Mayan Birth Chart
The Mayan birth chart is very similar to the Chinese birth chart, both attempt to predict through certain factors what the gender of a...
Heart Line Palmistry – Interpreting your Love Life
Heart line palmistry is palmistry that is focused on the heart line and what it means. The heart line is the deep line that...
Cleromancy and Opon Ifa
Cleromancy is the method of divination that involves casting lots. It is one of the oldest forms of divination in the world and is...
Chakra Energy – How to Keep It Energized
Chakra energy is used to energize the chakras. We can use energy from our thoughts, the sun, food, visualization, gems and minerals, color bathing,...
Magical Love Spells
Love spells are one of the most sought after magic spells that any spell caster may be asked to perform. The reasons for this...
Fortune Tellers: Future Predictions
Fortune tellers are not quite the same as psychics. Where many pop culture ideas of psychic phenomena, such as hypnosis, are quite ridiculous, the...
Evocation – Summoning Spirits and Demons
Evocation and invocation are frequently confused with one another but are two very different things. Invocation is a spell or a ritual that is...
An Introduction to Egyptian Astrology
Egyptian astrology is based on the ancient Babylonian system of astrology as it was given and explained to the Egyptians by the Greeks. While...
Psychic Terrain
Psychic terrain is a phrase that, when searched on the internet, gives no clear definition that makes any sense. Search results favor children's video...
What Is a Psychic Empath?
A psychic empath also just known as an empath is a person with a rare psychic connection that causes them to feel the emotions...