let the world see. You can learn a lot about personality and ego by studying what’s going on in your first house. Traditionally, the ruling sign of this house is Aries, and ruling planet is Mars.  It’s a Cardinal quality house and belongs to element of Fire. A sign on the cusp of the first house is a Rising Sign. Here there is probably more significance regarding your appearance and how you conduct yourself than in your Sun sign. In addition to your outward personality, the 1st house also represents the environment that you grew up in; the nurturing that goes with your inherent nature. Studying the first house helps you understand your role in the family and perhaps even in your community. This brings you insight as to how others see you and what influenced your childhood. It doesn’t just indicate who you are but also who you’ll grow to be. The house of self is the inner or hidden self as well as the face you present to others. It is the foundation of your individuality, as well as being the starting point on your journey around the natal chart. In this house you can find the clues to your countenance, mannerisms, disposition, and general approach to life. You can understand how you are perceived by others a lot better when you have an understanding of this house. You can also use this to your advantage to counteract the more negative tracts you might project. It gets to the core of your being, but not the whole you. We understand the first house, Ascendant and any planets that are active in that area of chart are what allow you to put on a front. The outer mask doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Everyone wears some kind of a mask at one time or another. There are parts of yourself that you don’t want everyone else to see, parts that you keep reserved for those closest to you. The persona that you create from first house will serve you well. It helps you on your journey towards authentic self and true empowerment. The mask for strangers or acquaintances that don’t have to know you well will be able to pick up on these characteristics about you. Once made aware of our behaviors and perceptions of others about you, it could be to your advantage to adjust any approach that isn’t serving you well to have a more successful, happy life.

2nd HOUSE.

A sign on cusp of this house and any planets in it, this reveals your income, assets, talents, and attitudes towards them. You can discover a lot about your self-esteem and your sense of worth with close examination of your second house. The 2nd house truly holsters the info given in the 1st house. Its all about possessions, money, even attitudes towards wealth and your ability to acquire it. It can show you the talents to harness to make money and be successful. Its all revealed in this section of your chart. It shows where your ethics and values lie regarding money, needing it, learning it, and having it. The second house is one of three that gives information about you career, other two being 6th and 10th houses. Traditionally, the ruling sign of this house is Taurus and the ruling planet of this house is Venus. It’s a Fixed house and belongs to Earth element, which points to assets. People often fefer to the second house as a ‘house of possessions.’ Possessions don’t necessarily have to mean things that you own. They can also refer to the innate skills and talents you possess. When someone refers to people as possessing character and charm, all of that is reflection of the second house. It is more appropriate, however, to refer to it as a house of assets, rather than the house of possession. It is advised that you master your mindset regarding money and things that it can provide, as well as acknowledging your strengths and talents to put them to work for you. The process for how you will come into your own and how you will find yourself is found in 2nd House.

Actual physical possession and tangible things are also revealed by the 2nd house. This can depend, however, on the sign and planets that are ruling it. The capability of earning and losing is reflected here, where you invest, and your potential income is also implied. You can find out if you will buy cars, houses, or even invest in the stock market or collectibles. The 2nd house can also shed some light on the way you budget, your income, and how you perceive your own levels of wealth. As a reminder, not all wealth has to do with money or investments. The way that you utilize your time and energy is valuable too. The 2nd house relates to what you value and what makes you wealthy. Your possessions say a lot about you, your social standing, and how you prioritize what prosperity means to you. You could believe that money is the root of all evil or you could resent those who have more than they do. There are those who live to accumulate things and there are those who see their possessions and investments as minor compared to their own personal value. Additionally, the 2nd house in an astrological birth chart helps you determine what your love values are and how best to use your skills and talents to get what you went out of your time on the earth. What goes on in the 2nd house supports what’s happening in the 1st house of natal chart. When the 2nd house is challenged, you may have more obstacles to rise above than someone else when it comes to your income and how to get it working for you. Maybe you’ve got a wonderful skill set or talent for doing something, but you just can’t seem to get any recognition. 1st house shows what potential you have in life, the 2nd house shows you a pathway to getting there. This is also the house that shows where, and frequently how, you will have to apply yourself to make most of natural assets.


This house deals with communication and travel, as well as immediate family environment, including siblings. Your early education is reflected here. Schooling and attitude towards learning, experiences had there and the memories that you made. This house also pertains to short distance travel, places you could go there and back again within a day. Where you went in your neighborhood, communities that appeal to you, and your interactions with the people there is also illustrated in this area of the chart. How well you get on with siblings is also hinted at here. Although to really analyze individual relationships you might want to consider investing in a reading. The sign on the cusp that rules this house indicates how you communicate with others, as will any planets in this house. Traditionally, the ruling house is Gemini and the ruling planet of this house is Mercury. It’s a Mutable house and belongs to element of Air. As the house of communication, it deals with more than just the words you use though. It is every way you communicate and interact with others. It sheds light on your internal dialogue or the way you speak to yourself. It will determine if it will lead you to success or if you have challenges there. It is deliberate interactions, whether positive or negative. All of these interchanges are ways you communicate with environment and world around you. It is all part of early learning, part of becoming who you will grow into being. It also deals with travel. Unlike the 9th house, which has to do with long distance travel and intercultural exchanges, the third house governs short term travel. It has a lot to do with the younger years and the influence they had on you. Most of your time will be spent  close to home, whatever home might have been at time. The world was what you could see and observe, and how you communicated with it was how you learned. Your neighborhood and the people in it, your local school, your peers there, and siblings who were tied to you either by blood or because you slept under the same roof; these are more consistent teachers than any intermittent longer trips you may have made. School, formal and informal, is where you learn to form opinions, where you make judgments on what you like and don’t like and where values are established. The sign and planets in 3rd house equals foundations for everything you think. Studying them helps you to uncover where you may have blockages that need to be released, especially as you outgrow habits and judgments that were established in your childhood and teenage years. Here you can also find insight on family: when you’re young, you’re greatly influenced by your environment. Siblings, home life, the neighborhood where you played and the people you interacted with. When you’re a young child, naturally curious, you mimic speech patterns and actions of those closest to you. All of this helps to form you character. You form relationships with siblings in your early life and you’re an influence on them too, whether you realize it or not. You and your siblings can play roles and recreate patterns from your childhood even as grownups. As an adult, the 3rd house is a great place to look for feedback on your early years. It can determine what needs to be changed in the here and now to make improvements. It is vital in providing information about your communication style, desire to travel, your experiences with education and your early interactions with your family. All that made you who you are today.


Anything to do with traditions, family, and home is ruled by the 4th house of your astrology birth chart. Home in this instance means not just a building, but the environment within your home too. The cusp of the 4th house is the 2nd cardinal point of the birth chart with Ascendant being first. The name given to this point is Imum Coeli or IC for short. The 4th house relates to parents. This part of your birth chart reveals much about your spirituality and the cultures and customs that are important to you. The Cardinal house is ruled by the Sun sign of Cancer and moon. It brings structure. Most people think of home and think of a building into which they retreat for security, comfort, and replenishment. It’s a place where they can relax and unwind, where they can lock the doors and feel safe in their beds. The nature of this place is reflected in 4th house of astrology too. Its all about stability and security. It also expands to include the geographical location, even the type of soil and the flowers and other plants that grow there. This area of chart does hint at an actual building you call home, but its really got more to do with the emotional connection to what supported you there. It does also show your physical real estate. A house has to sit on plot of land, even if you’re only renting an apartment. That land is your real estate, all of earth provides you with the soil and rocks and minerals. Your relationship with the land and the other life forms that dwell there is also echoed in the 4th house. You have to have some kind of grounding energy, some kind of base, something that you return to in times of stress. Perhaps your favorite place is the coastline, or maybe its at the mouth of a cave, or on the front porch of grandfather’s farmhouse. Whatever your relationship with houses and dwellings, you perceive your kinship with the land under your feet. It is impossible to live on this earth without being connected to it in some way, to some particular place. What does home mean to you? Think of home, where does the heart go? Your parents, the house you grew up in, your family environment, our religious beliefs, your cultural background, your ancestors. All of these are your foundations and give you the roots to grow into who you are. The home you grew up in and environment around that place is indicated in 4th house. Although it’s less to do with the building, and more to do with the support – or lack of it – that you find in place that you call home. It can reveal if you think you had a happy childhood or not. The 4th house is your refuge! It has the potential to be a very comforting place. Whether you actually return to a childhood home, revisit it in your memories, or you immerse yourself in your spiritual customs and traditions. This area of your chart represents what makes you feel secure. When you leave your parents’ home, you have to set up your own home base. You create that personal sanctuary for yourself, and perhaps pass on your own traditions to your own children. The sign on the cusp of the 4th house indicates what reaches deep into the center of your being, to your core, and where you find own roots and stability. It reveals how you feel about tradition and family and how these have played out in your life.


This house deals with romantic relationships, your hobbies, how you spend your leisure time, your inherent luck and all aspects of your creativity. Children are indicted here too because you create them. Even if your children are adopted, you will still create an influence in their lives and give them a space to become who they are. This isn’t a place to find your life partner though. The romance alluded to here in the fifth house is more pointed at the type of people you date, our brief encounters, how you want a lover to treat you, what turns you on, things that make you attracted to someone. Your creativity is highlighted here, for this house shows how you enjoy spending time and what activities you have potential to do well at. Its quite a lucky house, but it goes without saying that you create your own luck, its not just written in the stars. It is also a Fixed house and belongs to the element of Fire. Its ruled by Sun sign Leo and by the Sun. This house brings out your individuality and might even make you a bit of a rebel. It shows you where you’ll find your pleasure, what kind of people you want to spend time with, and the activities you’ll delight in doing. Children are a big part of love and marriage for many people. Through romance and pleasure, you create living legacy, where your blood and your spirit flows through your kids. Even if your children are adopted or fostered, you’re still creating a space where they can thrive and grow; you’re still molding their characters and personality. This house sheds light on your romantic life. Other people besides children are also indicated in the 5th house. Your romantic pursuits, public figures who infatuate you, anything that turns on the pleasure zone is influenced by the 5th house in your birth chart. Who do you love? It might not necessarily be real person, but an archetype; what do you love doing. One reason that luck is often associated with the 5th house is because of the thrill people get when they win the jackpot. Lets face it, people play the lottery for the expectation, the hope that they might win, the adrenaline rush when their number is being called. Gambling as an addiction is more of a 12th house issues. This reveals hobbies and activities that you actually enjoy doing. Signs and planets here might indeed indicate that you’re talented or artistic or good at sports but if you don’t like football or would rather read a book than play piano, then it doesn’t matter how good you are at it. If you enjoy doing something that you’re completely useless at, but you have fun anyway, then that’s great. Remember: this house deals with children and includes inner child. Let that inner child come out to play, even if its not good at what it wants to do. Look hard enough, you’ll see that even that is reflected in sign that rules 5th house, as well as any planets there and aspects to those planets. This is an area where creative endeavors, things we enjoy doing and people who bring satisfaction might all be found.


This house deals with your environment and living situation. It includes home, your pets, work environment, work commute, colleagues and your relationships with them. Daily health is hinted at in this house, though not a substitute for the care of your doctor. It is indicative of your attitude towards health and how you approach wellness rather than prediction of health issues. It is not the house where you’ll find out about your career or finances (2nd or 10th). The insight here is what professions you might enjoy and how you relate to the work environment. This house also shows how you can be of service, either to yourself or others. Though it won’t tell you where your skills and talents lie or how to use them in career, it does have a lot to share about mindset and outlook when it comes to working. If you spend a lot of time at your job, then it has a profound influence on you. This is all about your attitude toward daily life. From the time the alarm clock rings until you close your eyes at night, you’re busy doing things. Whether they’re work related, housework, taking care of kids, volunteering, busy doing something, even if you’re only chilling and watching TV. The environment of daily routine is reflected in 6th house. It represents your mindset towards routine. The planets here are going to be of particular interest because they’ll color your outlook. You might even consider this house to be the one that sets the mood for your life and it certainly exposes a lot about gut responses. You won’t function at your best if you are letting daily life or your work get the better of you. Look at the word disease, it is actually a compound word; dis = having a negative or opposite influence, and lease which means lack of difficulty. Disease means absence of calmness of balance in your life and that reflects in the body. Many of today’s diseases are a result of modern life. Sometimes a crisis such as war or a natural disaster upsets the balance of health. How you deal with the triumphs and tribulations that life throws at you is also uncovered in 6th house. The word ‘crisis’ rooted in Greek language = means grow. This is why so many people tell you that your challenges are what make you a stronger person. They can be when you face them properly. Pay particular attention to planets that are here because this isn’t any easy placement for them.  The patterns of behavior that you establish in this house will greatly influence your choice of partner and the 7th house picks up journey. Due to this house’s influence, you can tell if you are living a balanced life and how you might find an environment that is suited to your temperament and personality.


This house pertains to your life partner, but also business or other types of partnerships too; any one to one pairing in life. The cusp of this house is opposite the Ascendant. The 1st house is all about you while the 7th is about the other people in your life. The cusp of the 7th house is called the Descendant. The 5th house shows what kind of people you are attracted to in order to have fun, while the 7th house indicates those with whom you’d like a serious partnership. Your attitudes to commitment will be found here too. It is a pretty personal house, and it will also deal with the 1:1 relationships with people who don’t like you, as well as pointing to your enemies. The Cardinal house belongs to the element of Air; its ruled by the Sun sign Libra and planet Venus. It is easy to think the 7th is the house of marriage and it is. But marriage isn’t just two spouses bound together. Marriage means a combination of two or more elements; it defines a partnership that doesn’t have to relate to romance. Planets in this house and the sign on the cusp divulge a lot of information about how you feel about commitment. The Ascendant explores the relationship with yourself and explores interpersonal relationships with another person. The purpose is to examine how you interact with another individual for the purpose of reaching a goal or accomplishing something. These can be beneficial or detrimental. How many times have you met someone and thought you were going to be close friends, only to find out the more you got to know each other, the more you disliked each other? It is all part of the journey of the 7th house. Its important to note that failed relationships either become teachers or opponents. That 1:1 relationship is still there, even if you have decided that you can’t stand each other. It may be a difficult concept but one that needs to be understood to grasp true potential of this house. The 11th house is more about friends, but it does arise here. You’ll find glimpses of your childhood playmates that are still your best friends through adulthood and its where you’ll find that the residue of those you couldn’t stand when you were younger still stings. People who come into your life from a7th house aspect are very different from those interact with you from 1st house. Remember, Ascendant is part of mask that you wear and what happens is that the 7th house strips away that mask and has a lot to teach you if you’re willing to learn. Any person who arouses a strong emotional response from you, whether rooted in pleasure or abhorrence has triggered something in 7th house. No matter what someone may make you feel, they’ve opened the door for you to do some living exploration as to why you feel that way. If you want to know why you feel the way you feel, look at the planets here, and then study the aspects. What you uncover here will be vital information especially when it comes to delving deeper into the mysteries of the 8th house.


This house is opposite the 2nd house; which deals with your money, income, strengths, assets, and talents. It also pertains to other people’s money and assets, which covers a wide area. Joint finances reside here but so do unpleasant financial issues such as debt or alimony. This house is very misunderstood, as it is sometimes called the house of sex but its much more than that. It takes the pairing from the 7th house and intensifies it. The 7th house is where you find your relationships and mindset towards them. The 8th house is how coupling manifests itself, a sign on the cusp and any planets involved will color that manifestation. This 1 of 3 relationship houses, the other 2 being the 5th and 7th houses. The 5th is the ideology of love, 7th is commitment and 8th is conjoining them through sex as well as finances. It’s a Fixed house, and it belongs to the element of Water. It is ruled by the Sun sign Scorpio and by the planet Pluto. While it does deal with sex, it is not all about it, but even when actual intimacy isn’t referred to it’s a good metaphor. This is the area of the chart where the cycle of life continues, where you reap the harvest that your skills and possessions have to brought to you. This is also the place where combining takes place, assets as well as your physical bodies. La petite mort is an expression used to politely refer to the orgasm or sexual climax; it translates as the little death. It represents the rapture that is felt at the moment of climax when the body responds so strongly with pleasure that all senses are temporary numb. Its of interest that sexual ecstasy is seen as dying a little, particularly when studying the 8th house. This house sheds light on death, as it is just as much a part of life as birth is and its not to fear. Death is represented in the 8th house, but so is birth. It is all regeneration – something that this house represents well. It starts with the little death at climax which has the potential to create new life and ends with actual physical death. Every ending has to have a beginning. Every beginning starts with something else ending just as in the cycle of life. Sex, death, and rebirth are all part and parcel of that cycle. They’re represented in your chart by the house on cusp and planets in the 8th.


This is the house of philosophy and is directly opposite the third house which deals with short travel, neighborhood, and early schooling. The 9th house pertains to travel to far away places, your more distant environment, and later education. It Indicates how you’re likely to grow. This area of your chart reveals a lot about your philosophies on life and the attitudes towards different cultures. Like the third house it is the house of communication ; it is a house of writers, poets, and publishers. It is where you explore surroundings and push out boundaries a bit. It is ruled by Jupiter and the Sun sign is Sagittarius. Jupiter is known as having great benefit and usually gives a pretty good vibe in the 9th house because of it. Its energy is forward moving and forward thinking; its here where you explore the boundaries of your inner horizons. It’s a Mutable house and belongs to element of water. There is more to communication than the spoken word. The 9th house rules all forms of writing including literature, journalism, and publishing. You can learn about the rest of the world by how you communicate with it and how it communicates with us. The education that we get from those exchanges has the potential to be more influential than any formal learning. Believe it or not, this house also refers to mysticism and divination, and is a form of communication too. Even your dreams are represented here, for that’s your unconscious mind communicating with you while you’re asleep. It shows your potential to grow. You know that there’s more to life than what you’ve experienced so far and you want to taste it. The house on the cusp and planets in 9th house will provide great clues as to your desire to explore life and your mindset towards your intellectual process. You need to learn how to assimilate information that resonates with you and let go of ideas and values you’ve outgrown. Whether you’re embracing something new or releasing something that’s old, either situation presents you with a new set of challenges and answers.


This is a house of social status, including career. It’s the work that is related to houses 6th and 2nd. These three houses work together in your birth chart to bring successes or challenges. The geometrical angles form a positive astrology aspect known as a trine. Your vocation, place in community, how society sees you and people in authority are all represented in 10th house. This is also 1 of the houses that suggest parental influence, the other being 4th.  Consumerism and how you value the money you earn is hinted at here. Anything to do with status and your social standing is rooted in this area of your chart. It makes a perpendicular angle to the Ascendant and the cusp of the 7th house, which is sometimes a challenging aspect. The 10th house cusp is a very important point in natal chart. The traditional ruler of the house is Saturn and the Sun sign Capricorn. It’s a Mutable house and it belongs to the element of Earth. This house is important when it comes to you finding your dream job. You examined your innate skills and talents in 2nd house, and you evaluated your attitudes towards your work environment in the 6th house. The 10th house is where it all comes together. The 4th house rules your private life, family values, and traditions. In the 10th , all this comes into public eye. This is where your drive, your ambition, and what you’re willing to do to become successful will be revealed. Social standing has a lot to do with your career. You shouldn’t depend on it, but it stands to reason that the more successful you are professionally, the more your accomplishments will color your position in society. The money you earn buys you a bigger house in a nice neighborhood for example, or allows you to be philanthropic with your assets. Keep in mind, if you’re misusing your resources, such as being arrogant or greedy with them, that’s going to affect your social standing. You’re not automatically going to be loved just because you’re wealthy. Nor are you automatically going to be shunned because you’re not. Character is everything. Many of your accomplishments happen because of others who helped you and that can’t be overlooked. This is where your attitudes towards those in a higher social standing are found. How you respond to those farther up the chain of command directly influences chances of charm. Authorization doesn’t always have to point to another person or group of people. You have to take on responsibility for your actions. As you climb the career ladder, more and more authority is thrust upon you. It stands to reason that with all of this authority and prestige surrounding the 10th house, a lot can be uncovered about your own ego and identity. In previous decades, a person’s career and social status were often handed down from a parent. A farmer’s son was expected to grow up to work the farm and take over. A King’s heir was groomed to be the ruler of the land. The way that you acknowledge your role in society is indicated in 10th house. May have many assets and be wealthy, but like Midas, throw yourself into acquiring material wealth, rather than nurturing people, so you could grow lonely. Indeed proper balance between the ID and the ego is necessary for you to be successful in society. This is a very career driven house that gives lot of information about professional status, social standing as well as ego’s attitude towards authority. This house can definitely point to how successful you will be in life.


Your charitable acts and ambitions, dreams and hopes, and those close to you who can help reach goals are all indicated by the sign on the cusp and planets in the area. What you seek from friends is represented here too. Clubs, groups, and social organizations, causes you champion, charities you support, and how you help others is reflected in the house. Opposite 11, is the 5th house which brings creativity and insight. The 11th house is where you manifest it. House also shows you what kinds of people you’re attracted to. Where the 5th house hinted at what makes you attracted to an individual, the 11th house reveals why you’re attracted to groups. It mirrors social interactions. The traditional ruler of this house is Uranus and sun sign of Aquarius. It is a Fixed house and belongs to the element of Air. It is known as the house of friends and with good reason. There is an old saying ‘strength in numbers and another one that says ‘no man is an island.’ You have to have social interaction in order to succeed. This area of your chart also details what kind of friend you are and what kind of friends you have. Planets that have challenging aspects in this house are of particular interest. They expose where you’ve got work to do in order to find the social relationships you seek and the kind of organizations where you’ll feel at home. Any group of like minded people is defined here. The emphasis will be on what you accomplish together. It could be something huge, something that makes a global difference, or it could just be something on a smaller level. Group support is important in life because it enables everyone to grow. You’ll be drawn to an organization that champions a cause that you believe in, or that promotes an idea that’s important to you. You join with those who believe in the same things and want to achieve the same goals and you work together to make that happen. In this way, the 11th house represents philanthropy and humanitarianism at its best. This house defines your goals and represents your aspirations. You need guidance and the support of others to get where you want to go. Once you learn about your ideals in the 9th house, then establish social status in 10th house you can reap rewards in the 11th house. By interacting with others, you add meaning to own life and substance to the lives of loved ones and acquaintances. Oftentimes, its through organizations and the encouragement of others that you have the courage to persists towards goals. It is easy to give up or procrastinate when going solo, but it is harder to do it when people are cheering you onward. Sometimes you upset the status quo with your persistence. The input of those around you sparks and brings out your self expression and the way you direct it is emphasized in this area of your chart. Use your talents to push forward in a way of manifesting your destiny. The 11th house can be a very friendly and busy place, or a very isolated and lonely one. It all depends on how you perceive your uniqueness and how choose to associate with others. It is a very interactive place in your chart and because it mirrors the 5th house, it is often a place where good or bad luck will materialize. The Energies here set you up for what happens in 12th house, where hidden agendas and past life influences reside.


The Last house is the house of unconscious. Anything hidden resides here: anxieties, fears, your unconscious responses to your life, as well as your undiscovered skills and talents. This is where you hide things from others, including secretive behaviors and private activities. It is also the house of endings. You need to clear out what’s bogging you down in order to make way for something new. Newness also corresponds with the Ascendant and first house. Any planets in this house are likely to make you feel misunderstood, because their energy is hidden. It is not all doom and gloom. Is is also a very romantic house; where dreams and fantasies reside. The traditional ruler is Neptune and the Sun sign is Pisces. It is a Mutable house and belongs to the element of water. It deals with confinement, the hidden, and pertains to where you feel stuck. It refers to jails, hospitals, or other institutions, but more often than not, helps uncover charms that you’ve put on yourself. While its where you’ve limited yourself, you can also free yourself if you choose. This is where the residual energy from other houses land. Think of it as a circle, with the first house being in the beginning, other houses being stepping stones along the way, and the 12th house is the ending. It is where your unrealized potential awaits for you to unlock it. The things that you keep secret can lead you to triumph or bind you in failure. You’ve heard of the term ‘secret of my success’ that’s because successful people don’t share everything there is to know about why they’re successful. You have to keep some things hidden so their ideas and their formulas are protected. Not all secrets are good though. The 12th house is the house of secretive behaviors. It is an area of the chart that might indicate addictions. Addictions are often secretive because people don’t want others to know how dependent they are on something. This is a house of secret enemies, unlike the open enemies of the 7th house. Its also the things you never dreamed you could do. Both illusion and delusion reside here and it is up to you on which one you’re going to embrace. Escapism of all sorts are attributed to this house, but very often that evasion fuels creativity. Who hasn’t heard of artists and writers locking themselves away, in order to tap into their imagination and self expression. The 12th house has what it takes for you to be very creative and productive indeed; it takes work and discipline. It indicates endings, naturally, as it’s the last house. People often look at the 12th house for karma and past life influences. The last thing you brought into this lifetime with you. It is also a place for bringing things to a close particularly when a planet is making a transit to this area of your chart. It is quite advantageous to analyze the transits and see what aspects are being made. What needs to be cleared out before new cycle starts?  Lessons the 12th house teaches are profound, often some of the most misunderstood of astrology birth chart.


The Birth chart wheel is composed of the zodiac wheel containing planets, positioned amongst a wheel of 12 houses and you at center. The birth chart wheel is made up of two circles that are each divided into 12 slices. The first circle is the zodiac wheel and the 12 slices represent Earth. We know that in actuality, planets revolve around the sun, but astrology studies how the solar system interplays with Earth. From the viewpoint on Earth, the Sun appears to travel around Earth, passing through each of the 12 zodiac signs. The Sun spends about 1 month in each sign, as it travels towards the next sign. The Zodiac wheel represents the view of heavens sliced into 12 sections. Each section measures 30 degrees with the whole circle measuring 360 degrees. The moon and rest of planets also fit into zodiac wheel, at the point that corresponds to their astronomical position.

Your personal natal chart, the inner circle, represents the coordinates, or exact location, of your birth place. This next circle represents the 12 houses or areas of life. Each slice, each house in that circle, represents a different area and specific function of your life. They are numbered 1-12. The houses wheel is based on ecliptic (apparent path of sun around earth). The point on the ecliptic that was on the eastern horizon at moment of your birth denotes the sign and degrees of the beginning of the 1st house in chart. This is why an exact birth time is vital for an accurate horoscope. The planets are arranged on the zodiac wheel according to their astronomical position in space. That wheel is laid on top of wheel of houses. Around the outside edge you see where the zodiac sign falls into houses. Slices in the chart represent house divisions, not zodiac sign divisions. The sign divisions don’t line up with house divisions, it is actually rare for that to happen. The joint positioning of 2 wheels depends entirely on the exact time and place of earth. You place the 12 houses in original location. The Wheel of houses should always be laid out like this, with first house on left. The zodiac wheel and planets in heavens is what gets rotated according to birth data. The houses progress counter-clockwise around the chart.

The divider line before each house is the cusp. The degree of measurements labeled around outside edge gives the position of house cusps in relation to the zodiac wheel. Four of those cusps have special names in most house systems. 1st house cusp is called the Ascendant; the 4th house cusp is called IC (imum codi). The 7th house is a cusp called descendant. The 10th house cusp is MC (medium codi) or midheaven. The Zodiac falls on the ascendant or rising sign. The rising sign is very important as it acts like a filter through which the rest of your chart is sifted. The Rising sign on your birth chart is the sign directly left of center. To understand your own natal chart, you must understand zodiac signs since every chart includes the zodiacs. The sign on the cusp of each house denotes attitudes in the department of life designated by that house. Any planets in the house also affect the affairs in that area. The signs that planets are in will modify how all their attributes are manifested. That is the number next to each planet glyph. The number tells the exact degree of the zodiac sign in which the planet appeared in the heavens at the moment of your birth. The degrees taken from astronomical almanac are called ephemairs. Astrology is amazingly mathematical. Its how to analyze:  planet in conjunction to 1 of your angles, natal chart is horoscope, map of heavens at the moment you were born, the viewpoint of birth coordinates.

When interpreting, the most important thing to remember is synthesis; the entire chart taken as a whole, bringing all the smaller pieces into 1 whole picture of a person. You cannot take 1 piece of the chart and decide it defines entire person. There isn’t one planetary meaning that defines a person. It all plays together and has to be blended together in order to read, understand, and know each separate interpretation. Then you must weave it all together and lace with Rising sign for an accurate picture. Think of people like a Mosaic, made up of tiny individual images. Each planet in the signs and house is a part.


When looking at the birth chart, take note of what sign you’re seeing. Always take note of Ascendant’s sign (Rising sign) and which house the ascendant’s rule occupies. The Zodiac sign will show how the planet is manifested. The signs are like stained glass windows, through which each planet is expressed. The planet in the sign will focus on the house. Activity is denoted by the planet; it will take place in the arena of your life designated by the house in which that planet falls. Signs are the ‘how,’ or way you do things, planets are the ‘what,’ or the energies of what you like to do, and the houses are the where, or areas of your life.


The Influencer on each house (in each department of life) is the ruling Planet of the house. The ruling planet of each house in your natal chart is the planet that rules sign on cusp. The sign on each house cusp shows one’s attitude towards the matters of that house, whereas the planets in the house show actual circumstances. The house is influenced by any planets residing in House. The ruling planet of each house in your natal chart is the planet that rules the sign on cusp. The Sign on each house cusp shows one’s attitude towards the matters of that house, whereas planets in the house show actual circumstances. The House is influenced by any planets residing in the House, but also by the ruler of the house. It’s the celestial configuration that took place at the moment of birth. This is a powerful indicator of motivations, drives, preferences, and psychological makeup, but it doesn’t seal your fate. It does show the potential you were born with but what you do with the potential is up to you. Some astrologers mistakenly interpret birth charts by declaring outcomes of drives or external circumstances. To declare things means that it must definitively take place. The correct way to interpret a birth chart is to declare drives, strengths, weaknesses, preferences, needs, tendencies, and so forth. Its about the inner psychological makeup. Outcomes are for the individual to manifest for him/herself. A natal chart never lies but can be read incorrectly. Its not designed to be precise, but to explain the potential and people choose what to do with potential. Remember Aspects; attempting to make an interpretation without aspects is an error. The interpretations for each planet in the sign and house must be modified according to the nature of aspects. Aspects can soften things and bring clarity to otherwise troublesome planetary placements or can bring conflict to pleasant planetary placements. Aspects stimulate planets. Every planet has both easy and difficult manifestations. An example is that the sun’s energy can be expressed as generous pouring forth of self and creativity or prideful arrogance and excessive desire to be special.

Aspects from other planets tell whether energies will be expressed easily and positively or with struggle and conflict. The birth chart interpretation without accounting for aspects is incorrect or at least incomplete. The most important aspects to look for: immediate notice of conjunction to any of 4 angles (ascendant, mc descendant, IC). The planet makes conjunction to one of the angles, influence of that planet may be the strongest influence in the chart. A person will identify very strongly with the traits of that planet. Take notice of conjunctions made by outer plants to the inner. These conjunctions will drastically alter the interpretation for the inner planet by adding its own qualities. An example is when conjunction from Uranus adds rebelliousness and innovation or when a conjunction from Neptune adds confusion or sadness and/or inspiration and magic.

It is a balance of elements and qualities. In a chart, note the element sign of each planet and that of the ascendant and midheaven. Count how many are Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. Count the sun’s and moon’s element as two each, because they are such a strong influence. It is common to have a combination of elements, say 3 or 4 each. However, should you find imbalance, such as 5 or more of an element or 0 to 1 of an element, this may say something about overall temperament of individual. 5 or more of one element will make that the predominant element in individual. It is interesting to note that the predominant element may be different from that of sun sign. In this case, the person will behave even less like their sun sign which is why we cannot define a person simply by sun sign. If the chart is completely lacking in an element, or if there is only 1 planet in an element, it will be considered the weakest element. This same method is used to tally up the balance of qualities (cardinal, fixed, mutable) of each planet, ascendant and midheaven. Only gives subtle information, unless you find a great imbalance such as a complete lack of one quality or 6 or more of 1 quality. Overall, it provides a general guide to deeper self discovery.


The following are some observations of typical physical and attitude descriptions associated with signs.

Aries: Quick and daring in thought and action, lively and energetic. Impulsive, enthusiastic, self assertive and aggressive. Adventuresome, resistful of control. Very determined. Excitable and fiery in temper. Lean body, strong and enduring, average height. Light complexion, keen eye. Liable to hurts about head and face and loss of hair.

Taurus: Stout, rather below average height. Round thick neck and round face. Dark hair and eyes. Measured step. Liable to throat afflictions.

Gemini: Straight and generally slender, rather tall. Dark hair and brown eyes. Long arms and hands that are always busy. Exceptionally expressive with hands, eyes, and tongue. Liable to hurts about arms and shoulders.

Cancer: Medium height, weak, and unproportionate. Large upper body and slender limbs. Pale complexion blue eyes round face. Graceless gait. Liable to digestive troubles.

Leo: Large, well built, stately carriage. Ruddy complexion, blue eyes. Liable to hurts to back.

Virgo: Short, triangle face, broad forehead. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Liable to stomach troubles.

Libra: Above medium height. Slender in youth, stout in later years. Symmetric form and fair complexion. Brown hair and blue eyes. Polite and grateful. Liable to weak kidneys and small of back.

Scorpio: Large boned and stout, strong and robust. Dark complexion. Square face and large teeth. Abrupt manners, determined steps in walking. Liable to troubles with genitals.

Sagittarius: Tall and athletic. Dark brown hair and eyes. Open genial contoured, oval face. Liable to hurts to hips and thighs.

Capricorn: Body is weak but tenacious. Small stature, ill formed, dark complexion, dark brown or black hair, small eyes. Thin neck and pointed features. Liable to consumption, weak knees, apparent in walk.

Aquarius: Fine build, round features, rather delicate. Sandy or dark flaxen hair. Restful eyes, calm and reflective manners. Liable to injury to legs.

Pisces: Small stature, fleshy, weak and tired. Brown hair. Round face and small teeth. Walks with waddling gait. Frequently troubled with feet.


Aspects, indicate how various planetary and sign energies play out. It indicates if struggles or ease. If you don’t acknowledge them, then you will feel incomplete and incorrect. Aspects represent the relationship between two or more planets. The connection always alters interpretation of planets and signs involved. Planets that are in aspect to each other and their interpretations must be blended according to the nature of the aspect. Aspects are special degrees of separation between planets, with respect to Earth. Planets are observed to orbit at different speeds in the approximate same plane in space. As a result of planetary motions, various angles are measured in degrees, arc minutes and arc seconds, all farmed between planets as seen from Earth. Here’s the math: the angle defined as fraction of circle is formed between two lines that intersect at vertex. Earth is at the center of the circle. Imagine a line being drawn from two planets, each to Earth, so that Earth is the vertex of the angle. The number of degrees between two lines connecting two planets with respect to the Earth forms the angular relationship, or aspect between two planets. Aspects considered not only for planets, Sun and Moon, but also for points of Ascendant and Midheaven. On a birth chart, the angular relationships are denoted by a single line connecting two planets in the aspect. A square aspect denoted by line.

Certain degrees of angularity are very important astrology. They are: major aspects; 0 degrees, conjunction; 60 degrees, sextile; 90 degrees, square; 120 degrees, trine; 180 degrees, opposition.

Aspects are given a margin in which they have influence. An example is that square is 90 degrees and two planets that are 95 degrees or 85 degrees apart are still considered to be in the square aspect. It’s a square with an orb of 50. This margin of influence is an orb. The allowable orb is the amount by which 2 planets involved can deviate from the exact degrees of the aspect and still be considered to have an aspect of influence.

Most astrologers use an allowable orb of only 60 for many aspects and two or 3 degrees for minor. An allowable orb is increased to 10 degrees (or 8 degrees), if it includes the sun or moon. This is a matter of preference but in fact, the smaller the orbs are less than 1 degree from being the most potent aspect influences.

The conjunction dynamic has a strong localized potential for expression aligned with a tendency for direct action and self dramatization. Its two planets in conjunction blended together, fused and intensified. As long as they get along, its good. But if they are in compatible, then it will be inharmonious.

Each aspect can be defined as a circle divided by a number. A full circle is 360 degrees. To avoid confusion, notice that the astrology chart is divided into 12 signs of 30 degrees each. The square aspect of 90 degrees will be between planets that are in same degree but 3 signs apart. The Sextile is 2 signs apart. Trine is 4. Opposition is 6.


SEXTILE: This aspect represents an easy flow of ideas that, if acted upon, will help realize the end goals. It can also indicate talents. It is a harmonious aspect in which energies of the planets involved collaborate well and work comfortably together. Traditionally positive, this aspect is dynamic rather passive, but that does not necessarily bring impetus to do anything. The sextile aspect can be characterized by a lack of friction. The main reason it’s considered positive is that it will not disrupt anything; so much so that it is usually pleasant, but sometimes goes unnoticed.

SQUARE: This aspect implies restrictions and challenges. A dynamic aspect, since challenges pressure you to work on issues represented by planets involved. These planets in square aspect are at cross purposes. They are in a conflict that leads to irrational achievement that is delayed though patient hard work. This can lead to success through integration of the two principles. Traditionally, this is a negative inharmonious aspect. Planets and houses involved are areas in individual’s life where adjustments must be made and where tremendous effort must be expended to realize gains.

TRINE: This is the most fortunate of aspects. The trine aspect represents easy flowing energy between the planets involved, bringing luck. They have opposite and innate creative talents. Too much of a good thing can be bad. The ease brought on by the trine can sometimes be taken for granted and talents left unexpressed. The trine aspect tends to manifest the most pleasant potential of planets involved.

OPPOSITION: These appear directly across from each other in birth chart. It indicates fundamental polarity or duality, a situation in which one must cooperate with others or break with them. This creates tension leading to frustration, though objectivity can lead to a delicate balancing of opposites.  Resolving tension is helped by compromising between two energies, otherwise they will bounce back and forth, competing for center stage in life. A compromise can be achieved by accepting two parts of whole. In general, this is an inharmonious aspect.

Making your own astrology chart or astrology birth charts can be pretty easy! Just follow these steps and you’ll be able to make your own natal birth chart that you can refer to when looking at and reading horoscopes!

Ten Steps To Create Your Very Own Astrology Natal Birth Charts

1. Begin by drawing three circles, a large one, a second medium circle inside the large circle, and a smaller circle inside the other two. Then, using a ruler, divide the large and medium circles into twelve equal parts.

2. Label each section of the large circle and add the name of the sign or the astrological symbol. You may want to start with your star sign at the top and then continue in order. The order of the zodiac is: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. You will need to have them in this order to do an accurate astrology birth chart.

3. Find your ascendant sign by looking up your birth date in an ephemeris. This is a chart of the position of the heavenly bodies at any given time. The ascendant is the sign that is found in the Eastern horizon at the time of birth. For a more accurate astrology chart you will also want the latitude and longitude of the subjects birth so that you can figure out exactly where the ascendant was at the time.

4. Each section of the horoscope is broken up into 30 degrees segments and you will want to put the ascendant into the segment by however many degrees it was found in a sign. The ascendant is marked by a line connecting the ascendant sign to the sign it is found in. For example, if your ascendant was Taurus then it may be 15 degrees in Virgo and you will want to draw the line 15 degrees across them both.

5. In the spots left empty in the middle circle you will want to put the planets as they appeared at the time of the persons birth. Again for a more accurate astrology birth chart you will also want to know the latitude and longitude of when they were born. In order to find out where the planets were you’ll want to consult the ephemeris again. The planets include the sun and moon as well as Pluto depending on what type of astrology you have chosen to use.

6. You will want to place the houses on your astrology birth charts. The houses go in the inner circle and are again divided by twelve. The houses help to determine things like family, wealthy, personality and other such attributes. There are several methods for determining houses and their locations, but the easiest way is to line them up with the ascendant and put them in order. So if your ascendant is 15 degrees into Virgo then you’ll want to place your first house there and move on to the second house 15 degrees into Libra.

7. Lastly you want to calculate the aspects, these are the angles formed between celestial bodies. These can be estimated just by looking at the birth charts!


SEMISEXTILE. 30 degree, circle divided by 12. Very mild, barely noticeable, almost insignificant. A little beneficial, it connects signs of different elements and qualities. Can also be difficult, awkward, or uncomfortable. Interpreted by taking into account the rest of the chart for more insight. Usually corroborates other things specified in chart.

SEMISQUARE. 45 degrees, circle divided by 8. Similar to a square but less intense. The aspect implies friction. Also generates minor internal conflict or frustration that can be annoying.

SESQUI- QUADRATE. 135 degrees it is 3/8 of a circle or square and a 1/2. Aspect denotes same friction as semi-square but the irritation tends to generate external difficulties (whereas semi-square correlates more with inner conflict).

QUINCUNX/INCONJUNCT. 150 degrees is 5/12 of a circle. This one demands continual adjustments. Not necessarily negative, but brings strain, some difficulty or stress and sometimes affects health. Can indicate circumstances that are forced upon the person, or self neglect regarding area of life.

QUINTILE. 72 degree, circle divided by 5. Artistic or creative talents, especially mental ones, as well as versatility and an authentic individuality. Mildly beneficial. Biquintile (144 degrees) is the same consideration as quintile.


Interchangeably called the Ascendant, the Rising sign is located on a natal chart as a sign on which the 1st house cusp falls. Its a sign that was at the eastern horizon point from the viewpoint of birth coordinates, at the moment of birth. It rises on the path of the sun’s rise and changes degrees every few minutes. This is why an accurate birth time and place is so important for an accurate horoscope. The Rising sign can be different for twins born just couple minutes apart. The Ascendant point is premises for calculations of the rest of the house cusps. A few minutes of time different shifts the entire chart. The rising sign is like a direct connection between farth and zodiac path. The Zodiac sign that was rising over the Earth the moment you took your first breath and is the point of intersection between the wheel of personal houses and celestial zodiac wheel. This represents the appearance in world; the impression we make on others. It’s the way we take action in the world and our lasting effect on the environment. It’s the public mask that we wear, since tends to be how people see us, especially strangers who don’t know our deeper selves. Characteristics are a real and true part of who you are, so its more like a face than a mask. Face can be shallow and external, you’re stuck with it and cannot take it off. Real part of you, not fake. People usually perceive it in ways you yourself don’t. The Rising sign for you, others see you as embodiment of those characteristics, even though you might not see yourself like that. The Sun sign is your true self, like frame of car, not so visible underneath doors, bumpers and shiny paint. Rising sign is how people perceive us because it is style that we use to go about meeting needs of sun sign.

Behave more like rising sign when surrounded by strangers, or in new situations, like job interviews personal style at all times. Personal style doesn’t represent deepest needs. Study used as tool to understand why people behave way they do. Rising is also said to describe physical characteristics (looks). Extremely important in natal chart; the planet that rules rising sign is considered to be the chart ruler. Every planet and sign is filtered through rising sign, or through ruling planet. They are greatly subject to modifying influence of aspects. Don’t have clear description of rising sign until blended in energies of any planets aspecting ascendant. Rising sign is the way the world forces you to behave. At some point in youth, you were forced and/or taught to behave like rising sign. Can trace to one of parents or primary caregivers. Rising of child will match dominant sign of parents.

The Rising Sign is found on the cusp of 1st house. It is the filter for the rest of chart, it brands the whole self with its qualities. It’s the exterior shell, presenting you to world and serving as a protective boundary. Here are the details for each Rising Sign:


Described as: Energetic, pioneering, rash, argumentative, selfish, impulsive, quick tempered, aggressive, assertive, headstrong, independent, alert, mechanically – inclined, physically active, self promoting, self-centered in an unthinking way and more thoughtless than mean. They have a general dislike for restraint of any kind, they do not like to be told what to do, and they need to learn diplomacy. Additionally, they need to learn both tact and to look before leaping;  it would serve them better to learn how to channel your energies for more constructive purposes and results. Like the ram who symbolizes this sign, they tend to butt their head against their problems hoping that with enough force you can eventually knock down whatever stands before you, including people. Aries Rising like the challenges of life; they can be very competitive and sometimes combative. They also can get bored easily with routine and one thing you may need to practice more of is persistence. They tend to jump from one thing to another, always looking for something new. This sign needs to finish what they start before moving on. Their spiritual lesson to learn: patience. Mars rules Aries so Mars will be important in chart.


Described as: strong, persistent, slow to change, determined, stable, quiet (until pushed too far then there will be trouble), practical, stubborn, non aggressive, patient, affectionate, loyal, hard working, passive, and unassuming in general, and fixed in connections with general slow pace of mind. Taurus can be led or coaxed but never pushed or driven. They always have a lot of resources and possessions, whether people or finances. This sign wants to build and make things, but not be hurried. They want to get their hands on things and see practical results of their own hard work. Taurus is good at taking what others have started then carrying on. Success comes to you by sheer persistence and will. This sign has a love of sweet and rich food, which can incline you to put on weight. Taurus needs to try to be less rigid in all they do, and tame any jealousy and instinct to possessiveness. Taurus hates and fears both sickness and pain. Spiritual lesson to learn: detachment.  Venus rules Taurus so Venus will be important in this chart.


Described as: Friendly, communicative, flexible, indecisive, unsure, liking to do two or more things at once, witty, clever, very active mentally, high strung, temperamental, nervous or anxious, talkative, superficial, and always ready for something different. There may be two distinct sides to you as Gemini represents Twins. They have a strong need to communicate what they already know and to learn more. They enjoy reading and traveling as they both give plenty of scope for picking up new knowledge. Gemini needs variety and can be a jack of all trades but a master of none. They tend to go wide, for breadth , not depth. Gemini may appear confident, but can lack self confidence and inner sureness. Gemini’s love to talk, both with their mouth as well as their hands. Spiritual lesson to learn: control (learn to control and not scatter energies and to prioritize). Mercury rules Gemini so Mercury will be important.


Described as: Less vital than average, sympathetic, compassionate, passive, nurturing, receptive, protective, retentive, changeable, psychic, sentimental, tenacious, timid, quiet, sensitive, acquisitive (pack rat), and moody. Cancer might have a habit of looking ahead and behind themselves at the same time. They do not fully want to face the future head-on and they are always worrying about the past and what might be sneaking upon from behind, causing great worry. Cancer goes through life in a curious sideways motion, never going simply or directly forward. They are sensitive and retreat into their shell when they feel threatened. Cancer feelings can be easily hurt, even when no slight was meant and they can take things much too personally. They enjoy travel, but absolutely need to know that they have a home base waiting for them to come back to. Security is everything for a Cancer in life. Physical security comes with a comfortable base of operations and emotional security comes from all personal possessions and attachments that have sentimental value to Cancer. That’s why they keep everything, because of all the emotional value and significance. Once they have latched onto something or someone, they don’t tend to let go easily. A Cancer responds to life through feeling, not thinking. Moods go up and down like tides. Spiritual lesson: discernment (distinguish boundaries). The Moon rules Cancer.


Described as: generous, proud, emotional, romantic, extroverted, vain, egotistical, courageous, sentimental, self-confident, showy, want to shine and be successful in wherever they go and whatever they do. Leo’s like to ‘rule’ and have homage paid to them for their ‘royal’ nature. They like to take risks and can sometimes be foolhardy, but definitely have a zest for living. The worst thing someone can do to a Leo is to hurt their pride or be unappreciative of them. Leo’s wear their heart on their sleeve in matters of love. They need a partner they can be proud of and want them to be proud of them as well. Leo’s are faithful too and protective of those they love. They can be quick tempered, but tend to not stay angry for long. They like to play the kingly role and have a sense of drama surrounding them. Leo’s are a ham; they like being the center of attention and will do things just to get that attention. They can be stubborn in a sunny sort of way. The Leo’s roar is worse than their bite. If a Leo’s pride is hurt or their dignity is trampled on then watch out, because they can forgive, but don’t forget. They enjoy sports and outdoors activity. They have a vitality and strong spirit except if their heart is broken in love. A Leo’s need for love and affection is very great and they need to feel appreciated. If a Leo is frustrated, they lose desire for living. Spiritual lesson: humility. Sun rules Leo so the Sun will be will be important in chart.


Described as: practical, analytical, discriminating, fastidious, careful, exacting, attentive to details, methodical, quiet, unassuming, shy, critical, thoughtful, and somewhat self-centered. Virgo’s have ingenious, active, and alert minds. Gaining knowledge and putting to good use are important to Virgo’s. They strive for perfection and can be quite the person to live with or be around because standards for self and others are so high. At times others can never be ‘good’ enough to meet those high standards. Finding fault with or what’s wrong with things is their forte. Sometimes though, Virgo can make their relationship sour as they often turn their critical eye on the one they love and things they do. Pessimism and being too self critical are two faults they should try to improve upon. They may tend to worry too much, especially about small stuff, like the little details. Too much worry can lead to health problems. Virgo’s need to learn to digest every experience and assimilate it without bitterness, regret, spite or resentment. They need to get rid of any negativity that stems from their feeling’s of inadequacy. They tend to look younger than really are, no matter their age. Virgo’s are very restless and nervous, so seldom have much weight on them. At times very indecisive and unsure. Spiritual lesson: service.


Described as: charming, refined, attractive in some manner, gracious, appealing, indecisive, cooperative, sociable, creative, artistic, perhaps musically inclined, harmonious and wanting to please and not make waves. They seek the approval and support of others. They may need the company of others and hate to be by themselves. Libra’s are apt to try too hard to please others and compromise their own principles in order to be liked or popular. They can also be very self centered, but also have a difficult time saying no. Libra’s can’t stand disorder and disharmony and want everything to be balanced, poised, and harmonious. They like looking at all sides of an issue before making up their mind. They love to compare things and find analogies. Libra’s enjoy an argument, yet they can be very diplomatic with a friendly exterior. Looks are important to them, they tend to attract whatever it is they need without any real effort on their part. Spiritual lesson: decisiveness, especially in relationships.


Described as: tend to be secretive, deep, withdrawn, mysterious, regenerate or degenerate, reserved, hard to understand, courageous, willful, persistent, stubborn in thought, creative, self-reliant, self- controlled (except perhaps with passion) and silent. No unevolved soul is born with Scorpio rising. This is a power house rising sign. It represents battleground where higher and lower selves must come to mortal combat. Scorpio’s lower self eventually must die and give way to and obey their higher self, the God within. Their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels are all involved. Calm on surface, they can be extremely emotional inside. Still waters run deep as they say. They tend to be the silent type, always wanting to know other’s motivations, but never disclosing their own. Scorpio’s love to play detective or the ferret. They have to know everything, all how’s and why’s. They have great determination and strength, enough to overcome any adversary even themselves. They need to overcome resentment, possessiveness and jealously. Scorpio’s may have a fascination, preoccupation, interest, and ability with occult, death, sex, or healing. They can be a level or angel, eagle, or stinging scorpion.  Spiritual lesson: forgiveness.


Described as: idealistic, aspiring, enthusiastic, religious or agnostic, interested in far away places and cultures or ideas, physically active, risk-taking, outgoing, breezy, extroverted, philosophical, perhaps dogmatic, prejudiced, superficial, looking for greener pastures, and on the go. They have great aspirations, yet may have a most unruly desire and nature. Sagittarius shoot for the stars or wallow with the animals. They love of animals, outdoors, sports, gambling, adventure, and travel. They lack concentration. Sagittarius have many acquaintances, but few friends. They tend to have casual contacts rather than in depth relationships. They experience a great restlessness and love to be on the move. This sign will always be looking for greener pastures, never stopping or slowing down to see where they really are and what is around them.  They tend to be talkative, but direct and to the point. Sagittarius may be lacking in tact and diplomacy due to frankness. Ideas very important to them and they generally like working with big picture and dislike little details. This means they may promise much and deliver less. Sagittarius will either rise to heights or sink to depths. Spiritual lesson: restraint.


Described as: sensitive, timid, business-like, ambitious, controlling, reserved, practical, down to earth, duty conscious, responsible, critical and cold. They may have had trouble communicating early in life and perhaps suffer from feelings of inadequacy. Capricorn’s overcome these feelings through sheer necessity, as they have determination in achieving their goals and purpose in life. They have great ambition and don’t settle until they have reached great heights that they have set for themselves. Money, position and power are important to Capricorn’s. Their reserve often appears as part of their makeup and is sometimes taken as coldness. For a Capricorn, it seems that they are being responsible and simply doing their duty. They could have trouble with knees, which is outer evidence of inner inability to be flexible. Spiritual lesson: socialibility (lighten up).


Described as: altruistic, friendly, yet detached, impersonal, humanitarian, sociable, intellectual, freedom loving, rebellious, independent and unusual. Aquarius is here to learn altruism, brotherhood, and working for the common good. They forget themselves and their needs for the sake of their friends, who can also be strangers. They have new and different ways of looking at things. Aquarius can be very original and inventive, perhaps even eccentric or bohemian. They are prone to uncertain and sudden impulses. Aquarius tend to be very intuitive, possessing a good mind. They have organizing ability and are capable and practical. They are intelligent, but sometimes cold and calculating where feelings are concerned. There’s a certain detachment about them. Aquarius can’t stand possessiveness and jealousy and they require plenty of freedom. Depending on relative strengths of Saturn and Uranus in their chart, caution, coldness, and selfishness may be exhibited. Or there will be more altruism, freedom, and free-flowingness. Then things of spirit will be stronger than materialistic worldliness. Spiritual lesson: warmth.


Described as: sensitive, compassionate, empathic, weak willed, long suffering, day dreamy, procrastinating, plastic, impressionable, impractical, indecisive, psychic, sentimental, romantic, idealistic, affectionate, easy-going, lazy, not concerned with practical day to day affairs of life, absent-minded and in search of the Holy Grail. At times they are too absent from the focused awareness of the present. They may dream through life rather than live it. Pisces may be involved in music or dance or drugs. They may have lonesomeness that nothing in the outer world can remedy. Being alone at times is an absolute necessity for them. Vibrations of this earth plane may be difficult at times for this sensitive body and spirit to withstand. Pisces is very sensitive to conditions of their surroundings and can be like a psychic sponge, absorbing all that is around them for good or ill. They are very likeable, but they need to learn how to be more practical and down to earth and how to concentrate their energies on the here and now. They must serve others in this life, but must learn not to be taken advantage of or fall for everyone’s sob story. Spiritual lesson: perseverance.


There is a common misconception in astrology that people are supposed to act like their sun sign. Due to the last 100 years of commercialized ‘sun sign’ astrology in media. Actually, they behave like Rising Sign most of the time. Shows our personal style, the way we approach world. The next time you are tempted to dismiss astrology because someone doesn’t behave like sun sign, try finding out their rising sign. You will instantly see the correlation between their personality and rising sign. Sun sign characteristics represent inner self, ego, essence. The values of sun sign are those you consider true and worthwhile values, regardless of how you behave. The Sun Sign symbolizes things you define as real and important. For illustrative purpose, imagine a rebellious, reckless, daredevil riding a motorcycle or doing a hand stand at a bar. The thrill seeker who pulls a crazy stunt every day. They claim to be Capricorn, but you’re not convinced because Capricorns are reserved, cautious, structured and success oriented. Test it. When they are sober, you ask about their goals for their future and if they are content in their job or position in life. All Capricorn’s will say no to #2. Life with Capricorn is about always climbing higher and not setting. Always having plan for success. To a Capricorn sun sign, advancement and success are what is real. What all Capricorn’s have in common regardless of how they behave. Interpretations are meant as a general guide, usher you into deeper exploration and discovery. A good rule of thumb is that for every interpretation add to it that it depends on the rest of the chart.

Take for instance, how the signs interact with the various planets.


IN ARIES. Inspirational, courageous, enthusiastic, original, independent, impatient, aggressive, headstrong, selfish, self-centered and impulsive. Energies are directed towards selves and what they want. Like roles where leadership is on display; where they can  use their executive and organizational ability in starting things. Sustaining is not a strength but they can accomplish great things if we use their energy wisely. They are full of energy and no lack of courage, and can be self centered. Cooperate vs stand alone to be more effective. Straightforward. Get angry but no grudges. Enjoy chase over conquest. Learn: patience, conserve energy, completion, control temper.

IN TAURUS.  Strong, quiet, deliberate, practical, exacting, determined, persistent, preserving, compassionate and loyal. Like hands on work, building, practical results. Routine is OK if it serves a purpose. Possessions and material things are of great significance. Not emotionally secure unless can see and touch what they own. They have an intense need to possess and enjoy with their senses. Extremely productive. Slow pace but always finish. Better at sustaining versus starting. Takes a lot to make mad but if pushed over edge, all heck breaks lose (= angry bull). Leave alone to cool down. Don’t rush or push. Slow to change opinions but once changed is very difficult to change back. Cool and collected in chaos. Love harmony and beauty, fear of loss. Need to learn detachment.

IN GEMINI. Friendly, clever, talkative, versatile, curious, perceptive, intuitive and logical. Also restless and contradictory. Enjoy and need variety in work. Love several things going at once. Abhor boredom. Flit from experiences and gather information but don’t get depth. Broad but not deep, persistence not strong suit. Gain knowledge and disseminate. Tell stories with or without all facts. Read a lot and communicate uniquely. Think quickly, finish other people’s sentences. They need to learn how to control their tongue. Can see both sides of any issue, but means fluctuate. Usually tend to side with the opinion of whomever they happen to be with at the moment. Change with circumstances. Indecisiveness is a problem. Emotionally detached, minds vs hearts to find way through, logic and reason are guidelines. Understand what makes people act but don’t do emotional reactions. Lack of concentration and focus, fickle, dreamy. Need to get mind under control. Need to learn to control energy and mind.

IN CANCER. Move through life in a sideways manner, don’t meet things head on. Emotional rollercoaster, and mood swings that are difficult for others to understand and deal with. Tenacious, sympathetic, industrious, sociable, thrifty, and protective. Argumentative, emotional, psychic, and patriotic. Respond through their emotions rather than minds. They will absorb emotional vibrations of wherever at and need to be in positive environments. Live in feelings, unconsciously seek sympathy and attention and affection, strong need to feel secure. Home and family bring the highest sense of security. Need to be first with those they love. Change everything, minds, mood, etc. Slower moving life force, means less active than others. Dislike exercise, out of shape and gain weight. Excellent memories, reminisce about past and how done. Pack rats, especially with sentimental value. Sense of security. Home loving, fond of family life, enjoy travel. Need secure home base. Consertive. Need to learn to stabilize emotions.

IN LEO. Courageous, powerful, affectionate, playful, loyal, and cheerful. Also demanding, lazy, self centered, domineering. Need widescope, creativity, leadership. Strong on the outside, but inside sensitive and feeling easily hurt. Will turn on their object of affection when pride is hurt. Have decided flair for dramatic and enjoy telling stories, being center of attention, having a good time and running the show. Mean and cruel acts are generally beneath them, but they don’t hesitate to use force when needed. No matter what their actions, always have to believe that whatever they do is for other person’s benefit. When Leo is angered, they quickly put the opposition or challenger in their proper place. Leo’s roar at people when angry. Once tirade is over, forgive and forget and never hold a grudge. At best, affectionate, cheerful, generous. Money slips through fingers as if grains of sand and have no idea where its gone. Vitality and good healthy, with strong recuperative powers. If depressed, then truly devastated. Broken hearts are difficult for Leo to overcome. Leo’s need to learn to admire their marriage partner.

IN VIRGO. Purity and perfection in all they are and do. Reserved, shy, analytical, industrious, punctual. Hardworkers with great deal of common sense and are practical, with flair for detailed work. Can be aloof, picky, sarcastic, whiny, and self centered. Happy when can work with a lot of details with analytical nature for service of others. Service more important than leadership. Curious and inquiring minds, with keen analysis and excellent memories. Enjoy analyzing people and situations. Want to know why, when and where. Hard to relax because boredom is something they can’t stand. Want to be busy doing or learning. Will fulfill promises. Flair for organization and enjoy setting up schedule. Love of order and harmony. Subconsciously seeking perfection in whatever they attempt. Look for perfection in others as well, if lacking critical and fault finding. Tendency to worry. Desire for perfection and always thinking about how something can be made better. Need to learn to have a quiet period at the end of each day for their active minds.

IN LIBRA. Weigh pros and cons of situation before come to any conclusion. If carried too far, get to point where doesn’t come up with any conclusion. This can be very indecisive. Tip scales back and forth to find balance. Innate sense of fairness. Diplomatic, cooperative, helpful, idealistic and sociable, dependent, insincere, lazy and self indulgent. Happiest when in partnerships or in situations where can adjust or work with human relationships. Pleasant surroundings important to them. Difficult being alone because love interactions. In love with love. Could rush in and end up in difficult relationship. Impossible to be emotionally stable if discord around them. Peace and any price, even if means other take advantage. Indecisiveness is hardest to overcome. If wait too long could miss out on opportunities. Can see both sides of argument, usually don’t like to choose any one side. Can give sound, practical advice. Attempt to be all things to all people could lead to hot water. Difficult saying no. Stronger personality can dominate gentle Libra and make impossible for Libra to move forward. Learn to think for self and stand up for own believes and principles. Creative, highly mental and sociable. Mental agility isn’t always seen because of friendly appearance. Subtle techniques to get what want.

IN SCORPIO. 2 animals used to represent Scorpio: eagle and scorpion. Eagle capable for great heights once regenerated self. Scorpion represents those who have not regenerated. Thoughts and actions and still living degenerated lives. Use cunning and strike when least expected. Satisfy passions regardless of consequences. Ambitious, efficient, courageous, resourceful, and intuitive. Jealous, sarcastic, resentful, stubborn, vindictive. Enjoy impossible tasks. Work that demands continued, determined effort and intense concentration. Born detectives. Strong will and determination to accomplish anything undertaken. Analytical mind, strong intuition, reasons powers, magnetism and energy. Definite opinions: no amount of persuasion will make change minds. Make friends easily and give unwaveringly to them. Self sacrifice for those they love, if they or others threatened will strike out. Unconscious more in control so lose judgement under criticism. Under attack, use both silence and sarcasm. They are vindictive. Can and will wait long time to get even. Need to elarn forgiveness. Difficult to deceive due to intuition. Need to learn flexibility. Half hearted measures aren’t for them. Extreme or nothing. The are their own judge, jury, and executioner.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Idealistic, optimistic, dependable, open minded, friendly, honest. Tactless, irresponsible, showy, arrogant, dogmatic. Like work where foresight and willingness to take chance is offered but also avoid detailed work. Usually outspoken, sometimes blunt. Blurt out ideas and opinions is due to their neverending search for truth and wisdom. Many feel Sagittarius is tactless and the truth hurts fits way of thinking. Never mean harm and only interested in raising consciousness. Love outdoors, large animals, nature and sports. Some have reckless gambling tendencies and will bet it all on drop of a hat. Travel and even long walks appeal to them because make Sagittarius feel free and has to feel free. Philosophical and want to understand deeper issues and life abstractions. Certain faith in higher things that generally always keeps them on optimistic bent, no matter what difficulties are currently besting them. Want to understand meaning of life. Helps them grow and expand (have to do). Sometimes over extend themselves with too many activities and use up energy too rapidly. Need intervals of rest to recuperate between projects. Need to learn how to concentrate on current projects and stick with them to the end. Always full of enthusiastic at start but lessons in middle with details or if rough. Friendly, helpful subtle humor. Good conversationalist and enjoy debating to debate. Gift for making friends and never are lonely. Humanitarian, help whoever in need. Loyal and honest with no devious nature. Independent and restless, with a real need for personal freedom. Can be experience claustrophobia, either physical or emotional. Reluctant for total commitment situations. Highly romantic but need an intelligent and communicative partner. Chase over capture. Experiment with jobs, love job travel. Love games.

IN CAPRICORN. Desire to climb whatever mountains are necessary and to stand on their own two feet in order to work their ambitions and salvation. Conservative, organized, methodical, traditional, honest, patient, serious, goal-oriented. Worried, pessimistic, suspicious, intolerant. Happiest in careers calling for organizing ability, integrity and perseverance. Fear of failure. Quiet and appear as loners; build a wall of reserve around them. Nothing gets in the way of plans and ambitions. Strive for security by holding fast to duty and responsibility. Have inferiority complex and this is what drives them so hard to succeed; want to look good in front of world. Like to plan every move; weighing all pros and cons of an issue in advance. Dependable, particularly in crisis, and when asked, they give sound, practical advice. Not aggressive people and only express hositility as defense when attacked. Sensitive to hurts and feel alone if no one understands them. A negative Capricorn will seek retribution for wrongs done. Need peole, but hae tendency to isolate themselves from people due to reseve and fear of being hurt. Loyal to people they care about. Respect and recognition are important, encouragement and praise are essential for motivating a Capricorn. They want material things so have ot have regular income. Attainments in life are accomplished through steady progress. Strong self discipline. Will give up many pleasures in order to reach goals. Thrifty and like to collect things, abhor waste. Only speak when they have something to say. Need to overcoe own self doubts and lack of confidence. Pessimism in own abilities can hold back. Need to believe in self and become optimistic. Lot of patience which is needed for set backs. Happiest when busy, thoughtful and self contained. Compassionate and warm hearted. Own personal suffering help them identify with sufferings of others. Love the romantic as much as others but inhibited in expressing emotions. Want traits to be compatible.

IN AQUARIUS. Friendly, original, different, scientific, unusual, and helpful. Impersonal, tactless, rebellious, stubborn, radical. Like to be inventive. Seek to share knowledge with others to bring a better life for all. Group activity is their customary mode of operation. Help others to help selves. Friendly, yet detached, warmth but distant. Might appear cold or aloof, not really indifferent to others. Care about humanity as whole, rather than any one particular individual. Not pompous, rarely bother to exert self for approval. Love bringing new ideas and methods into old traditional environments. Philosophical, visionary, and idealistic. Feelings of friendship drive them to try to improve the lot of everyone they can. Sometimes people they want to help don’t understand new ways and reactively toward them. Ahead of time and sometimes just cranks. Determination and persistence to get ahead, but low energy can cause dropped projects. Analytic and scientific, ability to think through accurate conclusion. Good powers of concentration but also absent minded. Get along well with others. They don’t gossip and they are not petty, don’t like arguments, unless a need to defend person, ideal, or principle. So willing to listen new and different, little patience with those who refuse to hear new concepts. Love to rebel and shock people. Don’t like schedules and regulations. Can’t be on time. Not possessive and don’t like when people are; appreciate personal freedom. Don’t care what others think so don’t worry about other’s behavior.

IN PISCES. Sympathetic, compassionate, unassuming, intuitive, adaptable, creative, versatile,  self sacrificing. Impressionable, indecisive, hypersensitive, and changeable. Need to servce others. Sentimental and romantic. Expect too much from others, feel hurt if other person doesn’t come through. Pedestal and disillusionment challenges. Two fish: opposite directions: spirit and personality. Opposing forces = insecurity and indecisiveness. Handling positively is difficult. Absorb information and environment around, so need to be with uplifting people and circumstances. Creative, self sufficient people whose minds are extremely active, due to strong imagination which can sometimes get carried away with. Sense and feel things other’s not aware of. No strong will power nor dynamic approach to life. Outside determined, inside inner doubts brewing. Need reassurance from others. Need to learn to understand emotional ups and downs. Need to learn to believe in themselves. Generous with time in helping other people. Feel best when serving others. Compassion outwardly for others, don’t become moody and introverted. Reluctant to hurt others and face confrontation equals very difficult emotional situations that are difficult to break. Difficult to say no and stay in bad situations thinking can change others. Hearts in right place, need to be more realistic and down to earth. Can be highly secretive, make friends easily and loyal to them. Defend friends in subtle ways. Lack vitality, give idea they are lazy. Need sufficient time each day to be alone while regain fluctuating energies. Instinctively seem to know own capabilities and limitations, but that creates inferiority complex.  Enjoy drama and acting because can be someone else. Hypersensitivity can become instantly depressed over little things that are said to them. Feel need to justify words and actions. Try to rationalize way out rather than face consequences of behavior.


IN ARIES. Outspoken and direct in speech and actions. Original and filled with enthusiasm and great energy. Love a good argument or debate and like to compete and strategize with your mind. Say what you mean and don’t pull any punches. Opinionated and love to share those opinions, even if not asked to do so. Love controversy and might need to develop a little more tact in how you express your own thoughts. Mind is restless and filled with much nervous energy. Hard to sit still. Always have to be busy, especially with hands. Mechanical ability may be present. Thoughts and words quick and impulsive and may at times suffer from foot in mouth disease. Lack of patience and concentration in carrying out your plans may be evident. Great wit and an entertaining personality help make you popular. Don’t like to be told how to do things and want freedom to do things your own way. Never seems to be enough time to do all things you have on your mind. May be quick tempered, but hardly ever carry grudge. Get over things quickly, then move on.

IN TAURUS. Manner of thought and speech is slow and quite deliberate. Don’t change mind quickly and see no reason to do so. Determined, practical, methodical and conservative in most things you do. Patience and ability to stick with things until end. May assimilate material at slower pace than others, once a concept is learned, never forgotten. Hate being forced or rushed into decision or an action, especially if you have never been given time to think it all through and evaluate practicalities of situation. Once made up, thats it, lot to undo it. Perserverance is one of best traits. Enjoy sustaining what others have started, especially if can see tangible, practical results. Love to build things. Succeed not so much because of mental brilliance, but because you have ability to concentrate and follow project through to its completion. May have an artistic or musical aptitude. Perhaps sing or a speak for a living. Common sense is not uncommon in you.

IN GEMINI. Extremely adaptable, energetic, active, curious, versatile mind. Seek knowledge, either through reading or conversation, or through travel and talking with new people you constantly meet. So much nervous energy that this can sometimes cause great stress which must find appropriate release. Exercise is a good way to release this tension. Clever, witty, and always have a joke or comeback ready for any situation. Love being involved in multiple things at once and this may be a problem: too many irons in the fire at same time. Quick to grasp new concepts and equally quick to lose interest in idea or project once your curiosity has been satisfied. Like to taste a little bit of everything – concentration and disciplined study are not strong points. Handy with hands and may be ambidextrous or mechanically inclined. Debate and argument appeal to you. There is a tendency to scratch the surface with things that strike your interest without learning anything very deeply. Jack of all trades, master of none position. Danger of superficiality. Control of thought, word and action is necessarily in order to be successful. Find focus, stay with it and develop perseverance. Journalism, teaching, writing = appealing. Mentally restless, may change jobs frequently or do work that involves movement. Learn quickly.

IN CANCER. Mind connected with memories, feelings and emotions from past. You tend to hold onto memories of things because they give security. Highly interested in inner, subjective, and personal issues and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition, and personal experiences and prejudices rater than reason or logic. Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to you. Sensitive listener and deeply interested in a person’s feelings and inner life. In addition to psychology, probably drawn to education, art, music. Shy and somewhat reticent about speaking in public, but will open yourself up and share thoughts in small, intimate, little family type circles of people you know and trust. Perhaps enjoy keeping a diary or chronicle of your thoughts and feelings regarding day to day happenings. Mind retains and absorbs knowledge easily. Intuitive, psychic and sympathetic, yet may become depressed over own problems and the problems of the world. May have difficulty in getting to root of problem because you so easily become involved emotionally with people instead of problem. May have difficulty in making decisions or may simply change your  mind constantly. Mental focus and control must be developed.

IN LEO. Have strong, fixed opinions and love to express your thoughts energetically and dramatically. Wholeheartedly identify with your beliefs. Can be warm, convincing, entertaining speaker and an effective storyteller. Exaggeration plays key role in all your tales and expressions. You put on a good show no matter who the audience is. You have a distinctive style of expressing yourself. Teaching ability is present. You have many creative ideas and want to have a voice in decision making. Take great pride in your mind and thought processes and others may think of you as a bit of know it all. You need to watch a tendency towards false pride, intolerance, stubbornness, needing appreciation for everything you do or say and becoming overly impressed with your own abilities. Could be good politician, spokesperson, director. Need to be admired for your  mind.

IN VIRGO. Exacting perfectionist with a clear, logical, and analytical mind with an aptitude for work that requires meticulous attention to detail and efficient organization. Well grounded, practical, and possess a great deal of common sense. Tend to develop specialized skills and technical expertise in some practical field. Knowledge, idea, and theories don’t really interest you unless they are useful in a practical, tangible way. Love to analyze, measure, and dissect everything. Perhaps miss hints, nuances, and subtle shades of feeling and meaning. Strengths in precise thinking, careful craftsmanship, and mastery of technical skills. Tend to be very good at what you do and are critical of others’ work if it doesn’t meet high standards. Systematic, adaptable, stable, flexible, good with details. Tendency to be pessimistic, sarcastic, intolerant, whiny, critical, get lost in details.

IN LIBRA. One of best talents is your ability to see all sides of an issue and to negotiate and bring about compromise and reconciliation. Diplomatic, fair, tactful, and reasonable, possessing considerable social finesse. Work well with all groups of people. Objective and somewhat detached from emotional biase and may make an excellent consultant, mediator, or public relations person. Insist upon fair play and seek peace and harmony in all situations. Fine aesthetic sensitivities allow you to work in artistic or cultural environments. Persuasive, rational, well balanced mind with artistic sensitivities. Flexible and willing to listen to all sides of an issue. May lead to vacillation and indecision, though, because sometimes you can’t make up your mind as to which side has most. Thinking process works by means of comparing things and finding analogies. This is when you are at your best.

IN SCORPIO. Have excellent mental concentration and ability to become completely immersed in work. Love ferreting things out and are a natural detective. Mind may dwell on sensual side of life and may think about sex or death often. Seem to know things at an instinctive, nonverbal level and prefer learning through direct experience or apprenticeship rather than vicariously via books or lectures. Mechanical ability and work well with your hands. May develop healing ability through hands. Quick witted, resourceful, shrewd, sharp tongued and will readily say what is your mind in stinging matter. Enjoy satire and other forms of critical humor. Want to know everything while at same time disclosing not to no one. Have the ability to penetrate beneath the surface of problems and people and really understand them. You have abundant manual dexterity with ability to repair anything. On negative side, can be stubborn, quarrelsome, skeptical, cynical and always holding opposite news to others. Interest in occult.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Possess idealism, vision, and foresight and mind is often occupied with big ideas, plans and goals for future. Interested in what is possible and what is on the horizon, rather than what has already been done. Subjects like philosophy, religion, politics, education interest you and more concerned with theories, abstractions and concepts than with specific applications. You are not inclined to focus on any one practical, concrete area. You don’t particularly like details and may find it difficult to concerntrate long enough to carry your ideas through to completion. Seek mental freedom, yet your thoughts are usually along traditional lines. Having gambling instinct, new ventures. Forward, blunt, and direct in speech and always speak mind. People who know you know that you don’t beat around the bush. Apt to say first thing that pops into head. You have to learn to control tongue, develop tact and to think before speaking. Business, advertising, and promo might be good career areas of you. Keenmind and impulsive and versatile. Have a tendency to study several similar subject to have more than 1 job and have several projects going all at the same time. Tend to want to keep on move, traveling, order to gain experience, knowledge and wisdom.

IN CAPRICORN. Mind clear, disciplined, serious, practical, organizing, objective, and realistic. Unimpressed by exaggerated claims/promises. Facts behind anything hear. Skepticism borders on cynicism. Rational approach to problems. Level headed no matter the circumstances. Capable of working long hours with focused concentration and attention on whatever interests you. Good memory and attentive to details. At times, appear to others as lacking sense of humor, boring or depressed but have a lot on your mind. Thorough, conscientious, disciplined in thinking. Aptitude for business, organization and administration. Good strategist, plan and patiently follow realistic course = eventual success. Serious minded and studious, enjoy quiet time alone to think or read. Seldom indulge in foolish or silly chatter because consider it waste of valuable time.

IN AQUARIUS. Unique thoughts, unusual, rapid and coming completely out of blue, eccentric, unconventional, scientific, weird and perhaps ahead of time. Progresssive and non traditional thinker. Very open and receptive to new technologies and breakthroughs and latest discoveries in any field. Believe that humanity can resolve problems through creative intelligence using inventive minds and scientific principles. Impatient with those that are conservative and unimaginative and those who are afraid perhaps to think about and try new things and ideas. Keeping abreast of latest developments and technologies is fun for you. Reading science fiction helps give food for thought regarding radically new ways of looking at things. Strong humanitarian impulse, aptitude for organization and enjoy being involved in cooperative group efforts or business that are contemporary and innovative. Versatile, disciplined, practical, and original mind. Intuitive and resourceful, with ability to correctly judge human character and penetrate the masks that others wear. Follow own convictions regardless of what others think of you and you have ability to express ideas clearly so others comprehend. Negative is eccentric, bohemian, radical, stubborn.

IN PISCES. You, your thoughts, ways of communicating tend ot be idealistic psychic, intuitive, imaginative, sympathetic, diplomatic, extremely sensitive, compassionate and visionary. Negative side can be lazy, impractical, day dreaming over sensitive, procrastinating, indifferent and absent minded. May lock strong desire to work or push yourself into doing anything that takes a lot of strength, organization, patience and responsibility. Rather be poet or musician vs scientist or mechanic. Formal book learning is not a strength but can absorb knowledge uniquely if interested. Sensitive to environment so be careful. Need break from world periodically for mental health. Balance: need self time but don’t such much lose it. May like arts and have a highly developed imagination. Hard to translate thoughts to concrete language so gives imporession less intelligent. Don’t like being pinned down to facts and follow instinct rather than logic. Intuitive and able to sense what other’s thoughts and feelings are, even before say anything. Sometimes get so immersed in own world of thought you overlook tangible environment. Extremely open minded and believe that anything is possible. Intangible seems just as real as concrete world. Form opinion about person or situation without factual knowledge, impressions usually correct. Keep it positively occupied.


IN ARIES. Adaptability and inconsistency in initiation efforts present. Frequent emotional upheavals due to fiery temper possible. Patience isn’t strong suit; if things don’t happen way you want and how, go off like bolt of lightning. Tendency is to be spontaneous, temperental, impetuous, headstrong and dislike restraint. Very direct in thought, action, and speech; everyone knows how you feel; pull no punches. Can be bossy individual if don’t try to control moods. Desire to be in limelight or in charge of things is present. Hate showing any personal weakness or that you need any support, comfort or nurturing from others. Enthusiasm is starting new projects is contagious and better starter than finishing. Adventurous, courageous, and independent. Don’t like complainers and always ready to meet any challenge. Fair amount of physical activity is good for you so you can work off those moods you get into once in a while. Creative, flamboyant personality that likes to trail blaze in unusual ventures. Accomplishments cover inferiority feelings that lie beneath the surface.

IN TAURUS. Emotional nature is steadied and others find quality soothing in you. Generally even tempered and peace loving and not easily ruffled or given to emotional displays. Downright stubborn at times, especially whe nit comes to making changes are emotional in nature or that require emotional adjustment. Seek security and often expect this security to come from materials possessions and resources. Desire to collect material goods and money. Cling to past or things used to in order to find security. Great deal of affection and closeness is needed by you and this helps to assuage feelings of insecurity. But sometimes you hold onto people much too closely so they feel they can’t breathe. Expect loyalty in love and devoted to those you care about. Have tendency to indulge in sensual comforts and activities. Eating rich or sweet food seems to give you security, may have weight problem because of this. Food can become substitute for emotional satisfaction and love. Resourceful, determined  and persistent. Green thumb and good at getting anything to grow and prosper. Happiest when working with hands, gardening. Can lead but never pushed into doing things. Hate and fear are sickness and pain. Too great a comfort with status quo can prevent you from making necessary changes. Don’t be too rigid.

IN GEMINI. Intellectualize your feelings: moods come through words. At times you are totally unaware of own or other people’s deeper feelings and emotional needs. Talk out your feelings and moods. Primary need is to communicate and share knowledge. Tend to avoid heavy, emotional relationships and involvements because there is some tendency to superficiality. Commitment scares you. Require plenty of mental stimulation and you feel closest to people with whom you can share thoughts and mental interests. Get turned on sexually through mental side of things. Have versatile and receptive mind with great desire for knowledge. Can be charming, witty and warm hearted. Nervous tension, anxiety and stress may be problem for you. Dislike arguments and have tendency to talk too much. May tell people what they want to hear rather than truth. Mental control should be developed or else indecisiveness and constant changing of your mind will become a way of life for you.

IN CANCER. Easily respond to emotional environment in which you are placed. Soak up feelings like sponge. Perhaps this is why you so easily become moody, irritable, and inconstant in thought and feeling. Learning to control own moods may be very difficult, yet necessary for you. Greatest need is to nurture and mother someone’s or ones. Often appear irrational to others because not always explain reason or source of feelings. Anyone who lives with you must accept ups and downs and appreciate need for times of withdrawal. Take slights very personally and though may forgive a mistake by a friend or loved one, never forget it. Security is very important to you and you look for it in home and family life. Senses and emotions quite strong and would be wise for you to listen to intuitive side as you can be quite psychic. Very tenacious and don’t give up or let go of things or people easily. Mother is/was strong influence for good or ill. Basically introvert, but will do whatever it takes to protect and defend your family or loved ones. Tend to be pack rat because everything has emotional memory behind it and you find security in those memories. Nothing or no one is ever gone if they leave memory behind. Quite possessive, memory of any elephant. Learn to forgive and forget past hurts.

IN LEO. Warm, generous, loving in affections and you bring out great devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. Want to be worshipped and adored like King or Queen you feel you are. You want and need a partner you can be proud of and your own pride is very important to you. Can’t love someone you don’t respect and not proud of. Important to you that you feel recognized and appreciated. Feelings get hurt when you feel ignored. Dislike emotional games and dishonesty. You are popular, generous, dignified, loyal and ambitious and have a persevering, penetrating mind with leadership and creative ability. Dramatize events in life and feelings. On negative side, maybe ego-oriented, vain and/or ostentations with a tendency to wear heart on sleeve.

IN VIRGO. Very sensitive, cautious and perhaps shy about showing others feelings. May love and care for someone a great deal, rarely express those feelings openly and freely. More mental than emotional at least outwardly. Very often love someone will be expressed by trying to help them doing something tangible to benefit them a serving in some way. May be difficult for you to receive warmth, affection, or appreciation , for you often feel that you don’t really deserve it or they don’t mean it. Can seem cool and aloof, more than you feel. At times on critical of others that you drive them and love away. Need to learn how to forgive yourself and others when you or they don’t measure up to perfection. Need of yours for perfection can be quite stifling to your own happiness. Tend to be industrious, trustworthy, intuitive, reserved, practical and down to earth, especially with emotions. Intelligence, usefulness and fastidiousness are important themes. Have ability to analyze people and situations and then find quickest, most efficient method of accomplishing whatever is needed. Watch tendency to nit pick or to become overly fussy concerning feelings of others. Greatest need is to learn tolerance and serve those around you.

IN LIBRA. Kind, sympathetic, agreeable, optimistic, fair and very fond of social pleasures. Considerate and thoughtful friend; real flair for making others feel accepted ad appreciated. At same time, probably possess good reasoning powers and ability to form correct judgements. Love of art and music with perhaps decided ability as performer. Need for people and relationships. Avoid personal confrontations or any expression of intense, unpleasant behavior or emotion. Strive for peace, harmony, and protect balance. Feel unsuited for menial physical labor and hate to get hands dirty. Desire to be liked by everyone may cause you to seek peace at any price, thus can be evasive on issues dire to desire to keep the peace. Can be quite vacillating and indecisive. Much move at odds with self than people would guess by looking at you from outside. Sometimes very difficult for you to make up your mind because you see all sides of any issue and you always want to be fair. Learn to stand up for principles.

IN SCORPIO. Secretive and including to brood in silence over wrongs people have done, either in reality or simply in own mind. Mental and emotional focus maybe on sensual things or on sex or death. You find it difficult to trust people as you are suspicious of inner thoughts and plans. Open yourself up to very few as you don’t find it easy to trust others . Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for you. Love with passion and hate with passion. Everything is done emotionally, with intensity. Can be very controlling. Have a habit of holding on to wrongs that have been alone in past and not forgiving nor forgetting, and to keeps such feelings to yourself. Guilt, resentment and vindictiveness need to be overcome. Must learn to let go or your health will suffer. Learn to express your feelings outwardly rather than repressing them within. Not content with superficial appearances and always probing beneath surface of things for hidden motives. Great deal of emotional depth. Potential for success is great when control and discipline learned. Magnetic, energetic, independent, aggressive, patient and determined. Self control of passions is mandatory.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Independent, outspoken, open, generous, enthusiastic, idealistic, inspired and optimistic and these qualities attract many friends and acquaintances. Seem to thrive on travel, socialibility , fellowship, and expressing your opinions to whomever will listen. Adventurous, playful, freedom loving and always ready for a good time. Rarely allow difficulties to keep you down, for no matter how bleak past or present, always expect better and brighter future. Uncomfy with own or other people’s problems and emotional pain. Often try to ‘cheer up’ or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but unwittingly you avoid or ignore emotions involved. Friendship means a great deal to you, perhaps even more than love or romance. For you to be happy, mate must be best friend and encourage your aspirations and ideals. Need great deal of emotional freedom and mobility. Negative side, may be rather intolerant closed minded, dogmatic, arrogant, risk taking, possess holier than thou attitude.

IN CAPRICORN. Very serious and responsible, duty calls first before all else. Not comfy, displaying your emotions for all to see and you certainly don’t want them to think that you need help and support. Never want to appear emotionally weak. Great sense of ambition within you, perhaps because you feel unloved, unwanted or inadequate. Then work very hard because makes you feel important or needed. Feel secure in own authority. Security needs are what drive you. May be shy and insecure over your own worth and can be overly sensitive to real or imagined hurts. Sometimes you feel as though you have to carry weight of world on your shoulders. Are especially uncomfy with emotional dependency and will tell yourself and others (even children) not to be a baby. Need to accept that no one is self sufficient all the time, and to be gentler with your childish emotional needs and wants. May appear to be rather hardnosed and tough with a business like attitude toward their personal concerns and feelings. Feelings and loyalty run deep, but you often don’t let people know how much you care. Also need to learn to relax, enjoy self and play sometimes. You are conservative, reliable, and ambitious. Have the ability to bring plans to completion. On negative side, may be ruthless in desire for power and success. Selfishness and manipulation are possible. Desire recognition; emotions steady but can be cold.

IN AQUARIUS. Emotions tend to be guided by intellect and can be very detached when it comes to dealing with them. Others may think you are cold and aloof because they don’t understand ways in which you deal with feelings. Position steadies emotions. Find security in dealing with and working with groups of people, especially in endeavors that benefit majority. You are inventive, original, and progressive in thought and want to make world better place to live in. Family ties and attachments may not be as important to you as they are to others and you perhaps consider your friend closer to you than blood relatives. Need freedom and independence in relationships with others. Back away at times if get too close. Very much hate partner who is jealous and possessive. Like to experiment and play field. Small affection for conventional and traditional. Tend to be friendly, intuitive, humane, progressive and independent. Broad minded with desire to investigate all knowledge. May have difficulty in understand emotional needs of others. At times you express unusual ideas simply to shock or surprise others out of their lethargy or just to see what kind of reaction you’ll get. On negative side you can be impersonal, stubborn, erratic, rebellious, rigid, emotionally cramped and selfish.

IN PISCES. Emotions are expressed sympathetically and compassionately. Sensitive, kind, and gentle, imaginative, shy, tender hearted, and have an innate understanding of how other peole feel and react to situations. Hurts you if another is hurt. Because of your kindness and non judgemental attitude, people in trouble, pain or confusion come to you hoping to find answers. Difficult for them to think that you may be in pain yourself, but even if you are, you will do your best to help them or teach them. Seem to sense all that pain you have suffered is for a higher purpose, if only to teach others or help show them the way. At times though, your soft heartedness Is taken advantage of and then you feel the need to withdraw to regain strength and composure. Music plays an important part in your life and you are instinctively drawn to it. As a voice from your spirit’s true home. Helps you to express the emotions within that sometimes are so nebulous or vauge that they cannot be put into word. Very romantic nature and can fall in love with love. Sometimes yoru feelings and fantasies get so carried away that you become overly emotional or sentimental, much to dismay of those around you. Have moody spells that people don’t know how to deal with. Not afraid of difficult or hard work and you especially like to work for less fortunate than yourself. Prefer to work behind scenes, may easily be drained of energy by others; talent in art; control daydreaming.


IN ARIES. Desires relationships, sociality, and affection. Forthright, demanding and wants to take the lead. Very ardent and pursuing in relationships. Feelings and passions are easily aroused and you usually try to take the lead in social matters and affairs of the heart. Go out and get what you want (you think). Trouble is, once gotten, may get tired of having. Thrill of chase is more important to you than final catch. Romance may start off in blaze of excitement and glory only to end in boredom and monotony. Always fresh frields to conquer and you go after them. Its almost a crusade for you. Venus worst qualities are trying too hard to please others and taking the line of least resistance. In relationships, then you may choose partners who tend to dominate you and want you to do things their way at expense of own wishes. Calls for you to be assertive, yet not dominating, pleasing, yet not a dishrag. Independent and have an impulsive approach to love. Like competiveness and perhaps pick fights just for action and excitement. Can be very inconsiderate of others because you sometimes don’t think about actions and the effects they have on those closest to you. Impatience and selfishness can be a problem for you.

IN TAURUS. In love affairs you are generally loyal and steady, especially if your partner is demonstrative and affectionate. Oriented towards sensual side of life in everything you do and it may show through too much weight. Tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of partner is very important to you. You enjoy indulging yourself and the ones you love and it is too easy for you to be extravagant and perhaps to put too much value in material things. Comfort is important to you and you hate getting hands dirty. At times you can be lazy, hoping or expecting someone else to do the dirty work. Self control needs to be developed and added to qualifications you already possess – warmth, charm, sympathy, artistic. Guard against possessiveness, jealousy and taking easy way out in relationships. Aim to please in practical and earthy ways.

IN GEMINI. Matters of love and romance. Person’s sense of humor, intellect, and communication skills attract you more than physical appearance. Desire partner who is mentally stimulating, curious one who can challenge mind and keeps you from getting bored. Relationships, where talking, sharing ideas, going places and learning new things together are highly preferred and needed. Need a lot of social stimulation and can be a bit of a flirt. Jealous and possessive partners turn you off. Charming, friendly, and enjoy meeting people. Can be fickle in matters of love and may have a tendency to desire more than 1 love interest at a time. Enjoy fun and excitement of love, yet may fear its obligations. Your feelings can be very well expressed through speaking, through writing or poetry or perhaps through art. Emotions ruled by mind and prefer intellectualizing feelings.

IN CANCER. Quiet, shy, sensitive, sentimental, gentle, and romantic. Your feelings are deeply attached to your family, old friends, familiar places, and memories and past. Remembering and celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals, and other personal significance is very important to you. Seek caring, emotional support and security in love affairs. Can be changeable and inconstant in matters of feeling and emotion. You desire peace and harmony in your home environment. Cling to those you care about like a crab that doesn’t let go. Carried too far, love and concern for others may turn into clinging, possessive, can’t let go of type of relationship. Feelings of insecurity or feelings of being unloved or unnurtured may lead you to eat too much and thus gain weight. Desire for rich or sweet food may contribute to problems. Mother probably had much to do with feelings of love and affection. You like to be needed and personal charm, magnetism, and sympathy make natural caretaker. Need to mother others.

IN LEO. Affairs of heart you are warm hearted, spontaneous, ardent, affectionate, loyal and generous. Hate pettiness and stinginess in partner. Seek hero/prince/princess, someone you can idolize and adore, someone you have great pride in someone who can sweep you off your feet. Crave love appreciation and attention from others and like to be at center of things. Rather susceptible to flattery and love to feel special. Want and enjoy drama in life (love) and some grand romantic gesture or extravagant express of generosity impresses you. You dramatize your emotions. You are honest, frank, attractive, kind, compassionate, and fun loving with charming personality. Find it easy to be in love with love. May expect too much of people and thus become easily hurt. Must watch tendency to be preoccupied with physical appearance when you should be developing your inner potential. Vanity and becoming a show off is possible. Need to be admired for your inner and outer beauty.

IN VIRGO. Quietly devoted and faithful to your loved ones and often become a kind of servant to your love partner. More comfy showing love for someone by doing something for them, making something for them or simply being there for them rather than telling them so in a romantic sort of way. Somewhat timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. May lack confidence in your own attractiveness and ability to draw love to self. Could create doubt of your own worthiness to receive love and appreciation. Marriage may be delayed due to desire to find perfect partner, which doesn’t exist. Desire everything to be clean and orderly around you. Tendency to criticize and nag can be overcome by learning how to serve others in a simple way. Able to be kind, tender, sympathetic, thus you may excel at nursing.

IN LIBRA. Charming, tactful, courteous, considerate, balanced, poised, harmonious, and have strong desire to please and not make waves. Because you try to be so agreeable, have a difficult time saying no. People may take advantage of you. Venus is so called benefic planet, Venus in Libra can be fairly ruthless at times within relationships. With this position, one knows just what the other wants to hear can thus be quite manipulative. Naturally attract people and things into life when they are needed. Sometimes this happens so easily that you do not appreciate what you have. Harmony is valued so much that you will compromise a great deal in order to keep it. You don’t like to dwell on controversial or emotionally difficult subjects and often try to ‘smooth things over’ or sweep under rug. Marriage and partnerships you want someone who is an equal, someone who balances you and your personality. You are attracted to people who have a certain finesse, delicacy and subtlety. You appreciate good manners and refinement and not happy with a coarse, blunt type of person. Possess magnetism and refinement and you relate well to others. Probably have musical or artistic ability or at very least a fine appreciation of them, as well as good color sense. Negative = may at times be lazy, want to take easy way out or at least less resistance. Can be indecisive need people and may find it difficult to feel comfy in own company.

IN SCORPIO.  In matters of love, you desire to crave a deep, intense and passionate relationship. In love, nothing short of merging of souls will satisfy you. Yarns for the undying love of Romeo and Juliet or Heloise and Abelard. Individuals with this Venus sign are most intense about. Have a tendency to ‘mama’ whatever or whoever captures your heart and it is difficult to let go of it or them for any reason. Can hold onto one love for a lifetime. High demands are placed on your partners. You are somewhat suspicious of even platonic, friendly relationships your partner has. If you are ever betrayed, you are capable of hating with as much force and intensity as you once loved. You are attracted to people who have an aura of mystery about them. You have a sultry charm, a personal magnetism. Although your feelings run deep, may have trouble expressing them. Once burned you never give another a second chance. It is all or nothing at all. There can be a deep religious devotion which can serve as an outlet for your overcharted emotions. You need to learn the value of self control. Misuse of creative force in previous lifetimes has forced you to again deal with issues surrounding passion, desire and regeneration. Position stimulates creative ability and brings infatuations, misalliances and love affairs.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Matters of love, you are looking for someone you can grow with someone who can expand your world and your consciousness. Are attracted to someone who is fun-loving, playful, and open to adventure and new experiences. Traveling together, meeting new people and exploring new vistas is particularly enjoyable. People of foreign background and cultures enlarge your understanding of world and self. Want to be able to share dreams, aspirations, and ideals with mate. It is very important to you that you a spiritual or intellectual rapport with love partner, perhaps more important than emotional, physical relationship. You are not especially sentimental and your partner may feel that you are too casual and not serious or romantic enough. You are sympathetic, kind, generous, optimistic. Idealize love. Always on lookout for greener pastures, you may not stay long with a partner who doesn’t help you to grow or provide you with enough excitement. Desire to share love of God, expressed through religious devotion and a love of man, expressed through philanthropy and charity with 1 you choose to love.

IN CAPRICORN. Love and affectis are expressed in cautious, reserved, and serious ways. You are not that demonstrative towards the ones you love. You care very much about what other people think of you and you fervently desire love and appreciation. Your reserved responses make it appear that you are really very detached. Casual, superficial relationships don’t interest you at all. Cautious and serious about love and you want a deep, genuine, lasting love. You are old fashioned and traditional regarding courtship and love and will remain faithful to your  loved one in good times and in bad. Maybe attracted to persons older than yourself, someone who is emotionally mature and reliable and who can provide the security you desire. You tend to be loyal, trustworthy, patient and steadfast. For you love may be weighed against practical concerns or on basis of security needs. Perhaps you’ll marry for money or status. Have a strong desire to protect yourself from being hurt and this may keep you from being as outgoing and forward in love matters. May be very fearful, selfish and jealous or cold and calculating if Venus is badly aspected. Maybe an intense ambition and desire for prestige and status.

IN AQUARIUS. Affections expressed  in open, unconvential and rather detached way. Socializing, bringing people together and having so many friends and acquaintenances very much appeal to you. Because you value friendship so highly, may be more comfy being friend than lover. Highly dislike possessive, clingy relationships. Want to be free to do whatever want with whomever you like. Want intellectual or spiritual connection with partner and may even be preferred substitute over very intimate or emotional bonding. Need a partner who will give you plenty of freedom, allowing you to be own person and not be too demanding emotionally. Charming, happy and original, but also, calm and detached. Detachment is beneficial because you, as a rule, are never possessive of people or things. Feelings tend to be filtered through mind and intellectualized. Need to learn warmth and understanding.

IN PISCES. Affections are expressed in sympathetic, compassionate, soft hearted, romantic ways. Unselfishly give of yourself to those you love or to those who need or ask for help. You may be a sucker for any sort of sob story and perhaps give too much at times which make some overly dependent on you. Very idealistic in matters of love and this sometimes plays itself out whereby you become martyr or savior in relationships. Tend to be more compassionate than passionate and you become involved with others because they need love or need to be ‘saved’ and you want to help them rather than out of mutual attraction or pleasure. You attract and are attracted to those who are sensitive, imaginative, or musically artistically inclined. Desire is to find someone you can have a deep spiritual relationship with. Idealize love and have beautiful, romantic vision of what love can be. At times you can simply be in love. May be highly emotional, perhaps overly so, sensitive, artistic, compassionate, gentle and psychic. Can be too easy going or submissive and allow yourself to be taken advantage of because you don’t want other people to feel let down and you don’t like to make waves. You may have the attitude that you must suffer in love, and do so willingly.


IN ARIES. Aggressive, pioneering, adventurous, and always on the outlook to start new projects. Hate restraint and don’t like to be told to do something or how to do it. You want to lead, not follow. Maybe prone to accidents due to haste. You need to learn to stick to project until finished before rushing off on a new endeavor. At times, you can be headstrong, impulsive, and impatient. Waiting is not something that appeals to you. You go after what you want with great zeal and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Love competition and anything that allows you to test or prove yourself. Cooperation is not strong suite and you can be very self-willed, self absorbed and selfish at times. Me first attitude is strong in you. Self reliant and hate depending or relying on others. Need to be our own person and do things your way, even if might not be best way. Best talent is in getting things off ground quickly. If initial success doesn’t come quickly, you may get tired of that project and move to next. Sustaining is not strong side. Long term efforts not as appealing to you as quick short term affairs that you can finish with quickly so can start something else. Energy and enthusiasm are your strong side. Self control is important for you to learn so you don’t burn out. Physical activity and keeping things in shape appeals to you.

IN TAURUS. Once you set your mind on a goal, your dedication, determination and commitment to it are extraordinary. You never give up and find it difficult to change your mind or course in midstream. Whatever you have set your sights on, you refuse to give up or let go of it. Loyal to a fault, unless someone betrays your trust, then all heck can break loose. Patient and usually slow to anger unless someone takes you too far. That is when you charge, just like bull Taurus stands for. Reliable and consistent and can handle more of workload than most around you. Prefer regular routine, with definite hours and clearly defined responsibilities and tasks. Enjoy building and seeing results of hard work. Things you can put hands on appeal to you. Need to see practical results, no theory, and no satisfied with intangibles like just having a good time. At same time, you have a lazy comfort loving side and there is often a good deal of inertia for you to overcome before you get going. Once get momentum going, energy level is strong and steady. Keeping things going is strength, especially once someone else starts them. Material well being and security are large facets in determining what you do. Stamina and persistence are your great strength but can also work against you. You can get caught in a rut and refuse to seize new opportunities. You also tend to play it safe and to limit yourself in that way. Change scares you, so does disease and pain. At times you have a decided stubborn streak where no one can reach you. Possessiveness and jealousy may cause problems for you in relationships. Money and possessions are important to you for feelings of security they bring. Re-evaluate values. Sharing should be cultivated. Tongue may be quite unruly at times.

IN GEMINI. Mentally and physically you are the busy little bee. Constantly in motion with many and various activities, usually several at a time. Happiest when busy and hate boredom. Mind is alert, active, and constantly seeking to learn more. Absorb knowledge like sponge and you will debate and argue with anyone who wants a mental sparring match. Great deal of nervous tension or anxiety can exist with this position and it is important that you get regular exercise to relive the stress. You talk with your hands and may be ambidextrous or have mechanical ability. There is a need to think before acting and to have patience so that you keep yourself out of trouble. Sometimes just do things for sake of doing something and this is not always a good idea. Look before you leap. Travel appeals to you because you never know what you may learn or who might meet. Burns or accidents can occur to shoulders or arms, probably due to haste. You can accomplish a lot in short bursts, but projects that require long term commitment, stamina and steady persistent effort are not easy for you. Often scatter your energies into so many directors and activities at once you can’t finish or follow through on some of them. Need variety, change and mental challenges. Your mind is sharp and you enjoy mental challenges, games or competitions.  Matching wits with someone else really brings out competitor in you. Drive and energy is more mental than physical. You use your wit, intelligence, communication skills, social sophistication and awareness to achieve goals. Sarcasm and humor come easy to you. You need to learn how to conserve energy, so you don’t burn out and concentration so you will complete projects and carry through on promises.

IN CANCER. You avoid direct confrontations with others, preferring to side step issues or attack them indirectly. Aggressive, competitive behavior makes you uncomfy. Ego drive is not very strong and you are not especially ambitious or eager to push away to top. Inner satisfaction is more important to you. You may feel inadequate in situations that call for strong forceful  action. But when feel loved ones or your family or anyone you really care about is being threatened, then you will fight and defend with all the tenacity in the world. Brings out very strong protective side in you. In pulse and instinct take over and you will battle until end if needed. Your goals and actions tend to center around familiar and loved ones and they are very personal. Great sacrifices can be made for them, even though may be in wrong. Being sensitive to stress, you can’t handle high pressure, competitive situations very well. You can be very touchy, moody, irritable and difficult to be around when there are many demands or tensions at work. Energy level is not constant and is very dependent on emotional state at time, especially as regards your emotional harmony or discord at home. Should avoid eating when emotionally upset as plays havoc with digestive system. Hard working, sympathetic, moody, defensive. Tenacious, intuitive, instinctive, sensitive and perhaps over emotional. Control of emotions is important to health and well being.

IN LEO. Proud and have a big ego. Want to excel, to standout, and be recognized for who and what you are. You like to be #1. It is difficult for you to take orders or stay in background. Like to be noticed and will do things in dramatic manner just to get attention and be seen. Hate being wrong and may insist you are always right. Forceful, strong, energetic, artistically creative, determined, and highly competitive. Play hard, you play to win, and you do not give up easily. In fact, you see life as a competitive sport, game or performance. You love admiration and applause and you have a strong sense of personal honor and integrity. Tend to be very self confident, even arrogant. But may become self conscious, defensive and rather belligerent if your self-confidence is shaken. Tend to be enthusiastic rather impulsive, full of energy and ambitious. Very ardent in matters of love and will pursue your love interest with great fervor and passion, letting nothing get in way of desires. You don’t beat around the bush, but say exactly what you feel, often in an embarrassing direct way. On negative side, there may be a love of taking risks or of gambling.

IN VIRGO. Energetic worker, perfectionist, and have high standards for your own work. Often feel that if you want something done right, then you must do it yourself for others never do as through a job as you do. Doing a task well is very important to you, and you may labor over minute details that others not bother with. Constantly work for accuracy, efficiency, and precision and become very irritable when things are not done right. On other hand, you can become so much of a perfectionist and so self-critical that you will can’t even attempt many activities and projects, feelings that our efforts simply aren’t good enough. Usually very realistic in assessing what you can accomplish and if anything, you underestimate yourself. Good at conserving your energy and pacing yourself so that you don’t waste or diffuse your efforts. Sometimes an unwillingness to take risks or venture from the tried, beaten track can sometimes limit opportunities. You may not aim high enough and may settle for too little in life. You can be a worry wart and a fuss budget who gets lost in too many details.

IN LIBRA. Swing from being too pushy, aggressive, confrontational and insistent on doing things your own way to being too eager to please and too compromising. Have a strong attraction to opposite gender and if Mars is well aspected, then this brings popularity and good will. If Mars is badly aspected, then this can bring opposition and criticism from the public and the opposite gender, fickleness in love relationships and trouble from toying with affections of others. Desire for competition and cooperation swing back and forth. Seek a balance between acting independently and assertively and working cooperatively and interdependently with others. Desire for competition and cooperation swing back and forth. Seek a balance between acting independently and assertively and working cooperatively and interdependently with others. You may feel frustrated at time that you don’t simply do what you want to, that you must always accommodate needs and desires of others. May feel hesitant to act in a positive, assertive manner if you don’t have the support and approval of other people. Either way, not a loner. You achieve your goals by collaborating and joining forces with others, by being  a team player. Very concerned with concept of fairness and become quite vocal if sense someone is being taken advantage of. May be attracted to legal pursuits. Favor a balanced, moderate approach to living. Unlikely to push too hard or become fanatically driven to reach goals.

IN SCORPIO. Extremely strong willed and pursue your goals and desires with passionate dedication and determination. Capable of total concentration and tremendous discipline and you are very difficult to influence once your mind is made up. When you want something you can be very one-sided and almost obsessed with it. You tend to be instinctive, perceptive, determined, strong willed, stubborn, and magnetic. You have deep emotions and may occasionally show a primitive side. Need to learn self discipline or desire nature will rule life, probably call sing great sorrow in the end. Must learn to control your jealousy and possessiveness in matters of love. Certain amount of detachment in relationships would probably be good and this, of course, would include tendency to treat loved ones as possessions. You are very forceful in a quiet and subtle way and others may have difficulty in seeing or understanding motives. You can manipulate people in a way that is not obvious to them or others. Direct confrontation with others is not preferred style. Like operating behind scenes. You are a formidable opponent when riled. Matters of health, may be a tendency towards hemorrhoids.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Aspiring, enterprising, idealistic, and forever following some bright and distant star, planning some new venture or investigating new potentials that will expand horizons. You are a rolling stone. Aim high and not content simply with a quiet, secure existence. Like to stretch your limits, to see how far you can go and to take risks. Positive thinker expect success for yourself and philosophical about failures. Flexible and bounce back from disappointment rather quickly, usually with another hopeful new idea you want to try. Your enthusiasm and confidence are contagious and enable you to enlist the aid and support you need for projects. Sometimes promise than can actually deliver, due to over optimism or insufficient attention to practicalities involved. Tend to get distracted and sometimes have too many things going at once. May be very difficult for you, there are times when simply must develop and show commitment, perseverance and persistence. In order to make dreams and goals a concrete reality. Too often you fall short of what could attain because you are unwilling to persist through difficult or less exciting times. Enjoy competition and usually do not take it too seriously. Friendly, optimistic, impulsive, enthusiastic, independent and argumentative. Maybe active traveler. Energies need to be  used in physical outlets and may be an athlete. Tendency to exaggerate. May also have strong religious and philosophic convictions and can go crusading if feel cause is just. On negative side may be sharp tongued, quarrelsome, disagreeable, self righteous, verbose, intolerant, and dishonest.

IN CAPRICORN. Action serve your ambitions for power, recognition, distinction, and status. Not content to follow but must have a leading role in whatever you do. If not handled well, the energies of this placement can make you appear ruthless, manipulative and bulldozing over anyone who stands in your way. You are efficient, tenacious, organized, dedicated, practical, disciplined and standfast in your resolve to feel successful. Your drive and energy are directed toward practical material accomplishment and achieving concrete results. Are hard-working and capable of foregoing immediate comfort in order to achieve your long range goals. Can easily become a workaholic and are very responsible and conscientious about doing a thorough job. You don’t tend to gamble when it comes to implementing your plans but generally prefer the conservative, tried and true route and then following through with it. You rely on your own efforts and perseverance rather than luck or good fortune. Natural shrewdness and instinct for business or organizational management. Tend to be ambitious, persistent, patient, self reliant and responsible. You are apt to be slow in learning, but this is total assimilation of knowledge. Energy is carefully used. Success is very important to you. On negative side you may have a quick irritability  which needs to be controlled and a tendency to feel resentment toward others for supposed hurts. Need to learn how to forgive and forget and how to release your emotions and frustrations positively.

IN AQUARIUS. Energies are expressed in unique and original ways. May be genius shown in way you go about things. Are inventive, scientific, bit eccentric, unconventional and perhaps a bit rebellious. Working with others to get things done appeals to you. Enjoy taking part in sociable, group activities and unite with others of similar ideals and persuasions. Are progressive, democratic, and you are not concerned with hogging personal power or having authority over others. You are a team player. New and unusual methods of work, planning, and technology appeal to you. Energy levels are usually high, but they can be erratic at times and may find a tendency to work in spurts. Can be impatient and inconstant in pursuing your desires. You are intellectual, cautious, independent, freedom-loving and enterprising. You respond well to emergencies. May be interests in mechanical or scientific subjects. Science fiction may intrigue you. May need to control a radical or rebellious streak within and remember that in certain cases haste does make waste. ON negative side can be too aggressive, quarrelsome, contentious, and perverse.

IN PISCES. Your energies and aggressions tend to come out in non combative and noncompetitive ways. A bit of pacifist and not enjoy tackling anyone or anything head-on in a directly confrontational manner. Learning self control is important for you. Take action, not only day dream. Working around people or situations or working behind the scenes, in secret, is more preferred style. If necessary, it is more your tendency to give up something rather than to fight for it. Because your ego is not especially interested in personal achievement, glorification, material advantage, or winning at expense of someone else, you may come across to others as weak-willed or ineffectual. Being on top, being the best, or being first doesn’t mean much to you, hence you can be quite happy in a supporting role, working for benefit of others or for a cause you behave in. May experience difficulties in planning clear and definite goals for yourself in the real world. You are not sure what you want out of life except you instinctively seem to know that you do have and need to find a spiritual purpose. You have many dreams, high ideals, and a strong mystical or religious impulse. Also have creative imagination and can successfully apply yourself to art or music. You are intuitive, humorous and diplomatic, quiet on outside but restless within. On negative side can be indecisive, procrastinating, too interested in sensual side of life and may resort to using drugs or alcohol as a way to escape pressures and responsibilities of dealing with everyday life.


IN ARIES. Enthusiastic, assertive, energetic and filled with many ideas on how to grow, start, promote, or expand the ideas which fill your head. Opinionated and can be very persuasive in getting people to go a long way with your plans and ideas. Like dealing with big picture and have leadership qualities. A need to learn patience and to think before you act is probable. Your tendency to promise more than you can deliver should be watched. Tolerance of other people’s ideas and viewpoints should also be developed. You have ability to sell things, ideas, material goods, philosophies. Over-optimism, conceit, self centeredness, false pride and fanaticism over some cause may be your biggest shortfalls with this position.

IN TAURUS. Desire to expand the world around you with practical, tangible, material things. Rewards you expect from your efforts must be material in nature. As gesture of appreciation a simple thank you is not as good as some little something concrete that you can hold and see. Generous with your possessions and share freely what you have but only if the cause such action. Nature tends to be a bit extravagant or self indulgent and it is up to you to control your desire nature. May be stubborn in your philosophical or religious beliefs, needing proof of anything before believing.  Fear of sickness and pain. Money and material possessions can come to you but you must use your wisely, else they will get you into trouble. Great love of rich or sweet food may lead you to become overweight. Control of palate and of lower nature should be observed.

IN GEMINI. Clever, witty, and cheerful. Love traveling because of knowledge you gain from your experiences and the people you meet. May be a natural talent for learning and speaking foreign languages. Excessive nervous energy may lead to agitated speech or in the tendency to talk too much or promise more than you can deliver. Can be literary ability of a marked degree. Your mind is inventive, with a love of mathematics or other abstract subjects, along with ability to understand them. Constantly looking for those things in life which will expand your horizons and own mental outlook or philosophy of life. Various religions or aspects of law may interest you mentally.

IN CANCER. Loving, peaceful, friendly, sociable, sympathetic, and probably very patriotic. Most vivid imagination and have many utopian dreams. Probably interest in mystical things. Have good financial judgement, especially after midlife. Much help is received from the parents. May have weight problems, especially later in life because you do enjoy delicacies of dinner table. Full potential may not be reched until middle or later life. May be a tendency towards stinginess, holding on too long to memories and possessions. May be a pack rate. Maudlin sentimentality and over emotionalism may also be problems for you.

IN LEO. Generous, kind, compassionate and altruistic. Have organizing and executive abilities and crave positions of trust and responsibility, never being content to simply follow. You have an abundance of energy and a strong constitution. Love anything that tends to uplift society. On negative side, though, you can become cruel, sensual, egotistical, ostentacious, abnormally fond of pleasure and subject to loss through speculation and gambling. Need to be admired for your generosity and warm-heartedness to all.

IN VIRGO. Have a cautious, intellectual, analytical and practical nature with uncanny ability to sift the wheat from the chaff and determine essential from non essential and truth from the fiction. Your judgment is usually excellent and this helps bring success in business or work in general. Have a strong desire to expand your field of knowledge and to develop technical skill. On negative side, you can at times by cynical, carping, critical, and mistrusting of others. Can be times when you get lost in details and lose bigger picture. Dislike for exercise.

IN LIBRA. Philosophical, sympathetic, and friendly. Expand your horizons and grow through using your ability to be outgoing with and well-liked by others. You ability to encourage others towards greater efforts. There is a love for beautiful things and perhaps an interest in art or law. On negative side, there is danger of self indulgence or extravagance and a desire to improve social status through marriage rather than establishing a partnership based on true love. There may be more concern to demonstrate to world that marriage has been successful rather than happy. Much expense may be incurred through partnership, perhaps on account of the marriage partner’s extravagant tastes.

IN SCORPIO. Tend to be efficient and hard working, with flair for business and finance. Resourceful and willing to do all the work necessary in the fulfillment of a task. You are secretive, but there is also great inner strength and courage. Have a magnetism that draws people to you. You have an ardent, aggressive, self reliant nature and enthusiastic, constructive mind. On the negative side, there may be trouble and loss through the indulgence of the lower nature and love of rich and expensive food and sickness on that account. Any tendencies for wild speculation and risk taking should be controlled. This is interest in the occult. Strong healing abilities may be present. These energies are meant to be used to gain a higher consciousness and greater universal wisdom.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Big hearted, idealistic, loyal, generous, humane, broad-minded, philosophical and tolerant. May be interest in religion, law, higher education or anything abstract. May be prophetic and inspirational and can inspire trust in other people. Are attracted to your sense of honor and integrity. Strong desire to help others and have ability to inspire them to help themselves. May be in a position of power and prestige or work in the professions. Tend to be conservative because of a desire for people to like you. Must watch a tendency to justify yourself by rationalization. On negative side, you may be too foond of sport or gambling, fond of cheap or extravagant display, self righteous, narrow minded, intolerant, dogmatic and atheistic.

IN CAPRICORN. Positive qualities are honesty, sincerity, faithfulness, ingenuity, resourcefulness and some degree of mechanical ability. Your attempts at growth, expansion, meeting new opportunity and getting ahead in the world are met with reserve, discipline, caution, system, practicality and organization. You have a desire for material success yet this may not bring satisfaction or happiness if gained. There may be a tendency toward miserliness and withholding yourself from rest of the world, financially and emotionally. You hate waste, are self reliant and self controlled, and possess a desire to have authority over others. You can rise to great heights if you stay honest, truthful, respectful, and keep nose clean doing everything above board.

IN AQUARIUS. Humanitarian and are concerned with the welfare of all people. You believe in the universality of life and the brotherhood of man. Reforms and large group projects appeal to you as they give you wide scope for your own personal growth and expansion. Work well with others because of your inventive mind, keen judgment, fine intellect and friendliness. Intuitive, tolerant, and sociable. Make an ideal diplomat, labor relation specialist or personnel manager because of your knack for handling various groups of people.

IN PISCES. Your needs for growth and expansion are perhaps best satisfied when are working to help raise mankind to be a higher spiritual level. recognize that all in this together and what is bad for one is bad for all. Sympathetic, charitable, genial, unassuming, quiet, visionary, intuitive, with a subtle sense of humor. Have an interest in spiritual or metaphysical ideas and issues, but you need to find your own path and experience truth for yourself. Periodically retreating from society and the people closest to you is good for your nerves and own mental health. Strong desire you have to help others comes out in your willingness to help the unfortunate. Volunteer in hospitals, jails, or other places of confinement. Give hope to those who need it most. Probably love nature and large animals, especially horses. There ma be an interest in healing. Negative side you may be hypersensitive, over-emotional, too sentimental, have a tendency to exaggerate, or to be too extravagant or self indulgent.


IN ARIES. Best Saturn quality = system, best quality of Aries leadership. If Saturn in Aries, can be very capable leader, one who knows what to do and not afraid of going out and doing it no matter what it takes or how long it takes. Combat and competiveness spur you on to greater achievements. Self reliance is high within you and you probably feel that you are more capable than those around you hence you may end up doing all the work, which may antagonize you If you feel that others are not hodling up their end of things. Saturn’s worst quality is selfishness and Aries worst quality is interference with plans of others. Therefore, you are also capable of  meddling and trying to run the affairs of others. May run rough shod over them in trying to get them to do your will rather than their own. Can be a real slave driver. You dislike restraint of any kind and don’t take kindly to others telling you what to do. Remember this as you give the orders. Obstructions, frustrations, and limitations come into play in your pioneering, self starting efforts. Freedom comes only through responsibility and discipline. Impatience can ruin all good work you try to do. Caution may need to be developed in carrying out of your plans. Stability and security are important to you and you work with those thoughts in mind. Feelings of being inadequate may spur you on to tackle immense undertakings in order to feel more valued or worthy. Stress from trying to accomplish too much may make you prone to headaches. Saturn in Aries calls for you to be self sacrificing.

IN TAURUS. Very persistent in carrying out your goals. Can be overly concerned with material possessions and in wanting to squirrel away too much for that proverbial rainy day. Tend to place too much emphasis on material goods and possessions for security and if carried too far, you can become miserly and miserable due to worrying about what might happen tomorrow and will you have enough money to cover things. You need to re-evaluate your values and where true security comes from. On positive side, you are a tireless worker and have patience, caution, determination, discipline, organizing ability and can go to distance when those a round you fall. Hard work is your forte. Feelings are serious, well controlled, and not easily changed, although at times it may be hard for you to forgive and forget. Loyalty is important to you. Building structures that last is a need you have.

IN GEMINI. Thinking is deliberate and serious you possess organization skills, concentration, and mental stability. Can focus on deep and difficult matters and come up with practical solutions to problems. Enjoy learning. There may also be tendencies towards cynicism, depression, and pessimism. Nervous tension can be a problem and the intake of air into the lungs or oxygenation of blood can be restricted. Lungs need plenty of oxygen. It is best for you to sleep in a well ventilated room. Saturn here steadies your mind and helps control the natural flightiness of Gemini. This is a good position for Saturn, but you may need to develop faith in future. Will be important for you to discipline your mind and learn to think and act methodically if you are to be successful in anything.

IN CANCER. Protective and persevering and you worry over loved ones. You can be moody, fearful, and insecure, perhaps because you feel unloved, probably by 1 or both parents. These feelings may bring on within you feelings of inadequacy toward your own ability to be a parent. As a parent you may be very demanding and a strict disciplinarian to your children. Emotional depression is something you need to conquer. Unconscious fear of being hurt by others can cause you to withdraw from too close an emotional involvement with others. You are kind, but may lack empathy. Yo ucan be so busy protecting yourself from hurts that you are unable to see hurts of others. There is a tendency for improper digestion due to lack of certain digestive juices in stomach. It would be best if you did not drink liquids with your meals (except milk which is food). There is a need to curb the appetite, as it can get you into trouble. Land and property may give you emotional security and alleviate feelings of not having something to fall back on.

IN LEO. Possess diplomatic, organizing, executive and leadership ability along with a strong will. Tend to be self reliant, conservative, and extremely efficient. May have difficulty expressing your emotions and your affections, which may make you appear cold and unloving. But may not know how to go about giving or receiving it, thus you may isolate self from others. Love is motivated by strong feelings of duty and responsibility and show your love by taking care of business and doing what is required or by giving material things to loved ones instead of yourself, which is what they really want. May be cruel and quick tempered, jealous, and may resort to underhanded means to satisfy your ambitions. Heart trouble is possible with this position. Need to be admired for your ability to get things done efficiently and effectively.

IN VIRGO. Industrious, efficient, practical, exacting, scientific, organized, shy, thrifty, studious, economical and punctual. Common sense and ability to manage others but may be a bit of perfectionist. Detailed work don’t bother you and you are able to focus and concentrate on the various menutia of any project. Mind is deep and analytical and probably have a good head for numbers. May be prone to periods of depression or be prone to hypochondriac tendency’s. work is usually neat and orderly and you dislike messes and dirt. May be a desire for solitude. Need to stay busy because boredom brings unnecessary worry. Don’t allow yourself to be critical of others.

IN LIBRA. Dipolomatic, tactful, balanced judgement which inspires trust. Matters if health there may be urinary problems or trouble with the kidneys. Saturn tends to obstruct the filtering action of kidneys, allowing toxic elements to stay in blood stream and intoxicate the body. Drinking distilled rather than spring, mineral or tap water would be better for your kidneys. There is a need for you to cooperate and share in harmony, patience and love with other people. Marriage or partnerships may be restricting, requiring hard work and discipline so you may learn lessons of cooperation rather than competition. Marriage and partnerships give you a sense of security and for that reason you seek them out. May marry for practical reasons, for money, or someone a lot older or younger. Various possibilities exist with this position. May take great trouble to find a mate who is able to demonstrate a similar integrity and this marry at a later age than most or you may choose an older partner or a contemporary who is apt to be austere or undemonstrative. Desire for perfection may you too demanding in marriage or your view of marriage may be too conventional or old fashioned. Saturn is badly aspected, then you may be cold or regard marriage as a joke with which you don’t care to burden yourself. Lastly may tell self you will never find partner who will measure up to requirements.

IN SCORPIO. Very self disciplined. Executive ability and perceptive and extremely capcable. May have psychic ability. People may find you difficult to understand because of your reserved exterior and secretiveness. Mind may be mechanically oriented and you are resourceful, even under the most adverse circumstances, patient and persistent. Action and energy of Mars is combined with the forethought of Saturn in a most wonderful combination. Whatever you do is done with intensity. Danger of stubbornness, revenge, lack of forgiveness, resentment and ruthlessness. Tendencies to grub for money and prestige can cause harm. There can be health problems with constipation or hemorrhoids. Need to transform your desires. Need to learn when and how to let go. Also applies to eliminative bodily functions. Holding onto anger can cause stories to develop in the gall bladder or kidneys.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Gives charitable and philanthropic turn to mind with desire to benefit and uplift mankind through discipline, system and self help under just laws and true religious impulse. Brings trust, respect, and honor in all undertakings. Intuitive, philosophical, independent, and persistent. Mental maturity comes later in life and promises success. Generous with wonderfully developed sense of responsibility. Have administrative and scientific abilities. Benefit can be gained from meditations and introspection. May have poor circulation in hips and legs. Need physical exercise and fresh air, especially in sleeping quarters. Negative side, may be cynical, atheistic, selfishly amibitious, dogmatic, insincere and sarcastic. Need for everything to be proven before believe is possible.

IN CAPRICORN. Ambitious, self-controlled and have organizing ability. Can be disciplined, patient, hard worker who eventually receives the deserved rewards. Tendency to take life very seriously and duty and responsibility are very important to you. You understand that time and suffering serve a purpose and that happiness is not the final goal of existence. May find it difficult to divide energies between work and play. Have ability to translate abstract concepts into concrete terms. May experience feelings of loneliness and inadequacy and that could be 1 reason why you tend to work so long and hard. On negative side, prestige and social standing may be extremely important to you and you will be tempted to do whatever you have to in order to acquire them. Selfishness and great love and desire for power can also be present.

IN AQUARIUS. Possess practical common sense, self discipline and inner sources of strength which provide stamina. Although humane in nature with friendly and sympathetic disposition, you may have difficulty in understanding other people’s goals. Need to learn tolerance for other people and must develop forgiveness. You have the ability to exercise system, organization, discipline, and tact in unusual and non traditional ways. Can think ahead and plan things with inventive flair. Seeing things in whole new way’s 1 of strengths. Tendency is to be serious, in personal, detached and scientific. On negative side you can be opinionated, vindictive, cold and uncaring with tendency to get quite aggravated if your plans are met with opposition.

IN PISCES. May be difficult for you to set boundaries for yourself and others, or to be as disciplined and organized as you want or need to be. Things have a way of getting lost in shuffled of every day life and it may be hard for you to keep your touch on the pulse of things around you. Sometimes you just get lost in fog and can’t see your way clearly. Intuitive, sympathetic, sensitive , imaginative and self sacrificing. May have sense that present life’s troubles are due to actions from the past. And this is probably the truth. Must reap what you have sown in previous lives and Saturn comes to exact his payment. Perhaps this is why you tend to feel more sorrow, perhaps, than the usual person. There can be success in working in institutions. Can be indecisive and moody, with a tendency to react emotionally to negatie conditions or people. Depression can set in if success escapes you or if you feel that you have been unfairly treated. Need to develop faith in future and let go of the past. Dis-identifying from other people’s troubles will allow you to help them in own sorrows. Teaching what you have learned in experiences is a fine road to soul growth.


IN ARIES. Energy and assertiveness of Aries compliments the forthright, nervous energy of Uranus. Unless negatively aspected, Uranus here should endow plenty of originality and the motivation to use it in positive ways. There will be erratic tendencies, however, and patience is no enhanced. Placing highlights the search for what is new, out of ordinary and different. Self confidence and leadership power is reinforced. However, possible fool hardiness must be checked, since it can surface in an extremely eccentric way with the individual becoming involved in silly daredevil feats. Caution must be developed.

IN TAURUS. Taurus highlights stubborn quality of Uranus. If other fixed signs are prominent in chart, individual may proudly say, ‘once I’ve made up my mind I don’t change it.’ However, chart tends towards indecision, with a powerful emphasis on Libra or Pisces, this is a good placing since it gives a combination of stability and Uranian originality. Either way, placement makes for opposing tendencies. On the one hand, the fixed influences of Taurus makes 1 want to be conventional. Clashes with natural Uranian urge to break free from all conventions. If balance is achieved, we often find an original and practical individual which his when Uranus in Taurus is at its best.

IN GEMINI. A lively placing, endowing originality, quick thinking and often brilliant ideas. Here is excellent potential. Mercury and Jupiter are well placed in chart, this adds a sharp attitude and quick responses. Good for literary or academic work, a career in media or communications. Poorly aspected, Gemini’s restlessness will be a problem. Mars is involved in negative aspects to Uranus, distress, worry, and headaches may be a problem. Relaxation techniques such as yoga may help.

IN CANCER. Changeable moodiness of Cancer, combined with unpredictability of Uranus, may at times cause problem. If you have Uranus in Cancer, friends may never know what to expect from you. Uranus is a cold, unemotional planet, always encouraging logical, clear cut action, while Cancer is all intuition and very emotional. If Uranus is a personal planet, this can be a source of tension for the individual. Instead of trying to choose between opposing extremes, the individual would do well to let 1 complement the other. At its best this placing enhances the imagination, making it very original.

IN LEO. With Uranus in Leo there is increased energy and boldness. Because of Leo’s fixed quality, stubbornness may be a problem. Self confidence is boosted and sometimes there is a liking for power. If properly managed, a talent for leadership arises. These individuals often have a creative flair.

IN VIRGO. Potential source of tension, especially if the individual is rather nervous or ancsiou, or if tension is evident in other areas of chart. These energies can be put to good use as they will inject the mind with ability to analyze and research, and will also encourage a certain originality of approach to any problem or project that is under consideration. Since Virgo is an Earth sign, tends to be conventional the familiar and well tried is preferred, yet Uranus’ influence is quite the reverse, encouraging original thoughts an actions and often unconventional behavior.

IN LIBRA. Add glamour, more power of attraction, and more of a romantic streak to Uranus’. But if Uranus or Venus is a personal planet, problems may arise when the Uranian desire for independence fights with Libran desire to relate to others. In this case, the individual may want a partnership but not a partner. Placing of Uranus makes for an excellent, caring, helpful, and sympathetic friend. These tracts should be developed for use in intimate relationships as well.

IN SCORPIO. Gives extra power and intensity. Brave and daring, but tend to avoid showing emotions or even reject them. These individuals should find constructive outlets for emotional tension. Placing indicates a potential, or a need, for power. Influence will be greatest if sun, Moon, or Ascendant is in Scorpio, or if Uranus is near midheaven. Need for power streams from a desire to help heal world in some way. Great potential here, but if this energy is misdirected, life may drag these individuals down.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Opens mind and makes more original. Placement makes for lively individual with good sense of humor and very good brains. Sagittarius influence adds an adventurous spirit to Uranian humanitarian desire. Mean these individuals will be useful in fixing our world.

IN CAPRICORN. Somewhat boxed in by Capricorn. Benefit is ability to put problems into coherent and logical perspective. However, conflicts will arise when Uranus’ unpredictability and shock tactics try to express themselves. Capricorn is most conventional sign, preferring to do things the proper way. Here Uranus’ energy is concentrated and may be put to good use.

IN AQUARIUS. These people will have many of the general Aquarius traits. May be friendly and humanitarian, but independent and emotionally detached. Influence is greater than usual here because its in its own sign. As always its influence increases even more if Uranus is a personal planet in chart.

IN PISCES. Idealism, sympathy, sensitivity and sacrifice for others is joined with humanitarianism and logical thinking. There is much creative potential here. As with any potential it must be channeled correctly or else the individual must be aware of escapist tendencies. Helpful people.


IN CANCER. Sensitivity, emotions, and intuition is heightened as is an inclination to worry.

IN LEO. Flair for creative work and photography may be present, glamorous and dramatic air.

IN VIRGO. Tends to lower the self confidence resulting in a feeling of inner discontent. If Virgo is prominent in the chart, Neptune in Virgo will stimulate the imagination that is sometimes lacking with Earthy Virgo.

IN LIBRA. Most vulnerable to Neptune’s placing in Libra. Confusion or delusion may be present; if rest of the chart indicates laziness or lack of self confidence Neptune in Libra will increase that influence. If not a personal planet and Libra isn’t prominent then it won’t be a problem. In that case, Neptune in Libra will endow the individual with sympathy and kindness.

IN SCORPIO. High emotional intensity, but in a strong and powerful way. Well aspected and personalized, talents and ambition will be inspired.

IN SAGITTARIUS. There is humanitarian awareness. If prominent in chart, may be generational leader.

IN CAPRICORN. May be a flair for creative use of natural material. Placing makes for a determined but cautious individual who will not likely be vulnerable to the escapist tendencies of Neptune. Not likely to take easy way out of difficult situations.

IN AQUARIUS. Humanitarianism at its best.Since Aquarius adds some backbone to the sensitive qualities of Neptune.


IN GEMINI. Inquisitiveness, curiosity, and skepticism.

IN CANCER. Heightened levels of intuition and emotion; negatively aspected,  can be psychological blockage; business orientation is indicated elsewhere in chart, Pluto in Cancer increases it in form of intuitive shrewdness.

IN LEO. Heightened powers of leadership, especially if Pluto or Leo is prominent in chart; Virgo is not emphasized anywhere else in chart, may not be a problem. Possible tendency to overcritical.

IN LIBRA. Tendency to want to rock boat in relationships if Sun or Moon is in Libra, there will be an active sex life; Pluto is negatively aspected, may be sexual problem. Libra is prominent in chart, or if Pluto is a personal planet, jealousy and possessively will be a problem.

IN SCORPIO. At home in Scorpio its influence is greater here. Adds intensity and sense of purpose. Pluto is negatively aspected, there may be psychological problems. Pluto is in 10th house, expression of power will be noticeable.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Wisdom in healing and transformation.


IN TAURUS. Own their pain, own it so much that they can appear to be masochists. Get comfy with pain. Here you have a whole batch of people who stay in painful situations longer than they should. Don’t enjoy but deal with it slowly. To beign with, the blows that they endured were slow and long lasting. Sense pain on an early plane. Physically materialistically real to them. This isn’t something that can be easily blown off. Takes time to work through or wallow in pain before deciding to make best of it. They do finally make something beautiful and valuable come from their suffering. Ultimately serves to inspire others. Pain and healing Can’t heal until they wallow in agony for a while then finally arise, new and improved and build real value out their pain. Process of building something valuable that makes Chiron in Taurus feel better. Be proud, learned how to build real value. Learned how to use cards you were dealt to build beautiful  things. Not just real, but rebuilds and improves.

IN ARIES. Deal with personal injuries, both physical and psychological. Not regular victims. Others may not be able to tell that these people have had deep injuries. Shake off pain and move forward quickly. Extremely resilitent. Their friends who fed their pain more than they themselves do. Chiron in Aries people will be the ones telling you to suck it up when you’re hurt. About pain and healing. Heal quickly, without much thought, blazing trails even while warm blood drips from open wounds. May think insensitive, until you find out just how many painful, damaging experiences they have had. Then you’ll wonder how they even survived. Learn quickly to simply get up and carry on. Forged in fire. Hurt a lot, learned to get over it and carry on. Don’t have to experience the same problem more than once to learn. Can teach others if talk about it. Regenerate and revive.


Lunar apogee, not physical body, but rather a mathematical point. Can’t do much until someone contacts it. When another person’s planet or point touches your black moon Lilith with caution. Will be lured in, nevertheless. Consider yourself warned. Hebrew legend, 1st woman = Lilith. Wanted to be own and equal. Reps creative energy that unites sex with spirituality. Instinct of enjoyment and dark force that exists in every creative process. Ability to enjoy. Instincts and nature is powerfully intuitive.

IN ARIES. Pushes you to jump into action, even beyond own desires. Passionate tendencies and great sensuality. Fight for causes that you consider fair. Value individualism. Firmly defend POVs. Lights sky on darkest nights of soul. Bewitched by most basic instincts. Sensuality is overflowing. Very direct in love, throwing yourself on object of your affection, even with violence. Partner can reject you. In negative people, dark side of sexuality can become cruel and brutal. If this is the case, they will suffer much displeasure in marriage due to their being repeatedly unfaithful. To work well, be true to yourself examine what circumstances makes you jump or provoke you, and why.

IN TAURUS. Trial = sensuality and money. Can give a great eagerness to have or accumulate whatever you see. Can also make you decide to give up all possessions. Indicates a very stubborn person. Influences in an extreme way (when conjunction to sun or moon), it can give greed or poverty. Makes for lustful bull. Sex is very necessary in your life but forget about wine and roses. If natal chart doesn’t have anything to contract, then adds to your sexual style an excessive side, while not adding kind side. Excessive sexual side may only be known by those with whom you are most intimate. Lowest instincts can appear in both men and women and lead them to the pursuit of pleasure for pleasure itself. May be total denial of sex and thus an incurable impotence or sexual frigidity, which leads to loneliness. May think sex is only object of love. Partner can perceive this as a lack of love and it can destabilize your relationship. Sex can be denied to you. Then will seek peace by sexual misconduct, revenge and extreme release with the intention of escaping from sexual denial. To work well, monetary situation liberate or enslave you. Ponder belongings you want ot have. What do you consider to be yours. Treat money and possessions according to scale and values. Remember people are not possessions and sex isnt’ equal to love.

IN GEMINI. Most important personal trials wll be in your way of communicating and relating with others. Methods of communication may be definitive test for full manifestation of your qualities. Must take full advantage of intelligence and sensitivity, because otherwise can fall into being a provocateur. Planet of eloquence, will seek to captivate their ‘prey’ by means of words. Instead of innocently picking up a date, tend to seduce a partner to satisfy their personal pride. Men prone to acting like a Don Juan. Can partner up just to prance around with trophy. Once achieve prize, they go in. Search of more and more without giving much consideration to the havoc that they cause. Sex can become only objective, using mental sharpness to reach desired end. Will be prime example of a lack of ethics. They will promise what they will not fulfill. Feature more toned because move calculating. Look for alliances with material ends. Not easy to conquer a woman with Black Moon Lilith in Gemini. And if she were to have a lover, no one would ever know. Both men and women can be superficial in love. Care more about appearances than anything else. If really fall in love, can lose mind. To work well, try to be yourself in the way you communicate. Decide if you want to use your communication ability to support your personal relationships, or to show off your intelligence like an immature youth.

IN CANCER. Family will be test to overcome. Sooner or later will need to make own definition of home and family. 1 of biggest challenges will be to examine past family ties. Highly interested in linking yourself to a team, group or community. Some cases, involves delays in having children. Reveal sexual impulses, black Moon can also reveal inhibitions. Sexuality mostly manifested in daydreams. Love relationship, may be exaggeratedly jealous. May prioritize having sense of ownership over partner, rather than spirituality of union. May suffer when it comes to sexual relationships. May end up having to marry someone just for having given them pleasure. In antiquity, if woman gave body marriage was mandatory. In private, Cancer shyness disappears and opposite effect can take place: you lose any moderation and inhibitions and you become daring. Some cases, prefer to watch because you don’t dare to personally try something. May like to watch a striptease feel it guards your integrity if you look but don’t touch. Passion surrounds you to the point that it suffocates you, sometimes leading you to solitude in middle of best marriage. Sometimes, sexuality don’t correspond to reality. To work well, ask yourself what to do in order to free yourself from the burdens of past or childhood. Think about what kind of family relationships would motivate you to fullest.

IN LEO. Must learn where your creative abilities and your core essence reside. If you don’t discover your true self, may feel driven to seek attention or social recognition, or to act out exaggerated shows in order to make yourself noticed. Personality you express must be authentically yours and not forced. Love is centered on yourself, narcissism. Men and women seek to be honored for their beauty and physical appearance. Can cause disappointments by taking advantage of partner and by not recognizing your sexual emotional mistakes. tendency to lie, if become unfaithful you will, out of pride, play misunderstood victim when you know inwardly that you betrayed your partner. Repressed sexual impulses focus on I want. May have unspoken internal conflicts. Can overflow and cuase you to exercise power and dominion over partner or children just because or as Aesop said ‘because I am the lion.’ Focus your time on what passions really are, not look so much for recognition from others. To work well look for identity without falling into the world of appearances.

IN VIRGO. Affects your daily activities. Will be one sided and likely fall to the extreme: either obsessive compulsive and perfectionist, or very messy. Can also give you a lucid expression of sexuality or on contrary a repression of instincts. Should develop your own ideas regarding health and sense of discretion. Reveals certain hidden aspects, even things that you don’t about yourself. Will notice that your way of loving is somewhat self seeking. You give of yourself, with condition that you can get some benefit from the relationships. It is not necessarily about money, although it doesn’t exclude it. May boast about a knowledge that you don’t have. You may put material security above your desires. Choose a partner who doesn’t bring problems, or more, on that resolves yours. Everything would indicate that you go in search of security. You expect too much, you seek an ideal love rather than realistic love. In terms of sexuality, you are able to achieve what set out for and hide infidelities. Quite dangerous since you can lose your head very easily, sexually – speaking. In worst extreme case, your inhibitions will prevent you from developing your sexual life normally. Rather than endure sexual dissatisfaction, you would prefer to stay alone. These inhibitions will affect your health. Best case, you could transform yourself into a meditative ascetic, but always regretting not finding your other half. Feel like victim for finding yourself in inferior conditions. In those cases you should know that its up to you to decide what your body does and that you have the right to choose. Your frustrations will be visible and difficult to solve. Not because they are too big of a problem, but because they are many simple little limitations that you impose on self. To work well, reflect on why you’re not integrating more into professional field; is it that you’re afraid of failure; do you want tobe perfectionist at work?

IN LIBRA. Main test will be in area of personal relationships, ethics, and how you are your degree of magnetism or attraction. If works well, everything will go wonderfully in these matters. However, you can also be too uncompromising or perfectionist, especially with your partner and social relationships. On other hand, you might believe that society or your parter demand too much from you. Sex is leading interest, not just sex but physical beauty or giving great importance to external aspect. Joy is expressed with sexual energy. Takes only some perfume/cologne and a little alcohol to stiulate you and put you in the mood for physical relationships. If Lilith has bad aspects, by birth or transit, you become aggressive and you dramatize the sexual relationship. In this position, Lilith is not so dangerous, although she is ruthless. Hide your vulnerability with cynicism. To work well, think about what you really expect from others and to what extent you want to get involved in your relationships, learn to enjoy your 1:1 relationships with serenity and peace. Look for inner beauty and harmony, not only external.

IN SCORPIO. Must overcome tests concerning passion sexuality and ability to penetrate hidden mysteries. Can exert a great transforming power over others in a positive or negative sense, according to rest of your birthchart. Need intense experiences. Scorpio fascination for sex dates back to your youth, when your intense curiosity was mainly aimed at unveiling all that the mysteries and taboos that were imposed by family. In private, can take it to the extreme, either to 1 side or the other of sexual limits. Towards inhibition of all eroticism or towards the most unbridled sexuality. There is a danger of exhibitionism and voyeurism in both men and women. Those who have very complicated and inharmonious birth charts are the most sadistic beings. To work well would you be beneficial for you to know what attracts you to mysterious things or people; avoid acting in an extremist way; consider that in addition to all the darkness in the world, there is also beauty and harmony.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Test maybe abroad in a foreign land. Should learn how to combine your wildest or most adventurous side with your more accommodating and conservative side. If works well, you will be attracted to development of your intellect and spirituality. Mixes money with love. Anyone who has Lilith in Sagittarius can invest money to get emotional benefits. Paying for love in this way can lead to ruin. Usually involved in legal proceedings or beign slandered for sexual reasons or enduring revenge for infidelities. Perhaps you may practice adultery because you are not exactly contained sexually. Love for novelty can induce you to infidelity in most blatant way, but with false sense that you are innocent. Can live with 2 lovers under 1 roof, maintain 2 homes at same time or even group relationships. You can also find in ambiguous situations such as falling in love with your best friend’s spouse. For you all is fair in love and war. To work well, think about what adventures you need to live out in order for you to experience fullness or break out of your current boundaries. Avoid falling into major social nonconformity.

IN CAPRICORN. Test is related to your sense of responsibility and foresight. May experience delays in finding or developing your career. If black moon works well, you will have a sense of discipline and duty, so you will achieve prestige. However, can also be too cold or demanding of others. Symbolizes inhibition of some form without necessarily having to do with sex. Leads to solitude and introversion and deepens the inner life even more. As for sexuality, we find it diminished to the point of sublimating it or literally rejecting it. On rare occasions approach to boddy is through auto eroticism. Can be forms of love with people of very old age in which simple friendship prevails. To work well, reflect on your feelings and ability to love and understand others. Not close yourself off learn to make concessions, think about what your role in society is.

IN AQUARIUS. Test has to do with personal freedom and feeling of individuality or differentiation from others. If works well will be an independent but friendly person. Otherwise could demand freedom at all costs or be a rebel without cause. Or you might be afraid to experience freedom, even if you crave it. Sexuality manifest itself in permanent change and in a very varied ways. People with Lilith in Aquarius look for new erotic sensation-ism which fantasy plays an important role. There are periods in which the libido is remarkable and others where abstinence wins. Then you remain in as state of incomprehensible chastity. Can appear tame but when you come into contact with your victim, you are lasciviously devouring. All instincts are always on edge. Sometimes don’t know anything then marry and know a lot. You fear nothing, adventure is reason for being and expect nothing from partner. Hard to separate good from bad. Always have doubts in emotional/sexual sphere. Lead to disappointments. Desire becomes goal. Confuse friendship with sex. Get to experience disturbing sensations. Not always satisfactory to you because you usually make bad choices in a partner. Sexual instinct is anarchic and destroys all taboos. Tend to experiment in all areas in a varied and bold way. To work well, beneficial for you to reflect on what freedom is to you and at same time, reflect on idea of respect for others. Reinforce own personality and be yourself.

IN PISCES. Tests related to mysticism or need to transcend material limits. Spirituality or creative imagination can give good economic returns. You have a need to dive into the depths of knowledge. There is also a risk of falling into chaotic situations or self pity. May have personal secrets or be a trusted holder of other peopels’ secrets. Usually relies on intuition and imagination. This situation makes the libido appear from earliest youth and extends beyond its sensitive nature to make you cling too much to your partner. Can become lovesick when don’t accept breakup. Can even reach point of blackmailing or threatening your partner. To work well, reflect on how to develop spirituality. Learn to combine all your intuitive knowledge and ability to tie up loose ends.


Relationships are more complex than just sun sign. They do repeat patterns in relationships and some just vibe better together. People generally choose signs or people who are either similar or 6 months opposite (since its true that opposites can attract). Use a birth chart to better understand motivations, love language, and even how they fight. When looking at all this, first to consider are the Sun, Rising, and Moon. As a reminder,

Sun = identity. Who you are, who you want to be, and vocation.

Rising = how come across to people, play big part in what initially attracts you.

Moon = emotional self, deep down.

From there, look at the Planets of Love.

Planets rule different aspects of your personality and where they fall in your partner’s chart illuminate many things, including how they respond in stressful times, what turns them on, and how they communicate. For this, look at Venus, Mars, and Mercury.

VENUS: Direct connection to value system, worth, what they’ll tolerate in relationship, and also their attitude toward money. Here is where you want to ask what values are aligned and what challenges may be apparent. Venus looks after money too, which is where issues can arise.

MARS: fire, passion, and sex. All things heat and fire. What turns you on, ignites your soul, and makes you angry. All of which are big deals in relationship. Principle of libido: what you love and why you get angry, also how respond to anger. Looks after how respond to stress and fight mode. Basically, are you or your partner someone who will confront, run, or talk it out.

MERCURY:  Rules communication. In a relationship its how you think, process information, and communicate your needs to your partner. It is also how and why they respond the way they do. Using this right, it is possible to reach a new level of understanding.

There are specific things to look for in astrology that will help shed light on individual temperaments, preferences and styles. If you want to know how you and others express feelings of love, as well as how you view relationships. Mindful relationships are even more possible when we use astrology. Once you determine positions of Venus and Mars by sign, you can learn sexual secrets of partner and self.

When the following signs are in Venus and Mars then…

IN ARIES. Sex is best when spontaneous and unrestricted. Melt when partner gives themselves to them innocently and purely. Some look for trouble in love, addicted to conquest. Heads are the erogenous zones, they love when you mess up their hair and grab their face when making love. Can be selfish in bed and quick. Can be impatient with too much foreplay, want to get right to the point. Sometimes aggressive and generally fast, lovers sincere and enthusiastic in sexual expression, not always constant. Desires are powerful indeed. Aroused by partner’s sexual organs. Crush easily, feel alive when desire someone.

IN TAURUS. Sexual nature involves all sense. Touch and smell supremely important to these lovers. Most physical of sexual partners. No frills sex, quite fine as long as mood is right and plenty of physical contact. They are not one for spontaneity or variety, but they are good at what they do nonetheless, simply because truly right there with you. Abstaining from sex is especially difficult for Taurus, so finding a regular sex partner is particularly important. Sex stamina during love making is long lasting and steady. Although generally patient, style is natural and physical. An intellectualizing sex act would only serve to baffle Taurus.

IN GEMINI. Use words in bed with them. Talk turns them on and they love to kiss. Oral pleasures are extra special for these lovers. Love role playing as long as varied. Generally fun in bed, if can forgive sudden bursts of speech during act. To you, an intellectual conversation may interrupt love making but to them, its just extended foreplay. Sometimes given to trying too much in 1 session. These lovers are enthusiastic and curious about all kinds of sexual expression. Still many people with this position are not wanton lovers. Gemini have a tendency to overthink brings up all of the buts and what ifs surrounding sex. Less driven by their desires than they are by their intellect.

IN CANCER. Sensitive and sweet lover. When not pouting, they are romantic and gooey with you. Turned on by slave scenarios and may like if mean and aggressive in bed, as long as they know you love them. Some of them are turend on by idea of making a baby and others just love idea of being all yours in bed. Known as sign most attracted to breasts and generally like masculine men or feminine women, especially in fantasy. Not always let you know what turns them on and expect you to intuit their sexual needs. Style in bed is protective and soothing; devoted and emotional. Romantic and sentimental touches add something special to equation, especially for Venus in Cancer.

IN LEO. Fantasies often revolve around devotion and attention. Most turned on when their partner thinks gods or goddesses. Will take care of their partners in bed, natural inclination is to get off themselves. Pride in their love making compels them to try to be the best in bed. Some want a mate they  can show off, many prefer not to have two stars in same household. Can be quite possessive and jealous although often try to hide this fact. In fact, may put partners to test every now and again, more insecure ones will demand the world from partners, if only have them prove their love. Prone to fibbing when it comes to love and sex, as out to impress mates. Attracted to inequality in sexual scenarios. Won’t let partner always play knave, attracted to seeing you in most regal of scenarios too. Hard for these people to separate love and sex. Even most erotic sexual fantasies are infused with love and affection. Can sometimes come on too strong and get impatient when needs are not met soon enough, may appreciate direct sexual expression and openness in bed.

IN VIRGO. Healthy attitude towards sex. Sex to them is a bodily function, necessarily for health and general well being. Sex to them is bodily function, necessary for health and general well being. Every day stresses and tensions are released in sex, whether its with others or themselves. Turned by people who have largely gone unnoticed. Simple and sweet is the way like their bed partners. Turned on by idea they are your slave. Love doing little things for you and get worked up when know you appreciate all things they do. Can be a little insecure about own bodies and make up for it by paying close attention to their methods of turning you on. Very respectful of likes and dislikes and focus on things that have had most success. Virgo is the sign of virgin and this aspect gives others the idea that very selective. Don’t be entirely fooled by this however. They are not as picky as they appear. Love imperfections and have best time with partner who needs care. Make project out of you, don’t feel quite so attended to with anyone else. Fantasies often featureing downtrodden and inexperienced. Insatiably curious about sex, although many don’t take curiosity beyond fantasy. Voyeurism is especially appealing to these lovers. Giving Virgo a little more attention than others signs simply because feel this sign has been misunderstood on topic of sex. Generally not as picky and particular as reputation says. Want to please and be savvy in lovemaking arena. Generally ‘do’ more than many other signs and not afraid of getting dirty either, within confines of healthy relationship.

IN LIBRA. Extra care taken to please partner. People provocative in quiet way. Need for balance and perfection in relationships may manifest all wrong moents. In bed, lovers want things to be balanced. Love working on getting things right and are especially turned on by role, playing sex games. Strong need for change and growth in sexual expression. Givers in bed, but expect equally in return. Can be pushed around for time, their lovers must be aware that the best way to keep Libra lovers happiest to keep everything fair. Lovers can be in little picky when it comes to mood and atmosphere while making love (picky). Make them happy however and you have a lover who is going to think about you and needs. These lovers can charm birds out of the trees when they want to.

IN SCORPIO. Sexual nature quite complex. Lovers generally share common intensity and depth in sexual desires, but vary in expression depending on level of development. Some enjoy power and attracted to breaking taboos. Lovers are willing to do almost anything and they enjoy full body pleasures. Others express their need for control by being unavailable and abstaining for long periods of time, giving in only when feel partner is deserving.  Whatever their nature, have a way that promises commitment and intensity in bed. Provocative but private. Most will never kiss and tell. Sex is intimate and personal for Scorpio but fantasies are full ranging.

IN SAGITTARIUS. Sex is treated like a sport. Lovers are direct and forthcoming with desires and needs. Innocent freakiness about them and love to have fun in bed. Laughing and rough housing are huge turn ons. Actually a bit selfish in sex and their need to get off will almost always be expressed. Games are acceptable for Sagittarius lovers, just as logn as they are not too time consuming or intricate. Have little patience with people playing hard to get or beating around bush. Same goes for too much seriousness or romancing. Best way to approach sex with these people is to just do it and then talk about it after the fact, if need be.

IN CAPRICORN. Sex that is straightforward and simple is generally best. Sex for Capricorn lovers is an attraction to experienced and sometimes older partners. Often prefer strong, powerful lovers who display some sort of authority or know how lovers prefer certain measure of discretion. Capricorn is an earth sign and earthiness shows up in love making style, its generally no frills that is most eppealing to these lovers. Can be quite happy with consistency, as variety is less important to them than is security in sexual expression. However sexuality is deep and powerful. Often quite private about what goes in the bedroom. Although some will want others to know that they are on top of things in there sex life, they generally don’t get into messy details.

IN AQUARIUS. Take it or leave it style that can be sexy or maddening, depending on audience. Don’t have a reputation for warmth in bed, although may think other way around because at least in theory, they are open minded. Give off an air of being savvy and cool. Sex from a distance (when not actually there physically) or in theory, often where they shine. Cyber or phone sex, or affairs that don’t break up marriages, can be especially attractive to these folks. Most intrigued when you are not, as detachment can be a real turn on for them. And again the idea of sex is generally more exciting to tehse lovers than actual act. Fantasies often involve getting caught and attracted to people who are a little offbeat or odd.

IN PISCES. Subtle approach to flirting and sex is taken on. These lovers are generally open to all of the avenues of sexual expression, especially nooks and crannies. Forgiving and bending and they are generally willing to please. At times, romantic and gooey, these lovers are actually a bit like chameleons. Its hard to pin them down to any 1 style. May talk a lot one evening and be withdrawn the next. In general, prefer nonverbal expressions of love and are attracted to imbalance. Self sacrifice, compassion and even religion can be mixed into sexual expression. Sensitive but will almost always forgive you. Even let you go if you so desire and love you forever anyways. Although can be shy and yielding, their lovers can sometimes find them maddeningly detached and spaced. Fantasies are intricate and detailed and attracted to down trodden or needy.




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