Protection Spells
Protection spells are used to protect yourself or someone else from other spells, spellcasters or entities that may wish to harm you. They can...
Is My House Haunted?
If you have ever asked the question, “Is my house haunted?”, then knowing the signs of a haunted house is very important. Not all...
EVP Recordings
EVP recorders are devices that are used to record electronic voice protocols / EVP recordings and are a tool frequently used by paranormal investigators...
Mind Power – Changing the World
Mind power is different than brain power. It's not your ability to do things like read a difficult book or solve a troublesome math...
Paranormal Investigators – Paranormal Private Eyes
Paranormal investigators are people who look into the reasons behind events that are not easily explainable. If there is a strange knocking inside your...
Nadi Astrology – History of the Soul
Nadi astrology is an ancient form of astrology from southern India and is based on the belief that all the lives of humans, past,...
The Value of Money Spells
Money spells are used to help bring better finances to yourself or someone else. But using money spells should be done with caution. We...
Astrology Symbols
Astrology symbols are used in astrological charts and many are similar to the symbols used in astronomy because of the historical overlap in both...
A History of Pagan Gods – Norse, Egyptian & Greek
Pagan gods have a history as long and complicated as that of humanity. The term 'paganism' wasn't used until the fourth century and evolved...
Electrokinesis – The Ability to Manipulate Electricity
Electrokinesis is a psychokinetic skill in which you use your mind to manipulate the energies and energy currents around you in order to charge...