What Is Ayurvedic Healing?
Ayurvedic healing is based on the Law of Least Effort, an idea that nature functions both effortlessly and easily and that working with nature...
Crown Chakra – The Seventh Chakra
The 7th Chakra or crown chakra is located at the very top of the head. It is the chakra that gives us access to...
Wands – More Than A Fantasy Tool
Wands are more than just tools for fantasy enthusiasts or fans of wizarding school fiction. A wand is an important tool used by witches...
What is Synastry Astrology?
Synastry is not just regular astrology but the astrology of relationships. It looks at two complete charts and compares them to find out what...
Star Seed and Star People
Star seeds or star people are souls who have traveled far off galaxies and dimensions learning and developing so that they may come to...
Mayan Astrology Compatibility
Mayan astrology compatibility can be difficult to piece together. Mayan astrology is based on a system that is very complex when compared to the...
Intuition – The Sixth Sense
Many people describe intuition as the sixth sense. It's our ability to see what isn't there, to just know when something isn't right. Some...
Hydromancy – The First Method of Divination
Hydromancy is an ancient form of divination that uses water and the color, ebb, flow and ripples of it as rocks, pendulums and other...
How to Become a Witch
The internet is full of articles about how to become a witch, but many of them are written by people who not only don't...
Archer TV Show Astrology Chart
Archer is a popular TV show with a wide cast of very dysfunctional characters. Check out the analysis below to see where on the...