12th House Astrology
The 12th House, ruled by Neptune, is the last of the houses and often regarded with suspicion or disregarded all-together but it is one...
Page of Swords
The Page of Swords tarot card shows a young man standing with a sword in his hand pointing up to the sky. While his...
Cancer and Virgo Compatibility
Virgo and Cancer compatibility is very strong in some areas of the relationship but in others, especially their communication, this is a couple where...
1212 Angel Number
Angel numbers are numbers with the power to help us connect with our guardian angels. These numbers help to draw our attention to special...
Iblis, also known as Eblis or Ibris, is considered by many to be the Islamic equivalent of the Christian Satan and can be found...
Hidden Knowledge
Secret Societies are groups who have decided to keep their activities, events, rituals, members, and even membership secret from those who aren’t invited or...
Angel Number 5
Angel numbers are numbers that our angel guides use to try and get our attention. You’ll know that your attention is being sought when...
101 Angel Number
Angel numbers are numbers that our angel guides use to try and get our attention. You’ll know that your attention is being sought when...
Mercury Retrograde 2020 – 21
While Mercury in Retrograde 2020 has certainly brought us into a tailspin at the end of this year, we can all be thankful that...
Aries Tarot Horoscope
Using astrology in tarot readings isn’t as weird as it may seem. The two go easily hand in hand; after all, astrology works with...