Beauty and the Beast Horoscope Compatibility


Beauty and the Beast – Happily Ever After?

All good fairy-tales pair the prince and the princess together in a tale of happily ever after, but they rarely look at the true compatibility of the characters. Beauty and the Beast has a few good couples and pairings that may have turned out all right in the story, but astrologically speaking, those pairings might not make sense. Thanks to the info our team of horoscope researchers at put together, we’re going to look at a few different couple combination to see who really should end up with who in the end!

Beauty and the Beast Horoscope Compatibility

Belle and the Beast

Belle’s Sign: Aries
Beast’s Sign: Taurus
Compatibility Rating: Fair
Aries and Taurus are compatible, sure, any sign is compatible with another sign, but Belle and the Beast will have to work past their differences to make their relationship work. Where Belle will always want to be trying new things and tackling the next problem or idea with full speed, the Beast will be more hesitant. Taurus love to take their time because once they start down a path, they can rarely be diverted. Both will have to reach compromises in order to make their relationship last.

Belle and Gaston

Belle’s Sign: Aries
Gaston’s Sign: Leo
Compatibility Rating: High
Despite his misogynistic exterior, Gaston’s personality would have thrived with Belle’s, both of them being fire signs with creativity and a drive for adventure that would help to feed one another. Plus, with the woman he loved the Leo in Gaston would likely have gone out of his way to try and come up with new and exciting ways to keep Belle happy. Leo’s thrive on admiration, all it would take is a little complimenting when he did something right for Gaston to pick up on what Belle wanted and do his best to provide it for her.

Gaston and the Lefou

Gaston’s Sign: Leo
Lefou’s Sign: Gemini
Compatibility Rating: High
Air feeds fire just as Lefou’s faithful companionship has been what kept Gaston going for so many years. Lefou’s friendliness, love of socializing, and joy of living have enabled him to keep up with BFF Gaston for years and Gaston the Leo has found in his companion someone who not only thinks his ideas and way of doing things is amazing, he encourages him to try new things and get out there to accomplish his goals.

Gaston and the Beast

Gaston’s Sign: Leo
Beast’s Sign: Taurus
Compatibility Rating: Low
Understandably Gaston and the Beast were probably never going to be bro’s. After all, they both wanted the same woman and were willing to fight to the death for her. But deeper than that, Taurus and Leo simply struggle to get along. These two signs are constantly in conflict with one another. Taurus likes to have their own way and are stubbornly unwilling to change. But Leo is just as immutable. Furthermore, where Leo craves and desperately needs admiration, Taurus is too critical and will rarely praise them. This can drive Leo into a depression that makes them nasty and miserable.

Cogsworth and Lumiere

Cogsworth’s Sign: Cancer
Lumiere’s Sign: Sagittarius
Compatibility Rating: Low
Cancer and Sagittarius will always be in conflict with one another. Cancer is a homebody and prefers to work at building a lifetime while Sagittarius may focus on something for a little while, but is quickly off after the next person or idea. Cogsworth has his work cut out for him if he intends to continue trying to force Lumiere to take things more seriously. Truth be told, this friendship is probably just barely hanging together, but they make it work because they’ve grown accustomed to the quirks of the other over the years.


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