Numerology Number 28


The Unlucky Number

Numerology Number 28 in Chaldean Numerology is what we are going to discuss now, In my previous post we saw the nature of number 10 in Chaldean numerology. I have already explained the characteristic’s of number 19 in Chaldean numerology in my previous posts.

Numerology Number 28

Unlike other number’s in 1 series, number 28 is considered to unlucky and unwanted. Most of the numbers in 1 series are always desirable to use in name numerology, but number 28 is strictly avoidable.

Number 28 in Chaldean numerology although gives promising success and pleasure initially but gradually tends to reverse the same. The person with name numerology as 28 will face stiff competition and obstacles in all their endeavors. It makes a person to start up his life again and again.

Initially person with this name tends to attain success in a very short span of time, but in the end they lose everything. Apart from that, person having name numerology 28 will suffer heavy losses due to friends and relatives. Losses may be monetary or non-monetary.

When person having this number in their name gives credit to anyone,  they can hardly expect them return back. Money will never be given back to them. This number 28 is generally considered as an unlucky number in Chaldean numerology.


  1. what r the effects of those born on the 28 or what are the effects of the number name as 28..esp for girls..yr blog on number 29 was simply amazing ..loved it..

  2. Hi Saravana,
    Read thru yr blog for no. 28. But I've seen many film personalities with name no. 28 doing well. Some of them are Rajinikanth, Katrina Kaif, Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgan, etc. Also, are P. Chidambaram, Shiv Nadar, etc. How come these people have not faced any probs in this name no. Please let me know. Awaiting your reply. Regards, Junaiytaa

  3. i got married on 28th oct 2009 and my dob is 8 and 9 and wife is 8 and 4 but we both hav name in 5 that is 23. your r telling that 28 is unlucky number cos i got married on 28 so what is d solution for me im waiting for u plss…

  4. my birthday is a 28 value. I am just starting my life over as a result of my business partner embezzling money and destroying my life. My mother also did this to me before this is the second time i am starting over. All i want out of live is to find a good partner for a good marriage but i feel ominous about every achieving this.

  5. Please help in calculating name number (19 or 28)

    My daughter’s name is Aditi Singh. Her birthday is January 28th, 2007.
    I am puzzled when trying to calculate her name number.
    1. Is it Aditi = 11 & Singh = 17 (so that name number becomes 11+17 = 28 which is very unfortunate) ? Or,
    2. Is it Aditi = 11 & Singh = 17 = 8 (so that name number is 11+8 = 19 which is very lucky)?

    As both methods give contrasting result, please help me in calculating correct result.

  6. hi,

    my birth date is 3, compound number is 28, time of birth is 20:10 pm and place of birth is karnataka. My name number total is 78. should i continue with it or shall I change it to 72?



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